mirror of https://github.com/AMT-Cheif/drift.git
Write implementation methods for queries
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
part of 'example.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// MoorGenerator
// **************************************************************************
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
class Category extends DataClass implements Insertable<Category> {
final int id;
final String description;
Category({@required this.id, this.description});
factory Category.fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data, GeneratedDatabase db,
{String prefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? '';
final intType = db.typeSystem.forDartType<int>();
final stringType = db.typeSystem.forDartType<String>();
return Category(
id: intType.mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}id']),
description: stringType
factory Category.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json,
{ValueSerializer serializer = const ValueSerializer.defaults()}) {
return Category(
id: serializer.fromJson<int>(json['id']),
description: serializer.fromJson<String>(json['description']),
Map<String, dynamic> toJson(
{ValueSerializer serializer = const ValueSerializer.defaults()}) {
return {
'id': serializer.toJson<int>(id),
'description': serializer.toJson<String>(description),
T createCompanion<T extends UpdateCompanion<Category>>(bool nullToAbsent) {
return CategoriesCompanion(
id: id == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(id),
description: description == null && nullToAbsent
? const Value.absent()
: Value(description),
) as T;
Category copyWith({int id, String description}) => Category(
id: id ?? this.id,
description: description ?? this.description,
String toString() {
return (StringBuffer('Category(')
..write('id: $id, ')
..write('description: $description')
int get hashCode => $mrjf($mrjc($mrjc(0, id.hashCode), description.hashCode));
bool operator ==(other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(other is Category && other.id == id && other.description == description);
class CategoriesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion<Category> {
final Value<int> id;
final Value<String> description;
const CategoriesCompanion({
this.id = const Value.absent(),
this.description = const Value.absent(),
class $CategoriesTable extends Categories
with TableInfo<$CategoriesTable, Category> {
final GeneratedDatabase _db;
final String _alias;
$CategoriesTable(this._db, [this._alias]);
final VerificationMeta _idMeta = const VerificationMeta('id');
GeneratedIntColumn _id;
GeneratedIntColumn get id => _id ??= _constructId();
GeneratedIntColumn _constructId() {
return GeneratedIntColumn('id', $tableName, false, hasAutoIncrement: true);
final VerificationMeta _descriptionMeta =
const VerificationMeta('description');
GeneratedTextColumn _description;
GeneratedTextColumn get description =>
_description ??= _constructDescription();
GeneratedTextColumn _constructDescription() {
return GeneratedTextColumn(
List<GeneratedColumn> get $columns => [id, description];
$CategoriesTable get asDslTable => this;
String get $tableName => _alias ?? 'categories';
final String actualTableName = 'categories';
VerificationContext validateIntegrity(CategoriesCompanion d,
{bool isInserting = false}) {
final context = VerificationContext();
if (d.id.present) {
context.handle(_idMeta, id.isAcceptableValue(d.id.value, _idMeta));
} else if (id.isRequired && isInserting) {
if (d.description.present) {
description.isAcceptableValue(d.description.value, _descriptionMeta));
} else if (description.isRequired && isInserting) {
return context;
Set<GeneratedColumn> get $primaryKey => {id};
Category map(Map<String, dynamic> data, {String tablePrefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null;
return Category.fromData(data, _db, prefix: effectivePrefix);
Map<String, Variable> entityToSql(CategoriesCompanion d) {
final map = <String, Variable>{};
if (d.id.present) {
map['id'] = Variable<int, IntType>(d.id.value);
if (d.description.present) {
map['description'] = Variable<String, StringType>(d.description.value);
