// FunctionSigs.h: interface for the FunctionSigs class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_FUNCTIONSIGS_H__C6DB9FEB_257B_46A5_A944_3629C2B0D33C__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_FUNCTIONSIGS_H__C6DB9FEB_257B_46A5_A944_3629C2B0D33C__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 class FunctionSigs { public: FunctionSigs(); virtual ~FunctionSigs(); private: public: ea_t FindBinaryWithDontCare(uchar* ubinstr, unsigned __int32 nSLength, ea_t eaStartAddress, ea_t eaEndAddr);//Finds the given binary string in the given binary. If 0xff then this is don't care ea_t CreateFunctionAndComment(ea_t eaAddr, unsigned char* pFuncName, unsigned char* pComment, unsigned int iTries);// Creates a function at the address and auto comments it void Comment(ea_t eaAddr, unsigned char* pDataName, unsigned char* pComment, unsigned int iTries);//Comments the address given public: void FindFuncSigsAndComment(ea_t eaStartAddr, ea_t eaEndAddr);//Looks for specific binary patterns and then makes a subroutine and comments it }; #endif // !defined(AFX_FUNCTIONSIGS_H__C6DB9FEB_257B_46A5_A944_3629C2B0D33C__INCLUDED_)