#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This file is part of Extractor. # Copyright (C) 2021 Security Research Labs GmbH # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import mmap import os import construct from construct import Struct, Int32ul, Int16ul, Int8ul, Int64ul, Array, Union from enum import Enum from typing import List, Set import subprocess from io import BytesIO import math import sys from stat import S_IFLNK, S_IFDIR, S_IFREG, S_IFMT # Parser for Huawei EROFS filesystem, used on some new models. # Supported by Linux Kernel 4.19 and later # drivers/staging/erofs # Filesystem generation tool at https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/xiang/erofs-utils.git/ def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='EROFS filesystem extractor') sp = parser.add_subparsers() p = sp.add_parser("debug", help="Run debug code") p.set_defaults(target=command_debug) p = sp.add_parser("check", help="Check a given filesystem") p.add_argument("fn", help="EROFS image file") p.set_defaults(target=command_check) p = sp.add_parser("file", help="Check a given filesystem") p.add_argument("fn", help="EROFS image file") p.add_argument("path", help="Path within erofs") p.add_argument("--verify", help="Path to verify file") p.add_argument("--extract", help="Path to save extracted file") p.set_defaults(target=command_file) p = sp.add_parser("extract", help="Extract erofs to directory") p.add_argument("erofs_image", help="Path to erofs image") p.add_argument("output_dir", help="Output directory") p.add_argument("--verify-zip", action="store_true", help="Run test on all zip/apk/jar files to ensure that extraction works correctly") p.set_defaults(target=command_extract) args = parser.parse_args() if hasattr(args, "target"): args.target(args) else: parser.print_help() def command_debug(_args): pass def command_extract(args): try: os.mkdir(args.output_dir) except FileExistsError: assert os.path.isdir(args.output_dir), "Output %r is not a directory" % args.output_dir assert len(os.listdir(args.output_dir)) == 0, "Output directory %r is not empty: %r" % (args.output_dir, os.listdir(args.output_dir)) erofs = Erofs(args.erofs_image) erofs.root_inode.extract(args.output_dir.encode(), verify_zip=args.verify_zip) def command_check(args): erofs = Erofs(args.fn) erofs.root_inode.traverse() def command_file(args): erofs = Erofs(args.fn) file_inode = erofs.get_file(args.path.encode()) data = file_inode.get_data(debug=True) if args.verify is not None: verify_buf = open(args.verify, 'rb').read() assert len(data) == len(verify_buf), "Verify length mismatch: %r <=> %r" % (len(data), len(verify_buf)) for i in range(len(data)): assert data[i] == verify_buf[i], "Mismatch at 0x%x: %r <=> %r" % (i, data[i], verify_buf[i]) print("File verified OK") if args.extract is not None: with open(args.extract, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) def recursive_union_sizeof(struct) -> int: """ Calculates the size of a construct struct, recursing through `subcons`. Will also work for unions with the assumption that all elements of the union have the same size """ if isinstance(struct, Union): union_size = None for item in struct.subcons: item_size = recursive_union_sizeof(item) if union_size is None: union_size = item_size elif union_size != item_size: raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent Union size: {union_size} <=> {item_size}") return union_size elif isinstance(struct, Struct): result = 0 for item in struct.subcons: item_size = recursive_union_sizeof(item) if item_size is None: breakpoint() result += recursive_union_sizeof(item) return result elif isinstance(struct, construct.Renamed): return recursive_union_sizeof(struct.subcon) else: return struct.sizeof() # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences struct_erofs_super = Struct( "magic" / Int32ul, "checksum" / Int32ul, "features" / Int32ul, "blkszbits" / Int8ul, "reserved" / Int8ul, "root_nid" / Int16ul, "inos" / Int64ul, "build_time" / Int64ul, "build_time_nsec" / Int32ul, "blocks" / Int32ul, "meta_blkaddr" / Int32ul, "xattr_blkaddr" / Int32ul, "uuid" / Array(16, Int8ul), "volume_name" / Array(16, Int8ul), "reserved2" / Array(48, Int8ul) ) assert struct_erofs_super.sizeof() == 128, struct_erofs_super.sizeof() class DataMappingMode(Enum): EROFS_INODE_FLAT_PLAIN = 0 EROFS_INODE_FLAT_COMPRESSION_LEGACY = 1 EROFS_INODE_FLAT_INLINE = 2 EROFS_INODE_FLAT_COMPRESSION = 3 EROFS_INODE_LAYOUT_MAX = 4 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences struct_erofs_inode_v1 = Struct( "i_advise" / Int16ul, "i_xattr_icount" / Int16ul, "i_mode" / Int16ul, "i_nlink" / Int16ul, "i_size" / Int32ul, "i_reserved" / Int32ul, "i_u" / Int32ul, "i_ino" / Int32ul, "i_uid" / Int16ul, "i_gid" / Int16ul, "checksum" / Int32ul, ) assert struct_erofs_inode_v1.sizeof() == 32, struct_erofs_inode_v1.sizeof() class FileType(Enum): EROFS_FT_UNKNOWN = 0 EROFS_FT_REG_FILE = 1 EROFS_FT_DIR = 2 EROFS_FT_CHRDEV = 3 EROFS_FT_BLKDEV = 4 EROFS_FT_FIFO = 5 EROFS_FT_SOCK = 6 EROFS_FT_SYMLINK = 7 EROFS_FT_MAX = 8 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences struct_erofs_dirent = Struct( "nid" / Int64ul, "nameoff" / Int16ul, "file_type" / Int8ul, "reserved" / Int8ul ) assert struct_erofs_dirent.sizeof() == 12, struct_erofs_dirent.sizeof() class DecompressIndexType(Enum): Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_PLAIN = 0 Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_HEAD = 1 Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_NONHEAD = 2 Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_RESERVED = 3 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences struct_z_erofs_vle_decompressed_index = Struct( "di_advise" / Int16ul, "di_clusterofs" / Int16ul, "di_u" / Union(0, "blkaddr" / Int32ul, "delta" / Struct("delta0" / Int16ul, "delta1" / Int16ul) ) ) assert recursive_union_sizeof(struct_z_erofs_vle_decompressed_index) == 8 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences struct_z_erofs_map_header = Struct( "h_reserved1" / Int32ul, "h_advise" / Int16ul, "h_algorithmtype" / Int8ul, "h_clusterbits" / Int8ul ) class Erofs: def __init__(self, fn: str): self.fn = fn self.file_handle = open(fn, 'rb') self.file_size = os.fstat(self.file_handle.fileno()).st_size self.mmap = mmap.mmap(self.file_handle.fileno(), 0, mmap.MAP_SHARED, mmap.PROT_READ) self.super = struct_erofs_super.parse(self.mmap[0x400:0x400+struct_erofs_super.sizeof()]) print("0x%08x-0x%08x: SUPER" % (0x400, 0x400 + struct_erofs_super.sizeof())) assert self.super.magic == 0xe0f5e1e2, "0x%x" % self.super.magic assert self.super.blkszbits == 12 print("root_nid=%r" % self.super.root_nid) # print("super:\n%s" % self.super) self.root_inode = self.get_inode(self.super.root_nid, FileType.EROFS_FT_DIR) print("0x%08x-0x%08x: ROOT Inode" % (self.root_inode.inode_off, self.root_inode.inode_off + struct_erofs_inode_v1.sizeof())) # print("root:\n%s" % self.root_inode) # self.root_inode.traverse() def get_inode(self, nid: int, file_type: FileType): if