#include "zcash/circuit/utils.tcc" #include "zcash/circuit/prfs.tcc" #include "zcash/circuit/commitment.tcc" #include "zcash/circuit/merkle.tcc" #include "zcash/circuit/note.tcc" template class joinsplit_gadget : gadget { private: // Verifier inputs pb_variable_array zk_packed_inputs; pb_variable_array zk_unpacked_inputs; std::shared_ptr> unpacker; std::shared_ptr> zk_merkle_root; std::shared_ptr> zk_h_sig; boost::array>, NumInputs> zk_input_nullifiers; boost::array>, NumInputs> zk_input_macs; boost::array>, NumOutputs> zk_output_commitments; pb_variable_array zk_vpub_old; pb_variable_array zk_vpub_new; // Aux inputs pb_variable ZERO; std::shared_ptr> zk_phi; pb_variable_array zk_total_uint64; // Input note gadgets boost::array>, NumInputs> zk_input_notes; boost::array>, NumInputs> zk_mac_authentication; // Output note gadgets boost::array>, NumOutputs> zk_output_notes; public: // PRF_pk only has a 1-bit domain separation "nonce" // for different macs. BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(NumInputs <= 2); // PRF_rho only has a 1-bit domain separation "nonce" // for different output `rho`. BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(NumOutputs <= 2); joinsplit_gadget(protoboard &pb) : gadget(pb) { // Verification { // The verification inputs are all bit-strings of various // lengths (256-bit digests and 64-bit integers) and so we // pack them into as few field elements as possible. (The // more verification inputs you have, the more expensive // verification is.) zk_packed_inputs.allocate(pb, verifying_field_element_size()); pb.set_input_sizes(verifying_field_element_size()); alloc_uint256(zk_unpacked_inputs, zk_merkle_root); alloc_uint256(zk_unpacked_inputs, zk_h_sig); for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { alloc_uint256(zk_unpacked_inputs, zk_input_nullifiers[i]); alloc_uint256(zk_unpacked_inputs, zk_input_macs[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) { alloc_uint256(zk_unpacked_inputs, zk_output_commitments[i]); } alloc_uint64(zk_unpacked_inputs, zk_vpub_old); alloc_uint64(zk_unpacked_inputs, zk_vpub_new); assert(zk_unpacked_inputs.size() == verifying_input_bit_size()); // This gadget will ensure that all of the inputs we provide are // boolean constrained. unpacker.reset(new multipacking_gadget( pb, zk_unpacked_inputs, zk_packed_inputs, FieldT::capacity(), "unpacker" )); } // We need a constant "zero" variable in some contexts. In theory // it should never be necessary, but libsnark does not synthesize // optimal circuits. // // The first variable of our constraint system is constrained // to be one automatically for us, and is known as `ONE`. ZERO.allocate(pb); zk_phi.reset(new digest_variable(pb, 252, "")); zk_total_uint64.allocate(pb, 64); for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { // Input note gadget for commitments, macs, nullifiers, // and spend authority. zk_input_notes[i].reset(new input_note_gadget( pb, ZERO, zk_input_nullifiers[i], *zk_merkle_root )); // The input keys authenticate h_sig to prevent // malleability. zk_mac_authentication[i].reset(new PRF_pk_gadget( pb, ZERO, zk_input_notes[i]->a_sk->bits, zk_h_sig->bits, i ? true : false, zk_input_macs[i] )); } for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) { zk_output_notes[i].reset(new output_note_gadget( pb, ZERO, zk_phi->bits, zk_h_sig->bits, i ? true : false, zk_output_commitments[i] )); } } void generate_r1cs_constraints() { // The true passed here ensures all the inputs // are boolean constrained. unpacker->generate_r1cs_constraints(true); // Constrain `ZERO` generate_r1cs_equals_const_constraint(this->pb, ZERO, FieldT::zero(), "ZERO"); // Constrain bitness of phi zk_phi->generate_r1cs_constraints(); for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { // Constrain the JoinSplit input constraints. zk_input_notes[i]->generate_r1cs_constraints(); // Authenticate h_sig with a_sk zk_mac_authentication[i]->generate_r1cs_constraints(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) { // Constrain the JoinSplit output constraints. zk_output_notes[i]->generate_r1cs_constraints(); } // Value balance { linear_combination left_side = packed_addition(zk_vpub_old); for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { left_side = left_side + packed_addition(zk_input_notes[i]->value); } linear_combination