
1914 lines
79 KiB

//! [`tower::Service`]s for Zebra's cached chain state.
//! Zebra provides cached state access via two main services:
//! - [`StateService`]: a read-write service that writes blocks to the state,
//! and redirects most read requests to the [`ReadStateService`].
//! - [`ReadStateService`]: a read-only service that answers from the most
//! recent committed block.
//! Most users should prefer [`ReadStateService`], unless they need to write blocks to the state.
//! Zebra also provides access to the best chain tip via:
//! - [`LatestChainTip`]: a read-only channel that contains the latest committed
//! tip.
//! - [`ChainTipChange`]: a read-only channel that can asynchronously await
//! chain tip changes.
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
time::{Duration, Instant},
#[cfg(feature = "elasticsearch")]
use elasticsearch::{
http::transport::{SingleNodeConnectionPool, TransportBuilder},
use futures::future::FutureExt;
use tokio::sync::{oneshot, watch};
use tower::{util::BoxService, Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing::{instrument, Instrument, Span};
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
use tower::buffer::Buffer;
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, CountedHeader, HeightDiff},
parameters::{Network, NetworkUpgrade},
use crate::{
chain_tip::{ChainTipBlock, ChainTipChange, ChainTipSender, LatestChainTip},
finalized_state::{FinalizedState, ZebraDb},
non_finalized_state::{Chain, NonFinalizedState},
BoxError, CloneError, Config, FinalizedBlock, PreparedBlock, ReadRequest, ReadResponse,
Request, Response,
pub mod block_iter;
pub mod chain_tip;
pub mod watch_receiver;
pub(crate) mod check;
pub(crate) mod finalized_state;
pub(crate) mod non_finalized_state;
mod pending_utxos;
mod queued_blocks;
pub(crate) mod read;
mod write;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub mod arbitrary;
mod tests;
pub use finalized_state::{OutputIndex, OutputLocation, TransactionLocation};
use self::queued_blocks::{QueuedFinalized, QueuedNonFinalized, SentHashes};
/// A read-write service for Zebra's cached blockchain state.
/// This service modifies and provides access to:
/// - the non-finalized state: the ~100 most recent blocks.
/// Zebra allows chain forks in the non-finalized state,
/// stores it in memory, and re-downloads it when restarted.
/// - the finalized state: older blocks that have many confirmations.
/// Zebra stores the single best chain in the finalized state,
/// and re-loads it from disk when restarted.
/// Read requests to this service are buffered, then processed concurrently.
/// Block write requests are buffered, then queued, then processed in order by a separate task.
/// Most state users can get faster read responses using the [`ReadStateService`],
/// because its requests do not share a [`tower::buffer::Buffer`] with block write requests.
/// To quickly get the latest block, use [`LatestChainTip`] or [`ChainTipChange`].
/// They can read the latest block directly, without queueing any requests.
pub(crate) struct StateService {
// Configuration
/// The configured Zcash network.
network: Network,
/// The height that we start storing UTXOs from finalized blocks.
/// This height should be lower than the last few checkpoints,
/// so the full verifier can verify UTXO spends from those blocks,
/// even if they haven't been committed to the finalized state yet.
full_verifier_utxo_lookahead: block::Height,
// Queued Blocks
/// Queued blocks for the [`NonFinalizedState`] that arrived out of order.
/// These blocks are awaiting their parent blocks before they can do contextual verification.
queued_non_finalized_blocks: QueuedBlocks,
/// Queued blocks for the [`FinalizedState`] that arrived out of order.
/// These blocks are awaiting their parent blocks before they can do contextual verification.
/// Indexed by their parent block hash.
queued_finalized_blocks: HashMap<block::Hash, QueuedFinalized>,
/// A channel to send blocks to the `block_write_task`,
/// so they can be written to the [`NonFinalizedState`].
/// A channel to send blocks to the `block_write_task`,
/// so they can be written to the [`FinalizedState`].
/// This sender is dropped after the state has finished sending all the checkpointed blocks,
/// and the lowest non-finalized block arrives.
finalized_block_write_sender: Option<tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<QueuedFinalized>>,
/// The [`block::Hash`] of the most recent block sent on
/// `finalized_block_write_sender` or `non_finalized_block_write_sender`.
/// On startup, this is:
/// - the finalized tip, if there are stored blocks, or
/// - the genesis block's parent hash, if the database is empty.
/// If `invalid_block_reset_receiver` gets a reset, this is:
/// - the hash of the last valid committed block (the parent of the invalid block).
// TODO:
// - turn this into an IndexMap containing recent non-finalized block hashes and heights
// (they are all potential tips)
// - remove block hashes once their heights are strictly less than the finalized tip
last_sent_finalized_block_hash: block::Hash,
/// A set of block hashes that have been sent to the block write task.
/// Hashes of blocks below the finalized tip height are periodically pruned.
sent_non_finalized_block_hashes: SentHashes,
/// If an invalid block is sent on `finalized_block_write_sender`
/// or `non_finalized_block_write_sender`,
/// this channel gets the [`block::Hash`] of the valid tip.
