
102 lines
4.0 KiB

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::{
amount::{Amount, NonNegative},
primitives::{ed25519, x25519, ZkSnarkProof},
/// A _JoinSplit Description_, as described in [protocol specification §7.2][ps].
/// [ps]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#joinsplitencoding
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct JoinSplit<P: ZkSnarkProof> {
/// A value that the JoinSplit transfer removes from the transparent value
/// pool.
pub vpub_old: Amount<NonNegative>,
/// A value that the JoinSplit transfer inserts into the transparent value
/// pool.
pub vpub_new: Amount<NonNegative>,
/// A root of the Sprout note commitment tree at some block height in the
/// past, or the root produced by a previous JoinSplit transfer in this
/// transaction.
pub anchor: treestate::sprout::NoteTreeRootHash,
/// A nullifier for the input notes.
pub nullifiers: [crate::notes::sprout::Nullifier; 2],
/// A note commitment for this output note.
pub commitments: [crate::commitments::sprout::NoteCommitment; 2],
/// An X25519 public key.
pub ephemeral_key: x25519::PublicKey,
/// A 256-bit seed that must be chosen independently at random for each
/// JoinSplit description.
pub random_seed: [u8; 32],
/// A message authentication tag.
pub vmacs: [crate::types::MAC; 2],
/// A ZK JoinSplit proof, either a
/// [`Groth16Proof`](crate::primitives::Groth16Proof) or a
/// [`Bctv14Proof`](crate::primitives::Bctv14Proof).
#[serde(bound(serialize = "P: ZkSnarkProof", deserialize = "P: ZkSnarkProof"))]
pub zkproof: P,
/// A ciphertext component for this output note.
pub enc_ciphertexts: [sprout::EncryptedCiphertext; 2],
// Because x25519_dalek::PublicKey does not impl PartialEq
impl<P: ZkSnarkProof> PartialEq for JoinSplit<P> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.vpub_old == other.vpub_old
&& self.vpub_new == other.vpub_new
&& self.anchor == other.anchor
&& self.nullifiers == other.nullifiers
&& self.commitments == other.commitments
&& self.ephemeral_key.as_bytes() == other.ephemeral_key.as_bytes()
&& self.random_seed == other.random_seed
&& self.vmacs == other.vmacs
&& self.zkproof == other.zkproof
&& self.enc_ciphertexts == other.enc_ciphertexts
// Because x25519_dalek::PublicKey does not impl Eq
impl<P: ZkSnarkProof> Eq for JoinSplit<P> {}
/// A bundle of JoinSplit descriptions and signature data.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct JoinSplitData<P: ZkSnarkProof> {
/// The first JoinSplit description, using proofs of type `P`.
/// Storing this separately from `rest` ensures that it is impossible
/// to construct an invalid `JoinSplitData` with no `JoinSplit`s.
/// However, it's not necessary to access or process `first` and `rest`
/// separately, as the [`JoinSplitData::joinsplits`] method provides an
/// iterator over all of the `JoinSplit`s.
serialize = "JoinSplit<P>: Serialize",
deserialize = "JoinSplit<P>: Deserialize<'de>"
pub first: JoinSplit<P>,
/// The rest of the JoinSplit descriptions, using proofs of type `P`.
/// The [`JoinSplitData::joinsplits`] method provides an iterator over
/// all `JoinSplit`s.
serialize = "JoinSplit<P>: Serialize",
deserialize = "JoinSplit<P>: Deserialize<'de>"
pub rest: Vec<JoinSplit<P>>,
/// The public key for the JoinSplit signature.
pub pub_key: ed25519::VerificationKeyBytes,
/// The JoinSplit signature.
pub sig: ed25519::Signature,
impl<P: ZkSnarkProof> JoinSplitData<P> {
/// Iterate over the [`JoinSplit`]s in `self`.
pub fn joinsplits(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &JoinSplit<P>> {