right_side = packed_addition(zk_vpub_new); for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) { right_side = right_side + packed_addition(zk_output_notes[i]->value); } // Ensure that both sides are equal this->pb.add_r1cs_constraint(r1cs_constraint( 1, left_side, right_side )); // #854: Ensure that left_side is a 64-bit integer. for (size_t i = 0; i < 64; i++) { generate_boolean_r1cs_constraint( this->pb, zk_total_uint64[i], "" ); } this->pb.add_r1cs_constraint(r1cs_constraint( 1, left_side, packed_addition(zk_total_uint64) )); } } void generate_r1cs_witness( const uint252& phi, const uint256& rt, const uint256& h_sig, const boost::array& inputs, const boost::array& outputs, uint64_t vpub_old, uint64_t vpub_new ) { // Witness `zero` this->pb.val(ZERO) = FieldT::zero(); // Witness rt. This is not a sanity check. // // This ensures the read gadget constrains // the intended root in the event that // both inputs are zero-valued. zk_merkle_root->bits.fill_with_bits( this->pb, uint256_to_bool_vector(rt) ); // Witness public balance values zk_vpub_old.fill_with_bits( this->pb, uint64_to_bool_vector(vpub_old) ); zk_vpub_new.fill_with_bits( this->pb, uint64_to_bool_vector(vpub_new) ); { // Witness total_uint64 bits uint64_t left_side_acc = vpub_old; for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { left_side_acc += inputs[i].note.value; } zk_total_uint64.fill_with_bits( this->pb, uint64_to_bool_vector(left_side_acc) ); } // Witness phi zk_phi->bits.fill_with_bits( this->pb, uint252_to_bool_vector(phi) ); // Witness h_sig zk_h_sig->bits.fill_with_bits( this->pb, uint256_to_bool_vector(h_sig) ); for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { // Witness the input information. auto merkle_path = inputs[i].witness.path(); zk_input_notes[i]->generate_r1cs_witness( merkle_path, inputs[i].key, inputs[i].note ); // Witness macs zk_mac_authentication[i]->generate_r1cs_witness(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) { // Witness the output information. zk_output_notes[i]->generate_r1cs_witness(outputs[i]); } // [SANITY CHECK] Ensure that the intended root // was witnessed by the inputs, even if the read // gadget overwrote it. This allows the prover to // fail instead of the verifier, in the event that // the roots of the inputs do not match the // treestate provided to the proving API. zk_merkle_root->bits.fill_with_bits( this->pb, uint256_to_bool_vector(rt) ); // This happens last, because only by now are all the // verifier inputs resolved. unpacker->generate_r1cs_witness_from_bits(); } static r1cs_primary_input witness_map( const uint256& rt, const uint256& h_sig, const boost::array& macs, const boost::array& nullifiers, const boost::array& commitments, uint64_t vpub_old, uint64_t vpub_new ) { std::vector verify_inputs; insert_uint256(verify_inputs, rt); insert_uint256(verify_inputs, h_sig); for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { insert_uint256(verify_inputs, nullifiers[i]); insert_uint256(verify_inputs, macs[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) { insert_uint256(verify_inputs, commitments[i]); } insert_uint64(verify_inputs, vpub_old); insert_uint64(verify_inputs, vpub_new); assert(verify_inputs.size() == verifying_input_bit_size()); auto verify_field_elements = pack_bit_vector_into_field_element_vector(verify_inputs); assert(verify_field_elements.size() == verifying_field_element_size()); return verify_field_elements; } static size_t verifying_input_bit_size() { size_t acc = 0; acc += 256; // the merkle root (anchor) acc += 256; // h_sig for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { acc += 256; // nullifier acc += 256; // mac } for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) { acc += 256; // new commitment } acc += 64; // vpub_old acc += 64; // vpub_new return acc; } static size_t verifying_field_element_size() { return div_ceil(verifying_input_bit_size(), FieldT::capacity()); } void alloc_uint256( pb_variable_array& packed_into, std::shared_ptr>& var ) { var.reset(new digest_variable(this->pb, 256, "")); packed_into.insert(packed_into.end(), var->bits.begin(), var->bits.end()); } void alloc_uint64( pb_variable_array& packed_into, pb_variable_array& integer ) { integer.allocate(this->pb, 64, ""); packed_into.insert(packed_into.end(), integer.begin(), integer.end()); } };