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(note: this is a temporary file, to be added-to by anybody, and moved to
release-notes at release time)
estimatefee / estimatepriority RPC methods New RPC methods: return an estimate of the fee (or priority) a transaction needs to be likely to confirm in a given number of blocks. Mike Hearn created the first version of this method for estimating fees. It works as follows: For transactions that took 1 to N (I picked N=25) blocks to confirm, keep N buckets with at most 100 entries in each recording the fees-per-kilobyte paid by those transactions. (separate buckets are kept for transactions that confirmed because they are high-priority) The buckets are filled as blocks are found, and are saved/restored in a new fee_estiamtes.dat file in the data directory. A few variations on Mike's initial scheme: To estimate the fee needed for a transaction to confirm in X buckets, all of the samples in all of the buckets are used and a median of all of the data is used to make the estimate. For example, imagine 25 buckets each containing the full 100 entries. Those 2,500 samples are sorted, and the estimate of the fee needed to confirm in the very next block is the 50'th-highest-fee-entry in that sorted list; the estimate of the fee needed to confirm in the next two blocks is the 150'th-highest-fee-entry, etc. That algorithm has the nice property that estimates of how much fee you need to pay to get confirmed in block N will always be greater than or equal to the estimate for block N+1. It would clearly be wrong to say "pay 11 uBTC and you'll get confirmed in 3 blocks, but pay 12 uBTC and it will take LONGER". A single block will not contribute more than 10 entries to any one bucket, so a single miner and a large block cannot overwhelm the estimates.
2014-03-17 05:19:54 -07:00
Bitcoin Core version *version* is now available from:
This is a new major version release, including new features, various bugfixes
and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.
2017-09-12 01:04:27 -07:00
Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:
To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:
How to Upgrade
If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely
shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the
2017-09-12 01:04:27 -07:00
installer (on Windows) or just copy over `/Applications/Bitcoin-Qt` (on Mac)
or `bitcoind`/`bitcoin-qt` (on Linux).
The first time you run version 0.15.0, your chainstate database will be converted to a
new format, which will take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour,
depending on the speed of your machine.
Note that the block database format also changed in version 0.8.0 and there is no
automatic upgrade code from before version 0.8 to version 0.15.0. Upgrading
directly from 0.7.x and earlier without redownloading the blockchain is not supported.
However, as usual, old wallet versions are still supported.
Downgrading warning
The chainstate database for this release is not compatible with previous
releases, so if you run 0.15 and then decide to switch back to any
older version, you will need to run the old release with the `-reindex-chainstate`
option to rebuild the chainstate data structures in the old format.
If your node has pruning enabled, this will entail re-downloading and
processing the entire blockchain.
Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using
the Linux kernel, macOS 10.10+, and Windows 7 and newer (Windows XP is not supported).
Bitcoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
frequently tested on them.
From 0.17.0 onwards macOS <10.10 is no longer supported. 0.17.0 is built using Qt 5.9.x, which doesn't
support versions of macOS older than 10.10.
2015-05-26 12:32:25 -07:00
Notable changes
Changed command-line options
- `-includeconf=<file>` can be used to include additional configuration files.
Only works inside the `bitcoin.conf` file, not inside included files or from
command-line. Multiple files may be included. Can be disabled from command-
line via `-noincludeconf`. Note that multi-argument commands like
`-includeconf` will override preceding `-noincludeconf`, i.e.
as bitcoin.conf will still include `relative.conf`.
2018-05-15 03:46:19 -07:00
GUI changes
- Block storage can be limited under Preferences, in the Main tab. Undoing this setting requires downloading the full blockchain again. This mode is incompatible with -txindex and -rescan.
RPC changes
### Low-level changes
- The `createrawtransaction` RPC will now accept an array or dictionary (kept for compatibility) for the `outputs` parameter. This means the order of transaction outputs can be specified by the client.
- The `fundrawtransaction` RPC will reject the previously deprecated `reserveChangeKey` option.
- `sendmany` now shuffles outputs to improve privacy, so any previously expected behavior with regards to output ordering can no longer be relied upon.
- The new RPC `testmempoolaccept` can be used to test acceptance of a transaction to the mempool without adding it.