file_type == FileType.EROFS_FT_DIR: return DirInode(self, nid) elif file_type == FileType.EROFS_FT_SYMLINK: return SymlinkInode(self, nid) elif file_type == FileType.EROFS_FT_REG_FILE: return RegFileInode(self, nid) else: raise ValueError("inode type %r not supported" % file_type) def get_inode_header(self, nid) -> struct_erofs_inode_v1: inode_off = self.super.meta_blkaddr * 4096 + 32 * nid if inode_off + struct_erofs_inode_v1.sizeof() > self.file_size: raise ValueError("Inode nid 0x016%x out of range" % nid) inode_buf = self.mmap[inode_off:inode_off + struct_erofs_inode_v1.sizeof()] return struct_erofs_inode_v1.parse(inode_buf) def get_file(self, path: bytes) -> "Inode": path = path.split(b'/') path = [x for x in path if x != b''] inode: DirInode = self.root_inode for i in range(len(path)): path_elem = path[i] ok = False for dirent in inode.get_dirents(): if dirent.filename == path_elem: if i == len(path) - 1: return self.get_inode(dirent.nid, dirent.file_type) else: next_inode = self.get_inode(dirent.nid, dirent.file_type) if isinstance(next_inode, DirInode): inode = next_inode ok = True else: raise ValueError("Inode at %r is of type %r instead of DirInode" % (path[0:i], type(next_inode))) if not ok: raise FileNotFoundError("Failed to find %r in %r" % (path[i], path[0:i])) assert False, path class Inode: def __init__(self, erofs: Erofs, nid: int): self.erofs = erofs self.nid: int = nid self.inode_off = erofs.super.meta_blkaddr * 4096 + 32 * nid inode_buf = erofs.mmap[self.inode_off:self.inode_off + struct_erofs_inode_v1.sizeof()] self.inode_header = struct_erofs_inode_v1.parse(inode_buf) self.xattr_start_off = self.inode_off + struct_erofs_inode_v1.sizeof() if self.inode_header.i_xattr_icount > 0: self.xattr_size = 12 + (self.inode_header.i_xattr_icount - 1) * 4 else: self.xattr_size = 0 self.data_mapping_mode = DataMappingMode(self.inode_header.i_advise >> 1) assert self.inode_header.i_advise & 0x01 == 0 def get_data(self, debug=False) -> bytes: if debug: print("Inode(nid=%r).get_data(): data_mapping_mode=%s" % (self.nid, self.data_mapping_mode.name)) print("0x%08x-0x%08x: get_data Inode" % (self.inode_off, self.inode_off + struct_erofs_inode_v1.sizeof())) print(self.inode_header) if self.data_mapping_mode == DataMappingMode.EROFS_INODE_FLAT_INLINE: # Last block of file is directly following the inode/xattr data # Previous blocks are following this last block last_block_data_off = self.xattr_start_off + self.xattr_size last_block_data_size = 4096 - (last_block_data_off % 4096) if last_block_data_size == 4096: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Check manually if there is a last block following the inode or not") last_block_data = self.erofs.mmap[last_block_data_off: last_block_data_off + last_block_data_size] if self.inode_header.i_size <= last_block_data_size: return last_block_data[0:self.inode_header.i_size] else: # initial_blocks_data_off = last_block_data_off + last_block_data_size # assert initial_blocks_data_off % 4096 == 0 initial_blocks_data_off = self.inode_header.i_u * 4096 initial_blocks_data_size = 4096 * math.ceil((self.inode_header.i_size - last_block_data_size) / 4096) initial_blocks_data = self.erofs.mmap[initial_blocks_data_off:initial_blocks_data_off + initial_blocks_data_size] assert len(initial_blocks_data) + len(last_block_data) >= self.inode_header.i_size assert len(initial_blocks_data) + len(last_block_data) - self.inode_header.i_size < 4096 return (initial_blocks_data + last_block_data)[0:self.inode_header.i_size] elif