
549 lines
21 KiB

//! Zebrad Abscissa Application
use std::{env, fmt::Write as _, io::Write as _, process, sync::Arc};
use abscissa_core::{
application::{self, AppCell},
terminal::{component::Terminal, stderr, stdout, ColorChoice},
Application, Component, Configurable, FrameworkError, Shutdown, StandardPaths,
use semver::{BuildMetadata, Version};
use zebra_network::constants::PORT_IN_USE_ERROR;
use zebra_state::{
constants::LOCK_FILE_ERROR, database_format_version_in_code, database_format_version_on_disk,
use crate::{
components::{sync::end_of_support::EOS_PANIC_MESSAGE_HEADER, tracing::Tracing},
/// See <https://docs.rs/abscissa_core/latest/src/abscissa_core/application/exit.rs.html#7-10>
/// Print a fatal error message and exit
fn fatal_error(app_name: String, err: &dyn std::error::Error) -> ! {
status_err!("{} fatal error: {}", app_name, err);
/// Application state
pub static APPLICATION: AppCell<ZebradApp> = AppCell::new();
/// Returns the `zebrad` version for this build, in SemVer 2.0 format.
/// Includes `git describe` build metatata if available:
/// - the number of commits since the last version tag, and
/// - the git commit.
/// For details, see <https://semver.org/>
pub fn build_version() -> Version {
// CARGO_PKG_VERSION is always a valid SemVer 2.0 version.
// We're using the same library as cargo uses internally, so this is guaranteed.
let fallback_version = CARGO_PKG_VERSION.parse().unwrap_or_else(|error| {
"unexpected invalid CARGO_PKG_VERSION: {error:?} in {CARGO_PKG_VERSION:?}, \
should have been checked by cargo"
/// Returns the `zebrad` version from this build, if available from `vergen`.
fn vergen_build_version() -> Option<Version> {
// VERGEN_GIT_DESCRIBE should be in the format:
// - v1.0.0-rc.9-6-g319b01bb84
// - v1.0.0-6-g319b01bb84
// but sometimes it is just a short commit hash. See #6879 for details.
// Currently it is the output of `git describe --tags --dirty --match='v*.*.*'`,
// or whatever is specified in zebrad/build.rs.
const VERGEN_GIT_DESCRIBE: Option<&str> = option_env!("VERGEN_GIT_DESCRIBE");
// The SemVer 2.0 format is:
// - 1.0.0-rc.9+6.g319b01bb84
// - 1.0.0+6.g319b01bb84
// Or as a pattern:
// - version: major`.`minor`.`patch
// - optional pre-release: `-`tag[`.`tag ...]
// - optional build: `+`tag[`.`tag ...]
// change the git describe format to the semver 2.0 format
let Some(vergen_git_describe) = VERGEN_GIT_DESCRIBE else {
return None;
// `git describe` uses "dirty" for uncommitted changes,
// but users won't understand what that means.
let vergen_git_describe = vergen_git_describe.replace("dirty", "modified");
// Split using "git describe" separators.
let mut vergen_git_describe = vergen_git_describe.split('-').peekable();
// Check the "version core" part.
let version = vergen_git_describe.next();
let Some(mut version) = version else {
return None;
// strip the leading "v", if present.
version = version.strip_prefix('v').unwrap_or(version);
// If the initial version is empty, just a commit hash, or otherwise invalid.
if Version::parse(version).is_err() {
return None;
let mut semver = version.to_string();
// Check if the next part is a pre-release or build part,
// but only consume it if it is a pre-release tag.
let Some(part) = vergen_git_describe.peek() else {
// No pre-release or build.
return semver.parse().ok();
if part.starts_with(char::is_alphabetic) {
// It's a pre-release tag.
// Consume the pre-release tag to move on to the build tags, if any.
let _ = vergen_git_describe.next();
// Check if the next part is a build part.
let Some(build) = vergen_git_describe.peek() else {
// No build tags.
return semver.parse().ok();
if !build.starts_with(char::is_numeric) {
// It's not a valid "commit count" build tag from "git describe".
return None;
// Append the rest of the build parts with the correct `+` and `.` separators.
let build_parts: Vec<_> = vergen_git_describe.collect();
let build_parts = build_parts.join(".");
/// The Zebra current release version, without any build metadata.
pub fn release_version() -> Version {
let mut release_version = build_version();
release_version.build = BuildMetadata::EMPTY;
/// The User-Agent string provided by the node.
/// This must be a valid [BIP 14] user agent.
/// [BIP 14]: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0014.mediawiki
pub fn user_agent() -> String {
let release_version = release_version();
/// Zebrad Application
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct ZebradApp {
/// Application configuration.
config: CfgCell<ZebradConfig>,
/// Application state.
state: application::State<Self>,
impl ZebradApp {
/// Returns the git commit for this build, if available.