return map;
$CategoriesTable createAlias(String alias) {
return $CategoriesTable(_db, alias);
class Recipe extends DataClass implements Insertable<Recipe> {
final int id;
final String title;
final String instructions;
final int category;
{@required this.id,
@required this.title,
@required this.instructions,
factory Recipe.fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data, GeneratedDatabase db,
{String prefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? '';
final intType = db.typeSystem.forDartType<int>();
final stringType = db.typeSystem.forDartType<String>();
return Recipe(
id: intType.mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}id']),
instructions: stringType
factory Recipe.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json,
{ValueSerializer serializer = const ValueSerializer.defaults()}) {
return Recipe(
id: serializer.fromJson<int>(json['id']),
title: serializer.fromJson<String>(json['title']),
instructions: serializer.fromJson<String>(json['instructions']),
category: serializer.fromJson<int>(json['category']),
Map<String, dynamic> toJson(
{ValueSerializer serializer = const ValueSerializer.defaults()}) {
return {
'id': serializer.toJson<int>(id),
'title': serializer.toJson<String>(title),
'instructions': serializer.toJson<String>(instructions),
'category': serializer.toJson<int>(category),
T createCompanion<T extends UpdateCompanion<Recipe>>(bool nullToAbsent) {
return RecipesCompanion(
id: id == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(id),
title == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(title),
instructions: instructions == null && nullToAbsent
? const Value.absent()
: Value(instructions),
category: category == null && nullToAbsent
? const Value.absent()
: Value(category),
) as T;
Recipe copyWith({int id, String title, String instructions, int category}) =>
id: id ?? this.id,
title: title ?? this.title,
instructions: instructions ?? this.instructions,
category: category ?? this.category,
String toString() {
return (StringBuffer('Recipe(')
..write('id: $id, ')
..write('title: $title, ')
..write('instructions: $instructions, ')
..write('category: $category')
int get hashCode => $mrjf($mrjc(
$mrjc($mrjc(0, id.hashCode), title.hashCode), instructions.hashCode),
bool operator ==(other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(other is Recipe &&
other.id == id &&
other.title == title &&
other.instructions == instructions &&
other.category == category);
class RecipesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion<Recipe> {
final Value<int> id;
final Value<String> title;
final Value<String> instructions;
final Value<int> category;
const RecipesCompanion({
this.id = const Value.absent(),
this.title = const Value.absent(),
this.instructions = const Value.absent(),
this.category = const Value.absent(),
class $RecipesTable extends Recipes with TableInfo<$RecipesTable, Recipe> {
final GeneratedDatabase _db;
final String _alias;
$RecipesTable(this._db, [this._alias]);
final VerificationMeta _idMeta = const VerificationMeta('id');
GeneratedIntColumn _id;
GeneratedIntColumn get id => _id ??= _constructId();
GeneratedIntColumn _constructId() {
return GeneratedIntColumn('id', $tableName, false, hasAutoIncrement: true);
final VerificationMeta _titleMeta = const VerificationMeta('title');
GeneratedTextColumn _title;
GeneratedTextColumn get title => _title ??= _constructTitle();
GeneratedTextColumn _constructTitle() {
return GeneratedTextColumn('title', $tableName, false, maxTextLength: 16);
final VerificationMeta _instructionsMeta =
const VerificationMeta('instructions');
GeneratedTextColumn _instructions;
GeneratedTextColumn get instructions =>
_instructions ??= _constructInstructions();
GeneratedTextColumn _constructInstructions() {
return GeneratedTextColumn(
final VerificationMeta _categoryMeta = const VerificationMeta('category');
GeneratedIntColumn _category;
GeneratedIntColumn get category => _category ??= _constructCategory();
GeneratedIntColumn _constructCategory() {
return GeneratedIntColumn(
List<GeneratedColumn> get $columns => [id, title, instructions, category];
