
489 lines
17 KiB

//! Test that we can scan the Zebra blockchain using the external `zcash_client_backend` crate
//! scanning functionality.
//! This tests belong to the proof of concept stage of the external wallet support functionality.
use std::sync::Arc;
use zcash_client_backend::{
self as compact, ChainMetadata, CompactBlock, CompactSaplingOutput, CompactSaplingSpend,
use zcash_note_encryption::Domain;
use zcash_primitives::{
consensus::{BlockHeight, Network},
note_encryption::{sapling_note_encryption, SaplingDomain},
Note, Nullifier, SaplingIvk,
zip32::{AccountId, DiversifiableFullViewingKey, ExtendedSpendingKey},
use color_eyre::Result;
use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore};
use ff::{Field, PrimeField};
use group::GroupEncoding;
use zebra_chain::{
serialization::{ZcashDeserializeInto, ZcashSerialize},
/// Prove that Zebra blocks can be scanned using the `zcash_client_backend::scanning::scan_block` function:
/// - Populates the state with a continuous chain of mainnet blocks from genesis.
/// - Scan the chain from the tip going backwards down to genesis.
/// - Verifies that no relevant transaction is found in the chain when scanning for a fake account's nullifier.
async fn scanning_from_populated_zebra_state() -> Result<()> {
let account = AccountId::from(12);
let vks: Vec<(&AccountId, &SaplingIvk)> = vec![];
let nf = Nullifier([7; 32]);
let network = zebra_chain::parameters::Network::default();
// Create a continuous chain of mainnet blocks from genesis
let blocks: Vec<Arc<Block>> = zebra_test::vectors::CONTINUOUS_MAINNET_BLOCKS
.map(|(_height, block_bytes)| block_bytes.zcash_deserialize_into().unwrap())
// Create a populated state service.
let (_state_service, read_only_state_service, latest_chain_tip, _chain_tip_change) =
zebra_state::populated_state(blocks.clone(), network).await;
let db = read_only_state_service.db();
// use the tip as starting height
let mut height = latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height().unwrap();
let mut transactions_found = 0;
let mut transactions_scanned = 0;
let mut blocks_scanned = 0;
// TODO: Accessing the state database directly is ok in the tests, but not in production code.
// Use `Request::Block` if the code is copied to production.
while let Some(block) = db.block(height.into()) {
// We fake the sapling tree size to 1 because we are not in Sapling heights.
let sapling_tree_size = 1;
let orchard_tree_size = db
.expect("each state block must have a sapling tree")
let chain_metadata = ChainMetadata {
sapling_commitment_tree_size: sapling_tree_size
.expect("sapling position is limited to u32::MAX"),
orchard_commitment_tree_size: orchard_tree_size
.expect("orchard position is limited to u32::MAX"),
let compact_block = block_to_compact(block, chain_metadata);
let res = scan_block(
&[(account, nf)],
transactions_found += res.transactions().len();
transactions_scanned += compact_block.vtx.len();
blocks_scanned += 1;
// scan backwards
if height.is_min() {
height = height.previous()?;
// make sure all blocks and transactions were scanned
assert_eq!(blocks_scanned, 11);
assert_eq!(transactions_scanned, 11);
// no relevant transactions should be found
assert_eq!(transactions_found, 0);
/// Prove that we can create fake blocks with fake notes and scan them using the
/// `zcash_client_backend::scanning::scan_block` function:
/// - Function `fake_compact_block` will generate 1 block with one pre created fake nullifier in
/// the transaction and one additional random transaction without it.
/// - Verify one relevant transaction is found in the chain when scanning for the pre created fake
/// account's nullifier.
async fn scanning_from_fake_generated_blocks() -> Result<()> {
let account = AccountId::from(12);
let extsk = ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[]);
let dfvk: DiversifiableFullViewingKey = extsk.to_diversifiable_full_viewing_key();
let vks: Vec<(&AccountId, &SaplingIvk)> = vec![];
let nf = Nullifier([7; 32]);
let cb = fake_compact_block(
BlockHash([0; 32]),
// The fake block function will have our transaction and a random one.
assert_eq!(cb.vtx.len(), 2);
let res = scan_block(
&[(account, nf)],
// The response should have one transaction relevant to the key we provided.
assert_eq!(res.transactions().len(), 1);
// The transaction should be the one we provided, second one in the block.
