
1234 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-07-20 11:27:15 -07:00
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Project-Id-Version: copay\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: copay\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: it\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: template.pot\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
2015-07-23 07:38:14 -07:00
"Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n"
2015-07-20 11:27:15 -07:00
"Language-Team: Italian\n"
2015-07-23 07:38:14 -07:00
"Language: it\n"
2015-07-24 19:10:46 -07:00
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-23 11:32-0400\n"
2015-07-20 11:27:15 -07:00
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "(possible double spend)"
msgstr "(possibile doppia spesa)"
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created."
msgstr "* Una proposta di pagamento può essere eliminata se 1) Tu sei il creatore e nessun altro copayer ha firmato, oppure 2) Sono passate 24 ore da quando la proposta e' stata creata."
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "* You can safely install your backup on another device and use your wallet from multiple devices at the same time."
msgstr "* Puoi installare in modo sicuro il tuo backup su un altro device e usare il tuo portafoglio da più dispositivi contemporaneamente."
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "A backup without its private key will allow the user to see the wallet balance, transactions, and create spend proposals. However, it will not be able to approve (sign) proposals."
msgstr "Un backup senza la sua chiave privata permetterà l'utente di vedere il saldo del portafoglio, le transazioni e creare proposte di spese. Tuttavia, non sarà possibile approvare le proposte (firma)."
#: public/views/splash.html
msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet"
msgstr "Un portafoglio bitcoin multifirma"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "About Copay"
msgstr "Circa Copay"
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Accetta"
#: public/views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Add wallet"
msgstr "Aggiungi un portafoglio"
#: public/views/paymentUri.html
#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: public/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Indirizzo"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzato"
#: public/views/disclaimer.html
msgid "Agree"
msgstr "Acconsento"
#: public/views/preferencesAlias.html
msgid "Alias for <i>{{index.walletName}}</i>"
msgstr "Alias per <i>{{index.walletName}}</i>"
#: public/views/splash.html
msgid "Already have a wallet?"
msgstr "Hai già un portafoglio?"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Alternative Currency"
msgstr "Valuta alternativa"
#: public/views/paymentUri.html
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Ammontare"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html
msgid "Amount in"
msgstr "Importo in"
#: public/views/preferencesLanguage.html
msgid "Applying changes"
msgstr "Applicando le modifiche"
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?"
msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo portafoglio?"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Available Balance"
msgstr "Saldo disponibile"
#: public/views/create.html
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "BIP32 master extended private key"
msgstr "BIP32 Chiave privata master estesa"
#: public/views/includes/topbar.html
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Indietro"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Backup"
#: src/js/controllers/backup.js
msgid "Backup created"
msgstr "Backup creato"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Backup now"
msgstr "Esegui backup ora"
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "Backup options"
msgstr "Opzioni di backup"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Before receiving funds, it is highly recommended you backup your wallet keys."
msgstr "Prima di ricevere fondi, è altamente raccomandato eseguire il backup delle chiavi del portafoglio."
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Bitcoin Network Fee Policy"
msgstr "Criterio delle Commissioni del Bitcoin Network"
#: public/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Bitcoin URI is NOT valid!"
msgstr "Il Bitcoin URI NON è valido!"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Bitcoin address"
msgstr "Indirizzo Bitcoin"
#: public/views/preferencesFee.html
msgid "Bitcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. The Emergency level should only be used when there is a network congestion."
msgstr "Le transazioni in bitcoin possono includere una tassa raccolta dai minatori sulla rete. Più alto il costo, maggiore sarà l'incentivo di un minatore per includere tale transazione in un blocco. Il livello 'Emergenza' dovrebbe essere usato solo quando c'è una congestione di rete."
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Broadcast Payment"
msgstr "Diffusione del Pagamento"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Broadcasting Payment"
msgstr "Diffondendo il Pagamento"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Broadcasting transaction"
msgstr "Diffondendo la transazione"
#: public/views/unsupported.html
msgid "Browser unsupported"
msgstr "Browser non supportato"
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "But not broadcasted. Try to send manually"
msgstr "Ma non trasmesso. Prova a inviare manualmente"
#: public/views/includes/password.html
msgid "CANCEL"
msgstr "Annulla"
#: public/views/copayers.html
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annulla"
#: public/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Certified by"
msgstr "Certificato da"
#: public/views/preferencesAlias.html
msgid "Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name."
msgstr "Il cambiamento degli alias dei portafogli influenza solo il nome del portafoglio locale."
