
133 lines
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//! A component owning the Tokio runtime.
use crate::prelude::*;
use abscissa_core::{Application, Component, FrameworkError, Shutdown};
use color_eyre::Report;
use std::{future::Future, time::Duration};
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
/// When Zebra is shutting down, wait this long for tokio tasks to finish.
const TOKIO_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(20);
/// An Abscissa component which owns a Tokio runtime.
/// The runtime is stored as an `Option` so that when it's time to enter an async
/// context by calling `block_on` with a "root future", the runtime can be taken
/// independently of Abscissa's component locking system. Otherwise whatever
/// calls `block_on` holds an application lock for the entire lifetime of the
/// async context.
#[derive(Component, Debug)]
pub struct TokioComponent {
pub rt: Option<Runtime>,
impl TokioComponent {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, FrameworkError> {
Ok(Self {
rt: Some(
/// Zebrad's graceful shutdown function, blocks until one of the supported
/// shutdown signals is received.
async fn shutdown() {
/// Extension trait to centralize entry point for runnable subcommands that
/// depend on tokio
pub(crate) trait RuntimeRun {
fn run(self, fut: impl Future<Output = Result<(), Report>>);
impl RuntimeRun for Runtime {
fn run(self, fut: impl Future<Output = Result<(), Report>>) {
let result = self.block_on(async move {
// Always poll the shutdown future first.
// Otherwise, a busy Zebra instance could starve the shutdown future,
// and delay shutting down.
tokio::select! {
_ = shutdown() => Ok(()),
result = fut => result,
// Don't wait for long blocking tasks before shutting down
"waiting for async tokio tasks to shut down"
match result {
Ok(()) => {
info!("shutting down Zebra");
Err(error) => {
warn!(?error, "shutting down Zebra due to an error");
mod imp {
use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind};
pub(super) async fn shutdown() {
// If both signals are received, select! chooses one of them at random.
tokio::select! {
// SIGINT - Terminal interrupt signal. Typically generated by shells in response to Ctrl-C.
_ = sig(SignalKind::interrupt(), "SIGINT") => {}
// SIGTERM - Standard shutdown signal used by process launchers.
_ = sig(SignalKind::terminate(), "SIGTERM") => {}
async fn sig(kind: SignalKind, name: &'static str) {
// Create a Future that completes the first
// time the process receives 'sig'.
.expect("Failed to register signal handler")
// use target to remove 'imp' from output
target: "zebrad::signal",
"received {}, starting shutdown",
mod imp {
pub(super) async fn shutdown() {
// Wait for Ctrl-C in Windows terminals.
// (Zebra doesn't support NT Service control messages. Use a service wrapper for long-running instances.)
.expect("listening for ctrl-c signal should never fail");
// use target to remove 'imp' from output
target: "zebrad::signal",
"received Ctrl-C, starting shutdown",