2882 lines
104 KiB
2882 lines
104 KiB
// File Name : Microcode_MCL65.txt
// Used on : MCL65
// Author : Ted Fried, MicroCore Labs
// Creation : 1/25/2020
// Code Type : Microcode
// Description:
// ============
// Microcode for the MCL65
// Modification History:
// =====================
// Revision 1.0 1/25/2020
// Initial revision
// Copyright (c) 2020 Ted Fried
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Microcode and microsequencer notes:
// System status register
// assign system_status[15:7] = 'h0;
// assign system_status[6] = add_overflow8;
// assign system_status[5] = irq_gated;
// assign system_status[4] = so_asserted;
// assign system_status[3] = nmi_asserted;
// assign system_status[2] = 1'b0;
// assign system_status[1] = 1'b0;
// assign system_status[0] = add_carry8;
// // Flags register
// assign flag_n = register_flags[7];
// assign flag_v = register_flags[6];
// assign flag_b = register_flags[4];
// assign flag_d = register_flags[3];
// assign flag_i = register_flags[2];
// assign flag_z = register_flags[1];
// assign flag_c = register_flags[0];
// // System Outputs register
// assign so_debounce = system_output[4];
// assign nmi_debounce = system_output[3];
// assign dataout_enable = system_output[2];
// assign sync_int = system_output[1];
// assign rdwr_n_int = system_output[0];
// Microsequencer Registers
// ------------------------
// Destination Operand0 Operand1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 0 r0 0 r0 0 r0
// 1 r1 1 r1 1 r1
// 2 r2 2 r2 2 r2
// 3 r3 3 r3 3 r3
// 4 A 4 A 4 A
// 5 X 5 X 5 X
// 6 Y 6 Y 6 Y
// 7 PC 7 PC 7 PC_Byte_Swapped
// 8 SP 8 SP 8 SP
// 9 Flags 9 Flags 9 Flags
// A Address_out A Address_out A Address_out
// B Data_Out B Data_In[7:0] , Data_In[7:0] B Data_In[7:0] , Data_In[7:0]
// C C System_Status C System_Status
// D System_Output D System_Output D System_Output
// E E E
// F Dummy F 16'h0000 F Opcode_Immediate
// Microsequencer Opcodes
// -----------------------
// 0x0 - NOP
// 0x1 - JUMP
// ----------------
// Bits[31:28] : 0x1
// Bits[27:24] : CALL 1=Push next IP address to two-deep call stack
// Bits[22:20] : Jump Source:
// 0x0=Immediate[9:0]
// 0x1={2'b00 & code_byte} -- For initial Jump
// 0x2=Return to CALL stored IP address -- CALL Return
// 0x3=WAIT_CLK( +/-)edge -- Wait for rising/falling edge of CLK
// Bits[19:16] : Jump Condition:
// 0x0=Unconditional
// 0x1=Last_ALU_Result!=0
// 0x2=Last_ALU_Result==0
// 0x3=Wait for CLK=1
// 0x4=Wait for CLK=0 *and* READY to be active if not a write cycle
// Bits[12:0] : Immediate[9:0]
// 0x2 - ADD
// 0x3 - AND
// 0x4 - OR
// 0x5 - XOR
// 0x6 - Shift Right
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// Main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// Fetch the next program opcode byte
@100 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@101 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@102 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@103 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
// While waiting for CLK to go low, check for NMI, INT, or Overflow inputs active
@104 3FCF_0038 // Dummy <= System_Status AND 0x0038 -- Isolate the IRQ, SO, and NMI active
@105 1002_0113 // Jump zero to Fetch_Opcode
@106 3FCF_0010 // Dummy <= System_Status AND 0x0010 -- Test for SO
@107 1002_010C // Jump zero to next check
@108 499F_0040 // Set the V Flag
@109 4DDF_0010 // Assert so_debounce
@10A 3DDF_FFEF // De-assert so_debounce
@10B 1002_0113 // Jump to Fetch_Opcode
@10C 3FCF_0008 // Dummy <= System_Status AND 0x0008 -- Test for NMI
@10D 1002_0111 // Jump zero to next check
@10E 4DDF_0008 // Assert nmi_debounce
@10F 3DDF_FFF7 // De-assert nmi_debounce
@110 1000_05A2 // Jump to NMI_n Interrupt Processing
@111 3FCF_0020 // Dummy <= System_Status AND 0x0020 -- Test for IRQ
@112 1001_0573 // Jump nonzero to INTR_n Interrupt Processing
@113 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@114 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@115 1010_0000 // Jump to opcode vector table
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedures
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Calc_Flags
// Input: r2 = register to examine for Z and N flags
// -------------------------------------------------
@122 30CF_0040 // r0 <= system_signals AND 0040 -- Set Flag OVERFLOW_CARRY_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@123 399F_FFBF // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFBF
@124 4990_0000 // Flags <= Flags OR r0
@125 30CF_0001 // r0 <= system_signals AND 0001 -- Set Flag CARRY_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@126 399F_FFFE // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFFE
@127 4990_0000 // Flags <= Flags OR r0
@128 399F_FF7F // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFF7F -- Set Flag NEGATIVE_ZERO
@129 3F2F_0080 // Dummy <= r2 AND 0080
@12A 1002_012C // Jump Zero to set flag Z
@12B 499F_0080 // Flags <= Flags OR 0080
@12C 399F_FFFD // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFFD -- Set Flag ZERO
@12D 3F2F_00FF // Dummy <= r2 AND 00FF
@12E 1001_0130 // Jump NonZero to return
@12F 499F_0002 // Flags <= Flags OR 0002
@130 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Immediate
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte and store it in r2.
// 2) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@134 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@135 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@136 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@137 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@138 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@139 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@13A 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@13B 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@13C 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@13D 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Zero_Page
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte, ADL, and store it in ADDR_OUT.
// 2) Fetch next byte from address 0x00,ADL and store it in r2.
// 3) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@142 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@143 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@144 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@145 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@146 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@147 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@148 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@149 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@14A 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@14B 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@14C 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@14D 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@14E 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@14F 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Zero_Page_X Jump to 0x155
// - Fetch_Zero_Page_Y Jump to 0x153
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte, BAL, and store it in ADDR_OUT.
// 2) Fetch next byte from address 0x00,BAL but ignore it.
// 3) Add register X to the address 0x00,BAL and store returned data in r2.
// 4) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@153 436F_0000 // r3 <= Y OR 0x0000
@154 1000_0156 // Jump over next instruction
@155 435F_0000 // r3 <= X OR 0x0000
@156 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@157 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@158 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@159 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@15A 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@15B 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@15C 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@15D 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@15E 223A_0000 // r2 <= r3 + ADDRESS_OUT
@15F 3A2F_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 AND 0x00FF
@160 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@161 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@162 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@163 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@164 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@165 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@166 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Absolute
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte, ADL, and store it in lower byte r2.
// 2) Fetch the next byte, ADH, and store it in upper byte r3.
// 3) Fetch the addressed byte from the combination of r3 and r2.
// 4) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@16A 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@16B 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@16C 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@16D 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@16E 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@16F 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@170 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@171 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@172 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@173 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@174 33BF_FF00 // r3 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@175 4A23_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 OR r3
@176 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@177 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@178 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@179 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@17A 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@17B 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@17C 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Absolute_X
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte, ADL, and store it in lower byte r2.
// 2) Fetch the next byte, ADH, and store it in upper byte r3.
// 3) Add X to the addressed byte from the combination of r3 and r2 and fetch byte.
// 3a) If addition carried over into ADH, then increment ADH and fetch data again.
// 4) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@180 415F_0000 // r1 <= X OR 0x0000
@181 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@182 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@183 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@184 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@185 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@186 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@187 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@188 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@189 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@18A 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@18B 33BF_FF00 // r3 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@18C 4323_0000 // r3 <= r2 OR r3 -- r3 = ADH,ADL
@18D 2031_0000 // r0 <= r3 + r1 -- r0 = (ADH_ADL + X/Y) Possible Carry r1
@18E 3FCF_0001 // Dummy <= System_Status AND 0001 -- Isolate the carry bit
@18F 1002_019A // Jump Zero to No_Page_Wrap code
@190 310F_00FF // r1 <= r0 AND 0x00FF -- Yes_Page_Wrap
@191 323F_FF00 // r2 <= r3 AND 0xFF00
@192 4A12_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = r1 OR r2
@193 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@194 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@195 2AAF_0100 // ADDRESS_OUT = ADDRESS_OUT + 0x0100
@196 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@197 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@198 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@199 1000_019E // Jump over No_Page_Wrap code
@19A 4AF0_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = r0 -- No_Page_Wrap
@19B 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@19C 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@19D 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@19E 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@19F 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@1A0 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@1A1 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Absolute_Y
@1A4 416F_0000 // r1 <= Y OR 0x0000
@1A5 1000_0181 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Indexed_Indirect_X
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte, BAL, and store it in ADDR_OUT.
// 2) Fetch next byte from address 0x00,BAL but ignore it.
// 3) Fetch ADL from address BAL.
// 4) Fetch ADH from address BAL+1.
// 5) Fetch data from ADH,ADL.
