diff --git a/i18n/docs/appstore_cs.txt b/i18n/docs/appstore_cs.txt index 70fd16a7c..804c854eb 100644 --- a/i18n/docs/appstore_cs.txt +++ b/i18n/docs/appstore_cs.txt @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ Platební protokol (BIP70-BIP73): snadno identifikovatelný platební požadavek Podpora pro více než 150 měn a denominace BTC nebo bitů E-mailová upozornění pro platby a převody Přizpůsobitelné pojmenování a podbarvení peněženky -6 podporovaných jazyků (EN, JP, FR, ES, DE, RU) +9 podporovaných jazyků (EN, CS, FR, DE, IT, ES, JA, PL, RU) Copay je bezplatný open-source software, fungující na decentralizovaných serverech, není tedy potřeba spoléhat na společnost pro trvalou podporu. Kdokoliv může prohlédnout nebo přispět k Copay zdrojovému kódu na GitHub (https://github.com/bitpay/copay). diff --git a/i18n/docs/appstore_de.txt b/i18n/docs/appstore_de.txt index 157497ec1..7d0d6baec 100644 --- a/i18n/docs/appstore_de.txt +++ b/i18n/docs/appstore_de.txt @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ Zahlungsprotokoll (BIP70-BIP73) Unterstützung: Leicht identifizierbare Zahlungs Unterstützung von 150+ verschiedenen Währungen und Stückelung in BTC oder bits E-Mail Benachrichtigung für Zahlungen und Transaktionen Anpasspare Wallets: Eigene Namen und Hintergrundfarben -6 supported languages (EN, JP, FR, ES, DE, RU) +Unterstützung von 9 Sprachen (EN, CS, FR, DE, IT, ES, JA, PL, RU) Copay ist eine kostenlose und quelloffene Software, die auf nicht firmeneigenen Servern läuft und es somit nicht nötig ist, sich auf ein bestimmtes Unternehmen und dessen kontinuierliche Unterstützung zu verlassen. Jeder hat die Möglichkeit den Quelltext zu überprüfen oder auf GitHub (https://github.com/bitpay/copay) eigene Änderungen beizutragen und an der Weiterentwicklung mitzuwirken. diff --git a/i18n/docs/appstore_es.txt b/i18n/docs/appstore_es.txt index 1aac74e8c..a6c21a287 100644 --- a/i18n/docs/appstore_es.txt +++ b/i18n/docs/appstore_es.txt @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ Soporte al protocolo de pago (BIP70-BIP73): solicitudes de pagos fácilmente ide Soporte a más de 150 precios de monedas y unidades de denominación en BTC o bits Notificaciones por email de pagos y transferencias Monederos con nombres y colores de fondo personalizables -6 idiomas soportados (EN, JP, FR, ES, DE, RU) +Soporte en 9 idiomas (EN, CS, FR, DE, IT, ES, JA, PL, RU) Copay es un software gratuito y de código abierto que funciona en servidores no-propietarios, por lo que no es necesario confiar en una empresa para soporte continuo. Cualquier persona puede revisar y contribuir al código fuente de Copay en GitHub (https://github.com/bitpay/copay). diff --git a/i18n/docs/appstore_fr.txt b/i18n/docs/appstore_fr.txt index d151888f1..ee6ef4bc1 100644 --- a/i18n/docs/appstore_fr.txt +++ b/i18n/docs/appstore_fr.txt @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ Nous avons développé les fonctionnalités suivantes dans cette version de Copa • Prise en charge de plus de 150 devises et dénomination d'unité en BTC ou en bits. • Notifications e-mail pour les paiements et les transferts. • Nom de portefeuille et couleurs de fond personnalisables. -• 6 langues prises en charge (EN, JP, FR, ES, DE, RU) +• 9 langues prises en charge (EN, CS, FR, DE, IT, ES, JA, PL, RU) Copay est un logiciel gratuit et open source qui tourne sur des serveurs non-propriétaires, il n'y a donc pas besoin de compter sur une entreprise pour un support continuel. N'importe qui peut examiner ou contribuer au code source de Copay sur GitHub (https://github.com/bitpay/copay). diff --git a/i18n/docs/appstore_it.txt b/i18n/docs/appstore_it.txt index e1ce4b7c6..e96d5b20e 100644 --- a/i18n/docs/appstore_it.txt +++ b/i18n/docs/appstore_it.txt @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ Supporto per il protocollo di pagamento (BIP70-BIP73): richieste di pagamento fa Supporto per 150+ valute e denominazione in BTC o bits Notifiche email per pagamenti o trasferimenti Colori di sfondo e nomi dei portafogli personalizzabli -7 Lingue supportate (EN, JP, FR, ES, DE, RU, IT) +9 lingue supportate (EN, CS, FR, DE, IT, ES, JA, PL, RU) Copay è un software gratuito e open source che non dipende da server proprietari, pertanto il supporto del software non dipende da nessuna azienda. Chiunque può rivedere o contribuire al codice sorgente di Copay su GitHub (https://github.com/bitpay/copay). diff --git a/i18n/docs/appstore_ja.txt b/i18n/docs/appstore_ja.txt index c4a827e0b..d9b012456 100644 --- a/i18n/docs/appstore_ja.txt +++ b/i18n/docs/appstore_ja.txt @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ Copayは個人のご利用はもちろんのこと、複数人によるウォレ ■ 世界中の150個以上の通貨の表示に対応、自国通貨との為替レートを計算する必要なし。ビットコインの単位も BTC と bits にも対応 ■ ペイメントや提案のメール通知も可能 ■ ウォレットごとの背景色設定や通称設定も可能でカスタマイズ性抜群 -■ 6ヶ国語に対応 (英日仏西独露) +■ 9ヶ国語対応 (英日仏西伊独捷葡露) Copayは永久無料でオープンソースのソフトです。サーバーもオープンソースなので、独自運用や法人の利用やソース流用は許可します。 ソースをご覧の際に間違いなどが見つかった場合、Githubにてご報告・ソース修正のプルリクエストなどをお願いします。(https://github.com/bitpay/copay) diff --git a/i18n/docs/appstore_pl.txt b/i18n/docs/appstore_pl.txt index 2db501b6c..daa31e7e8 100644 --- a/i18n/docs/appstore_pl.txt +++ b/i18n/docs/appstore_pl.txt @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ Wsparcie protokołów płatności (BIP70-BIP73): łatwe do zidentyfikowania wnio Wsparcie dla wyświetlania ponad 150 walut w jednostkach BTC lub bit Powiadomienia o płatnościach i transferach za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej Konfigurowanie nazwy i koloru tła portfela -7 obsługiwanych języków (EN, ES, DE, FR, JP, PL, RU) +9 obsługiwanych języków (EN, CS, FR, DE, IT, ES, JA, PL, RU) Copay jest bezpłatnym oprogramowaniem open source, które działa na niezastrzeżonych serwerach, nie jest zatem konieczne, aby opierać się na konkretnej firmie w celu jego dalszego wsparcia. Każdy ma możliwość sprawdzenia kodu źródłowego i zgłoszenia propozycji zmian w Copay na GitHub (https://github.com/bitpay/copay). diff --git a/i18n/docs/appstore_ru.txt b/i18n/docs/appstore_ru.txt index 4c8756298..62781388c 100644 --- a/i18n/docs/appstore_ru.txt +++ b/i18n/docs/appstore_ru.txt @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ Поддержка отображения баланса в более чем 150 валютах, а так же поддержка деноминирования в BTC или bits Уведомления о платежах и переводах по email Настраиваемые названия и фоновые цвета кошельков -Шесть поддерживаемых языков (EN, JP, FR, ES, DE, RU) +9 поддерживаемых языков (EN, CS, FR, DE, IT, ES, JA, PL, RU) Copay бесплатен и является программным обеспечением с открытым исходным кодом, запускаемым на не-проприетарных серверах, поэтому нет необходимости полагаться на какую-либо компанию и её постоянную поддержку. Любой может просмотреть и сделать предложение по изменению исходного кода Copay на GitHub (https://github.com/bitpay/copay). diff --git a/i18n/docs/appstore_zh.txt b/i18n/docs/appstore_zh.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba192ca09 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/docs/appstore_zh.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +采用 BitPay 开放源码的多重签名钱包,根据自己的条件保管比特币。 +Copay 户可以单独保管资金或与通过使用多重签名钱包与其他用户一起安全共同保管财政,由于需要多个用户批准,因此可防止未经授权的付款。 以下是 Copay 可与其他人共同使用的方法: + +与好友为假期旅游而储蓄或一起购物 +跟踪家庭开支和津贴 +可用来管理商务,团体,或集团的收支 + +我们在此版本的 Copay 建立以下功能,使 Copay 钱包从不妥协于安全性和可访问性: + +应用程序的多个钱包创建和管理 +个人或共享钱包的直观多重签名安全 +共享钱包和团体支付简单易用 +分层确定性(HD)地址生成和钱包备份 +基于设备的安全:所有私钥都存储在本地,而不是在云中 +支持 testnet 比特币钱包 +支持所有主要移动端和桌面平台的同步访问 +支持支付协议(BIP70-BIP73):容易辨认的付款请求和可验证的安全比特币支付 +支持 150 + 货币定价及比特币的面值单位 +电子邮件通知比特币的支付和转移 +可自定义的钱包名和背景颜色 +支持 9 种语言 (EN, CS, FR, DE, IT, ES, JA, PL, RU) + +Copay 是自由和开放源码软件,在非专有服务器上运行,因此无需依靠任何公司以提供永续支持。 任何人都可以查看或对位于 GitHub (https://github.com/bitpay/copay) 的 Copay 源代码作出贡献。 diff --git a/i18n/docs/updateinfo_de.txt b/i18n/docs/updateinfo_de.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81ee2c8e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/docs/updateinfo_de.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +* Improves some icons +* Minor UX changes on receive +* Update translations +* Problembehebungen diff --git a/i18n/docs/updateinfo_it.txt b/i18n/docs/updateinfo_it.txt index 72c3e3aeb..ad5890d09 100644 --- a/i18n/docs/updateinfo_it.txt +++ b/i18n/docs/updateinfo_it.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Migliora alcune icone +* Migliora alcune icone * Piccole modifiche UX in ricezione * Traduzioni aggiornate * Correzione errori diff --git a/i18n/docs/updateinfo_zh.txt b/i18n/docs/updateinfo_zh.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..591495623 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/docs/updateinfo_zh.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +* 改进一些图标 +* 小更改接收的 UX +* 更新翻译 +* Bug 修复 diff --git a/i18n/po/cs.po b/i18n/po/cs.po index c3314c7e0..f72d76997 100644 --- a/i18n/po/cs.po +++ b/i18n/po/cs.po @@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ msgstr "" "Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" "Language-Team: Czech\n" "Language: cs\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-13 13:33-0400\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-08 11:56-0400\n" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "(possible double spend)" msgstr "(pravděpodobná dvojitá platba)" @@ -22,14 +23,22 @@ msgstr "(pravděpodobná dvojitá platba)" msgid "(Trusted)" msgstr "(Věrohodný)" -#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -msgid "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "[Balance Hidden]" msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" msgstr "{{fee}} bude odečteno jako poplatek bitcoinové síti" +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" @@ -56,21 +65,25 @@ msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS msgstr "POKUD ZTRATÍTE PŘÍSTUP K VAŠI SPOLUPLÁTCOVSKÉ PENĚŽENCE NEBO VAŠÍM ŠIFROVANÝM KLÍČŮM A NEMÁTE ULOŽENOU ZÁLOHU VAŠI PENĚŽENKY A HESLEM ZVLÁŠTĚ, BERETE NA VĚDOMÍ ŽE VŠECHNY BITCOINY ULOŽENÉ V TÉTO SPOLUPLÁTCOVSKÉ PENĚŽENCE NEBUDOU DOSTUPNÉ. " #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers)." -msgstr "OR 1 exportovaný soubor peněženky a zbývající limit pro zdroj peněženky (např. v 3-5 peněženek: 1 soubor + 2 zdroje peněženky alespoň jednoho ze spoluplátců)." +msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "OR zdroj(ů) peněženky ze všech spoluplátců peněženky" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "OR zdrojů peněženky ze všech spoluplátců této peněženky" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" msgstr "A vícepodpisová bitcoin peněženka" +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "A spending password is set for this wallet. Exporting keeps the spending password in the export archive." +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "About Copay" msgstr "O Copay" @@ -98,28 +111,33 @@ msgstr "Číslo účtu" msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivita" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "Přidat nový záznam" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add a Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Přidat heslo zdroje" +msgid "Add a Password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed" -msgstr "Přidat nepovinné heslo pro zabezpečení zdroje" +msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Add comment" +msgstr "" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Add wallet" msgstr "Přidat peněženku" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresa" @@ -151,10 +169,10 @@ msgstr "Všechny žádosti o platbu jsou nevratné." msgid "Alternative Currency" msgstr "Alternativní měna" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount" msgstr "Částka" @@ -162,20 +180,24 @@ msgstr "Částka" msgid "Amount below dust threshold" msgstr "Částka pod nejnižší úrovní bitcoin platby" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount in" msgstr "Částka v" #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?" -msgstr "Opravdu si přejete odstranit zálohu zdrojových slov?" +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" msgstr "Opravdu si přejete odstranit tuto peněženku?" +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "Auditable" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "Available Balance" msgstr "Dostupný zůstatek" @@ -185,9 +207,6 @@ msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" msgstr "Průměrný čas potvrzení je: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minut" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Back" msgstr "Zpět" @@ -207,10 +226,6 @@ msgstr "Vyžadována záloha" msgid "Backup now" msgstr "Vytvořit zálohu" -#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Backup words deleted" -msgstr "Odstraněny zdrojová slova zálohy" - #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Bad wallet invitation" msgstr "Chybný požadavek do peněženky" @@ -223,6 +238,10 @@ msgstr "Zůstatek adres" msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." msgstr "Před přijímáním plateb je zapotřebí vytvořit zálohu peněženky. Pokud dojde ke ztrátě zařízení nebude možné bez zálohy obnovit zůstatky peněženky." +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html @@ -250,10 +269,6 @@ msgid "Broadcast Payment" msgstr "Vysílání platby" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Broadcasting Payment" -msgstr "Vysílání platby" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js msgid "Broadcasting transaction" msgstr "Vysílání transakce" @@ -262,17 +277,19 @@ msgid "Browser unsupported" msgstr "Nepodporovaný prohlížeč" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Buy & Sell Bitcoin" -msgstr "Koupit nebo prodat Bitcoin" +msgid "Buy & Sell" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Calculating fee" msgstr "Vypočítávám poplatek" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js @@ -280,17 +297,13 @@ msgstr "Vypočítávám poplatek" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Zrušit" -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "CANCEL" -msgstr "ZRUŠIT" - #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" msgstr "Zrušit a odstranit peněženku" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nelze vytvořit transakci. Nedostatek prostředků" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Cannot join the same wallet more that once" @@ -317,10 +330,13 @@ msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "Vymazat cache" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Close" msgstr "Zavřít" @@ -328,6 +344,10 @@ msgstr "Zavřít" msgid "Color" msgstr "Barva" +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Commit hash" msgstr "Hash softwaru" @@ -341,10 +361,9 @@ msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Potvrdit" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Confirm your wallet seed" -msgstr "Potvrdit zdroj peněženky" +msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "Potvrzení" @@ -404,16 +423,19 @@ msgstr "Zkopírujte tento text do bezpečného místa (např. email nebo poznám msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Zkopírovat" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Could not accept payment" -msgstr "Nebylo možné přijmout platbu" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" +msgstr "" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not access wallet" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" msgstr "Nebylo možné navázat spojení se službou peněženky: Nebyla nalezena" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not broadcast payment" msgstr "Nebylo možné vyslat platbu" @@ -438,8 +460,8 @@ msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" msgstr "Nebylo možné vytvořit rozšířený veřejný klíč" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet seed" -msgstr "Nebylo možné vytvořit: neplatný zdroj peněženky" +msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js msgid "Could not decrypt" @@ -447,9 +469,9 @@ msgstr "Nebylo možné dešifrovat" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" -msgstr "Nebylo možné dešifrovat, zkontrolujte heslo" +msgstr "" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" msgstr "Nepodařilo se odstranit návrh platby" @@ -466,8 +488,8 @@ msgid "Could not import" msgstr "Chyba importu" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password" -msgstr "Chyba importu. Zkontrolujte soubor a heslo" +msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not join wallet" @@ -477,7 +499,7 @@ msgstr "Chyba spojování peněženek" msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" msgstr "Bitcoin QR kód nebyl rozpoznán" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not reject payment" msgstr "Chyba odmítnutí platby" @@ -523,7 +545,6 @@ msgstr "Vytvářím peněženku..." msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" msgstr "Současná zásadu poplatků je: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" @@ -541,8 +562,12 @@ msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" msgstr "Odstranit návrh platby" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Delete seed words" -msgstr "Odstranit zdrojová slova" +msgid "Delete recovery phrase" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Delete wallet" @@ -552,17 +577,9 @@ msgstr "Odstranit peněženku" msgid "Delete Wallet" msgstr "Odstranit peněženku" -#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Delete words" -msgstr "Odstranit klíčová slova" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Deleting payment" -msgstr "Odstranit platbu" - #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Deleting Wallet..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mažu peněženku..." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html @@ -574,7 +591,12 @@ msgstr "Cesta derivace" msgid "Derivation Strategy" msgstr "Způsob derivace" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html @@ -594,7 +616,7 @@ msgstr "Nevyplňujte soukromý klíč" msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." msgstr "Nevidíte na Crowdin váš jazyk? Kontaktujte správce repozitáře na Crowdin. Rádi váš jazyk přidáme." -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Done" msgstr "Hotovo" @@ -606,10 +628,19 @@ msgstr "Stáhnout" msgid "Economy" msgstr "Ekonomický" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Edit" msgstr "Upravit" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edit comment" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edited by" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" @@ -626,6 +657,14 @@ msgstr "Email upozornění" msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." msgstr "Limit prázdných adres dovrše. Nové adresy nemohou být vytvořeny." +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Glidera Service" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable push notifications" msgstr "Povolit notifikace" @@ -636,16 +675,16 @@ msgstr "Šifrovaný soubor byl vytvořen" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Enter the seed words (BIP39)" -msgstr "Vyplňte zdrojová slova (BIP39)" +msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Enter your passphrase" +msgid "Enter your password" msgstr "Vyplňte heslo" #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Enter your password" -msgstr "Vyplňte heslo" +msgid "Enter your spending password" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Error at Wallet Service" @@ -676,6 +715,10 @@ msgstr "Možnosti exportu" msgid "Export to file" msgstr "Exportovat do souboru" +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file [preparing...]" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Export Wallet" msgstr "Exportovat peněženku" @@ -701,7 +744,6 @@ msgid "Family vacation funds" msgstr "Úspory rodiny na dovolenou" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Fee" @@ -716,10 +758,18 @@ msgstr "Stahuji platební údaje" msgid "File/Text Backup" msgstr "Soubor/Text záloha" +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Finger Scan Failed" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Finish" msgstr "Konec" +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "For audit purposes" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/translators.html msgid "French" msgstr "Francouzština" @@ -756,7 +806,7 @@ msgstr "Vytvářím .csv soubor..." msgid "German" msgstr "Němčina" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." msgstr "Získávání adres peněženky {{selectedWalletName}} ..." @@ -768,6 +818,10 @@ msgstr "Obecná nastavení" msgid "Hardware wallet" msgstr "Hardware peněženka" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Hardware Wallet" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/import.html msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" msgstr "Máte zálohu z Copay verze v0.9?" @@ -820,8 +874,8 @@ msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates o msgstr "Za žádných okolností autoři softwaru, zaměstnanci a přidružené osoby z Bitpay, vlastníci ochranných známek, BitPay, Inc nejsou odpovědni za škody nebo náhradu nákladů, plynoucí z používání tohoto softwaru." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your passphrase:" -msgstr "Pro ověření zálohy uveďte heslo:" +msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" +msgstr "" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Include address book and history cache" @@ -839,6 +893,7 @@ msgstr "Nedostatečná částka" msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" msgstr "Nedostatečný zůstatek pro poplatek" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Neplatné" @@ -892,7 +947,7 @@ msgstr "Spojuji peněženky..." msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" msgstr "Klíč je již spojený s některou z peněženek" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Label" msgstr "Štítek" @@ -940,11 +995,10 @@ msgstr "Shody:" msgid "me" msgstr "já" -#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html #: public/views/includes/copayers.