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Check you connection and try again"
msgstr "Verifica la connessione e riprova"
#: public/views/import.html
msgid "Choose a backup file from your computer"
msgstr "Seleziona un file di backup dal tuo computer"
#: public/views/modals/wallets.html
msgid "Choose a wallet to send funds"
msgstr "Seleziona un portafoglio per inviare fondi"
#: public/views/includes/topbar.html
#: public/views/modals/copayers.html
#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: public/views/modals/paypro.html
#: public/views/modals/scanner.html
#: public/views/modals/wallets.html
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Chiudi"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Colore"
#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Commit hash"
msgstr "Commit hash"
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Confirmations"
msgstr "Conferme"
#: public/views/modals/copayers.html
msgid "Copayers"
msgstr "Copayers"
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "Copy backup to a safe place"
msgstr "Copia il backup in un posto sicuro"
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)"
msgstr "Copia questo testo cosí com'è in un posto sicuro (blocco note o email)"
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copia negli appunti"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not accept payment. Check you connection and try again"
msgstr "Impossibile accettare il pagamento. Controlla la connessione e riprova di nuovo"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not broadcast payment. Check you connection and try again"
msgstr "Impossibile trasmettere il pagamento. Controlla la connessione e riprova"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not connect wallet service. Check your Internet connection and your wallet service configuration."
msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al servizio portafoglio. Verifica la tua connessione Internet e la configurazione del servizio portafoglio."
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not create address. Check you connection and try again"
msgstr "Impossibile creare l'indirizzo. Verifica la tua connessione e prova di nuovo"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not create payment proposal"
msgstr "Non posso creare la proposta di pagamento"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not create using the specified extended private key"
msgstr "Non posso crearlo utilizzando la chiave privata estesa specificata"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password"
msgstr "Impossibile decrittografare il file, controlla la tua password"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not delete payment proposal. Check you connection and try again"
msgstr "Impossibile eliminare la proposta di pagamento. Verifica la tua connessione e prova di nuovo"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not fetch payment information"
msgstr "Impossibile recuperare le informazioni di pagamento"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Could not fetch transaction history"
msgstr "Impossibile recuperare la cronologie delle transazioni"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password"
msgstr "Impossibile importare. Verifica file importato e password"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not join using the specified extended private key"
msgstr "Impossibile partecipare utilizzando la chiave privata estesa specificata"
#: src/js/controllers/join.js
msgid "Could not join wallet:"
msgstr "Impossibile partecipare al portafoglio:"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code"
msgstr "Impossibile riconoscere un Codice QR Bitcoin valido"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not reject payment. Check you connection and try again"
msgstr "Impossibile rifiutare il pagamento. Verifica la tua connessione e prova di nuovo"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not send payment"
msgstr "Impossibile inviare il pagamento"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Could not update Wallet"
msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare il Portafoglio"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crea"
#: public/views/add.html
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Create new wallet"
msgstr "Crea nuovo portafoglio"
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Create {{requiredCopayers}}-of-{{totalCopayers}} wallet"
msgstr "Crea portafoglio {{requiredCopayers}}-di-{{totalCopayers}}"
#: public/views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Create, join or import"
msgstr "Crea, partecipa o importa"
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Creato da"
#: public/views/splash.html
msgid "Creating Profile..."
msgstr "Creazione Profilo..."
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Creating Wallet..."
msgstr "Creazione Portafoglio..."