// (random transaction is added before ours in `fake_compact_block` function)
assert_eq!(res.transactions()[0].txid, cb.vtx[1].txid());
// The block hash of the response should be the same as the one provided.
assert_eq!(res.block_hash(), cb.hash());
/// Scan a populated state for the ZECpages viewing key.
/// This test is very similar to `scanning_from_populated_zebra_state` but with the ZECpages key.
/// There are no zechub transactions in the test data so we should get empty related transactions.
async fn scanning_zecpages_from_populated_zebra_state() -> Result<()> {
/// The extended Sapling viewing key of [ZECpages](https://zecpages.com/boardinfo)
const ZECPAGES_VIEWING_KEY: &str = "zxviews1q0duytgcqqqqpqre26wkl45gvwwwd706xw608hucmvfalr759ejwf7qshjf5r9aa7323zulvz6plhttp5mltqcgs9t039cx2d09mgq05ts63n8u35hyv6h9nc9ctqqtue2u7cer2mqegunuulq2luhq3ywjcz35yyljewa4mgkgjzyfwh6fr6jd0dzd44ghk0nxdv2hnv4j5nxfwv24rwdmgllhe0p8568sgqt9ckt02v2kxf5ahtql6s0ltjpkckw8gtymxtxuu9gcr0swvz";
// Parse the key from ZECpages
let efvk = decode_extended_full_viewing_key(
let account = AccountId::from(1);
// Build a vector of viewing keys `vks` to scan for.
let fvk = efvk.fvk;
let ivk = fvk.vk.ivk();
let vks: Vec<(&AccountId, &SaplingIvk)> = vec![(&account, &ivk)];
let network = zebra_chain::parameters::Network::Mainnet;
// Create a continuous chain of mainnet blocks from genesis
let blocks: Vec<Arc<Block>> = zebra_test::vectors::CONTINUOUS_MAINNET_BLOCKS
.map(|(_height, block_bytes)| block_bytes.zcash_deserialize_into().unwrap())
// Create a populated state service.
let (_state_service, read_only_state_service, latest_chain_tip, _chain_tip_change) =
zebra_state::populated_state(blocks.clone(), network).await;
let db = read_only_state_service.db();
// use the tip as starting height
let mut height = latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height().unwrap();
let mut transactions_found = 0;
let mut transactions_scanned = 0;
let mut blocks_scanned = 0;
while let Some(block) = db.block(height.into()) {
// zcash_client_backend doesn't support scanning the genesis block, but that's ok, because
// Sapling activates at height 419,200. So we'll never scan these blocks in production code.
let sapling_tree_size = if height.is_min() {
} else {
.expect("each state block must have a sapling tree")
let orchard_tree_size = db
.expect("each state block must have a orchard tree")
let chain_metadata = ChainMetadata {
sapling_commitment_tree_size: sapling_tree_size
.expect("sapling position is limited to u32::MAX"),
orchard_commitment_tree_size: orchard_tree_size
.expect("orchard position is limited to u32::MAX"),
let block_metadata = if height.is_min() {
} else {
.expect("each state block must have a sapling tree")
.expect("sapling position is limited to u32::MAX"),
let compact_block = block_to_compact(block, chain_metadata);
let res = scan_block(
.expect("scanning block for the ZECpages viewing key should work");
transactions_found += res.transactions().len();
transactions_scanned += compact_block.vtx.len();
blocks_scanned += 1;
// scan backwards
if height.is_min() {
height = height.previous()?;
// make sure all blocks and transactions were scanned
assert_eq!(blocks_scanned, 11);
assert_eq!(transactions_scanned, 11);
// no relevant transactions should be found
assert_eq!(transactions_found, 0);
/// Convert a zebra block and meta data into a compact block.
fn block_to_compact(block: Arc<Block>, chain_metadata: ChainMetadata) -> CompactBlock {
CompactBlock {
height: block
.expect("verified block should have a valid height")
hash: block.hash().bytes_in_display_order().to_vec(),
prev_hash: block
time: block
.expect("unsigned 32-bit times should work until 2105"),
header: block
.expect("verified block should serialize"),
vtx: block
chain_metadata: Some(chain_metadata),
// The protocol version is used for the gRPC wire format, so it isn't needed here.
proto_version: 0,
/// Convert a zebra transaction into a compact transaction.
fn transaction_to_compact((index, tx): (usize, Arc<Transaction>)) -> CompactTx {
CompactTx {
index: index
.expect("tx index in block should fit in u64"),
hash: tx.hash().bytes_in_display_order().to_vec(),
// `fee` is not checked by the `scan_block` function. It is allowed to be unset.