// TODO: add tests for finalized and non-finalized resets (#2654)
invalid_block_reset_receiver: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<block::Hash>,
// Pending UTXO Request Tracking
/// The set of outpoints with pending requests for their associated transparent::Output.
pending_utxos: PendingUtxos,
/// Instant tracking the last time `pending_utxos` was pruned.
last_prune: Instant,
// Updating Concurrently Readable State
/// A cloneable [`ReadStateService`], used to answer concurrent read requests.
/// TODO: move users of read [`Request`]s to [`ReadStateService`], and remove `read_service`.
read_service: ReadStateService,
// Metrics
/// A metric tracking the maximum height that's currently in `queued_finalized_blocks`
/// Set to `f64::NAN` if `queued_finalized_blocks` is empty, because grafana shows NaNs
/// as a break in the graph.
max_queued_finalized_height: f64,
/// A read-only service for accessing Zebra's cached blockchain state.
/// This service provides read-only access to:
/// - the non-finalized state: the ~100 most recent blocks.
/// - the finalized state: older blocks that have many confirmations.
/// Requests to this service are processed in parallel,
/// ignoring any blocks queued by the read-write [`StateService`].
/// This quick response behavior is better for most state users.
/// It allows other async tasks to make progress while concurrently reading data from disk.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ReadStateService {
// Configuration
/// The configured Zcash network.
network: Network,
// Shared Concurrently Readable State
/// A watch channel with a cached copy of the [`NonFinalizedState`].
/// This state is only updated between requests,
/// so it might include some block data that is also on `disk`.
non_finalized_state_receiver: WatchReceiver<NonFinalizedState>,
/// The shared inner on-disk database for the finalized state.
/// RocksDB allows reads and writes via a shared reference,
/// but [`ZebraDb`] doesn't expose any write methods or types.
/// This chain is updated concurrently with requests,
/// so it might include some block data that is also in `best_mem`.
db: ZebraDb,
/// A shared handle to a task that writes blocks to the [`NonFinalizedState`] or [`FinalizedState`],
/// once the queues have received all their parent blocks.
/// Used to check for panics when writing blocks.
block_write_task: Option<Arc<std::thread::JoinHandle<()>>>,
impl Drop for StateService {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// The state service owns the state, tasks, and channels,
// so dropping it should shut down everything.
// Close the channels (non-blocking)
// This makes the block write thread exit the next time it checks the channels.
// We want to do this here so we get any errors or panics from the block write task before it shuts down.
"dropping the state: dropped unused queued finalized block",
"dropping the state: dropped unused queued non-finalized block",
// Then drop self.read_service, which checks the block write task for panics,
// and tries to shut down the database.
impl Drop for ReadStateService {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// The read state service shares the state,
// so dropping it should check if we can shut down.
if let Some(block_write_task) = self.block_write_task.take() {
if let Ok(block_write_task_handle) = Arc::try_unwrap(block_write_task) {
// We're the last database user, so we can tell it to shut down (blocking):
// - flushes the database to disk, and
// - drops the database, which cleans up any database tasks correctly.
// We are the last state with a reference to this thread, so we can
// wait until the block write task finishes, then check for panics (blocking).
// (We'd also like to abort the thread, but std::thread::JoinHandle can't do that.)
// This log is verbose during tests.
info!("waiting for the block write task to finish");
debug!("waiting for the block write task to finish");
if let Err(thread_panic) = block_write_task_handle.join() {
} else {
debug!("shutting down the state because the block write task has finished");
} else {
// Even if we're not the last database user, try shutting it down.
// TODO: rename this to try_shutdown()?
impl StateService {
const PRUNE_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
/// Creates a new state service for the state `config` and `network`.
/// Uses the `max_checkpoint_height` and `checkpoint_verify_concurrency_limit`
/// to work out when it is near the final checkpoint.
/// Returns the read-write and read-only state services,
/// and read-only watch channels for its best chain tip.
pub fn new(
config: Config,
network: Network,
max_checkpoint_height: block::Height,
checkpoint_verify_concurrency_limit: usize,
) -> (Self, ReadStateService, LatestChainTip, ChainTipChange) {
let timer = CodeTimer::start();
#[cfg(feature = "elasticsearch")]
let finalized_state = {
let conn_pool = SingleNodeConnectionPool::new(
.expect("configured elasticsearch url is invalid"),
let transport = TransportBuilder::new(conn_pool)
.expect("elasticsearch transport builder should not fail");
let elastic_db = Some(Elasticsearch::new(transport));
FinalizedState::new(&config, network, elastic_db)
#[cfg(not(feature = "elasticsearch"))]
let finalized_state = { FinalizedState::new(&config, network) };
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "opening finalized state database");
let timer = CodeTimer::start();
let initial_tip = finalized_state
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "fetching database tip");
let timer = CodeTimer::start();
let (chain_tip_sender, latest_chain_tip, chain_tip_change) =
ChainTipSender::new(initial_tip, network);
let non_finalized_state = NonFinalizedState::new(network);
let (non_finalized_state_sender, non_finalized_state_receiver) =
// Security: The number of blocks in these channels is limited by
// the syncer and inbound lookahead limits.