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Me" msgstr "Já" @@ -952,7 +1006,6 @@ msgstr "Já" msgid "Memo" msgstr "Poznámka" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Merchant message" msgstr "Zpráva obchodníka" @@ -961,13 +1014,17 @@ msgstr "Zpráva obchodníka" msgid "Message" msgstr "Zpráva" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Missing private keys to sign" msgstr "Chybějící soukromý klíč pro podpis" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Moved" msgstr "Přesunuto" @@ -980,11 +1037,11 @@ msgstr "Více příjemců" msgid "My Bitcoin address" msgstr "Moje bitcoin adresa" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My contacts" msgstr "Moje kontakty" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My wallets" msgstr "Moje peněženky" @@ -992,10 +1049,6 @@ msgstr "Moje peněženky" msgid "Need to do backup" msgstr "Vyžaduje zálohu" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Needs backup" -msgstr "" - #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Network" msgstr "Síť" @@ -1010,8 +1063,8 @@ msgstr "Nový návrh platby" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "New Random Seed" -msgstr "Nová náhodná zdrojová slova" +msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/import.html msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" @@ -1034,29 +1087,29 @@ msgid "Not completed" msgstr "Nedokončeno" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Not enought funds for fee" -msgstr "Nedostatek zůstatku pro zahrnutí poplatku" +msgid "Not enough funds for fee" +msgstr "" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Not valid" msgstr "Neplatné" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Note" msgstr "Poznámka" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poznámka: celkem {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} bylo vyloučeno. Byla překročena maximální povolená velikost transakce" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." +msgstr "Pozn.: bylo vyloučeno celkem {{amountBelowFeeStr}}. Tyto prostředky pocházejí z menších UTXO, než kolik činí poplatek sítě." + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." msgstr "" #: public/views/disclaimer.html @@ -1064,9 +1117,13 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Official English Disclaimer" msgstr "Oficiální Disclaimer v Angličtině" +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "OKAY" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." -msgstr "Pokud máte zkopírována zdrojová slova peněženky, doporučujeme vám abyste si jej ze zařízení smazali." +msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." @@ -1074,7 +1131,7 @@ msgstr "Viditelné jsou pouze hlavní (ne adresy pro vratky). Adresy na tomto se #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Open Settings app" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Otevřít nastavení aplikace" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "optional" @@ -1084,30 +1141,23 @@ msgstr "nepovinný" msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" msgstr "Soukromý klíč papírové peněženky" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Participants" msgstr "Účastníci" -#: public/views/import.html #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Heslo" +#: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html +#: public/views/join.html +#: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Password" msgstr "Heslo" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Password needed" -msgstr "Heslo vyžadováno" - -#: src/js/controllers/password.js -msgid "Passwords do not match" -msgstr "Hesla se neshodují" - #: public/views/join.html msgid "Paste invitation here" msgstr "Pozvánku zkopírujte sem" @@ -1216,19 +1266,19 @@ msgstr "Osobní peněženka" msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" msgstr "Přijměte pro export dvou veřejných klíčů z aplikace Trezor" +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the required fields" msgstr "Vyplňte požadovaná pole" -#: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Please enter the seed words" -msgstr "Vyplňte slova zdroje" - #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Please enter the wallet seed" -msgstr "Vyplňte zdroj peněženky" +msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." @@ -1260,7 +1310,7 @@ msgstr "Soukromý klíč je šifrovaný, nelze podepsat" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Push notifications for Copay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oznámení pro Copay jsou v současné době zakázána. Povolte v nastavení aplikace." #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "QR Code" @@ -1274,13 +1324,12 @@ msgstr "QR čtečka" msgid "Receive" msgstr "Přijmout" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Received" msgstr "Přijato" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Recipients" @@ -1290,6 +1339,10 @@ msgstr "Příjemci" msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." msgstr "Navazuji spojení se službou peněženky..." +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreate" msgstr "Znovu vytvářím" @@ -1302,39 +1355,34 @@ msgstr "Znovu vytvářím peněženku..." msgid "Reject" msgstr "Odmítnout" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Rejecting payment" -msgstr "Odmítám platbu" - #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Release Information" msgstr "Vypouštění informací" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Remove" msgstr "Odstranit" #: public/views/export.html -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "Heslo znovu" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat the password" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Repeat the spending password" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Request a specific amount" msgstr "Vyžádat konkrétní částku" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Request Password" -msgstr "Vyžádat heslo" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Požaduji podpis Ledger peněženky" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Trezor Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Vyžaduji podpis Trezor peněženky" +msgid "Request Spending Password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Required" @@ -1346,16 +1394,17 @@ msgstr "Vyžadováno více podpisuů" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Retrieving inputs information" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Načítání informací vstupů" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Russian" msgstr "Ruština" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Save" msgstr "Uložit" @@ -1383,7 +1432,7 @@ msgstr "Status skenování je chybová" msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" msgstr "Skenovat zůstatek peněženky" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" msgstr "Naskenujte prosím svůj otisk" @@ -1395,28 +1444,22 @@ msgstr "Skenuji zůstatek peněženky..." msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." msgstr "Skenuji zůstatek peněženky..." -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "Search transactions" msgstr "Vyhledávám transakce" +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search Transactions" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Security preferences" msgstr "Nastavení zabezpečení" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "See it on the blockchain" msgstr "Zobrazit na blockchainu" -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Seed passphrase" -msgstr "Heslo zdroje" - -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Heslo zdroje" - #: public/views/import.html msgid "Select a backup file" msgstr "Vybrat soubor zálohy" @@ -1440,7 +1483,7 @@ msgstr "Odeslat adresy emailem" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html msgid "Send bitcoin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odeslat BTC" #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/preferencesLogs.html @@ -1449,7 +1492,7 @@ msgstr "Odeslat emailem" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Send Max" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odeslat max" #: public/views/includes/transaction.html msgid "Sending" @@ -1463,10 +1506,10 @@ msgstr "Odesílání částky..." msgid "Sending transaction" msgstr "Odesílání transakce" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Sent" msgstr "Odesláno" @@ -1490,25 +1533,25 @@ msgstr "NASTAVIT" msgid "Set default url" msgstr "Nastavit výchozí URL" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html msgid "Set up a password" msgstr "Nastavit heslo" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Set up an Export Password" -msgstr "Nastavit heslo pro export" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Set up a spending password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." msgstr "Nastavení emailových notifikací může snížit vaše soukromí, pokud je poskytovatel emailu napaden. Útočník by mohl mít k dispozici vaše adresy peněženek a zůstatek, soukromé klíče k ovládání zůstatků ne." -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastavení" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share address" msgstr "Sdílet adresu" @@ -1520,6 +1563,10 @@ msgstr "Sdílet pozvánku" msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" msgstr "Sdílet tuto pozvánku se spoluplátci" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." msgstr "Sdílet adresu této peněženky pro přijímání plateb. Pro ochranu soukromí po použití adresy je generována nová." @@ -1535,21 +1582,21 @@ msgstr "Sdílená peněženka" msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "Zobrazit rozšířená nastavení" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Show more" -msgstr "Zobrazit více" - #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Show Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Zobrazit zdroje" +msgid "Show Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Signatures rejected by server" msgstr "Podpisy byly serverem odmítnuty" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Signing payment" -msgstr "Podepisuji platbu" +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Signing transaction" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Single Address Wallet" +msgstr "" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Spanish" @@ -1557,8 +1604,8 @@ msgstr "Španělština" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Specify Seed..." -msgstr "Uveďte zdroje..." +msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" @@ -1568,6 +1615,14 @@ msgstr "Návrh platby nebyl přijat" msgid "Spend proposal not found" msgstr "Návrh platby nebyl nalezen" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spending Password needed" +msgstr "" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js @@ -1575,6 +1630,10 @@ msgstr "Návrh platby nebyl nalezen" msgid "Success" msgstr "Úspěšné" +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Super Economy" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Sweep paper wallet" msgstr "Převést papírovou peněženku" @@ -1583,6 +1642,10 @@ msgstr "Převést papírovou peněženku" msgid "Sweep Wallet" msgstr "Převést peněženku" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap and hold to show" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap to retry" msgstr "Klikněte pro zopakování pokusu" @@ -1596,10 +1659,18 @@ msgstr "Podmínky používání" msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." msgstr "Autoři tohoto software, zaměstnanci a ostatní z Bitpay, vlastníci ochranných známek, BitPay, Inc, nemůže obnovit vaše soukromé klíče nebo hesla, pokud dojde ke ztrátě a negarantuje potvrzení transakcí, protože nedrží kontrolu nad Bitcoin sítí." +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The derivation path" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/services/ledger.js msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" msgstr "Chrome aplikace pro Leger není instalována" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "Platba byla vytvořena ale nemohla být dokončena. Opakujte akci z domovské obrazovky" @@ -1608,19 +1679,15 @@ msgstr "Platba byla vytvořena ale nemohla být dokončena. Opakujte akci z domo msgid "The payment was removed by creator" msgstr "Platba byla odstraněna tvůrcem" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive." -msgstr "Soukromý klíč této peněženky je šifrovaný. Po exportu bude soukromý klíč šifrovaný v archivu exportu." +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" msgstr "Požadavek nebyl serverem pochopen" -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "The seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Zdroj může pro import vyžadovat heslo" - #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." msgstr "Tento software nepředstavuje účet kde BitPay nebo jiné třetí strany slouží jako finanční zprostředkovatelé nebo správci vašeho bitcoin." @@ -1638,23 +1705,30 @@ msgstr "Platební návrh neočekává další schválení" msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" msgstr "Peněženka \"{{walletName}}\" byla odstraněna" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The wallet service URL" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" msgstr "Pro platbu je potřeba založit peněženku" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "There is a new version of Copay. Please update" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Existuje nová verze Copay. Proveďte aktualizaci" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "There is an error in the form" msgstr "Na formuláři je chyba" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed." -msgstr "Zdroj byl vytvořen s heslem. Pro obnovu této peněženky je zapotřebí zdroj i heslo." +msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." +msgstr "" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." msgstr "Transakce je neplatná, zřejmě kvůli pokusu o dvojí platbu." @@ -1667,11 +1741,10 @@ msgstr "Tato peněženka není registrována na Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). M msgid "Time" msgstr "Čas" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "To" msgstr "Komu" @@ -1695,11 +1768,10 @@ msgstr "Blokovaný zůstatek" msgid "Total number of copayers" msgstr "Počet spoluplátců" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Touch ID Failed" msgstr "Chyba Touch ID" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Transaction" msgstr "Transakce" @@ -1725,12 +1797,12 @@ msgid "Try again" msgstr "Zkusit znovu" #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Type the Seed Phrase (usually 12 words)" -msgstr "Vyplňte zdroj (běžně 12 slov)" +msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" +msgstr "" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "Nepotvrzené" @@ -1783,8 +1855,8 @@ msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" msgstr "Peněženka již byla importována:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wallet already in Copay:" -msgstr "Peněženka je již v Copay:" +msgid "Wallet already in Copay" +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" @@ -1835,6 +1907,10 @@ msgstr "Název peněženky" msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" msgstr "Název peněženky (při vytváření)" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet needs backup" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Network" msgstr "Síť peněženky" @@ -1844,40 +1920,40 @@ msgid "Wallet not found" msgstr "Peněženka nenalezena" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed" -msgstr "Peněženka nebyla registrována na službě peněženek. Znovu vytvořte peněženku přes \"Vytvořit peněženku\" pomocí \"Rozšířeného nastavení\" ve kterém nastavíte zdroj" +msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Zdroj peněženky" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Zdroj peněženky může vyžadovat při importování heslo" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet seed is invalid" -msgstr "Zdroj peněženky není platný" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." -msgstr "Zdroj peněženky není dostupný. I přesto můžete exportovat přes Rozšířené > Export." +msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet service not found" msgstr "Služba peněženky nenalezena" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." +msgstr "" + #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: Bez vložení soukromého klíče je možná kontrola zůstatků peněženek, historie transakcí a vytváření návrhů plateb z exportu. Nicméně, tyto údaje neumožňují (podepsat) návrhy plateb, tudíž zůstatky nebudou z exportů ovladatelné." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase." -msgstr "VAROVÁNÍ: Heslo nemůže být obnoveno. Zapište si jej. Peněženka bez hesla nemůže být obnovena." +msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." +msgstr "" #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." @@ -1913,16 +1989,16 @@ msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improve msgstr "Zatímco software byl podroben testování beta a nadále je vylepšován zpětnou vazbou od open source uživatelské a vývojářské komunity, nemůžeme zaručit, že nedojde k žádným chybám v softwaru." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Write your wallet seed" -msgstr "Vyplňte zdroj peněženky" +msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Wrong number of seed words:" -msgstr "Vyplňte počet zdrojových slov:" +msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" +msgstr "" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wrong password" -msgstr "Chybné heslo" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wrong spending password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html msgid "Yes" @@ -1953,23 +2029,16 @@ msgid "You do not have a wallet" msgstr "Nevlastníte žádnou peněženku" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." -msgstr "Je vyžadován zdroj k obnovení osobní peněženky. Zapiště si jej a bezpečně uschovejte." - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Your backup password" -msgstr "Vaše heslo pro zálohu" - -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Your export password" -msgstr "Vaše heslo pro export" +msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." +msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Your nickname" msgstr "Vaše přezdívka" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/import.html msgid "Your password" msgstr "Vaše heslo" @@ -1977,15 +2046,19 @@ msgstr "Vaše heslo" msgid "Your profile password" msgstr "Vaše heslo k účtu" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your spending password" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" msgstr "Vaše peněženka byla úspěšně importována" #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" -msgstr "Váš klíč peněženky bude šifrován. Heslo nemůže být obnoveno, proto jej pečlivě uschovejte" +msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." -msgstr "Váš zdroj peněženky a přístup k serveru koordinoval vytvoření počáteční peněženky. Potřebujete ještě {{index.m}} klíčů k platbě." +msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." +msgstr "" diff --git a/i18n/po/de.po b/i18n/po/de.po index 83b899540..556dd3987 100644 --- a/i18n/po/de.po +++ b/i18n/po/de.po @@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ msgstr "" "Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" "Language-Team: German\n" "Language: de\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-14 11:36-0400\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-08 11:56-0400\n" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "(possible double spend)" msgstr "(mögliche Doppelausgabe)" @@ -22,14 +23,22 @@ msgstr "(mögliche Doppelausgabe)" msgid "(Trusted)" msgstr "(Vertraut)" -#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -msgid "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "[Balance Hidden]" msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" msgstr "{{fee}} wird als Netzwerkgebühr abgezogen" +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" @@ -56,21 +65,25 @@ msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS msgstr "WENN DER ZUGRIFF AUF DAS COPAY WALLET ODER DEN VERSCHLÜSSELTEN PRIVATEN SCHLÜSSELN VERLOREN GEHT UND KEINE SICHERUNG DES WALLETS UND KORRESPONDIERENDEM PASSWORT EXISTIERT, DANN WIRD BESTÄTIGT UND AKZEPTIERT, DASS AUF ALLE MIT DIESEM WALLET VERBUNDENEN BITCOIN KEIN ZUGRIFF MEHR MÖGLICH IST." