
6731 lines
264 KiB

* File Name : MCL68 Opcode Tests
* Used on :
* Author : Ted Fried, MicroCore Labs
* Creation : 7/14/2020
* Description:
* ============
* Program to test all of the Motorola 68000's opcodes.
* If failures are detected, the code will immediately loop on itself.
* All addressing modes, data sizes, and opcode combinations are tested.
* This code was developed using the Easy68K simulator where all tests passed!
* Modification History:
* =====================
* Revision 1 7/14/2020
* Initial revision
* Copyright (c) 2020 Ted Fried
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Populate Exception Vectors
ORG $00000
dc.l $000003F0 * Vector = 0 Reset Supervisor Stack Pointer
dc.l $00000400 * Vector = 1 Reset Initial PC
dc.l $22222222 * Vector = 2 Bus Error
dc.l $30303033 * Vector = 3 Address Error
dc.l $44444444 * Vector = 4 Illegal Instruction
dc.l $55555555 * Vector = 5 Zero Divide
dc.l $0000F010 * Vector = 6 CHK Instruction
dc.l $0000F020 * Vector = 7 TRAPV Instruction
dc.l $88888888 * Vector = 8 Privilege Violation
dc.l $99999999 * Vector = 9 Trace
dc.l $aaaaaaaa * Vector = 10 Line A Emulator
dc.l $bbbbbbbb * Vector = 11 Line F Emulator
ORG $00060
dc.l $12121212 * Vector = 24 Spurrious Interrupt
dc.l $11111111 * Vector = 25 Level 1 Interrupt Autovector
dc.l $22222222 * Vector = 26 Level 2 Interrupt Autovector
dc.l $33333333 * Vector = 27 Level 3 Interrupt Autovector
dc.l $44444444 * Vector = 28 Level 4 Interrupt Autovector
dc.l $55555555 * Vector = 29 Level 5 Interrupt Autovector
dc.l $66666666 * Vector = 30 Level 6 Interrupt Autovector
dc.l $77777777 * Vector = 31 Level 7 Interrupt Autovector
* Loop here when all tests pass
ORG $00F000
* Exception Vector = 6 CHK Instruction
ORG $00F010
move.l #$EEEE0006 , d6 * Set d6 to the exception vector
* Exception Vector = 7 TRAPV Instruction
ORG $00F020
move.l #$12345678 , d0 * Set d6 to the exception vector
* Beginning of opcode tests
START ORG $000400
move.l #$000003F0 , a7 * populate stack pointer
jsr op_ORI_TO_CCR
jsr op_ORI_TO_SR
jsr op_EORI_TO_CCR
jsr op_EORI_TO_SR
jsr op_ANDI_TO_CCR
jsr op_ANDI_TO_SR
jsr op_BTST
jsr op_BCHG
jsr op_BCLR
jsr op_BSET
jsr op_MOVEP
jsr op_BOOL_I
jsr op_CMP_I
jsr op_ADD_I
jsr op_SUB_I
jsr op_MOVE
jsr op_MOVE_xxx_FLAGS
jsr op_EXT
jsr op_SWAP
jsr op_LEAPEA
jsr op_TAS
jsr op_TST
jsr op_LINKS
jsr op_MOVE_USP
jsr op_CHK
jsr op_NEGS
jsr op_MOVEM
jsr op_ABCD
jsr op_SBCD
jsr op_NBCD
jsr op_TRAPV
jsr op_RTR
jsr op_BSR
jsr op_BCC
jsr op_DBCC
jsr op_SCC
jsr op_ADDQ
jsr op_SUBQ
jsr op_MOVEQ
jsr op_DIVU
jsr op_DIVS
jsr op_OR
jsr op_AND
jsr op_EOR
jsr op_CMP
jsr op_CMPA
jsr op_CMPM
jsr op_ADD
jsr op_SUB
jsr op_ADDA
jsr op_SUBA
jsr op_ADDX
jsr op_SUBX
jsr op_MULU
jsr op_MULS
jsr op_EXG
jsr op_ROx
jsr op_ROXx
jsr op_SHIFTS
jsr op_SHIFTS2
BSR_FAR1: move.l #$33333333 , d3
ori.b #$FF, CCR
bpl ORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bne ORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if N clear
bvc ORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if V clear
bcc ORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if C clear
move #$00, CCR
ori.b #$00, CCR
beq ORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if Z set
bmi ORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if N set
bvs ORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if V set
bcs ORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if C set
move #$2700, SR * Put flags back to initial value
ori.w #$2FFF, SR
bpl ORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bne ORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if N clear
bvc ORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if V clear
bcc ORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if C clear
move #$2000, SR
ori.w #$0000, SR
beq ORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if Z set
bmi ORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if N set
bvs ORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if V set
bcs ORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if C set
move #$2700, SR * Put flags back to initial value
move #$00, CCR
eori.b #$FF, CCR
bpl EORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bne EORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if N clear
bvc EORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if V clear
bcc EORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if C clear
move #$00, CCR
eori.b #$00, CCR
beq EORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if Z set
bmi EORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if N set
bvs EORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if V set
bcs EORI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if C set
move #$2700, SR * Put flags back to initial value
move #$2000, SR
eori.w #$0FFF, SR
bpl EORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bne EORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if N clear
bvc EORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if V clear
bcc EORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if C clear
move #$2000, SR
eori.w #$0000, SR
beq EORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if Z set
bmi EORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if N set
bvs EORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if V set
bcs EORI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if C set
move #$2700, SR * Put flags back to initial value
move #$FF, CCR
andi.b #$FF, CCR
bpl ANDI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bne ANDI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if N clear
bvc ANDI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if V clear
bcc ANDI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if C clear
move #$FF, CCR
andi.b #$00, CCR
beq ANDI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if Z set
bmi ANDI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if N set
bvs ANDI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if V set
bcs ANDI_TO_CCR_FAIL * branch if C set
move #$2700, SR * Put flags back to initial value
move #$20FF, SR
andi.w #$FFFF, SR
bpl ANDI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bne ANDI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if N clear
bvc ANDI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if V clear
bcc ANDI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if C clear
move #$20FF, SR
andi.w #$FF00, SR
beq ANDI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if Z set
bmi ANDI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if N set
bvs ANDI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if V set
bcs ANDI_TO_SR_FAIL * branch if C set
move #$2700, SR * Put flags back to initial value
* Bit Number Static
* EA = Dn - LONG only
move.l #$80000001 , d0 * populate test data
btst.l #0 , d0
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.l #1 , d0 *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.l #31 , d0 *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = (An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$81 , (a0) * populate test data
move.b (a0) , d1 * Check to see if data in memory is 0x81
btst.b #0 , (a0)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , (a0) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , (a0) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = (An)+ - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
btst.b #0 , (a0)+
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , (a0)+ *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , (a0)+ *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = -(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address
btst.b #0 , -(a0)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , -(a0) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , -(a0) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
btst.b #0 , 0(a0)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , 1(a0) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , 2(a0) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,R.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
btst.b #0 , 0(a0,d0.w)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , 0(a0,d1.w) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , 1(a0,d1.w) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,R.L) - BYTE only
btst.b #0 , 0(a0,d0.l)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , 0(a0,d1.l) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , 1(a0,d1.l) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,A.W) - BYTE only
btst.b #0 , 0(a0,a1.w)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , 0(a0,a2.w) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , 1(a0,a2.w) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,A.L) - BYTE only
btst.b #0 , 0(a0,a1.l)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , 0(a0,a2.l) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , 1(a0,a2.l) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = x.W - BYTE only
btst.b #0 , $0100
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , $0101 *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , $0102 *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = x.L - BYTE only
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
btst.b #0 , $000F0100
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #1 , $000F0101 *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #7 , $000F0102 *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = x(PC) - BYTE only
lea op_BTST(pc) , a5
btst.b #0 , op_BTST(pc)
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b #3 ,op_BTST0(pc) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b #6 , op_BTST12(pc) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(PC,R.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
op_BTST0: btst.b #0 , op_BTST0(pc,d0.w)
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
lea op_BTST1(pc,d1.w) , a5
op_BTST1: btst.b #1 , op_BTST1(pc,d1.w) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST2: btst.b #7 , op_BTST2(pc,d1.w) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(PC,R.L) - BYTE only
op_BTST3: btst.b #0 , op_BTST3(pc,d0.l)
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
op_BTST4: btst.b #1 , op_BTST4(pc,d1.l) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST5: btst.b #7 , op_BTST5(pc,d1.l) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(PC,A.W) - BYTE only
op_BTST6 btst.b #0 , op_BTST6(pc,a1.w)
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
op_BTST7: btst.b #1 , op_BTST7(pc,a2.w) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST8: btst.b #7 , op_BTST8(pc,a2.w) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(PC,A.L) - BYTE only
op_BTST9: btst.b #0 , op_BTST9(pc,a1.l)
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
op_BTST10: btst.b #1 , op_BTST10(pc,a2.l) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST11: btst.b #7 , op_BTST11(pc,a2.l) *
op_BTST12: bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* Bit Number Dynamic
* EA = Dn - LONG only
move.l #$80000001 , d0 * populate test data
move.l #0, d5 * populate bit number to test
move.l #1, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #31, d7 * populate bit number to test
btst.l d5 , d0
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.l d6 , d0 *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.l d7 , d0 *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = (An) - BYTE only
move.l #0, d5 * populate bit number to test
move.l #1, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #7, d7 * populate bit number to test
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$81 , (a0) * populate test data
move.b (a0) , d1 * Check to see if data in memory is 0x81
btst.b d5 , (a0)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , (a0) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , (a0) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* ---
* EA = (An)+ - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
btst.b d5 , (a0)+
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , (a0)+ *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , (a0)+ *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = -(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address
btst.b d5 , -(a0)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , -(a0) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , -(a0) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
btst.b d5 , 0(a0)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , 1(a0) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , 2(a0) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,R.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
btst.b d5 , 0(a0,d0.w)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , 0(a0,d1.w) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , 1(a0,d1.w) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,R.L) - BYTE only
btst.b d5 , 0(a0,d0.l)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , 0(a0,d1.l) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , 1(a0,d1.l) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,A.W) - BYTE only
btst.b d5 , 0(a0,a1.w)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , 0(a0,a2.w) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , 1(a0,a2.w) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,A.L) - BYTE only
btst.b d5 , 0(a0,a1.l)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , 0(a0,a2.l) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , 1(a0,a2.l) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = x.W - BYTE only
btst.b d5 , $0100
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , $0101 *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , $0102 *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = x.L - BYTE only
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
btst.b d5 , $000F0100
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d6 , $000F0101 *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d7 , $000F0102 *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = x(PC) - BYTE only
move.l #3, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #6, d7 * populate bit number to test
lea op_BTST(pc) , a5
btst.b d5 , op_BTST(pc)
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d6 ,op_BTST0(pc) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d7 , op_BTST12(pc) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(PC,R.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
move.l #1, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #7, d7 * populate bit number to test
op_BTST20: btst.b d5 , op_BTST20(pc,d0.w)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
lea op_BTST21(pc,d1.w) , a5
op_BTST21: btst.b d6 , op_BTST21(pc,d1.w) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST22: btst.b d7 , op_BTST22(pc,d1.w) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(PC,R.L) - BYTE only
op_BTST23: btst.b d5 , op_BTST23(pc,d0.l)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST24: btst.b d6 , op_BTST24(pc,d1.l) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST25 btst.b d7 , op_BTST25(pc,d1.l) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(PC,A.W) - BYTE only