let (non_finalized_block_write_sender, non_finalized_block_write_receiver) =
let (finalized_block_write_sender, finalized_block_write_receiver) =
let (invalid_block_reset_sender, invalid_block_reset_receiver) =
let finalized_state_for_writing = finalized_state.clone();
let span = Span::current();
let block_write_task = std::thread::spawn(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let block_write_task = Arc::new(block_write_task);
let read_service = ReadStateService::new(
let full_verifier_utxo_lookahead = max_checkpoint_height
- HeightDiff::try_from(checkpoint_verify_concurrency_limit)
.expect("fits in HeightDiff");
let full_verifier_utxo_lookahead =
full_verifier_utxo_lookahead.expect("unexpected negative height");
let queued_non_finalized_blocks = QueuedBlocks::default();
let pending_utxos = PendingUtxos::default();
let last_sent_finalized_block_hash = finalized_state.db.finalized_tip_hash();
let state = Self {
queued_finalized_blocks: HashMap::new(),
non_finalized_block_write_sender: Some(non_finalized_block_write_sender),
finalized_block_write_sender: Some(finalized_block_write_sender),
sent_non_finalized_block_hashes: SentHashes::default(),
last_prune: Instant::now(),
read_service: read_service.clone(),
max_queued_finalized_height: f64::NAN,
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "initializing state service");
tracing::info!("starting legacy chain check");
let timer = CodeTimer::start();
if let Some(tip) = state.best_tip() {
let nu5_activation_height = NetworkUpgrade::Nu5
.expect("NU5 activation height is set");
if let Err(error) = check::legacy_chain(
) {
let legacy_db_path = state.read_service.db.path().to_path_buf();
"Cached state contains a legacy chain.\n\
An outdated Zebra version did not know about a recent network upgrade,\n\
so it followed a legacy chain using outdated consensus branch rules.\n\
Hint: Delete your database, and restart Zebra to do a full sync.\n\
Database path: {legacy_db_path:?}\n\
Error: {error:?}",
tracing::info!("cached state consensus branch is valid: no legacy chain found");
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "legacy chain check");
(state, read_service, latest_chain_tip, chain_tip_change)
/// Queue a finalized block for verification and storage in the finalized state.
/// Returns a channel receiver that provides the result of the block commit.
fn queue_and_commit_finalized(
&mut self,
finalized: FinalizedBlock,
) -> oneshot::Receiver<Result<block::Hash, BoxError>> {
// # Correctness & Performance
// This method must not block, access the database, or perform CPU-intensive tasks,
// because it is called directly from the tokio executor's Future threads.
let queued_prev_hash = finalized.block.header.previous_block_hash;
let queued_height = finalized.height;
// If we're close to the final checkpoint, make the block's UTXOs available for
// full verification of non-finalized blocks, even when it is in the channel.
if self.is_close_to_final_checkpoint(queued_height) {
let (rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let queued = (finalized, rsp_tx);
if self.finalized_block_write_sender.is_some() {
// We're still committing finalized blocks
if let Some(duplicate_queued) = self
.insert(queued_prev_hash, queued)
"dropping older finalized block: got newer duplicate block",
} else {
// We've finished committing finalized blocks, so drop any repeated queued blocks,
// and return an error.
// TODO: track the latest sent height, and drop any blocks under that height
// every time we send some blocks (like QueuedNonFinalizedBlocks)
"already finished committing finalized blocks: dropped duplicate block, \
block is already committed to the state",
"already finished committing finalized blocks: dropped duplicate block, \
block is already committed to the state",
if self.queued_finalized_blocks.is_empty() {
self.max_queued_finalized_height = f64::NAN;
} else if self.max_queued_finalized_height.is_nan()
|| self.max_queued_finalized_height < queued_height.0 as f64
// if there are still blocks in the queue, then either:
// - the new block was lower than the old maximum, and there was a gap before it,
// so the maximum is still the same (and we skip this code), or
// - the new block is higher than the old maximum, and there is at least one gap
// between the finalized tip and the new maximum
self.max_queued_finalized_height = queued_height.0 as f64;
self.queued_finalized_blocks.len() as f64,
/// Finds queued finalized blocks to be committed to the state in order,
/// removes them from the queue, and sends them to the block commit task.
/// After queueing a finalized block, this method checks whether the newly
/// queued block (and any of its descendants) can be committed to the state.
/// Returns an error if the block commit channel has been closed.
pub fn drain_queue_and_commit_finalized(&mut self) {
use tokio::sync::mpsc::error::{SendError, TryRecvError};
// # Correctness & Performance
// This method must not block, access the database, or perform CPU-intensive tasks,
// because it is called directly from the tokio executor's Future threads.
