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2021-02-23 06:35:56 -08:00
# This file is part of Extractor.
# Copyright (C) 2021 Security Research Labs GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import BinaryIO, List, Dict, Union
import os
import copy
import sys
import mmap
import hashlib
from construct import Struct, Int32ul, Int16ul, Int64ul, Bytes
from construct_typing import TypedContainer
def main():
2021-02-23 06:35:56 -08:00
super_img = SuperImage(sys.argv[1])
print("PARTITIONS: %r" % super_img.get_partition_names())
for partition_name in super_img.get_partition_names():
if partition_name in ("system", "vendor", "product"):
with open("%s.img" % partition_name, 'wb') as f:
super_img.write_partition(partition_name, f)
def check_magic(f: BinaryIO):
buf = f.read(4096)
if buf != b'\0' * 4096:
return False
buf = f.read(4)
return buf == b'\x67\x44\x6c\x61'
class SuperImage:
Class to parse a liblp super image.
More details at
=> fs_mgr/liblp/include/liblp/metadata_format.h
filename: str
file_size: int
fh: BinaryIO
mmap: mmap.mmap
geometry: "LpMetadataGeometry"
metadata_header: "Union[LpMetadataHeaderV1_0, LpMetadataHeaderV1_2]"
2021-02-23 06:35:56 -08:00
partitions: List["LpMetadataPartition"]
extents: List["LpMetadataExtent"]
block_device: "LpMetadataBlockDevice"
partition_name_to_nr: Dict[str, int]
def __init__(self, filename: Union[str, bytes]):
self.filename = filename
self.file_size = os.stat(self.filename).st_size
self.fh = open(self.filename, 'rb')
self.mmap = mmap.mmap(self.fh.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
# Read and validate LpMetadataGeometry
lmg = LpMetadataGeometry.parse(self.mmap[0x1000:0x1000 + LpMetadataGeometry.sizeof()])
lmg_copy = LpMetadataGeometry.parse(self.mmap[0x2000:0x2000 + LpMetadataGeometry.sizeof()])
assert lmg == lmg_copy
# Read and validate
tmp_metadata_header = LpMetadataHeaderV1_0.parse(self.mmap[0x3000:0x3000 + LpMetadataHeaderV1_0.sizeof()])
if tmp_metadata_header.header_size == LpMetadataHeaderV1_0.sizeof():
self.metadata_header = tmp_metadata_header
elif tmp_metadata_header.header_size == LpMetadataHeaderV1_2.sizeof():
self.metadata_header = LpMetadataHeaderV1_2.parse(self.mmap[0x3000:0x3000 + LpMetadataHeaderV1_2.sizeof()])
raise ValueError(f"Invalid LpMetadataHeader.header_size={tmp_metadata_header.header_size}")
2021-02-23 06:35:56 -08:00
table_data = self.mmap[0x3000 + self.metadata_header.header_size:0x3000 + self.metadata_header.header_size + self.metadata_header.tables_size]
# Read partitions from table_data
self.partition_name_to_nr = {}
self.partitions = []
for partition_nr in range(self.metadata_header.partitions.num_entries):
pos = self.metadata_header.partitions.offset + partition_nr * LpMetadataPartition.sizeof()
partition = LpMetadataPartition.parse(table_data[pos:pos + LpMetadataPartition.sizeof()])
print("partition %d: %r" % (partition_nr, partition))
assert partition.get_name() not in self.partition_name_to_nr, "Duplicate partition %r" % partition.get_name()
self.partition_name_to_nr[partition.get_name()] = partition_nr
# Read extents from table_data
self.extents = []
for extent_nr in range(self.metadata_header.extents.num_entries):
pos = self.metadata_header.extents.offset + extent_nr * LpMetadataExtent.sizeof()
extent = LpMetadataExtent.parse(table_data[pos:pos + LpMetadataExtent.sizeof()])
print("Extent %d: %r" % (extent_nr, extent))
# Read block devices from table_data
assert self.metadata_header.block_devices.num_entries == 1, "Not exactly one block device: self.metadata_header.block_devices.num_entries=%r" % self.metadata_header.block_devices.num_entries