self.data_mapping_mode == DataMappingMode.EROFS_INODE_FLAT_COMPRESSION_LEGACY: # print("HEADER: %s\n" % self.inode_header) # i_u is number of compressed blocks for EROFS_INODE_LAYOUT_COMPRESSION num_compressed_blocks = self.inode_header.i_u if num_compressed_blocks > 30e3: raise ValueError("Too may compressed blocks (self.inode_header.i_u=%r" % self.inode_header.i_u) decompress_index_header_pos = self.xattr_start_off + self.xattr_size # See Z_EROFS_VLE_LEGACY_INDEX_ALIGN(size) # round_up to a multiple of 8 bytes if decompress_index_header_pos % 8 == 4: decompress_index_header_pos += 4 assert decompress_index_header_pos % 8 == 0 decompress_index_header_pos += struct_z_erofs_map_header.sizeof() decompress_index_header_pos += 8 # Z_EROFS_VLE_LEGACY_HEADER_PADDING assert decompress_index_header_pos % 8 == 0 # assert decompress_index_header_pos == self.xattr_start_off + self.xattr_size + 20 # assert False prev_clusterofs = 0 num_decompressed_blocks = math.ceil(self.inode_header.i_size / 4096) with BytesIO() as out: prev_blkaddr = 0 prev_reserved_blkaddr = 0 for di_number in range(num_decompressed_blocks): buf = self.erofs.mmap[decompress_index_header_pos + recursive_union_sizeof(struct_z_erofs_vle_decompressed_index) * di_number: decompress_index_header_pos + recursive_union_sizeof(struct_z_erofs_vle_decompressed_index) * (di_number + 1)] # print(" %s" % codecs.encode(buf, 'hex').decode()) di = struct_z_erofs_vle_decompressed_index.parse(buf) if debug: print("DI %d/%d: adv=0x%04x %r" % (di_number, num_decompressed_blocks, di.di_advise, di)) print(" OFF %r" % ((2**16 + di.di_clusterofs - prev_clusterofs) % 2**16)) prev_clusterofs = di.di_clusterofs Z_EROFS_VLE_DI_CLUSTER_TYPE_BIT = 0 Z_EROFS_VLE_DI_CLUSTER_TYPE_BITS = 2 # See vle_legacy_load_cluster_from_disk() in drivers/staging/erofs/zmap.c type_int = (di.di_advise >> Z_EROFS_VLE_DI_CLUSTER_TYPE_BIT) & ((1 << Z_EROFS_VLE_DI_CLUSTER_TYPE_BITS) - 1) decompress_index_type = DecompressIndexType(type_int) # print("DI %r: %r" % (di_number, decompress_index_type)) # print("OFFSET CHECK: %r <=> %r" % (out.tell() % 4096, di.di_clusterofs)) if decompress_index_type == DecompressIndexType.Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_RESERVED: if di.di_u.blkaddr == prev_blkaddr: decompress_index_type = DecompressIndexType.Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_NONHEAD else: decompress_index_type = DecompressIndexType.Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_HEAD prev_blkaddr = di.di_u.blkaddr if decompress_index_type == DecompressIndexType.Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_PLAIN: out.seek(di_number * 4096 + di.di_clusterofs) assert out.tell() == di_number * 4096 + di.di_clusterofs blkaddr = di.di_u.blkaddr buf = self.erofs.mmap[4096 * blkaddr: 4096 * (blkaddr + 1)] if self.inode_header.i_size < out.tell() + len(buf): buf = buf[0:self.inode_header.i_size - out.tell()] out.write(buf) elif decompress_index_type == DecompressIndexType.Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_HEAD: if out.tell() % 4096 != di.di_clusterofs: if di.di_clusterofs == 0: out.seek(out.tell() - (out.tell() % 4096)) else: raise ValueError("Cluster offset check failed: %r <=> %r" % (out.tell() % 4096, di.di_clusterofs)) # assert out.tell() % 4096 == di.di_clusterofs, "Cluster offset check failed: %r <=> %r" % (out.tell() % 4096, di.di_clusterofs) blkaddr = di.di_u.blkaddr compressed_buf = self.erofs.mmap[4096 * blkaddr: 4096 * (blkaddr + 1)] # hd(compressed_buf) # decompressed_buf = pp_decompress_lz4(compressed_buf, maxlen=self.inode_header.i_size - out.tell(), expected=open("/usr/bin/lxc", "rb").read()[out.tell():]) decompressed_buf = pp_decompress_lz4(compressed_buf, maxlen=self.inode_header.i_size - out.tell()) out.write(decompressed_buf) elif decompress_index_type == DecompressIndexType.Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_NONHEAD: pass elif decompress_index_type == DecompressIndexType.Z_EROFS_VLE_CLUSTER_TYPE_RESERVED: blkaddr = di.di_u.blkaddr if blkaddr == prev_reserved_blkaddr: continue else: prev_reserved_blkaddr = blkaddr compressed_buf = self.erofs.mmap[4096 * blkaddr: 4096 * (blkaddr + 1)] # hd(compressed_buf) decompressed_buf = pp_decompress_lz4(compressed_buf, maxlen=self.inode_header.i_size - out.tell()) print("len(decompressed_buf)=%r decompressed_buf[0:50] = %r" % (len(decompressed_buf), decompressed_buf[0:50])) out.write(decompressed_buf) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected decompress_index_type %r" % decompress_index_type) if self.inode_header.checksum != 0: raise NotImplementedError("Checksum verification not yet implemented") if out.tell() == self.inode_header.i_size: return out.getvalue() elif out.tell() > self.inode_header.i_size: return out.getvalue()[0:self.inode_header.i_size] else: raise ValueError("Bad file size %r (expected: %r)" % (out.tell(), self.inode_header.i_size)) elif self.data_mapping_mode == DataMappingMode.EROFS_INODE_FLAT_PLAIN: # print("HEADER: %s\n" % self.inode_header) last_block_data_off = self.inode_header.i_u * 4096 data_size = self.inode_header.i_size data = self.erofs.mmap[last_block_data_off:last_block_data_off+data_size] # assert False return data elif self.data_mapping_mode == DataMappingMode.EROFS_INODE_FLAT_COMPRESSION: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Implement EROFS_INODE_FLAT_COMPRESSION") else: raise ValueError("Don't know how to get data for data_mapping_mode=%r" % self.data_mapping_mode) def get_data_dir(self, debug=False) -> bytes: """ Gets the directory data (struct erofs_dirent + filename buffer). Separate function required since EROFS_INODE_FLAT_INLINE behaves differently for directories and regular files :param debug: :return: """ if debug: print("Inode(nid=%r).get_data(): data_mapping_mode=%s" % (self.nid, self.data_mapping_mode.name)) print("0x%08x-0x%08x: get_data Inode" % (self.inode_off, self.inode_off + struct_erofs_inode_v1.sizeof())) print(self.inode_header) if self.data_mapping_mode == DataMappingMode.EROFS_INODE_FLAT_INLINE: # For directories with EROFS_INODE_FLAT_INLINE, the full data is (sequentially) following the inode header/xattr. data_off = self.xattr_start_off + self.xattr_size data_size = self.inode_header.i_size return self.erofs.mmap[data_off: data_off + data_size] else: # Other mdoes are equal for directories and file data return self.get_data() class DirEnt: def __init__(self, filename: bytes, file_type: FileType, nid: int): self.filename: bytes = filename self.file_type: FileType = file_type self.nid: int = nid def __repr__(self): return "DirEnt(%r, %r, %r)" % (self.filename, self.file_type, self.nid) class DirInode(Inode): def __init__(self, erofs: Erofs, nid: int): super(DirInode, self).