// 6) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@1A7 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@1A8 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@1A9 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@1AA 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@1AB 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@1AC 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF -- BAL
@1AD 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@1AE 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@1AF 225A_0000 // r2 <= X + ADDRESS_OUT
@1B0 3A2F_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 AND 0x00FF -- BAL + X
@1B1 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@1B2 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@1B3 30BF_00FF // r0 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@1B4 22AF_0001 // r2 <= ADDRESS_OUT + 1
@1B5 3A2F_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 AND 0x00FF -- ADL Data
@1B6 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@1B7 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@1B8 31BF_FF00 // r1 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@1B9 4A01_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT <= r0 OR r1 -- ADH Data
@1BA 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@1BB 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@1BC 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@1BD 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@1BE 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@1BF 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@1C0 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Indirect_Indexed_Y
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte whish is the IAL
// 2) Fetch BAL at address IAL
// 3) Fetch BAH at address IAL+1
// 4) Fetch Data at BAH/BAH and add to Y
// 5) If page boundary crosses, re-fetch Data at BAH/BAL + Y + C
// 6) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@1C4 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@1C5 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@1C6 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@1C7 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@1C8 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@1C9 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF -- IAL
@1CA 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@1CB 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@1CC 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@1CD 23AF_0001 // r3 <= ADDRESS_OUT + 1
@1CE 3A3F_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= r3 AND 0x00FF -- IAL+1
@1CF 416F_0000 // r1 <= Y OR 0x0000
@1D0 1000_0189 // Jump to common code at Fetch_Absolute_X
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Request_Next_Opcode
// -------------------------------------------------
@1E0 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@1E1 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@1E2 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@1E3 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@1E4 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@1E5 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@1E6 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Write_Zero_Page
// Data_Out = Data to Write
// 1) Fetch the next byte, ADL, and store it in ADDR_OUT.
// 2) Write the data_out byte to address 0x00,ADL
// 3) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@600 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@601 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@602 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@603 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@604 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@605 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@606 4DFF_0000 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@607 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@608 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@609 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@60A 4DFF_0000 // Dataout_Enable=0, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@60B 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@60C 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@60D 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@60E 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Write_Zero_Page_X Jump to 0x615
// - Write_Zero_Page_Y Jump to 0x613
// Data_Out = Data to Write
// 1) Fetch the next byte, BAL, and store it in ADDR_OUT.
// 2) Fetch next byte from address 0x00,BAL but ignore it.
// 3) Write the data_out byte to (X/Y + 0x00,BAL)
// 4) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@613 436F_0000 // r3 <= Y OR 0x0000
@614 1000_0616 // Jump over next instruction
@615 435F_0000 // r3 <= X OR 0x0000
@616 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@617 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@618 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@619 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@61A 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@61B 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@61C 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@61D 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@61E 223A_0000 // r2 <= r3 + ADDRESS_OUT
@61F 3A2F_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 AND 0x00FF
@620 1000_0606 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Write_Absolute
// Data_Out = Data to Write
// 1) Fetch the next byte, ADL, and store it in lower byte r2.
// 2) Fetch the next byte, ADH, and store it in upper byte r3.
// 3) Write the data_out byte to the combination of r3 and r2.
// 4) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@625 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@626 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@627 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@628 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@629 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@62A 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@62B 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@62C 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@62D 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@62E 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@62F 33BF_FF00 // r3 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@630 4A23_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 OR r3
@631 1000_0606 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Write_Absolute_X
// Data_Out = Data to Write
// 1) Fetch the next byte, ADL, and store it in lower byte r2.
// 2) Fetch the next byte, ADH, and store it in upper byte r3.
// 3) Add X to the addressed byte from the combination of r3 and r2 and fetch byte but ignore it.
// 4) Write byte to this address
// 5) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@636 415F_0000 // r1 <= X OR 0x0000
@637 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@638 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@639 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@63A 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@63B 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@63C 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@63D 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@63E 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@63F 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@640 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@641 33BF_FF00 // r3 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@642 4323_0000 // r3 <= r2 OR r3 -- r3 = ADH,ADL
@643 2A31_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT <= r3 + r1 -- r0 = (ADH_ADL + X/Y)
@644 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@645 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@646 1000_0606 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Write_Absolute_Y
@647 416F_0000 // r1 <= Y OR 0x0000
@648 1000_0637 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Write_Indexed_Indirect_X
// Data_Out = Data to Write
// 1) Fetch the next byte, BAL, and store it in ADDR_OUT.
// 2) Fetch next byte from address 0x00,BAL but ignore it.
// 3) Fetch ADL from address BAL.
// 4) Fetch ADH from address BAL+1.
// 5) Write the data_out byte to ADH,ADL.
// 6) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@64D 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@64E 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@64F 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@650 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@651 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@652 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF -- BAL
@653 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@654 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@655 225A_0000 // r2 <= X + ADDRESS_OUT
@656 3A2F_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 AND 0x00FF -- BAL + X
@657 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@658 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@659 30BF_00FF // r0 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@65A 22AF_0001 // r2 <= ADDRESS_OUT + 1
@65B 3A2F_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 AND 0x00FF -- ADL Data
@65C 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@65D 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@65E 31BF_FF00 // r1 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@65F 4A01_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT <= r0 OR r1 -- ADH Data
@660 1000_0606 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Write_Indirect_Indexed_Y
// Data_Out = Data to Write
// 1) Fetch the next byte whish is the IAL
// 2) Fetch BAL at address IAL
// 3) Fetch BAH at address IAL+1
// 4) Fetch Data at BAH/BAH + Y
// 5) Write the data_out byte to ADH,ADL.
// 6) Begin the process of fetching the next instruction.
// -------------------------------------------------
@665 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@666 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@667 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@668 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@669 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@66A 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF -- IAL
@66B 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@66C 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@66D 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@66E 23AF_0001 // r3 <= ADDRESS_OUT + 1
@66F 3A3F_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= r3 AND 0x00FF -- IAL+1
@670 416F_0000 // r1 <= Y OR 0x0000
@671 1000_063F // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Zero_Page_NoInc_PC
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte, ADL, and store it in ADDR_OUT.
// 2) Fetch next byte from address 0x00,ADL and store it in r2.
// 3) Assert the Write line on the falling edge, but dont bother asserting data.
// -------------------------------------------------
@680 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@681 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@682 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@683 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@684 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@685 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@686 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@687 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@688 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@689 4DFF_0000 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@68A 1020_0000 // Return
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Zero_Page_X_NoInc_PC
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte, BAL, and store it in ADDR_OUT.
// 2) Fetch next byte from address 0x00,BAL but ignore it.
// 3) Add register X to the address 0x00,BAL and store returned data in r2.
// -------------------------------------------------
@690 435F_0000 // r3 <= X OR 0x0000
@691 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@692 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@693 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@694 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@695 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@696 3ABF_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@697 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@698 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@699 223A_0000 // r2 <= X + ADDRESS_OUT
@69A 3A2F_00FF // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 AND 0x00FF
@69B 1000_0686 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Absolute_NoInc_PC
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte, ADL, and store it in lower byte r2.
// 2) Fetch the next byte, ADH, and store it in upper byte r3.
// 3) Fetch the addressed byte from the combination of r3 and r2.
// -------------------------------------------------
@6A0 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@6A1 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@6A2 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@6A3 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@6A4 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@6A5 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@6A6 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@6A7 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@6A8 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@6A9 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@6AA 33BF_FF00 // r3 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@6AB 4A23_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT <= r2 OR r3
@6AC 1000_0686 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Procedure - Fetch_Absolute_X_NoInc_PC
// r2 = Fetched data
// 1) Fetch the next byte, ADL, and store it in lower byte r2.
// 2) Fetch the next byte, ADH, and store it in upper byte r3.
// 3) Add X to the addressed byte from the combination of r3 and r2 and fetch byte.
// 3a) If addition carried over into ADH, then increment ADH and fetch data again.
