
129 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# show the commands we are executing
set -x
# exit if a command fails
set -e
# exit if any command in a pipeline fails
set -o pipefail
: "${NETWORK:=Mainnet}"
echo "Test variables:"
echo "Hard-coded Zebra full sync directory: /zebrad-cache"
case "$1" in
--* | -*)
exec zebrad "$@"
# For these tests, we activate the test features to avoid recompiling `zebrad`,
# but we don't actually run any gRPC tests.
if [[ "$RUN_ALL_TESTS" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run all the available tests for the current environment.
# If the lightwalletd environmental variables are set, we will also run those tests.
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --workspace -- --nocapture --include-ignored
# For these tests, we activate the gRPC feature to avoid recompiling `zebrad`,
# but we don't actually run any gRPC tests.
# Run a Zebra full sync test on mainnet.
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored full_sync_mainnet
# List directory generated by test
# TODO: replace with $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR in Rust and workflows
ls -lh "/zebrad-cache"/*/* || (echo "No /zebrad-cache/*/*"; ls -lhR "/zebrad-cache" | head -50 || echo "No /zebrad-cache directory")
# Run a Zebra full sync test on testnet.
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored full_sync_testnet
# List directory generated by test
# TODO: replace with $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR in Rust and workflows
ls -lh "/zebrad-cache"/*/* || (echo "No /zebrad-cache/*/*"; ls -lhR "/zebrad-cache" | head -50 || echo "No /zebrad-cache directory")
elif [[ "$TEST_DISK_REBUILD" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run a Zebra sync up to the mandatory checkpoint.
# TODO: use environmental variables instead of Rust features (part of #2995)
cargo test --locked --release --features "test_sync_to_mandatory_checkpoint_${NETWORK,,},$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored "sync_to_mandatory_checkpoint_${NETWORK,,}"
# TODO: replace with $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR in Rust and workflows
ls -lh "/zebrad-cache"/*/* || (echo "No /zebrad-cache/*/*"; ls -lhR "/zebrad-cache" | head -50 || echo "No /zebrad-cache directory")
elif [[ "$TEST_UPDATE_SYNC" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run a Zebra sync starting at the cached tip, and syncing to the latest tip.
# List directory used by test
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored zebrad_update_sync
elif [[ "$TEST_CHECKPOINT_SYNC" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run a Zebra sync starting at the cached mandatory checkpoint, and syncing past it.
# List directory used by test
# TODO: replace with $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR in Rust and workflows
ls -lh "/zebrad-cache"/*/* || (echo "No /zebrad-cache/*/*"; ls -lhR "/zebrad-cache" | head -50 || echo "No /zebrad-cache directory")
# TODO: use environmental variables instead of Rust features (part of #2995)
cargo test --locked --release --features "test_sync_past_mandatory_checkpoint_${NETWORK,,},$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored "sync_past_mandatory_checkpoint_${NETWORK,,}"
elif [[ "$GENERATE_CHECKPOINTS_MAINNET" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Generate checkpoints after syncing Zebra from a cached state on mainnet.
# TODO: disable or filter out logs like:
# test generate_checkpoints_mainnet has been running for over 60 seconds
# List directory used by test
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored generate_checkpoints_mainnet
elif [[ "$GENERATE_CHECKPOINTS_TESTNET" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Generate checkpoints after syncing Zebra on testnet.
# This test might fail if testnet is unstable.
# List directory used by test
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored generate_checkpoints_testnet
elif [[ "$TEST_LWD_RPC_CALL" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting at a cached Zebra tip, test a JSON-RPC call to Zebra.
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
# Run both the fully synced RPC test and the subtree snapshot test, one test at a time.
# Since these tests use the same cached state, a state problem in the first test can fail the second test.
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored --test-threads 1 fully_synced_rpc_
elif [[ "$TEST_LWD_FULL_SYNC" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting at a cached Zebra tip, run a lightwalletd sync to tip.
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored lightwalletd_full_sync
ls -lhR "$LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR/db" || (echo "No $LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR/db"; ls -lhR "$LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR directory")
elif [[ "$TEST_LWD_UPDATE_SYNC" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra and lightwalletd tip, run a quick update sync.
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
ls -lhR "$LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR/db" || (echo "No $LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR/db"; ls -lhR "$LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR directory")
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored lightwalletd_update_sync
# These tests actually use gRPC.
elif [[ "$TEST_LWD_GRPC" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra and lightwalletd tip, test all gRPC calls to lightwalletd, which calls Zebra.
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
ls -lhR "$LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR/db" || (echo "No $LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR/db"; ls -lhR "$LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR directory")
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored lightwalletd_wallet_grpc_tests
elif [[ "$TEST_LWD_TRANSACTIONS" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra and lightwalletd tip, test sending transactions gRPC call to lightwalletd, which calls Zebra.
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
ls -lhR "$LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR/db" || (echo "No $LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR/db"; ls -lhR "$LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR directory")
cargo test --locked --release --features "$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored sending_transactions_using_lightwalletd
# These tests use mining code, but don't use gRPC.
# We add the mining feature here because our other code needs to pass tests without it.
elif [[ "$TEST_GET_BLOCK_TEMPLATE" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra tip, test getting a block template from Zebra's RPC server.
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
cargo test --locked --release --features "getblocktemplate-rpcs,$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored get_block_template
elif [[ "$TEST_SUBMIT_BLOCK" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra tip, test sending a block to Zebra's RPC port.
ls -lh "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR"/*/* || (echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR/*/*"; ls -lhR "$ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR" | head -50 || echo "No $ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR directory")
cargo test --locked --release --features "getblocktemplate-rpcs,$ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES" --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored submit_block
exec "$@"