// <https://docs.rs/zcash_client_backend/latest/zcash_client_backend/proto/compact_formats/struct.CompactTx.html#structfield.fee>
fee: 0,
spends: tx
.map(|nf| CompactSaplingSpend {
nf: <[u8; 32]>::from(*nf).to_vec(),
// > output encodes the cmu field, ephemeralKey field, and a 52-byte prefix of the encCiphertext field of a Sapling Output
// <https://docs.rs/zcash_client_backend/latest/zcash_client_backend/proto/compact_formats/struct.CompactSaplingOutput.html>
outputs: tx
.map(|output| CompactSaplingOutput {
cmu: output.cm_u.to_bytes().to_vec(),
ephemeral_key: output
.expect("verified output should serialize successfully"),
ciphertext: output
.expect("verified output should serialize successfully")
// `actions` is not checked by the `scan_block` function.
actions: vec![],
/// Create a fake compact block with provided fake account data.
// This is a copy of zcash_primitives `fake_compact_block` where the `value` argument was changed to
// be a number for easier conversion:
// https://github.com/zcash/librustzcash/blob/zcash_primitives-0.13.0/zcash_client_backend/src/scanning.rs#L635
// We need to copy because this is a test private function upstream.
fn fake_compact_block(
height: BlockHeight,
prev_hash: BlockHash,
nf: Nullifier,
dfvk: &DiversifiableFullViewingKey,
value: u64,
tx_after: bool,
initial_sapling_tree_size: Option<u32>,
) -> CompactBlock {
let to = dfvk.default_address().1;
// Create a fake Note for the account
let mut rng = OsRng;
let rseed = generate_random_rseed(&Network::TestNetwork, height, &mut rng);
let note = Note::from_parts(to, NoteValue::from_raw(value), rseed);
let encryptor = sapling_note_encryption::<_, Network>(
&mut rng,
let cmu = note.cmu().to_bytes().to_vec();
let ephemeral_key = SaplingDomain::<Network>::epk_bytes(encryptor.epk())
let enc_ciphertext = encryptor.encrypt_note_plaintext();
// Create a fake CompactBlock containing the note
let mut cb = CompactBlock {
hash: {
let mut hash = vec![0; 32];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut hash);
prev_hash: prev_hash.0.to_vec(),
height: height.into(),
// Add a random Sapling tx before ours
let mut tx = random_compact_tx(&mut rng);
tx.index = cb.vtx.len() as u64;
let cspend = CompactSaplingSpend { nf: nf.0.to_vec() };
let cout = CompactSaplingOutput {
ciphertext: enc_ciphertext.as_ref()[..52].to_vec(),
let mut ctx = CompactTx::default();
let mut txid = vec![0; 32];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut txid);
ctx.hash = txid;
ctx.index = cb.vtx.len() as u64;
// Optionally add another random Sapling tx after ours
if tx_after {
let mut tx = random_compact_tx(&mut rng);
tx.index = cb.vtx.len() as u64;
cb.chain_metadata = initial_sapling_tree_size.map(|s| compact::ChainMetadata {
sapling_commitment_tree_size: s + cb
.map(|tx| tx.outputs.len() as u32)
/// Create a random compact transaction.
// This is an exact copy of `zcash_client_backend::scanning::random_compact_tx`:
// https://github.com/zcash/librustzcash/blob/zcash_primitives-0.13.0/zcash_client_backend/src/scanning.rs#L597
// We need to copy because this is a test private function upstream.
fn random_compact_tx(mut rng: impl RngCore) -> CompactTx {
let fake_nf = {
let mut nf = vec![0; 32];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut nf);
let fake_cmu = {
let fake_cmu = bls12_381::Scalar::random(&mut rng);
let fake_epk = {
let mut buffer = [0; 64];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut buffer);
let fake_esk = jubjub::Fr::from_bytes_wide(&buffer);
let fake_epk = SPENDING_KEY_GENERATOR * fake_esk;
let cspend = CompactSaplingSpend { nf: fake_nf };
let cout = CompactSaplingOutput {
cmu: fake_cmu,
ephemeral_key: fake_epk,
ciphertext: vec![0; 52],
let mut ctx = CompactTx::default();
let mut txid = vec![0; 32];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut txid);
ctx.hash = txid;