$RecipesTable get asDslTable => this;
String get $tableName => _alias ?? 'recipes';
final String actualTableName = 'recipes';
VerificationContext validateIntegrity(RecipesCompanion d,
{bool isInserting = false}) {
final context = VerificationContext();
if (d.id.present) {
context.handle(_idMeta, id.isAcceptableValue(d.id.value, _idMeta));
} else if (id.isRequired && isInserting) {
if (d.title.present) {
_titleMeta, title.isAcceptableValue(d.title.value, _titleMeta));
} else if (title.isRequired && isInserting) {
if (d.instructions.present) {
d.instructions.value, _instructionsMeta));
} else if (instructions.isRequired && isInserting) {
if (d.category.present) {
category.isAcceptableValue(d.category.value, _categoryMeta));
} else if (category.isRequired && isInserting) {
return context;
Set<GeneratedColumn> get $primaryKey => {id};
Recipe map(Map<String, dynamic> data, {String tablePrefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null;
return Recipe.fromData(data, _db, prefix: effectivePrefix);
Map<String, Variable> entityToSql(RecipesCompanion d) {
final map = <String, Variable>{};
if (d.id.present) {
map['id'] = Variable<int, IntType>(d.id.value);
if (d.title.present) {
map['title'] = Variable<String, StringType>(d.title.value);
if (d.instructions.present) {
map['instructions'] = Variable<String, StringType>(d.instructions.value);
if (d.category.present) {
map['category'] = Variable<int, IntType>(d.category.value);
return map;
$RecipesTable createAlias(String alias) {
return $RecipesTable(_db, alias);
class Ingredient extends DataClass implements Insertable<Ingredient> {
final int id;
final String name;
final int caloriesPer100g;
{@required this.id, @required this.name, @required this.caloriesPer100g});
factory Ingredient.fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data, GeneratedDatabase db,
{String prefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? '';
final intType = db.typeSystem.forDartType<int>();
final stringType = db.typeSystem.forDartType<String>();
return Ingredient(
id: intType.mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}id']),
name: stringType.mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}name']),
factory Ingredient.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json,
{ValueSerializer serializer = const ValueSerializer.defaults()}) {
return Ingredient(
id: serializer.fromJson<int>(json['id']),
name: serializer.fromJson<String>(json['name']),
caloriesPer100g: serializer.fromJson<int>(json['caloriesPer100g']),
Map<String, dynamic> toJson(
{ValueSerializer serializer = const ValueSerializer.defaults()}) {
return {
'id': serializer.toJson<int>(id),
'name': serializer.toJson<String>(name),
'caloriesPer100g': serializer.toJson<int>(caloriesPer100g),
T createCompanion<T extends UpdateCompanion<Ingredient>>(bool nullToAbsent) {
return IngredientsCompanion(
id: id == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(id),
name: name == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(name),
caloriesPer100g: caloriesPer100g == null && nullToAbsent
? const Value.absent()
: Value(caloriesPer100g),
) as T;
Ingredient copyWith({int id, String name, int caloriesPer100g}) => Ingredient(
id: id ?? this.id,
name: name ?? this.name,
caloriesPer100g: caloriesPer100g ?? this.caloriesPer100g,
String toString() {
return (StringBuffer('Ingredient(')
..write('id: $id, ')
..write('name: $name, ')
..write('caloriesPer100g: $caloriesPer100g')
int get hashCode => $mrjf($mrjc(
$mrjc($mrjc(0, id.hashCode), name.hashCode), caloriesPer100g.hashCode));
bool operator ==(other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(other is Ingredient &&
other.id == id &&
other.name == name &&
other.caloriesPer100g == caloriesPer100g);
class IngredientsCompanion extends UpdateCompanion<Ingredient> {
final Value<int> id;
final Value<String> name;
final Value<int> caloriesPer100g;
const IngredientsCompanion({
this.id = const Value.absent(),
this.name = const Value.absent(),
this.caloriesPer100g = const Value.absent(),
class $IngredientsTable extends Ingredients
with TableInfo<$IngredientsTable, Ingredient> {
final GeneratedDatabase _db;