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers)." -msgstr "ODER 1 Exportdatei des Wallets und und die noch benötigten Wallet-Seeds (z.B. für ein 3-5 Wallet: 1 Exportdatei + 2 Wallet-Seeds eines anderen Copayers)." +msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "ODER der Wallet-Seed aller Copayer des Wallets" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "ODER die Wallet-Seeds aller Copayer des Wallets" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" msgstr "Ein Bitcoin Wallet mit Mehrfachunterschriften" +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "A spending password is set for this wallet. Exporting keeps the spending password in the export archive." +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "About Copay" msgstr "Über Copay" @@ -98,28 +111,33 @@ msgstr "Kontonummer" msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivität" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "Einen neuen Eintrag hinzufügen" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add a Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Hinzufügen einer Seed-Passphrase" +msgid "Add a Password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed" -msgstr "Um den Seed zu sichern, geben Sie optional eine Passphrase ein" +msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Add comment" +msgstr "" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Add wallet" msgstr "Wallet hinzufügen" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" @@ -151,10 +169,10 @@ msgstr "Transaktionen können unmöglich rückgängig gemacht werden." msgid "Alternative Currency" msgstr "Alternative Währung" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount" msgstr "Betrag" @@ -162,20 +180,24 @@ msgstr "Betrag" msgid "Amount below dust threshold" msgstr "Betrag unter Schwellenwert" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount in" msgstr "Betrag in" #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?" -msgstr "Sollen diese Sicherungsworte wirklich gelöscht werden?" +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" msgstr "Soll das Wallet wirklich gelöscht werden?" +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "Auditable" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "Available Balance" msgstr "Verfügbarer Gesamtbetrag" @@ -185,9 +207,6 @@ msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" msgstr "Durchschnittliche Zeit für die Bestätigung der Transaktion: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} Minuten" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Back" msgstr "Zurück" @@ -207,10 +226,6 @@ msgstr "Backup wird benötigt" msgid "Backup now" msgstr "Jetzt sichern" -#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Backup words deleted" -msgstr "Sicherungsworte gelöscht" - #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Bad wallet invitation" msgstr "Ungültige Einladung" @@ -223,6 +238,10 @@ msgstr "Guthaben nach Adresse" msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." msgstr "" +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html @@ -250,10 +269,6 @@ msgid "Broadcast Payment" msgstr "Zahlung übermitteln" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Broadcasting Payment" -msgstr "Übermittlung der Zahlung" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js msgid "Broadcasting transaction" msgstr "Übermittlung der Transaktion" @@ -262,17 +277,19 @@ msgid "Browser unsupported" msgstr "Der eingesetzte Browser wird nicht unterstützt" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Buy & Sell Bitcoin" -msgstr "Bitcoin kaufen & verkaufen" +msgid "Buy & Sell" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Calculating fee" msgstr "Mining-Fee Berechnung" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js @@ -280,10 +297,6 @@ msgstr "Mining-Fee Berechnung" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Abbruch" -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "CANCEL" -msgstr "ABBRUCH" - #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" msgstr "" @@ -317,10 +330,13 @@ msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "Cache leeren" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Close" msgstr "Schließen" @@ -328,6 +344,10 @@ msgstr "Schließen" msgid "Color" msgstr "Farbe" +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Commit hash" msgstr "Hash übertragen" @@ -341,10 +361,9 @@ msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Bestätigen" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Confirm your wallet seed" -msgstr "Bestätigen Sie Ihren Wallet-Seed" +msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "Bestätigungen" @@ -404,22 +423,25 @@ msgstr "Diesen Text an einem sichern Ort einfügen (Notepad oder E-Mail)" msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "In die Zwischenablage kopieren" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Could not accept payment" -msgstr "Zahlung kann nicht akzeptiert werden" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" +msgstr "" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not access wallet" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" msgstr "Auf den Wallet-Dienst konnte nicht zugegriffen werden: Nicht gefunden" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not broadcast payment" msgstr "Zahlung konnte nicht gesendet werden" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Could not build transaction" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Transaktion konnte nicht erstellt werden" #: src/js/services/addressService.js msgid "Could not create address" @@ -438,8 +460,8 @@ msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" msgstr "Erzeugung mit dem angegebenen erweiterten öffentlichen Schlüssel nicht möglich" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet seed" -msgstr "Erzeugung nicht möglich: Ungültiger Wallet-Seed" +msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js msgid "Could not decrypt" @@ -447,9 +469,9 @@ msgstr "Entschlüsselung nicht möglich" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" -msgstr "Datei kann nicht entschlüsselt werden, bitte das Passwort überprüfen" +msgstr "" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" msgstr "Zahlungsvorschlag konnte nicht gelöscht werden" @@ -466,8 +488,8 @@ msgid "Could not import" msgstr "Import nicht möglich" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password" -msgstr "Import nicht möglich. Bitte Datei und Passwort überprüfen" +msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not join wallet" @@ -477,7 +499,7 @@ msgstr "Beteiligung am Wallet nicht möglich" msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" msgstr "Es konnte kein gültiger Bitcoin-QR-Code erkannt werden" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not reject payment" msgstr "Zahlung konnte nicht abgelehnt werden" @@ -523,7 +545,6 @@ msgstr "Wallet erstellen..." msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" msgstr "Aktuelle Gebühr für dieses Einstellung: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/KiB" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" @@ -541,8 +562,12 @@ msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" msgstr "Zahlungsvorschlag löschen" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Delete seed words" -msgstr "Seed-Wörter löschen" +msgid "Delete recovery phrase" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Delete wallet" @@ -552,14 +577,6 @@ msgstr "Wallet löschen" msgid "Delete Wallet" msgstr "Wallet löschen" -#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Delete words" -msgstr "Wörter löschen" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Deleting payment" -msgstr "Zahlung löschen" - #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Deleting Wallet..." msgstr "" @@ -574,7 +591,12 @@ msgstr "Ableitungsstruktur" msgid "Derivation Strategy" msgstr "Ableitungstrategie" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html @@ -594,7 +616,7 @@ msgstr "Den privaten Schlüssel nicht einbeziehen" msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." msgstr "Wird deine Sprache auf Crowdin nicht angezeigt? Kontaktiere den Support von Crowdin, denn wir würden deine Sprache gerne hinzufügen." -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Done" msgstr "Fertig" @@ -606,10 +628,19 @@ msgstr "Herunterladen" msgid "Economy" msgstr "Wirtschaftlich" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Edit" msgstr "Bearbeiten" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edit comment" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edited by" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Email" msgstr "E-Mail" @@ -626,6 +657,14 @@ msgstr "Benachrichtigunen per E-Mail" msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." msgstr "" +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Glidera Service" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable push notifications" msgstr "" @@ -636,17 +675,17 @@ msgstr "Verschlüsselte Exportdatei gespeichert" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Enter the seed words (BIP39)" -msgstr "Seed-Wörter eingeben (BIP39)" +msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Enter your passphrase" -msgstr "Geben Sie Ihre Passphrase ein" - -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Enter your password" msgstr "Passwort eingeben" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Enter your spending password" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Error at Wallet Service" msgstr "Fehler beim Wallet-Dienst" @@ -676,6 +715,10 @@ msgstr "Export-Optionen" msgid "Export to file" msgstr "In eine Datei exportieren" +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file [preparing...]" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Export Wallet" msgstr "Wallet exportieren" @@ -701,7 +744,6 @@ msgid "Family vacation funds" msgstr "Familienurlaub" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Fee" @@ -716,10 +758,18 @@ msgstr "Zahlungsinformationen abrufen" msgid "File/Text Backup" msgstr "Datei/Text Sicherung" +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Finger Scan Failed" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Finish" msgstr "Beenden" +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "For audit purposes" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/translators.html msgid "French" msgstr "Français" @@ -756,7 +806,7 @@ msgstr "CSV-Datei erzeugen..." msgid "German" msgstr "Deutsch" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." msgstr "Ermittle die Adresse des Wallets {{selectedWalletName}}..." @@ -768,6 +818,10 @@ msgstr "Globale Einstellungen" msgid "Hardware wallet" msgstr "Hardware-Wallet" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Hardware Wallet" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/import.html msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" msgstr "Ist eine Copay v0.9 Sicherung vorhanden" @@ -820,7 +874,7 @@ msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates o msgstr "Die Autoren der Software, Mitarbeiter und Partner von Bitpay, Inhaber von Urheberrechten oder Bitpay Inc., haften in keinem Fall für Schäden oder Ansprüche, die sich im Rahmen einer Klage zum Vertrag, unerlaubter Handlung, auf andere Weise oder aus bzw. im Zusammenhang mit der Software ergeben." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your passphrase:" +msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" msgstr "" #: public/views/export.html @@ -839,6 +893,7 @@ msgstr "Nicht ausreichendes Guthaben" msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" msgstr "Nicht ausreichendes Guthaben für die Gebühr" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Ungültig" @@ -892,7 +947,7 @@ msgstr "Teilnahme am Wallet einrichten..." msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" msgstr "Schlüssel ist bereits mit einem existierenden Wallet verbunden" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Label" msgstr "Beschreibung" @@ -914,7 +969,7 @@ msgstr "Mehr über die Migration von Wallets erfahren" #: public/views/preferencesFee.html msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lade..." #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "locked by pending payments" @@ -934,17 +989,16 @@ msgstr "Sende eine Zahlung an" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Matches:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Übereinstimmungen:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "me" msgstr "Ich" -#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html #: public/views/includes/copayers.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Me" msgstr "Ich" @@ -952,7 +1006,6 @@ msgstr "Ich" msgid "Memo" msgstr "Notiz" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Merchant message" msgstr "Händlernachricht" @@ -961,13 +1014,17 @@ msgstr "Händlernachricht" msgid "Message" msgstr "Nachricht" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Missing private keys to sign" msgstr "" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Moved" msgstr "Verschoben" @@ -980,11 +1037,11 @@ msgstr "Mehrere Empfänger" msgid "My Bitcoin address" msgstr "Eigene Bitcoinadresse" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My contacts" msgstr "Meine Kontakte" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My wallets" msgstr "Meine Wallets" @@ -992,10 +1049,6 @@ msgstr "Meine Wallets" msgid "Need to do backup" msgstr "" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Needs backup" -msgstr "" - #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Network" msgstr "Netzwerk" @@ -1010,8 +1063,8 @@ msgstr "Neue Zahlungsvorschlag" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "New Random Seed" -msgstr "Neuer Zufalls-Seed" +msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/import.html msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" @@ -1034,20 +1087,16 @@ msgid "Not completed" msgstr "Nicht abgeschlossen" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Not enought funds for fee" +msgid "Not enough funds for fee" msgstr "" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Not valid" msgstr "Nicht gültig" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Note" msgstr "Notiz" @@ -1059,14 +1108,22 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." msgstr "" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." +msgstr "" + #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/termOfUse.html msgid "Official English Disclaimer" msgstr "Offizieller englischer Haftungsausschluss" +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "OKAY" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." -msgstr "Sobald Sie Ihren Wallet-Seed kopiert haben, wird empfohlen, diesen vom Gerät zu löschen." +msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." @@ -1084,30 +1141,23 @@ msgstr "zusätzlich" msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" msgstr "Privater Schlüssel des Paperwallets" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Participants" msgstr "Teilnehmer" -#: public/views/import.html #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Passphrase" +#: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html +#: public/views/join.html +#: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Password" msgstr "Passwort" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Password needed" -msgstr "Passwort benötigt" - -#: src/js/controllers/password.js -msgid "Passwords do not match" -msgstr "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein" - #: public/views/join.html msgid "Paste invitation here" msgstr "Einladung hier einfügen" @@ -1216,19 +1266,19 @@ msgstr "Persönliches Wallet" msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" msgstr "Bitte akzeptieren Sie das Exportieren von zwei öffentlichen Schlüsseln in der Trezor-App" +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the required fields" msgstr "Bitte die benötigten Felder ausfüllen" -#: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Please enter the seed words" -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie die Seed-Wörter ein" - #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Please enter the wallet seed" -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie den Wallet-Seed ein" +msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." @@ -1274,13 +1324,12 @@ msgstr "QR-Scanner" msgid "Receive" msgstr "Empfangen" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Received" msgstr "Empfangen" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Recipients" @@ -1290,6 +1339,10 @@ msgstr "Empfänger" msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." msgstr "Neuverbindung zum Wallet Service... " +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreate" msgstr "Wiederherstellen" @@ -1302,38 +1355,33 @@ msgstr "Wallet wiederherstellen..." msgid "Reject" msgstr "Ablehnen" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Rejecting payment" -msgstr "Zahlung ablehenen" - #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Release Information" msgstr "Information zur Veröffentlichung" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Remove" msgstr "Entfernen" #: public/views/export.html -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "Passwort wiederholen" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat the password" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Repeat the spending password" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Request a specific amount" msgstr "Einen bestimmten Betrag anfordern" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Request Password" -msgstr "Passwort anfordern" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Anfrage eine Ledger Wallet zu unterschreiben" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Trezor Wallet to sign" +msgid "Request Spending Password" msgstr "" #: public/views/join.html @@ -1352,10 +1400,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Russian" msgstr "Pусский" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Save" msgstr "Speichern" @@ -1383,7 +1432,7 @@ msgstr "Überprüfung wurde mit Fehlern beendet" msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" msgstr "Prüfe Beträge des Wallets" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" msgstr "Scannen Sie bitte Ihren Fingerabdruck" @@ -1395,28 +1444,22 @@ msgstr "Prüfe Wallet auf neue Beträge..." msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." msgstr "Prüfe Wallet auf neue Beträge..." -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "Search transactions" msgstr "Transaktionen durchsuchen" +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search Transactions" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Security preferences" msgstr "Sicherheitseinstellungen" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "See it on the blockchain" msgstr "Im Blockchain anzeigen" -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Seed passphrase" -msgstr "Seed Passphrase" - -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Seed Passphrase" - #: public/views/import.html msgid "Select a backup file" msgstr "Eine Sicherungsdatei auswählen" @@ -1463,10 +1506,10 @@ msgstr "Sende Beträge..." msgid "Sending transaction" msgstr "" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Sent" msgstr "Gesendet" @@ -1490,25 +1533,25 @@ msgstr "EINRICHTEN" msgid "Set default url" msgstr "Festlegen der Standard-URL" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html msgid "Set up a password" msgstr "Passwort einrichten" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Set up an Export Password" -msgstr "Einrichten eines Kennworts für den Export" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Set up a spending password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." msgstr "Das Einrichten einer E-Mail Benachrichtigung schwächt die Privatsphäre, wenn der Wallet Service Anbieter kompromittiert wurde. Der Angreifer kann jedoch nur Wallet Adresse und Guthaben erfahren, mehr nicht." -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Settings" msgstr "Einstellungen" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share address" msgstr "Adresse teilen" @@ -1520,6 +1563,10 @@ msgstr "Einladung teilen" msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" msgstr "Einladung mit Copayern teilen" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." msgstr "Um Zahlungen zu empfangen, die hier angegebene Adresse teilen. Um die Privatsphäre zu schützen wird nach jeder Nutzung eine neue Adresse erzeugt." @@ -1535,21 +1582,21 @@ msgstr "Wallet teilen" msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "Erweiterte Optionen anzeigen" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Show more" -msgstr "" - #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Show Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Wallet Seed anzeigen" +msgid "Show Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Signatures rejected by server" msgstr "Signaturen wurden vom Server abgelehnt" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Signing payment" -msgstr "Zahlung unterschreiben" +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Signing transaction" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Single Address Wallet" +msgstr "" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Spanish" @@ -1557,8 +1604,8 @@ msgstr "Español" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Specify Seed..." -msgstr "Geben Sie den Seed ein..." +msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" @@ -1568,6 +1615,14 @@ msgstr "Zahlungsvorschlag wurde nicht akzeptiert" msgid "Spend proposal not found" msgstr "Zahlungsvorschlag wurde nicht gefunden" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spending Password needed" +msgstr "" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js @@ -1575,6 +1630,10 @@ msgstr "Zahlungsvorschlag wurde nicht gefunden" msgid "Success" msgstr "Erfolgreich" +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Super Economy" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Sweep paper wallet" msgstr "Paperwallet löschen" @@ -1583,6 +1642,10 @@ msgstr "Paperwallet löschen" msgid "Sweep Wallet" msgstr "Wallet löschen" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap and hold to show" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap to retry" msgstr "Zum Wiederholen antippen" @@ -1596,10 +1659,18 @@ msgstr "Nutzungsbedingungen" msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." msgstr "Die Autoren der Software, Mitarbeiter und Partner von Bitpay, Inhaber von Urheberrechten und BitPay, Inc. können nicht Ihre privaten Schlüssel oder Kennwörter abrufen, wenn