op_BTST26 btst.b d5 , op_BTST26(pc,a1.w)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST27: btst.b d6 , op_BTST27(pc,a2.w) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST28: btst.b d7 , op_BTST28(pc,a2.w) *
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(PC,A.L) - BYTE only
op_BTST29: btst.b d5 , op_BTST29(pc,a1.l)
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST30: btst.b d6 , op_BTST30(pc,a2.l) *
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
op_BTST31: btst.b d7 , op_BTST31(pc,a2.l) *
op_BTST32: bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = #x - BYTE only
move.l #0, d5 * populate bit number to test
move.l #3, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #7, d7 * populate bit number to test
btst.b d5 , #$88
bne BTST_FAIL * branch if Z clear
btst.b d6 , #$88
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
btst.b d7 , #$88
beq BTST_FAIL * branch if Z set
* Bit Number Static
* EA = Dn - LONG only
move.l #$80000001 , d0 * populate test data
bchg.l #0 , d0
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.l #1 , d0 *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.l #31 , d0 *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
cmpi.l #$00000002 , d0
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$81 , (a0) * populate test data
move.b (a0) , d1 * Check to see if data in memory is 0x81
bchg.b #0 , (a0)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #1 , (a0) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #7 , (a0) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
cmpi.b #$02 , (a0)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An)+ - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
bchg.b #0 , (a0)+
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #1 , (a0)+ *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #7 , (a0)+ *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FE , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = -(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address
bchg.b #0 , -(a0)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #1 , -(a0) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #7 , -(a0) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , -(a0)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FE , -(a0)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , -(a0)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
bchg.b #0 , 0(a0)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #1 , 1(a0) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #7 , 2(a0) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FE , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,D.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
bchg.b #0 , 0(a0,d0.w)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #1 , 0(a0,d1.w) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #7 , 1(a0,d1.w) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,D.L) - BYTE only
bchg.b #0 , 0(a0,d0.l)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #1 , 0(a0,d1.l) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #7 , 1(a0,d1.l) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,A.W) - BYTE only
bchg.b #0 , 0(a0,a1.w)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #1 , 0(a0,a2.w) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #7 , 1(a0,a2.w) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,A.L) - BYTE only
bchg.b #0 , 0(a0,a1.l)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #1 , 0(a0,a2.l) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #7 , 1(a0,a2.l) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FE , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = x.W - BYTE only
bchg.b #0 , $0100
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #1 , $0101 *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #7 , $0102 *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$01 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FC , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$80 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = x.L - BYTE only
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
bchg.b #0 , $000F0100
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b #1 , $000F0101 *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b #7 , $000F0102 *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$01 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FC , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$80 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* Bit Number Dynamic
* EA = Dn - LONG only
move.l #$80000001 , d0 * populate test data
move.l #0, d5 * populate bit number to test
move.l #1, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #31, d7 * populate bit number to test
bchg.l d5 , d0
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.l d6 , d0 *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.l d7 , d0 *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
cmpi.l #$00000002 , d0
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An) - BYTE only
move.l #0, d5 * populate bit number to test
move.l #1, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #7, d7 * populate bit number to test
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$81 , (a0) * populate test data
move.b (a0) , d1 * Check to see if data in memory is 0x81
bchg.b d5 , (a0)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d6 , (a0) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d7 , (a0) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
cmpi.b #$02 , (a0)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An)+ - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
bchg.b d5 , (a0)+
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d6 , (a0)+ *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d7 , (a0)+ *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FE , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = -(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address
bchg.b d5 , -(a0)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d6 , -(a0) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d7 , -(a0) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , -(a0)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FE , -(a0)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , -(a0)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
bchg.b d5 , 0(a0)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d6 , 1(a0) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d7 , 2(a0) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FE , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,R.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
bchg.b d5 , 0(a0,d0.w)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d6 , 0(a0,d1.w) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d7 , 1(a0,d1.w) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,R.L) - BYTE only
bchg.b d5 , 0(a0,d0.l)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d6 , 0(a0,d1.l) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d7 , 1(a0,d1.l) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,A.W) - BYTE only
bchg.b d5 , 0(a0,a1.w)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d6 , 0(a0,a2.w) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d7 , 1(a0,a2.w) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,A.L) - BYTE only
bchg.b d5 , 0(a0,a1.l)
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d6 , 0(a0,a2.l) *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d7 , 1(a0,a2.l) *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = x.W - BYTE only
bchg.b d5 , $0100
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d6 , $0101 *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d7 , $0102 *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FC , (a0)+
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = x.L - BYTE only
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
bchg.b d5 , $000F0100
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
bchg.b d6 , $000F0101 *
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bchg.b d7 , $000F0102 *
beq BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z set
move.l #$000F0101 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$FE , (a0)
bne BCHG_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* Bit Number Static
* EA = Dn - LONG only
move.l #$FF0000FF , d0 * populate test data
bclr.l #0 , d0
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.l #1 , d0 *
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.l #15 , d0 *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.l #31 , d0 *
beq * * branch if Z set
cmpi.l #$7F0000FC , d0
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$0F , (a0) * populate test data
bclr.b #0 , (a0)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #7 , (a0) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$0E , (a0)
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An)+ - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
bclr.b #0 , (a0)+
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #1 , (a0)+ *
bne * * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = -(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
bclr.b #7 , -(a0)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #0 , -(a0) *
beq * * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000102 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , -(a0)
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , -(a0)
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
bclr.b #0 , 0(a0)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #4 , 1(a0) *
beq * * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$FE , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$EF , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,D.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
bclr.b #0 , 0(a0,d0.w)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #1 , 0(a0,d1.w) *
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #2 , 1(a0,d1.w) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,D.L) - BYTE only
bclr.b #3 , 0(a0,d0.l)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #4 , 0(a0,d1.l) *
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #5 , 1(a0,d1.l) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,A.W) - BYTE only
bclr.b #6 , 0(a0,a1.w)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #1 , 0(a0,a2.w) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b #7 , 1(a0,a2.w) *
beq * * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,A.L) - BYTE only
bclr.b #0 , 0(a0,a1.l)
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b #0 , 0(a0,a2.l) *
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #1 , 1(a0,a2.l) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$B6 , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$EC , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$59 , (a0)+
beq * * branch if Z set
* EA = x.W - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
bclr.b #0 , $0100
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #1 , $0100 *
beq * * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$FC , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = x.L - BYTE only
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$FF , (a0) * populate test data
bclr.b #0 , $000F0100
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #1 , $000F0100 *
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b #2 , $000F0100 *
beq * * branch if Z set
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$F8 , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
* Bit Number Dynamic
* EA = Dn - LONG only
move.l #$FF00FF00 , d0 * populate test data
move.l #0, d5 * populate bit number to test
move.l #1, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #31, d7 * populate bit number to test
bclr.l d5 , d0
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.l d6 , d0 *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.l d7 , d0 *
beq * * branch if Z set
cmpi.l #$7F00FF00 , d0
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An) - BYTE only
move.l #0, d5 * populate bit number to test
move.l #1, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #7, d7 * populate bit number to test
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$81 , (a0) * populate test data
bclr.b d5 , (a0)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b d6 , (a0) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d7 , (a0) *
beq * * branch if Z set
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An)+ - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
bclr.b d5 , (a0)+
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b d6 , (a0)+ *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d7 , (a0)+ *
beq * * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FC , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = -(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address
bclr.b d5 , -(a0)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b d6 , -(a0) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d7 , -(a0) *
beq * * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , -(a0)
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FC , -(a0)
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , -(a0)
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
bclr.b d5 , 0(a0)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b d6 , 1(a0) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d7 , 2(a0) *
beq * * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$FC , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,R.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
bclr.b d5 , 0(a0,d0.w)
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b d6 , 0(a0,d1.w) *
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b d7 , 1(a0,d1.w) *
beq * * branch if Z set
* EA = n(An,R.L) - BYTE only
bclr.b d5 , 0(a0,d0.l)
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d6 , 0(a0,d1.l) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d7 , 1(a0,d1.l) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,A.W) - BYTE only
bclr.b d5 , 0(a0,a1.w)
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d6 , 0(a0,a2.w) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d7 , 1(a0,a2.w) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,A.L) - BYTE only
bclr.b d5 , 0(a0,a1.l)
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d6 , 0(a0,a2.l) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d7 , 1(a0,a2.l) *
bne * * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
cmpi.b #$FE , (a0)
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = x.W - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FF , (a0)+ * populate test data
bclr.b d5 , $0100
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b d6 , $0101 *
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b d7 , $0102 *
beq * * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
cmpi.b #$FE , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z clear
* EA = x.L - BYTE only