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Creating transaction"
msgstr "Creazione transazione"
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Delete Payment Proposal"
msgstr "Elimina Proposta di Pagamento"
#: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html
msgid "Delete Wallet"
msgstr "Elimina Portafoglio"
#: public/views/copayers.html
msgid "Delete it and create a new one"
msgstr "Eliminalo e creane uno nuovo"
#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html
msgid "Delete wallet"
msgstr "Elimina portafoglio"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Deleting payment"
msgstr "Eliminazione portafoglio"
#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: public/views/modals/paypro.html
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Dettagli"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Disabilitato"
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "Do not include private key in backup"
msgstr "Non includere la chiave privata nel backup"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Download CSV file"
msgstr "Scarica in formato CSV"
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "Download backup"
msgstr "Scarica il backup"
#: public/views/includes/password.html
msgid "ENTER"
msgstr "IMMETTERE"
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesFee.js
msgid "Economy"
msgstr "Economia"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Email Notifications"
msgstr "Notifiche Email"
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesFee.js
msgid "Emergency"
msgstr "Emergenza"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Encrypt Private Key"
msgstr "Cripta la chiave privata"
#: src/js/controllers/backup.js
msgid "Encrypted backup file saved"
msgstr "Backup criptato salvato"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "English"
msgstr "Inglese"
#: public/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Enter your password"
msgstr "Inserisci la tua password"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Error creating wallet"
msgstr "Errore creazione portafoglio"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Error creating wallet. Check your internet connection"
msgstr "Errore creazione portafoglio. Verifica la tua connessione internet"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Error importing wallet:"
msgstr "Errore importazione portafoglio:"
#: public/views/modals/paypro.html
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Expires"
msgstr "Scadenza"
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "Failed to create backup"
msgstr "Impossibile creare il backup"
#: src/js/controllers/importLegacy.js
msgid "Failed to import wallets"
msgstr "Impossibile importare portafogli"
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Family vacation funds"
msgstr "Fondi vacanza di famiglia"
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Fee"
msgstr "Tassa"
#. Get information of payment if using Payment Protocol
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Fetching Payment Information"
msgstr "Recuperando le informazioni del pagamento"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "French"
msgstr "Francese"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Funds received"
msgstr "Fondi ricevuti"
#: public/views/splash.html
msgstr "INIZIA"
#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html
msgid "Generate QR Code"
msgstr "Genera un codice QR"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Generate new address"
msgstr "Genera un nuovo indirizzo"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Generating .csv file..."
msgstr "Genera un file .csv..."
2015-07-24 19:10:46 -07:00
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "German"
msgstr "Tedesco"
2015-07-20 11:27:15 -07:00
#: public/views/modals/wallets.html
msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..."
msgstr "Ottengo l'indirizzo per il portafoglio {{selectedWalletName}}..."
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Global settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni Globali"
#: public/views/disclaimer.html
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Indietro"
2015-07-24 19:10:46 -07:00
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Greco"
2015-07-20 11:27:15 -07:00
#: public/views/import.html
msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?"
msgstr "Hai un Backup da Copay v0.9?"
#: public/views/backup.html
#: public/views/create.html
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Hide Advanced options"
msgstr "Nascondi opzioni avanzate"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "History"
msgstr "Storico"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Home"
#: public/views/disclaimer.html
msgid "I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms."
msgstr "Affermo di aver letto, compreso e accettato questi termini."
#: public/views/create.html
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "If not given, a secure key will be generated"
msgstr "Se non fornita, una chiave sicura sarà generata"
#: public/views/importLegacy.html
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importa"
#: public/views/import.html
#: public/views/splash.html
msgid "Import backup"
msgstr "Importa backup"
#: public/views/importLegacy.html
msgid "Import from the Cloud?"
msgstr "Importare dal Cloud?"
#: public/views/import.html
msgid "Import here"
msgstr "Importare qui"
#: public/views/add.html
msgid "Import wallet"
msgstr "Importa un portafoglio"
#: public/views/import.html
msgid "Importing wallet..."
msgstr "Importando il portafoglio..."
#: public/views/importLegacy.html
msgid "Importing..."
msgstr "Importando..."
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Invalido"
2015-07-24 19:10:46 -07:00
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiano"
2015-07-20 11:27:15 -07:00
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Giapponese"
#: public/views/create.html
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "John"
msgstr "John"
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Unisciti"
#: public/views/add.html
msgid "Join shared wallet"
msgstr "Unisciti al portafoglio condiviso"
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Joining Wallet..."
msgstr "Unendo al portafoglio..."