/// # Accuracy
/// If the user makes changes, but does not commit them, the git commit will
/// not match the compiled source code.
pub fn git_commit() -> Option<&'static str> {
const GIT_COMMIT_GCLOUD: Option<&str> = option_env!("SHORT_SHA");
const GIT_COMMIT_VERGEN: Option<&str> = option_env!("VERGEN_GIT_SHA");
impl Application for ZebradApp {
/// Entrypoint command for this application.
type Cmd = EntryPoint;
/// Application configuration.
type Cfg = ZebradConfig;
/// Paths to resources within the application.
type Paths = StandardPaths;
/// Accessor for application configuration.
fn config(&self) -> Arc<ZebradConfig> {
/// Borrow the application state immutably.
fn state(&self) -> &application::State<Self> {
/// Returns the framework components used by this application.
fn framework_components(
&mut self,
_command: &Self::Cmd,
) -> Result<Vec<Box<dyn Component<Self>>>, FrameworkError> {
// TODO: Open a PR in abscissa to add a TerminalBuilder for opting out
// of the `color_eyre::install` part of `Terminal::new` without
// ColorChoice::Never?
// The Tracing component uses stdout directly and will apply colors automatically.
// Note: It's important to use `ColorChoice::Never` here to avoid panicking in
// `register_components()` below if `color_eyre::install()` is called
// after `color_spantrace` has been initialized.
let terminal = Terminal::new(ColorChoice::Never);
/// Register all components used by this application.
/// If you would like to add additional components to your application
/// beyond the default ones provided by the framework, this is the place
/// to do so.
fn register_components(&mut self, command: &Self::Cmd) -> Result<(), FrameworkError> {
use crate::components::{
metrics::MetricsEndpoint, tokio::TokioComponent, tracing::TracingEndpoint,
let mut components = self.framework_components(command)?;
// Load config *after* framework components so that we can
// report an error to the terminal if it occurs (unless used with a command that doesn't need the config).
let config = match command.config_path() {
Some(path) => match self.load_config(&path) {
Ok(config) => config,
// Ignore errors loading the config for some commands.
Err(_e) if command.cmd().should_ignore_load_config_error() => Default::default(),
Err(e) => {
status_err!("Zebra could not parse the provided config file. This might mean you are using a deprecated format of the file. You can generate a valid config by running \"zebrad generate\", and diff it against yours to examine any format inconsistencies.");
return Err(e);
None => ZebradConfig::default(),
let config = command.process_config(config)?;
let theme = if config.tracing.use_color_stdout_and_stderr() {
} else {
// collect the common metadata for the issue URL and panic report,
// skipping any env vars that aren't present
// reads state disk version file, doesn't open RocksDB database
let disk_db_version =
match database_format_version_on_disk(&config.state, config.network.network) {
Ok(Some(version)) => version.to_string(),
// This "version" is specially formatted to match a relaxed version regex in CI
Ok(None) => "creating.new.database".to_string(),
Err(error) => {
let mut error = format!("error: {error:?}");
let app_metadata = vec![
// build-time constant: cargo or git tag + short commit
("version", build_version().to_string()),
// config
("Zcash network", config.network.network.to_string()),
// code constant
"running state version",
// state disk file, doesn't open database
("initial disk state version", disk_db_version),
// build-time constant
("features", env!("VERGEN_CARGO_FEATURES").to_string()),
// git env vars can be skipped if there is no `.git` during the
// build, so they must all be optional
let git_metadata: &[(_, Option<_>)] = &[
("branch", option_env!("VERGEN_GIT_BRANCH")),
("git commit", Self::git_commit()),
"commit timestamp",
// skip missing metadata
let git_metadata: Vec<(_, String)> = git_metadata
.filter_map(|(k, v)| Some((k, (*v)?)))
.map(|(k, v)| (*k, v.to_string()))
let build_metadata: Vec<_> = [
("target triple", env!("VERGEN_CARGO_TARGET_TRIPLE")),
("rust compiler", env!("VERGEN_RUSTC_SEMVER")),
("rust release date", env!("VERGEN_RUSTC_COMMIT_DATE")),
("optimization level", env!("VERGEN_CARGO_OPT_LEVEL")),
("debug checks", env!("VERGEN_CARGO_DEBUG")),
.map(|(k, v)| (*k, v.to_string()))
let panic_metadata: Vec<_> = app_metadata
let mut builder = color_eyre::config::HookBuilder::default();
let mut metadata_section = "Metadata:".to_string();
for (k, v) in panic_metadata {
builder = builder.add_issue_metadata(k, v.clone());
write!(&mut metadata_section, "\n{k}: {}", &v)
.expect("unexpected failure writing to string");
builder = builder
.issue_url(concat!(env!("CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY"), "/issues/new"))
.issue_filter(|kind| match kind {
color_eyre::ErrorKind::NonRecoverable(error) => {
let error_str = match error.downcast_ref::<String>() {
Some(as_string) => as_string,
None => return true,
// listener port conflicts
if PORT_IN_USE_ERROR.is_match(error_str) {
return false;
// RocksDB lock file conflicts
if LOCK_FILE_ERROR.is_match(error_str) {
return false;
// Don't ask users to report old version panics.
if error_str.to_string().contains(EOS_PANIC_MESSAGE_HEADER) {
return false;
color_eyre::ErrorKind::Recoverable(error) => {
// Type checks should be faster than string conversions.