final String _alias;
$IngredientsTable(this._db, [this._alias]);
final VerificationMeta _idMeta = const VerificationMeta('id');
GeneratedIntColumn _id;
GeneratedIntColumn get id => _id ??= _constructId();
GeneratedIntColumn _constructId() {
return GeneratedIntColumn('id', $tableName, false, hasAutoIncrement: true);
final VerificationMeta _nameMeta = const VerificationMeta('name');
GeneratedTextColumn _name;
GeneratedTextColumn get name => _name ??= _constructName();
GeneratedTextColumn _constructName() {
return GeneratedTextColumn(
final VerificationMeta _caloriesPer100gMeta =
const VerificationMeta('caloriesPer100g');
GeneratedIntColumn _caloriesPer100g;
GeneratedIntColumn get caloriesPer100g =>
_caloriesPer100g ??= _constructCaloriesPer100g();
GeneratedIntColumn _constructCaloriesPer100g() {
return GeneratedIntColumn(
List<GeneratedColumn> get $columns => [id, name, caloriesPer100g];
$IngredientsTable get asDslTable => this;
String get $tableName => _alias ?? 'ingredients';
final String actualTableName = 'ingredients';
VerificationContext validateIntegrity(IngredientsCompanion d,
{bool isInserting = false}) {
final context = VerificationContext();
if (d.id.present) {
context.handle(_idMeta, id.isAcceptableValue(d.id.value, _idMeta));
} else if (id.isRequired && isInserting) {
if (d.name.present) {
_nameMeta, name.isAcceptableValue(d.name.value, _nameMeta));
} else if (name.isRequired && isInserting) {
if (d.caloriesPer100g.present) {
d.caloriesPer100g.value, _caloriesPer100gMeta));
} else if (caloriesPer100g.isRequired && isInserting) {
return context;
Set<GeneratedColumn> get $primaryKey => {id};
Ingredient map(Map<String, dynamic> data, {String tablePrefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null;
return Ingredient.fromData(data, _db, prefix: effectivePrefix);
Map<String, Variable> entityToSql(IngredientsCompanion d) {
final map = <String, Variable>{};
if (d.id.present) {
map['id'] = Variable<int, IntType>(d.id.value);
if (d.name.present) {
map['name'] = Variable<String, StringType>(d.name.value);
if (d.caloriesPer100g.present) {
map['calories'] = Variable<int, IntType>(d.caloriesPer100g.value);
return map;
$IngredientsTable createAlias(String alias) {
return $IngredientsTable(_db, alias);
class IngredientInRecipe extends DataClass
implements Insertable<IngredientInRecipe> {
final int recipe;
final int ingredient;
final int amountInGrams;
{@required this.recipe,
@required this.ingredient,
@required this.amountInGrams});
factory IngredientInRecipe.fromData(
Map<String, dynamic> data, GeneratedDatabase db,
{String prefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? '';
final intType = db.typeSystem.forDartType<int>();
return IngredientInRecipe(
recipe: intType.mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}recipe']),
factory IngredientInRecipe.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json,
{ValueSerializer serializer = const ValueSerializer.defaults()}) {
return IngredientInRecipe(
recipe: serializer.fromJson<int>(json['recipe']),
ingredient: serializer.fromJson<int>(json['ingredient']),
amountInGrams: serializer.fromJson<int>(json['amountInGrams']),
Map<String, dynamic> toJson(
{ValueSerializer serializer = const ValueSerializer.defaults()}) {
return {
'recipe': serializer.toJson<int>(recipe),
'ingredient': serializer.toJson<int>(ingredient),
'amountInGrams': serializer.toJson<int>(amountInGrams),
T createCompanion<T extends UpdateCompanion<IngredientInRecipe>>(
bool nullToAbsent) {
return IngredientInRecipesCompanion(
recipe == null && nullToAbsent ? const Value.absent() : Value(recipe),
ingredient: ingredient == null && nullToAbsent
? const Value.absent()
: Value(ingredient),
amountInGrams: amountInGrams == null && nullToAbsent
? const Value.absent()
: Value(amountInGrams),
) as T;
IngredientInRecipe copyWith(
{int recipe, int ingredient, int amountInGrams}) =>
recipe: recipe ?? this.recipe,
ingredient: ingredient ?? this.ingredient,
amountInGrams: amountInGrams ?? this.amountInGrams,
String toString() {
return (StringBuffer('IngredientInRecipe(')
..write('recipe: $recipe, ')
..write('ingredient: $ingredient, ')
