
247 lines
8.2 KiB

//! History tree (Merkle mountain range) structure that contains information about
//! the block history as specified in ZIP-221.
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet},
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::{
block::{Block, ChainHistoryMmrRootHash, Height},
parameters::{Network, NetworkUpgrade},
primitives::zcash_history::{Entry, Tree as InnerHistoryTree},
/// An error describing why a history tree operation failed.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum HistoryTreeError {
#[error("zcash_history error: {inner:?}")]
InnerError { inner: zcash_history::Error },
#[error("I/O error")]
IOError(#[from] io::Error),
/// History tree (Merkle mountain range) structure that contains information about
// the block history, as specified in [ZIP-221][https://zips.z.cash/zip-0221].
pub struct HistoryTree {
network: Network,
network_upgrade: NetworkUpgrade,
/// Merkle mountain range tree from `zcash_history`.
/// This is a "runtime" structure used to add / remove nodes, and it's not
/// persistent.
inner: InnerHistoryTree,
/// The number of nodes in the tree.
size: u32,
/// The peaks of the tree, indexed by their position in the array representation
/// of the tree. This can be persisted to save the tree.
peaks: BTreeMap<u32, Entry>,
/// The height of the most recent block added to the tree.
current_height: Height,
impl HistoryTree {
/// Create a new history tree with a single block.
pub fn from_block(
network: Network,
block: Arc<Block>,
sapling_root: &sapling::tree::Root,
_orchard_root: Option<&orchard::tree::Root>,
) -> Result<Self, io::Error> {
let height = block
.expect("block must have coinbase height during contextual verification");
let network_upgrade = NetworkUpgrade::current(network, height);
// TODO: handle Orchard root, see https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/issues/2283
let (tree, entry) = InnerHistoryTree::new_from_block(network, block, sapling_root)?;
let mut peaks = BTreeMap::new();
peaks.insert(0u32, entry);
Ok(HistoryTree {
inner: tree,
size: 1,
current_height: height,
/// Add block data to the tree.
/// # Panics
/// If the block height is not one more than the previously pushed block.
pub fn push(
&mut self,
block: Arc<Block>,
sapling_root: &sapling::tree::Root,
_orchard_root: Option<&orchard::tree::Root>,
) -> Result<(), HistoryTreeError> {
// Check if the block has the expected height.
// librustzcash assumes the heights are correct and corrupts the tree if they are wrong,
// resulting in a confusing error, which we prevent here.
let height = block
.expect("block must have coinbase height during contextual verification");
if height - self.current_height != 1 {
"added block with height {:?} but it must be {:?}+1",
height, self.current_height
// TODO: handle orchard root
let new_entries = self
.append_leaf(block, sapling_root)
.map_err(|e| HistoryTreeError::InnerError { inner: e })?;
for entry in new_entries {
// Not every entry is a peak; those will be trimmed later
self.peaks.insert(self.size, entry);
self.size += 1;
// TODO: implement network upgrade logic: drop previous history, start new history
self.current_height = height;
/// Extend the history tree with the given blocks.
pub fn try_extend<
T: IntoIterator<
Item = (
&'a sapling::tree::Root,
Option<&'a orchard::tree::Root>,
&mut self,
iter: T,
) -> Result<(), HistoryTreeError> {
for (block, sapling_root, orchard_root) in iter {
self.push(block, sapling_root, orchard_root)?;
/// Prune tree, removing all non-peak entries.
fn prune(&mut self) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
// Go through all the peaks of the tree.
// This code is based on a librustzcash example:
// https://github.com/zcash/librustzcash/blob/02052526925fba9389f1428d6df254d4dec967e6/zcash_history/examples/long.rs
// The explanation of how it works is from zcashd:
// https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/0247c0c682d59184a717a6536edb0d18834be9a7/src/coins.cpp#L351
let mut peak_pos_set = HashSet::new();
// Assume the following example peak layout with 14 leaves, and 25 stored nodes in
// total (the "tree length"):
// P
// /\
// / \
// / \ \
// / \ \ Altitude
// _A_ \ \ 3
// _/ \_ B \ 2
// / \ / \ / \ C 1
// /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 0
// We start by determining the altitude of the highest peak (A).
let mut alt = (32 - ((self.size + 1) as u32).leading_zeros() - 1) - 1;
// We determine the position of the highest peak (A) by pretending it is the right
// sibling in a tree, and its left-most leaf has position 0. Then the left sibling
// of (A) has position -1, and so we can "jump" to the peak's position by computing
// -1 + 2^(alt + 1) - 1.
let mut peak_pos = (1 << (alt + 1)) - 2;
// Now that we have the position and altitude of the highest peak (A), we collect
// the remaining peaks (B, C). We navigate the peaks as if they were nodes in this
// Merkle tree (with additional imaginary nodes 1 and 2, that have positions beyond
// the MMR's length):
// / \
// / \
// / \
// / \
// A ==========> 1
// / \ // \
// _/ \_ B ==> 2
// /\ /\ /\ //
// / \ / \ / \ C
// /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
loop {
// If peak_pos is out of bounds of the tree, we compute the position of its left
// child, and drop down one level in the tree.
if peak_pos >= self.size {
// left child, -2^alt
peak_pos -= 1 << alt;
alt -= 1;
// If the peak exists, we take it and then continue with its right sibling.
if peak_pos < self.size {
// There is a peak at index `peak_pos`
// right sibling
peak_pos = peak_pos + (1 << (alt + 1)) - 1;
if alt == 0 {
// Remove all non-peak entries
self.peaks.retain(|k, _| peak_pos_set.contains(k));
// Rebuild tree
self.inner = InnerHistoryTree::new_from_cache(
/// Return the hash of the tree root.
pub fn hash(&self) -> ChainHistoryMmrRootHash {
impl Clone for HistoryTree {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let tree = InnerHistoryTree::new_from_cache(
.expect("rebuilding an existing tree should always work");
HistoryTree {
network: self.network,
network_upgrade: self.network_upgrade,
inner: tree,
size: self.size,
peaks: self.peaks.clone(),
current_height: self.current_height,