- JSON transaction decomposition now includes a `weight` field which provides
the transaction's exact weight. This is included in REST /rest/tx/ and
/rest/block/ endpoints when in json mode. This is also included in `getblock`
(with verbosity=2), `listsinceblock`, `listtransactions`, and
`getrawtransaction` RPC commands.
- New `fees` field introduced in `getrawmempool`, `getmempoolancestors`, `getmempooldescendants` and
`getmempoolentry` when verbosity is set to `true` with sub-fields `ancestor`, `base`, `modified`
and `descendant` denominated in BTC. This new field deprecates previous fee fields, such as
`fee`, `modifiedfee`, `ancestorfee` and `descendantfee`.
- The new RPC `getzmqnotifications` returns information about active ZMQ
External wallet files
The `-wallet=<path>` option now accepts full paths instead of requiring wallets
to be located in the -walletdir directory.
Newly created wallet format
If `-wallet=<path>` is specified with a path that does not exist, it will now
create a wallet directory at the specified location (containing a wallet.dat
data file, a db.log file, and database/log.?????????? files) instead of just
creating a data file at the path and storing log files in the parent
directory. This should make backing up wallets more straightforward than
before because the specified wallet path can just be directly archived without
having to look in the parent directory for transaction log files.
For backwards compatibility, wallet paths that are names of existing data files
in the `-walletdir` directory will continue to be accepted and interpreted the
same as before.
Dynamic loading and creation of wallets
Previously, wallets could only be loaded or created at startup, by specifying `-wallet` parameters on the command line or in the bitcoin.conf file. It is now possible to load, create and unload wallets dynamically at runtime:
- Existing wallets can be loaded by calling the `loadwallet` RPC. The wallet can be specified as file/directory basename (which must be located in the `walletdir` directory), or as an absolute path to a file/directory.
- New wallets can be created (and loaded) by calling the `createwallet` RPC. The provided name must not match a wallet file in the `walletdir` directory or the name of a wallet that is currently loaded.
- Loaded wallets can be unloaded by calling the `unloadwallet` RPC.
This feature is currently only available through the RPC interface.
Coin selection
- A new `-avoidpartialspends` flag has been added (default=false). If enabled, the wallet will try to spend UTXO's that point at the same destination
together. This is a privacy increase, as there will no longer be cases where a wallet will inadvertently spend only parts of the coins sent to
the same address (note that if someone were to send coins to that address after it was used, those coins will still be included in future
coin selections).
Configuration sections for testnet and regtest
It is now possible for a single configuration file to set different
options for different networks. This is done by using sections or by
prefixing the option with the network, such as:
The `addnode=`, `connect=`, `port=`, `bind=`, `rpcport=`, `rpcbind=`
and `wallet=` options will only apply to mainnet when specified in the
configuration file, unless a network is specified.
'label' and 'account' APIs for wallet
A new 'label' API has been introduced for the wallet. This is intended as a
replacement for the deprecated 'account' API. The 'account' can continue to
be used in V0.17 by starting bitcoind with the '-deprecatedrpc=accounts'
argument, and will be fully removed in V0.18.
The label RPC methods mirror the account functionality, with the following functional differences:
- Labels can be set on any address, not just receiving addresses. This functionality was previously only available through the GUI.
- Labels can be deleted by reassigning all addresses using the `setlabel` RPC method.
- There isn't support for sending transactions _from_ a label, or for determining which label a transaction was sent from.
- Labels do not have a balance.
