
706 lines
31 KiB

use std::{collections::HashSet, iter, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use color_eyre::eyre::{eyre, Report, WrapErr};
use futures::future::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
use tokio::{task::JoinHandle, time::delay_for};
use tower::{builder::ServiceBuilder, retry::Retry, timeout::Timeout, Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing_futures::Instrument;
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Block},
use zebra_consensus::checkpoint;
use zebra_consensus::parameters;
use zebra_network::{self as zn, RetryLimit};
use zebra_state as zs;
/// Controls the number of peers used for each ObtainTips and ExtendTips request.
// XXX in the future, we may not be able to access the checkpoint module.
const FANOUT: usize = checkpoint::MAX_QUEUED_BLOCKS_PER_HEIGHT;
/// Controls how many times we will retry each block download.
/// If all the retries fail, then the syncer will reset, and start downloading
/// blocks from the verified tip in the state, including blocks which previously
/// downloaded successfully.
/// But if a node is on a slow or unreliable network, sync restarts can result
/// in a flood of download requests, making future syncs more likely to fail.
/// So it's much faster to retry each block multiple times.
/// When we implement a peer reputation system, we can reduce the number of
/// retries, because we will be more likely to choose a good peer.
/// Controls how far ahead of the chain tip the syncer tries to download before
/// waiting for queued verifications to complete. Set to twice the maximum
/// checkpoint distance.
/// Some checkpoints contain larger blocks, so the maximum checkpoint gap can
/// represent multiple gigabytes of data.
const LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT: usize = checkpoint::MAX_CHECKPOINT_HEIGHT_GAP * 2;
/// Controls how long we wait for a tips response to return.
/// The network layer also imposes a timeout on requests.
const TIPS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(6);
/// Controls how long we wait for a block download request to complete.
/// The network layer also imposes a timeout on requests.
const BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(20);
/// The maximum amount of time that Zebra should take to download a checkpoint
/// full of blocks. Based on the current `MAX_CHECKPOINT_BYTE_SIZE`.
/// We assume that Zebra nodes have at least 10 Mbps bandwidth, and allow some
/// extra time for request latency.
/// Controls how long we wait for a block verify task to complete.
/// This timeout makes sure that the syncer and verifiers do not deadlock.
/// When the `LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT` is reached, the syncer waits for blocks to verify
/// (or fail). If the verifiers are also waiting for more blocks from the syncer,
/// then without a timeout, Zebra would deadlock.
/// Controls how long we wait to retry ExtendTips after it fails.
/// This timeout should be long enough to allow some of our peers to clear
/// their connection state.
/// (ObtainTips failures use the sync restart timeout.)
const TIPS_RETRY_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
/// Controls how long we wait to restart syncing after finishing a sync run.
/// This timeout should be long enough to:
/// - allow pending downloads and verifies to complete or time out.
/// Sync restarts don't cancel downloads, so quick restarts can overload
/// network-bound nodes with lots of peers, leading to further failures.
/// (The total number of requests being processed by peers is the sum of
/// the number of peers, and the peer request buffer size.)
/// We assume that Zebra nodes have at least 10 Mbps bandwidth. So a
/// maximum-sized block can take up to 2 seconds to download. Therefore, we
/// set this timeout to twice the default number of peers. (The peer request
/// buffer size is small enough that any buffered requests will overlap with
/// the post-restart ObtainTips.)
/// - allow zcashd peers to process pending requests. If the node only has a
/// few peers, we want to clear as much peer state as possible. In
/// particular, zcashd sends "next block range" hints, based on zcashd's
/// internal model of our sync progress. But we want to discard these hints,
/// so they don't get confused with ObtainTips and ExtendTips responses.
/// This timeout is particularly important on instances with slow or unreliable
/// networks, and on testnet, which has a small number of slow peers.
const SYNC_RESTART_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(100);
/// Helps work around defects in the bitcoin protocol by checking whether
/// the returned hashes actually extend a chain tip.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct CheckedTip {
tip: block::Hash,
expected_next: block::Hash,
pub struct ChainSync<ZN, ZS, ZV>
ZN: Service<zn::Request, Response = zn::Response, Error = Error> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZN::Future: Send,
ZS: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = Error> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZS::Future: Send,
ZV: Service<Arc<Block>, Response = block::Hash, Error = Error> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZV::Future: Send,
/// Used to perform ObtainTips and ExtendTips requests, with no retry logic
/// (failover is handled using fanout).
tip_network: Timeout<ZN>,
/// Used to download blocks, with retry logic.