// -------------------------------------------------
@6B0 415F_0000 // r1 <= X OR 0x0000
@6B1 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@6B2 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@6B3 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@6B4 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@6B5 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@6B6 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@6B7 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@6B8 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@6B9 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@6BA 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@6BB 33BF_FF00 // r3 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@6BC 4323_0000 // r3 <= r2 OR r3 -- r3 = ADH,ADL
@6BD 2A31_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT <= r3 + r1 -- r0 = (ADH_ADL + X/Y)
@6BE 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@6BF 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@6C0 1000_0686 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// Common Code - Double_WriteBack
// r2 = New data for second write
// r3 = New data for second write
// -------------------------------------------------
@6D0 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@6D1 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@6D2 4DFF_0000 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@6D3 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@6D4 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@6D5 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@6D6 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@6D7 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@6D8 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@6D9 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 6502 Opcodes
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x18 - CLC - Clear Carry Flag
// -------------------------------------------------
@200 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@201 399F_FFFE // Clear the C Flag
@202 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x38 - SEC - Set Carry Flag
// -------------------------------------------------
@206 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@207 499F_0001 // Set the C Flag
@208 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xEA - NOP
// -------------------------------------------------
@20C 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@20D 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xAA - TAX - Transfer Accumulator to X
// -------------------------------------------------
@212 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@213 45F4_0000 // X <= 0000 OR A
@214 325F_00FF // r2 <= X AND 00FF
@215 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@216 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xA8 - TAY - Transfer Accumulator to Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@21A 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@21B 46F4_0000 // Y <= 0000 OR A
@21C 326F_00FF // r2 <= Y AND 00FF
@21D 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@21E 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x58 - CLI - Clear Interrupt Flag
// -------------------------------------------------
@221 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@222 399F_FFFB // Clear the I Flag
@223 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xD8 - CLD - Clear Decimal Mode
// -------------------------------------------------
@227 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@228 399F_FFF7 // Clear the D Flag
@229 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xB8 - CLV - Clear Overflow Flag
// -------------------------------------------------
@22D 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@22E 399F_FFBF // Clear the V Flag
@22F 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xF8 - SED - Set Decimal Mode
// -------------------------------------------------
@233 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@234 499F_0008 // Set the D Flag
@235 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x78 - SEI - Set Interrupt Flag
// -------------------------------------------------
@239 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@23A 499F_0004 // Set the I Flag
@23B 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xBA - TSX - Transfer Stack Pointer to X
// -------------------------------------------------
@23F 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@240 45F8_0000 // X <= 0000 OR SP
@241 325F_00FF // r2 <= X AND 00FF
@242 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@243 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x8A - TXA - Transfer X to Accumulator
// -------------------------------------------------
@246 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@247 44F5_0000 // A <= 0000 OR X
@248 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@249 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@24A 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x9A - TXS - Transfer X to Stack Pointer
// -------------------------------------------------
@24D 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@24E 48F5_0000 // SP <= 0000 OR X
@24F 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x98 - TYA - Transfer Y to Accumulator
// -------------------------------------------------
@253 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@254 44F6_0000 // A <= 0000 OR Y
@255 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@256 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@257 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x0A - ASL A - Arithmetic Shift Left - Accumulator
// -------------------------------------------------
@25A 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@25B 2444_0000 // A <= A + A
@25C 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@25D 1100_0125 // Call Calc_Flags CARRY_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@25E 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x2A - ROL A - Rotate Left - Accumulator
// -------------------------------------------------
@262 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@263 309F_0001 // r0 <= Flags AND 0001 - Isolate current Carry bit
@264 2444_0000 // A <= A + A
@265 4440_0000 // A <= A OR r0
@266 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@267 1100_0125 // Call Calc_Flags CARRY_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@268 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x4A - LSR A - Logical Shift Right - Accumulator
// -------------------------------------------------
@26C 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@26D 304F_0001 // r0 <= A AND 0001 - Isolate bit 0 of the accumulator
@26E 6444_0000 // SHR A
@26F 399F_FFFE // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFFE
@270 4990_0000 // Flags <= Flags OR r0
@271 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@272 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@273 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x6A - ROR A - Rotate Right - Accumulator
// -------------------------------------------------
@276 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@277 319F_0001 // r1 <= Flags AND 0001 - Isolate current Carry Flag bit
@278 304F_0001 // r0 <= A AND 0001 - Isolate bit 0 of the accumulator
@279 6444_0000 // SHR A
@27A 399F_FFFE // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFFE
@27B 4990_0000 // Flags <= Flags OR r0
@27C 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@27D 4F1F_0000 // Dummy <= r1 OR 0000
@27E 1002_0280 // Jump Zero over next instruction
@27F 444F_0080 // A <= A OR 0080
@280 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@281 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@282 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xE8 - INX - Increment X
// -------------------------------------------------
@286 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@287 255F_0001 // X <= X + 1
@288 325F_00FF // r2 <= X AND 00FF
@289 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@28A 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xC8 - INY - Increment Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@28E 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@28F 266F_0001 // Y <= Y + 1
@290 326F_00FF // r2 <= Y AND 00FF
@291 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@292 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xCA - DEX - Decrement X
// -------------------------------------------------
@296 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@297 255F_FFFF // X <= X + FFFF
@298 325F_00FF // r2 <= X AND 00FF
@299 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@29A 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x88 - DEY - Decrement Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@29E 1100_01E0 // Call Request_Next_Opcode
@29F 266F_FFFF // Y <= Y + FFFF
@2A0 326F_00FF // r2 <= Y AND 00FF
@2A1 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@2A2 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x29 - AND - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@2A7 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@2A8 3442_0000 // A <= A AND r2
@2A9 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@2AA 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@2AB 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x25 - AND - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@2AE 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@2AF 1000_02A8 // Jump to AND code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x35 - AND - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2B0 1100_0155 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X
@2B1 1000_02A8 // Jump to AND code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x2D - AND - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@2B2 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@2B3 1000_02A8 // Jump to AND code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x3D - AND - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2B4 1100_0180 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X
@2B5 1000_02A8 // Jump to AND code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x39 - AND - Absolute , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@2B6 1100_01A4 // Call Fetch_Absolute_Y
@2B7 1000_02A8 // Jump to AND code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x21 - AND - Indexed Indirect X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2B8 1100_01A7 // Call Indexed_Indirect_X
@2B9 1000_02A8 // Jump to AND code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x31 - AND - Indirect Indexed Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@2BA 1100_01C4 // Call Indirect_Indexed_Y
@2BB 1000_02A8 // Jump to AND code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x09 - OR - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@2C0 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@2C1 4442_0000 // A <= A OR r2
@2C3 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@2C4 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@2C5 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x05 - OR - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@2C6 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@2C7 1000_02C1 // Jump to OR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x15 - OR - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2C8 1100_0155 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X
@2C9 1000_02C1 // Jump to OR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x0D - OR - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@2CA 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@2CB 1000_02C1 // Jump to OR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x1D - OR - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2CC 1100_0180 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X
@2CD 1000_02C1 // Jump to OR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x19 - OR - Absolute , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@2CE 1100_01A4 // Call Fetch_Absolute_Y
@2CF 1000_02C1 // Jump to OR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x01 - OR - Indexed Indirect X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2D0 1100_01A7 // Call Indexed_Indirect_X
@2D1 1000_02C1 // Jump to OR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x11 - OR - Indirect Indexed Y
// ------------------------------------------------
@2D2 1100_01C4 // Call Indirect_Indexed_Y
@2D3 1000_02C1 // Jump to OR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x49 - EOR - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@2D8 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@2D9 5442_0000 // A <= A XOR r2
@2DA 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@2DB 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@2DC 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x45 - EOR - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@2DD 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@2DE 1000_02D9 // Jump to EOR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x55 - EOR - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2DF 1100_0155 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X