// If a block failed, we need to start again from a valid tip.
match self.invalid_block_reset_receiver.try_recv() {
Ok(reset_tip_hash) => self.last_sent_finalized_block_hash = reset_tip_hash,
Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
info!("Block commit task closed the block reset channel. Is Zebra shutting down?");
// There are no errors, so we can just use the last block hash we sent
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => {}
while let Some(queued_block) = self
let last_sent_finalized_block_height = queued_block.0.height;
self.last_sent_finalized_block_hash = queued_block.0.hash;
// If we've finished sending finalized blocks, ignore any repeated blocks.
// (Blocks can be repeated after a syncer reset.)
if let Some(finalized_block_write_sender) = &self.finalized_block_write_sender {
let send_result = finalized_block_write_sender.send(queued_block);
// If the receiver is closed, we can't send any more blocks.
if let Err(SendError(queued)) = send_result {
// If Zebra is shutting down, drop blocks and return an error.
"block commit task exited. Is Zebra shutting down?",
"block commit task exited. Is Zebra shutting down?",
} else {
last_sent_finalized_block_height.0 as f64,
/// Drops all queued finalized blocks, and sends an error on their result channels.
fn clear_finalized_block_queue(&mut self, error: impl Into<BoxError> + Clone) {
for (_hash, queued) in self.queued_finalized_blocks.drain() {
Self::send_finalized_block_error(queued, error.clone());
/// Send an error on a `QueuedFinalized` block's result channel, and drop the block
fn send_finalized_block_error(queued: QueuedFinalized, error: impl Into<BoxError>) {
let (finalized, rsp_tx) = queued;
// The block sender might have already given up on this block,
// so ignore any channel send errors.
let _ = rsp_tx.send(Err(error.into()));
/// Drops all queued non-finalized blocks, and sends an error on their result channels.
fn clear_non_finalized_block_queue(&mut self, error: impl Into<BoxError> + Clone) {
for (_hash, queued) in self.queued_non_finalized_blocks.drain() {
Self::send_non_finalized_block_error(queued, error.clone());
/// Send an error on a `QueuedNonFinalized` block's result channel, and drop the block
fn send_non_finalized_block_error(queued: QueuedNonFinalized, error: impl Into<BoxError>) {
let (finalized, rsp_tx) = queued;
// The block sender might have already given up on this block,
// so ignore any channel send errors.
let _ = rsp_tx.send(Err(error.into()));
/// Queue a non finalized block for verification and check if any queued
/// blocks are ready to be verified and committed to the state.
/// This function encodes the logic for [committing non-finalized blocks][1]
/// in RFC0005.
/// [1]: https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0005-state-updates.html#committing-non-finalized-blocks
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, prepared))]
fn queue_and_commit_non_finalized(
&mut self,
prepared: PreparedBlock,
) -> oneshot::Receiver<Result<block::Hash, BoxError>> {
tracing::debug!(block = %prepared.block, "queueing block for contextual verification");
let parent_hash = prepared.block.header.previous_block_hash;
if self
let (rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let _ = rsp_tx.send(Err(
"block has already been sent to be committed to the state".into(),
return rsp_rx;
if self.read_service.db.contains_height(prepared.height) {
let (rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let _ = rsp_tx.send(Err(
"block height is in the finalized state: block is already committed to the state"
return rsp_rx;
// Request::CommitBlock contract: a request to commit a block which has
// been queued but not yet committed to the state fails the older
// request and replaces it with the newer request.
let rsp_rx = if let Some((_, old_rsp_tx)) =
tracing::debug!("replacing older queued request with new request");
let (mut rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
std::mem::swap(old_rsp_tx, &mut rsp_tx);
let _ = rsp_tx.send(Err("replaced by newer request".into()));
} else {
let (rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
self.queued_non_finalized_blocks.queue((prepared, rsp_tx));
// We've finished sending finalized blocks when:
// - we've sent the finalized block for the last checkpoint, and
// - it has been successfully written to disk.
// We detect the last checkpoint by looking for non-finalized blocks
// that are a child of the last block we sent.
// TODO: configure the state with the last checkpoint hash instead?
if self.finalized_block_write_sender.is_some()
&& self
&& self.read_service.db.finalized_tip_hash() == self.last_sent_finalized_block_hash
// Tell the block write task to stop committing finalized blocks,
// and move on to committing non-finalized blocks.
// We've finished committing finalized blocks, so drop any repeated queued blocks.
"already finished committing finalized blocks: dropped duplicate block, \
block is already committed to the state",
// TODO: avoid a temporary verification failure that can happen
// if the first non-finalized block arrives before the last finalized block is committed
// (#5125)
if !self.can_fork_chain_at(&parent_hash) {
tracing::trace!("unready to verify, returning early");
return rsp_rx;
if self.finalized_block_write_sender.is_none() {
// Wait until block commit task is ready to write non-finalized blocks before dequeuing them
let finalized_tip_height = self.read_service.db.finalized_tip_height().expect(
"Finalized state must have at least one block before committing non-finalized state",
/// Returns `true` if `hash` is a valid previous block hash for new non-finalized blocks.
fn can_fork_chain_at(&self, hash: &block::Hash) -> bool {
|| &self.read_service.db.finalized_tip_hash() == hash
/// Returns `true` if `queued_height` is near the final checkpoint.
