begin require 'albacore' rescue LoadError warn "Please run 'gem install albacore --pre'" exit 1 end CONFIG = ENV['CONFIG'] || 'Debug' COVERAGE_DIR = 'Coverage' COVERAGE_FILE = File.join(COVERAGE_DIR, 'coverage.xml') directory COVERAGE_DIR desc "Build Stylet.sln using the current CONFIG (or Debug)" build :build do |b| b.sln = "Stylet.sln" = [:Build] b.prop 'Configuration', CONFIG end task :test_environment => [:build] do NUNIT_TOOLS = 'packages/NUnit.Runners.*/tools' NUNIT_CONSOLE = Dir[File.join(NUNIT_TOOLS, 'nunit-console.exe')].first NUNIT_EXE = Dir[File.join(NUNIT_TOOLS, 'nunit.exe')].first OPENCOVER_CONSOLE = Dir['packages/OpenCover.*/OpenCover.Console.exe'].first REPORT_GENERATOR = Dir['packages/ReportGenerator.*/ReportGenerator.exe'].first UNIT_TESTS_DLL = "StyletUnitTests/bin/#{CONFIG}/StyletUnitTests.dll" INTEGRATION_TESTS_EXE = "StyletIntegrationTests/bin/#{CONFIG}/StyletIntegrationTests.exe" raise "NUnit.Runners not found. Restore NuGet packages" unless NUNIT_CONSOLE && NUNIT_EXE raise "OpenCover not found. Restore NuGet packages" unless OPENCOVER_CONSOLE raise "ReportGenerator not found. Restore NuGet packages" unless REPORT_GENERATOR end test_runner :nunit_test_runner => [:test_environment] do |t| t.exe = NUNIT_CONSOLE t.files = [UNIT_TESTS_DLL] t.add_parameter '/nologo' end desc "Run unit tests using the current CONFIG (or Debug)" task :test => [:nunit_test_runner] do |t| rm 'TestResult.xml' end desc "Launch the NUnit gui pointing at the correct DLL for CONFIG (or Debug)" task :nunit do |t| sh NUNIT_EXE, UNIT_TESTS_DLL end namespace :cover do desc "Generate unit test code coverage reports for CONFIG (or Debug)" task :unit => [:test_environment, COVERAGE_DIR] do |t| coverage(instrument(:nunit, UNIT_TESTS_DLL)) end desc "Create integration test code coverage reports for CONFIG (or Debug)" task :integration => [:test_environment, COVERAGE_DIR] do |t| coverage(instrument(:exe, INTEGRATION_TESTS_EXE)) end desc "Create test code coverage for everything for CONFIG (or Debug)" task :all => [:test_environment, COVERAGE_DIR] do |t| coverage([instrument(:nunit, UNIT_TESTS_DLL), instrument(:exe, INTEGRATION_TESTS_EXE)]) end end def instrument(runner, target) case runner when :nunit opttarget = NUNIT_CONSOLE opttargetargs = target when :exe opttarget = target opttargetargs = '' else raise "Unknown runner #{runner}" end coverage_file = File.join(COVERAGE_DIR, File.basename(target).ext('xml')) sh OPENCOVER_CONSOLE, %Q{-register:user -target:"#{opttarget}" -filter:"+[Stylet]* -[Stylet]XamlGeneratedNamespace.*" -targetargs:"#{opttargetargs} /noshadow" -output:"#{coverage_file}"} rm 'TestResult.xml' if runner == :nunit coverage_file end def coverage(coverage_files) coverage_files = [*coverage_files] sh REPORT_GENERATOR, %Q{-reports:"#{coverage_files.join(';')}" "-targetdir:#{COVERAGE_DIR}"} end