
297 lines
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//! Zebra Mempool crawler.
//! The [`Crawler`] periodically requests transactions from peers in order to populate the mempool.
//! Crawling only happens when the local node has synchronized the chain to be close to its tip. If
//! synchronization is still happening at a fast rate, the crawler will stay disabled until it
//! slows down.
//! Once enabled, the crawler will periodically request [`FANOUT`] number of peers for transactions
//! from the `peer_set` specified when it started. These crawl iterations occur at most once per
//! [`RATE_LIMIT_DELAY`]. The received transaction IDs are forwarded to the `mempool` service so
//! that they can be downloaded and included in the mempool.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use zebrad::components::mempool;
//! #
//! # use zebra_chain::parameters::Network;
//! # use zebra_state::ChainTipSender;
//! # use zebra_test::mock_service::MockService;
//! # use zebrad::components::sync::SyncStatus;
//! #
//! # let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
//! # .enable_all()
//! # .build()
//! # .expect("Failed to create Tokio runtime");
//! # let _guard = runtime.enter();
//! #
//! # let peer_set_service = MockService::build().for_unit_tests();
//! # let mempool_service = MockService::build().for_unit_tests();
//! # let (sync_status, _) = SyncStatus::new();
//! # let (_, _, chain_tip_change) = ChainTipSender::new(None, Network::Mainnet);
//! let crawler_task = mempool::Crawler::spawn(
//! &mempool::Config::default(),
//! peer_set_service,
//! mempool_service,
//! sync_status,
//! chain_tip_change,
//! );
//! # // Won't actually crawl because the sender endpoint of `sync_status` was dropped immediately
//! # // when it was created.
//! # runtime.block_on(async move {
//! crawler_task.await;
//! # });
//! ```
use std::{collections::HashSet, time::Duration};
use futures::{future, pin_mut, stream::FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
use tokio::{
time::{sleep, timeout},
use tower::{timeout::Timeout, BoxError, Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing_futures::Instrument;
use zebra_chain::{block::Height, transaction::UnminedTxId};
use zebra_network as zn;
use zebra_node_services::mempool::Gossip;
use zebra_state::ChainTipChange;
use crate::components::{
mempool::{self, Config},
mod tests;
/// The number of peers to request transactions from per crawl event.
const FANOUT: usize = 3;
/// The delay between crawl events.
/// This should be less than the target block interval,
/// so that we crawl peer mempools at least once per block.
/// Using a prime number makes sure that mempool crawler fanouts
/// don't synchronise with other crawls.
pub const RATE_LIMIT_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(73);
/// The time to wait for a peer response.
/// # Correctness
/// If this timeout is removed or set too high, the crawler may hang waiting for a peer to respond.
/// If this timeout is set too low, the crawler may fail to populate the mempool.
const PEER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(6);
/// The mempool transaction crawler.
pub struct Crawler<PeerSet, Mempool> {
/// The network peer set to crawl.
peer_set: Timeout<PeerSet>,
/// The mempool service that receives crawled transaction IDs.
mempool: Mempool,
/// Allows checking if we are near the tip to enable/disable the mempool crawler.
sync_status: SyncStatus,
/// Notifies the crawler when the best chain tip height changes.
chain_tip_change: ChainTipChange,
/// If the state's best chain tip has reached this height, always enable the mempool crawler.
debug_enable_at_height: Option<Height>,
impl<PeerSet, Mempool> Crawler<PeerSet, Mempool>
Service<zn::Request, Response = zn::Response, Error = BoxError> + Clone + Send + 'static,
PeerSet::Future: Send,
Service<mempool::Request, Response = mempool::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + 'static,
Mempool::Future: Send,
/// Spawn an asynchronous task to run the mempool crawler.
pub fn spawn(
config: &Config,
peer_set: PeerSet,
mempool: Mempool,
sync_status: SyncStatus,
chain_tip_change: ChainTipChange,
) -> JoinHandle<Result<(), BoxError>> {
let crawler = Crawler {
peer_set: Timeout::new(peer_set, PEER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT),
debug_enable_at_height: config.debug_enable_at_height.map(Height),
/// Waits until the mempool crawler is enabled by a debug config option.
/// Returns an error if communication with the state is lost.
async fn wait_until_enabled_by_debug(&mut self) -> Result<(), watch::error::RecvError> {
// optimise non-debug performance
if self.debug_enable_at_height.is_none() {
return future::pending().await;
let enable_at_height = self
.expect("unexpected debug_enable_at_height: just checked for None");
loop {
let best_tip_height = self
if best_tip_height >= enable_at_height {
return Ok(());
/// Waits until the mempool crawler is enabled.
/// Returns an error if communication with the syncer or state is lost.
async fn wait_until_enabled(&mut self) -> Result<(), watch::error::RecvError> {
let mut sync_status = self.sync_status.clone();
let tip_future = sync_status.wait_until_close_to_tip();
let debug_future = self.wait_until_enabled_by_debug();
let (result, _unready_future) = future::select(tip_future, debug_future)
/// Periodically crawl peers for transactions to include in the mempool.
/// Runs until the [`SyncStatus`] loses its connection to the chain syncer, which happens when
/// Zebra is shutting down.
pub async fn run(mut self) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// This log is verbose during tests.
info!("initializing mempool crawler task");
debug!("initializing mempool crawler task");
loop {
// Avoid hangs when the peer service is not ready, or due to bugs in async code.
timeout(RATE_LIMIT_DELAY, self.crawl_transactions())
.unwrap_or_else(|timeout| {
// Temporary errors just get logged and ignored.
info!("mempool crawl timed out: {timeout:?}");
/// Crawl peers for transactions.
/// Concurrently request [`FANOUT`] peers for transactions to include in the mempool.
async fn crawl_transactions(&mut self) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let peer_set = self.peer_set.clone();
trace!("Crawling for mempool transactions");
let mut requests = FuturesUnordered::new();
// get readiness for one peer at a time, to avoid peer set contention
for attempt in 0..FANOUT {
if attempt > 0 {
// Let other tasks run, so we're more likely to choose a different peer.
// TODO: move fanouts into the PeerSet, so we always choose different peers (#2214)
let mut peer_set = peer_set.clone();
// end the task on permanent peer set errors
let peer_set = peer_set.ready().await?;
while let Some(result) = requests.next().await {
// log individual response errors
match result {
Ok(response) => self.handle_response(response).await?,
Err(error) => debug!("Failed to crawl peer for mempool transactions: {}", error),
/// Handle a peer's response to the crawler's request for transactions.
async fn handle_response(&mut self, response: zn::Response) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let transaction_ids: HashSet<_> = match response {
zn::Response::TransactionIds(ids) => ids.into_iter().collect(),
_ => unreachable!("Peer set did not respond with transaction IDs to mempool crawler"),
"Mempool crawler received {} transaction IDs",
if !transaction_ids.is_empty() {
/// Forward the crawled transactions IDs to the mempool transaction downloader.
async fn queue_transactions(
&mut self,
transaction_ids: HashSet<UnminedTxId>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let transaction_ids = transaction_ids.into_iter().map(Gossip::Id).collect();
let call_result = self
let queue_errors = match call_result {
Ok(mempool::Response::Queued(queue_results)) => {
Ok(_) => unreachable!("Mempool did not respond with queue results to mempool crawler"),
Err(call_error) => {
debug!("Ignoring unexpected peer behavior: {}", call_error);
return Ok(());
for error in queue_errors {
debug!("Failed to download a crawled transaction: {}", error);