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$01 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$FC , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$80 , (a0)+ * populate test data
bclr.b d5 , $000F0100
beq * * branch if Z set
bclr.b d6 , $000F0101 *
bne * * branch if Z clear
bclr.b d7 , $000F0102 *
beq * * branch if Z set
move.l #$000F0101 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$FC , (a0)
bne * * branch if Z clear
* Bit Number Static
* EA = Dn - LONG only
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * populate test data
bset.l #0 , d0
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.l #1 , d0 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.l #15 , d0 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.l #31 , d0 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.l #$80008003 , d0
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$00 , (a0) * populate test data
bset.b #0 , (a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #7 , (a0) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$81 , (a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An)+ - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
bset.b #0 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #1 , (a0)+ *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$01 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$02 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = -(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
bset.b #7 , -(a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #0 , -(a0) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000102 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$80 , -(a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$01 , -(a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
bset.b #0 , 0(a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #4 , 1(a0) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$01 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$10 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,D.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000004 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
bset.b #0 , 0(a0,d0.w)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #1 , 0(a0,d1.w) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #2 , 1(a0,d1.w) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,D.L) - BYTE only
bset.b #3 , 2(a0,d0.l)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #4 , 0(a0,d1.l) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #5 , 1(a0,d1.l) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,A.W) - BYTE only
bset.b #6 , 0(a0,a1.w)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #1 , 0(a0,a2.w) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #7 , 1(a0,a2.w) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,A.L) - BYTE only
bset.b #0 , 2(a0,a2.l)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #0 , 3(a0,a2.l) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #1 , 4(a0,a2.l) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.l #$41122C00 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.l #$02800101 , (a0)+
bne *
* EA = x.W - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
bset.b #0 , $0100
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #1 , $0100 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$03 , (a0)+
bne *
* EA = x.L - BYTE only
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$00 , (a0) * populate test data
bset.b #0 , $000F0100
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #1 , $000F0100 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b #2 , $000F0100 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$07 , (a0)+
bne *
* Bit Number Dynamic
* EA = Dn - LONG only
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * populate test data
move.l #0, d5 * populate bit number to test
move.l #1, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #31, d7 * populate bit number to test
bset.l d5 , d0
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.l d6 , d0 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.l d7 , d0 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.l #$80000003 , d0
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An) - BYTE only
move.l #0, d5 * populate bit number to test
move.l #1, d6 * populate bit number to test
move.l #7, d7 * populate bit number to test
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$00 , (a0) * populate test data
bset.b d5 , (a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , (a0) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , (a0) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$83 , (a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = (An)+ - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
bset.b d5 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , (a0)+ *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , (a0)+ *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$01 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$02 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$80 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = -(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address
bset.b d5 , -(a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , -(a0) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , -(a0) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000103 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$01 , -(a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$02 , -(a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$80 , -(a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
bset.b d5 , 0(a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , 1(a0) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , 2(a0) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$01 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$02 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.b #$80 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,R.W) - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , a1 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , a2 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000000 , d0 * point to memory to address
move.l #$00000001 , d1 * point to memory to address
bset.b d5 , 0(a0,d0.w)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , 0(a0,d1.w) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , 1(a0,d1.w) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,R.L) - BYTE only
bset.b d5 , 2(a0,d0.l)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , 3(a0,d1.l) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , 4(a0,d1.l) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,A.W) - BYTE only
bset.b d5 , 5(a0,a1.w)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , 6(a0,a2.w) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , 7(a0,a2.w) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = n(An,A.L) - BYTE only
bset.b d5 , 8(a0,a1.l)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , 9(a0,a2.l) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , 10(a0,a2.l) *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.l #$01028100 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
cmpi.l #$02810002 , (a0)+
bne *
* EA = x.W - BYTE only
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
bset.b d5 , $0100
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , $0100 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , $0100 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$00000100 , a0 * point to memory to address
cmpi.b #$83 , (a0)+
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* EA = x.L - BYTE only
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
move.b #$00 , (a0)+ * populate test data
bset.b d5 , $000F0100
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d6 , $000F0100 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
bset.b d7 , $000F0100 *
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * point to memory to address 0x100
cmpi.b #$83 , (a0)
bne BSET_FAIL * branch if Z clear
* Dn --> x(An)
move.l #$00000100 , a0
move.l #$12345678 , d0
move.l #$AABBCCDD , d1
move.l #0 , (a0)
move.l #0 , 4(a0)
movep.w d0 , 0(a0) * even offset
movep.w d1 , 1(a0) * odd offset
movep.l d0 , 4(a0) * even offset
movep.l d1 , 5(a0) * odd offset
cmpi.l #$56CC78DD , (a0)
bne *
cmpi.l #$12AA34BB , 4(a0)
bne *
cmpi.l #$56CC78DD , 8(a0)
bne *
* x(An)--> Dn
move.l #$5a5a5a5a , d0
move.l #$5a5a5a5a , d1
move.l #$5a5a5a5a , d2
move.l #$5a5a5a5a , d3
movep.w 0(a0) , d0 * even offset
movep.w 1(a0) , d1 * odd offset
movep.l 4(a0) , d2 * even offset
movep.l 5(a0) , d3 * odd offset
cmpi.l #$5a5a5678 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$5a5aCCDD , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$12345678 , d2
bne *
cmpi.l #$AABBCCDD , d3
bne *
* Dn -- BYTE
move.l #$12345678 , d0
move.w #$000F, CCR * pre-set Flags
ori.b #$FF , d0
eori.b #$5A , d0
and.b #$F0 , d0
bvs * * Check V,C are cleared
bcs *
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
and.b #$00 , d0
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
* Dn -- WORD
move.l #$12345678 , d1
move.w #$000F, CCR * pre-set Flags
ori.w #$FFFF , d1
eori.w #$5A5A , d1
and.w #$F0F0 , d1
bvs * * Check V,C are cleared
bcs *
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
and.w #$0000 , d1
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
* Dn -- LONG
move.l #$12345678 , d2
move.w #$000F, CCR * pre-set Flags
ori.l #$FFFFFFFF , d2
eori.l #$5A5A5A5A , d2
and.l #$F0F0F0F0 , d2
bvs * * Check V,C are cleared
bcs *
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
and.l #$00000000 , d2
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
* (An) -- BYTE
move.l #$00000100 , a0
move.l #$12345678 , (a0)
move.w #$000F, CCR * pre-set Flags
ori.b #$FF , (a0)
eori.b #$5A , (a0)
and.b #$F0 , (a0)
bvs * * Check V,C are cleared
bcs *
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
and.b #$00 , (a0)
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
cmpi.b #$00 , (a0)
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
* (An) -- WORD
move.l #$12345678 , (a0)
move.w #$000F, CCR * pre-set Flags
ori.w #$FFFF , (a0)
eori.w #$5A5A , (a0)
and.w #$F0F0 , (a0)
bvs * * Check V,C are cleared
bcs *
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
and.w #$0000 , (a0)
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
cmpi.w #$00 , (a0)
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
* (An) -- LONG
move.l #$12345678 , (a0)
move.w #$000F, CCR * pre-set Flags
ori.l #$FFFFFFFF , (a0)
eori.l #$5A5A5A5A , (a0)
and.l #$F0F0F0F0 , (a0)
bvs * * Check V,C are cleared
bcs *
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
and.l #$00000000 , (a0)
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
cmpi.l #$00 , (a0)
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
* (An)+ -- BYTE
move.l #$00000100 , a0
move.l #$00A5FF88 , (a0)
move.w #$000F, CCR * pre-set Flags
ori.b #$F5 , (a0)+
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
beq * * Verify if Z flag is cleared
eori.b #$FF , (a0)+
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
beq * * Verify if Z flag is cleared
and.b #$AA , (a0)+
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
beq * * Verify if Z flag is cleared
move.l #$00000100 , a0
cmpi.l #$F55AAA88 , (a0)
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
* (An)+ -- WORD
move.l #$00000100 , a0
move.l #$00000104 , a1
move.l #$00005a5a , (a0)
move.l #$12345678 , (a1)
move.w #$000F, CCR * pre-set Flags
ori.w #$5678 , (a0)+
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
beq * * Verify if Z flag is cleared
eori.w #$FFFF , (a0)+
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
beq * * Verify if Z flag is cleared
and.w #$A55A , (a0)+
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
beq * * Verify if Z flag is cleared
move.l #$00000100 , a0
cmpi.l #$5678a5a5 , (a0)
move.l #$00000104 , a0
cmpi.l #$00105678 , (a0)
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
* (An)+ -- LONG
move.l #$00000100 , a0
move.l #$00000000 , (a0)+
move.l #$5a5a5a5a , (a0)+
move.l #$FFFFFFFF , (a0)+
move.l #$00000100 , a0
move.w #$000F, CCR * pre-set Flags
ori.l #$12345678 , (a0)+
bmi * * Verify if N flag is cleared
beq * * Verify if Z flag is cleared
eori.l #$FFFFFFFF , (a0)+
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
beq * * Verify if Z flag is cleared
and.l #$A5A5A55A , (a0)+
bpl * * Verify if N flag is set
beq * * Verify if Z flag is cleared
move.l #$00000100 , a0
cmpi.l #$12345678 , (a0)+
cmpi.l #$a5a5a5a5 , (a0)+
cmpi.l #$a5a5a55a , (a0)+
bne * * Verify if Z flag is set
BSR_CLOSE1: move.l #$11111111 , d1
op_BSR: bsr.s BSR_CLOSE1 * Negative 8-bit displacement
bsr.s BSR_CLOSE2 * Positive 8-bit displacement
bsr.w BSR_FAR1 * Negative 16-bit displacement
bsr.w BSR_FAR2 * Positive 16-bit displacement
cmpi.l #$11111111 , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$22222222 , d2
bne *
cmpi.l #$33333333 , d3
bne *
cmpi.l #$44444444 , d4
bne *
BSR_CLOSE2: move.l #$22222222 , d2
move.l #$00000100 , a0
move.l #$00000100 , (a0)
move.l #$FFFFFF80 , d0
cmpi.b #$80 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFFF000 , d1
cmpi.b #$00 , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFFFF02 , d2
cmpi.b #$FF , d2
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFFFF7F , d3
cmpi.b #$FF , d3
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFF8000 , d0
cmpi.w #$8000 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFF00000 , d1
cmpi.w #$0000 , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFF0002 , d2
cmpi.w #$FFFF , d2
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFF7FFF , d3
cmpi.w #$FFFF , d3
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$80000000 , d0
cmpi.l #$80000000 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$00000000 , d1
cmpi.l #$00000000 , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$00000002 , d2
cmpi.l #$FFFFFFFF , d2
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$7FFFFFFF , d3
cmpi.l #$FFFFFFFF , d3
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
* EA=x(An,Dn) - BYTE
move.l #$00000100 , a0
move.l #$00000004 , d7
move.l #$FFFFFF80 , 12(a0,d7)
move.l #$FFFFFF80 , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.b #$80 , 15(a0,d7)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFFF000 , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.b #$00 , 15(a0,d7)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFFFF02 , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.b #$FF , 15(a0,d7)
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFFFF7F , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.b #$FF , 15(a0,d7)
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
* EA=x(An,Dn) - WORD
move.l #$FFFF8000 , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.w #$8000 , 14(a0,d7)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFF00000 , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.w #$0000 , 14(a0,d7)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFF0002 , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.w #$FFFF , 14(a0,d7)