@2E0 1000_02D9 // Jump to EOR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x4D - EOR - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@2E1 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@2E2 1000_02D9 // Jump to EOR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x5D - EOR - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2E3 1100_0180 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X
@2E4 1000_02D9 // Jump to EOR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x59 - EOR - Absolute , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@2E5 1100_01A4 // Call Fetch_Absolute_Y
@2E6 1000_02D9 // Jump to EOR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x41 - EOR - Indexed Indirect X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2E7 1100_01A7 // Call Indexed_Indirect_X
@2E8 1000_02D9 // Jump to EOR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x51 - EOR - Indirect Indexed Y
// ------------------------------------------------
@2E9 1100_01C4 // Call Indirect_Indexed_Y
@2EA 1000_02D9 // Jump to EOR code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xA9 - LDA - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@2F0 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@2F1 44F2_0000 // A <= 0x0000 OR r2
@2F2 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@2F3 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@2F4 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xA5 - LDA - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@2F5 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@2F6 1000_02F1 // Jump to LDA code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xB5 - LDA - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2F7 1100_0155 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X
@2F8 1000_02F1 // Jump to LDA code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xAD - LDA - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@2F9 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@2FA 1000_02F1 // Jump to LDA code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xBD - LDA - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2FB 1100_0180 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X
@2FC 1000_02F1 // Jump to LDA code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xB9 - LDA - Absolute , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@2FD 1100_01A4 // Call Fetch_Absolute_Y
@2FE 1000_02F1 // Jump to LDA code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xA1 - LDA - Indexed Indirect X
// -------------------------------------------------
@2FF 1100_01A7 // Call Indexed_Indirect_X
@300 1000_02F1 // Jump to LDA code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xB1 - LDA - Indirect Indexed Y
// ------------------------------------------------
@301 1100_01C4 // Call Indirect_Indexed_Y
@302 1000_02F1 // Jump to LDA code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xA2 - LDX - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@307 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@308 45F2_0000 // X <= 0x0000 OR r2
@309 325F_00FF // r2 <= X AND 00FF
@30A 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@30B 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xA6 - LDX - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@30C 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@30D 1000_0308 // Jump to LDX code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xB6 - LDX - ZeroPage , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@30E 1100_0153 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_Y
@30F 1000_0308 // Jump to LDX code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xAE - LDX - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@310 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@311 1000_0308 // Jump to LDX code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xBE - LDX - Absolute , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@312 1100_01A4 // Call Fetch_Absolute_Y
@313 1000_0308 // Jump to LDX code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xA0 - LDY - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@318 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@319 46F2_0000 // Y <= 0x0000 OR r2
@31A 326F_00FF // r2 <= Y AND 00FF
@31B 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@31C 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xA4 - LDY - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@31D 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@31E 1000_0319 // Jump to LDY code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xB4 - LDY - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@31F 1100_0155 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X
@320 1000_0319 // Jump to LDY code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xAC - LDY - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@321 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@322 1000_0319 // Jump to LDY code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xBC - LDY - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@323 1100_0180 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X
@324 1000_0319 // Jump to LDY code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x24 - BIT - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@327 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@328 399F_FF3F // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFF3F
@329 312F_00C0 // r1 <= r2 AND 0x00C0
@32A 4991_0000 // Flags <= Flags OR r1
@32B 3242_0000 // r2 <= A AND r2
@32C 1100_012C // Call Calc_Flags ZERO
@32D 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x2C - BIT - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@32E 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@32F 1000_0328 // Jump to BIT code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xC9 - CMP - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@336 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@337 522F_FFFF // r2 <= r2 XOR 0xFFFF -- 2's compliment r2
@338 222F_0001 // r2 <= r2 + 1
@339 2242_0000 // r2 <= A + r2
@33A 1100_0760 // Call Flags_SUB_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@33B 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xC5 - CMP - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@33C 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@33D 1000_0337 // Jump to CMP code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xD5 - CMP - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@33E 1100_0155 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X
@33F 1000_0337 // Jump to CMP code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xCD - CMP - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@340 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@341 1000_0337 // Jump to CMP code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xDD - CMP - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@342 1100_0180 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X
@343 1000_0337 // Jump to CMP code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xD9 - CMP - Absolute , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@344 1100_01A4 // Call Fetch_Absolute_Y
@345 1000_0337 // Jump to CMP code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xC1 - CMP - Indexed Indirect X
// -------------------------------------------------
@346 1100_01A7 // Call Indexed_Indirect_X
@347 1000_0337 // Jump to CMP code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xD1 - CMP - Indirect Indexed Y
// ------------------------------------------------
@348 1100_01C4 // Call Indirect_Indexed_Y
@349 1000_0337 // Jump to CMP code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xE0 - CPX - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@34E 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@34F 522F_FFFF // r2 <= r2 XOR 0xFFFF -- 2's compliment r2
@350 222F_0001 // r2 <= r2 + 1
@351 2252_0000 // r2 <= X + r2
@352 1100_0760 // Call Flags_SUB_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@353 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xE4 - CPX - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@354 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@355 1000_034F // Jump to CPX code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xEC - CPX - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@356 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@357 1000_034F // Jump to CPX code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xC0 - CPY - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@35C 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@35D 522F_FFFF // r2 <= r2 XOR 0xFFFF -- 2's compliment r2
@35E 222F_0001 // r2 <= r2 + 1
@35F 2262_0000 // r2 <= Y + r2
@360 1100_0760 // Call Flags_SUB_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@361 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xC4 - CPY - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@362 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@363 1000_035D // Jump to CPY code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xCC - CPY - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@364 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@365 1000_035D // Jump to CPY code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x85 - STA - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@36A 4B4F_0000 // Data_out <= A OR 0x0000
@36B 1100_0600 // Call Write_Zero_Page
@36C 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x95 - STA - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@36D 4B4F_0000 // Data_out <= A OR 0x0000
@36E 1100_0615 // Call Write_Zero_Page_X
@36F 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x8D - STA - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@370 4B4F_0000 // Data_out <= A OR 0x0000
@371 1100_0625 // Call Write_Absolute
@372 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x9D - STA - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@373 4B4F_0000 // Data_out <= A OR 0x0000
@374 1100_0636 // Call Write_Absolute_X
@375 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x99 - STA - Absolute , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@376 4B4F_0000 // Data_out <= A OR 0x0000
@377 1100_0647 // Call Write_Absolute_Y
@378 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x81 - STA - Indexed Indirect X
// -------------------------------------------------
@379 4B4F_0000 // Data_out <= A OR 0x0000
@37A 1100_064D // Call Write_Indexed_Indirect_X
@37B 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x91 - STA - Indirect Indexed Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@37C 4B4F_0000 // Data_out <= A OR 0x0000
@37D 1100_0665 // Call Write_Indirect_Indexed_Y
@37E 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x86 - STX - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@383 4B5F_0000 // Data_out <= X OR 0x0000
@384 1100_0600 // Call Write_Zero_Page
@385 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x96 - STX - ZeroPage , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@386 4B5F_0000 // Data_out <= X OR 0x0000
@387 1100_0613 // Call Write_Zero_Page_Y
@388 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x8E - STX - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@389 4B5F_0000 // Data_out <= X OR 0x0000
@38A 1100_0625 // Call Write_Absolute
@38B 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x84 - STY - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@390 4B6F_0000 // Data_out <= Y OR 0x0000
@391 1100_0600 // Call Write_Zero_Page
@392 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x94 - STY - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@393 4B6F_0000 // Data_out <= Y OR 0x0000
@394 1100_0615 // Call Write_Zero_Page_X
@395 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x8C - STY - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@396 4B6F_0000 // Data_out <= Y OR 0x0000
@397 1100_0625 // Call Write_Absolute
@398 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x06 - ASL - Arithmetic Shift Left - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@3A0 1100_0680 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_NoInc_PC
@3A1 2022_0000 // r0 <= r2 + r2
@3A2 4B0F_0000 // Data_out <= r0 OR 0x0000
@3A3 320F_00FF // r2 <= r0 AND 00FF
@3A4 1100_0125 // Call Calc_Flags CARRY_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@3A5 1000_06D0 // Jump to Double_WriteBack
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x16 - ASL - Arithmetic Shift Left - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3A6 1100_0690 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X_NoInc_PC
@3A7 1000_03A1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x0E - ASL - Arithmetic Shift Left - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@3A8 1100_06A0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_NoInc_PC
