# How to apply **Please take the time to review this entire page before submitting an application.** * If your grant is approved you will have to go through a Know Your Customer (KYC) process and sign legal documentation with the Zcash Foundation prior to receiving any funds. * Applications can be submitted anytime but will be reviewed on a every other week basis. The larger the requested sum the more likely the ZOMG will require more time to evaluate your proposal, as well as requiring more milestone payouts. * [Here is a wishlist of things we may fund](https://zcashomg.org/what-we-fund.html), though the list is not exclusive it should directly apply to Zcash. * You can read about our complete internal evaluation process HERE (link to "evaluation process" page needed) If you are not sure if you are ready to submit an official application for a grant please feel free to post your idea on the forums in the [Grants](https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/c/Grants/33) category to gather feedback. You can tag @ZOMG on the forums to ask questions. # What to expect: 1. First you will submit your application [here](https://grants.zfnd.org/create-request). This will require creating an account on the ZOMG grants platform * Be as complete as possible! This is the most important step! * We need to know what you are doing, why you are doing it, and your experience with this kind of project. 2. After submitting your application on the grants platform, your application will be put into the grants platform cue. 3. Once approved on the grants platform by a moderator you will receive a notification and should then post your application on the [Zcash Community Forum](https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/c/Grants/Applications/36) in the applicants category. * This step is to gather community feedback about your project, be sure to link to your application. * Be ready for some honest feedback, questions, and engagement with Zcash community members! 4. ZOMG will evaluate your application and review community feedback on a rolling basis and post a preliminary _Yes/No_ to continue with the application process in your thread. 5. If you receive a _No_ your application will be closed on the grants platform and an explanation will be posted on your forum thread. 6. If you receive a tentative _Yes_ then ZOMG may request improvements to your application and perform additional due diligence: * This step may include asking outside experts to weigh in on technical aspects your project. * You may need to provide additional information about your project, background, or experience. * You may be required to add milestones tied to incremental payouts to assure project follow through. 7. ZOMG will vote during their bi-weekly meetings for a final Approval or Rejection of your grant. * We strive to make this process as fast as possible while maintaining adequate due diligence. * Our bi-weekly cadence means your application could be approved or rejected in just a couple weeks time! 8. You will be notified on the forums and the grants platform that your grant has been Approved or Rejected If you are approved for a grant, Congratulations! You will be put in touch with the Zcash Foundation to gather your payment details and complete the required KYC documentation. One you are working on your project you will be required to post community updates and milestone achievements as defined in your application. Once the project is complete we will post a final evaluation on your forum thread. Once the project is complete you can apply for additional funding. # Ready to apply? The next step is to visit the Zcash Grants portal, create an account, and begin your application. [Apply now](https://grants.zfnd.org/create-request){: .btn .btn-primary .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .mr-2 }