112 lines
2.4 KiB
112 lines
2.4 KiB
'use strict';
// BIP21
// =======
// Helper for parsing and building bitcoin: URIs
// Examples:
// =======
// var uriString = 'bitcoin:1DP69gMMvSuYhbnxsi4EJEFufUAbDrEQfj?message=Hey%20there&amount=1.212';
// var uri = new BIP21(uriString);
// uri.isValid() // true
// uri.address // bitcore.Address object
// uri.data.message // 'Hey there'
// uri.data.amount // 1.212
// uriString = new BIP21({
// address: '1DP69gMMvSuYhbnxsi4EJEFufUAbDrEQfj',
// message: 'Hey there',
// amount: 1.212
// }).getURI();
var URL = require('url');
var Address = require('./Address');
var BIP21 = function(arg) {
this.data = {};
this.address = undefined;
if (typeof(arg) == 'string') {
} else if (typeof(arg) == 'object') {
} else if (typeof(arg) != 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Invalid argument');
BIP21.prototype.fromObj = function(obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
this.data[key] = obj[key];
if (obj.address) {
delete this.data.address;
BIP21.prototype.parse = function(uri) {
var info = URL.parse(uri, true);
if (info.protocol != 'bitcoin:') {
throw new Error('Invalid protocol');
// workaround to host insensitiveness
var group = /[^:]*:\/?\/?([^?]*)/.exec(uri);
this.setAddress(group && group[1]);
for (var arg in info.query) {
var val = info.query[arg];
if (arg === 'amount') val = Number(val);
if (arg === 'r') this.data.merchant = val;
this.data[arg] = val;
BIP21.prototype.isValid = function(known) {
var knownArguments = known || [];
var valid = true;
if (typeof(this.data.amount) != 'undefined') {
valid &= !isNaN(this.data.amount);
if (this.address) {
valid &= typeof(this.address) == 'object' && this.address.isValid();
// Require address or PayPro info
valid &= !!(this.address || this.data.r);
// Check required arguments
for (var key in this.data) {
if (key.indexOf('req-') == 0) {
valid &= knownArguments.indexOf(key) != -1;
return !!valid;
BIP21.prototype.setAddress = function(addr) {
if (addr) {
this.address = Address.validate(addr) ? new Address(addr) : addr;
return this;
BIP21.prototype.getURI = function() {
return URL.format({
protocol: 'bitcoin:',
host: this.address,
query: this.data
module.exports = BIP21;