block_network: Retry<RetryLimit, Timeout<ZN>>,
state: ZS,
verifier: Timeout<ZV>,
prospective_tips: HashSet<CheckedTip>,
pending_blocks: Pin<Box<FuturesUnordered<JoinHandle<Result<block::Hash, ReportAndHash>>>>>,
genesis_hash: block::Hash,
impl<ZN, ZS, ZV> ChainSync<ZN, ZS, ZV>
ZN: Service<zn::Request, Response = zn::Response, Error = Error> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZN::Future: Send,
ZS: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = Error> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZS::Future: Send,
ZV: Service<Arc<Block>, Response = block::Hash, Error = Error> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZV::Future: Send,
/// Returns a new syncer instance, using:
/// - chain: the zebra-chain `Network` to download (Mainnet or Testnet)
/// - peers: the zebra-network peers to contact for downloads
/// - state: the zebra-state that stores the chain
/// - verifier: the zebra-consensus verifier that checks the chain
pub fn new(chain: Network, peers: ZN, state: ZS, verifier: ZV) -> Self {
let tip_network = Timeout::new(peers.clone(), TIPS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
let block_network = ServiceBuilder::new()
let verifier = Timeout::new(verifier, BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT);
Self {
prospective_tips: HashSet::new(),
pending_blocks: Box::pin(FuturesUnordered::new()),
genesis_hash: parameters::genesis_hash(chain),
pub async fn sync(&mut self) -> Result<(), Report> {
// We can't download the genesis block using our normal algorithm,
// due to protocol limitations
'sync: loop {
// Update metrics for any ready tasks, before wiping state
while let Some(Some(rsp)) = self.pending_blocks.next().now_or_never() {
match rsp.expect("block download and verify tasks should not panic") {
Ok(hash) => tracing::trace!(?hash, "verified and committed block to state"),
Err((e, _)) => {
tracing::trace!(?e, "sync error before restarting sync, ignoring")
// Wipe state from prevous iterations.
self.prospective_tips = HashSet::new();
self.pending_blocks = Box::pin(FuturesUnordered::new());
tracing::info!("starting sync, obtaining new tips");
if self.obtain_tips().await.is_err() || self.prospective_tips.is_empty() {
tracing::warn!("failed to obtain tips, waiting to restart sync");
continue 'sync;
while !self.prospective_tips.is_empty() {
// Check whether any block tasks are currently ready:
while let Some(Some(rsp)) = self.pending_blocks.next().now_or_never() {
match rsp.expect("block download and verify tasks should not panic") {
Ok(hash) => {
tracing::trace!(?hash, "verified and committed block to state");
Err((e, hash)) => {
// We must restart the sync on every error, unless
// this block has already been verified.
// If we ignore other errors, the syncer can:
// - get a long way ahead of the state, and queue
// up a lot of unverified blocks in memory, or
// - get into an endless error cycle.
// In particular, we must restart if the checkpoint
// verifier has verified a block at this height, but
// the hash is different. In that case, we want to
// stop following an ancient side-chain.
if self.state_contains(hash).await? {
"sync error in ready task, but block is already verified, ignoring");
} else {
"sync error in ready task, waiting to restart sync"
continue 'sync;
// If we have too many pending tasks, wait for some to finish.
// Starting to wait is interesting, but logging each wait can be
// very verbose.
if self.pending_blocks.len() > LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT {
tips.len = self.prospective_tips.len(),
pending.len = self.pending_blocks.len(),
pending.limit = LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT,
"waiting for pending blocks",
while self.pending_blocks.len() > LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT {
tips.len = self.prospective_tips.len(),
pending.len = self.pending_blocks.len(),
pending.limit = LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT,
"continuing to wait for pending blocks",
match self
.expect("pending_blocks is nonempty")
.expect("block download and verify tasks should not panic")
Ok(hash) => {
tracing::trace!(?hash, "verified and committed block to state");
Err((e, hash)) => {
// We must restart the sync on every error, unless
// this block has already been verified.
// See the comment above for details.
if self.state_contains(hash).await? {
"sync error with pending above lookahead limit, but block is already verified, ignoring");
} else {
"sync error with pending above lookahead limit, waiting to restart sync");
continue 'sync;
// Once we're below the lookahead limit, we can keep extending the tips.
tips.len = self.prospective_tips.len(),
pending.len = self.pending_blocks.len(),
pending.limit = LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT,
"extending tips",
let old_tips = self.prospective_tips.clone();
let _ = self.extend_tips().await;
// If ExtendTips fails, wait, then give it another shot.