@3A9 1000_03A1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x1E - ASL - Arithmetic Shift Left - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3AA 1100_06B0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X_NoInc_PC
@3AB 1000_03A1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xE6 - INC - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@3B0 1100_0680 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_NoInc_PC
@3B1 202F_0001 // r0 <= r2 + 1
@3B2 4B0F_0000 // Data_out <= r0 OR 0x0000
@3B3 320F_00FF // r2 <= r0 AND 00FF
@3B4 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@3B5 1000_06D0 // Jump to Double_WriteBack
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xF6 - INC - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3B6 1100_0690 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X_NoInc_PC
@3B7 1000_03B1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xEE - INC - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@3B8 1100_06A0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_NoInc_PC
@3B9 1000_03B1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xFE - INC - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3BA 1100_06B0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X_NoInc_PC
@3BB 1000_03B1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xC6 - DEC - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@3C0 1100_0680 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_NoInc_PC
@3C1 202F_FFFF // r0 <= r2 - 1
@3C2 4B0F_0000 // Data_out <= r0 OR 0x0000
@3C3 320F_00FF // r2 <= r0 AND 00FF
@3C4 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@3C5 1000_06D0 // Jump to Double_WriteBack
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xD6 - DEC - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3C6 1100_0690 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X_NoInc_PC
@3C7 1000_03C1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xCE - DEC - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@3C8 1100_06A0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_NoInc_PC
@3C9 1000_03C1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xDE - DEC - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3CA 1100_06B0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X_NoInc_PC
@3CB 1000_03C1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x46 - LSR - Logical Shift Right - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@3D0 1100_0680 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_NoInc_PC
@3D1 302F_0001 // r0 <= r2 AND 0001 - Isolate bit 0 of the fetched data
@3D2 6222_0000 // r2 <= SHR r2
@3D3 4B2F_0000 // Data_Out <= r2 OR 0x0000
@3D4 399F_FFFE // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFFE
@3D5 4990_0000 // Flags <= Flags OR r0
@3D6 322F_00FF // r2 <= r2 AND 00FF
@3D7 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@3D8 1000_06D0 // Jump to Double_WriteBack
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x56 - LSR - Logical Shift Right - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3D9 1100_0690 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X_NoInc_PC
@3DA 1000_03D1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x4E - LSR - Logical Shift Right - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@3DB 1100_06A0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_NoInc_PC
@3DC 1000_03D1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x5E - LSR - Logical Shift Right - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3DD 1100_06B0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X_NoInc_PC
@3DE 1000_03D1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x26 - ROL - Rotate Left - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@3E0 1100_0680 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_NoInc_PC
@3E1 309F_0001 // r0 <= Flags AND 0001 - Isolate current Carry bit
@3E2 2222_0000 // r2 <= r2 + r2
@3E3 4B20_0000 // Data_Out <= r2 OR r0
@3E4 4220_00FF // r2 <= r2 or r0
@3E5 1100_0125 // Call Calc_Flags CARRY_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@3E6 1000_06D0 // Jump to Double_WriteBack
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x36 - ROL - Rotate Left - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3E7 1100_0690 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X_NoInc_PC
@3E8 1000_03E1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x2E - ROL - Rotate Left - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@3E9 1100_06A0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_NoInc_PC
@3EA 1000_03E1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x3E - ROL - Rotate Left - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3EB 1100_06B0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X_NoInc_PC
@3EC 1000_03E1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x66 - ROR - Rotate Right - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@3F0 1100_0680 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_NoInc_PC
@3F1 319F_0001 // r1 <= Flags AND 0001 - Isolate current Carry Flag bit
@3F2 302F_0001 // r0 <= r2 AND 0001 - Isolate bit 0 of the data
@3F3 6322_0000 // r3 <= SHR r2
@3F4 399F_FFFE // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFFE
@3F5 4990_0000 // Flags <= Flags OR r0
@3F6 324F_00FF // r2 <= r3 AND 00FF
@3F7 4F1F_0000 // Dummy <= r1 OR 0000
@3F8 1002_03FA // Jump Zero over next instruction
@3F9 433F_0080 // r3 <= r3 OR 0080
@3FA 4B3F_0000 // Data_Out <= r3 OR 0x0000
@3FB 323F_00FF // r2 <= r3 AND 00FF
@3FC 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@3FD 1000_06D0 // Jump to Double_WriteBack
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x76 - ROR - Rotate Right - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@3FE 1100_0690 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X_NoInc_PC
@3FF 1000_03F1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x6E - ROR - Rotate Right - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@400 1100_06A0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_NoInc_PC
@401 1000_03F1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x7E - ROR - Rotate Right - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@402 1100_06B0 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X_NoInc_PC
@403 1000_03F1 // Jump to common code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x08 - PHP - Push processor status to the stack Jump to 0x412
// 0x48 - PHA - Push Accumulator to the stack Jump to 0x410
// -------------------------------------------------
@410 4B4F_0000 // Data_Out <= A OR 0x0000
@411 1000_0413 // Jump over next instruction
@412 4B9F_0000 // Data_Out <= Flags OR 0x0000
@413 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@414 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@415 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@416 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@417 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@418 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@419 4DFF_0000 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@41A 288F_FFFF // SP <= SP - 1
@41B 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@41C 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@41D 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@41E 4DFF_0007 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@41F 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x28 - PLP - Pop processor status from the stack
// -------------------------------------------------
@430 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@431 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@432 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@433 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@434 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@435 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@436 288F_0001 // SP <= SP + 1
@437 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@438 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@439 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@43A 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@43B 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@43C 39BF_00FF // Flags <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@43D 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@43E 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@43F 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x68 - PLA - Pop Accumulator from the stack
// -------------------------------------------------
@448 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@449 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@44A 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@44B 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@44C 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@44D 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@44E 288F_0001 // SP <= SP + 1
@44F 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@450 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@451 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@452 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@453 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@454 34BF_00FF // A <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@455 324F_00FF // r2 <= A AND 00FF
@456 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@457 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@458 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@459 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x20 - JSR - Jump to Subroutine
// -------------------------------------------------
@470 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@471 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@472 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@473 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@474 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@475 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF -- Fetch ADL
@476 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@477 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@478 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@479 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@47A 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@47B 3FBF_00FF // Dummy <= data_in AND 0x00FF -- discard data
@47C 4DFF_0000 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@47D 4BF7_0000 // Data_Out <= 0x0000 OR PC_Byte_Swapped
@47E 288F_FFFF // SP <= SP - 1
@47F 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@480 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@481 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@482 4DFF_0000 // Dataout_Enable=0, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1 -- Push PCH
@483 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@484 4B7F_0000 // Data_Out <= 0x0000 OR PC
@485 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@486 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@487 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@488 4DFF_0000 // Dataout_Enable=0, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1 -- Push PCL
@489 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@48A 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@48B 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@48C 288F_FFFF // SP <= SP - 1
@48D 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@48E 31BF_FF00 // r1 <= data_in AND 0xFF00 -- Fetch ADH
@48F 4712_0000 // PC = r1 OR r2
@490 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@491 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@492 1000_0102 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x40 - RTI - Return from Interrupt
// -------------------------------------------------
@4A0 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@4A1 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@4A2 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@4A3 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Discard data
@4A4 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4A5 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@4A6 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Discard stack data
@4A7 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4A8 288F_0001 // SP <= SP + 1
@4A9 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@4AA 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Pull P from stack
@4AB 288F_0001 // SP <= SP + 1
@4AC 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4AD 39BF_00FF // Flags <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@4AE 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@4AF 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Pull PCL from stack
@4B0 288F_0001 // SP <= SP + 1
@4B1 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4B2 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@4B3 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@4B4 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Pull PCH from stack
@4B5 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4B6 31BF_FF00 // r1 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@4B7 4712_0000 // PC = r1 OR r2
