
65 lines
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//! An async task that regularly updates the peer cache on disk from the current address book.
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use chrono::Utc;
use tokio::time::sleep;
use crate::{
AddressBook, BoxError, Config,
/// An ongoing task that regularly caches the current `address_book` to disk, based on `config`.
#[instrument(skip(config, address_book))]
pub async fn peer_cache_updater(
config: Config,
address_book: Arc<Mutex<AddressBook>>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// Wait until we've queried DNS and (hopefully) sent peers to the address book.
// Ideally we'd wait for at least one peer crawl, but that makes tests very slow.
// TODO: turn the initial sleep time into a parameter of this function,
// and allow it to be set in tests
sleep(DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT * 4).await;
loop {
// Ignore errors because updating the cache is optional.
// Errors are already logged by the functions we're calling.
let _ = update_peer_cache_once(&config, &address_book).await;
/// Caches peers from the current `address_book` to disk, based on `config`.
pub async fn update_peer_cache_once(
config: &Config,
address_book: &Arc<Mutex<AddressBook>>,
) -> io::Result<()> {
let peer_list = cacheable_peers(address_book)
.map(|meta_addr| meta_addr.addr)
/// Returns a list of cacheable peers, blocking for as short a time as possible.
fn cacheable_peers(address_book: &Arc<Mutex<AddressBook>>) -> Vec<MetaAddr> {
// TODO: use spawn_blocking() here, if needed to handle address book mutex load
let now = Utc::now();
// # Concurrency
// We return from this function immediately to make sure the address book is unlocked.
.expect("unexpected panic in previous thread while accessing the address book")