// If we don't have many peers, waiting and retrying helps us
// ignore unsolicited BlockHashes from peers.
if self.prospective_tips.is_empty() {
tracing::info!("no new tips, waiting to retry extend tips");
self.prospective_tips = old_tips;
let _ = self.extend_tips().await;
tracing::info!("exhausted tips, waiting to restart sync");
/// Given a block_locator list fan out request for subsequent hashes to
/// multiple peers
async fn obtain_tips(&mut self) -> Result<(), Report> {
let block_locator = self
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?
.call(zebra_state::Request::GetBlockLocator {
genesis: self.genesis_hash,
.map(|response| match response {
zebra_state::Response::BlockLocator { block_locator } => block_locator,
_ => unreachable!(
"GetBlockLocator request can only result in Response::BlockLocator"
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?;
tracing::debug!(?block_locator, "trying to obtain new chain tips");
let mut requests = FuturesUnordered::new();
for _ in 0..FANOUT {
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?
.call(zn::Request::FindBlocks {
known_blocks: block_locator.clone(),
stop: None,
let mut download_set = HashSet::new();
while let Some(res) = requests.next().await {
match res.map_err::<Report, _>(|e| eyre!(e)) {
Ok(zn::Response::BlockHashes(hashes)) => {
// zcashd sometimes appends an unrelated hash at the start
// or end of its response.
// We can't discard the first hash, because it might be a
// block we want to download. So we just accept any
// out-of-order first hashes.
// We use the last hash for the tip, and we want to avoid bad
// tips. So we discard the last hash. (We don't need to worry
// about missed downloads, because we will pick them up again
// in ExtendTips.)
let hashes = match hashes.as_slice() {
[] => continue,
[rest @ .., _last] => rest,
let mut first_unknown = None;
for (i, &hash) in hashes.iter().enumerate() {
if !self.state_contains(hash).await? {
first_unknown = Some(i);
tracing::debug!(hashes.len = ?hashes.len(), ?first_unknown);
let unknown_hashes = if let Some(index) = first_unknown {
} else {
let new_tip = if let Some(end) = unknown_hashes.rchunks_exact(2).next() {
CheckedTip {
tip: end[0],
expected_next: end[1],
} else {
tracing::debug!("discarding response that extends only one block");
// Make sure we get the same tips, regardless of the
// order of peer responses
if !download_set.contains(&new_tip.expected_next) {
"adding new prospective tip, and removing existing tips in the new block hash list");
.retain(|t| !unknown_hashes.contains(&t.expected_next));
} else {
"discarding prospective tip: already in download set"
let prev_download_len = download_set.len();
let new_download_len = download_set.len();
new_hashes = new_download_len - prev_download_len,
"added hashes to download set"
Ok(_) => unreachable!("network returned wrong response"),
// We ignore this error because we made multiple fanout requests.
Err(e) => tracing::debug!(?e),
async fn extend_tips(&mut self) -> Result<(), Report> {
let tips = std::mem::take(&mut self.prospective_tips);
let mut download_set = HashSet::new();
for tip in tips {
tracing::debug!(?tip, "extending tip");
let mut responses = FuturesUnordered::new();
for _ in 0..FANOUT {
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?
.call(zn::Request::FindBlocks {
known_blocks: vec![tip.tip],
stop: None,
while let Some(res) = responses.next().await {
match res.map_err::<Report, _>(|e| eyre!(e)) {
Ok(zn::Response::BlockHashes(hashes)) => {
tracing::debug!(first = ?hashes.first(), len = ?hashes.len());
// zcashd sometimes appends an unrelated hash at the
// start or end of its response. Check the first hash
// against the previous response, and discard mismatches.
let unknown_hashes = match hashes.as_slice() {
[expected_hash, rest @ ..] if expected_hash == &tip.expected_next => {
// If the first hash doesn't match, retry with the second.
