import 'package:sqlparser/src/reader/tokenizer/scanner.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import '../parser/utils.dart'; void expectFullToken(String token, TokenType type) { final scanner = Scanner(token); List tokens; try { tokens = scanner.scanTokens(); } catch (e, s) { print(e); print(s); fail('Parsing error while parsing $token'); } if (tokens.length != 2 || tokens.last.type != TokenType.eof) { fail('Expected exactly one token when parsing $token, ' 'got ${tokens.length - 1}'); } expect(tokens.first.type, type, reason: '$token is a $type'); expect(tokens.first.span.text, token); } Map testCases = { '(': TokenType.leftParen, ')': TokenType.rightParen, ',': TokenType.comma, '.':, '+':, '-': TokenType.minus, '*':, '/': TokenType.slash, '<=': TokenType.lessEqual, '<': TokenType.less, '>=': TokenType.moreEqual, '>': TokenType.more, '!=': TokenType.exclamationEqual, "'hello there'": TokenType.stringLiteral, "''": TokenType.stringLiteral, '1.123': TokenType.numberLiteral, '1.32e5': TokenType.numberLiteral, '.123e-3': TokenType.numberLiteral, '0xFF13': TokenType.numberLiteral, '0Xf13A': TokenType.numberLiteral, 'SELECT':, '"UPDATE"': TokenType.identifier, '@foo': TokenType.atSignVariable, ':named': TokenType.colonVariable, '"spo\uD83C\uDF83ky"': TokenType.identifier, '[account name]': TokenType.identifier, }; void main() { group('single token:', () { for (final entry in testCases.entries) { test('parses ${entry.key}', () { expectFullToken(entry.key, entry.value); }); } }); test('can escape strings', () { final scanner = Scanner("'what''s up'"); scanner.scanTokens(); expect(scanner.tokens, hasLength(2)); // eof token at the end expect( scanner.tokens.first, const TypeMatcher() .having((token) => token.value, 'value', "what's up"), ); expect(scanner.tokens[1].type, TokenType.eof); }); test('issues error for unterminated string literals', () { final scanner = Scanner("'unterminated"); expect(scanner.scanTokens, throwsA(isA())); expect( scanner.errors, contains(const TypeMatcher() .having((e) => e.message, 'message', 'Unterminated string')), ); }); test('binary string literal', () { final scanner = Scanner("X'1234' x'5678'"); scanner.scanTokens(); expect(scanner.tokens, hasLength(3)); expect( scanner.tokens[0], const TypeMatcher() .having((token) => token.binary, 'binary', isTrue) .having((token) => token.value, 'value', '1234'), ); expect( scanner.tokens[1], const TypeMatcher() .having((token) => token.binary, 'binary', isTrue) .having((token) => token.value, 'value', '5678'), ); expect(scanner.tokens[2].type, TokenType.eof); }); group('parses numeric literals', () { void checkLiteral(String lexeme, NumericToken other, num value) { final scanner = Scanner(lexeme)..scanTokens(); final token = scanner.tokens.first as NumericToken; expect(token.hasSameStructureAs(other), isTrue, reason: '$token should have the same structure as $other'); expect(token.parsedNumber, equals(value)); } test('hexadecimal', () { checkLiteral('0x123', NumericToken(defaultSpan, hexDigits: '123'), 0x123); }); test('integer without exponent', () { checkLiteral( '42', NumericToken(defaultSpan, digitsBeforeDecimal: '42'), 42); }); test('integer, positive exponent', () { checkLiteral( '42E1', NumericToken(defaultSpan, digitsBeforeDecimal: '42', exponent: 1), 420); }); test('integer, negative exponent', () { checkLiteral( '42E-1', NumericToken(defaultSpan, digitsBeforeDecimal: '42', exponent: -1), 4.2); }); test('decimal', () { checkLiteral( '4.2', NumericToken( defaultSpan, digitsBeforeDecimal: '4', digitsAfterDecimal: '2', hasDecimalPoint: true, ), 4.2, ); }); test('decimal, nothing after decimal dot', () { checkLiteral( '4.e2', NumericToken( defaultSpan, digitsBeforeDecimal: '4', exponent: 2, hasDecimalPoint: true, ), 400.0, ); }); test('decimal, nothing before decimal dot', () { checkLiteral( '.2', NumericToken( defaultSpan, digitsAfterDecimal: '2', hasDecimalPoint: true, ), .2, ); }); }); }