mirror of https://github.com/AMT-Cheif/drift.git
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import 'package:drift/drift.dart';
import 'package:drift/native.dart';
import 'package:drift_dev/src/services/schema/verifier_impl.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:sqlite3/sqlite3.dart';
abstract class SchemaVerifier {
factory SchemaVerifier(SchemaInstantiationHelper helper) =
/// Creates a [DatabaseConnection] that contains empty tables created for the
/// known schema [version].
/// This is useful as a starting point for a schema migration test. You can
/// use the [DatabaseConnection] returned to create an instance of your
/// application database, which can then be migrated through
/// [migrateAndValidate].
/// If you want to insert data in a migration test, use [schemaAt].
Future<DatabaseConnection> startAt(int version);
/// Creates a new database and instantiates the schema with the given
/// [version].
/// This can be used as a starting point for a complex schema migration test
/// to verify data integrity. You can roughly follow these steps to write such
/// tests:
/// - call [schemaAt] with the starting version you want to test
/// - use the [InitializedSchema.rawDatabase] of the returned
/// [InitializedSchema] to insert data.
/// - connect your database class to a [InitializedSchema.newConnection]
/// - call [migrateAndValidate] with the database and your target schema
/// version to run a migration and verify that it yields the desired schema
/// when done.
/// - run select statements on your database to verify that the data from
/// step 2 hasn't been affected by the migration.
/// If you only want to verify the schema without data, using [startAt] might
/// be easier.
Future<InitializedSchema> schemaAt(int version);
/// Runs a schema migration and verifies that it transforms the database into
/// a correct state.
/// This involves opening the [db] and calling its
/// [GeneratedDatabase.migration] to migrate it to the latest version.
/// Finally, the method will read from `sqlite_schema` to verify that the
/// schema at runtime matches the expected schema version.
/// The future completes normally if the schema migration succeeds and brings
/// the database into the expected schema. If the comparison fails, a
/// [SchemaMismatch] exception will be thrown.
/// If [validateDropped] is enabled (defaults to `false`), the method also
/// validates that no further tables, triggers or views apart from those
/// expected exist.
Future<void> migrateAndValidate(GeneratedDatabase db, int expectedVersion,
{bool validateDropped = false});
/// Utilities verifying that the current schema of the database matches what
/// the generated code expects.
extension VerifySelf on GeneratedDatabase {
/// Compares and validates the schema of the current database with what the
/// generated code expects.
/// When changing tables or other elements of your database schema, you need
/// to increate your [GeneratedDatabase.schemaVersion] and write a migration
/// to transform your existing tables to the new structure.
/// For queries, drift always assumes that your database schema matches the
/// structure of your defined tables. This isn't the case when you forget to
/// write a schema migration, which can cause all kinds of problems later.
/// For this reason, the [validateDatabaseSchema] method can be used in your
/// database, (perhaps in a [MigrationStrategy.beforeOpen] callback) to verify
/// that your database schema is what drift expects.
/// When [validateDropped] is enabled (it is by default), this method also
/// verifies that all schema elements that you've deleted at some point are no
/// longer present in your runtime schema.
Future<void> validateDatabaseSchema({bool validateDropped = true}) async {
final virtualTables = allTables
.map((e) => e.entityName)
final schemaOfThisDatabase = await collectSchemaInput(virtualTables);
// Collect the schema how it would be if we just called `createAll` on a
// clean database.
final referenceDb = _GenerateFromScratch(this, NativeDatabase.memory());
final referenceSchema = await referenceDb.collectSchemaInput(virtualTables);
verify(referenceSchema, schemaOfThisDatabase, validateDropped);
class _GenerateFromScratch extends GeneratedDatabase {
final GeneratedDatabase reference;
_GenerateFromScratch(this.reference, QueryExecutor executor)
: super(executor);
DriftDatabaseOptions get options => reference.options;
Iterable<TableInfo<Table, dynamic>> get allTables => reference.allTables;
Iterable<DatabaseSchemaEntity> get allSchemaEntities =>
int get schemaVersion => 1;
/// The implementation of this class is generated through the `drift_dev`
/// CLI tool.
abstract class SchemaInstantiationHelper {
GeneratedDatabase databaseForVersion(QueryExecutor db, int version);
/// Thrown when trying to instantiate a schema that hasn't been saved.
class MissingSchemaException implements Exception {
/// The requested version that doesn't exist.
final int requested;
/// All known schema versions.
final Iterable<int> available;
MissingSchemaException(this.requested, this.available);
String toString() {
return 'Unknown schema version $requested. '
'Known are ${available.join(', ')}.';
/// Thrown when the actual schema differs from the expected schema.
class SchemaMismatch implements Exception {
final String explanation;
String toString() {
return 'Schema does not match\n$explanation';
/// Contains an initialized schema with all tables, views, triggers and indices.
/// You can use the [newConnection] for your database class and the
/// [rawDatabase] to insert data before the migration.
class InitializedSchema {
/// The raw database from the `sqlite3` package.
/// The database contains all tables, views, triggers and indices from the
/// requested schema. It can be used to insert data before a migration to
/// verify that it's still intact after the migration.
/// This database backs the [newConnection], so it's not necessary to close it
/// if you're attaching a database later.
final Database rawDatabase;
final DatabaseConnection Function() _createConnection;
/// A database connection with a prepared schema.
/// You can connect your database classes to this as a starting point for
/// migration tests.
@Deprecated('Use newConnection instead, and store the result')
late final DatabaseConnection connection = _createConnection();
InitializedSchema(this.rawDatabase, this._createConnection);
/// Creates a new database connection.
/// All connections returned by this method point to the [rawDatabase].
/// However, each call to [newConnection] returns an independent connection
/// that is considered closed from drift's point of view. This means that the
/// [rawDatabase] can be used by multiple generated database classes that
/// can independently be opened and closed, albeit not simultaneously.
/// ## Example
/// When generating the schema helpers with the `--data-classes` and the
/// `--companions` command-line flags, this method can be used to create drift
/// databases inserting data at specific versions:
/// ```dart
/// import 'generated/schema.dart';
/// import 'generated/schema_v1.dart' as v1;
/// import 'generated/schema_v2.dart' as v2;
/// test('data integrity from v1 to v2', () async {
/// final verifier = SchemaVerifier(GeneratedHelper());
/// final schema = await verifier.schemaAt(1);
/// // Insert some data from the view of the old database on an independent
/// // connection!
/// final oldDb = v1.DatabaseAtV1.connect(schema.newConnection());
/// await oldDb.into(oldDb.users).insert(v1.UsersCompanion(id: Value(1)));
/// await oldDb.close();
/// // Run the migration on the real database class from your app
/// final dbForMigration = Database(schema.newConnection());
/// await verifier.migrateAndValidate(dbForMigration, 2);
/// await dbForMigration.close();
/// // Make sure the user is still here with a new database at v2
/// final checkDb = v2.DatabaseAtV2.connect(schema.newConnection());
/// final user = await checkDb.select(checkDb.users).getSingle();
/// expect(user.id, 1);
/// expect(user.name, 'default name from migration');
/// await checkDb.close();
/// });
/// ```
DatabaseConnection newConnection() => _createConnection();