
156 lines
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//! Data snapshot tests for RocksDB column families.
//! These tests check:
//! - the name of each column family
//! - the number of key-value entries
//! - the bytes in each key and value
//! These tests currently use fixed test vectors.
//! # Fixing Test Failures
//! If this test fails, run:
//! ```sh
//! cargo insta test --review
//! ```
//! to update the test snapshots, then commit the `test_*.snap` files using git.
//! # Snapshot Format
//! These snapshots use [RON (Rusty Object Notation)](https://github.com/ron-rs/ron#readme),
//! a text format similar to Rust syntax. Raw byte data is encoded in hexadecimal.
//! Due to `serde` limitations, some object types can't be represented exactly,
//! so RON uses the closest equivalent structure.
//! # TODO
//! Test shielded data, and data activated in Overwinter and later network upgrades.
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, sync::Arc};
use zebra_chain::{
parameters::Network::{self, *},
use crate::{
disk_format::{tests::KV, RawBytes},
Config, ReadDisk,
/// Snapshot test for RocksDB column families, and their key-value data.
/// These snapshots contain the `default` column family, but it is not used by Zebra.
fn test_raw_rocksdb_column_families() {
let _init_guard = zebra_test::init();
/// Snapshot raw column families for `network`.
/// See [`test_raw_rocksdb_column_families`].
fn test_raw_rocksdb_column_families_with_network(network: Network) {
let mut net_suffix = network.to_string();
let mut state = FinalizedState::new(
#[cfg(feature = "elasticsearch")]
// Snapshot the column family names
let mut cf_names = state.db.list_cf().expect("empty database is valid");
// The order that RocksDB returns column families is irrelevant,
// because we always access them by name.
// Assert that column family names are the same, regardless of the network.
// Later, we check they are also the same regardless of the block height.
insta::assert_ron_snapshot!("column_family_names", cf_names);
// Assert that empty databases are the same, regardless of the network.
let mut settings = insta::Settings::clone_current();
settings.bind(|| snapshot_raw_rocksdb_column_family_data(&state.db, &cf_names));
// Snapshot raw database data for:
// - mainnet and testnet
// - genesis, block 1, and block 2
let blocks = network.blockchain_map();
// We limit the number of blocks, because the serialized data is a few kilobytes per block.
for height in 0..=2 {
let block: Arc<Block> = blocks
.expect("block height has test data")
.expect("test data deserializes");
.commit_finalized_direct(block.into(), None, "snapshot tests")
.expect("test block is valid");
let mut settings = insta::Settings::clone_current();
settings.bind(|| snapshot_raw_rocksdb_column_family_data(&state.db, &cf_names));
/// Snapshot the data in each column family, using `cargo insta` and RON serialization.
fn snapshot_raw_rocksdb_column_family_data(db: &DiskDb, original_cf_names: &[String]) {
let mut new_cf_names = db.list_cf().expect("empty database is valid");
// Assert that column family names are the same, regardless of the network or block height.
original_cf_names, new_cf_names,
"unexpected extra column families",
let mut empty_column_families = Vec::new();
// Now run the data snapshots
for cf_name in original_cf_names {
let cf_handle = db
.expect("RocksDB API provides correct names");
// Correctness: Multi-key iteration causes hangs in concurrent code, but seems ok in tests.
let cf_items: BTreeMap<RawBytes, RawBytes> = db.zs_items_in_range_ordered(&cf_handle, ..);
// The default raw data serialization is very verbose, so we hex-encode the bytes.
let cf_data: Vec<KV> = cf_items
.map(|(key, value)| KV::new(key.raw_bytes(), value.raw_bytes()))
if cf_name == "default" {
assert_eq!(cf_data.len(), 0, "default column family is never used");
} else if cf_data.is_empty() {
// distinguish column family names from empty column families
empty_column_families.push(format!("{cf_name}: no entries"));
} else {
// The note commitment tree snapshots will change if the trees do not have cached roots.
// But we expect them to always have cached roots,
// because those roots are used to populate the anchor column families.
insta::assert_ron_snapshot!(format!("{cf_name}_raw_data"), cf_data);
insta::assert_ron_snapshot!("empty_column_families", empty_column_families);