import 'package:drift/drift.dart'; import 'package:drift_dev/src/analysis/options.dart'; import 'package:drift_dev/src/analysis/results/results.dart'; import 'package:drift_dev/src/writer/import_manager.dart'; import 'package:drift_dev/src/writer/schema_version_writer.dart'; import 'package:drift_dev/src/writer/writer.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; void main() { final fakeUri = Uri.parse('drift:hidden'); DriftTable buildTable(String name) { return DriftTable( DriftElementId(fakeUri, name), DriftDeclaration(fakeUri, -1, ''), columns: [ DriftColumn( sqlType: ColumnType.drift(, nullable: false, nameInSql: 'foo', nameInDart: 'foo', declaration: DriftDeclaration( fakeUri, -1, '', ), ), ], baseDartName: name, nameOfRowClass: name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1), ); } String containsTableRegex(String name, {bool withSuffix = false}) => 'late final Shape\\d+ $name${withSuffix ? r'\w+' : ''} ='; test('avoids conflict with getters in schema class', () async { final imports = LibraryImportManager(); final writer = Writer( const DriftOptions.defaults(), generationOptions: GenerationOptions(imports: imports), ); imports.linkToWriter(writer); final normalTable = buildTable('myFirstTable'); final problemTables = [ 'database', 'entities', 'version', 'stepByStepHelper', 'runMigrationSteps', ].map(buildTable).toList(); final secondaryProblemTables = problemTables .map((t) => '${t.baseDartName}Table') .map(buildTable) .toList(); SchemaVersionWriter( [ SchemaVersion( 1, [normalTable], const {}, ), SchemaVersion( 2, [ normalTable, ...problemTables, ...secondaryProblemTables, ], const {}, ), ], writer.child(), ).write(); final output = writer.writeGenerated(); // Tables without conflicting names shouldn't be modified. expect(output, matches(containsTableRegex(normalTable.baseDartName))); // Tables that directly conflict with member names from VersionedSchema and // its superclasses should have their names modified and not appear with // their original name at all. for (final tableName in => t.baseDartName)) { expect( output, isNot(matches(containsTableRegex(tableName))), ); expect(output, matches(containsTableRegex(tableName, withSuffix: true))); } // Tables that conflict with modified table names should themselves be // modified to prevent the conflict. We can't check for nonexistence here // because the the entire point is the name conficts with an in-use table // name, so we only check for the existence of the doubly modified name. for (final tableName in => t.baseDartName)) { expect(output, matches(containsTableRegex(tableName, withSuffix: true))); } }); }