
429 lines
16 KiB

//! `copy-state` subcommand - copies state from one directory to another (debug only)
//! Copying state helps Zebra developers modify and debug cached state formats.
//! In order to test a new state format, blocks must be identical when they are:
//! - read from the old format,
//! - written to the new format, and
//! - read from the new format.
//! The "old" and "new" states can also use the same format.
//! This tests the low-level state API's performance.
//! ## Command Structure
//! Copying cached state uses the following services and tasks:
//! Tasks:
//! * Old to New Copy Task
//! * queries the source state for blocks,
//! copies those blocks to the target state, then
//! reads the copied blocks from the target state.
//! Services:
//! * Source Old State Service
//! * fetches blocks from the best finalized chain from permanent storage,
//! in the old format
//! * Target New State Service
//! * writes best finalized chain blocks to permanent storage,
//! in the new format
//! * only performs essential contextual verification of blocks,
//! to make sure that block data hasn't been corrupted by
//! receiving blocks in the new format
//! * fetches blocks from the best finalized chain from permanent storage,
//! in the new format
use std::{cmp::min, path::PathBuf};
use abscissa_core::{config, Command, FrameworkError};
use color_eyre::eyre::{eyre, Report};
use tokio::time::Instant;
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
use zebra_chain::{block::Height, parameters::Network};
use zebra_state as old_zs;
use zebra_state as new_zs;
use crate::{
components::tokio::{RuntimeRun, TokioComponent},
/// How often we log info-level progress messages
const PROGRESS_HEIGHT_INTERVAL: u32 = 5_000;
/// copy cached chain state (expert users only)
#[derive(Command, Debug, clap::Parser)]
pub struct CopyStateCmd {
/// Source height that the copy finishes at.
#[clap(long, short, help = "stop copying at this source height")]
max_source_height: Option<u32>,
/// Path to a Zebra config.toml for the target state.
/// Uses an ephemeral config by default.
/// Zebra only uses the state options from this config.
/// All other options are ignored.
help = "config file path for the target state (default: ephemeral), \
the source state uses the main zebrad config"
target_config_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Filter strings which override the config file and defaults
#[clap(help = "tracing filters which override the zebrad.toml config")]
filters: Vec<String>,
impl CopyStateCmd {
/// Configure and launch the copy command
async fn start(&self) -> Result<(), Report> {
let base_config = APPLICATION.config();
let source_config = base_config.state.clone();
// The default load_config impl doesn't actually modify the app config.
let target_config = self
.map(|path| ZebradApp::default().load_config(path))
.map(|app_config| app_config.state)
info!(?base_config, "state copy base config");
self.copy(&base_config.network.network, source_config, target_config)
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))
/// Initialize the source and target states,
/// then copy from the source to the target state.
async fn copy(
network: &Network,
source_config: old_zs::Config,
target_config: new_zs::Config,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
"initializing source state service (old format)"
let source_start_time = Instant::now();
// We're not verifying UTXOs here, so we don't need the maximum checkpoint height.
// TODO: use ReadStateService for the source?
let (
mut source_state,
) = old_zs::spawn_init(source_config.clone(), network, Height::MAX, 0).await?;
let elapsed = source_start_time.elapsed();
info!(?elapsed, "finished initializing source state service");
?target_config, target_config_path = ?self.target_config_path,
"initializing target state service (new format)"
let target_start_time = Instant::now();
// We're not verifying UTXOs here, so we don't need the maximum checkpoint height.
// TODO: call Options::PrepareForBulkLoad()
// See "What's the fastest way to load data into RocksDB?" in
// https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/RocksDB-FAQ
let (
mut target_state,
) = new_zs::spawn_init(target_config.clone(), network, Height::MAX, 0).await?;
let elapsed = target_start_time.elapsed();
info!(?elapsed, "finished initializing target state service");
info!("fetching source and target tip heights");
let source_tip = source_state
let source_tip = match source_tip {
old_zs::Response::Tip(Some(source_tip)) => source_tip,
old_zs::Response::Tip(None) => Err("empty source state: no blocks to copy")?,
response => Err(format!("unexpected response to Tip request: {response:?}",))?,
let source_tip_height = source_tip.0 .0;
let initial_target_tip = target_state
let initial_target_tip = match initial_target_tip {
new_zs::Response::Tip(target_tip) => target_tip,
response => Err(format!("unexpected response to Tip request: {response:?}",))?,
let min_target_height = initial_target_tip
.map(|target_tip| target_tip.0 .0 + 1)
let max_copy_height = self
.map(|max_source_height| min(source_tip_height, max_source_height))
if min_target_height >= max_copy_height {
max_source_height = ?self.max_source_height,
"target is already at or after max copy height"
return Ok(());
max_source_height = ?self.max_source_height,
"starting copy from source to target"
let copy_start_time = Instant::now();
for height in min_target_height..=max_copy_height {
// Read block from source
let source_block = source_state
let source_block = match source_block {
old_zs::Response::Block(Some(source_block)) => {
trace!(?height, %source_block, "read source block");
old_zs::Response::Block(None) => {
Err(format!("unexpected missing source block, height: {height}",))?