[first_hash, expected_hash, rest @ ..]
if expected_hash == &tip.expected_next =>
"unexpected first hash, but the second matches: using the hashes after the match");
// We ignore these responses
[] => continue,
[single_hash] => {
"discarding response containing a single unexpected hash");
[first_hash, second_hash, rest @ ..] => {
rest_len = ?rest.len(),
"discarding response that starts with two unexpected hashes");
// We use the last hash for the tip, and we want to avoid
// bad tips. So we discard the last hash. (We don't need
// to worry about missed downloads, because we will pick
// them up again in the next ExtendTips.)
let unknown_hashes = match unknown_hashes {
[] => continue,
[rest @ .., _last] => rest,
let new_tip = if let Some(end) = unknown_hashes.rchunks_exact(2).next() {
CheckedTip {
tip: end[0],
expected_next: end[1],
} else {
tracing::debug!("discarding response that extends only one block");
// Make sure we get the same tips, regardless of the
// order of peer responses
if !download_set.contains(&new_tip.expected_next) {
"adding new prospective tip, and removing any existing tips in the new block hash list");
.retain(|t| !unknown_hashes.contains(&t.expected_next));
} else {
"discarding prospective tip: already in download set"
let prev_download_len = download_set.len();
let new_download_len = download_set.len();
new_hashes = new_download_len - prev_download_len,
"added hashes to download set"
Ok(_) => unreachable!("network returned wrong response"),
// We ignore this error because we made multiple fanout requests.
Err(e) => tracing::debug!("{:?}", e),
/// Download and verify the genesis block, if it isn't currently known to
/// our node.
async fn request_genesis(&mut self) -> Result<(), Report> {
// Due to Bitcoin protocol limitations, we can't request the genesis
// block using our standard tip-following algorithm:
// - getblocks requires at least one hash
// - responses start with the block *after* the requested block, and
// - the genesis hash is used as a placeholder for "no matches".
// So we just download and verify the genesis block here.
while !self.state_contains(self.genesis_hash).await? {
match self
.expect("inserted a download and verify request")
.expect("block download and verify tasks should not panic")
Ok(hash) => tracing::trace!(?hash, "verified and committed block to state"),
Err((e, _)) => {
tracing::warn!(?e, "could not download or verify genesis block, retrying")
/// Queue download and verify tasks for each block that isn't currently known to our node
async fn request_blocks(&mut self, hashes: Vec<block::Hash>) -> Result<(), Report> {
tracing::debug!(hashes.len = hashes.len(), "requesting blocks");
for hash in hashes.into_iter() {
// Avoid re-downloading blocks that have already been verified.
// This is particularly important for nodes on slow or unreliable
// networks.
if self.state_contains(hash).await? {
"request_blocks: Unexpected duplicate hash: already in state"
// We construct the block requests sequentially, waiting
// for the peer set to be ready to process each request. This
// ensures that we start block downloads in the order we want them
// (though they may resolve out of order), and it means that we
// respect backpressure. Otherwise, if we waited for readiness and
// did the service call in the spawned tasks, all of the spawned
// tasks would race each other waiting for the network to become
// ready.
let block_req = self
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?
tracing::trace!(?hash, "requested block");
// This span is used to help diagnose sync warnings
let span = tracing::warn_span!("block_fetch_verify", ?hash);
let mut verifier = self.verifier.clone();
let task = tokio::spawn(
async move {
let block = match block_req.await {
Ok(zn::Response::Blocks(blocks)) => blocks
.expect("successful response has the block in it"),
Ok(_) => unreachable!("wrong response to block request"),
// Make sure we can distinguish download and verify timeouts
Err(e) => Err(eyre!(e)).wrap_err("failed to download block")?,
metrics::counter!("sync.downloaded.block.count", 1);
let result = verifier
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))
.wrap_err("verifier service failed to be ready")?
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))
.wrap_err("failed to verify block")?;
metrics::counter!("sync.verified.block.count", 1);
Result::<block::Hash, Report>::Ok(result)
.map_err(move |e| (e, hash)),
/// Returns `true` if the hash is present in the state, and `false`
/// if the hash is not present in the state.
/// TODO: handle multiple tips in the state.
async fn state_contains(&mut self, hash: block::Hash) -> Result<bool, Report> {
match self
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?
.call(zebra_state::Request::GetDepth { hash })
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?
zs::Response::Depth(Some(_)) => Ok(true),
zs::Response::Depth(None) => Ok(false),
_ => unreachable!("wrong response to depth request"),
fn update_metrics(&self) {
self.prospective_tips.len() as i64
metrics::gauge!("sync.pending_blocks.len", self.pending_blocks.len() as i64);
type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;
type ReportAndHash = (Report, block::Hash);
mod test {
use super::*;
/// Make sure the timeout values are consistent with each other.
fn ensure_timeouts_consistent() {
let max_download_retry_time =
max_download_retry_time < BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT.as_secs(),
"Verify timeout should allow for previous block download retries"
"Sync restart should allow for pending and buffered requests to complete"
"Verify timeout should allow for retrying tips"
"Verify timeout should allow for a sync restart"