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Lingua"
#: public/views/importLegacy.html
msgid "Learn more about Wallet Migration"
msgstr "Ulteriori informazioni sulla migrazione di portafoglio"
#: public/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Make a payment to"
msgstr "Effettuare un pagamento a"
#: public/views/create.html
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Master extended private key"
msgstr "Chiave privata principale estesa"
#: public/views/includes/copayers.html
#: public/views/modals/copayers.html
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Me"
msgstr "Io"
#: public/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Memo"
msgstr "Nota"
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Merchant message"
msgstr "Messaggio commerciale"
#: public/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Messaggio"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "More"
msgstr "Di più"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Moved"
msgstr "Spostato"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Multisignature wallet"
msgstr "Portafoglio Multi-firma"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "My Bitcoin address"
msgstr "Il mio indirizzo Bitcoin"
#: public/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Network"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "New Payment Proposal"
msgstr "Nuova proposta di pagamento"
#: public/views/modals/confirmation.html
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "No Private key"
msgstr "Nessuna chiave privata"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "No transactions yet"
msgstr "Ancora nessuna transazione"
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesFee.js
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normale"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html
msgid "Not valid"
msgstr "Non valido"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html
msgid "OKAY"
msgstr "OKAY"
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Participants"
msgstr "Partecipanti"
#: public/views/import.html
#: public/views/importLegacy.html
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"
#: public/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down"
msgstr "La password non può essere recuperata. Assicurati di averla scritta/salvata da qualche parte"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Password needed"
msgstr "Password necessaria"
#: src/js/controllers/password.js
msgid "Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Le passwords non corrispondono"
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Paste invitation here"
msgstr "Incolla qui l'invito"
#: public/views/import.html
msgid "Paste the backup plain text code"
msgstr "Incolla qui il codice di backup"
#: public/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Pay To"
msgstr "Paga A"
#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html
msgid "Payment Accepted"
msgstr "Pagamento Accettato"
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment Proposal"
msgstr "Proposta di Pagamento"
#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html
msgid "Payment Proposal Created"
msgstr "Proposta di Pagamento Creata"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected"
msgstr "Proposta di Pagamento Rifiutata"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected by Copayer"
msgstr "Proposta di Pagamento Rifiutata dai Copayers"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Payment Proposal Signed by Copayer"
msgstr "Proposta di Pagamento Firmata dai Copayers"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Payment Proposals"
msgstr "Proposte di Pagamento"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App"
msgstr "Proposta di Pagamento non supportata dall'applicazione Chrome"
#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html
msgid "Payment Rejected"
msgstr "Pagamento Rifiutato"
#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Payment Sent"
msgstr "Pagamento Inviato"
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment accepted..."
msgstr "Pagamento accettato..."
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment details"
msgstr "Dettagli pagamento"
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment finally rejected"
msgstr "Pagamento rifiutato"
#: public/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Payment request"
msgstr "Richiesta di pagamento"
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment sent!"
msgstr "Pagamento inviato!"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Payment to"
msgstr "Pagamento a"
#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html
msgid "Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED"
msgstr "Elimina definitivamente questo portafoglio. QUESTA AZIONE NON PUO' ESSERE INVERTITA"
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Personal Wallet"
msgstr "Portafoglio Personale"
#: src/js/controllers/create.js
#: src/js/controllers/join.js
msgid "Please enter the required fields"
msgstr "Per favore completa i campi richiesti"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Please, select your backup file"
msgstr "Per favore, selezione il tuo file di backup"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portoghese"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferenze"
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesFee.js
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorità"
#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html
msgid "QR Code"
msgstr "Codice QR"
#: public/views/modals/scanner.html
msgid "QR-Scanner"
msgstr "QR-Scanner"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Ricevi"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Ricevuti"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..."
msgstr "Riconnessione al Servizio Portafoglio..."
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Recreate"
msgstr "Ricrea"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Recreating Wallet..."
msgstr "Ricreando Portafoglio..."
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Rifiuta"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Rejecting payment"
msgstr "Rifiutando il pagamento"
#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Release Information"
msgstr "Informazioni Release"
#: public/views/backup.html
#: public/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Repeat password"
msgstr "Ripeti password"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html
msgid "Request a specific amount"
msgstr "Richiedi un importo specifico"
#: public/views/import.html
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Richiesto"
#: public/views/splash.html
msgid "Retrying..."
msgstr "Sto riprovando..."
#: public/views/includes/password.html
msgid "SET"
msgstr "IMPOSTA"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/preferencesAlias.html
#: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html
#: public/views/preferencesEmail.html
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salva"
#: public/views/preferencesEmail.html
msgid "Saving preferences..."
msgstr "Sto salvando le preferenze..."
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Scan Finished"
msgstr "Scansione terminata"
#: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html
msgid "Scan addresses for funds"
msgstr "Scansione degli indirizzi per fondi"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Scan status finished with error"
msgstr "La scansione è terminata con un errore"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..."
msgstr "Scansione fondi Portafoglio..."