Here are the changes to RPC methods:
| Deprecated Method | New Method | Notes |
| :---------------------- | :-------------------- | :-----------|
| `getaccount` | `getaddressinfo` | `getaddressinfo` returns a json object with address information instead of just the name of the account as a string. |
| `getaccountaddress` | n/a | There is no replacement for `getaccountaddress` since labels do not have an associated receive address. |
| `getaddressesbyaccount` | `getaddressesbylabel` | `getaddressesbylabel` returns a json object with the addresses as keys, instead of a list of strings. |
| `getreceivedbyaccount` | `getreceivedbylabel` | _no change in behavior_ |
| `listaccounts` | `listlabels` | `listlabels` does not return a balance or accept `minconf` and `watchonly` arguments. |
| `listreceivedbyaccount` | `listreceivedbylabel` | Both methods return new `label` fields, along with `account` fields for backward compatibility. |
| `move` | n/a | _no replacement_ |
| `sendfrom` | n/a | _no replacement_ |
| `setaccount` | `setlabel` | Both methods now: <ul><li>allow assigning labels to any address, instead of raising an error if the address is not receiving address.<li>delete the previous label associated with an address when the final address using that label is reassigned to a different label, instead of making an implicit `getaccountaddress` call to ensure the previous label still has a receiving address. |
| Changed Method | Notes |
| :--------------------- | :------ |
| `addmultisigaddress` | Renamed `account` named parameter to `label`. Still accepts `account` for backward compatibility if running with '-deprecatedrpc=accounts'. |
| `getnewaddress` | Renamed `account` named parameter to `label`. Still accepts `account` for backward compatibility. if running with '-deprecatedrpc=accounts' |
| `listunspent` | Returns new `label` fields. `account` field will be returned for backward compatibility if running with '-deprecatedrpc=accounts' |
| `sendmany` | The `account` named parameter has been renamed to `dummy`. If provided, the `dummy` parameter must be set to the empty string, unless running with the `-deprecatedrpc=accounts` argument (in which case functionality is unchanged). |
| `listtransactions` | The `account` named parameter has been renamed to `dummy`. If provided, the `dummy` parameter must be set to the string `*`, unless running with the `-deprecatedrpc=accounts` argument (in which case functionality is unchanged). |
| `getbalance` | `account`, `minconf` and `include_watchonly` parameters are deprecated, and can only be used if running with '-deprecatedrpc=accounts' |
Low-level RPC changes
- When bitcoin is not started with any `-wallet=<path>` options, the name of
the default wallet returned by `getwalletinfo` and `listwallets` RPCs is
now the empty string `""` instead of `"wallet.dat"`. If bitcoin is started
with any `-wallet=<path>` options, there is no change in behavior, and the
name of any wallet is just its `<path>` string.
- Passing an empty string (`""`) as the `address_type` parameter to
`getnewaddress`, `getrawchangeaddress`, `addmultisigaddress`,
`fundrawtransaction` RPCs is now an error. Previously, this would fall back
to using the default address type. It is still possible to pass null or leave
the parameter unset to use the default address type.
- Bare multisig outputs to our keys are no longer automatically treated as
incoming payments. As this feature was only available for multisig outputs for
which you had all private keys in your wallet, there was generally no use for
them compared to single-key schemes. Furthermore, no address format for such
outputs is defined, and wallet software can't easily send to it. These outputs
will no longer show up in `listtransactions`, `listunspent`, or contribute to
your balance, unless they are explicitly watched (using `importaddress` or
`importmulti` with hex script argument). `signrawtransaction*` also still
works for them.
- The `getwalletinfo` RPC method now returns an `hdseedid` value, which is always the same as the incorrectly-named `hdmasterkeyid` value. `hdmasterkeyid` will be removed in V0.18.
- The `getaddressinfo` RPC method now returns an `hdseedid` value, which is always the same as the incorrectly-named `hdmasterkeyid` value. `hdmasterkeyid` will be removed in V0.18.
Other API changes
- The `inactivehdmaster` property in the `dumpwallet` output has been corrected to `inactivehdseed`
### Logging
- The log timestamp format is now ISO 8601 (e.g. "2018-02-28T12:34:56Z").
- When running bitcoind with `-debug` but without `-daemon`, logging to stdout
is now the default behavior. Setting `-printtoconsole=1` no longer implicitly
disables logging to debug.log. Instead, logging to file can be explicitly disabled
by setting `-debuglogfile=0`.
Transaction index changes
The transaction index is now built separately from the main node procedure,
meaning the `-txindex` flag can be toggled without a full reindex. If bitcoind
is run with `-txindex` on a node that is already partially or fully synced
without one, the transaction index will be built in the background and become
available once caught up. When switching from running `-txindex` to running
without the flag, the transaction index database will *not* be deleted
automatically, meaning it could be turned back on at a later time without a full
Miner block size removed
The `-blockmaxsize` option for miners to limit their blocks' sizes was
deprecated in V0.15.1, and has now been removed. Miners should use the
`-blockmaxweight` option if they want to limit the weight of their blocks'
2017-12-12 11:47:24 -08:00
Python Support
Support for Python 2 has been discontinued for all test files and tools.
Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
As well as everyone that helped translating on [Transifex](