@4B8 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@4B9 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@4BA 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x4C - JMP - Jump Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@4C0 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@4C1 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@4C2 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@4C3 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@4C4 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4C5 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@4C6 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@4C7 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@4C8 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@4C9 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4CA 33BF_FF00 // r3 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@4CB 4723_0000 // PC = r2 OR r3
@4CC 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@4CD 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@4CE 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x6C - JMP - Jump Indirect
// -------------------------------------------------
@4E0 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@4E1 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@4E2 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@4E3 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Fetch IAL
@4E4 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@4E5 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4E6 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@4E7 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@4E8 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Fetch IAH
@4E9 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4EA 33BF_FF00 // r3 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@4EB 4A23_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = r2 OR r3
@4EC 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Fetch ADL
@4ED 30AF_00FF // r0 <= ADDRESS_OUT AND 0x00FF
@4EE 200F_0001 // r0 <= r0 + 1
@4EF 300F_00FF // r0 <= r0 AND 0x00FF
@4F0 32AF_FF00 // r2 <= ADDRESS_OUT AND 0xFF00
@4F1 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4F2 31BF_00FF // r1 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@4F3 4A02_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = r0 OR r2
@4F4 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Fetch ADH - 6502 page wrapping bug
@4F5 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@4F6 30BF_FF00 // r0 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@4F7 4701_0000 // PC = r0 OR r1
@4F8 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@4F9 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@4FA 1000_0102 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x60 - RTS - Return from Subroutine
// -------------------------------------------------
@500 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@501 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@502 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@503 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Discard data
@504 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@505 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@507 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Discard stack data
@508 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@509 288F_0001 // SP <= SP + 1
@50A 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@50B 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Pull PCL from stack
@50C 288F_0001 // SP <= SP + 1
@50D 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@50E 32BF_00FF // r2 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@50F 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@510 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Pull PCH from stack
@511 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@512 31BF_FF00 // r1 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@513 4712_0000 // PC = r1 OR r2
@514 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@515 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@516 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Discard PCH,PCL
@517 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@518 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@519 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@51A 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@51B 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xB0 - BCS - Branch on Carry Set
// -------------------------------------------------
@520 3F9F_0001 // Dummy <= Flags AND 0x0001 - Isolate the Carry Flag bit
@521 1001_0550 // Jump if non-zero to Branch_Taken
@522 1000_0540 // Jump unconditional to Branch_Not_Taken
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xF0 - BEQ - Branch on Zero Set
// -------------------------------------------------
@523 3F9F_0002 // Dummy <= Flags AND 0x0002 - Isolate the Zero Flag bit
@524 1001_0550 // Jump if non-zero to Branch_Taken
@525 1000_0540 // Jump unconditional to Branch_Not_Taken
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x30 - BMI - Branch on Minus (N Flag Set)
// -------------------------------------------------
@526 3F9F_0080 // Dummy <= Flags AND 0x0080 - Isolate the N Flag bit
@527 1001_0550 // Jump if non-zero to Branch_Taken
@528 1000_0540 // Jump unconditional to Branch_Not_Taken
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xD0 - BNE - Branch on Zero Clear
// -------------------------------------------------
@529 3F9F_0002 // Dummy <= Flags AND 0x0002 - Isolate the Zero Flag bit
@52A 1002_0548 // Jump if zero to Branch_Taken
@52B 1000_0540 // Jump unconditional to Branch_Not_Taken
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x10 - BPL - Branch on Plus (N Flag Clear)
// -------------------------------------------------
@52C 3F9F_0080 // Dummy <= Flags AND 0x0080 - Isolate the N Flag bit
@52D 1002_0548 // Jump if zero to Branch_Taken
@52E 1000_0540 // Jump unconditional to Branch_Not_Taken
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x50 - BVC - Branch on Overflow Clear
// -------------------------------------------------
@52F 3F9F_0040 // Dummy <= Flags AND 0x0040 - Isolate the V Flag bit
@530 1002_0548 // Jump if zero to Branch_Taken
@531 1000_0540 // Jump unconditional to Branch_Not_Taken
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x70 - BVS - Branch on Overflow Set
// -------------------------------------------------
@532 3F9F_0040 // Dummy <= Flags AND 0x0040 - Isolate the V Flag bit
@533 1001_0550 // Jump if non-zero to Branch_Taken
@534 1000_0540 // Jump unconditional to Branch_Not_Taken
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x90 - BCC - Branch on Carry Clear
// -------------------------------------------------
@535 3F9F_0001 // Dummy <= Flags AND 0x0001 - Isolate the Carry Flag bit
@536 1002_0548 // Jump if zero to Branch_Taken
@537 1000_0540 // Jump unconditional to Branch_Not_Taken
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// Branch_Not_Taken
// -------------------------------------------------
@540 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@541 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@542 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Fetch next opcode
@543 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@544 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@545 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@546 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@547 1000_0103 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// Branch_Taken - Relative Addressing
// -------------------------------------------------
@550 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@551 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@552 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@553 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Fetch the offset
@554 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@555 30BF_00FF // r0 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@556 277F_0001 // PC = PC + 1
@557 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC
@558 3F0F_0080 // Dummy <= r0 AND 0x0080 - Isolate the sign bit
@559 1002_055B // Jump if zero over next instruction
@55A 400F_FF00 // r0 <= r0 OR 0xFF00 - Sign extend r0
@55B 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Discard next data
@55C 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@55D 2070_0000 // r0 = PC + r0
@55E 320F_FF00 // r2 <= r0 AND 0xFF00 -- Isolate new ADH
@55F 33AF_FF00 // r3 <= ADDRESS_OUT AND 0xFF00 -- Isolate old ADH
@560 5F23_0000 // Dummy <= r2 XOR r3 -- Test of they are different
@561 1001_0565 // Jump non-zero to Page_Crossed
@562 4A0F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = r0 OR 0x0000
@564 1000_056B // Jump to code below
@565 310F_00FF // r1 <= r0 AND 0x00FF -- Page_Crossed
@566 327F_FF00 // r2 <= PC AND 0xFF00
@567 4A12_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = r1 OR r2
@568 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@569 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@56A 4A0F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = r0 OR 0x0000
@56B 47AF_0000 // PC = ADDRESS_OUT
@56C 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@56D 1000_0103 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// BRK & INTR_n Interrupt Processing
// -------------------------------------------------
@570 409F_0010 // r0 <= Flags OR 0x0010 - BRK: Set the B Flag
@571 277F_0002 // PC = PC + 2
@572 1000_0575 // Jump to main interrupt code
@573 309F_FFEF // r0 <= Flags AND 0xFFEF - IRQ: Clear the B Flag
//@574 277F_0002 // PC = PC + 1
@575 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Push PCH
@576 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@577 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@578 4DFF_0000 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@579 4BF7_0000 // Data_Out <= 0x0000 OR PC_Byte_Swapped
@57A 288F_FFFF // SP <= SP - 1
@57B 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@57C 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@57D 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low -- Push PCL
@57E 4DFF_0000 // Dataout_Enable=0, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@57F 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@580 4B7F_0000 // Data_Out <= 0x0000 OR PC
@581 288F_FFFF // SP <= SP - 1
@582 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@583 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@584 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low -- Push P
@585 4DFF_0000 // Dataout_Enable=0, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@586 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@587 4BF0_0000 // Data_Out <= 0x0000 OR r0
@588 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@589 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@58A 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@58B 4DFF_0001 // Dataout_Enable=0, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@58C 4AFF_FFFE // ADDRESS_OUT = 0xFFFE -- Fetch Vector PCL
@58D 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@58E 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@58F 33BF_00FF // r3 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@590 4AFF_FFFF // ADDRESS_OUT = 0xFFFF -- Fetch Vector PCH
@591 499F_0004 // Set the I Flag
@592 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@593 288F_FFFF // SP <= SP - 1
@594 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@595 32BF_FF00 // r2 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@596 4723_0000 // PC = r2 OR r3
@597 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC -- Fetch first opcode at PCH,PCL
@598 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@599 1000_0103 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// NMI_n Interrupt Processing
// -------------------------------------------------
@5A2 309F_FFEF // r0 <= Flags AND FFEF -- Clear the B Flag
@5A3 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high -- Push PCH
@5A4 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@5A5 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@5A6 4DFF_0000 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@5A7 4BF7_0000 // Data_Out <= 0x0000 OR PC_Byte_Swapped
@5A8 288F_FFFF // SP <= SP - 1
@5A9 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@5AA 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@5AB 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low -- Push PCL
@5AC 4DFF_0000 // Dataout_Enable=0, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@5AD 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@5AE 4B7F_0000 // Data_Out <= 0x0000 OR PC
@5AF 288F_FFFF // SP <= SP - 1
@5B0 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@5B1 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@5B2 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low -- Push P
@5B3 4DFF_0000 // Dataout_Enable=0, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@5B4 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP OR 0x0000
@5B5 4BF0_0000 // Data_Out <= 0x0000 OR r0
@5B6 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@5B7 4DFF_0004 // Dataout_Enable=1, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=0
