
110 lines
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//! Tests for trusted preallocation during deserialization.
use proptest::{collection::size_range, prelude::*};
use std::matches;
use crate::serialization::{
arbitrary::max_allocation_is_big_enough, zcash_deserialize::MAX_U8_ALLOCATION,
SerializationError, TrustedPreallocate, ZcashDeserialize, ZcashSerialize,
// Allow direct serialization of Vec<u8> for these tests. We don't usually
// allow this because some types have specific rules for about serialization
// of their inner Vec<u8>. This method could be easily misused if it applied
// more generally.
// Due to Rust's trait rules, these trait impls apply to all zebra-chain tests,
// not just the tests in this module. But other crates' tests can't access them.
impl ZcashSerialize for u8 {
fn zcash_serialize<W: std::io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
impl TrustedPreallocate for u8 {
fn max_allocation() -> u64 {
// MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_LEN takes up 5 bytes when encoded as a CompactSize.
.expect("MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_LEN fits in u64")
proptest! {
/// Confirm that deserialize yields the expected result for any vec smaller than `MAX_U8_ALLOCATION`
fn u8_ser_deser_roundtrip(input in any_with::<Vec<u8>>(size_range(MAX_U8_ALLOCATION).lift()) ) {
let serialized = input.zcash_serialize_to_vec().expect("Serialization to vec must succeed");
let cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(serialized);
let deserialized = <Vec<u8>>::zcash_deserialize(cursor).expect("deserialization from vec must succeed");
prop_assert_eq!(deserialized, input)
/// Confirm that deserialize allows vectors with length up to and including `MAX_U8_ALLOCATION`
fn u8_deser_accepts_max_valid_input() {
let serialized = vec![0u8; MAX_U8_ALLOCATION]
.expect("Serialization to vec must succeed");
let cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(serialized);
let deserialized = <Vec<u8>>::zcash_deserialize(cursor);
/// Confirm that rejects vectors longer than `MAX_U8_ALLOCATION`
fn u8_deser_throws_when_input_too_large() {
let serialized = vec![0u8; MAX_U8_ALLOCATION + 1]
.expect("Serialization to vec must succeed");
let cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(serialized);
let deserialized = <Vec<u8>>::zcash_deserialize(cursor);
"Byte vector longer than MAX_U8_ALLOCATION"
/// Confirm that every u8 takes exactly 1 byte when serialized.
/// This verifies that our calculated `MAX_U8_ALLOCATION` is indeed an upper bound.
fn u8_size_is_correct() {
for byte in std::u8::MIN..=std::u8::MAX {
let serialized = byte
.expect("Serialization to vec must succeed");
assert!(serialized.len() == 1)
/// Verify that...
/// 1. The smallest disallowed `Vec<u8>` is too big to include in a Zcash Wire Protocol message
/// 2. The largest allowed `Vec<u8>`is exactly the size of a maximal Zcash Wire Protocol message
fn u8_max_allocation_is_correct() {
let (
) = max_allocation_is_big_enough(0u8);
// Confirm that shortest_disallowed_vec is only one item larger than the limit
assert_eq!((smallest_disallowed_vec_len - 1), MAX_U8_ALLOCATION);
// Confirm that shortest_disallowed_vec is too large to be included in a valid zcash message
assert!(smallest_disallowed_serialized_len > MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_LEN);
// Check that our largest_allowed_vec contains the maximum number of items
assert_eq!(largest_allowed_vec_len, MAX_U8_ALLOCATION);
// Check that our largest_allowed_vec is the size of a maximal protocol message
assert_eq!(largest_allowed_serialized_len, MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_LEN);