pos = self.metadata_header.block_devices.offset
self.block_device = LpMetadataBlockDevice.parse(table_data[pos:pos + LpMetadataBlockDevice.sizeof()])
assert self.block_device.alignment % 512 == 0
def get_partition_names(self) -> List[str]:
return [partition.get_name() for partition in self.partitions]
def close(self):
def write_partition(self, partition_name: str, f: BinaryIO):
partition_nr = self.partition_name_to_nr[partition_name]
partition = self.partitions[partition_nr]
assert partition.num_extents == 1, "Not exactly one extent: %d" % partition.num_extents
extent = self.extents[partition.first_extent_index]
assert extent.target_source == 0
assert extent.target_type == 0 # LP_TARGET_TYPE_LINEAR
start_pos = extent.target_data * 512
assert start_pos % self.block_device.alignment == 0, "Alignment error: start_pos=%d self.block_device.alignment=%d offset=%r" % (start_pos, self.block_device.alignment, start_pos % self.block_device.alignment)
end_pos = start_pos + extent.num_sectors * 512
pos = start_pos
while pos < end_pos:
next_pos = min(end_pos, pos + 1024**2)
pos = next_pos
class LpMetadataGeometry(TypedContainer):
magic: int
struct_size: int
checksum: bytes
metadata_max_size: int
metadata_slot_count: int
logical_block_size: int
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
construct_struct = Struct(
"magic" / Int32ul,
"struct_size" / Int32ul,
"checksum" / Bytes(32),
"metadata_max_size" / Int32ul,
"metadata_slot_count" / Int32ul,
"logical_block_size" / Int32ul,
def validate(self):
assert self.magic == 0x616c4467
assert self.struct_size == LpMetadataGeometry.sizeof()
tmp = copy.copy(self)
tmp.checksum = b'\0' * 32
tmp_encoded = tmp.build()
digest = hashlib.sha256(tmp_encoded).digest()
assert self.checksum == digest
assert LpMetadataGeometry.sizeof() == 52
class LpMetadataTableDescriptor(TypedContainer):
offset: int
num_entries: int
entry_size: int
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
construct_struct = Struct(
"offset" / Int32ul,
"num_entries" / Int32ul,
"entry_size" / Int32ul
assert LpMetadataTableDescriptor.sizeof() == 12
class LpMetadataHeaderV1_0(TypedContainer):
2021-02-23 06:35:56 -08:00
magic: int
major_version: int
minor_version: int
header_size: int
header_checksum: bytes
tables_size: int
tables_checksum: bytes
partitions: LpMetadataTableDescriptor
extents: LpMetadataTableDescriptor
groups: LpMetadataTableDescriptor
block_devices: LpMetadataTableDescriptor
# flags: int
# reserved: bytes
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
construct_struct = Struct(
"magic" / Int32ul,
"major_version" / Int16ul,
"minor_version" / Int16ul,
"header_size" / Int32ul,
"header_checksum" / Bytes(32),
"tables_size" / Int32ul,
"tables_checksum" / Bytes(32),
"partitions" / LpMetadataTableDescriptor.as_inner_type(),
"extents" / LpMetadataTableDescriptor.as_inner_type(),
"groups" / LpMetadataTableDescriptor.as_inner_type(),
"block_devices" / LpMetadataTableDescriptor.as_inner_type()
def validate(self):
assert self.magic == 0x414C5030
assert self.header_size == LpMetadataHeaderV1_0.sizeof(), "Bad LpMetadataHeaderV1_0.header_size %d, should be %d" % (self.header_size, LpMetadataHeaderV1_0.sizeof())
2021-02-23 06:35:56 -08:00
tmp = copy.copy(self)
tmp.header_checksum = b'\0' * 32
tmp_encoded = tmp.build()
digest = hashlib.sha256(tmp_encoded).digest()
assert self.header_checksum == digest
assert self.partitions.entry_size == LpMetadataPartition.sizeof(), "Bad LpMetadataHeaderV1_0.partitions.entry_size %d, should be %d" % (self.partitions.entry_size, LpMetadataPartition.sizeof())