response => Err(format!(
"unexpected response to Block request, height: {height}, \n \
response: {response:?}",
let source_block_hash = source_block.hash();
// Write block to target
let target_block_commit_hash = target_state
let target_block_commit_hash = match target_block_commit_hash {
new_zs::Response::Committed(target_block_commit_hash) => {
trace!(?target_block_commit_hash, "wrote target block");
response => Err(format!(
"unexpected response to CommitCheckpointVerifiedBlock request, height: {height}\n \
response: {response:?}",
// Read written block from target
let target_block = target_state
let target_block = match target_block {
new_zs::Response::Block(Some(target_block)) => {
trace!(?height, %target_block, "read target block");
new_zs::Response::Block(None) => {
Err(format!("unexpected missing target block, height: {height}",))?
response => Err(format!(
"unexpected response to Block request, height: {height},\n \
response: {response:?}",
let target_block_data_hash = target_block.hash();
// Check for data errors
// These checks make sure that Zebra doesn't corrupt the block data
// when serializing it in the new format.
// Zebra currently serializes `Block` structs into bytes while writing,
// then deserializes bytes into new `Block` structs when reading.
// So these checks are sufficient to detect block data corruption.
// If Zebra starts re-using cached `Block` structs after writing them,
// we'll also need to check `Block` structs created from the actual database bytes.
if source_block_hash != target_block_commit_hash
|| source_block_hash != target_block_data_hash
|| source_block != target_block
"unexpected mismatch between source and target blocks,\n \
max copy height: {max_copy_height:?},\n \
source hash: {source_block_hash:?},\n \
target commit hash: {target_block_commit_hash:?},\n \
target data hash: {target_block_data_hash:?},\n \
source block: {source_block:?},\n \
target block: {target_block:?}",
// Log progress
let elapsed = copy_start_time.elapsed();
"copied block from source to target"
let elapsed = copy_start_time.elapsed();
info!(?max_copy_height, ?elapsed, "finished copying blocks");
info!(?max_copy_height, "fetching final target tip");
let final_target_tip = target_state
let final_target_tip = match final_target_tip {
new_zs::Response::Tip(Some(target_tip)) => target_tip,
new_zs::Response::Tip(None) => Err("empty target state: expected written blocks")?,
response => Err(format!("unexpected response to Tip request: {response:?}",))?,
let final_target_tip_height = final_target_tip.0 .0;
let final_target_tip_hash = final_target_tip.1;
let target_tip_source_depth = source_state
let target_tip_source_depth = match target_tip_source_depth {
old_zs::Response::Depth(source_depth) => source_depth,
response => Err(format!(
"unexpected response to Depth request: {response:?}",
// Check the tips match
// This check works because Zebra doesn't cache tip structs.
// (See details above.)
if max_copy_height == source_tip_height {
let expected_target_depth = Some(0);
if source_tip != final_target_tip || target_tip_source_depth != expected_target_depth {
"unexpected mismatch between source and target tips,\n \
max copy height: {max_copy_height:?},\n \
source tip: {source_tip:?},\n \
target tip: {final_target_tip:?},\n \
actual target tip depth in source: {target_tip_source_depth:?},\n \
expect target tip depth in source: {expected_target_depth:?}",
} else {
"source and target states contain the same blocks"
} else {
let expected_target_depth = source_tip_height.checked_sub(final_target_tip_height);
if target_tip_source_depth != expected_target_depth {
"unexpected mismatch between source and target tips,\n \
max copy height: {max_copy_height:?},\n \
source tip: {source_tip:?},\n \
target tip: {final_target_tip:?},\n \
actual target tip depth in source: {target_tip_source_depth:?},\n \
expect target tip depth in source: {expected_target_depth:?}",
} else {
"target state reached the max copy height"
impl Runnable for CopyStateCmd {
/// Start the application.
fn run(&self) {
max_source_height = ?self.max_source_height,
target_config_path = ?self.target_config_path,
"starting cached chain state copy"
.expect("TokioComponent should be available")
rt.expect("runtime should not already be taken")
info!("finished cached chain state copy");
impl config::Override<ZebradConfig> for CopyStateCmd {
// Process the given command line options, overriding settings from
// a configuration file using explicit flags taken from command-line
// arguments.
fn override_config(&self, mut config: ZebradConfig) -> Result<ZebradConfig, FrameworkError> {
if !self.filters.is_empty() {
config.tracing.filter = Some(self.filters.join(","));