CONFIG = ENV['CONFIG'] || 'Debug' COVERAGE_DIR = 'Coverage' COVERAGE_FILE = File.join(COVERAGE_DIR, 'coverage.xml') GITLINK_REMOTE = '' NUSPEC = 'NuGet/Stylet.nuspec' NUSPEC_START = 'NuGet/Stylet.start.nuspec' ASSEMBLY_INFO = 'Stylet/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs' CSPROJ = 'Stylet/Stylet.csproj' MSBUILD = %q{C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe} directory COVERAGE_DIR desc "Build the project for release" task :build do sh MSBUILD, CSPROJ, "/t:Clean;Rebuild", "/p:Configuration=Release", "/verbosity:normal" end task :test_environment => [:build] do NUNIT_TOOLS = 'packages/NUnit.Runners.*/tools' NUNIT_CONSOLE = Dir[File.join(NUNIT_TOOLS, 'nunit-console.exe')].first NUNIT_EXE = Dir[File.join(NUNIT_TOOLS, 'nunit.exe')].first OPENCOVER_CONSOLE = Dir['packages/OpenCover.*/tools/OpenCover.Console.exe'].first REPORT_GENERATOR = Dir['packages/ReportGenerator.*/tools/ReportGenerator.exe'].first UNIT_TESTS_DLL = "StyletUnitTests/bin/#{CONFIG}/StyletUnitTests.dll" INTEGRATION_TESTS_EXE = "StyletIntegrationTests/bin/#{CONFIG}/StyletIntegrationTests.exe" raise "NUnit.Runners not found. Restore NuGet packages" unless NUNIT_CONSOLE && NUNIT_EXE raise "OpenCover not found. Restore NuGet packages" unless OPENCOVER_CONSOLE raise "ReportGenerator not found. Restore NuGet packages" unless REPORT_GENERATOR end task :nunit_test_runner => [:test_environment] do sh NUNIT_CONSOLE, UNIT_TESTS_DLL end desc "Run unit tests using the current CONFIG (or Debug)" task :test => [:nunit_test_runner] do |t| rm 'TestResult.xml', :force => true end desc "Launch the NUnit gui pointing at the correct DLL for CONFIG (or Debug)" task :nunit => [:test_environment] do |t| sh NUNIT_EXE, UNIT_TESTS_DLL end namespace :cover do desc "Generate unit test code coverage reports for CONFIG (or Debug)" task :unit => [:test_environment, COVERAGE_DIR] do |t| coverage(instrument(:nunit, UNIT_TESTS_DLL)) end desc "Create integration test code coverage reports for CONFIG (or Debug)" task :integration => [:test_environment, COVERAGE_DIR] do |t| coverage(instrument(:exe, INTEGRATION_TESTS_EXE)) end desc "Create test code coverage for everything for CONFIG (or Debug)" task :all => [:test_environment, COVERAGE_DIR] do |t| coverage([instrument(:nunit, UNIT_TESTS_DLL), instrument(:exe, INTEGRATION_TESTS_EXE)]) end end def instrument(runner, target) case runner when :nunit opttarget = NUNIT_CONSOLE opttargetargs = target when :exe opttarget = target opttargetargs = '' else raise "Unknown runner #{runner}" end coverage_file = File.join(COVERAGE_DIR, File.basename(target).ext('xml')) sh OPENCOVER_CONSOLE, '-register:user', "-target:#{opttarget}", "-filter:+[Stylet]* -[Stylet]XamlGeneratedNamespace.*", "-targetargs:#{opttargetargs} /noshadow", "-output:#{coverage_file}" rm('TestResult.xml', :force => true) if runner == :nunit coverage_file end def coverage(coverage_files) coverage_files = [*coverage_files] sh REPORT_GENERATOR, "-reports:#{coverage_files.join(';')}", "-targetdir:#{COVERAGE_DIR}" end desc "Create NuGet package" task :package do local_hash = `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp sh "NuGet/GitLink.exe . -s #{local_hash} -u #{GITLINK_REMOTE} -f Stylet.sln -ignore StyletUnitTests,StyletIntegrationTests" Dir.chdir(File.dirname(NUSPEC)) do sh "nuget.exe pack #{File.basename(NUSPEC)}" end Dir.chdir(File.dirname(NUSPEC_START)) do sh "nuget.exe pack #{File.basename(NUSPEC_START)}" end end desc "Bump version number" task :version, [:version] do |t, args| parts = args[:version].split('.') parts << '0' if parts.length == 3 version = parts.join('.') content = content[/^\[assembly: AssemblyVersion\(\"(.+?)\"\)\]/, 1] = version content[/^\[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion\(\"(.+?)\"\)\]/, 1] = version, 'w'){ |f| f.write(content) } content = content[/(.+?)<\/version>/, 1] = args[:version], 'w'){ |f| f.write(content) } content = content[/(.+?)<\/version>/, 1] = args[:version] content[%r{}, 1] = args[:version], 'w'){ |f| f.write(content) } end desc "Extract StyletIoC as a standalone file" task :"extract-stylet-ioc" do filenames = Dir['Stylet/StyletIoC/**/*.cs'] usings = files = [] filenames.each do |file| contents = file_usings = contents.scan(/using .*?;$/) usings.merge(file_usings) matches = contents.match(/namespace (.+?)\n{\n(.+)}.*/m) namespace, file_contents = matches.captures files << { :from => file, :contents => file_contents, :namespace => namespace } # merged_contents << " // Originally from #{file}\n\n" << file_contents << "\n" end'StyletIoC.cs', 'w') do |outf| outf.write(usings.to_a.join("\n")) outf.puts files.group_by{ |x| x[:namespace ] }.each do |namespace, ns_files| outf.puts("\nnamespace #{namespace}") outf.puts("{") ns_files.each do |file| outf.puts("\n // Originally from #{file[:from]}\n\n") outf.puts(file[:contents]) end outf.puts("}\n") end end # puts merged_contents end