
183 lines
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//! Zebrad Config
//! See instructions in `commands.rs` to specify the path to your
//! application's configuration file and/or command-line options
//! for specifying it.
use std::{net::SocketAddr, path::PathBuf};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use zebra_consensus::Config as ConsensusSection;
use zebra_network::Config as NetworkSection;
use zebra_state::Config as StateSection;
/// Configuration for `zebrad`.
/// The `zebrad` config is a TOML-encoded version of this structure. The meaning
/// of each field is described in the documentation, although it may be necessary
/// to click through to the sub-structures for each section.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, default)]
pub struct ZebradConfig {
/// Consensus configuration
pub consensus: ConsensusSection,
/// Metrics configuration
pub metrics: MetricsSection,
/// Networking configuration
pub network: NetworkSection,
/// State configuration
pub state: StateSection,
/// Tracing configuration
pub tracing: TracingSection,
/// Sync configuration
pub sync: SyncSection,
/// Tracing configuration section.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, default)]
pub struct TracingSection {
/// Whether to use colored terminal output, if available.
/// Colored terminal output is automatically disabled if an output stream
/// is connected to a file. (Or another non-terminal device.)
/// Defaults to `true`, which automatically enables colored output to
/// terminals.
pub use_color: bool,
/// The filter used for tracing events.
/// The filter is used to create a `tracing-subscriber`
/// [`EnvFilter`](https://docs.rs/tracing-subscriber/0.2.10/tracing_subscriber/filter/struct.EnvFilter.html#directives),
/// and more details on the syntax can be found there or in the examples
/// below.
/// If no filter is specified (`None`), the filter is set to `info` if the
/// `-v` flag is given and `warn` if it is not given.
/// # Examples
/// `warn,zebrad=info,zebra_network=debug` sets a global `warn` level, an
/// `info` level for the `zebrad` crate, and a `debug` level for the
/// `zebra_network` crate.
/// ```ascii,no_run
/// [block_verify{height=Some\(block::Height\(.*000\)\)}]=trace
/// ```
/// sets `trace` level for all events occurring in the context of a
/// `block_verify` span whose `height` field ends in `000`, i.e., traces the
/// verification of every 1000th block.
pub filter: Option<String>,
/// The address used for an ad-hoc RPC endpoint allowing dynamic control of the tracing filter.
/// If this is set to None, the endpoint is disabled.
pub endpoint_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
/// Controls whether to write a flamegraph of tracing spans.
/// If this is set to None, flamegraphs are disabled. Otherwise, it specifies
/// an output file path, as described below.
/// This path is not used verbatim when writing out the flamegraph. This is
/// because the flamegraph is written out as two parts. First the flamegraph
/// is constantly persisted to the disk in a "folded" representation that
/// records collapsed stack traces of the tracing spans that are active.
/// Then, when the application is finished running the destructor will flush
/// the flamegraph output to the folded file and then read that file and
/// generate the final flamegraph from it as an SVG.
/// The need to create two files means that we will slightly manipulate the
/// path given to us to create the two representations.
/// # Example
/// Given `flamegraph = "flamegraph"` we will generate a `flamegraph.svg` and
/// a `flamegraph.folded` file in the current directory.
/// If you provide a path with an extension the extension will be ignored and
/// replaced with `.folded` and `.svg` for the respective files.
pub flamegraph: Option<PathBuf>,
/// The use_journald flag sends tracing events to systemd-journald, on Linux
/// distributions that use systemd.
pub use_journald: bool,
impl Default for TracingSection {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
use_color: true,
filter: None,
endpoint_addr: None,
flamegraph: None,
use_journald: false,
/// Metrics configuration section.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, default)]
pub struct MetricsSection {
/// The address used for the Prometheus metrics endpoint.
/// The endpoint is disabled if this is set to `None`.
pub endpoint_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
// we like our default configs to be explicit
impl Default for MetricsSection {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
endpoint_addr: None,
/// Sync configuration section.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, default)]
pub struct SyncSection {
/// The maximum number of concurrent block requests during sync.
/// This is set to a low value by default, to avoid task and
/// network contention. Increasing this value may improve
/// performance on machines with many cores and a fast network
/// connection.
pub max_concurrent_block_requests: usize,
/// Controls how far ahead of the chain tip the syncer tries to
/// download before waiting for queued verifications to complete.
/// Increasing this limit increases the buffer size, so it reduces
/// the impact of an individual block request failing. The block
/// size limit is 2MB, so in theory, this could represent multiple
/// gigabytes of data, if we downloaded arbitrary blocks. However,
/// because we randomly load balance outbound requests, and separate
/// block download from obtaining block hashes, an adversary would
/// have to control a significant fraction of our peers to lead us
/// astray.
/// This value is clamped to an implementation-defined lower bound.
pub lookahead_limit: usize,
impl Default for SyncSection {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
max_concurrent_block_requests: 50,
lookahead_limit: 2_000,