/// The non-finalized block verifier needs access to UTXOs from finalized blocks
/// near the final checkpoint, so that it can verify blocks that spend those UTXOs.
/// If it doesn't have the required UTXOs, some blocks will time out,
/// but succeed after a syncer restart.
fn is_close_to_final_checkpoint(&self, queued_height: block::Height) -> bool {
queued_height >= self.full_verifier_utxo_lookahead
/// Sends all queued blocks whose parents have recently arrived starting from `new_parent`
/// in breadth-first ordering to the block write task which will attempt to validate and commit them
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, new_parent))]
fn send_ready_non_finalized_queued(&mut self, new_parent: block::Hash) {
use tokio::sync::mpsc::error::SendError;
if let Some(non_finalized_block_write_sender) = &self.non_finalized_block_write_sender {
let mut new_parents: Vec<block::Hash> = vec![new_parent];
while let Some(parent_hash) = new_parents.pop() {
let queued_children = self
for queued_child in queued_children {
let (PreparedBlock { hash, .. }, _) = queued_child;
let send_result = non_finalized_block_write_sender.send(queued_child);
if let Err(SendError(queued)) = send_result {
// If Zebra is shutting down, drop blocks and return an error.
"block commit task exited. Is Zebra shutting down?",
"block commit task exited. Is Zebra shutting down?",
/// Return the tip of the current best chain.
pub fn best_tip(&self) -> Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)> {
/// Assert some assumptions about the prepared `block` before it is queued.
fn assert_block_can_be_validated(&self, block: &PreparedBlock) {
// required by CommitBlock call
block.height > self.network.mandatory_checkpoint_height(),
"invalid non-finalized block height: the canopy checkpoint is mandatory, pre-canopy \
blocks, and the canopy activation block, must be committed to the state as finalized \
impl ReadStateService {
/// Creates a new read-only state service, using the provided finalized state and
/// block write task handle.
/// Returns the newly created service,
/// and a watch channel for updating the shared recent non-finalized chain.
pub(crate) fn new(
finalized_state: &FinalizedState,
block_write_task: Arc<std::thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
non_finalized_state_receiver: watch::Receiver<NonFinalizedState>,
) -> Self {
let read_service = Self {
network: finalized_state.network(),
db: finalized_state.db.clone(),
non_finalized_state_receiver: WatchReceiver::new(non_finalized_state_receiver),
block_write_task: Some(block_write_task),
tracing::debug!("created new read-only state service");
/// Gets a clone of the latest non-finalized state from the `non_finalized_state_receiver`
fn latest_non_finalized_state(&self) -> NonFinalizedState {
/// Gets a clone of the latest, best non-finalized chain from the `non_finalized_state_receiver`
fn latest_best_chain(&self) -> Option<Arc<Chain>> {
/// Test-only access to the inner database.
/// Can be used to modify the database without doing any consensus checks.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn db(&self) -> &ZebraDb {
impl Service<Request> for StateService {
type Response = Response;
type Error = BoxError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
// Check for panics in the block write task
let poll = self.read_service.poll_ready(cx);
// Prune outdated UTXO requests
let now = Instant::now();
if self.last_prune + Self::PRUNE_INTERVAL < now {
let tip = self.best_tip();
let old_len = self.pending_utxos.len();
self.last_prune = now;
let new_len = self.pending_utxos.len();
let prune_count = old_len
.expect("prune does not add any utxo requests");
if prune_count > 0 {
"pruned utxo requests"
} else {
tracing::debug!(len = ?old_len, ?tip, "no utxo requests needed pruning");
#[instrument(name = "state", skip(self, req))]
fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future {
let timer = CodeTimer::start();
let span = Span::current();
match req {
// Uses queued_non_finalized_blocks and pending_utxos in the StateService
// Accesses shared writeable state in the StateService, NonFinalizedState, and ZebraDb.
Request::CommitBlock(prepared) => {
// # Performance
// Allow other async tasks to make progress while blocks are being verified
// and written to disk. But wait for the blocks to finish committing,
// so that `StateService` multi-block queries always observe a consistent state.
// Since each block is spawned into its own task,
// there shouldn't be any other code running in the same task,
// so we don't need to worry about blocking it:
// https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/task/fn.block_in_place.html
let rsp_rx = tokio::task::block_in_place(move || {
span.in_scope(|| self.queue_and_commit_non_finalized(prepared))
// TODO:
// - check for panics in the block write task here,
// as well as in poll_ready()
// The work is all done, the future just waits on a channel for the result
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "CommitBlock");
let span = Span::current();
async move {
.map_err(|_recv_error| {
BoxError::from("block was dropped from the state CommitBlock queue")
// TODO: replace with Result::flatten once it stabilises
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/70142
// Uses queued_finalized_blocks and pending_utxos in the StateService.
// Accesses shared writeable state in the StateService.
Request::CommitFinalizedBlock(finalized) => {
// # Consensus
// A non-finalized block verification could have called AwaitUtxo
// before this finalized block arrived in the state.