diese verloren gehen oder vergessen werden und können die Durchführung von Transaktionen, auch nach Bestätigungen, nicht garantieren, da sie keine Kontrolle über das Bitcoin-Netzwerk haben." +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The derivation path" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/services/ledger.js msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" msgstr "Die Chrome-Anwendung für Ledger ist nicht installiert" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "Die Zahlung wurde erzeugt, kann aber nicht abgeschlossen werden. Bitte erneut über die Startseite versuchen" @@ -1608,19 +1679,15 @@ msgstr "Die Zahlung wurde erzeugt, kann aber nicht abgeschlossen werden. Bitte e msgid "The payment was removed by creator" msgstr "Die Zahlung wurde vom Ersteller entfernt" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive." -msgstr "Der private Schlüssel für dieses Wallet ist verschlüsselt. Beim Export bleibt der privaten Schlüssel verschlüsselt im Exportarchiv." +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" msgstr "" -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "The seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Der Seed könnte eine Passphrase benötigen, um importiert zu werden" - #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." msgstr "Die Software erzeugt kein Benutzerkonto, bei dem Bitpay oder sonstige Dritte als Finanzvermittler oder Verwalter der Bitcoin fungieren." @@ -1638,6 +1705,14 @@ msgstr "Der Zahlungsvorschlag ist nicht ausstehend" msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" msgstr "Wallet \"{{walletName}}\" wurde gelöscht" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The wallet service URL" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" msgstr "Es gibt keine Wallets, um diese Zahlung auszuführen" @@ -1651,10 +1726,9 @@ msgid "There is an error in the form" msgstr "Es ist ein Fehler im Formular aufgetreten" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed." +msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." msgstr "" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." msgstr "Diese Transaktion ist wurde ungültig; dies kann durch eine versuchte Doppelzahlung verursacht worden sein." @@ -1667,11 +1741,10 @@ msgstr "Dieses Wallet ist nicht beim angegebenen Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS) re msgid "Time" msgstr "Zeit" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "To" msgstr "An" @@ -1695,11 +1768,10 @@ msgstr "Ingesamt gesperrter Gesamtsaldo" msgid "Total number of copayers" msgstr "Gesamtanzahl der Copayer" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Touch ID Failed" msgstr "" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Transaction" msgstr "Transaktion" @@ -1725,12 +1797,12 @@ msgid "Try again" msgstr "Nochmal versuchen" #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Type the Seed Phrase (usually 12 words)" -msgstr "Geben Sie den Seed ein (in der Regel 12 Wörter)" +msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" +msgstr "" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "Unbestätigt" @@ -1783,8 +1855,8 @@ msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" msgstr "Wallet bereits importiert:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wallet already in Copay:" -msgstr "Wallet bereits in Copay:" +msgid "Wallet already in Copay" +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" @@ -1835,6 +1907,10 @@ msgstr "Name des Wallets" msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" msgstr "Wallet-Name (bei der Erzeugung)" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet needs backup" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Network" msgstr "Wallet-Netzwerk" @@ -1844,40 +1920,40 @@ msgid "Wallet not found" msgstr "Wallet nicht gefunden" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed" +msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Wallet-Seed" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Der Import des Wallet-Seeds erfordert möglicherweise eine Passphrase" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet seed is invalid" -msgstr "Ungültiger Wallet-Seed" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." -msgstr "Wallet-Seed ist nicht verfügbar. Dieser kann noch über Erweiterter Export > Exportieren ausgegeben werden." +msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet service not found" msgstr "Wallet-Dienst nicht gefunden" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." +msgstr "" + #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "WARNUNG: Ohne das Hinzufügen des privaten Schlüssels, ist es möglich das Guthaben und die Transaktionshistorie einzusehen, sowie Zahlungsvorschläge zu erzeugen. Allerdings können Vorschläge nicht ausgeführt (unterschrieben) werden und es ist kein Zugriff auf Guthaben möglich." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase." -msgstr "WARNUNG: Die Passphrase kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Sicherstellen, das diese notiert wurde. Das Wallet kann ohne Passphrase nicht wiederhergestellt werden." +msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." +msgstr "" #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." @@ -1913,16 +1989,16 @@ msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improve msgstr "Solange sich diese Software im Betastadium befindet und weiterhin durch Feedback der Open-Source Nutzer und Entwickler-Community verbessert wird, können wir nicht garantieren, dass diese frei von Fehlern ist." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Write your wallet seed" -msgstr "Notiere den Wallet-Seed" +msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Wrong number of seed words:" -msgstr "Falsche Anzahl von Seed-Worten:" +msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" +msgstr "" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wrong password" -msgstr "Falsches Passwort" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wrong spending password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html msgid "Yes" @@ -1953,23 +2029,16 @@ msgid "You do not have a wallet" msgstr "Kein Wallet vorhanden" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." -msgstr "Sie benötigen den Wallet-Seed, um Ihre persönliche Wallet wiederherzustellen. Schreiben Sie sich ihn auf und bewahren Sie ihn an einem sicheren Ort auf." - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Your backup password" -msgstr "Passwort zur Sicherung" - -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Your export password" -msgstr "Ihr Passwort für den Export" +msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." +msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Your nickname" msgstr "Name des Teilnehmers" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/import.html msgid "Your password" msgstr "Passwort" @@ -1977,15 +2046,19 @@ msgstr "Passwort" msgid "Your profile password" msgstr "Profilpasswort" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your spending password" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" msgstr "Das Wallet wurde korrekt importiert" #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" -msgstr "Der Schlüssel des Wallets wird verschlüsselt. Das Passwort kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Bitte sicherstellen, dass dieses notiert wurde." +msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." -msgstr "Das Wallet und der Zugriff auf den Server, die die Erzeugung des ersten Wallets steuern. Es werden noch {{index.m}} Schlüssel benötigt." +msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." +msgstr "" diff --git a/i18n/po/es.po b/i18n/po/es.po index 984a430ad..47d4c4138 100644 --- a/i18n/po/es.po +++ b/i18n/po/es.po @@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ msgstr "" "Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" "Language-Team: Spanish\n" "Language: es\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-14 11:36-0400\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-09 07:47-0400\n" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "(possible double spend)" msgstr "(Posible doble gasto)" @@ -22,14 +23,22 @@ msgstr "(Posible doble gasto)" msgid "(Trusted)" msgstr "(De confianza)" -#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -msgid "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} of the transaction" -msgstr "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} de la transacción" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "[Balance Hidden]" +msgstr "[Balance ocultado]" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" msgstr "{{fee}} se descontará por comisión de la red bitcoin" +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +msgstr "{{feeRateStr}} de la transacción" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more" +msgstr "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} más" + #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" @@ -56,21 +65,25 @@ msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS msgstr "SI UD. PIERDE ACCESO A SU MONEDERO COPAY O A SUS CLAVES PRIVADAS ENCRIPTADAS Y NO HA GUARDADO POR SEPARADO UNA COPIA DE SEGURIDAD DE SU MONEDERO Y CONTRASEÑA CORRESPONDIENTES, USTED RECONOCE Y ACEPTA QUE CUALQUIER BITCOIN QUE HA ASOCIADO CON ESE MONEDERO COPAY SERÁ INACCESIBLE." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers)." -msgstr "O 1 archivo del monedero exportado y el quórum restante de semillas del monedero (por ejemplo en un monedero 3-5: 1 archivo de monedero exportado + 2 semillas del monedero de cualquiera de los otros copayers)." +msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." +msgstr "O 1 archivo exportado del monedero y el quórum restante de la frase de recuperación (por ejemplo en un monedero 3-5: 1 archivo exportado + 2 frases de recuperación del monedero de cualquiera de los otros copayers)." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "O la semilla del monedero de todos los copayers del monedero" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "O la frase de recuperación de todos los copayers del monedero" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "O las semillas del monedero de todos los copayers del monedero" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "O las frases de recuperación de todos los copayers del monedero" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" msgstr "Monedero multifirma de bitcoin" +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "A spending password is set for this wallet. Exporting keeps the spending password in the export archive." +msgstr "Se ha establecido una contraseña para enviar fondos. Al exportar se mantiene la contraseña en el archivo exportado." + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "About Copay" msgstr "Acerca de Copay" @@ -98,28 +111,33 @@ msgstr "Número de cuenta" msgid "Activity" msgstr "Actividad" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "Agregar una nueva entrada" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add a Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Agregar una contraseña a la semilla" +msgid "Add a Password" +msgstr "Agregar una contraseña" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed" -msgstr "Agregar una contraseña opcional para asegurar la semilla" +msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" +msgstr "Agregar una contraseña opcional para asegurar la frase de recuperación" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Add comment" +msgstr "Añadir comentario" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Add wallet" msgstr "Agregar monedero" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Address" msgstr "Dirección" @@ -151,10 +169,10 @@ msgstr "Todas las solicitudes de transacciones son irreversibles." msgid "Alternative Currency" msgstr "Moneda Alternativa" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount" msgstr "Importe" @@ -162,20 +180,24 @@ msgstr "Importe" msgid "Amount below dust threshold" msgstr "Importe debajo del umbral permitido" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount in" msgstr "Importe en" #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?" -msgstr "¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar las palabras de la copia de seguridad?" +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" +msgstr "¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar la frase de recuperación?" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" msgstr "¿Estas seguro de borrar este monedero?" +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "Auditable" +msgstr "Auditables" + #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "Available Balance" msgstr "Balance disponible" @@ -185,9 +207,6 @@ msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" msgstr "Tiempo promedio de confirmación: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutos" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Back" msgstr "Volver" @@ -207,10 +226,6 @@ msgstr "Se requiere hacer copia de seguridad" msgid "Backup now" msgstr "Realizar copia de seguridad ahora" -#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Backup words deleted" -msgstr "Las palabras de la copia de seguridad fueron borradas" - #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Bad wallet invitation" msgstr "Invitación incorrecta al monedero" @@ -223,6 +238,10 @@ msgstr "Balance por Dirección" msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." msgstr "Antes de recibir fondos, es necesario hacer una copia de seguridad de su monedero. Si pierde este dispositivo, es imposible tener acceso a sus fondos sin una copia de seguridad." +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" +msgstr "BETA: Prueba de derivación de claves Android:" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html @@ -250,10 +269,6 @@ msgid "Broadcast Payment" msgstr "Enviar Pago" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Broadcasting Payment" -msgstr "Enviando el Pago" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js msgid "Broadcasting transaction" msgstr "Enviando transacción" @@ -262,17 +277,19 @@ msgid "Browser unsupported" msgstr "Navegador no soportado" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Buy & Sell Bitcoin" -msgstr "Comprar & Vender Bitcoin" +msgid "Buy & Sell" +msgstr "Compra & Venta" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Calculating fee" msgstr "Calculando comisión" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js @@ -280,10 +297,6 @@ msgstr "Calculando comisión" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancelar" -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "CANCEL" -msgstr "CANCELAR" - #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" msgstr "Cancelar y borrar el monedero" @@ -317,10 +330,13 @@ msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "Limpiar cache" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Close" msgstr "Cerrar" @@ -328,6 +344,10 @@ msgstr "Cerrar" msgid "Color" msgstr "Color" +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "Comentario" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Commit hash" msgstr "Commit hash" @@ -341,10 +361,9 @@ msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Confirmar" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Confirm your wallet seed" -msgstr "Confirmar su semilla del monedero" +msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Confirmar frase de recuperación del monedero" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "Confirmaciones" @@ -404,16 +423,19 @@ msgstr "Copiar el texto como esta en un lugar seguro (bloc de notas o correo ele msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Copiar al portapapeles" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Could not accept payment" -msgstr "No se pudo aceptar el pago" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" +msgstr "No se pudo acceder al monedero del servidor. Por favor verificar:" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not access wallet" +msgstr "No se pudo acceder al monedero" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" msgstr "No se pudo acceder a Wallet Service: No encontrado" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not broadcast payment" msgstr "No se pudo enviar el pago" @@ -438,8 +460,8 @@ msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" msgstr "No se pudo crear con la clave pública extendida especificada" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet seed" -msgstr "No se pudo crear: semilla del monedero no válida" +msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "No se pudo crear: frase de recuperación inválida" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js msgid "Could not decrypt" @@ -447,9 +469,9 @@ msgstr "No se pudo descifrar" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" -msgstr "No se pudo desencriptar el archivo, verifique su contraseña" +msgstr "No se pudo descifrar el archivo, verifique su contraseña" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" msgstr "No se pudo eliminar la propuesta de pago" @@ -466,8 +488,8 @@ msgid "Could not import" msgstr "No se pudo importar" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password" -msgstr "No se pudo importar. Verifique el archivo y contraseña" +msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" +msgstr "No se pudo importar. Verifique el archivo y la contraseña para enviar" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not join wallet" @@ -477,7 +499,7 @@ msgstr "No se pudo unir al monedero" msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" msgstr "No se reconoció el código QR de Bitcoin válido" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not reject payment" msgstr "No se pudo rechazar el pago" @@ -523,7 +545,6 @@ msgstr "Creando monedero..." msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" msgstr "Comisión actual para esta política: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Date" msgstr "Fecha" @@ -541,8 +562,12 @@ msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" msgstr "Eliminar Propuesta de Pago" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Delete seed words" -msgstr "Eliminar palabras de la semilla" +msgid "Delete recovery phrase" +msgstr "Eliminar frase de recuperación" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Eliminar Frase de Recuperación" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Delete wallet" @@ -552,14 +577,6 @@ msgstr "Eliminar monedero" msgid "Delete Wallet" msgstr "Eliminar Monedero" -#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Delete words" -msgstr "Eliminar palabras" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Deleting payment" -msgstr "Eliminando el pago" - #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Deleting Wallet..." msgstr "Eliminando Monedero..." @@ -574,7 +591,12 @@ msgstr "Camino de derivación" msgid "Derivation Strategy" msgstr "Estrategia de derivación" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Descripción" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html @@ -594,7 +616,7 @@ msgstr "No incluir la clave privada" msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." msgstr "¿No ve su idioma en Crowdin? Contáctese con el encargado del proyecto! Nos encantaría soportar su idioma." -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Done" msgstr "Listo" @@ -606,10 +628,19 @@ msgstr "Descargar" msgid "Economy" msgstr "Económico" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editar" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edit comment" +msgstr "Editar comentario" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edited by" +msgstr "Editado por" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Email" msgstr "Correo electrónico" @@ -626,6 +657,14 @@ msgstr "Notificaciones por Correo electrónico" msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." msgstr "Se ha alcanzado el límite de direcciones vacías. No se pueden generar nuevas direcciones." +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" +msgstr "Habilitar Coinbase" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Glidera Service" +msgstr "Habilitar Glidera" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable push notifications" msgstr "Activar notificaciones push" @@ -636,16 +675,16 @@ msgstr "El archivo cifrado se ha exportado y guardado" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Enter the seed words (BIP39)" -msgstr "Ingrese las palabras de la semilla (BIP39)" +msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" +msgstr "Introduzca la frase de recuperación (BIP39)" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Enter your passphrase" +msgid "Enter your password" msgstr "Ingrese su contraseña" #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Enter your password" -msgstr "Ingrese su contraseña" +msgid "Enter your spending password" +msgstr "Introduzca la contraseña para enviar" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Error at Wallet Service" @@ -676,6 +715,10 @@ msgstr "Opciones de exportación" msgid "Export to file" msgstr "Exportar a archivo" +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file [preparing...]" +msgstr "Exportar a archivo [preparing...]" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Export Wallet" msgstr "Exportar Monedero" @@ -701,7 +744,6 @@ msgid "Family vacation funds" msgstr "Fondos para vacaciones en familia" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Fee" @@ -716,10 +758,18 @@ msgstr "Obteniendo información del pago" msgid "File/Text Backup" msgstr "Archivo/Texto" +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Finger Scan Failed" +msgstr "Fallo en la verificación de la huella" + #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Finish" msgstr "Finalizar" +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "For audit purposes" +msgstr "Para propósitos de auditoría" + #: public/views/translators.html msgid "French" msgstr "Francés" @@ -756,7 +806,7 @@ msgstr "Generando archivo .csv..." msgid "German" msgstr "Alemán" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." msgstr "Obteniendo direcciones para el monedero {{selectedWalletName}} ..." @@ -768,6 +818,10 @@ msgstr "Preferencias globales" msgid "Hardware wallet" msgstr "Monedero de Hardware" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Hardware Wallet" +msgstr "Monedero Físico" + #: public/views/import.html msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" msgstr "¿Tiene una copia de seguridad de Copay v0.9?" @@ -820,7 +874,7 @@ msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates o msgstr "En ningún caso los autores, empleados y afiliados de Bitpay, los titulares de derechos de autor, o BitPay, Inc. serán declarados responsables de los reclamos, daños o cualquier otra responsabilidad, ya sea en una acción de contrato, agravio o de otra manera, que surja fuera de la conexión con el software." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your passphrase:" +msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" msgstr "Con el fin de verificar la copia de seguridad del monedero, por favor escriba su contraseña:" #: public/views/export.html @@ -839,6 +893,7 @@ msgstr "Fondos insuficientes" msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" msgstr "Fondos insuficientes para el pago de la comisión" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Inválido" @@ -892,7 +947,7 @@ msgstr "Uniéndose al monedero..." msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" msgstr "La clave ya esta asociada a un monedero existente" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Label" msgstr "Etiqueta" @@ -940,11 +995,10 @@ msgstr "Coincidencias:" msgid "me" msgstr "yo" -#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html #: public/views/includes/copayers.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Me" msgstr "Yo" @@ -952,7 +1006,6 @@ msgstr "Yo" msgid "Memo" msgstr "Nota" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Merchant message" msgstr "Mensaje del negocio" @@ -961,13 +1014,17 @@ msgstr "Mensaje del negocio" msgid "Message" msgstr "Mensaje" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "Faltan parámetros" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Missing private keys to sign" msgstr "Faltan las claves privadas para firmar" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Moved" msgstr "Movido" @@ -980,11 +1037,11 @@ msgstr "Varios destinatarios" msgid "My Bitcoin address" msgstr "Mi dirección Bitcoin" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My contacts" msgstr "Mis contactos" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My wallets" msgstr "Mis monederos" @@ -992,10 +1049,6 @@ msgstr "Mis monederos" msgid "Need to do backup" msgstr "Necesita hacer una copias de seguridad" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Needs backup" -msgstr "Necesita copia de seguridad" - #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Network" msgstr "Red" @@ -1010,8 +1063,8 @@ msgstr "Nueva Propuesta de Pago" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "New Random Seed" -msgstr "Nueva Semilla Aleatoria" +msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Nueva frase de recuperación aleatoria" #: public/views/import.html msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" @@ -1034,20 +1087,16 @@ msgid "Not completed" msgstr "No completado" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Not enought funds for fee" +msgid "Not enough funds for fee" msgstr "No hay suficientes fondos para la comisión" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Not valid" msgstr "No válido" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Note" msgstr "Nota" @@ -1059,14 +1108,22 @@ msgstr "Nota: se excluyeron un total de {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}}. El tamaño m msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." msgstr "Nota: se excluyeron un total de {{amountBelowFeeStr}}. Estos fondos provienen de UTXOs más pequeños que la tarifa de red suministrada." +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." +msgstr "Nota: Para importar un monedero de un software de tercero, por favor vaya a Añadir Monedero > Crear Monedero, y especificar la frase de recuperación allí." + #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/termOfUse.html msgid "Official English Disclaimer" msgstr "Renuncia oficial en inglés" +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "OKAY" +msgstr "LISTO" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." -msgstr "Una vez que se copia la semilla del monedero, se recomienda eliminarla de este dispositivo." +msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." +msgstr "Una vez que ha copiado la frase de recuperación del monedero en un papel, es recomendable eliminarla del dispositivo." #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." @@ -1084,30 +1141,23 @@ msgstr "opcional" msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" msgstr "Clave privada del monedero de papel" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Participants" msgstr "Participantes" -#: public/views/import.html #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Contraseña" +#: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html +#: public/views/join.html +#: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Password" msgstr "Contraseña" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Password needed" -msgstr "Contraseña requerida" - -#: src/js/controllers/password.js -msgid "Passwords do not match" -msgstr "Las contraseñas no coinciden" - #: public/views/join.html msgid "Paste invitation here" msgstr "Pegar invitación aquí" @@ -1216,19 +1266,19 @@ msgstr "Monedero Personal" msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" msgstr "Por favor acepte para exportar dos claves públicas de la aplicación Trezor" +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" +msgstr "Por favor ingrese la frase de recuperación" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the required fields" msgstr "Por favor ingrese los campos requeridos" -#: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Please enter the seed words" -msgstr "Por favor ingrese las palabras de la semilla" - #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Please enter the wallet seed" -msgstr "Por favor ingrese la semilla del monedero" +msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Por favor ingrese la frase de recuperación del monedero" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." @@ -1274,13 +1324,12 @@ msgstr "Lector de QR" msgid "Receive" msgstr "Recibir" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Received" msgstr "Recibido" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Recipients" @@ -1290,6 +1339,10 @@ msgstr "Destinatarios" msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." msgstr "Reconectando a Wallet Service..." +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" +msgstr "Frase de recuperación eliminada" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreate" msgstr "Recrear" @@ -1302,39 +1355,34 @@ msgstr "Recreando Monedero..." msgid "Reject" msgstr "Rechazar" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Rejecting payment" -msgstr "Rechazando el pago" - #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Release Information" msgstr "Información de la versión" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Remove" msgstr "Eliminar" #: public/views/export.html -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "Escriba nuevamente la contraseña" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat the password" +msgstr "Repetir la contraseña" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Repeat the spending password" +msgstr "Repetir la contraseña para enviar" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Request a specific amount" msgstr "Solicitar importe específico" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Request Password" -msgstr "Solicitar Contraseña" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Solicitando el Monedero Ledger para firmar" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Trezor Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Solicitar Trezor Wallet para firmar" +msgid "Request Spending Password" +msgstr "Solicitar contraseña para enviar" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Required" @@ -1352,10 +1400,11 @@ msgstr "Recuperando información de las entradas" msgid "Russian" msgstr "Ruso" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Save" msgstr "Guardar" @@ -1383,7 +1432,7 @@ msgstr "La búsqueda finalizó con error" msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" msgstr "Buscar fondos del monedero" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" msgstr "Por favor ingrese su huella digital" @@ -1395,28 +1444,22 @@ msgstr "Buscando fondos en el monedero..." msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." msgstr "Buscando fondos en el Monedero..." -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "Search transactions" msgstr "Buscar transacciones" +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search Transactions" +msgstr "Buscar transacciones" + #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Security preferences" msgstr "Preferencias de seguridad" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "See it on the blockchain" msgstr "Ver en la blockchain" -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Seed passphrase" -msgstr "Contraseña de la semilla" - -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Contraseña de la Semilla" - #: public/views/import.html msgid "Select a backup file" msgstr "Seleccionar el archivo de copia de seguridad" @@ -1463,10 +1506,10 @@ msgstr "Enviando fondos..." msgid "Sending transaction" msgstr "Enviando transacción" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Sent" msgstr "Enviado" @@ -1490,25 +1533,25 @@ msgstr "ESTABLECER" msgid "Set default url" msgstr "Establecer URL predeterminada" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html msgid "Set up a password" msgstr "Configurar una contraseña" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Set up an Export Password" -msgstr "Configurar una contraseña al exportar" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Set up a spending password" +msgstr "Configurar contraseña para enviar" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." msgstr "Configurar notificaciones por correo electrónico podría debilitar su privacidad, si el proveedor de Wallet Service se ve comprometido. La información disponible para un atacante incluiría sus direcciones del monedero y su balance, pero no más." -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Settings" msgstr "Configuración" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share address" msgstr "Compartir dirección" @@ -1520,6 +1563,10 @@ msgstr "Compartir invitación" msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" msgstr "Compartir esta invitación con sus copayers" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" +msgstr "Compartir esta dirección del monedero para recibir pagos" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." msgstr "Compartir esta dirección para recibir pagos. Para proteger su privacidad, se generan nuevas direcciones automáticamente luego de recibir un pago." @@ -1535,21 +1582,21 @@ msgstr "Monedero Compartido" msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "Mostrar opciones avanzadas" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Show more" -msgstr "Ver más" - #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Show Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Mostrar Semilla del Monedero" +msgid "Show Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Mostrar frase de recuperación del monedero" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Signatures rejected by server" msgstr "Firmas rechazadas por el servidor" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Signing payment" -msgstr "Firmando el pago" +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Signing transaction" +msgstr "Firmando transacción" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Single Address Wallet" +msgstr "Monedero de una sola dirección" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Spanish" @@ -1557,8 +1604,8 @@ msgstr "Español" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Specify Seed..." -msgstr "Especificar la Semilla..." +msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." +msgstr "Especificar la frase de recuperación..." #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" @@ -1568,6 +1615,14 @@ msgstr "La propuesta de gasto no se ha aceptado" msgid "Spend proposal not found" msgstr "La propuesta de gasto no se ha encontrado" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spending Password needed" +msgstr "Se necesita la contraseña para enviar" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" +msgstr "Las contraseña para enviar no coinciden" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js @@ -1575,6 +1630,10 @@ msgstr "La propuesta de gasto no se ha encontrado" msgid "Success" msgstr "Listo" +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Super Economy" +msgstr "Súper Económico" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Sweep paper wallet" msgstr "Importar monedero en papel" @@ -1583,6 +1642,10 @@ msgstr "Importar monedero en papel" msgid "Sweep Wallet" msgstr "Importar Monedero" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap and hold to show" +msgstr "Tocar y mantener para mostrar" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap to retry" msgstr "Toque para reintentar" @@ -1596,10 +1659,18 @@ msgstr "Términos de Uso" msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." msgstr "Los autores de los software, empleados y afiliados de Bitpay, los titulares de derechos de autor, y BitPay, Inc. no pueden recuperar sus claves privadas o contraseñas si se pierde o se olvida de ellos y no se puede garantizar la confirmación de la transacción, ya que no tienen control sobre la red Bitcoin." +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The derivation path" +msgstr "La ruta de derivación" + #: src/js/services/ledger.js msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" msgstr "La aplicación Ledger de Chrome no esta instalada" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" +msgstr "La contraseña de la frase de recuperación (si existe)" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "El pago fue creado pero no se pudo completar. Por favor intente nuevamente desde la pantalla de inicio" @@ -1608,19 +1679,15 @@ msgstr "El pago fue creado pero no se pudo completar. Por favor intente nuevamen msgid "The payment was removed by creator" msgstr "El pago fue eliminado por el creador" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive." -msgstr "La clave privada de este monedero esta cifrada. Exportándola mantiene la clave privada cifrada en el archivo de exportación." +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "La frase de recuperación podría requerir una contraseña para ser importada" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" msgstr "La solicitud no pudo ser comprendida por el servidor" -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "The seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "La semilla puede requerir una contraseña para ser importada" - #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." msgstr "El software no constituye una cuenta donde BitPay u otras terceras partes sirven como intermediarios financieros o custodios de su bitcoin." @@ -1638,6 +1705,14 @@ msgstr "La propuesta de gasto no esta pendiente" msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" msgstr "El monedero \"{{walletName}}\" fue eliminado" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "La frase de recuperación del monedero podría requerir una contraseña para ser importado" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The wallet service URL" +msgstr "URL de Wallet Service" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" msgstr "No dispone de monederos para realizar este pago" @@ -1651,10 +1726,9 @@ msgid "There is an error in the form" msgstr "Hay un error en el formulario" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed." -msgstr "Esta semilla fue creada con una contraseña. Para recuperar el monedero son necesarias las palabras y la contraseña." +msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." +msgstr "Esta frase de recuperación fue creada con una contraseña. Para recuperar este monedero, la frase de recuperación y la contraseña son necesarios." -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." msgstr "Esta transacción se ha invalidado; posiblemente debido a un intento de doble gasto." @@ -1667,11 +1741,10 @@ msgstr "Este monedero no esta registrado en el servidor de Bitcore Wallet Servic msgid "Time" msgstr "Hora" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "To" msgstr "Para" @@ -1695,11 +1768,10 @@ msgstr "Balance Total Bloqueado" msgid "Total number of copayers" msgstr "Número total de copayers" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Touch ID Failed" msgstr "Falló Touch ID" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Transaction" msgstr "Transacción" @@ -1725,12 +1797,12 @@ msgid "Try again" msgstr "Vuelva a intentarlo" #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Type the Seed Phrase (usually 12 words)" -msgstr "Escriba la frase de la semilla (generalmente de 12 palabras)" +msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" +msgstr "Escriba la frase de recuperación (normalmente 12 palabras)" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "Sin confirmar" @@ -1783,8 +1855,8 @@ msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" msgstr "Este monedero ya se ha importado:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wallet already in Copay:" -msgstr "El Monedero ya existe en Copay:" +msgid "Wallet already in Copay" +msgstr "Monedero ya existe en Copay" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" @@ -1835,6 +1907,10 @@ msgstr "Nombre del monedero" msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" msgstr "Nombre del Monedero (al crear)" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet needs backup" +msgstr "El monedero requiere copia de seguridad" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Network" msgstr "Red del Monedero" @@ -1844,40 +1920,40 @@ msgid "Wallet not found" msgstr "Monedero no encontrado" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed" -msgstr "Monedero no registrado en Wallet Service. Debe crear un monedero desde \"Crear Monedero\" usando \"Opciones avanzadas\" para ingresar la semilla" +msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" +msgstr "El monedero no esta registrado en Wallet Service. Para volver a crear, utilice \"Crear Monedero\", \"Opciones avanzadas\" e ingrese la frase de recuperación" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Semilla de Monedero" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "La Semilla del Monedero podría requerir una contraseña para ser importada" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Frase de recuperación del monedero" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet seed is invalid" -msgstr "La semilla del monedero no es válida" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" +msgstr "La frase de recuperación es inválida" #: public/views/backup.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." -msgstr "La semilla del monedero no está disponible. Todavía puede exportar desde Avanzado > Exportar." +msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." +msgstr "La frase de recuperación del monedero no está disponible. Todavía puede exportar de avanzado > Exportar." #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet service not found" msgstr "Wallet Service no encontrado" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." +msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: Derivación de la clave no funciona en este dispositivo/monedero. Acciones no pueden realizarse en este monedero." + #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: No incluir la clave privada permite verificar el saldo del monedero, historial de transacciones y crear propuestas de gastos. Sin embargo, no permite aprobar propuestas (firmar), así que los fondos no serán accesibles al exportar." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase." -msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: No se puede recuperar esta contraseña. Asegúrese de escribirla. El monedero no puede ser restaurado sin esta contraseña." +msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." +msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: La contraseña no puede ser recuperada. Asegúrese de escribirlo en papel. El monedero no puede ser restaurado sin la contraseña." #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." @@ -1913,16 +1989,16 @@ msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improve msgstr "Mientras que el software ha experimentado pruebas en beta y aún sigue mejorando mediante la retroalimentación de la comunidad de desarrollador y usuarios de código abierto, no podemos garantizar que no habrá errores en el software." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Write your wallet seed" -msgstr "Escriba la semilla de su monedero" +msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Escriba la frase de recuperación del monedero" #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Wrong number of seed words:" +msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" msgstr "Número incorrecto de palabras:" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wrong password" -msgstr "Contraseña incorrecta" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wrong spending password" +msgstr "Contraseña para enviar incorrecta" #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html msgid "Yes" @@ -1953,23 +2029,16 @@ msgid "You do not have a wallet" msgstr "No tiene ningún monedero" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." -msgstr "Necesita la semilla del monedero para restaurarlo. Anótela y guárdelas en un lugar seguro." - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Your backup password" -msgstr "Contraseña de la copia de seguridad" - -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Your export password" -msgstr "Contraseña al exportar" +msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." +msgstr "Necesita la frase de recuperación para restaurar su monedero personal. Anótela y guárdela en algún lugar seguro." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Your nickname" msgstr "Sobrenombre" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/import.html msgid "Your password" msgstr "Contraseña" @@ -1977,15 +2046,19 @@ msgstr "Contraseña" msgid "Your profile password" msgstr "Contraseña del perfil" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your spending password" +msgstr "Contraseña para enviar" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" msgstr "El monedero se ha importado correctamente" #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" -msgstr "La clave del monedero se cifrará. La contraseña no puede ser recuperada. Asegúrese de escribirla" +msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" +msgstr "La clave del monedero se cifrará. La contraseña para enviar no puede ser recuperada. Asegúrese de escribirla" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." -msgstr "Semilla del monedero y acceso al servidor que coordina la creación del monedero inicial. Aún necesita las {{index.m}} claves para gastar los fondos." +msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." +msgstr "Su frase de recuperación del monedero y el acceso al servidor que coordina la creación del monedero inicial. Aún necesita de {{index.m}} claves para enviar." diff --git a/i18n/po/fr.po b/i18n/po/fr.po index 0d2d44e26..ee67c93d9 100644 --- a/i18n/po/fr.po +++ b/i18n/po/fr.po @@ -1,1991 +1,2064 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Project-Id-Version: copay\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" -"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n" -"X-Crowdin-Project: copay\n" -"X-Crowdin-Language: fr\n" -"X-Crowdin-File: template.pot\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" -"Language-Team: French\n" -"Language: fr\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-14 11:36-0400\n" - +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Project-Id-Version: copay\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" +"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: copay\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: fr\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: template.pot\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" +"Language-Team: French\n" +"Language: fr\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-09 07:47-0400\n" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "(possible double spend)" -msgstr "(double dépense éventuelle)" - +msgid "(possible double spend)" +msgstr "(double dépense possible)" + #: public/views/modals/paypro.html -msgid "(Trusted)" -msgstr "(Fiable)" - -#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -msgid "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} of the transaction" -msgstr "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} de la transaction" - +msgid "(Trusted)" +msgstr "(Fiable)" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "[Balance Hidden]" +msgstr "[Solde masqué]" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" -msgstr "{{fee}} seront déduits pour les frais de réseau Bitcoin" - +msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" +msgstr "{{fee}} seront déduits pour les frais de réseau Bitcoin" + +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +msgstr "{{feeRateStr}} de la transaction" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more" +msgstr "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} de plus" + #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html -msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" -msgstr "{{index.m}}-sur-{{index.n}}" - +msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" +msgstr "{{index.m}}-sur-{{index.n}}" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded" -msgstr "{{index.txProgress}} transactions téléchargées" - +msgid "{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded" +msgstr "{{index.txProgress}} transactions téléchargées" + #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}" -msgstr "{{item.m}}-sur-{{item.n}}" - +msgid "{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}" +msgstr "{{item.m}}-sur-{{item.n}}" + #: src/js/controllers/importLegacy.js -msgid "{{len}} wallets imported. Funds scanning in progress. Hold on to see updated balance" -msgstr "{{len}} portefeuilles importés. L'analyse des fonds a démarré. Le solde va se mettre à jour" - +msgid "{{len}} wallets imported. Funds scanning in progress. Hold on to see updated balance" +msgstr "{{len}} portefeuilles importés. L'analyse des fonds a démarré. Le solde va se mettre à jour" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created." -msgstr "* Une proposition de paiement peut être supprimée si vous en êtes le créateur et qu'aucun des autres copayers n'a signé, ou si 24 heures sont passées depuis la création de la proposition." - +msgid "* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created." +msgstr "* Une proposition de paiement peut être supprimée si vous en êtes le créateur et qu'aucun des autres copayers n'a signé, ou si 24 heures sont passées depuis la création de la proposition." + #: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY BITCOIN YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT COPAY WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE." -msgstr "SI VOUS PERDEZ L'ACCÈS À VOTRE PORTEFEUILLE COPAY OU À VOS CLÉS PRIVÉES CHIFFRÉES ET QUE VOUS N'AVEZ PAS ENTREPOSÉ SÉPARÉMENT UNE SAUVEGARDE DE VOTRE PORTEFEUILLE ET LES MOTS DE PASSE CORRESPONDANT, VOUS RECONNAISSEZ ET ACCEPTEZ QUE LES BITCOINS QUE VOUS AVEZ ASSOCIÉ À CE PORTEFEUILLE COPAY DEVIENNENT INACCESSIBLES." - +msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY BITCOIN YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT COPAY WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE." +msgstr "SI VOUS PERDEZ L'ACCÈS À VOTRE PORTEFEUILLE COPAY OU À VOS CLÉS PRIVÉES CHIFFRÉES ET QUE VOUS N'AVEZ PAS ENTREPOSÉ SÉPARÉMENT UNE SAUVEGARDE DE VOTRE PORTEFEUILLE ET LES MOTS DE PASSE CORRESPONDANT, VOUS RECONNAISSEZ ET ACCEPTEZ QUE LES BITCOINS QUE VOUS AVEZ ASSOCIÉ À CE PORTEFEUILLE COPAY DEVIENNENT INACCESSIBLES." + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers)." -msgstr "OU 1 fichier d'exportation de portefeuille et le quorum restant en graines de portefeuilles (ex. dans un portefeuille 3-5 : 1 fichier d'exportation de portefeuille + 2 graines de portefeuilles de n'importe quels autres copayers)." - +msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." +msgstr "OU 1 fichier d'exportation de portefeuille et le quorum restant en phrases de récupération de portefeuille (ex. dans un portefeuille 3-5 : 1 fichier d'exportation du portefeuille + 2 phrases de récupération du portefeuille de n'importe quels autres copayers)." + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "OU la graine de portefeuille de tous les copayers dans le portefeuille" - +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "OU la phrase de récupération de portefeuille de tous les copayers du portefeuille" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "OU les graines de portefeuilles de tous les copayers dans le portefeuille" - +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "OU les phrases de récupération de portefeuille de tous les copayers du portefeuille" + #: public/views/disclaimer.html -msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" -msgstr "Un portefeuille bitcoin multi-signatures" - +msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" +msgstr "Un portefeuille bitcoin multi-signatures" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "A spending password is set for this wallet. Exporting keeps the spending password in the export archive." +msgstr "Un code de dépenses est configuré pour ce portefeuille. L'exportation conserve le code de dépenses dans l’archive exportée." + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html -msgid "About Copay" -msgstr "À propos de Copay" - +msgid "About Copay" +msgstr "À propos de Copay" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Accept" -msgstr "Accepter" - +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Accepter" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Account" -msgstr "Compte" - +msgid "Account" +msgstr "Compte" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Account Number" -msgstr "Numéro de compte" - +msgid "Account Number" +msgstr "Numéro de compte" + #: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/controllers/index.js -msgid "Activity" -msgstr "Activité" - -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Add a new entry" -msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle entrée" - +msgid "Activity" +msgstr "Activité" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Add a new entry" +msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle entrée" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add a Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Ajouter une phrase de passe de graine" - +msgid "Add a Password" +msgstr "Ajouter un mot de passe" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed" -msgstr "Ajoutez une phrase de passe optionnelle pour sécuriser la graine" - +msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" +msgstr "Ajouter un mot de passe optionnel pour sécuriser la phrase de récupération" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Add comment" +msgstr "Ajouter un commentaire" + #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Add wallet" -msgstr "Ajouter portefeuille" - -#: public/views/paymentUri.html +msgid "Add wallet" +msgstr "Ajouter portefeuille" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html -msgid "Address" -msgstr "Adresse" - -#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Address Type" -msgstr "Type d'adresse" - -#: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Paramètres avancés" - -#: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Alias" -msgstr "Alias" - -#: public/views/preferencesAlias.html -msgid "Alias for {{index.walletName}}" -msgstr "Alias pour {{index.walletName}}" - -#: public/views/translators.html -msgid "All contributions to Copay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the Copay project at" -msgstr "Toutes les contributions à la traduction de Copay sont les bienvenues. Inscrivez-vous sur crowdin.com et rejoignez le projet Copay sur" - -#: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "All transaction requests are irreversible." -msgstr "Toutes les transactions sont irréversibles." - -#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html -msgid "Alternative Currency" -msgstr "Devise alternative" - #: public/views/paymentUri.html -#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresse" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Address Type" +msgstr "Type d'adresse" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Paramètres avancés" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Alias" +msgstr "Alias" + +#: public/views/preferencesAlias.html +msgid "Alias for {{index.walletName}}" +msgstr "Alias pour {{index.walletName}}" + +#: public/views/translators.html +msgid "All contributions to Copay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the Copay project at" +msgstr "Toutes les contributions à la traduction de Copay sont les bienvenues. Inscrivez-vous sur crowdin.com et rejoignez le projet Copay sur" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "All transaction requests are irreversible." +msgstr "Toutes les transactions sont irréversibles." + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Alternative Currency" +msgstr "Devise alternative" + #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Montant" - -#: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Amount below dust threshold" -msgstr "Montant en dessous du seuil minimal recommandé" - +#: public/views/paymentUri.html #: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Amount" +msgstr "Montant" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Amount below dust threshold" +msgstr "Montant en dessous du seuil minimal recommandé" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -msgid "Amount in" -msgstr "Montant en" - +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Amount in" +msgstr "Montant en" + #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?" -msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les mots de sauvegarde ?" - +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir supprimer la phrase de récupération ?" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" -msgstr "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce portefeuille ?" - +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" +msgstr "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce portefeuille ?" + +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "Auditable" +msgstr "Vérifiable" + #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html -msgid "Available Balance" -msgstr "Solde disponible" - +msgid "Available Balance" +msgstr "Solde disponible" + #: public/views/preferencesFee.html -msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" -msgstr "Temps de confirmation moyen : {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" - +msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" +msgstr "Temps de confirmation moyen : {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" + #: public/views/includes/topbar.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Retour" - +msgid "Back" +msgstr "Retour" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Backup" -msgstr "Sauvegarder" - +msgid "Backup" +msgstr "Sauvegarder" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Backup failed" -msgstr "La sauvegarde a échoué" - +msgid "Backup failed" +msgstr "La sauvegarde a échoué" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Backup Needed" -msgstr "Sauvegarde requise" - +msgid "Backup Needed" +msgstr "Sauvegarde requise" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Backup now" -msgstr "Sauvegarder" - -#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Backup words deleted" -msgstr "Mots de sauvegarde supprimés" - +msgid "Backup now" +msgstr "Sauvegarder" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Bad wallet invitation" -msgstr "Mauvaise invitation de portefeuille" - +msgid "Bad wallet invitation" +msgstr "Mauvaise invitation de portefeuille" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Balance By Address" -msgstr "Solde par adresse" - +msgid "Balance By Address" +msgstr "Solde par adresse" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." -msgstr "Avant de recevoir des fonds, il est nécessaire de sauvegarder votre portefeuille. Si vous perdez cet appareil, vos fonds seront irrécupérables sans une sauvegarde." - +msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." +msgstr "Avant de recevoir des fonds, il est nécessaire de sauvegarder votre portefeuille. Si vous perdez cet appareil, vos fonds seront irrécupérables sans une sauvegarde." + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" +msgstr "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "BIP32 path for address derivation" -msgstr "Chemin BIP32 pour la dérivation de l'adresse" - +msgid "BIP32 path for address derivation" +msgstr "Chemin BIP32 pour la dérivation de l'adresse" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Bitcoin address" -msgstr "Adresse Bitcoin" - +msgid "Bitcoin address" +msgstr "Adresse Bitcoin" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html -msgid "Bitcoin Network Fee Policy" -msgstr "Stratégie des frais de réseau Bitcoin" - +msgid "Bitcoin Network Fee Policy" +msgstr "Frais de réseau" + #: public/views/preferencesFee.html -msgid "Bitcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Actual fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy." -msgstr "Les transactions Bitcoin peuvent inclure des frais prélevés par les mineurs du réseau. Plus les frais sont élevés, et plus un mineur sera incité à inclure cette transaction dans un bloc. Les frais actuels sont déterminés en fonction de la charge du réseau et de la stratégie sélectionnée." - +msgid "Bitcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Actual fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy." +msgstr "Les transactions Bitcoin peuvent inclure des frais prélevés par les mineurs du réseau. Plus les frais sont importants, et plus un mineur sera incité à inclure cette transaction dans un bloc. Les frais actuels sont déterminés en fonction de la charge du réseau et du choix sélectionné." + #: public/views/paymentUri.html -msgid "Bitcoin URI is NOT valid!" -msgstr "L'URI Bitcoin n'est pas valide !" - +msgid "Bitcoin URI is NOT valid!" +msgstr "L'URI Bitcoin n'est pas valide !" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Broadcast Payment" -msgstr "Diffuser le paiement" - +msgid "Broadcast Payment" +msgstr "Diffuser le paiement" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Broadcasting Payment" -msgstr "Diffusion du paiement" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Broadcasting transaction" -msgstr "Diffusion de la transaction" - +msgid "Broadcasting transaction" +msgstr "Diffusion de la transaction" + #: public/views/unsupported.html -msgid "Browser unsupported" -msgstr "Navigateur non supporté" - +msgid "Browser unsupported" +msgstr "Navigateur non supporté" + #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Buy & Sell Bitcoin" -msgstr "Acheter & Vendre des Bitcoins" - +msgid "Buy & Sell" +msgstr "Acheter & Vendre" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Calculating fee" -msgstr "Calcul des frais" - -#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Calculating fee" +msgstr "Calcul des frais" + #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Annuler" - -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "CANCEL" -msgstr "ANNULER" - +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annuler" + #: public/views/copayers.html -msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" -msgstr "Annuler et supprimer le portefeuille" - +msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" +msgstr "Annuler et supprimer le portefeuille" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds" -msgstr "Impossible de créer la transaction. Fonds insuffisants" - +msgid "Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds" +msgstr "Impossible de créer la transaction. Fonds insuffisants" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Cannot join the same wallet more that once" -msgstr "Impossible de rejoindre le même portefeuille plus d'une fois" - +msgid "Cannot join the same wallet more that once" +msgstr "Impossible de rejoindre le même portefeuille plus d'une fois" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Cannot sign: The payment request has expired" -msgstr "Impossible de signer : la demande de paiement a expiré" - +msgid "Cannot sign: The payment request has expired" +msgstr "Impossible de signer : la demande de paiement a expiré" + #: public/views/modals/paypro.html -msgid "Certified by" -msgstr "Certifié par" - +msgid "Certified by" +msgstr "Certifié par" + #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html -msgid "Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name." -msgstr "La modification d'un alias de portefeuille affecte uniquement le nom du portefeuille local." - +msgid "Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name." +msgstr "La modification d'un alias de portefeuille affecte uniquement le nom du portefeuille local." + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Choose a backup file from your computer" -msgstr "Choisissez un fichier de sauvegarde depuis votre ordinateur" - +msgid "Choose a backup file from your computer" +msgstr "Choisissez un fichier de sauvegarde depuis votre ordinateur" + #: public/views/preferencesHistory.html -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Vider le cache" - +msgid "Clear cache" +msgstr "Vider le cache" + #: public/views/includes/topbar.