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$FFFF7FFF , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.w #$FFFF , 14(a0,d7)
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
* EA=x(An,Dn) - LONG
move.l #$80000000 , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.l #$80000000 , 12(a0,d7)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$00000000 , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.l #$00000000 , 12(a0,d7)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$00000002 , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.l #$FFFFFFFF , 12(a0,d7)
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
move.l #$7FFFFFFF , 12(a0,d7)
cmpi.l #$FFFFFFFF , 12(a0,d7)
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
* EA = Dn - Byte
move.l #$12345678 , d0 * populate test data
addi.b #0 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.b #$10 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.b #$A5 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.b #$2D , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = Dn - WORD
move.l #$12345678 , d0 * populate test data
addi.w #0 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.w #$7000 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.w #$A55A , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.w #$6BD2 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = Dn - LONG
move.l #$12345678 , d0 * populate test data
addi.l #0 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.l #$F0000000 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.l #$855AA55A , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.l #$A0000000 , d0
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.l #$278EFBD2 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = x.L - Byte
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * populate test data
move.l #$12345678 ,(a0) * populate test data
addi.b #0 , $000F0103
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.b #$10 , $000F0103
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.b #$A5 , $000F0103
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.b #$2D , $000F0103
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = x.L- WORD
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * populate test data
move.l #$12345678 ,(a0) * populate test data
addi.w #0 , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.w #$7000 , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.w #$A55A , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.w #$278E , $000F0100
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = x.L- LONG
move.l #$12345678 , $000F0100 * populate test data
addi.l #0 , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.l #$F0000000 , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.l #$855AA55A , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
addi.l #$A0000000 , $000F0100
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.l #$278EFBD2 , $000F0100
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = Dn - Byte
move.l #$12345678 , d0 * populate test data
subi.b #0 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.b #$10 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.b #$A5 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.b #$C3 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = Dn - WORD
move.l #$12345678 , d0 * populate test data
subi.w #0 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.w #$7000 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.w #$A55A , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.w #$411E , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = Dn - LONG
move.l #$12345678 , d0 * populate test data
subi.l #0 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.l #$F0000000 , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.l #$855AA55A , d0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.l #$A0000000 , d0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.l #$FCD9B11E , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = x.L - Byte
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * populate test data
move.l #$12345678 ,(a0) * populate test data
subi.b #0 , $000F0103
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.b #$10 , $000F0103
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.b #$A5 , $000F0103
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.b #$C3 , $000F0103
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = x.L- WORD
move.l #$000F0100 , a0 * populate test data
move.l #$12345678 ,(a0) * populate test data
subi.w #0 , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.w #$7000 , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.w #$A55A , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.w #$FCDA , $000F0100
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* EA = x.L- LONG
move.l #$12345678 , $000F0100 * populate test data
subi.l #0 , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.l #$F0000000 , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.l #$855AA55A , $000F0100
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
subi.l #$A0000000 , $000F0100
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs
cmpi.l #$FCD9B11E , $000F0100
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$11223344 , d0
move.l #$55667788 , d1
move.l #$8899aabb , d2
move.l #$ccddeeff , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$00000000 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
move.l #$44332211 , a0
move.l #$88776655 , a1
move.l #$bbaa9988 , a2
move.l #$ffeeddcc , a3
move.b d0 , d4 * BYTE - DATA REGISTER
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.l #$00000044 , d4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.w d1 , d5 * WORD - DATA REGISTER
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.l #$00007788 , d5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l d2 , d6 * LONG - DATA REGISTER
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.l #$8899aabb , d6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.w a1 , d5 * WORD - ADDRESS REGISTER
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.l #$00006655 , d5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l a2 , d6 * LONG - ADDRESS REGISTER
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.l #$bbaa9988 , d6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
movea.w d2 , a4 * WORD - ADDRESS REGISTER as SOURCE ## MOVEA
cmpa.l d2 , a4
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne ## comopare fails because A4 was sign extended
movea.l d1 , a5 * LONG - ADDRESS REGISTER as SOURCE ## MOVEA
cmpa.l d1 , a5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* Too mamy EA combinations to test, so we focus on a few of the more complicted EA's
move.l #$11223344 , d0
move.l #$00010100 , d1
move.l #$8899aabb , d2
move.l #$00000001 , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$00000000 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
move.l #$00000000 , a0
move.l #$00010100 , a1
* x(An,AL) --> x.L
move.b #$5A , 4(a0,a1.l) * BYTE
lea 4(a0,a1.l) , a3
move.b 4(a0,a1.l) , $00010105
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.b #$5A , 5(a0,a1.l)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* x.L --> n(An,Dw)
MOVE2: move.b $00010105 , 7(a0,d1.w) * BYTE
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.b #$5A , 7(a0,d1.w)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* x(PC,Ds) --> x.w
move.b MOVE1(pc,d3), $0100 * BYTE
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.b #$B9 ,1+MOVE2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* #x --> n(An,AL)
move.b #$78, 7(a0,d1.w) * BYTE
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.b #$78 ,7(a0,d1.w)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$11223344 , d0
move.l #$00010100 , d1
move.l #$8899aabb , d2
move.l #$00000002 , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$00000000 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
move.l #$00000000 , a0
move.l #$00010100 , a1
* x(An,AL) --> x.L
move.w #$5A5A , 4(a0,a1.l) * WORD
lea 4(a0,a1.l) , a4
move.w 4(a0,a1.l) , $00010104
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.w #$5A5A , 4(a0,a1.l)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* x.L --> n(An,Dw)
MOVE1: move.w $00010104 , 6(a0,d1.w) * WORD
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.w #$5A5A , 6(a0,d1.w)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* x(PC,Ds) --> x.w
move.w MOVE1(pc,d3), $0100 * WORD
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.w #$67FE ,8+MOVE1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* #x --> n(An,AL)
move.w #$7878, 6(a0,d1.w) * WORD
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.w #$7878 ,6(a0,d1.w)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* ---
move.l #$11223344 , d0
move.l #$00010100 , d1
move.l #$8899aabb , d2
move.l #$00000002 , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$00000000 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
move.l #$00000000 , a0
move.l #$00010100 , a1
* x(An,AL) --> x.L
move.l #$5A5A1234 , 4(a0,a1.l) * LONG
lea 4(a0,a1.l) , a4
move.l 4(a0,a1.l) , $00010104
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.l #$5A5A1234 , 4(a0,a1.l)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* x.L --> n(An,Dw)
MOVE3: move.l $00010104 , 6(a0,d1.w) * LONG
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.l #$5A5A1234 , 6(a0,d1.w)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* x(PC,Ds) --> x.w
move.l MOVE3(pc,d3), $0100 * LONG
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.l #$67FE6BFE ,8+MOVE3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* #x --> n(An,AL)
move.l #$78782323, 6(a0,d1.w) * LONG
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
cmpi.l #$78782323 ,6(a0,d1.w)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* Move_To_SR
* Dn
move.w #$2FFF, d0
move d0 , SR
bpl * * branch if Z clear
bne * * branch if N clear
bvc * * branch if V clear
bcc * * branch if C clear
move.w #$2F00, d0
move d0 , CCR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
move.w #$2000, d0
move d0 , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* (An)
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.w #$2FFF, (a0)
move (a0) , SR
bpl * * branch if Z clear
bne * * branch if N clear
bvc * * branch if V clear
bcc * * branch if C clear
move.w #$2000,(a0)
move (a0) , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* (An)+
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.w #$2FFF, (a0)
move (a0)+ , SR
bpl * * branch if Z clear
bne * * branch if N clear
bvc * * branch if V clear
bcc * * branch if C clear
move.w #$2000,(a0)
move (a0)+ , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* -(An)
move.l #$00000102, a0
move.w #$2FFF, (a0)
move (a0)+ , SR
bpl * * branch if Z clear
bne * * branch if N clear
bvc * * branch if V clear
bcc * * branch if C clear
move.w #$2000,(a0)
move (a0)+ , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* n(An)
move.l #$00000102, a0
move.w #$2FFF, 2(a0)
move 2(a0) , SR
bpl * * branch if Z clear
bne * * branch if N clear
bvc * * branch if V clear
bcc * * branch if C clear
move.w #$2000,2(a0)
move 2(a0) , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* n(An,Rn.l)
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000002, d0
move.w #$2FFF, 2(a0,d0.l)
move 2(a0,d0.l) , SR
bpl * * branch if Z clear
bne * * branch if N clear
bvc * * branch if V clear
bcc * * branch if C clear
move.w #$2000, 2(a0,d0.l)
move 2(a0,d0.l) , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* x.W
move.w #$2FFF, $0100
move $0100 , SR
bpl * * branch if Z clear
bne * * branch if N clear
bvc * * branch if V clear
bcc * * branch if C clear
move.w #$2000, $0100
move $0100 , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* x.L
move.w #$2FFF, $00010100
move $00010100 , SR
bpl * * branch if Z clear
bne * * branch if N clear
bvc * * branch if V clear
bcc * * branch if C clear
MOVE4: move.w #$2000, $00010100
move $00010100 , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* x(PC)
move MOVE4+2(pc) , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* x(PC,d0.l)
move.l #$00000000, d0
move MOVE4+2(pc,d0.l) , SR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
move MOVE4+2(pc,d0.l) , CCR
beq * * branch if Z set
bmi * * branch if N set
bvs * * branch if V set
bcs * * branch if C set
* #x
move #$2FFF, SR
bne * * branch if Z clear
bpl * * branch if N clear
bvc * * branch if V clear
bcc * * branch if C clear
* MOVE_From_SR
* Dn
move #$275A, SR * Initial value
move SR , d0
cmpi.w #$275A , d0
bne * * branch if Z set
* (An)
move.l #$00000100, a0
move #$275A, SR * Initial value
move SR , (a0)
cmpi.w #$275A , (a0)
bne * * branch if Z set
* (An)+
move.l #$00000100, a0
move #$257A, SR * Initial value
move SR , (a0)+
move.l #$00000100, a0
cmpi.w #$257A , (a0)+
bne * * branch if Z set
* -(An)
move.l #$00000102, a0
move #$2766, SR * Initial value
move SR , -(a0)
move.l #$00000100, a0
cmpi.w #$2766 , (a0)
bne * * branch if Z set
* x(An)
move.l #$00000102, a0
move #$2733, SR * Initial value
move SR , 4(a0)
cmpi.w #$2733 , 4(a0)
bne * * branch if Z set
* x(An,rn)
move.l #$00000102, a0
move.l #$00000004, d0
move #$275a, SR * Initial value
move SR , 4(a0,d0.l)
cmpi.w #$275a , 4(a0,d0.l)
bne * * branch if Z set
* x.W
move #$2777, SR * Initial value
move SR , $0102
cmpi.w #$2777 , $0102
bne * * branch if Z set
* x.L
move #$2777, SR * Initial value
move SR , $10102
cmpi.w #$2777 , $10102
bne * * branch if Z set
move #$2700, SR * Put flags back to initial value
move.l #$0000007F, d0
move.l #$00008FFF, d1
move.l #$00000000, d2
ext.w d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
cmpi.l #$0000007F , d0
bne * * branch if Z set
ext.l d1
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
cmpi.l #$FFFF8FFF , d1
bne * * branch if Z set
ext.l d2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$12345678, d0
swap d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
cmpi.l #$56781234 , d0
bne * * branch if Z set
move.l #$00345678, a0
move.l #$00000000, d4
* (An)
lea (a0) , a6
move.l a6 , d0
cmpi.l #$00345678, d0
bne * * branch if Z set
pea (a0)
cmpi.l #$00345678, (a7)
bne * * branch if Z set
addq #4 , a7 * Restore Stack Pointer
* x(An)
lea 4(a0) , a6
move.l a6 , d0
cmpi.l #$0034567C, d0
bne * * branch if Z set
pea 4(a0)
cmpi.l #$0034567C, (a7)
bne * * branch if Z set
addq #4 , a7 * Restore Stack Pointer
* x(An,Dn.l)
lea 4(a0,d4) , a6
move.l a6 , d0
cmpi.l #$0034567C, d0
bne * * branch if Z set
pea 4(a0,d4.l)
cmpi.l #$0034567C, (a7)
bne * * branch if Z set
addq #4 , a7 * Restore Stack Pointer
* x.W
lea $1234 , a6
move.l a6 , d0
cmpi.w #$1234, d0
bne * * branch if Z set
pea $1234
cmpi.l #$00001234, (a7)
bne * * branch if Z set
addq #4 , a7 * Restore Stack Pointer
* x.L
lea $00345678 , a6
move.l a6 , d0
cmp.l a6, d0
bne * * branch if Z set
pea $00345678
cmpi.l #$00345678, (a7)
bne * * branch if Z set
addq #4 , a7 * Restore Stack Pointer
* x(PC)
lea LEA1(pc), a6
move.l a6 , d0
cmp.l a6, d0
bne * * branch if Z set
LEA1: pea LEA1(pc)
cmpi.l #$0000241E, (a7)
beq * * branch if Z clear
addq #4 , a7 * Restore Stack Pointer
