--- title: About us nav_order: 1 --- # Zcash Open Major Grants {: .fs-9 } ZOMG is a community-elected grants committee that funds Zcash-related projects in order to bring financial privacy to everyone in the world. {: .fs-6 .fw-300 } [How to apply]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link how-to-apply.md %}){: .btn .btn-primary .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .mr-2 } [What we fund]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link what-we-fund.md %}){: .btn .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 } --- ## About ZOMG ZOMG (Zcash Open Major Grants) exists to fund projects that advance the usability, security, privacy, and adoption of [Zcash](https://z.cash/), a privacy-focused cryptocurrency. Formerly known as the Major Grants Review Committee, ZOMG was created by community members of the Zcash cryptocurrency in [ZIP 1014](https://zips.z.cash/zip-1014), working within the Zcash governance process. ZOMG’s funds come from the decision in ZIP 1014 to allocate a portion of all newly created Zcash —over a four year period—to the ZOMG. Grants are chosen by a committee of [five members](https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/t/inaugural-post-in-mgrc-updates/37410) who were chosen by the [Zcash Community Advisory Panel](https://www.zfnd.org/governance/community-advisory-panel/) in an [open election](https://vote.heliosvoting.org/helios/elections/fd30d13c-e010-11ea-88f3-4a6a23563c24/view). Are you interested in receiving funding for a Zcash-related project? Learn more about [what we fund]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link what-we-fund.md %}) and [how to apply]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link how-to-apply.md %})!