@5B8 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@5B9 4DFF_0001 // Dataout_Enable=0, SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@5BA 4AFF_FFFA // ADDRESS_OUT = 0xFFFA -- Fetch Vector PCL
@5BB 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@5BC 499F_0004 // Set the I Flag
@5BE 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@5BF 33BF_00FF // r3 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@5C0 4AFF_FFFB // ADDRESS_OUT = 0xFFFB -- Fetch Vector PCH
@5C1 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@5C2 288F_FFFF // SP <= SP - 1
@5C3 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@5C4 32BF_FF00 // r2 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@5C5 4723_0000 // PC = r2 OR r3
@5C6 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC -- Fetch first opcode at PCH,PCL
@5C7 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@5C8 1000_0103 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x69 - ADC - Immediate - Binary
// -------------------------------------------------
@700 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@701 3F9F_0008 // Dummy <= System_Status AND 0008 -- Isolate the Decimal Flag bit
@702 1001_0770 // Jump NonZero to ADC_Decimal code
@703 2024_0000 // r0 <= r2 + A
@704 31CF_0041 // r1 <= System_Status AND 0x0041 -- Store the overflow,carry flags
@705 329F_0001 // r2 <= Flags AND 0001 -- Isolate the Carry Flag bit
@706 2202_0000 // r2 <= r0 + r2
@707 33C0_0041 // r3 <= System_Status AND 0x0041 -- Store the overflow,carry flags
@708 4313_0000 // r3 <= r1 OR r3 -- Combine old and new overflow,carry flags
@709 399F_00BE // Flags <= Flags AND 0x00BE -- Clear the current overflow,carry flags
@70A 4993_0000 // Flags <= Flags OR r3 -- Store old and new overflow,carry flags
@70B 442F_0000 // A <= r2 OR 0c0000 -- Store addition results back to Accumulator
@70C 1100_0128 // Call Calc_Flags NEGATIVE_ZERO
@70D 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x65 - ADC - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@710 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@711 1000_0701 // Jump to ADC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x75 - ADC - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@712 1100_0155 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X
@713 1000_0701 // Jump to ADC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x6D - ADC - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@714 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@715 1000_0701 // Jump to ADC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x7D - ADC - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@716 1100_0180 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X
@717 1000_0701 // Jump to ADC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x79 - ADC - Absolute , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@718 1100_01A4 // Call Fetch_Absolute_Y
@719 1000_0701 // Jump to ADC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x61 - ADC - Indexed Indirect X
// -------------------------------------------------
@71A 1100_01A7 // Call Indexed_Indirect_X
@71B 1000_0701 // Jump to ADC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0x71 - ADC - Indirect Indexed Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@71C 1100_01C4 // Call Indirect_Indexed_Y
@71D 1000_0701 // Jump to ADC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xE9 - SBC - Immediate
// -------------------------------------------------
@730 1100_0134 // Call Fetch_Immediate
@731 3F9F_0008 // Dummy <= System_Status AND 0008 -- Isolate the Decimal Flag bit
@732 1001_0790 // Jump NonZero to SBC_Decimal code
@733 399F_00BF // Flags <= Flags AND 0x00BF -- Clear the current overflow flag
@734 522F_FFFF // r2 <= r2 XOR 0xFFFF
@735 2224_0000 // r2 <= r2 + A
@736 30CF_0040 // r0 <= System_Status AND 0x0040 -- Store the overflow flag
@737 3F9F_0001 // Dummy <= Flags AND 0001 -- Isolate the Carry Flag bit
@738 1002_073A // Jump Zero over next instruction
@739 222F_0001 // r2 <= r2 + 1
@73A 31CF_0040 // r1 <= System_Status AND 0x0040 -- Store the overflow flag
@73B 4001_0000 // r0 <= r0 OR r1 -- Combine old and new overflow flags
@73C 4990_0000 // Flags <= Flags OR r0 -- Store old and new overflow flags
@73D 442F_0000 // A <= r2 OR 0x0000 -- Store subtraction results back to Accumulator
@73E 1100_0760 // Call Flags_SUB_NEGATIVE_ZERO
@73F 1000_0101 // Jump back to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xE5 - SBC - ZeroPage
// -------------------------------------------------
@750 1100_0142 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page
@751 1000_0731 // Jump to SBC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xF5 - SBC - ZeroPage , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@752 1100_0155 // Call Fetch_Zero_Page_X
@753 1000_0731 // Jump to SBC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xED - SBC - Absolute
// -------------------------------------------------
@754 1100_016A // Call Fetch_Absolute
@755 1000_0731 // Jump to SBC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xFD - SBC - Absolute , X
// -------------------------------------------------
@756 1100_0180 // Call Fetch_Absolute_X
@757 1000_0731 // Jump to SBC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xF9 - SBC - Absolute , Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@758 1100_01A4 // Call Fetch_Absolute_Y
@759 1000_0731 // Jump to SBC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xE1 - SBC - Indexed Indirect X
// -------------------------------------------------
@75A 1100_01A7 // Call Indexed_Indirect_X
@75B 1000_0731 // Jump to SBC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// 0xF1 - SBC - Indirect Indexed Y
// -------------------------------------------------
@75C 1100_01C4 // Call Indirect_Indexed_Y
@75D 1000_0731 // Jump to SBC code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
@760 399F_FFFE // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFFE -- Clear the Carry Flag
@761 302F_0100 // r0 <= r2 AND 0100 -- Isolate bit[8] for carry
@762 1001_0764 // Jump NonZero over next instruction
@763 499F_0001 // Flags <= Flags OR 0001
@764 1000_0128 // Jump to flags code
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// ADC - ADC_Decimal
// -------------------------------------------------
@770 309F_0001 // r0 <= Flags AND 0x0001 -- Store the current Carry Flag bit
@771 399F_FFFE // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFFE -- Clear the current carry flag
// Lower Nibble Processing
@772 2440_0000 // A <= r0 + A -- Add the Carry bit to the Accumulator
@773 304F_000F // r0 <= A AND 0x000F -- Isolate the lower nibble of the accumulator
@774 312F_000F // r1 <= r2 AND 0x000F -- Isolate the lower nibble of the fetched byte
@775 2001_0000 // r0 <= r0 + r1 -- Add the two together
@776 310F_001F // r1 <= r0 AND 0x001F -- Isolate the lower nibble and the carry
@777 231F_0006 // r3 <= r1 + 0x0006 -- Test for value >9
@778 3F3F_00F0 // Dummy <= r3 AND 0x00F0 -- Test for carry out
@779 1002_077C // Jump Zero to Dont_Adjust_Lower_Nibble
@77A 403F_0000 // r0 <= r3 OR 0x0000 -- Adjust_Lower_Nibble
@77B 1000_077D // Jump to upper nibble code
@77C 401F_0000 // r0 <= r1 OR 0x0000 -- Dont_Adjust_Lower_Nibble
// Upper Nibble Processing
@77D 344F_00F0 // A <= A AND 0x00F0 -- Isolate the upper nibble of the accumulator
@77E 322F_00F0 // r2 <= r2 AND 0x00F0 -- Isolate the upper nibble of the fetched byte
@77F 2142_0000 // r1 <= A + r2 -- Add the two nibbles
@780 2110_0000 // r1 <= r1 + r0 -- Add the carry from the lower nibble addition
@781 321F_01FF // r2 <= r1 AND 0x01FF -- Isolate the upper nibble and the carry
@782 232F_0060 // r3 <= r2 + 0x0060 -- Test for upper nibble >9
@783 3F3F_0F00 // Dummy <= r3 AND 0x0F00 -- Test for carry out
@784 1002_0787 // Jump Zero to Dont_Adjust_Lower_Nibble
@785 403F_0000 // r0 <= r3 OR 0x0000 -- Adjust_Lower_Nibble
@786 1000_0788 // Jump to Flag setting
@787 401F_0000 // r0 <= r1 OR 0x0000 -- Dont_Adjust_Lower_Nibble
@788 440F_0000 // A <= r0 OR 0x0000 -- Update the Accumulator
@789 3F0F_0F00 // Dummy <= r0 AND 0x0F00 -- Isolate carry out
@78A 1002_0101 // Jump_Zero back to main loop
@78B 499F_0001 // Flags <= Flags OR 0x0001 -- Update the Carry Flag
@78C 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// SBC - SBC_Decimal
// -------------------------------------------------
@790 309F_0001 // r0 <= Flags AND 0x0001 -- Store the current Carry Flag bit
@791 500F_0001 // r0 <= r0 XOR 0x0001 -- Invert the Carry bit
@792 2220_0000 // r2 <= r2 + r0 -- Add the current Carry flag bit to the fetched byte
// Test for negative numbers to set the Carry Flag
@793 399F_FFFE // Flags <= Flags AND 0xFFFE -- Clear the current Carry Flag
@794 502F_FFFF // r0 <= r2 XOR 0xFFFF -- 1's compliment the fetched byte
@795 200F_0001 // r0 <= r0 + 0x0001 -- finish 2's compliment
@796 2004_0000 // r0 <= r0 + A -- Add the 9's complimented r2 to the accumulator
@797 3F0F_0F00 // Dummy <= r0 AND 0x0F00 -- Isolate the carry out for negative numbers
@798 1001_079A // Jump NonZero over next instruction
@799 499F_0001 // Flags <= Flags OR 0x0001 -- Set the Carry Flag
// 9's compliment the fetched byte lower nibble
@79A 502F_FFFF // r0 <= r2 XOR 0xFFFF -- 1's compliment the fetched byte
@79B 200F_000B // r0 <= r0 + 0x000B -- finish 2's compliment + add 0x9 for 9's compliment
@79C 300F_000F // r0 <= r0 AND 0x000F -- Isolate the lower nibble
@79D 314F_000F // r1 <= A AND 0x000F -- Isolate the Accumulator lower nibble
@79E 2001_0000 // r0 <= r0 + r1 -- Add the 9's complimented r2 to the accumulator
// Adjust the lower nibble to BCD
@79F 230F_0006 // r3 <= r0 + 0x0006 -- Test for value >9
@7A0 3F3F_00F0 // Dummy <= r3 AND 0x00F0 -- Test for carry out !!! problem is here
@7A1 1002_07A5 // Jump Zero to Dont_Adjust_Lower_Nibble
@7A2 303F_000F // r0 <= r3 AND 0x000F -- Isolate lower nibble
@7A3 43FF_00B0 // r3 <= 0x0000 OR 0x00B0 -- BCD carry over to upper nibble
@7A4 1000_07A6 // Jump to next nibble
@7A5 43FF_00A0 // r3 <= 0x0000 OR 0x00A0 -- BCD carry over to upper nibble
// 9's compliment the fetched byte upper nibble
@7A6 512F_FFF0 // r1 <= r2 XOR 0xFFF0 -- 1's compliment the fetched byte
@7A7 311F_00F0 // r1 <= r1 AND 0x00F0 -- Isolate the upper nibble
@7A8 2313_0000 // r3 <= r1 + r3 -- finish 2's compliment + add 0x9 for 9's compliment
@7A9 313F_00F0 // r1 <= r3 AND 0x00F0 -- Isolate the upper nibble
@7AA 324F_00F0 // r2 <= A AND 0x00F0 -- Isolate the Accumulator upper nibble
@7AB 2112_0000 // r1 <= r1 + r2 -- Add the 9's complimented r2 to the accumulator
// Adjust the upper nibble to BCD
@7AC 221F_0060 // r2 <= r1 + 0x0060 -- Add 0x6 to adjust to BCD
@7AD 3F2F_0F00 // Dummy <= r2 AND 0x0F00 -- Test for carry out
@7AE 1002_07B0 // Jump Zero to Dont_Adjust_Lower_Nibble
@7AF 211F_0060 // r1 <= r1 + 0x0060 -- Add 0x6 to adjust to BCD
@7B0 4401_0000 // A <= r0 OR r1 -- Combine two nibbles and store in accumulator
@7B1 3F3F_0F00 // Dummy <= r3 AND 0x0F00 -- Isolate the carry out
@7B2 1002_07B4 // Jump Zero to processing negative number
@7B3 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// Negative number processing
@7B4 4201_0000 // r2 <= r0 OR r1 -- Combine two nibbles and store in accumulator
// 9's compliment the answer's lower nibble
@7B5 502F_FFFF // r0 <= r2 XOR 0xFFFF -- 1's compliment
@7B6 200F_000B // r0 <= r0 + 0x000B -- finish 2's compliment + add 0x9 for 9's compliment
@7B7 300F_000F // r0 <= r0 AND 0x000F -- Isolate the lower nibble
// Adjust the lower nibble to BCD
@7B8 230F_0006 // r3 <= r0 + 0x0006 -- Test for value >9
@7B9 3F3F_00F0 // Dummy <= r3 AND 0x00F0 -- Test for carry out
@7BA 1002_07BE // Jump Zero to Dont_Adjust_Lower_Nibble
@7BB 303F_000F // r0 <= r3 AND 0x000F -- Isolate lower nibble
@7BC 43FF_00B0 // r3 <= 0x0000 OR 0x00B0 -- BCD carry over to upper nibble
@7BD 1000_07BF // Jump to next nibble
@7BE 43FF_00A0 // r3 <= 0x0000 OR 0x00A0 -- BCD carry over to upper nibble
// 9's compliment the answer's upper nibble
@7BF 512F_FFFF // r1 <= r2 XOR 0xFFFF -- 1's compliment
@7C0 311F_00F0 // r1 <= r1 AND 0x00F0 -- Isolate the upper nibble
@7C1 2113_0000 // r1 <= r1 + r3 -- finish 2's compliment + add 0x9 for 9's compliment
@7C2 311F_00F0 // r1 <= r1 AND 0x00F0 -- Isolate the upper nibble
// Adjust the upper nibble to BCD
@7C3 221F_0060 // r2 <= r1 + 0x0060 -- Add 0x6 to adjust to BCD
@7C4 3F2F_0F00 // Dummy <= r2 AND 0x0F00 -- Test for carry out
@7C5 1002_07C7 // Jump Zero to Dont_Adjust_Lower_Nibble
@7C6 211F_0060 // r1 <= r1 + 0x0060 -- Add 0x6 to adjust to BCD
@7C7 4401_0000 // A <= r0 OR r1 -- Combine two nibbles and store in accumulator
// ##################################
@7C8 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// -------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// 6502 Reset sequence
// -------------------------------------------------
@7D0 4DFF_0019 // Disable databus, Debounce SO and NMI, de-assert SYNC, Drive RD_WR_n to READ
@7D1 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@7D2 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@7D3 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1 -- Address ??