// So we need to check for pending UTXOs here for non-finalized blocks,
// even though it is redundant for most finalized blocks.
// (Finalized blocks are verified using block hash checkpoints
// and transaction merkle tree block header commitments.)
// # Performance
// This method doesn't block, access the database, or perform CPU-intensive tasks,
// so we can run it directly in the tokio executor's Future threads.
let rsp_rx = self.queue_and_commit_finalized(finalized);
// TODO:
// - check for panics in the block write task here,
// as well as in poll_ready()
// The work is all done, the future just waits on a channel for the result
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "CommitFinalizedBlock");
async move {
.map_err(|_recv_error| {
"block was dropped from the state CommitFinalizedBlock queue",
// TODO: replace with Result::flatten once it stabilises
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/70142
// Uses pending_utxos and queued_non_finalized_blocks in the StateService.
// If the UTXO isn't in the queued blocks, runs concurrently using the ReadStateService.
Request::AwaitUtxo(outpoint) => {
// Prepare the AwaitUtxo future from PendingUxtos.
let response_fut = self.pending_utxos.queue(outpoint);
// Only instrument `response_fut`, the ReadStateService already
// instruments its requests with the same span.
let response_fut = response_fut.instrument(span).boxed();
// Check the non-finalized block queue outside the returned future,
// so we can access mutable state fields.
if let Some(utxo) = self.queued_non_finalized_blocks.utxo(&outpoint) {
self.pending_utxos.respond(&outpoint, utxo);
// We're finished, the returned future gets the UTXO from the respond() channel.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "AwaitUtxo/queued-non-finalized");
return response_fut;
// Check the sent non-finalized blocks
if let Some(utxo) = self.sent_non_finalized_block_hashes.utxo(&outpoint) {
self.pending_utxos.respond(&outpoint, utxo);
// We're finished, the returned future gets the UTXO from the respond() channel.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "AwaitUtxo/sent-non-finalized");
return response_fut;
// We ignore any UTXOs in FinalizedState.queued_finalized_blocks,
// because it is only used during checkpoint verification.
// This creates a rare race condition, but it doesn't seem to happen much in practice.
// See #5126 for details.
// Manually send a request to the ReadStateService,
// to get UTXOs from any non-finalized chain or the finalized chain.
let read_service = self.read_service.clone();
// Run the request in an async block, so we can await the response.
async move {
let req = ReadRequest::AnyChainUtxo(outpoint);
let rsp = read_service.oneshot(req).await?;
// Optional TODO:
// - make pending_utxos.respond() async using a channel,
// so we can respond to all waiting requests here
// This change is not required for correctness, because:
// - any waiting requests should have returned when the block was sent to the state
// - otherwise, the request returns immediately if:
// - the block is in the non-finalized queue, or
// - the block is in any non-finalized chain or the finalized state
// And if the block is in the finalized queue,
// that's rare enough that a retry is ok.
if let ReadResponse::AnyChainUtxo(Some(utxo)) = rsp {
// We got a UTXO, so we replace the response future with the result own.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "AwaitUtxo/any-chain");
return Ok(Response::Utxo(utxo));
// We're finished, but the returned future is waiting on the respond() channel.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "AwaitUtxo/waiting");
// Used by sync, inbound, and block verifier to check if a block is already in the state
// before downloading or validating it.
Request::KnownBlock(hash) => {
let timer = CodeTimer::start();
let read_service = self.read_service.clone();
async move {
let response = read::non_finalized_state_contains_block_hash(
.or_else(|| read::finalized_state_contains_block_hash(&read_service.db, hash));
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "Request::KnownBlock");
// Runs concurrently using the ReadStateService
| Request::Depth(_)
| Request::BestChainNextMedianTimePast
| Request::BestChainBlockHash(_)
| Request::BlockLocator
| Request::Transaction(_)
| Request::UnspentBestChainUtxo(_)
| Request::Block(_)
| Request::FindBlockHashes { .. }
| Request::FindBlockHeaders { .. }
| Request::CheckBestChainTipNullifiersAndAnchors(_) => {
// Redirect the request to the concurrent ReadStateService
let read_service = self.read_service.clone();
async move {
let req = req
.expect("ReadRequest conversion should not fail");
let rsp = read_service.oneshot(req).await?;
let rsp = rsp.try_into().expect("Response conversion should not fail");
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
Request::CheckBlockProposalValidity(_) => {
// Redirect the request to the concurrent ReadStateService
let read_service = self.read_service.clone();
async move {
let req = req
.expect("ReadRequest conversion should not fail");
let rsp = read_service.oneshot(req).await?;
let rsp = rsp.try_into().expect("Response conversion should not fail");
impl Service<ReadRequest> for ReadStateService {
type Response = ReadResponse;
type Error = BoxError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
// Check for panics in the block write task
let block_write_task = self.block_write_task.take();
if let Some(block_write_task) = block_write_task {
if block_write_task.is_finished() {
match Arc::try_unwrap(block_write_task) {
// We are the last state with a reference to this task, so we can propagate any panics
Ok(block_write_task_handle) => {
if let Err(thread_panic) = block_write_task_handle.join() {
// We're not the last state, so we need to put it back
Err(arc_block_write_task) => self.block_write_task = Some(arc_block_write_task),
} else {
// It hasn't finished, so we need to put it back
self.block_write_task = Some(block_write_task);
#[instrument(name = "read_state", skip(self, req))]
fn call(&mut self, req: ReadRequest) -> Self::Future {
let timer = CodeTimer::start();
let span = Span::current();
match req {
// Used by the StateService.