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "See it on the blockchain"
msgstr "Guardala nella blockchain"
#: public/views/import.html
msgid "Select a backup file"
msgstr "Seleziona un file di backup"
#: public/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Select a wallet"
msgstr "Selezionare un portafoglio"
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Select required number of signatures"
msgstr "Selezionare il numero necessario di firme"
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Select total number of copayers"
msgstr "Selezionare il numero totale di copayers"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/includes/transaction.html
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Invia"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Send All"
msgstr "Invia tutto"
#: public/views/backup.html
#: public/views/preferencesLogs.html
msgid "Send by email"
msgstr "Invia via email"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Inviato"
#: public/views/importLegacy.html
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Server"
#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Session log"
msgstr "Registro sessione"
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "Set up a Password for your backup"
msgstr "Imposta una password per il tuo backup"
#: public/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Set up a password"
msgstr "Imposta una password"
#: public/views/preferencesEmail.html
msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more."
msgstr "Impostando le notifiche e-mail potrebbe indebolire la tua privacy se il provider di servizio del portafoglio è compromesso. Le informazioni disponibili ad un utente malintenzionato potrebbero includere l'indirizzo del tuo portafoglio e il suo saldo, ma non di più."
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Share address"
msgstr "Condividi l'indirizzo"
#: public/views/copayers.html
msgid "Share invitation"
msgstr "Condividi l'invito"
#: public/views/copayers.html
msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers"
msgstr "Condividi questo invito con i tuoi copayers"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them."
msgstr "Condividi questo indirizzo del portafoglio per ricevere pagamenti. Per proteggere la tua privacy, ad ogni utilizzo sono generati nuovi indirizzi."
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Shared Wallet"
msgstr "Portafoglio Condiviso"
#: public/views/backup.html
#: public/views/create.html
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Show Advanced options"
msgstr "Mostra opzioni avanzate"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Signing payment"
msgstr "Sto firmando il pagamento"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Signing transaction"
msgstr "Sto firmando la transazione"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Spagnolo"
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Completato"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Tap to retry"
msgstr "Tocca per riprovare"
#: public/views/disclaimer.html
#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Terms of Use"
msgstr "Termini di Utilizzo"
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Testnet"
msgstr "Testnet"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen"
msgstr "Il pagamento è stato creato ma è stato impossibile completarlo. Per favore prova di nuovo dalla schermata iniziale"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "The payment was created but could not be signed. Please try again from home screen."
msgstr "Il pagamento è stato creato ma è stato impossibile firmarlo. Per favore prova di nuovo dalla schermata iniziale."
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "The payment was removed by creator"
msgstr "Il pagamento è stato rimosso dal creatore"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "The payment was signed but could not be broadcasted. Please try again from home screen."
msgstr "Il pagamento è stato firmato ma non è stato possibile trasmetterlo. Per favore prova di nuovo dalla schermata principale."
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting a backup will keep the private key encrypted in the backup archive."
msgstr "La chiave privata di questo portafoglio è criptata. L'esportazione del backup manterrà la chiave privata criptata nell'archivio backup."
#: public/views/disclaimer.html
msgid "The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet. The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin. While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software. You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws. You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software. IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY BITCOIN YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT COPAY WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE. All transaction requests are irreversible. The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network. To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement. You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software. In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, or BitPay, Inc. be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software. We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time."
msgstr "Il software che stai per utilizzare è un portafoglio digitale gratis, open source, e multi-firma. Il software non costituisce un account in cui BitPay o altre terze parti servono come intermediari finanziari o custodi dei tuoi bitcoins. Anche se il software beta è stato testato e continua ad essere migliorato dai feedback dalla comunità open source e dai programmatori, non possiamo garantire la completa assenza di errori nel software. Sei consapevole che l'utilizzo di questo software avviene a tua discrezione e in accordo con tutte le leggi applicabili. Sei responsabile della gestione della tua password, chiavi private, PIN e tutti gli altri codici che utilizzi per accedere a questo portafoglio. SE PERDI L'ACCESSO AL TUO PORTAFOGLIO O ALLE TUE CHIAVI PRIVATE CRIPTATE, E NON POSSIEDI UN BACKUP DEL PORTAFOGLIO O DELLE PASSWORD CORRISPONDENTI, SEI CONSAPEVOLE DEL FATTO CHE OGNI BITCOIN ASSOCIATO AL TUO PORTAFOGLIO COPAY SARA' INACCESSIBILE. Tutte le richieste di transazione sono irreversibili. Gli autori del software, dipendenti e affiliati di BitPay, possessori del copyright, e BitPay, Inc., non possono recuperare le tue chiavi private o le tue passwords se le dimentichi o le perdi, e non possono garantire la conferma delle transazioni poichè non sono in controllo del Network Bitcoin. Nella misura massima consentita dalla legge, il software è reso disponibile \"così com'è\" e nessuna rappresentazione o richiesta di garanzia può essere inoltrata, espressa o implicita, comprese ma non limitato alle garanzie di commerciabilità, idoneità o a particolare scopo e non-infrazione. Ti assumi tutti i rischi relativi all'utilizzo del software. In nessuno caso gli autori del software, dipendenti o affiliati BitPay, possessori del Copyright, o BitPay, inc, sono responsabili di qualsiasi rivendicazioni, danni o responsabili di terzi, sia in un'azione di contratto, torto, o derivanti da, o i connessione con questo software. Ci riserviamo il diritto di modificare questi termini di volta in volta."