__init__(erofs, nid) if S_IFMT(self.inode_header.i_mode) != S_IFDIR: raise ValueError("DirInode at nid=0x%16x is not of type S_IFDIR, self.inode_header.i_mode=0x%08x" % (nid, self.inode_header.i_mode)) # print("self.inode_off=0x%x" % self.inode_off) # print(self.inode_header) data = self.get_data_dir() self.dirents: List[DirEnt] = [] if len(data) == 0: return # hd(data) dirent0 = struct_erofs_dirent.parse(data[0:12]) # print(dirent0) # return assert dirent0.nameoff % 12 == 0 num_dirents = int(dirent0.nameoff / 12) struct_dirents: List[struct_erofs_dirent] = [] for i in range(num_dirents): struct_dirents.append(struct_erofs_dirent.parse(data[12*i:12*i+12])) self.dirents = [] filenames_done: Set[bytes] = set() for i in range(num_dirents): struct_dirent = struct_dirents[i] name_end = len(data) if i < num_dirents - 1: name_end = struct_dirents[i+1].nameoff filename = data[struct_dirent.nameoff:name_end] filename = filename.split(b'\0', 1)[0] if filename == b'': raise ValueError("Empty filename") if filename in filenames_done: raise ValueError("Duplicate filename %r" % filename) # print("FILE %r: %r" % (filename, struct_dirent)) assert len(filename) < 255, "Filename too long(%d bytes): %r..." % (len(filename), filename[0:50]) if struct_dirent.file_type >= FileType.EROFS_FT_MAX.value: raise ValueError("Bad struct_dirent.file_type %r" % struct_dirent.file_type) file_type = FileType(struct_dirent.file_type) dirent = DirEnt(filename, file_type, struct_dirent.nid) self.dirents.append(dirent) # print("%r" % dirent) def get_dirents(self) -> List[DirEnt]: return self.dirents def traverse(self, prefix=b"/"): for dirent in self.dirents: print("TRAVERSE: %r => %r" % (prefix, dirent.filename)) child_inode = self.erofs.get_inode(dirent.nid, dirent.file_type) if dirent.file_type == FileType.EROFS_FT_SYMLINK: print("%s%s: %r => %r" % (prefix.decode(errors="ignore"), dirent.filename.decode(errors="ignore"), dirent, child_inode.get_symlink_dest())) elif dirent.file_type == FileType.EROFS_FT_REG_FILE: print("%s%s: %r" % (prefix.decode(errors="ignore"), dirent.filename.decode(errors="ignore"), dirent)) elif dirent.file_type == FileType.EROFS_FT_DIR: # Some versions of mkfs.erofs add entries for "." and ".." if dirent.filename in (b'.', b'..'): continue print("%s%s: %r" % (prefix.decode(errors="ignore"), dirent.filename.decode(errors="ignore"), dirent)) child_inode.traverse(prefix + dirent.filename + b'/') def extract(self, output_dir: bytes, verify_zip: bool = False): """ Extracts this directory to output_dir. :param output_dir: Must already exist (as an empty directory) :param verify_zip: Verify all zip/jar/apk files in output (using "unzip -tqq") to detect potential extraction errors :return: """ for dirent in self.dirents: out_path = os.path.join(output_dir, dirent.filename) print("Extracting %r" % out_path.decode()) # Some versions of mkfs.erofs add entries for "." and ".." if dirent.filename in (b'.', b'..'): continue if os.path.exists(out_path): raise ValueError("Duplicate file %r" % out_path) child_inode = self.erofs.get_inode(dirent.nid, dirent.file_type) if dirent.file_type == FileType.EROFS_FT_SYMLINK: os.symlink(child_inode.get_symlink_dest(), out_path) elif dirent.file_type == FileType.EROFS_FT_DIR: os.mkdir(out_path) # Always make directories mode 755 os.chmod(out_path, 0o755) child_inode.extract(out_path, verify_zip=verify_zip) elif dirent.file_type == FileType.EROFS_FT_REG_FILE: with open(out_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(child_inode.get_data()) # use original mode & 0o755 => Ignore setuid/setgid bit mode = child_inode.inode_header.i_mode & 0o777 # Ensure files are always readable mode |= 0o444 os.chmod(out_path, mode) if verify_zip: ext = out_path.split(b'.')