import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:analyzer_plugin/channel/channel.dart'; import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol.dart'; import 'package:args/args.dart'; import 'package:drift_dev/src/backends/plugin/plugin.dart'; import 'package:stream_transform/stream_transform.dart'; void main(List args) { final parser = ArgParser() ..addOption( 'port', abbr: 'p', help: 'The port to use when starting the websocket server', defaultsTo: '9999', ); final results = parser.parse(args); final port = int.tryParse(results['port'] as String); if (port == null) { print('Port must be an int'); print(parser.usage); return; } DriftPlugin.forProduction().start(_WebSocketPluginServer(port: port)); } class _WebSocketPluginServer implements PluginCommunicationChannel { final dynamic address; final int port; late HttpServer server; WebSocket? _currentClient; final StreamController _clientStream = StreamController.broadcast(); _WebSocketPluginServer({dynamic address, this.port = 9999}) : address = address ?? InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4 { _init(); } Future _init() async { server = await HttpServer.bind(address, port); print('listening on $address at port $port'); server.transform(WebSocketTransformer()).listen(_handleClientAdded); } void _handleClientAdded(WebSocket socket) { var client = _currentClient; if (client != null) { print('ignoring connection attempt because an active client already ' 'exists'); socket.close(); } else { print('client connected'); client = _currentClient = socket; _clientStream.add(client); client.done.then((_) { print('client disconnected'); _currentClient = null; _clientStream.add(null); }); } } @override void close() { server.close(force: true); } @override void listen(void Function(Request request) onRequest, {Function? onError, void Function()? onDone}) { final stream =; // wait until we're connected stream.whereType().first.then((socket) { socket.listen((data) { print('I: $data'); onRequest(Request.fromJson( json.decode(data as String) as Map)); }); }); stream.firstWhere((socket) => socket == null).then((_) => onDone?.call()); } @override void sendNotification(Notification notification) { print('N: ${notification.toJson()}'); _currentClient?.add(json.encode(notification.toJson())); } @override void sendResponse(Response response) { print('O: ${response.toJson()}'); _currentClient?.add(json.encode(response.toJson())); } }