
196 lines
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//! The scanner task and scanning APIs.
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use color_eyre::{eyre::eyre, Report};
use tower::{buffer::Buffer, util::BoxService, Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing::info;
use zcash_client_backend::{
ChainMetadata, CompactBlock, CompactSaplingOutput, CompactSaplingSpend, CompactTx,
scanning::{ScanError, ScanningKey},
use zcash_primitives::zip32::AccountId;
use zebra_chain::{
block::Block, parameters::Network, serialization::ZcashSerialize, transaction::Transaction,
use crate::storage::Storage;
/// The generic state type used by the scanner.
pub type State = Buffer<
BoxService<zebra_state::Request, zebra_state::Response, zebra_state::BoxError>,
/// Wait a few seconds at startup so tip height is always `Some`.
const INITIAL_WAIT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
/// The amount of time between checking and starting new scans.
const CHECK_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
/// Start the scan task given state and storage.
/// - This function is dummy at the moment. It just makes sure we can read the storage and the state.
/// - Modifications here might have an impact in the `scan_task_starts` test.
/// - Real scanning code functionality will be added in the future here.
pub async fn start(mut state: State, storage: Storage) -> Result<(), Report> {
// We want to make sure the state has a tip height available before we start scanning.
loop {
// Make sure we can query the state
let request = state
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e));
let tip = match request? {
zebra_state::Response::Tip(tip) => tip,
_ => unreachable!("unmatched response to a state::Tip request"),
// Read keys from the storage
let available_keys = storage.get_sapling_keys();
for key in available_keys {
"Scanning the blockchain for key {} from block 1 to {:?}",
key.0, tip,
/// Returns transactions belonging to the given `ScanningKey`.
/// TODO:
/// - Remove the `sapling_tree_size` parameter or turn it into an `Option` once we have access to
/// Zebra's state, and we can retrieve the tree size ourselves.
/// - Add prior block metadata once we have access to Zebra's state.
pub fn scan_block<K: ScanningKey>(
network: Network,
block: Arc<Block>,
sapling_tree_size: u32,
scanning_key: &K,
) -> Result<ScannedBlock<K::Nf>, ScanError> {
// TODO: Implement a check that returns early when the block height is below the Sapling
// activation height.
let network: zcash_primitives::consensus::Network = network.into();
let chain_metadata = ChainMetadata {
sapling_commitment_tree_size: sapling_tree_size,
// Orchard is not supported at the moment so the tree size can be 0.
orchard_commitment_tree_size: 0,
// Use a dummy `AccountId` as we don't use accounts yet.
let dummy_account = AccountId::from(0);
// We only support scanning one key and one block per function call for now.
let scanning_keys = vec![(&dummy_account, scanning_key)];
block_to_compact(block, chain_metadata),
// Ignore whether notes are change from a viewer's own spends for now.
// Ignore previous blocks for now.
/// Converts a zebra block and meta data into a compact block.
pub fn block_to_compact(block: Arc<Block>, chain_metadata: ChainMetadata) -> CompactBlock {
CompactBlock {
height: block
.expect("verified block should have a valid height")
hash: block.hash().bytes_in_display_order().to_vec(),
prev_hash: block
time: block
.expect("unsigned 32-bit times should work until 2105"),
header: block
.expect("verified block should serialize"),
vtx: block
chain_metadata: Some(chain_metadata),
// The protocol version is used for the gRPC wire format, so it isn't needed here.
proto_version: 0,
/// Converts a zebra transaction into a compact transaction.
fn transaction_to_compact((index, tx): (usize, Arc<Transaction>)) -> CompactTx {
CompactTx {
index: index
.expect("tx index in block should fit in u64"),
hash: tx.hash().bytes_in_display_order().to_vec(),
// `fee` is not checked by the `scan_block` function. It is allowed to be unset.
// <https://docs.rs/zcash_client_backend/latest/zcash_client_backend/proto/compact_formats/struct.CompactTx.html#structfield.fee>
fee: 0,
spends: tx
.map(|nf| CompactSaplingSpend {
nf: <[u8; 32]>::from(*nf).to_vec(),
// > output encodes the cmu field, ephemeralKey field, and a 52-byte prefix of the encCiphertext field of a Sapling Output
// <https://docs.rs/zcash_client_backend/latest/zcash_client_backend/proto/compact_formats/struct.CompactSaplingOutput.html>
outputs: tx
.map(|output| CompactSaplingOutput {
cmu: output.cm_u.to_bytes().to_vec(),
ephemeral_key: output
.expect("verified output should serialize successfully"),
ciphertext: output
.expect("verified output should serialize successfully")
// `actions` is not checked by the `scan_block` function.
actions: vec![],