move #$2700, SR * Put flags back to initial value
* Test just one addressing mode
move.l #$00000100, a0
* (An)
move.b #$00 , (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
tas (a0)
cmpi.b #$80, (a0)
bne * * branch if Z set
move.b #$F5 , (a0)
tas (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
tas (a0)
cmpi.b #$F5, (a0)
bne * * branch if Z set
* Test just one addressing mode
move.l #$00000100, a0
* (An) - BYTE
move.b #$00 , (a0)
tst.b (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.b #$F5 , (a0)
tst.b (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* (An) - WORD
move.w #$0000 , (a0)
tst.w (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.w #$F567 , (a0)
tst.w (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* (An) - LONG
move.l #$00000000 , (a0)
tst.l (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$F56789ab , (a0)
tst.l (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$11223344, a0
move.l #$11223344, d0
link a0, #$0
cmpi.l #$11223344, (a7)
unlk a0
cmp.l d0 , a0
bne * * branch if Z set
move.l #$11223344, a0
move a0 , USP
move USP , a1
cmp.l a0 , a1
bne * * branch if Z set
move.w #$1122, d0
move.w #$1122, d1
chk d0 , d1
move.w #$1122, d1
chk #$1122 , d1
* Comment out when using Easy68K
*move.w #$1122, d1
*chk #00122 , d1
*cmp.l #$EEEE0006 , d6
*bne * * branch if Z set
*move.w #$1122, d0
*move.w #$8000, d1
*chk d0 , d1
*cmp.l #$EEEE0006 , d6
*bne * * branch if Z set
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000000, d0
not.b d0
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
not.b d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
cmpi.b #$00 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.b #$80 , (a0)
not.b (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
not.b (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
cmpi.b #$80 , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000000, d0
not.w d0
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
not.w d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
cmpi.w #$0000 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.w #$5a5a , (a0)
not.w (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
not.w (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
cmpi.w #$5a5a , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000000, d0
not.l d0
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
not.l d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
cmpi.l #$00000000 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$5a5a1234 , (a0)
not.l (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
not.l (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
cmpi.l #$5a5a1234 , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* -----
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000000, d0
move.l #$00000080, d1
neg.b d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 1
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 1
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
neg.b d1
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 0
cmpi.b #$80 , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.b #$7F , (a0)
neg.b (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
move.b #$F5 , (a0)
neg.b (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
cmpi.b #$0B , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* -----
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000000, d0
move.l #$00008000, d1
neg.w d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 1
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 1
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
neg.w d1
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 0
cmpi.w #$8000 , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.w #$7FFF , (a0)
neg.w (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
move.w #$F578 , (a0)
neg.w (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
cmpi.w #$0A88 , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* -----
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000000, d0
move.l #$80000000, d1
neg.l d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 1
bcs * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 1
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
neg.l d1
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvc * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 0
cmpi.l #$80000000 , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$7FFFFFFF , (a0)
neg.l (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
move.l #$F5781234 , (a0)
neg.l (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
cmpi.l #$0A87EDCC , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* -----
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000000, d0
move.l #$00000080, d1
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.b d0
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 1
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 1
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.b d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 1
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 1
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.b d1
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 0
cmpi.b #$7F , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.b d1
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 0
cmpi.b #$81 , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.b #$7F , (a0)
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.b (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
move.b #$7F , (a0)
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.b (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
move.b #$F5 , (a0)
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.b (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
cmpi.b #$0A , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.b (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
cmpi.b #$F6 , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* -----
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000000, d0
move.l #$00008000, d1
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.w d0
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 1
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 1
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.w d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 1
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 1
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.w d1
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 0
cmpi.w #$7FFF , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.w d1
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 0
cmpi.w #$8001 , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.w #$7FFF , (a0)
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.w (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
move.w #$F567 , (a0)
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.w (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
move.w #$F567 , (a0)
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.w (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
cmpi.w #$0A98 , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.w (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
cmpi.w #$F568 , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* -----
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$00000000, d0
move.l #$80000000, d1
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.l d0
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 1
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 1
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.l d0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 1
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 1
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.l d1
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 0
cmpi.l #$7FFFFFFF , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.l d1
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 0
cmpi.l #$80000001 , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.l #$7FFF , (a0)
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.l (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
move.l #$F5671234 , (a0)
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.l (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
move.l #$F5675678 , (a0)
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
negx.l (a0)
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
cmpi.l #$0A98A987 , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
negx.l (a0)
bpl * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bcc * * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
bvs * * Check V Flag bvc/bvs 1
cmpi.l #$F5675679 , (a0)
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* -----
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.l #$12345678, d0
move.l #$12345678, d1
move.l #$12345678, d2
move.l #$12345600, d4
move.l #$12340000, d5
move.l #$00000000, d6
clr.b d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
cmp.l d0 , d4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
clr.w d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
cmp.l d1 , d5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
clr.l d2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
bmi * * Check N Flag bmi/bpl 0
cmp.l d2 , d6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
* WORD Registers --> Memory
move.l #$0000d0d0, d0
move.l #$0000d1d1, d1
move.l #$0000d2d2, d2
move.l #$0000d3d3, d3
move.l #$0000d4d4, d4
move.l #$0000d5d5, d5
move.l #$0000d6d6, d6
move.l #$0000d7d7, d7
move.l #$00000a0a, a0
move.l #$00001a1a, a1
move.l #$00002a2a, a2
move.l #$00003a3a, a3
move.l #$00004a4a, a4
move.l #$00005a5a, a5
move.l #$00006a6a, a6
*move.l #$00007a7a, a7 * Dont change the Stack Pointer
movem.w D0-D7/A0-A7 , $00000100
move.l #$00000100, a0
cmp.w (a0)+ , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , d2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , d3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , d4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , d5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , d6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , d7
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w #$0A0A , (a0)+ * Because we are using a0 as a pointer
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , a1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , a2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , a3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , a4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , a5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w (a0)+ , a6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
* LONG Registers --> Memory
move.l #$d0d0d0d0, d0
move.l #$d1d1d1d1, d1
move.l #$d2d2d2d2, d2
move.l #$d3d3d3d3, d3
move.l #$d4d4d4d4, d4
move.l #$d5d5d5d5, d5
move.l #$d6d6d6d6, d6
move.l #$d7d7d7d7, d7
move.l #$0a0a0a0a, a0
move.l #$1a1a1a1a, a1
move.l #$2a2a2a2a, a2
move.l #$3a3a3a3a, a3
move.l #$4a4a4a4a, a4
move.l #$5a5a5a5a, a5
move.l #$6a6a6a6a, a6
*move.l #$7a7a7a7a, a7 * Dont change the Stack Pointer
movem.l D0-D7/A0-A7 , $00000120
move.l #$00000120, a0
cmp.l (a0)+ , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , d2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , d3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , d4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , d5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , d6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , d7
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$0A0A0A0A , (a0)+ * Because we are using a0 as a pointer
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , a1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , a2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , a3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , a4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , a5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l (a0)+ , a6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
* ----
* WORD Registers --> Memory -(An) EA Mode
move.l #$0000d0d0, d0
move.l #$0000d1d1, d1
move.l #$0000d2d2, d2
move.l #$0000d3d3, d3
move.l #$0000d4d4, d4
move.l #$0000d5d5, d5
move.l #$0000d6d6, d6
move.l #$0000d7d7, d7
move.l #$00000a0a, a0
move.l #$00001a1a, a1
move.l #$00002a2a, a2
move.l #$00003a3a, a3
move.l #$00004a4a, a4
move.l #$00005a5a, a5
move.l #$00006a6a, a6
*move.l #$00007a7a, a7 * Dont change the Stack Pointer
move.l #$000001A0, a0
movem.w D0-D7/A0-A7 , -(a0)
move.l #$0000019E, a0
cmp.w -(a0) , a6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , a5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , a4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , a3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , a2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , a1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , a0
* bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , d7
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , d6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , d5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , d4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , d3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , d2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.w -(a0) , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
* LONG Registers --> Memory -(An) EA Mode
move.l #$d0d0d0d0, d0
move.l #$d1d1d1d1, d1
move.l #$d2d2d2d2, d2
move.l #$d3d3d3d3, d3
move.l #$d4d4d4d4, d4
move.l #$d5d5d5d5, d5
move.l #$d6d6d6d6, d6
move.l #$d7d7d7d7, d7
move.l #$0a0a0a0a, a0
move.l #$1a1a1a1a, a1
move.l #$2a2a2a2a, a2
move.l #$3a3a3a3a, a3
move.l #$4a4a4a4a, a4
move.l #$5a5a5a5a, a5
move.l #$6a6a6a6a, a6
*move.l #$7a7a7a7a, a7 * Dont change the Stack Pointer
move.l #$000001A0, a0
movem.l D0-D7/A0-A7 , -(a0)
move.l #$0000019C, a0
cmp.l -(a0) , a6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , a5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , a4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , a3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , a2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , a1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , a0
* bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , d7
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , d6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , d5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , d4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , d3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , d2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , d1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l -(a0) , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
* WORD - Memory --> Registers
move.l #$00000000, d0
move.l #$00000000, d1
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000000, d6
move.l #$00000000, d7
move.l #$00000000, a0
move.l #$00000000, a1
move.l #$00000000, a2
move.l #$00000000, a3
move.l #$00000000, a4
move.l #$00000000, a5
move.l #$00000000, a6
*move.l #$00000000, a7 * Dont change the Stack Pointer