[-1].lower() if ext in (b'zip', b'jar', b'apk'): print("Verifying %r" % out_path) subprocess.check_call(["unzip", "-tqq", out_path]) else: raise NotImplementedError("file_type %r not implemented" % dirent.file_type) class SymlinkInode(Inode): def __init__(self, erofs: Erofs, nid: int): super(SymlinkInode, self).__init__(erofs, nid) if S_IFMT(self.inode_header.i_mode) != S_IFLNK: raise ValueError("SymlinkInode at nid=0x%16x is not of type S_IFLNK, self.inode_header.i_mode=0x%08x" % (nid, self.inode_header.i_mode)) self.symlink_dest = self.get_data() def get_symlink_dest(self): return self.symlink_dest class RegFileInode(Inode): def __init__(self, erofs: Erofs, nid: int): super(RegFileInode, self).__init__(erofs, nid) if S_IFMT(self.inode_header.i_mode) != S_IFREG: raise ValueError("RegFileInode at nid=0x%16x is not of type S_IFREG, self.inode_header.i_mode=0x%08x" % (nid, self.inode_header.i_mode)) def hd(buf: bytes): sys.stdout.flush() p = subprocess.Popen(["hd"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) p.stdin.write(buf) p.stdin.close() p.wait() def pp_decompress_lz4(buf: bytes, maxlen: int = None, expected: bytes = None) -> bytes: """ https://github.com/lz4/lz4/blob/master/doc/lz4_Block_format.md :param buf: Compressed buffer, raw LZ4 without framing or length header :param maxlen: Maximum length to extract, will return buffer after extracting that amount of bytes :param expected: Optional known decompressed value to debug extraction errors :return: """ with BytesIO() as out: pos = 0 while pos < len(buf): token_byte = buf[pos] # print("Token 0x%02x at 0x%x" % (token_byte, pos)) pos += 1 # Get length of literal from input literal_length = token_byte >> 4 if literal_length == 0xf: length_byte = buf[pos] pos += 1 literal_length += length_byte while length_byte == 0xff: length_byte = buf[pos] pos += 1 literal_length += length_byte literal_buf = buf[pos: pos + literal_length] pos += literal_length if expected is not None: for i in range(len(literal_buf)): assert literal_buf[i] == expected[out.tell() + i], "Mismatch at position 0x%x: %r <=> %r" % (out.tell() + i, literal_buf[i], expected[out.tell() + i]) out.write(literal_buf) if maxlen is not None and out.tell() >= maxlen: return out.getvalue()[0:maxlen] if pos == len(buf) or pos == len(buf) - 1: # Reached end of input after literal => OK break # print("OFFSET POS: 0x%x" % pos) # Get offset for copy operation offset = buf[pos] + 256 * buf[pos + 1] pos += 2 if offset == 0: continue # raise ValueError("Offset cannot be 0") # Get matchlength for copy operation matchlength = token_byte & 0x0f if matchlength == 0xf: length_byte = buf[pos] pos += 1 matchlength += length_byte while length_byte == 0xff: length_byte = buf[pos] pos += 1 matchlength += length_byte matchlength += 4 match_pos = out.tell() - offset while matchlength > 0: copylen = min(matchlength, out.tell() - match_pos) copybuf = out.getvalue()[match_pos: match_pos + copylen] if expected is not None: for i in range(len(copybuf)): assert copybuf[i] == expected[out.tell() + i], "Mismatch at position %r" % (out.tell() + i) out.write(copybuf) if maxlen is not None and out.tell() >= maxlen: return out.getvalue()[0:maxlen] matchlength -= copylen # print("copylen=%r" % copylen) # Copy from the original position => Copy as many bytes as possible at a time assert copylen % offset == 0 or matchlength == 0 # match_pos += copylen % offset # Old, un-optimized code: # for i in range(matchlength): # out.write(out.getvalue()[match_pos + i:match_pos + i + 1]) return out.getvalue() if __name__ == "__main__": main()