..write('amountInGrams: $amountInGrams')
int get hashCode => $mrjf($mrjc(
$mrjc($mrjc(0, recipe.hashCode), ingredient.hashCode),
bool operator ==(other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(other is IngredientInRecipe &&
other.recipe == recipe &&
other.ingredient == ingredient &&
other.amountInGrams == amountInGrams);
class IngredientInRecipesCompanion extends UpdateCompanion<IngredientInRecipe> {
final Value<int> recipe;
final Value<int> ingredient;
final Value<int> amountInGrams;
const IngredientInRecipesCompanion({
this.recipe = const Value.absent(),
this.ingredient = const Value.absent(),
this.amountInGrams = const Value.absent(),
class $IngredientInRecipesTable extends IngredientInRecipes
with TableInfo<$IngredientInRecipesTable, IngredientInRecipe> {
final GeneratedDatabase _db;
final String _alias;
$IngredientInRecipesTable(this._db, [this._alias]);
final VerificationMeta _recipeMeta = const VerificationMeta('recipe');
GeneratedIntColumn _recipe;
GeneratedIntColumn get recipe => _recipe ??= _constructRecipe();
GeneratedIntColumn _constructRecipe() {
return GeneratedIntColumn(
final VerificationMeta _ingredientMeta = const VerificationMeta('ingredient');
GeneratedIntColumn _ingredient;
GeneratedIntColumn get ingredient => _ingredient ??= _constructIngredient();
GeneratedIntColumn _constructIngredient() {
return GeneratedIntColumn(
final VerificationMeta _amountInGramsMeta =
const VerificationMeta('amountInGrams');
GeneratedIntColumn _amountInGrams;
GeneratedIntColumn get amountInGrams =>
_amountInGrams ??= _constructAmountInGrams();
GeneratedIntColumn _constructAmountInGrams() {
return GeneratedIntColumn(
List<GeneratedColumn> get $columns => [recipe, ingredient, amountInGrams];
$IngredientInRecipesTable get asDslTable => this;
String get $tableName => _alias ?? 'recipe_ingredients';
final String actualTableName = 'recipe_ingredients';
VerificationContext validateIntegrity(IngredientInRecipesCompanion d,
{bool isInserting = false}) {
final context = VerificationContext();
if (d.recipe.present) {
_recipeMeta, recipe.isAcceptableValue(d.recipe.value, _recipeMeta));
} else if (recipe.isRequired && isInserting) {
if (d.ingredient.present) {
ingredient.isAcceptableValue(d.ingredient.value, _ingredientMeta));
} else if (ingredient.isRequired && isInserting) {
if (d.amountInGrams.present) {
d.amountInGrams.value, _amountInGramsMeta));
} else if (amountInGrams.isRequired && isInserting) {
return context;
Set<GeneratedColumn> get $primaryKey => {recipe, ingredient};
IngredientInRecipe map(Map<String, dynamic> data, {String tablePrefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null;
return IngredientInRecipe.fromData(data, _db, prefix: effectivePrefix);
Map<String, Variable> entityToSql(IngredientInRecipesCompanion d) {
final map = <String, Variable>{};
if (d.recipe.present) {
map['recipe'] = Variable<int, IntType>(d.recipe.value);
if (d.ingredient.present) {
map['ingredient'] = Variable<int, IntType>(d.ingredient.value);
if (d.amountInGrams.present) {
map['amount'] = Variable<int, IntType>(d.amountInGrams.value);
return map;
$IngredientInRecipesTable createAlias(String alias) {
return $IngredientInRecipesTable(_db, alias);
abstract class _$Database extends GeneratedDatabase {
_$Database(QueryExecutor e) : super(const SqlTypeSystem.withDefaults(), e);
$CategoriesTable _categories;
$CategoriesTable get categories => _categories ??= $CategoriesTable(this);
$RecipesTable _recipes;
$RecipesTable get recipes => _recipes ??= $RecipesTable(this);
$IngredientsTable _ingredients;
$IngredientsTable get ingredients => _ingredients ??= $IngredientsTable(this);
$IngredientInRecipesTable _ingredientInRecipes;
$IngredientInRecipesTable get ingredientInRecipes =>
_ingredientInRecipes ??= $IngredientInRecipesTable(this);
List<TableInfo> get allTables =>
[categories, recipes, ingredients, ingredientInRecipes];
@ -375,6 +375,9 @@ class QueryRow {
/// Reads a int from the column named [key].
int readInt(String key) => read<int>(key);
/// Reads a double from the column named [key].
double readDouble(String key) => read<double>(key);
/// Reads a [DateTime] from the column named [key].