movem.w $00000100 , D0/D2/D4/D6/A1/A3/A5
cmp.l #$FFFFD0D0 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$FFFFD1D1 , d2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$FFFFD2D2 , d4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$FFFFD3D3 , d6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$FFFFD4D4 , a1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$FFFFD5D5 , a3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$FFFFD6D6 , a5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
* LONG - Memory --> Registers
move.l #$00000000, d0
move.l #$00000000, d1
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000000, d6
move.l #$00000000, d7
move.l #$00000000, a0
move.l #$00000000, a1
move.l #$00000000, a2
move.l #$00000000, a3
move.l #$00000000, a4
move.l #$00000000, a5
move.l #$00000000, a6
*move.l #$00000000, a7 * Dont change the Stack Pointer
movem.l $00000120 , D0/D2/D4/D6/A1/A3/A5
cmp.l #$D0D0D0D0 , d0
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$D1D1D1D1 , d2
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$D2D2D2D2 , d4
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$D3D3D3D3 , d6
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$D4D4D4D4 , a1
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$D5D5D5D5 , a3
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
cmp.l #$D6D6D6D6 , a5
bne * * Check Z Flag beq/bne 0
* Test with X Flag CLEARED
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address pointer-X
move.l #$00000120, a1 * Address pointer-Y
move.l #$00000000, d0 * BCD byte-X
move.l #$00000000, d1 * BCD byte-Y
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3 * Cumulative -(An) BCD results
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative number of times C was set
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative Register BCD results
move.l #$00000099, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$00000099, d7 * Outer loop counter
ABCD_OUTER1: move.l d7 , d0
ABCD_INNER1: move.l d6 , d1
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address pointer-X
move.l #$00000120, a1 * Address pointer-Y
move.b d0 , -1(a0)
move.b d1 , -1(a1)
abcd d0 , d1
bcc ABCD_NO_C1 * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
add.l #1 , d4
ABCD_NO_C1: add.l d1 , d5
abcd -(a0) , -(a1)
bcc ABCD_NO_C2 * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
add.l #1 , d4
ABCD_NO_C2: add.b (a1) , d3
dbf d6 , ABCD_INNER1
move.l #$00000099, d6
dbf d7 , ABCD_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$00005AFC , d4 * Check the cumulative results
bne *
cmpi.l #$001C9A34 , d5
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000034 , d3
bne *
* Test with X Flag SET
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address pointer-X
move.l #$00000120, a1 * Address pointer-Y
move.l #$00000000, d0 * BCD byte-X
move.l #$00000000, d1 * BCD byte-Y
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3 * Cumulative -(An) BCD results
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative number of times C was set
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative Register BCD results
move.l #$00000099, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$00000099, d7 * Outer loop counter
ABCD_OUTER2: move.l d7 , d0
ABCD_INNER2: move.l d6 , d1
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address pointer-X
move.l #$00000120, a1 * Address pointer-Y
move.b d0 , -1(a0)
move.b d1 , -1(a1)
abcd d0 , d1
bcc ABCD_NO_C3 * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
add.l #1 , d4
ABCD_NO_C3: add.l d1 , d5
abcd -(a0) , -(a1)
bcc ABCD_NO_C4 * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
add.l #1 , d4
ABCD_NO_C4: add.b (a1) , d3
dbf d6 , ABCD_INNER2
move.l #$00000099, d6
dbf d7 , ABCD_OUTER2
cmpi.l #$00005B60 , d4 * Check the cumulative results
bne *
cmpi.l #$001CCFC8 , d5
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000034 , d3
bne *
* Quick check of Z Flag
move.b #$00, d0
move.b #$00, d1
move #$00, CCR * Set Z flag to 0
abcd d1,d0 * Should NOT set Z Flag to 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.b #$01, d0
move.b #$00, d1
move #$04, CCR * Set Z flag to 0
abcd d1,d0 * Should NOT set Z Flag to 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* Test with X Flag CLEARED
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address pointer-X
move.l #$00000120, a1 * Address pointer-Y
move.l #$00000000, d0 * BCD byte-X
move.l #$00000000, d1 * BCD byte-Y
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3 * Cumulative -(An) BCD results
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative number of times C was set
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative Register BCD results
move.l #$00000099, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$00000099, d7 * Outer loop counter
SBCD_OUTER1: move.l d7 , d0
SBCD_INNER1: move.l d6 , d1
andi.b #$EF , CCR * Clear X Flag
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address pointer-X
move.l #$00000120, a1 * Address pointer-Y
move.b d0 , -1(a0)
move.b d1 , -1(a1)
sbcd d0 , d1
bcc SBCD_NO_C1 * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
add.l #1 , d4
SBCD_NO_C1: add.l d1 , d5
sbcd -(a0) , -(a1)
bcc SBCD_NO_C2 * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
add.l #1 , d4
SBCD_NO_C2: add.b (a1) , d3
dbf d6 , SBCD_INNER1
move.l #$00000099, d6
dbf d7 , SBCD_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$00005C0A , d4 * Check the cumulative results
bne *
cmpi.l #$001C459E , d5
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000009E , d3
bne *
* Test with X Flag SET
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address pointer-X
move.l #$00000120, a1 * Address pointer-Y
move.l #$00000000, d0 * BCD byte-X
move.l #$00000000, d1 * BCD byte-Y
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3 * Cumulative -(An) BCD results
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative number of times C was set
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative Register BCD results
move.l #$00000099, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$00000099, d7 * Outer loop counter
SBCD_OUTER2: move.l d7 , d0
SBCD_INNER2: move.l d6 , d1
ori.b #$10 , CCR * Set X Flag
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address pointer-X
move.l #$00000120, a1 * Address pointer-Y
move.b d0 , -1(a0)
move.b d1 , -1(a1)
sbcd d0 , d1
bcc SBCD_NO_C3 * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
add.l #1 , d4
SBCD_NO_C3: add.l d1 , d5
sbcd -(a0) , -(a1)
bcc SBCD_NO_C4 * Check C Flag bcc/bcs 0
add.l #1 , d4
SBCD_NO_C4: add.b (a1) , d3
dbf d6 , SBCD_INNER2
move.l #$00000099, d6
dbf d7 , SBCD_OUTER2
cmpi.l #$00005CA4 , d4 * Check the cumulative results
bne *
cmpi.l #$001C5C66 , d5
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000009E , d3
bne *
* Quick check of Z Flag
move.b #$00, d0
move.b #$00, d1
move #$00, CCR * Set Z flag to 0
sbcd d1,d0 * Should NOT set Z Flag to 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
move.b #$01, d0
move.b #$00, d1
move #$04, CCR * Set Z flag to 0
sbcd d1,d0 * Should NOT set Z Flag to 1
beq * * Check Z Flag beq/bne
* NBCD to a Register
move.l #$00000000, d0 * BCD byte
move.l #$00000000, d1
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3 * Cumulative number of times Z was set
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative number of times C was set
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative BCD results
move.l #$00000099, d6
move.l #$00000099, d7 * Loop counter
NBCD_LOOP: move.l d7 , d0
move #$04, CCR * Set Z flag to 0
nbcd d0
bcc NBCD_NO_C * Check C Flag
add.l #1 , d4
NBCD_NO_C: bne NBCD_NO_Z * Check Z Flag
add.l #1 , d3
NBCD_NO_Z: add.l d0 , d5 * Add results into d5
dbf d7 , NBCD_LOOP
cmpi.l #$00000001 , d3 * Check the cumulative results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000099 , d4
bne *
cmpi.l #$00002E3B , d5
bne *
* NBCD to a memory location
move.l #$00000000, d0 * BCD byte
move.l #$00000000, d1
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3 * Cumulative number of times Z was set
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative number of times C was set
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative BCD results
move.l #$00000099, d6
move.l #$00000099, d7 * Loop counter
NBCD_LOOP1: move.b d7 , $00000100
move #$04, CCR * Set Z flag to 0
nbcd $00000100
move.b $00000100 , d0
bcc NBCD_NO_C1 * Check C Flag
add.l #1 , d4
NBCD_NO_C1: bne NBCD_NO_Z1 * Check Z Flag
add.l #1 , d3
NBCD_NO_Z1: add.l d0 , d5 * Add results into d5
dbf d7 , NBCD_LOOP1
cmpi.l #$00000001 , d3 * Check the cumulative results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000000 , d4
bne *
cmpi.l #$00002E3B , d5
bne *
* TRAPV will set d0 to 12345678 if V flag is set
move.l #$00000000, d0 * Clear d0
move #$00, CCR * Clear V flag
cmpi.l #$00000000 , d0 * Check of d0 was updated (should not be_)
bne *
* Easy658K does not use exception vectors
* move #$02, CCR * Set V flag
* trapv
* cmpi.l #$12345678 , d0 * Check of d0 was updated (should not be_)
* bne *
* Leventhal claims only 5 LSB's are popped from the stack to the CCR
lea RTR_DONE , a0
move.l a0, -(a7) * push destination PC to the stack
move.w #$FF15 , -(a7) * push flags=0xFFFF to the stack
RTR_DONE: move SR , d0
andi #$1F , d0
cmpi #$15 , d0
bne *
BSR_FAR2: move.l #$44444444 , d4
op_BCC: move #$00 , CCR
bhi.s BCC1 * Higher Than C=0 AND Z=0
bra *
BCC1: move #$01 , CCR
bls.w BCC2 * Lower or Same C=1 OR Z=1
bra *
BCC2: move #$00 , CCR
bcc.s BCC3 * Carry Clear C=0
bra *
BCC3: move #$01 , CCR
bcs.w BCC4 * Carry Set C=1
bra *
BCC4: move #$00 , CCR
bne.s BCC5 * Not Equal Z=0
bra *
BCC5: move #$04 , CCR
beq.w BCC6 * Equal Z=1
bra *
BCC6: move #$00 , CCR
bvc.s BCC7 * V Clear V=0
bra *
BCC7: move #$02 , CCR
bvs.w BCC8 * V Set V=1
bra *
BCC8: move #$00 , CCR
bpl.s BCC9 * Plus N=0
bra *
BCC9: move #$08 , CCR
bmi.w BCC10 * Minus N=1
bra *
BCC10: move #$00 , CCR
bge.s BCC11 * Greater or Equal N=V
bra *
BCC11: move #$02 , CCR
blt.w BCC12 * Less Than N!=V
bra *
BCC12: move #$0A , CCR
bgt.s BCC13 * Greater Than N=V AND Z=0
bra *
BCC13: move #$06 , CCR
ble.w BCC14 * Less Than or Equal N!=V AND Z=1
bra *
BCC14: rts
op_DBCC: move.l #$00000003 , d0 * Loop counter
move.l #$00000000 , d1 * Accumulator
move #$00 , CCR
DBCC_LOOP1: addi.b #$1 , d1
dbf d0 , DBCC_LOOP1
cmpi.l #$00000004 , d1 * Check Accumulator results
bne *
DBCC_LOOP2: addi.b #$1 , d1
dbcc d0 , DBCC_LOOP2 * Dont loop
cmpi.l #$00000005 , d1 * Check Accumulator results
bne *
op_SCC: move #$01 , CCR
scc $00010000 * Clear the EA byte
cmpi.b #$00 , $00010000
bne *
move #$00 , CCR
scc $00010000 * Set the EA byte to 0xFF
cmpi.b #$FF , $00010000
bne *
move.l #$000000FF , d0 * Loop counter
move.l #$00000000 , d1 * Flag results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d2 * Data results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$00000000 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
ADDQ_LOOP1: addq.b #3 , d5
move SR , d6
andi.l #$1F , d6 * Isolate flags
add.l d6 , d1 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d5 , d2 * Copy data results into data accumulator
dbf d0 , ADDQ_LOOP1
cmpi.l #$0000043D , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$00007F80 , d2
bne *
move.l #$000000FF , d0 * Loop counter
move.l #$00000000 , d1 * Flag results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d2 * Data results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$0000FFF0 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
move.l #$00000100 , a0
ADDQ_LOOP2: addq.w #5 , d5
move SR , d6
andi.l #$1F , d6 * Isolate flags
add.l d6 , d1 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d5 , d2 * Copy data results into data accumulator
dbf d0 , ADDQ_LOOP2
cmpi.l #$00000029 , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$00057280 , d2
bne *
move.l #$000000FF , d0 * Loop counter
move.l #$00000000 , d1 * Flag results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d2 * Data results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$FFFFFFF0 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
ADDQ_LOOP3: addq.l #1 , d5
move SR , d6
andi.l #$1F , d6 * Isolate flags
add.l d6 , d1 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d5 , d2 * Copy data results into data accumulator
dbf d0 , ADDQ_LOOP3
cmpi.l #$0000008D , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$00007080 , d2
bne *
* Check that Flags are not updated for Address registers
move.l #$0000FFFF , a0
move #$00 , CCR * Clear flags
addq.w #$7 , a0
bcs *
move.l #$000000FF , d0 * Loop counter
move.l #$00000000 , d1 * Flag results accumulator
move.l #$00001234 , d2 * Data results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$00000012 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
SUBQ_LOOP1: subq.b #1 , d5
move SR , d6
andi.l #$1F , d6 * Isolate flags
add.l d6 , d1 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d5 , d2 * Copy data results into data accumulator
dbf d0 , SUBQ_LOOP1
cmpi.l #$00000417 , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$000091B4 , d2
bne *
move.l #$000000FF , d0 * Loop counter
move.l #$00000000 , d1 * Flag results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d2 * Data results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$00000002 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
move.l #$00000100 , a0
SUBQ_LOOP2: subq.w #5 , d5
move SR , d6
andi.l #$1F , d6 * Isolate flags
add.l d6 , d1 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d5 , d2 * Copy data results into data accumulator
dbf d0 , SUBQ_LOOP2
cmpi.l #$00000811 , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$00FD7F80 , d2
bne *
move.l #$000000FF , d0 * Loop counter
move.l #$00000000 , d1 * Flag results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d2 * Data results accumulator
move.l #$00000000 , d3
move.l #$00000000 , d4
move.l #$00000007 , d5
move.l #$00000000 , d6
move.l #$00000000 , d7
SUBQ_LOOP3: subq.l #1 , d5
move SR , d6
andi.l #$1F , d6 * Isolate flags
add.l d6 , d1 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d5 , d2 * Copy data results into data accumulator
dbf d0 , SUBQ_LOOP3
cmpi.l #$000007DD , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$FFFF8680 , d2
bne *
* Check that Flags are not updated for Address registers
move.l #$0001FFFF , a0
move #$00 , CCR * Clear flags
subq.w #$7 , a0
bcs *
move.l #$00000000 , d0
moveq #$0 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000000 , d0
bne *
move.l #$00000000 , d0
moveq #$80 , d0
beq *
bpl *
cmpi.l #$FFFFFF80 , d0
bne *
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Numerator
move.l #$00005a5a, d1 * Initial Divisor
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000000E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
DIVU_OUTER1: divu d1 , d0 * !! Easy68K C not always cleared
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
lsr.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , DIVU_OUTER1
lsr.l #$1 , d2
move.l d2 , d0
move.l #$00005a5a, d1 * Initial Divisor