ReadRequest::Tip => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let tip = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
read::tip(non_finalized_state.best_chain(), &state.db)
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::Tip");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::Tip"))
// Used by the StateService.
ReadRequest::Depth(hash) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let depth = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
read::depth(non_finalized_state.best_chain(), &state.db, hash)
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::Depth");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::Depth"))
// Used by the StateService.
ReadRequest::BestChainNextMedianTimePast => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let non_finalized_state = state.latest_non_finalized_state();
let median_time_past =
read::next_median_time_past(&non_finalized_state, &state.db);
// The work is done in the future.
.map(|join_result| {
join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::BestChainNextMedianTimePast")
// Used by the get_block (raw) RPC and the StateService.
ReadRequest::Block(hash_or_height) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let block = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::Block");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::Block"))
// For the get_raw_transaction RPC and the StateService.
ReadRequest::Transaction(hash) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let response =
read::mined_transaction(state.latest_best_chain(), &state.db, hash);
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::Transaction");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::Transaction"))
// Used by the getblock (verbose) RPC.
ReadRequest::TransactionIdsForBlock(hash_or_height) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let transaction_ids = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
.map(|join_result| {
join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::TransactionIdsForBlock")
ReadRequest::UnspentBestChainUtxo(outpoint) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let utxo = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::UnspentBestChainUtxo");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::UnspentBestChainUtxo"))
// Manually used by the StateService to implement part of AwaitUtxo.
ReadRequest::AnyChainUtxo(outpoint) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let utxo = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
read::any_utxo(non_finalized_state, &state.db, outpoint)
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::AnyChainUtxo");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::AnyChainUtxo"))
// Used by the StateService.
ReadRequest::BlockLocator => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let block_locator = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
read::block_locator(non_finalized_state.best_chain(), &state.db)
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::BlockLocator");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::BlockLocator"))
// Used by the StateService.
ReadRequest::FindBlockHashes { known_blocks, stop } => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let block_hashes = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::FindBlockHashes");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::FindBlockHashes"))
// Used by the StateService.
ReadRequest::FindBlockHeaders { known_blocks, stop } => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let block_headers = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
let block_headers = block_headers
.map(|header| CountedHeader { header })
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::FindBlockHeaders");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::FindBlockHeaders"))
ReadRequest::SaplingTree(hash_or_height) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let sapling_tree = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::SaplingTree");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::SaplingTree"))
ReadRequest::OrchardTree(hash_or_height) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let orchard_tree = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::OrchardTree");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::OrchardTree"))
// For the get_address_balance RPC.
ReadRequest::AddressBalance(addresses) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let balance = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::AddressBalance");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::AddressBalance"))
// For the get_address_tx_ids RPC.
ReadRequest::TransactionIdsByAddresses {
} => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let tx_ids = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
.map(|join_result| {
join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::TransactionIdsByAddresses")
// For the get_address_utxos RPC.
ReadRequest::UtxosByAddresses(addresses) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let utxos = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::UtxosByAddresses");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::UtxosByAddresses"))
ReadRequest::CheckBestChainTipNullifiersAndAnchors(unmined_tx) => {
let state = self.clone();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let latest_non_finalized_best_chain =
// The work is done in the future.
.map(|join_result| {
.expect("panic in ReadRequest::CheckBestChainTipNullifiersAndAnchors")
// Used by the get_block and get_block_hash RPCs.
ReadRequest::BestChainBlockHash(height) => {
let state = self.clone();
// # Performance
// Allow other async tasks to make progress while concurrently reading blocks from disk.
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let hash = state.non_finalized_state_receiver.with_watch_data(
|non_finalized_state| {
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::BestChainBlockHash");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::BestChainBlockHash"))
// Used by get_block_template RPC.
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
ReadRequest::ChainInfo => {
let state = self.clone();
let latest_non_finalized_state = self.latest_non_finalized_state();
// # Performance
// Allow other async tasks to make progress while concurrently reading blocks from disk.
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
// # Correctness
// It is ok to do these lookups using multiple database calls. Finalized state updates
// can only add overlapping blocks, and block hashes are unique across all chain forks.
// If there is a large overlap between the non-finalized and finalized states,
// where the finalized tip is above the non-finalized tip,
// Zebra is receiving a lot of blocks, or this request has been delayed for a long time.
// In that case, the `getblocktemplate` RPC will return an error because Zebra
// is not synced to the tip. That check happens before the RPC makes this request.
let get_block_template_info =
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::ChainInfo");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::ChainInfo"))
// Used by getmininginfo, getnetworksolps, and getnetworkhashps RPCs.