DateTime readDateTime(String key) => read<DateTime>(key);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -29,6 +29,26 @@ abstract class ColumnName implements Built<ColumnName, ColumnNameBuilder> {
..name = name);
const Map<ColumnType, String> dartTypeNames = {
ColumnType.boolean: 'bool',
ColumnType.text: 'String',
ColumnType.integer: 'int',
ColumnType.datetime: 'DateTime',
ColumnType.blob: 'Uint8List',
ColumnType.real: 'double',
/// Maps to the method name of a "QueryRow" from moor to extract a column type
/// of a result row.
const Map<ColumnType, String> readFromMethods = {
ColumnType.boolean: 'readBool',
ColumnType.text: 'readString',
ColumnType.integer: 'readInt',
ColumnType.datetime: 'readDateTime',
ColumnType.blob: 'readBlob',
ColumnType.real: 'readDouble',
/// A column, as specified by a getter in a table.
class SpecifiedColumn {
/// The getter name of this column in the table class. It will also be used
@ -70,14 +90,7 @@ class SpecifiedColumn {
/// The dart type that matches the values of this column. For instance, if a
/// table has declared an `IntColumn`, the matching dart type name would be [int].
String get dartTypeName => const {
ColumnType.boolean: 'bool',
ColumnType.text: 'String',
ColumnType.integer: 'int',
ColumnType.datetime: 'DateTime',
ColumnType.blob: 'Uint8List',
ColumnType.real: 'double',
String get dartTypeName => dartTypeNames[type];
/// The column type from the dsl library. For instance, if a table has
/// declared an `IntColumn`, the matching dsl column name would also be an
@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
import 'package:moor_generator/src/model/specified_column.dart';
import 'package:moor_generator/src/model/specified_table.dart';
import 'package:recase/recase.dart';
final _illegalChars = RegExp(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z_]');
final _leadingDigits = RegExp(r'^\d*');
abstract class SqlQuery {
final String name;
final String sql;
SqlQuery(this.name, this.sql);
class SqlSelectQuery extends SqlQuery {
final List<SpecifiedTable> readsFrom;
final InferredResultSet resultSet;
SqlSelectQuery(String name, this.readsFrom, this.resultSet) : super(name);
String get resultClassName => '${ReCase(name).pascalCase}Result';
SqlSelectQuery(String name, String sql, this.readsFrom, this.resultSet)
: super(name, sql);
class InferredResultSet {
@ -21,8 +29,38 @@ class InferredResultSet {
// todo implement this check
final SpecifiedTable matchingTable;
final List<ResultColumn> columns;
final Map<ResultColumn, String> _dartNames = {};
InferredResultSet(this.matchingTable, this.columns);
/// Suggests an appropriate name that can be used as a dart field.