// Don't ask users to create bug reports for timeouts and peer errors.
if error.is::<tower::timeout::error::Elapsed>()
|| error.is::<tokio::time::error::Elapsed>()
|| error.is::<zebra_network::PeerError>()
|| error.is::<zebra_network::SharedPeerError>()
|| error.is::<zebra_network::HandshakeError>()
return false;
// Don't ask users to create bug reports for known timeouts, duplicate blocks,
// full disks, or updated binaries.
let error_str = error.to_string();
!error_str.contains("timed out")
&& !error_str.contains("duplicate hash")
&& !error_str.contains("No space left on device")
// abscissa panics like this when the running zebrad binary has been updated
&& !error_str.contains("error canonicalizing application path")
// This MUST happen after `Terminal::new` to ensure our preferred panic
// handler is the last one installed
let (panic_hook, eyre_hook) = builder.into_hooks();
eyre_hook.install().expect("eyre_hook.install() error");
// The Sentry default config pulls in the DSN from the `SENTRY_DSN`
// environment variable.
#[cfg(feature = "sentry")]
let guard = sentry::init(sentry::ClientOptions {
debug: true,
release: Some(build_version().to_string().into()),
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| {
let panic_report = panic_hook.panic_report(panic_info);
#[cfg(feature = "sentry")]
let event = crate::sentry::panic_event_from(panic_report);
if !guard.close(None) {
warn!("unable to flush sentry events during panic");
// Apply the configured number of threads to the thread pool.
// TODO:
// - set rayon panic handler to a function that takes `Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static>`,
// which forwards to sentry. If possible, use eyre's panic report for formatting.
// - do we also need to call this code in `zebra_consensus::init()`,
// when that crate is being used by itself?
.thread_name(|thread_index| format!("rayon {thread_index}"))
.expect("unable to initialize rayon thread pool");
let cfg_ref = &config;
let default_filter = command.cmd().default_tracing_filter(command.verbose);
let is_server = command.cmd().is_server();
// Ignore the configured tracing filter for short-lived utility commands
let mut tracing_config = cfg_ref.tracing.clone();
let metrics_config = cfg_ref.metrics.clone();
if is_server {
// Override the default tracing filter based on the command-line verbosity.
tracing_config.filter = tracing_config
.or_else(|| Some(default_filter.to_owned()));
} else {
// Don't apply the configured filter for short-lived commands.
tracing_config.filter = Some(default_filter.to_owned());
tracing_config.flamegraph = None;
// Log git metadata and platform info when zebrad starts up
if is_server {
tracing::info!("Diagnostic {}", metadata_section);
info!(config_path = ?command.config_path(), config = ?cfg_ref, "loaded zebrad config");
// Activate the global span, so it's visible when we load the other
// components. Space is at a premium here, so we use an empty message,
// short commit hash, and the unique part of the network name.
let net = &config.network.network.to_string()[..4];
let global_span = if let Some(git_commit) = ZebradApp::git_commit() {
error_span!("", zebrad = git_commit, net)
} else {
error_span!("", net)
let global_guard = global_span.enter();
// leak the global span, to make sure it stays active
num_threads = rayon::current_num_threads(),
"initialized rayon thread pool for CPU-bound tasks",
// Launch network and async endpoints only for long-running commands.
if is_server {
// Fire callback to signal state in the application lifecycle
/// Load this application's configuration and initialize its components.
fn init(&mut self, command: &Self::Cmd) -> Result<(), FrameworkError> {
// Create and register components with the application.
// We do this first to calculate a proper dependency ordering before
// application configuration is processed
/// Post-configuration lifecycle callback.
/// Called regardless of whether config is loaded to indicate this is the
/// time in app lifecycle when configuration would be loaded if
/// possible.
fn after_config(&mut self, config: Self::Cfg) -> Result<(), FrameworkError> {
// Configure components
fn shutdown(&self, shutdown: Shutdown) -> ! {
// Some OSes require a flush to send all output to the terminal.
// zebrad's logging uses Abscissa, so we flush its streams.
// TODO:
// - if this doesn't work, send an empty line as well
// - move this code to the tracing component's `before_shutdown()`
let _ = stdout().lock().flush();
let _ = stderr().lock().flush();
let shutdown_result = self.state().components().shutdown(self, shutdown);
if let Err(e) = shutdown_result {
let app_name = self.name().to_string();
fatal_error(app_name, &e);
match shutdown {
Shutdown::Graceful => process::exit(0),
Shutdown::Forced => process::exit(1),
Shutdown::Crash => process::exit(2),
/// Boot the given application, parsing subcommand and options from
/// command-line arguments, and terminating when complete.
// <https://docs.rs/abscissa_core/0.7.0/src/abscissa_core/application.rs.html#174-178>
pub fn boot(app_cell: &'static AppCell<ZebradApp>) -> ! {
let args =
EntryPoint::process_cli_args(env::args_os().collect()).unwrap_or_else(|err| err.exit());
ZebradApp::run(app_cell, args);