@7D4 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@7D5 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@7D6 4DFF_0001 // SYNC=0, RD_WR_n=1
@7D7 2AAF_0001 // ADDRESS_OUT = ADDRESS_OUT + 1 -- Address ?? + 1
@7D8 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@7D9 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@7DA 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP -- Address 0x0100 + SP
@7DB 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@7DC 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@7DD 288F_FFFF // SP = SP - 1
@7DE 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP -- Address 0x0100 + SP-1
@7DF 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@7E0 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@7E1 288F_FFFF // SP = SP - 1
@7E2 4A8F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = SP -- Address 0x0100 + SP-2
@7E3 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@7E4 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@7E5 4AFF_FFFC // ADDRESS_OUT = 0xFFFC -- Fetch Start PCL
@7E6 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@7E7 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@7E8 33BF_00FF // r3 <= data_in AND 0x00FF
@7E9 4AFF_FFFD // ADDRESS_OUT = 0xFFFD -- Fetch Start PCH
@7EA 499F_0004 // Set the I Flag
@7EB 1033_0000 // Wait for CLK to be high
@7EC 1034_0000 // Wait for CLK to be low
@7ED 32BF_FF00 // r2 <= data_in AND 0xFF00
@7EE 4723_0000 // PC = r2 OR r3
@7EF 4A7F_0000 // ADDRESS_OUT = PC -- Fetch first opcode at PCH,PCL
@7F0 4DFF_0003 // SYNC=1, RD_WR_n=1
@7F1 1000_0101 // Jump to main loop
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
@7FE 1000_020C // undefined - NOP // Jump to self - Bad opcode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Opcode Jump Table
@000 1000_0570 // BRK - Break
@001 1000_02D0 // OR Indexed Indirect X
@002 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@003 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@004 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@005 1000_02C6 // OR ZeroPage
@006 1000_03A0 // ASL A - Arithmetic Shift Left - ZeroPage
@007 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@008 1000_0412 // PHP - Push processor status to the stack
@009 1000_02C0 // OR Immediate
@00a 1000_025A // ASL A
@00b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@00c 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@00d 1000_02CA // OR Absolute
@00e 1000_03A8 // ASL A - Arithmetic Shift Left - Absolute
@00f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@010 1000_052C //BNE - Branch on Zero Clear
@011 1000_02D2 // OR Indirect Indexed Y
@012 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@013 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@014 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@015 1000_02C8 // OR ZeroPage,X
@016 1000_03A6 // ASL A - Arithmetic Shift Left - ZeroPage , X
@017 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@018 1000_0200 // CLC
@019 1000_02CE // OR Absolute,Y
@01a 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@01b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@01c 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@01d 1000_02CC // OR Absolute,X
@01e 1000_03AA // ASL A - Arithmetic Shift Left - Absolute , X
@01f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@020 1000_0470 // JSR - Jump to Subroutine
@021 1000_02B8 // AND Indexed Indirect
@022 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@023 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@024 1000_0327 // BIT - ZeroPage
@025 1000_02AE // AND ZeroPage
@026 1000_03E0 // ROL - Rotate Left - ZeroPage
@027 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@028 1000_0430 // PLP - Pop processor status from the stack
@029 1000_02A7 // AND Imm
@02a 1000_0262 // ROL A
@02b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@02c 1000_032E // BIT - Absolute
@02d 1000_02B2 // AND Absolute
@02e 1000_03E9 // ROL - Rotate Left - Absolute
@02f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@030 1000_0526 //BMI - Branch on Minus (N Flag Set)
@031 1000_02BA // AND Indirect Indexed
@032 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@033 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@034 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@035 1000_02B0 // AND ZeroPage,X
@036 1000_03E7 // ROL - Rotate Left - ZeroPage , X
@037 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@038 1000_0206 // SEC
@039 1000_02B6 // AND Absolute,Y
@03a 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@03b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@03c 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@03d 1000_02B4 // AND Absolute,X
@03e 1000_03EB // ROL - Rotate Left - Absolute , X
@03f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@040 1000_04A0 // RTI - Return from Interrupt
@041 1000_02E7 // EOR Indexed Indirect X
@042 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@043 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@044 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@045 1000_02DD // EOR ZeroPage
@046 1000_03D0 // LSR - Logical Shift Right - ZeroPage
@047 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@048 1000_0410 // PHA - Push Accumulator to the stack
@049 1000_02D8 // EOR Immediate
@04a 1000_026C // LSR A
@04b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@04c 1000_04C0 // JMP - Jump Absolute
@04d 1000_02E1 // EOR Absolute
@04e 1000_03DB // LSR - Logical Shift Right - Absolute
@04f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@050 1000_052F //BVC - Branch on Overflow Clear
@051 1000_02E9 // EOR Indirect Indexed Y
@052 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@053 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@054 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@055 1000_02DF // EOR ZeroPage,X
@056 1000_03D9 // LSR - Logical Shift Right - ZeroPage , X
@057 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@058 1000_0221 // CLI
@059 1000_02E5 // EOR Absolute,Y
@05a 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@05b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@05c 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@05d 1000_02E3 // EOR Absolute,X
@05e 1000_03DD // LSR - Logical Shift Right - Absolute , X
@05f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@060 1000_0500 // RTS - Return from Subroutine
@061 1000_071A // ADC - Indexed Indirect X
@062 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@063 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@064 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@065 1000_0710 // ADC - ZeroPage
@066 1000_03F0 // ROR - Rotate Right - ZeroPage
@067 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@068 1000_0448 // PLA - Pop Accumulator from the stack
@069 1000_0700 // ADC - Immediate
@06a 1000_0276 // ROR A
@06b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@06c 1000_04E0 // JMP - Jump Indirect
@06d 1000_0714 // ADC - Absolute
@06e 1000_0400 // ROR - Rotate Right - Absolute
@06f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@070 1000_0532 //BVS - Branch on Overflow Set
@071 1000_071C // ADC - Indirect Indexed Y
@072 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@073 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@074 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@075 1000_0712 // ADC - ZeroPage , X
@076 1000_03FE // ROR - Rotate Right - ZeroPage , X
@077 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@078 1000_0239 // SEI
@079 1000_0718 // ADC - Absolute , Y
@07a 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@07b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@07c 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@07d 1000_0716 // ADC - Absolute , X
@07e 1000_0402 // ROR - Rotate Right - Absolute , X
@07f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@080 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@081 1000_0379 // STA - Indexed Indirect X
@082 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@083 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@084 1000_0390 // STY - ZeroPage
@085 1000_036A // STA - ZeroPage
@086 1000_0383 // STX - ZeroPage
@087 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@088 1000_029E // DEY
@089 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@08a 1000_0246 // TXA
@08b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@08c 1000_0396 // STY - Absolute
@08d 1000_0370 // STA - Absolute
@08e 1000_0389 // STX - Absolute
@08f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@090 1000_0535 // BCC - Branch on Carry Clear
@091 1000_037C // STA - Indirect Indexed Y
@092 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@093 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@094 1000_0393 // STY - ZeroPage , X
@095 1000_036D // STA - ZeroPage , X
@096 1000_0386 // STX - ZeroPage , Y
@097 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@098 1000_0253 // TYA
@099 1000_0376 // STA - Absolute , Y
@09a 1000_024D // TXS
@09b 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@09c 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@09d 1000_0373 // STA - Absolute , X
@09e 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@09f 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0a0 1000_0318 // LDY - Immediate
@0a1 1000_02FF // LDA - Indexed Indirect X
@0a2 1000_0307 // LDX - Immediate
@0a3 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0a4 1000_031D // LDY - ZeroPage
@0a5 1000_02F5 // LDA - ZeroPage
@0a6 1000_030C // LDX - ZeroPage
@0a7 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0a8 1000_021A // TAY
@0a9 1000_02F0 // LDA Immediate
@0aa 1000_0212 // TAX
@0ab 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0ac 1000_0321 // LDY - Absolute
@0ad 1000_02F9 // LDA - Absolute
@0ae 1000_0310 // LDX - Absolute
@0af 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0b0 1000_0520 // BCS - Branch on Carry Set
@0b1 1000_0301 // LDA - Indirect Indexed Y
@0b2 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0b3 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0b4 1000_031F // LDY - ZeroPage , X
@0b5 1000_02F7 // LDA - ZeroPage , X
@0b6 1000_030E // LDX - ZeroPage , Y
@0b7 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0b8 1000_022D // CLV
@0b9 1000_02FD // LDA - Absolute , Y
@0ba 1000_023F // TSX
@0bb 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0bc 1000_0323 // LDY - Absolute , X
@0bd 1000_02FB // LDA - Absolute , X
@0be 1000_0312 // LDX - Absolute , Y
@0bf 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0c0 1000_035C // CPY - Immediate
@0c1 1000_0346 // CMP - Indexed Indirect X
@0c2 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0c3 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0c4 1000_0362 // CPY - ZeroPage
@0c5 1000_033C // CMP - ZeroPage
@0c6 1000_03C0 // DEC - ZeroPage
@0c7 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0c8 1000_028E // INY
@0c9 1000_0336 // CMP - Immediate
@0ca 1000_0296 // DEX
@0cb 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0cc 1000_0364 // CPY - Absolute
@0cd 1000_0340 // CMP - Absolute
@0ce 1000_03C8 // DEC - Absolute
@0cf 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0d0 1000_0529 // BNE - Branch on Zero Clear
@0d1 1000_0348 // CMP - Indirect Indexed Y
@0d2 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0d3 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0d4 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0d5 1000_033E // CMP - ZeroPage , X
@0d6 1000_03C6 // DEC - ZeroPage , X
@0d7 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0d8 1000_0227 // CLD
@0d9 1000_0344 // CMP - Absolute , Y
@0da 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0db 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0dc 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0dd 1000_0342 // CMP - Absolute , X
@0de 1000_03CA // DEC - Absolute , X
@0df 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0e0 1000_034E // CPX - Immediate
@0e1 1000_075A // SBC - Indexed Indirect X
@0e2 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0e3 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0e4 1000_0354 // CPX - ZeroPage
@0e5 1000_0750 // SBC - ZeroPage
@0e6 1000_03B0 // INC - ZeroPage
@0e7 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0e8 1000_0286 // INX
@0e9 1000_0730 // SBC - Immediate
@0ea 1000_020C // NOP
@0eb 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0ec 1000_0356 // CPX - Absolute
@0ed 1000_0754 // SBC - Absolute
@0ee 1000_03B8 // INC - Absolute
@0ef 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0f0 1000_0523 // BEQ - Branch on Zero Set
@0f1 1000_075C // SBC - Indirect Indexed Y
@0f2 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0f3 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0f4 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0f5 1000_0752 // SBC - ZeroPage , X
@0f6 1000_03B6 // INC - ZeroPage , X
@0f7 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0f8 1000_0233 // SED
@0f9 1000_0758 // SBC - Absolute , Y
@0fa 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0fb 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0fc 1000_020C // undefined - NOP
@0fd 1000_0756 // SBC - Absolute , X
@0fe 1000_03BA // INC - Absolute , X
@0ff 1000_020C // undefined - NOP