String dartNameFor(ResultColumn column) {
return _dartNames.putIfAbsent(column, () {
// remove chars which cannot appear in dart identifiers, also strip away
// leading digits
var name = column.name
.replaceAll(_illegalChars, '')
.replaceFirst(_leadingDigits, '');
if (name.isEmpty) {
name = 'empty';
name = ReCase(name).camelCase;
return _appendNumbersIfExists(name);
String _appendNumbersIfExists(String name) {
final originalName = name;
var counter = 1;
while (_dartNames.values.contains(name)) {
name = originalName + counter.toString();
return name;
class ResultColumn {
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ class SqlParser {
final resultSet = InferredResultSet(null, moorColumns);
foundQueries.add(SqlSelectQuery(queryName, moorTables.toList(), resultSet));
SqlSelectQuery(queryName, ctx.sql, moorTables.toList(), resultSet));
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
String asDartLiteral(String value) {
return "'$value'"; // todo proper escaping
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
import 'package:moor_generator/src/model/sql_query.dart';
import 'package:moor_generator/src/options.dart';
import 'package:moor_generator/src/writer/query_writer.dart';
import 'package:moor_generator/src/writer/result_set_writer.dart';
import 'package:recase/recase.dart';
import 'package:moor_generator/src/model/specified_database.dart';
import 'package:moor_generator/src/writer/table_writer.dart';
@ -16,6 +19,13 @@ class DatabaseWriter {
TableWriter(table, options).writeInto(buffer);
// Write additional classes to hold the result of custom queries
for (final query in db.queries) {
if (query is SqlSelectQuery) {
// Write the database class
final className = '_\$${db.fromClass.name}';
buffer.write('abstract class $className extends GeneratedDatabase {\n'
@ -50,6 +60,11 @@ class DatabaseWriter {
// Write implementation for query methods
for (var query in db.queries) {
// Write List of tables, close bracket for class
..write('@override\nList<TableInfo> get allTables => [')
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import 'package:moor_generator/src/model/specified_column.dart';
import 'package:moor_generator/src/model/sql_query.dart';
import 'package:moor_generator/src/utils/string_escaper.dart';
import 'package:recase/recase.dart';
/// Writes the handling code for a query. The code emitted will be a method that
/// should be included in a generated database or dao class.
class QueryWriter {
final SqlQuery query;
SqlSelectQuery get _select => query as SqlSelectQuery;
/* The generated code will look like:
Future<List<AllTodosWithCategoryResult>> allTodosWithCategory() {
return customSelect('', variables: [])
.then((rows) => rows.map(_rowToAllT).toList());
Stream<List<AllTodosWithCategoryResult>> watchAllTodosWithCategory() {
return customSelectStream('', variables: [])
.map((rows) => rows.map(_rowToAllT).toList());
AllTodosWithCategoryResult _rowToAllT(QueryRow row) {
return AllTodosWithCategoryResult(
id: row.readInt('id'),
void writeInto(StringBuffer buffer) {
if (query is SqlSelectQuery) {
void _writeSelect(StringBuffer buffer) {
String _nameOfMappingMethod() {
return '_rowTo${_select.resultClassName}';
/// Writes a mapping method that turns a "QueryRow" into the desired custom
/// return type.
void _writeMapping(StringBuffer buffer) {
..write('${_select.resultClassName} ${_nameOfMappingMethod()}')
..write('(QueryRow row) {\n')
..write('return ${_select.resultClassName}(');
for (var column in _select.resultSet.columns) {
final fieldName = _select.resultSet.dartNameFor(column);
final readMethod = readFromMethods[column.type];
buffer.write("$fieldName: row.$readMethod('${column.name}'),");
void _writeOneTimeReader(StringBuffer buffer) {
..write('Future<List<${_select.resultClassName}>> ${query.name}() {\n')
..write('return customSelect(${asDartLiteral(query.sql)})')
'.then((rows) => rows.map(${_nameOfMappingMethod()}).toList());\n')
void _writeStreamReader(StringBuffer buffer) {
final upperQueryName = ReCase(query.name).pascalCase;
..write('Stream<List<${_select.resultClassName}>> watch$upperQueryName')
..write('() {\n')
..write('return customSelectStream(${asDartLiteral(query.sql)})')
..write('.map((rows) => rows.map(${_nameOfMappingMethod()}).toList());\n')
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import 'package:moor_generator/src/model/specified_column.dart';
import 'package:moor_generator/src/model/sql_query.dart';
class ResultSetWriter {
final SqlSelectQuery query;
void write(StringBuffer into) {
final className = query.resultClassName;
into.write('class $className {\n');
// write fields
for (var column in query.resultSet.columns) {
final name = query.resultSet.dartNameFor(column);
final runtimeType = dartTypeNames[column.type];
into.write('final $runtimeType $name\n;');
// write the constructor
for (var column in query.resultSet.columns) {
Reference in New Issue