move.l #$0000000E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , DIVU_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$92FEDB89 , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000110 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Numerator
move.l #$00005a5a, d1 * Initial Divisor
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000000E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
DIVS_OUTER1: divs d1 , d0 * !! Easy68K C not always cleared
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
lsr.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , DIVS_OUTER1
lsr.l #$1 , d2
move.l d2 , d0
move.l #$00005a5a, d1 * Initial Divisor
move.l #$0000000E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , DIVS_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$4EC5D057 , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000038 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** <EA> to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d1 , (a0)
or.b (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
or.w (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
or.l (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
lsr.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , OR_OUTER1
lsr.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , OR_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$76EAC803 , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00005A18 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** Register to <EA>
move.l #$86738374, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$FC55F2FE, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$86738374, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001D, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d0 , (a0)
or.b d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
or.w d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
or.l d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
lsr.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , OR_OUTER2
lsr.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , OR_OUTER2
cmpi.l #$FA82B9E4 , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00005730 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** <EA> to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d1 , (a0)
and.b (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
and.w (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
and.l (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
lsr.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , AND_OUTER1
lsr.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , AND_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$CF212883 , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00002D10 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** Register to <EA>
move.l #$86738374, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$FC55F2FE, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$86738374, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001D, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d0 , (a0)
and.b d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
and.w d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
and.l d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
lsr.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , AND_OUTER2
lsr.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , AND_OUTER2
cmpi.l #$4A3DE544 , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$000018E8 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** Register to <EA>
move.l #$86738374, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$FC55F2FE, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$86738374, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001D, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d0 , (a0)
eor.b d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
eor.w d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
eor.l d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
lsr.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , EOR_OUTER2
lsr.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , EOR_OUTER2
cmpi.l #$55C5EB70 , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00004430 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** <EA> to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d1 , (a0)
cmp.b (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
cmp.w (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
cmp.l (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
lsr.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , CMP_OUTER1
lsr.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , CMP_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$7878712F , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00005502 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** <EA> to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, a0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a1 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d1 , (a1)
cmpa.w (a1) , a0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l a0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a1)
cmpa.l (a1) , a0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l a0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
lsr.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , CMPA_OUTER1
lsr.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , CMPA_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$a5a5a0ca , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00003A7D , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000200, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$00000000, d0
move.l #$00000000, d1
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$11FF5580 , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$1111FFFF , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$33333333 , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$44444444 , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$80FF337F , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$FFFF1111 , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$33333333 , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$44444444 , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000200, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$0000000F, d6 * Loop counter
CMPM_LOOP1: cmpm.b (a0)+ , (a1)+
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d0 * Copy flag results into accumulator
dbf d6 , CMPM_LOOP1
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000200, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$00000007, d6 * Loop counter
CMPM_LOOP2: cmpm.w (a0)+ , (a1)+
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d1 * Copy flag results into accumulator
dbf d6 , CMPM_LOOP2
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000200, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$00000003, d6 * Loop counter
CMPM_LOOP3: cmpm.l (a0)+ , (a1)+
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d2 * Copy flag results into accumulator
dbf d6 , CMPM_LOOP3
cmpi.l #$0000004C , d0 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000024 , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000012 , d2
bne *
** <EA> to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d1 , (a0)
add.b (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
add.w (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
add.l (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , ADD_OUTER1
ror.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , ADD_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$23ED428F , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00004C96 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** Register to <EA>
move.l #$86738374, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$FC55F2FE, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$86738374, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001D, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d0 , (a0)
add.b d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
add.w d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
add.l d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , ADD_OUTER2
ror.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , ADD_OUTER2
cmpi.l #$6701B884 , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00005467 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** <EA> to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d1 , (a0)
sub.b (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
sub.w (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
sub.l (a0) , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , SUB_OUTER1
ror.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , SUB_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$1A8D14CF , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00004FC4 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** Register to <EA>
move.l #$86738374, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$FC55F2FE, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$86738374, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001D, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d0 , (a0)
sub.b d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
sub.w d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d0 , (a0)
sub.l d1 , (a0)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a0) , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , SUB_OUTER2
ror.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , SUB_OUTER2
cmpi.l #$36D38BEC , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$000045A5 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
** <EA> to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l #$8167E123, a1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
*move.l d1 , (a0) * !!! Easy68K is not altering the whole 32-bits of the address register
*adda.w (a0) , a1
*add.l a1 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
adda.l (a0) , a1
add.l a1 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , ADDA_OUTER1
ror.l #$1 , d1
move.l d1 , a1
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , ADDA_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$AC04DB4C , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
** <EA> to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l #$8167E123, a1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
*move.l d1 , (a0) * !!! Easy68K is not altering the whole 32-bits of the address register
*suba.w (a0) , a1
*add.l a1 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d1 , (a0)
suba.l (a0) , a1
add.l a1 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , SUBA_OUTER1
ror.l #$1 , d1
move.l d1 , a1
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , SUBA_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$E1E36D7A , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
** Register to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d2 , d0
addx.b d1 , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d2 , d0
addx.w d1 , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d2 , d0
addx.l d1 , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , ADDX_OUTER1
ror.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , ADDX_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$4E96A4D9 , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$000085CD , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
* -(An) , -(An)
move.l #$00000000, d0 * BYTE Flag Results Accumulator
move.l #$00000000, d1
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000200, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$11FF5580 , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$1111FFFF , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$33333333 , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$44444444 , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$80FF337F , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$FFFF1111 , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$33333333 , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$44444444 , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$0000000F, d6 * Loop counter
ADDX_LOOP3: addx.b -(a0) , -(a1)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d0 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.b (a1) , d1
dbf d6 , ADDX_LOOP3
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000210, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$00000007, d6 * Loop counter
ADDX_LOOP4: addx.w -(a0) , -(a1)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d0 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.w (a1) , d1
dbf d6 , ADDX_LOOP4
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000210, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$00000003, d6 * Loop counter
ADDX_LOOP5: addx.l -(a0) , -(a1)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d0 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a1) , d1
dbf d6 , ADDX_LOOP5
cmpi.l #$00000095 , d0 * Check the flag results
bne *
cmpi.l #$C812A682 , d1 * Check the data results
bne *
** Register to Register
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d0 * Initial Data-X Inner loop
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y Outer loop
move.l #$a5a5a5a5, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000001E, d7 * Outer loop counter
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for memory EA operations
move.l d2 , d0
subx.b d1 , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d2 , d0
subx.w d1 , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
move.l d2 , d0
subx.l d1 , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$1F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , SUBX_OUTER1
ror.l #$1 , d2
move.l #$8167E123, d1 * Initial Data-Y
move.l #$0000001E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , SUBX_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$FCAA913E , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00007E89 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
* -(An) , -(An)
move.l #$00000000, d0 * BYTE Flag Results Accumulator
move.l #$00000000, d1
move.l #$00000000, d2
move.l #$00000100, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000200, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$11FF5580 , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$1111FFFF , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$80FF337F , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$44444444 , (a0)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$80FF337F , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$1111FFFF , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$33333333 , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$5580EECC , (a1)+ * Populate test data
move.l #$0000000F, d6 * Loop counter
SUBX_LOOP3: subx.b -(a0) , -(a1)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d0 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.b (a1) , d1
dbf d6 , SUBX_LOOP3
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000210, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$00000007, d6 * Loop counter