assert self.extents.entry_size == LpMetadataExtent.sizeof(), "Bad LpMetadataHeaderV1_0.extents.entry_size %d, should be %d" % (self.extents.entry_size, LpMetadataExtent.sizeof())
assert self.tables_size < 1e6
def validate_table_data(self, buf: bytes):
assert len(buf) == self.tables_size
digest = hashlib.sha256(buf).digest()
assert self.tables_checksum == digest
class LpMetadataHeaderV1_2(TypedContainer):
magic: int
major_version: int
minor_version: int
header_size: int
header_checksum: bytes
tables_size: int
tables_checksum: bytes
partitions: LpMetadataTableDescriptor
extents: LpMetadataTableDescriptor
groups: LpMetadataTableDescriptor
block_devices: LpMetadataTableDescriptor
flags: int
# flags: int
# reserved: bytes
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
construct_struct = Struct(
"magic" / Int32ul,
"major_version" / Int16ul,
"minor_version" / Int16ul,
"header_size" / Int32ul,
"header_checksum" / Bytes(32),
"tables_size" / Int32ul,
"tables_checksum" / Bytes(32),
"partitions" / LpMetadataTableDescriptor.as_inner_type(),
"extents" / LpMetadataTableDescriptor.as_inner_type(),
"groups" / LpMetadataTableDescriptor.as_inner_type(),
"block_devices" / LpMetadataTableDescriptor.as_inner_type(),
"flags" / Int32ul,
"_reserved" / Bytes(124)
def validate(self):
assert self.magic == 0x414C5030
assert self.header_size == LpMetadataHeaderV1_2.sizeof(), "Bad LpMetadataHeaderV1_2.header_size %d, should be %d" % (self.header_size, LpMetadataHeaderV1_0.sizeof())
tmp = copy.copy(self)
tmp.header_checksum = b'\0' * 32
tmp_encoded = tmp.build()
digest = hashlib.sha256(tmp_encoded).digest()
assert self.header_checksum == digest
assert self.partitions.entry_size == LpMetadataPartition.sizeof(), "Bad LpMetadataHeaderV1_2.partitions.entry_size %d, should be %d" % (self.partitions.entry_size, LpMetadataPartition.sizeof())
assert self.extents.entry_size == LpMetadataExtent.sizeof(), "Bad LpMetadataHeaderV1_2.extents.entry_size %d, should be %d" % (self.extents.entry_size, LpMetadataExtent.sizeof())
2021-02-23 06:35:56 -08:00
assert self.tables_size < 1e6
def validate_table_data(self, buf: bytes):
assert len(buf) == self.tables_size
digest = hashlib.sha256(buf).digest()
assert self.tables_checksum == digest
class LpMetadataPartition(TypedContainer):
name: bytes
attributes: int
first_extent_index: int
num_extents: int
group_index: int
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
construct_struct = Struct(
"name" / Bytes(36),
"attributes" / Int32ul,
"first_extent_index" / Int32ul,
"num_extents" / Int32ul,
"group_index" / Int32ul
def get_name(self) -> str:
return self.name.rstrip(b'\0').decode()
assert LpMetadataPartition.sizeof() == 52
class LpMetadataExtent(TypedContainer):
num_sectors: int
target_type: int
target_data: int
target_source: int
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
construct_struct = Struct(
"num_sectors" / Int64ul,
"target_type" / Int32ul,
"target_data" / Int64ul,
"target_source" / Int32ul,
assert LpMetadataExtent.sizeof() == 24
class LpMetadataBlockDevice(TypedContainer):
first_logical_sector: int
alignment: int
alignment_offset: int
size: int
partition_name: bytes
flags: int
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
construct_struct = Struct(
"first_logical_sector" / Int64ul,
"alignment" / Int32ul,
"alignment_offset" / Int32ul,
"size" / Int64ul,
"partition_name" / Bytes(36),
"flags" / Int32ul
assert LpMetadataBlockDevice.sizeof() == 64
if __name__ == "__main__":