
302 lines
12 KiB

//! Note Commitment Trees.
//! A note commitment tree is an incremental Merkle tree of fixed depth
//! used to store note commitments that JoinSplit transfers or Spend
//! transfers produce. Just as the unspent transaction output set (UTXO
//! set) used in Bitcoin, it is used to express the existence of value and
//! the capability to spend it. However, unlike the UTXO set, it is not
//! the job of this tree to protect against double-spending, as it is
//! append-only.
//! A root of a note commitment tree is associated with each treestate.
use std::{collections::VecDeque, fmt};
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
use proptest_derive::Arbitrary;
use sha2::digest::generic_array::GenericArray;
use super::commitment::NoteCommitment;
const MERKLE_DEPTH: usize = 29;
/// MerkleCRH^Sprout Hash Function
/// Used to hash incremental Merkle tree hash values for Sprout.
/// MerkleCRH^Sprout(layer, left, right) := SHA256Compress(left || right)
/// `layer` is unused for Sprout but used for the Sapling equivalent.
/// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#merklecrh
fn merkle_crh_sprout(left: [u8; 32], right: [u8; 32]) -> [u8; 32] {
let mut other_block = [0u8; 64];
// H256: Sha256 initial state
// https://github.com/RustCrypto/hashes/blob/master/sha2/src/consts.rs#L170
let mut state = [
0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab,
sha2::compress256(&mut state, &[GenericArray::clone_from_slice(&other_block)]);
// Yes, sha256 does big endian here.
// https://github.com/RustCrypto/hashes/blob/master/sha2/src/sha256.rs#L40
let mut derived_bytes = [0u8; 32];
BigEndian::write_u32_into(&state, &mut derived_bytes);
lazy_static! {
/// Sprout note commitment trees have a max depth of 29.
/// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#constants
static ref EMPTY_ROOTS: Vec<[u8; 32]> = {
// Uncommitted^Sprout = = [0]^l_MerkleSprout
let mut v = vec![[0u8; 32]];
for d in 0..MERKLE_DEPTH {
v.push(merkle_crh_sprout(v[d], v[d]));
/// The index of a note's commitment at the leafmost layer of its Note
/// Commitment Tree.
/// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#merkletree
pub struct Position(pub(crate) u64);
/// Sprout note commitment tree root node hash.
/// The root hash in LEBS2OSP256(rt) encoding of the Sprout note
/// commitment tree corresponding to the final Sprout treestate of
/// this block. A root of a note commitment tree is associated with
/// each treestate.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"), derive(Arbitrary))]
pub struct Root([u8; 32]);
impl fmt::Debug for Root {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl From<[u8; 32]> for Root {
fn from(bytes: [u8; 32]) -> Root {
impl From<Root> for [u8; 32] {
fn from(rt: Root) -> [u8; 32] {
impl From<&[u8; 32]> for Root {
fn from(bytes: &[u8; 32]) -> Root {
impl From<&Root> for [u8; 32] {
fn from(root: &Root) -> Self {
/// Sprout Note Commitment Tree
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[cfg_attr(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"), derive(Arbitrary))]
pub struct NoteCommitmentTree {
/// The root node of the tree (often used as an anchor).
root: Root,
/// The height of the tree (maximum height for Sprout is 29).
height: u8,
/// The number of leaves (note commitments) in this tree.
count: u32,
impl From<Vec<NoteCommitment>> for NoteCommitmentTree {
fn from(values: Vec<NoteCommitment>) -> Self {
if values.is_empty() {
return NoteCommitmentTree {
root: Root::default(),
height: 0,
count: 0,
let count = values.len() as u32;
let mut height = 0u8;
let mut current_layer: VecDeque<[u8; 32]> =
values.into_iter().map(|cm| cm.into()).collect();
while usize::from(height) < MERKLE_DEPTH {
let mut next_layer_up = vec![];
while !current_layer.is_empty() {
let left = current_layer.pop_front().unwrap();
let right;
if current_layer.is_empty() {
right = EMPTY_ROOTS[height as usize];
} else {
right = current_layer.pop_front().unwrap();
let node = merkle_crh_sprout(left, right);
height += 1;
current_layer = next_layer_up.into();
assert!(current_layer.len() == 1);
NoteCommitmentTree {
root: Root(current_layer.pop_front().unwrap()),
impl NoteCommitmentTree {
/// Get the Jubjub-based Pedersen hash of root node of this merkle tree of
/// commitment notes.
pub fn root(&self) -> Root {
/// Add a note commitment to the tree.
pub fn append(&mut self, _cm: &NoteCommitment) {
// TODO: https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/issues/2485
todo!("implement sprout note commitment trees #2485");
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn empty_roots() {
// From https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/master/src/zcash/IncrementalMerkleTree.cpp#L439
let hex_empty_roots = [
for i in 0..EMPTY_ROOTS.len() {
assert_eq!(hex::encode(EMPTY_ROOTS[i]), hex_empty_roots[i]);
fn incremental_roots() {
// From https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/master/src/test/data/merkle_commitments.json
// Byte-reversed from those ones because the original test vectors are
// loaded using uint256S()
let commitments = [
// Calculated by the above implementation for MERKLE_DEPTH = 29 by the
// same code confirmed to produce the test vectors from
// https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/master/src/test/data/merkle_roots.json
// when MERKLE_DEPTH = 4.
let roots = [
let mut leaves = vec![];
for (i, cm) in commitments.iter().enumerate() {
let mut bytes = [0u8; 32];
let _ = hex::decode_to_slice(cm, &mut bytes);
let tree = NoteCommitmentTree::from(leaves.clone());
assert_eq!(hex::encode(<[u8; 32]>::from(tree.root())), roots[i]);