SUBX_LOOP4: subx.w -(a0) , -(a1)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d0 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.w (a1) , d1
dbf d6 , SUBX_LOOP4
move.l #$00000110, a0 * Address for Data-X
move.l #$00000210, a1 * Address for Data-Y
move.l #$00000003, d6 * Loop counter
SUBX_LOOP5: subx.l -(a0) , -(a1)
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d0 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l (a1) , d1
dbf d6 , SUBX_LOOP5
cmpi.l #$000000B1 , d0 * Check the flag results
bne *
cmpi.l #$62C6F417 , d1 * Check the data results
bne *
move.l #$FE805501, d0 * Initial
move.l #$5697EDB6, d1 * Initial Y
move.l #$FE805501, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000000E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000000E, d7 * Outer loop counter
MULU_OUTER1: mulu d1 , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , MULU_OUTER1
ror.l #$1 , d2
move.l d2 , d0
move.l #$0000000E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , MULU_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$76FB988C , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000170 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
move.l #$FE805501, d0 * Initial
move.l #$5697EDB6, d1 * Initial Y
move.l #$FE805501, d2
move.l #$00000000, d3
move.l #$00000000, d4 * Cumulative data results
move.l #$00000000, d5 * Cumulative flag results
move.l #$0000000E, d6 * Inner loop counter
move.l #$0000000E, d7 * Outer loop counter
MULS_OUTER1: muls d1 , d0
move SR , d3
andi.l #$0C , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
add.l d0 , d4 * Copy data results into data accumulator
ror.l #$1 , d1
dbf d6 , MULS_OUTER1
ror.l #$1 , d2
move.l d2 , d0
move.l #$0000000E, d6 * Inner loop counter
dbf d7 , MULS_OUTER1
cmpi.l #$D4E2988C , d4 * Check the data results
bne *
cmpi.l #$000003E0 , d5 * Check the Flag results
bne *
move.l #$d1d1d1d1, d1
move.l #$d2d2d2d2, d2
move.l #$d3d3d3d3, d3
move.l #$a1a1a1a1, a1
move.l #$a2a2a2a2, a2
move.l #$a3a3a3a3, a3
exg d1 , d2
exg a1 , a2
exg d3 , a3
cmpi.l #$d2d2d2d2 , d1 * Check the results
bne *
cmpi.l #$d1d1d1d1 , d2
bne *
cmpi.l #$a3a3a3a3 , d3
bne *
move.l a1 , d1
move.l a2 , d2
move.l a3 , d3
cmpi.l #$a2a2a2a2 , d1
bne *
cmpi.l #$a1a1a1a1 , d2
bne *
cmpi.l #$d3d3d3d3 , d3
bne *
* Subroutine to check and accumulate the flags
ROx_FLAGS: move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
* Shift a Register LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count ## IN A REGISTER ##
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000011, d6
rol.b d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROx_LOOP1
cmpi.l #$80018FE3 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000006B, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000012, d6
ror.b d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROx_LOOP2
cmpi.l #$80018F3E , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$000000C5, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000013, d6
rol.w d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROx_LOOP3
cmpi.l #$800163FC , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000131, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$0000001E, d6
ror.w d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROx_LOOP4
cmpi.l #$8001C7F8 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$000001DB, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000015, d6
rol.l d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROx_LOOP5
cmpi.l #$00C7F8C0 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000021A, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000016, d6
ror.l d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROx_LOOP6
cmpi.l #$000C7F8C , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000250, d5
bne *
* Shift a Register LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count ## IN THE OPCODE ##
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000000, d5
rol.b #1 , d0
rol.b #5 , d0
rol.b #7 , d0
rol.b #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018F3E , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000009, d5
bne *
ror.b #1 , d0
ror.b #5 , d0
ror.b #7 , d0
ror.b #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018FF1 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000024, d5
bne *
rol.w #1 , d0
rol.w #5 , d0
rol.w #7 , d0
rol.w #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$8001FE31 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000037, d5
bne *
ror.w #1 , d0
ror.w #5 , d0
ror.w #7 , d0
ror.w #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018FF1 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000005B, d5
bne *
rol.l #1 , d0
rol.l #5 , d0
rol.l #7 , d0
rol.l #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$FE300031 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000065, d5
bne *
ror.l #1 , d0
ror.l #5 , d0
ror.l #7 , d0
ror.l #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018FF1 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000080, d5
bne *
* Shift a Memory location LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count of 1 - WORD only
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.w #$8FF1 , (a0)
rol (a0)
rol (a0)
rol (a0)
rol (a0)
move.w (a0) , d0
cmpi.l #$8001FF18 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000009, d5
bne *
ror (a0)
ror (a0)
ror (a0)
ror (a0)
ror (a0)
ror (a0)
move.w (a0) , d0
cmpi.l #$800163FC , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000001B, d5
bne *
* Subroutine to check and accumulate the flags
ROXx_FLAGS: move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
* Shift a Register LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count ## IN A REGISTER ##
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000011, d6
roxl.b d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROXx_LOOP1
cmpi.l #$80018FD0 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000042, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000012, d6
roxr.b d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROXx_LOOP2
cmpi.l #$80018F51 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000009C, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000013, d6
roxl.w d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROXx_LOOP3
cmpi.l #$80013980 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$000000C9, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$0000001E, d6
roxr.w d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROXx_LOOP4
cmpi.l #$80010A1D , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000014D, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000015, d6
roxl.l d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROXx_LOOP5
cmpi.l #$800185D0 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$000001A1, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000016, d6
roxr.l d6 , d0
dbf d6 , ROXx_LOOP6
cmpi.l #$082D8200 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$000001DE, d5
bne *
* Shift a Register LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count ## IN THE OPCODE ##
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000000, d5
roxl.b #1 , d0
roxl.b #5 , d0
roxl.b #7 , d0
roxl.b #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018F09 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000000B, d5
bne *
roxr.b #1 , d0
roxr.b #5 , d0
roxr.b #7 , d0
roxr.b #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018F00 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000015, d5
bne *
roxl.w #1 , d0
roxl.w #5 , d0
roxl.w #7 , d0
roxl.w #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$8001B000 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000027, d5
bne *
roxr.w #1 , d0
roxr.w #5 , d0
roxr.w #7 , d0
roxr.w #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$80010A00 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000028, d5
bne *
roxl.l #1 , d0
roxl.l #5 , d0
roxl.l #7 , d0
roxl.l #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$40000010 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000002A, d5
bne *
roxr.l #1 , d0
roxr.l #5 , d0
roxr.l #7 , d0
roxr.l #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$00010200 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000032, d5
bne *
* Shift a Memory location LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count of 1 - WORD only
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.w #$8FF1 , (a0)
roxl (a0)
roxl (a0)
roxl (a0)
roxl (a0)
move.w (a0) , d0
cmpi.l #$0001FF10 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000009, d5
bne *
roxr (a0)
roxr (a0)
roxr (a0)
roxr (a0)
roxr (a0)
roxr (a0)
move.w (a0) , d0
cmpi.l #$000103FC , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000000A, d5
bne *
* Subroutine to check and accumulate the flags
SHIFTS_FLAGS: move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
* Shift a Register LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count ## IN A REGISTER ##
move.l #$80018F81, d0
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000002, d6
asl.b d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS_LOOP1
cmpi.l #$80018F08 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000002, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018F81, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
asr.b d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS_LOOP2
cmpi.l #$80018FF0 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000001A, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
asl.w d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS_LOOP3
cmpi.l #$80017F88 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000001C, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
asr.w d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS_LOOP4
cmpi.l #$8001F1FE , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000034, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
asl.l d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS_LOOP5
cmpi.l #$000C7F88 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000036, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
asr.l d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS_LOOP6
cmpi.l #$F00031FE , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000004E, d5
bne *
* Shift a Register LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count ## IN THE OPCODE ##
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000000, d5
asl.b #1 , d0
asl.b #2 , d0
asl.b #1 , d0
asl.b #3 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018F80 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000001F, d5
bne *
asr.b #1 , d0
asr.b #2 , d0
asr.b #3 , d0
asr.b #1 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018FFF , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000003F, d5
bne *
asl.w #1 , d0
asl.w #2 , d0
asl.w #3 , d0
asl.w #5 , d0
cmpi.l #$8001F800 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000056, d5
bne *
asr.w #5 , d0
asr.w #1 , d0
asr.w #2 , d0
asr.w #4 , d0
cmpi.l #$8001FFFF , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000077, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
asl.l #1 , d0
asl.l #2 , d0
asl.l #7 , d0
asl.l #4 , d0
cmpi.l #$63FC4000 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000007A, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
asr.l #1 , d0
asr.l #5 , d0
asr.l #7 , d0
asr.l #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$FFFFFC00 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000009C, d5
bne *
* Shift a Memory location LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count of 1 - WORD only
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.w #$8FF1 , (a0)
asl (a0)
asl (a0)
asl (a0)
asl (a0)
move.w (a0) , d0
cmpi.l #$FFFFFF10 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000000D, d5
bne *
asr (a0)
asr (a0)
asr (a0)
asr (a0)
asr (a0)
asr (a0)
move.w (a0) , d0
cmpi.l #$FFFFFFFC , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000003E, d5
bne *
* Subroutine to check and accumulate the flags
SHIFTS2_FLAGS: move SR , d3
andi.l #$0F , d3 * Isolate flags
add.l d3 , d5 * Copy flag results into accumulator
* Shift a Register LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count ## IN A REGISTER ##
move.l #$80018F81, d0
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000002, d6
lsl.b d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS2_LOOP1
cmpi.l #$80018F08 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000000, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018F81, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
lsr.b d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS2_LOOP2
cmpi.l #$80018F10 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000000, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
lsl.w d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS2_LOOP3
cmpi.l #$80017F88 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000000, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
lsr.w d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS2_LOOP4
cmpi.l #$800111FE , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000000, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
lsl.l d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS2_LOOP5
cmpi.l #$000C7F88 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000000, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000002, d6
lsr.l d6 , d0
dbf d6 , SHIFTS2_LOOP6
cmpi.l #$100031FE , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000000, d5
bne *
* Shift a Register LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count ## IN THE OPCODE ##
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
move.l #$00000000, d5
lsl.b #1 , d0
lsl.b #2 , d0
lsl.b #1 , d0
lsl.b #3 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018F80 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000001B, d5
bne *
lsr.b #1 , d0
lsr.b #2 , d0
lsr.b #3 , d0
lsr.b #1 , d0
cmpi.l #$80018F01 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000001B, d5
bne *
lsl.w #1 , d0
lsl.w #2 , d0
lsl.w #3 , d0
lsl.w #5 , d0
cmpi.l #$80010800 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000025, d5
bne *
lsr.w #5 , d0
lsr.w #1 , d0
lsr.w #2 , d0
lsr.w #4 , d0
cmpi.l #$80010000 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000002A, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
lsl.l #1 , d0
lsl.l #2 , d0
lsl.l #7 , d0
lsl.l #4 , d0
cmpi.l #$63FC4000 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000002B, d5
bne *
move.l #$80018FF1, d0
lsr.l #1 , d0
lsr.l #5 , d0
lsr.l #7 , d0
lsr.l #8 , d0
cmpi.l #$00000400 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000002D, d5
bne *
* Shift a Memory location LEFT and RIGHT with shift_count of 1 - WORD only
move.l #$00000000, d5
move.l #$00000100, a0
move.w #$8FF1 , (a0)
lsl (a0)
lsl (a0)
lsl (a0)
lsl (a0)
move.w (a0) , d0
cmpi.l #$0000FF10 , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$00000009, d5
bne *
lsr (a0)
lsr (a0)
lsr (a0)
lsr (a0)
lsr (a0)
lsr (a0)
move.w (a0) , d0
cmpi.l #$000003FC , d0
bne *
cmpi.l #$0000000A, d5
bne *
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