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
ReadRequest::SolutionRate { num_blocks, height } => {
let state = self.clone();
// # Performance
// Allow other async tasks to make progress while concurrently reading blocks from disk.
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
let latest_non_finalized_state = state.latest_non_finalized_state();
// # Correctness
// It is ok to do these lookups using multiple database calls. Finalized state updates
// can only add overlapping blocks, and block hashes are unique across all chain forks.
// The worst that can happen here is that the default `start_hash` will be below
// the chain tip.
let (tip_height, tip_hash) =
match read::tip(latest_non_finalized_state.best_chain(), &state.db) {
Some(tip_hash) => tip_hash,
None => return Ok(ReadResponse::SolutionRate(None)),
let start_hash = match height {
Some(height) if height < tip_height => read::hash_by_height(
// use the chain tip hash if height is above it or not provided.
_ => Some(tip_hash),
let solution_rate = start_hash.and_then(|start_hash| {
// The work is done in the future.
timer.finish(module_path!(), line!(), "ReadRequest::SolutionRate");
.map(|join_result| join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::SolutionRate"))
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
ReadRequest::CheckBlockProposalValidity(prepared) => {
let state = self.clone();
// # Performance
// Allow other async tasks to make progress while concurrently reading blocks from disk.
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(move || {
tracing::info!("attempting to validate and commit block proposal onto a cloned non-finalized state");
let mut latest_non_finalized_state = state.latest_non_finalized_state();
// The previous block of a valid proposal must be on the best chain tip.
let Some((_best_tip_height, best_tip_hash)) = read::best_tip(&latest_non_finalized_state, &state.db) else {
return Err("state is empty: wait for Zebra to sync before submitting a proposal".into());
if prepared.block.header.previous_block_hash != best_tip_hash {
return Err("proposal is not based on the current best chain tip: previous block hash must be the best chain tip".into());
// This clone of the non-finalized state is dropped when this closure returns.
// The non-finalized state that's used in the rest of the state (including finalizing
// blocks into the db) is not mutated here.
// TODO: Convert `CommitBlockError` to a new `ValidateProposalError`?
latest_non_finalized_state.should_count_metrics = false;
&mut latest_non_finalized_state,
// The work is done in the future.
.map(|join_result| {
join_result.expect("panic in ReadRequest::CheckBlockProposalValidity")
/// Initialize a state service from the provided [`Config`].
/// Returns a boxed state service, a read-only state service,
/// and receivers for state chain tip updates.
/// Each `network` has its own separate on-disk database.
/// The state uses the `max_checkpoint_height` and `checkpoint_verify_concurrency_limit`
/// to work out when it is near the final checkpoint.
/// To share access to the state, wrap the returned service in a `Buffer`,
/// or clone the returned [`ReadStateService`].
/// It's possible to construct multiple state services in the same application (as
/// long as they, e.g., use different storage locations), but doing so is
/// probably not what you want.
pub fn init(
config: Config,
network: Network,
max_checkpoint_height: block::Height,
checkpoint_verify_concurrency_limit: usize,
) -> (
BoxService<Request, Response, BoxError>,
) {
let (state_service, read_only_state_service, latest_chain_tip, chain_tip_change) =
/// Calls [`init`] with the provided [`Config`] and [`Network`] from a blocking task.
/// Returns a [`tokio::task::JoinHandle`] with a boxed state service,
/// a read state service, and receivers for state chain tip updates.
pub fn spawn_init(
config: Config,
network: Network,
max_checkpoint_height: block::Height,
checkpoint_verify_concurrency_limit: usize,
) -> tokio::task::JoinHandle<(
BoxService<Request, Response, BoxError>,
)> {
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
/// Returns a [`StateService`] with an ephemeral [`Config`] and a buffer with a single slot.
/// This can be used to create a state service for testing. See also [`init`].
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn init_test(network: Network) -> Buffer<BoxService<Request, Response, BoxError>, Request> {
// TODO: pass max_checkpoint_height and checkpoint_verify_concurrency limit
// if we ever need to test final checkpoint sent UTXO queries
let (state_service, _, _, _) =
StateService::new(Config::ephemeral(), network, block::Height::MAX, 0);
Buffer::new(BoxService::new(state_service), 1)
/// Initializes a state service with an ephemeral [`Config`] and a buffer with a single slot,
/// then returns the read-write service, read-only service, and tip watch channels.
/// This can be used to create a state service for testing. See also [`init`].
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn init_test_services(
network: Network,
) -> (
Buffer<BoxService<Request, Response, BoxError>, Request>,
) {
// TODO: pass max_checkpoint_height and checkpoint_verify_concurrency limit
// if we ever need to test final checkpoint sent UTXO queries
let (state_service, read_state_service, latest_chain_tip, chain_tip_change) =
StateService::new(Config::ephemeral(), network, block::Height::MAX, 0);
let state_service = Buffer::new(BoxService::new(state_service), 1);