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js
msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted"
msgstr "Il portafoglio {{walletName}} è stato eliminato"
#: public/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment"
msgstr "Non ci sono portafogli per effettuare questo pagamento"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "There is an error in the form"
msgstr "C'è un errore nel form"
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt."
msgstr "Questa transazione è diventata invalida; forse a causa di un tentativo di doppia spesa."
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information."
msgstr "Questo portafoglio non è registrato al Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). Puoi ricrearlo dalle informazioni locali."
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tempo"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/includes/transaction.html
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "To"
msgstr "A"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Total Locked Balance"
msgstr "Totale Importo Bloccato"
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Transaction"
msgstr "Transazione"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Unable to send transaction proposal"
msgstr "Impossibile inviare la proposta di transazione"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Unconfirmed"
msgstr "Non confermato"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unità"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Unsent transactions"
msgstr "Transazioni non inviate"
#: public/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Untrusted"
msgstr "Non attendibile"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Updating Wallet..."
msgstr "Aggiornamento portafoglio..."
#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versione"
#: public/views/backup.html
msgid "View backup"
msgstr "Visualizza il backup"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "WARNING: Backup needed"
msgstr "AVVISO: Backup necessario"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "WARNING: Wallet not registered"
msgstr "AVVISO: Portafoglio non registrato"
#: public/views/splash.html
#: public/views/copayers.html
msgid "Waiting for copayers"
msgstr "In attesa di copayers"
#: public/views/copayers.html
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "In attesa..."
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "Wallet Alias"
msgstr "Alias Portafoglio"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Wallet Already Imported:"
msgstr "Portafoglio già importato:"
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Wallet Invitation"
msgstr "Invito Portafoglio"
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Wallet Invitation is not valid!"
msgstr "Invito Portafoglio non valido!"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Wallet already exists"
msgstr "Il portafoglio esiste già"
#: public/views/copayers.html
msgid "Wallet incomplete and broken"
msgstr "Portafoglio incompleto e danneggiato"
#: public/views/create.html
msgid "Wallet name"
msgstr "Nome Portafoglio"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Wallet service timed out. Check your Internet connection and your wallet service configuration."
msgstr "Servizio portafoglio scaduto. Verifica la tua connessione internet e la configurazione del tuo servizio portafoglio."
#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Attenzione!"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Wrong password"
msgstr "Password sbagliata"
#: public/views/modals/confirmation.html
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sì"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "You do not have a wallet"
msgstr "Non hai un portafoglio"
#: public/views/backup.html
#: public/views/import.html
msgid "Your backup password"
msgstr "La tua password di backup"
#: public/views/create.html
#: public/views/join.html
msgid "Your nickname"
msgstr "Il tuo nickname"
#: public/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Your password"
msgstr "La tua password"
#: public/views/importLegacy.html
msgid "Your profile password"
msgstr "La tua password del profilo"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly"
msgstr "Il tuo portafoglio è stato importato correttamente"
#: public/views/preferencesEmail.html
msgid "email for wallet notifications"
msgstr "indirizzo email per le notifiche del portafoglio"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "locked by pending payments"
msgstr "bloccati da pagamenti in sospeso"
#: public/views/copayers.html
#: public/views/walletHome.html
#: public/views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "of"
msgstr "di"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "optional"
msgstr "opzionale"
#: public/views/preferences.html
msgid "settings"
msgstr "impostazioni"
#: public/views/walletHome.html
msgid "too long!"
msgstr "troppo lungo!"
#: public/views/preferencesFee.html
msgid "{{fee.value}} bits per kB"
msgstr "{{fee.value}} bits per kB"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "{{fee}} will be discounted for bitcoin networking fees"
msgstr "{{fee}} verranno scalati come commissione del Network Bitcoin"
#: src/js/controllers/importLegacy.js
msgid "{{len}} wallets imported. Funds scanning in progress. Hold on to see updated balance"
msgstr "{{len}} portafogli importati. Scansione fondi in corso. Aspetta per vedere il bilancio aggiornato"