import 'dart:async'; import 'package:moor/moor.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'data/tables/todos.dart'; import 'data/utils/mocks.dart'; void main() { TodoDb db; MockExecutor executor; MockStreamQueries streamQueries; setUp(() { executor = MockExecutor(); streamQueries = MockStreamQueries(); final connection = createConnection(executor, streamQueries); db = TodoDb.connect(connection); }); group('generates update statements', () { test('for entire table', () async { await db.update(db.todosTable).write(const TodosTableCompanion( title: Value('Updated title'), category: Value(3), )); verify(executor.runUpdate( 'UPDATE todos SET title = ?, category = ?;', ['Updated title', 3])); }); test('with a WHERE clause', () async { await (db.update(db.todosTable) ..where((t) => .write(const TodosTableCompanion(title: Value('Changed title'))); verify(executor.runUpdate( 'UPDATE todos SET title = ? WHERE id < ?;', ['Changed title', 50])); }); }); group('generates replace statements', () { test('regular', () async { await db.update(db.todosTable).replace(TodoEntry( id: 3, title: 'Title', content: 'Updated content', // category and targetDate are null )); verify(executor.runUpdate( 'UPDATE todos SET title = ?, content = ?, ' 'target_date = NULL, category = NULL WHERE id = ?;', ['Title', 'Updated content', 3])); }); test('applies default values', () async { await db.update(db.users).replace( UsersCompanion( id: const Value(3), name: const Value('Hummingbird'), profilePicture: Value(Uint8List(0)), ), ); verify(executor.runUpdate( 'UPDATE users SET name = ?, profile_picture = ?, is_awesome = 1, ' 'creation_time = strftime(\'%s\', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) WHERE id = ?;', ['Hummingbird', Uint8List(0), 3])); }); }); test('does not update with invalid data', () { // The length of a title must be between 4 and 16 chars expect(() async { await db .update(db.todosTable) .write(const TodosTableCompanion(title: Value('lol'))); }, throwsA(const TypeMatcher())); }); group('Table updates for update statements', () { test('are issued when data was changed', () async { when(executor.runUpdate(any, any)).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(3)); await db.update(db.todosTable).write(const TodosTableCompanion( content: Value('Updated content'), )); verify(streamQueries.handleTableUpdates({db.todosTable})); }); test('are not issued when no data was changed', () async { when(executor.runDelete(any, any)).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(0)); await db.update(db.todosTable).write(const TodosTableCompanion()); verifyNever(streamQueries.handleTableUpdates(any)); }); }); group('custom updates', () { test('execute the correct sql', () async { await db.customUpdate('DELETE FROM users'); verify(executor.runUpdate('DELETE FROM users', [])); }); test('map the variables correctly', () async { await db.customUpdate( 'DELETE FROM users WHERE name = ? AND birthdate < ?', variables: [ Variable.withString('Name'), Variable.withDateTime( DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(1551297563000)) ]); verify(executor.runUpdate( 'DELETE FROM users WHERE name = ? AND birthdate < ?', ['Name', 1551297563])); }); test('returns information from executor', () async { when(executor.runUpdate(any, any)).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(10)); expect(await db.customUpdate(''), 10); }); test('informs about updated tables', () async { await db.customUpdate('', updates: {db.users, db.todosTable}); verify(streamQueries.handleTableUpdates({db.users, db.todosTable})); }); }); }