From Let's assume you have a KWP2000 connection with your VAG group ECU Then let's go send these messages: 82 : 2 data bytes 01 F1 1A : ISO 14230-3 ReadECUIdentification 92 : systemSupplierSpecific 20 : CRC The ECU should respond with 87 : 7 data bytes F1 01 5A : ISO 14230-3 positive reply 92 : systemSupplierSpecific VV WW XX YY ZZ CS : CRC Now compute the following ecuid = (VV+WW+XX+YY+ZZ) & 0x3f Then send: 82 : 2 data bytes 01 F1 27 : ISO 14230-3 SecurityAccessRequest 01 : Request Seed 9C : CRC The ECU should respond with 86 :6 data bytes 01 F1 67 : ISO 14230-3 positive reply 01 : Request Seed WW : Seed MSB XX YY ZZ : Seed LSB CS : CRC Now compute the following Seed = (WW<<24)+(XX<<16)+(YY<<8)+(ZZ) unsigned int table[64] = { 0x0A221289,0x144890A1,0x24212491,0x290A0285, 0x42145091,0x504822C1,0x0A24C4C1,0x14252229, 0x24250525,0x2510A491,0x28488863,0x29148885, 0x422184A5,0x49128521,0x50844A85,0x620CC211, 0x124452A9,0x18932251,0x2424A459,0x29149521, 0x42352621,0x4A512289,0x52A48911,0x11891475, 0x22346523,0x4A3118D1,0x64497111,0x0AE34529, 0x15398989,0x22324A67,0x2D12B489,0x132A4A75, 0x19B13469,0x25D2C453,0x4949349B,0x524E9259, 0x1964CA6B,0x24F5249B,0x28979175,0x352A5959, 0x3A391749,0x51D44EA9,0x564A4F25,0x6AD52649, 0x76493925,0x25DE52C9,0x332E9333,0x68D64997, 0x494947FB,0x33749ACF,0x5AD55B5D,0x7F272A4F, 0x35BD5B75,0x3F5AD55D,0x5B5B6DAD,0x6B5DAD6B, 0x75B57AD5,0x5DBAD56F,0x6DBF6AAD,0x75775EB5, 0x5AEDFED5,0x6B5F7DD5,0x6F757B6B,0x5FBD5DBD }; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { if ((seed & 0x80000000) == 0) { seed = (table[ecuid]) ^ (seed << 1); } else { seed = (seed << 1); } } Then send: 88 : 8 data bytes 01 F1 27 : ISO 14230-3 SecurityAccessRequest 02 : Send Key WW : (seed >> 24 ) & 0xff XX : (seed >> 16 ) & 0xff YY : (seed >> 8 ) & 0xff ZZ : (seed ) & 0xff 00 00 CS : CRC The ECU should respond with 83 : 3 data bytes 01 F1 67 : ISO 14230-3 positive reply 02 : Send Key 34 : Not sure what this means 12 : CRC Secure access granted, now you can read/write anything (eeprom etc.) Enjoy!