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Fermer" - +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Fermer" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Couleur" - +msgid "Color" +msgstr "Couleur" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "Commentaire" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html -msgid "Commit hash" -msgstr "Commit hash" - +msgid "Commit hash" +msgstr "Commit hash" + #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Confirmer" - +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirmer" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Confirm your wallet seed" -msgstr "Confirmez votre graine de portefeuille" - -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Confirmez votre phrase de récupération du portefeuille" + #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -msgid "Confirmations" -msgstr "Confirmations" - +msgid "Confirmations" +msgstr "Confirmations" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Congratulations!" -msgstr "Félicitations !" - +msgid "Congratulations!" +msgstr "Félicitations !" + #: public/views/create.html -msgid "Connecting to {{create.hwWallet}} Wallet..." -msgstr "Connexion au portefeuille {{create.hwWallet}}..." - +msgid "Connecting to {{create.hwWallet}} Wallet..." +msgstr "Connexion au portefeuille {{create.hwWallet}}..." + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Connecting to {{import.hwWallet}} Wallet..." -msgstr "Connexion au portefeuille {{import.hwWallet}}..." - +msgid "Connecting to {{import.hwWallet}} Wallet..." +msgstr "Connexion au portefeuille {{import.hwWallet}}..." + #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Connecting to {{join.hwWallet}} Wallet..." -msgstr "Connexion au portefeuille {{join.hwWallet}}..." - +msgid "Connecting to {{join.hwWallet}} Wallet..." +msgstr "Connexion au portefeuille {{join.hwWallet}}..." + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Connection reset by peer" -msgstr "Connexion réinitialisée par un pair" - +msgid "Connection reset by peer" +msgstr "Connexion réinitialisée par un pair" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Continuer" - +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "Continuer" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Copayer already in this wallet" -msgstr "Copayer déjà dans ce portefeuille" - +msgid "Copayer already in this wallet" +msgstr "Copayer déjà dans ce portefeuille" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Copayer already voted on this spend proposal" -msgstr "Le Copayer a déjà voté pour cette proposition de dépense" - +msgid "Copayer already voted on this spend proposal" +msgstr "Le Copayer a déjà voté pour cette proposition de dépense" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Copayer data mismatch" -msgstr "Les données Copayer ne correspondent pas" - +msgid "Copayer data mismatch" +msgstr "Les données Copayer ne correspondent pas" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Copayers" -msgstr "Copayers" - +msgid "Copayers" +msgstr "Copayers" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/tx.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Copied to clipboard" -msgstr "Copié dans le presse-papier" - +msgid "Copied to clipboard" +msgstr "Copié dans le presse-papier" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)" -msgstr "Copiez ce texte présenté tel quel vers un endroit sûr (bloc-notes ou e-mail)" - +msgid "Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)" +msgstr "Copiez ce texte présenté tel quel vers un endroit sûr (bloc-notes ou e-mail)" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "Copy to clipboard" -msgstr "Copier dans le presse-papier" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Could not accept payment" -msgstr "Impossible d'accepter le paiement" - +msgid "Copy to clipboard" +msgstr "Copier dans le presse-papier" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" +msgstr "Impossible d'accéder au portefeuille via le serveur. Veuillez vérifier :" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not access wallet" +msgstr "Impossible d’accéder au portefeuille" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js -msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" -msgstr "Impossible d'accéder au Wallet Service : Introuvable" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Could not broadcast payment" -msgstr "Impossible de diffuser le paiement" - +msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" +msgstr "Impossible d'accéder au Wallet Service : Introuvable" + +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js +msgid "Could not broadcast payment" +msgstr "Impossible de diffuser le paiement" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Could not build transaction" -msgstr "Impossible de créer la transaction" - +msgid "Could not build transaction" +msgstr "Impossible de créer la transaction" + #: src/js/services/addressService.js -msgid "Could not create address" -msgstr "Impossible de créer l'adresse" - +msgid "Could not create address" +msgstr "Impossible de créer l'adresse" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Could not create payment proposal" -msgstr "Impossible de créer la proposition de paiement" - +msgid "Could not create payment proposal" +msgstr "Impossible de créer la proposition de paiement" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create using the specified extended private key" -msgstr "Impossible de créer en utilisant la clé privée étendue spécifiée" - +msgid "Could not create using the specified extended private key" +msgstr "Impossible de créer en utilisant la clé privée étendue spécifiée" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" -msgstr "Impossible de créer en utilisant la clé publique étendue spécifiée" - +msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" +msgstr "Impossible de créer en utilisant la clé publique étendue spécifiée" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet seed" -msgstr "Impossible de créer : Graine de portefeuille invalide" - +msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Impossible de créer : Phrase de récupération du portefeuille invalide" + #: src/js/controllers/backup.js -msgid "Could not decrypt" -msgstr "Impossible de déchiffrer" - +msgid "Could not decrypt" +msgstr "Impossible de déchiffrer" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" -msgstr "Impossible de déchiffrer le fichier, vérifiez votre mot de passe" - +msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" +msgstr "Impossible de déchiffrer le fichier, vérifiez votre mot de passe" + +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js +msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" +msgstr "Impossible de supprimer la proposition de paiement" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" -msgstr "Impossible de supprimer la proposition de paiement" - +msgid "Could not fetch payment information" +msgstr "Impossible de récupérer les informations de paiement" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Could not fetch payment information" -msgstr "Impossible de récupérer les informations de paiement" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Could not get fee value" -msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir la valeur des frais" - +msgid "Could not get fee value" +msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir la valeur des frais" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not import" -msgstr "Impossible d'importer" - +msgid "Could not import" +msgstr "Impossible d'importer" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password" -msgstr "Impossible d'importer. Vérifiez le fichier d'entrée et le mot de passe" - +msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" +msgstr "Impossible d'importer. Vérifiez le fichier d'entrée et le code de dépenses" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not join wallet" -msgstr "Impossible de rejoindre le portefeuille" - +msgid "Could not join wallet" +msgstr "Impossible de rejoindre le portefeuille" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" -msgstr "Impossible de reconnaître un code QR Bitcoin valide" - +msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" +msgstr "Impossible de reconnaître un code QR Bitcoin valide" + +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js +msgid "Could not reject payment" +msgstr "Impossible de rejeter le paiement" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Could not reject payment" -msgstr "Impossible de rejeter le paiement" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Could not send payment" -msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer le paiement" - +msgid "Could not send payment" +msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer le paiement" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js -msgid "Could not update Wallet" -msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour le portefeuille" - +msgid "Could not update Wallet" +msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour le portefeuille" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Create" -msgstr "Créer" - +msgid "Create" +msgstr "Créer" + #: public/views/create.html -msgid "Create {{requiredCopayers}}-of-{{totalCopayers}} wallet" -msgstr "Créer un portefeuille {{requiredCopayers}}-sur-{{totalCopayers}}" - +msgid "Create {{requiredCopayers}}-of-{{totalCopayers}} wallet" +msgstr "Créer un portefeuille {{requiredCopayers}}-sur-{{totalCopayers}}" + #: public/views/add.html #: public/views/create.html -msgid "Create new wallet" -msgstr "Créer" - +msgid "Create new wallet" +msgstr "Créer" + #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Create, join or import" -msgstr "Créer, rejoindre ou importer" - +msgid "Create, join or import" +msgstr "Créer, rejoindre ou importer" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Created by" -msgstr "Créée par" - +msgid "Created by" +msgstr "Créée par" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Creating transaction" -msgstr "Création de la transaction" - +msgid "Creating transaction" +msgstr "Création de la transaction" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/disclaimer.html -msgid "Creating Wallet..." -msgstr "Création du portefeuille..." - +msgid "Creating Wallet..." +msgstr "Création du portefeuille..." + #: public/views/preferencesFee.html -msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" -msgstr "Frais actuels pour cette stratégie : {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" - -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" +msgstr "Frais actuels pour ce choix : {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" + #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Date" - +msgid "Date" +msgstr "Date" + #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open." -msgstr "Le déchiffrement d'un portefeuille de papier peut prendre environ 5 minutes sur cet appareil. Veuillez être patient et gardez l'application ouverte." - +msgid "Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open." +msgstr "Le déchiffrement d'un portefeuille de papier peut prendre environ 5 minutes sur cet appareil. Veuillez être patient et gardez l'application ouverte." + #: public/views/copayers.html -msgid "Delete it and create a new one" -msgstr "Le supprimer et en créer un nouveau" - +msgid "Delete it and create a new one" +msgstr "Le supprimer et en créer un nouveau" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" -msgstr "Supprimer la proposition de paiement" - +msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" +msgstr "Supprimer la proposition de paiement" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Delete seed words" -msgstr "Supprimer les mots de la graine" - -#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html -msgid "Delete wallet" -msgstr "Supprimer le portefeuille" - -#: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html -msgid "Delete Wallet" -msgstr "Supprimer le portefeuille" - +msgid "Delete recovery phrase" +msgstr "Supprimer la phrase de récupération" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Delete words" -msgstr "Supprimer les mots" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Deleting payment" -msgstr "Suppression du paiement" - +msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Supprimer la phrase de récupération" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html -msgid "Deleting Wallet..." -msgstr "Suppression du portefeuille..." - +msgid "Delete wallet" +msgstr "Supprimer le portefeuille" + +#: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html +msgid "Delete Wallet" +msgstr "Supprimer le portefeuille" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html +msgid "Deleting Wallet..." +msgstr "Suppression du portefeuille..." + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Derivation Path" -msgstr "Chemin de dérivation" - +msgid "Derivation Path" +msgstr "Chemin de dérivation" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Derivation Strategy" -msgstr "Stratégie de dérivation" - -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Derivation Strategy" +msgstr "Stratégie de dérivation" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Description" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Détails" - +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Détails" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Disabled" -msgstr "Désactivé" - +msgid "Disabled" +msgstr "Désactivé" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "Do not include private key" -msgstr "Ne pas inclure la clé privée" - +msgid "Do not include private key" +msgstr "Ne pas inclure la clé privée" + #: public/views/translators.html -msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." -msgstr "Vous ne voyez pas votre langue sur Crowdin ? Contactez le propriétaire sur Crowdin ! Nous serions ravis de prendre en charge votre langue." - -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Done" -msgstr "Terminé" - +msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." +msgstr "Vous ne voyez pas votre langue sur Crowdin ? Contactez le propriétaire sur Crowdin ! Nous serions ravis de prendre en charge votre langue." + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Terminé" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "Download" -msgstr "Télécharger" - +msgid "Download" +msgstr "Télécharger" + #: src/js/services/feeService.js -msgid "Economy" -msgstr "Économique" - -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Modifier" - +msgid "Economy" +msgstr "Faibles" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "Modifier" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edit comment" +msgstr "Modifier le commentaire" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edited by" +msgstr "Modifié par" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html -msgid "Email" -msgstr "E-mail" - +msgid "Email" +msgstr "E-mail" + #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -msgid "Email for wallet notifications" -msgstr "E-mail pour les notifications de portefeuille" - +msgid "Email for wallet notifications" +msgstr "E-mail pour les notifications de portefeuille" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Email Notifications" -msgstr "Notifications e-mail" - +msgid "Email Notifications" +msgstr "Notifications e-mail" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." -msgstr "La limite d'adresses vides a été atteinte. Les nouvelles adresses ne peuvent plus être générées." - +msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." +msgstr "La limite d'adresses vides a été atteinte. Les nouvelles adresses ne peuvent plus être générées." + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html -msgid "Enable push notifications" -msgstr "Autoriser les notifications push" - +msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" +msgstr "Activer le service Coinbase" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Glidera Service" +msgstr "Activer le service Glidera" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable push notifications" +msgstr "Autoriser les notifications push" + #: src/js/controllers/export.js -msgid "Encrypted export file saved" -msgstr "Le fichier d'exportation chiffré a été enregistré" - +msgid "Encrypted export file saved" +msgstr "Le fichier d'exportation chiffré a été enregistré" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Enter the seed words (BIP39)" -msgstr "Écrivez les mots de la graine (BIP39)" - +msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" +msgstr "Saisissez la phrase de récupération (BIP39)" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Enter your passphrase" -msgstr "Entrez votre phrase de passe" - +msgid "Enter your password" +msgstr "Écrivez votre mot de passe" + #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Enter your password" -msgstr "Écrivez votre mot de passe" - +msgid "Enter your spending password" +msgstr "Saisissez votre code de dépenses" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js -msgid "Error at Wallet Service" -msgstr "Erreur au niveau de Wallet Service" - +msgid "Error at Wallet Service" +msgstr "Erreur au niveau de Wallet Service" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Error creating wallet" -msgstr "Erreur de création du portefeuille" - +msgid "Error creating wallet" +msgstr "Erreur de création du portefeuille" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Error importing wallet:" -msgstr "Erreur d'importation du portefeuille :" - +msgid "Error importing wallet:" +msgstr "Erreur d'importation du portefeuille :" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Expired" -msgstr "Expiré" - +msgid "Expired" +msgstr "Expiré" + #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Expires" -msgstr "Expire" - +msgid "Expires" +msgstr "Expire" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "Export options" -msgstr "Options d'exportation" - +msgid "Export options" +msgstr "Options d'exportation" + #: public/views/preferencesHistory.html -msgid "Export to file" -msgstr "Exporter vers un fichier" - +msgid "Export to file" +msgstr "Exporter vers un fichier" + +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file [preparing...]" +msgstr "Exportation en fichier [préparation...]" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html -msgid "Export Wallet" -msgstr "Exporter le portefeuille" - +msgid "Export Wallet" +msgstr "Exporter le portefeuille" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Extended Public Keys" -msgstr "Clés publiques étendues" - +msgid "Extended Public Keys" +msgstr "Clés publiques étendues" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "Failed to export" -msgstr "Impossible d'exporter" - +msgid "Failed to export" +msgstr "Impossible d'exporter" + #: src/js/controllers/importLegacy.js -msgid "Failed to import wallets" -msgstr "Impossible d'importer les portefeuilles" - +msgid "Failed to import wallets" +msgstr "Impossible d'importer les portefeuilles" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Failed to verify backup. Please check your information" -msgstr "Impossible de vérifier la sauvegarde. Veuillez vérifier vos informations" - +msgid "Failed to verify backup. Please check your information" +msgstr "Impossible de vérifier la sauvegarde. Veuillez vérifier vos informations" + #: public/views/create.html -msgid "Family vacation funds" -msgstr "Fonds pour les vacances familiales" - +msgid "Family vacation funds" +msgstr "Fonds pour les vacances familiales" + #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Fee" -msgstr "Frais" - +msgid "Fee" +msgstr "Frais" + #. Get information of payment if using Payment Protocol #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Fetching Payment Information" -msgstr "Récupération des informations de paiement" - +msgid "Fetching Payment Information" +msgstr "Récupération des informations de paiement" + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "File/Text Backup" -msgstr "Fichier/Texte" - +msgid "File/Text Backup" +msgstr "Fichier / Texte" + +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Finger Scan Failed" +msgstr "La numérisation digitale a échoué" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Finish" -msgstr "Terminer" - +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "Terminer" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "For audit purposes" +msgstr "À des fins de vérification" + #: public/views/translators.html -msgid "French" -msgstr "Français" - +msgid "French" +msgstr "Français" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Funds are locked by pending spend proposals" -msgstr "Les fonds sont verrouillés par des propositions de dépenses en attente" - +msgid "Funds are locked by pending spend proposals" +msgstr "Les fonds sont verrouillés par des propositions de dépenses en attente" + #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Funds found" -msgstr "Fonds trouvés" - +msgid "Funds found" +msgstr "Fonds trouvés" + #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js -msgid "Funds received" -msgstr "Fonds reçus" - +msgid "Funds received" +msgstr "Fonds reçus" + #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Funds will be transferred to" -msgstr "Les fonds seront transférés à" - +msgid "Funds will be transferred to" +msgstr "Les fonds seront transférés à" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Generate new address" -msgstr "Générer une nouvelle adresse" - +msgid "Generate new address" +msgstr "Générer une nouvelle adresse" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -msgid "Generate QR Code" -msgstr "Générer un code QR" - +msgid "Generate QR Code" +msgstr "Générer un code QR" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Generating .csv file..." -msgstr "Génération du fichier .csv..." - +msgid "Generating .csv file..." +msgstr "Génération du fichier .csv..." + #: public/views/translators.html -msgid "German" -msgstr "Allemand" - -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." -msgstr "Obtention d'une adresse pour le portefeuille {{selectedWalletName}} ..." - +msgid "German" +msgstr "Allemand" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." +msgstr "Obtention d'une adresse pour le portefeuille {{selectedWalletName}} ..." + #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Global preferences" -msgstr "Préférences globales" - +msgid "Global preferences" +msgstr "Préférences globales" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Hardware wallet" -msgstr "Portefeuille matériel" - +msgid "Hardware wallet" +msgstr "Portefeuille matériel" + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" -msgstr "Vous avez une sauvegarde de Copay v0.9 ?" - +msgid "Hardware Wallet" +msgstr "Portefeuille matériel" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" +msgstr "Vous avez une sauvegarde de Copay v0.9 ?" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Hide advanced options" -msgstr "Masquer les options avancées" - +msgid "Hide advanced options" +msgstr "Masquer les options avancées" + #: public/views/disclaimer.html -msgid "I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms." -msgstr "Je confirme que j'ai lu, compris et suis d'accord avec ces conditions." - +msgid "I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms." +msgstr "Je confirme que j'ai lu, compris et suis d'accord avec ces conditions." + #: public/views/disclaimer.html -msgid "I AGREE. GET STARTED" -msgstr "J’ACCEPTE. COMMENCER" - +msgid "I AGREE. GET STARTED" +msgstr "J’ACCEPTE. COMMENCER" + #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importer" - +msgid "Import" +msgstr "Importer" + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Import backup" -msgstr "Importer la sauvegarde" - +msgid "Import backup" +msgstr "Importer la sauvegarde" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html -msgid "Import from the Cloud?" -msgstr "Importer depuis le Cloud ?" - +msgid "Import from the Cloud?" +msgstr "Importer depuis le Cloud ?" + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Import here" -msgstr "Importer ici" - +msgid "Import here" +msgstr "Importer ici" + #: public/views/add.html -msgid "Import wallet" -msgstr "Importer" - +msgid "Import wallet" +msgstr "Importer" + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Importing wallet..." -msgstr "Importation du portefeuille..." - +msgid "Importing wallet..." +msgstr "Importation du portefeuille..." + #: public/views/importLegacy.html -msgid "Importing..." -msgstr "Importation..." - +msgid "Importing..." +msgstr "Importation..." + #: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, or BitPay, Inc. be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software." -msgstr "En aucun cas les auteurs du logiciel, employés et sociétés affiliés de Bitpay, détenteurs de droits d'auteur, ou BitPay, Inc. ne peuvent être tenus responsables de toute réclamation, dommages ou autre responsabilité, que ce soit dans une action contractuelle, délictuelle ou autre, découlant ou en étant en connexion avec le logiciel." - +msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, or BitPay, Inc. be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software." +msgstr "En aucun cas les auteurs du logiciel, employés et sociétés affiliés de Bitpay, détenteurs de droits d'auteur, ou BitPay, Inc. ne peuvent être tenus responsables de toute réclamation, dommages ou autre responsabilité, que ce soit dans une action contractuelle, délictuelle ou autre, découlant ou en étant en connexion avec le logiciel." + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your passphrase:" -msgstr "Afin de vérifier votre sauvegarde de portefeuille, veuillez saisir votre phrase de passe :" - +msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" +msgstr "Afin de vérifier votre sauvegarde du portefeuille, veuillez saisir votre mot de passe :" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "Include address book and history cache" -msgstr "Inclure le répertoire et le cache de l'historique" - +msgid "Include address book and history cache" +msgstr "Inclure le répertoire et le cache de l'historique" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Incorrect address network" -msgstr "Adresse réseau incorrecte" - +msgid "Incorrect address network" +msgstr "Adresse réseau incorrecte" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Insufficient funds" -msgstr "Fonds insuffisants" - +msgid "Insufficient funds" +msgstr "Fonds insuffisants" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" -msgstr "Fonds insuffisants pour les frais" - +msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" +msgstr "Fonds insuffisants pour les frais" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Invalid" -msgstr "Invalide" - +msgid "Invalid" +msgstr "Invalide" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Invalid account number" -msgstr "Numéro de compte invalide" - +msgid "Invalid account number" +msgstr "Numéro de compte invalide" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Invalid address" -msgstr "Adresse invalide" - +msgid "Invalid address" +msgstr "Adresse invalide" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Invalid derivation path" -msgstr "Chemin de dérivation invalide" - +msgid "Invalid derivation path" +msgstr "Chemin de dérivation invalide" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js -msgid "Invitation to share a Copay Wallet" -msgstr "Invitation pour partager un portefeuille Copay" - +msgid "Invitation to share a Copay Wallet" +msgstr "Invitation pour partager un portefeuille Copay" + #: public/views/translators.html -msgid "Japanese" -msgstr "Japonais" - +msgid "Japanese" +msgstr "Japonais" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "John" -msgstr "John" - +msgid "John" +msgstr "John" + #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Join" -msgstr "Rejoindre" - +msgid "Join" +msgstr "Rejoindre" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js -msgid "Join my Copay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download Copay for your phone or desktop at https://copay.io" -msgstr "Rejoignez mon portefeuille Copay. Voici le code d'invitation : {{secret}} Vous pouvez télécharger Copay pour votre téléphone ou pour votre ordinateur sur https://copay.io" - +msgid "Join my Copay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download Copay for your phone or desktop at https://copay.io" +msgstr "Rejoignez mon portefeuille Copay. Voici le code d'invitation : {{secret}} Vous pouvez télécharger Copay pour votre téléphone ou pour votre ordinateur sur https://copay.io" + #: public/views/add.html -msgid "Join shared wallet" -msgstr "Rejoindre" - +msgid "Join shared wallet" +msgstr "Rejoindre" + #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Joining Wallet..." -msgstr "Connexion au portefeuille..." - +msgid "Joining Wallet..." +msgstr "Connexion au portefeuille..." + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" -msgstr "La clé est déjà associée avec un portefeuille existant" - -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Label" -msgstr "Étiquette" - +msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" +msgstr "La clé est déjà associée avec un portefeuille existant" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Label" +msgstr "Étiquette" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html -msgid "Language" -msgstr "Langue" - +msgid "Language" +msgstr "Langue" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Last Wallet Addresses" -msgstr "Dernières adresses du portefeuille" - +msgid "Last Wallet Addresses" +msgstr "Dernières adresses du portefeuille" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Learn more about Copay backups" -msgstr "En savoir plus sur les sauvegardes de Copay" - +msgid "Learn more about Copay backups" +msgstr "En savoir plus sur les sauvegardes de Copay" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html -msgid "Learn more about Wallet Migration" -msgstr "En savoir plus sur la migration de portefeuille" - +msgid "Learn more about Wallet Migration" +msgstr "En savoir plus sur la migration de portefeuille" + #: public/views/preferencesFee.html -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Chargement..." - +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Chargement..." + #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html -msgid "locked by pending payments" -msgstr "verrouillés par les paiements en attente" - +msgid "locked by pending payments" +msgstr "verrouillés par les paiements en attente" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal" -msgstr "Locktime effectif. Veuillez patienter pour créer une nouvelle proposition de dépense" - +msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal" +msgstr "Locktime effectif. Veuillez patienter pour créer une nouvelle proposition de dépense" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal" -msgstr "Locktime effectif. Veuillez patienter pour supprimer cette proposition de dépense" - +msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal" +msgstr "Locktime effectif. Veuillez patienter pour supprimer cette proposition de dépense" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html -msgid "Make a payment to" -msgstr "Faire un paiement à" - +msgid "Make a payment to" +msgstr "Faire un paiement à" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js -msgid "Matches:" -msgstr "Correspondances :" - +msgid "Matches:" +msgstr "Correspondances :" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "me" -msgstr "moi" - -#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "me" +msgstr "moi" + #: public/views/includes/copayers.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Me" -msgstr "Moi" - +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Me" +msgstr "Moi" + #: public/views/modals/paypro.html -msgid "Memo" -msgstr "Note" - -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Memo" +msgstr "Note" + #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -msgid "Merchant message" -msgstr "Message marchand" - +msgid "Merchant message" +msgstr "Message marchand" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html -msgid "Message" -msgstr "Message" - +msgid "Message" +msgstr "Message" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Missing private keys to sign" -msgstr "Clés privées manquantes pour signer" - -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "Paramètre manquant" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing private keys to sign" +msgstr "Clés privées manquantes pour signer" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -msgid "Moved" -msgstr "Déplacé" - +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Moved" +msgstr "Déplacés" + #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Multiple recipients" -msgstr "Plusieurs destinataires" - +msgid "Multiple recipients" +msgstr "Plusieurs destinataires" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "My Bitcoin address" -msgstr "Mon adresse Bitcoin" - -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "My contacts" -msgstr "Mes contacts" - -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "My wallets" -msgstr "Mes portefeuilles" - +msgid "My Bitcoin address" +msgstr "Mon adresse Bitcoin" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "My contacts" +msgstr "Mes contacts" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "My wallets" +msgstr "Mes portefeuilles" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Need to do backup" -msgstr "Vous devez faire une sauvegarde" - -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Needs backup" -msgstr "Sauvegarde requise" - +msgid "Need to do backup" +msgstr "Vous devez faire une sauvegarde" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Réseau" - +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Réseau" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Network connection error" -msgstr "Erreur de connexion réseau" - +msgid "Network connection error" +msgstr "Erreur de connexion réseau" + #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js -msgid "New Payment Proposal" -msgstr "Nouvelle proposition de paiement" - +msgid "New Payment Proposal" +msgstr "Nouvelle proposition de paiement" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "New Random Seed" -msgstr "Nouvelle graine aléatoire" - +msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Nouvelle phrase de récupération aléatoire" + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" -msgstr "Aucun portefeuille matériel pris en charge sur cet appareil" - +msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" +msgstr "Aucun portefeuille matériel pris en charge sur cet appareil" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "No transactions yet" -msgstr "Aucune transaction" - +msgid "No transactions yet" +msgstr "Aucune transaction" + #: src/js/services/feeService.js -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normale" - +msgid "Normal" +msgstr "Normaux" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Not authorized" -msgstr "Non autorisé" - +msgid "Not authorized" +msgstr "Non autorisé" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Not completed" -msgstr "Inachevée" - +msgid "Not completed" +msgstr "Inachevée" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Not enought funds for fee" -msgstr "Pas assez de fonds disponibles pour les frais" - -#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Not enough funds for fee" +msgstr "Pas assez de fonds pour les frais" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Not valid" -msgstr "Non valide" - #: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Not valid" +msgstr "Invalide" + #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Note" -msgstr "Note" - +msgid "Note" +msgstr "Note" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded" -msgstr "Note : un total de {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} a été exclu. La taille maximale autorisée d'une transaction a été dépassée" - +msgid "Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded" +msgstr "Note : un total de {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} a été exclu. La taille maximale autorisée d'une transaction a été dépassée" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." -msgstr "Note : un total de {{amountBelowFeeStr}} a été exclu. Ces fonds proviennent d'une entrée plus petite que les frais de réseau prévus." - +msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." +msgstr "Note : un total de {{amountBelowFeeStr}} a été exclu. Ces fonds proviennent d'une entrée plus petite que les frais de réseau prévus." + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." +msgstr "Remarque : Pour importer un portefeuille d’un autre logiciel que Copay, veuillez aller dans « Ajouter portefeuille » > « Créer » et spécifier la phrase de récupération." + #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/termOfUse.html -msgid "Official English Disclaimer" -msgstr "Clause de non-responsabilité anglaise officielle" - +msgid "Official English Disclaimer" +msgstr "Clause de non-responsabilité anglaise officielle" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "OKAY" +msgstr "OK" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." -msgstr "Une fois que vous avez écrit votre graine de portefeuille, il est recommandé de la supprimer de cet appareil." - +msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." +msgstr "Une fois que vous avez écrit votre phrase de récupération du portefeuille, il est recommandé de la supprimer de cet appareil." + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." -msgstr "Seules les adresses principales (pas celles de change) sont indiquées. Les adresses sur cette liste n'ont pas été vérifiées localement à ce moment." - +msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." +msgstr "Seules les adresses principales (pas celles de change) sont indiquées. Les adresses sur cette liste n'ont pas été vérifiées localement à ce moment." + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html -msgid "Open Settings app" -msgstr "Ouvrir les paramètres de l'appli" - +msgid "Open Settings app" +msgstr "Ouvrir les paramètres de l'appli" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "optional" -msgstr "optionnelle" - +msgid "optional" +msgstr "optionnelle" + #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" -msgstr "Clé privée du portefeuille de papier" - -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" +msgstr "Clé privée du portefeuille de papier" + #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Participants" -msgstr "Participants" - -#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Participants" +msgstr "Participants" + #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Passphrase" -msgstr "Phrase de passe" - +msgid "Passphrase" +msgstr "Phrase de passe" + +#: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html -msgid "Password" -msgstr "Mot de passe" - -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Password needed" -msgstr "Mot de passe requis" - -#: src/js/controllers/password.js -msgid "Passwords do not match" -msgstr "Le mot de passe ne correspond pas" - #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Paste invitation here" -msgstr "Collez l'invitation ici" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Paste the backup plain text code" -msgstr "Collez le code texte de sauvegarde" - #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Paste your paper wallet private key here" -msgstr "Collez ici votre clé privée du portefeuille de papier" - +msgid "Password" +msgstr "Mot de passe" + +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Paste invitation here" +msgstr "Collez l'invitation ici" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Paste the backup plain text code" +msgstr "Collez le code texte de sauvegarde" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Paste your paper wallet private key here" +msgstr "Collez ici votre clé privée du portefeuille de papier" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Pasted from clipboard" -msgstr "Collé depuis le presse-papier" - +msgid "Pasted from clipboard" +msgstr "Collé depuis le presse-papier" + #: public/views/modals/paypro.html -msgid "Pay To" -msgstr "Payer à" - +msgid "Pay To" +msgstr "Payer à" + #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html -msgid "Payment Accepted" -msgstr "Paiement accepté" - +msgid "Payment Accepted" +msgstr "Paiement accepté" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted" -msgstr "Paiement accepté, mais pas encore diffusé" - +msgid "Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted" +msgstr "Paiement accepté, mais pas encore diffusé" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created." -msgstr "Paiement accepté. Il sera diffusé par Glidera. Dans le cas où il y a un problème, il peut être supprimé 6 heures après avoir été créé." - +msgid "Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created." +msgstr "Paiement accepté. Il sera diffusé par Glidera. Dans le cas où il y a un problème, il peut être supprimé 6 heures après avoir été créé." + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Payment details" -msgstr "Détails du paiement" - +msgid "Payment details" +msgstr "Détails du paiement" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Payment expires" -msgstr "Paiement expiré" - +msgid "Payment expires" +msgstr "Paiement expiré" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Payment Proposal" -msgstr "Proposition de paiement" - +msgid "Payment Proposal" +msgstr "Proposition de paiement" + #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html -msgid "Payment Proposal Created" -msgstr "Proposition de paiement créée" - +msgid "Payment Proposal Created" +msgstr "Proposition de paiement créée" + #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js -msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected" -msgstr "Proposition de paiement rejetée" - +msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected" +msgstr "Proposition de paiement rejetée" + #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js -msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected by Copayer" -msgstr "Proposition de paiement rejetée par les Copayer" - +msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected by Copayer" +msgstr "Proposition de paiement rejetée par les Copayer" + #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js -msgid "Payment Proposal Signed by Copayer" -msgstr "Proposition de paiement signée par les Copayers" - +msgid "Payment Proposal Signed by Copayer" +msgstr "Proposition de paiement signée par les Copayers" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Payment Proposals" -msgstr "Propositions de paiement" - +msgid "Payment Proposals" +msgstr "Propositions de paiement" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Payment Protocol Invalid" -msgstr "Protocole de paiement invalide" - +msgid "Payment Protocol Invalid" +msgstr "Protocole de paiement invalide" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App" -msgstr "Le protocole de paiement n'est pas supporté sur l'application Chrome" - +msgid "Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App" +msgstr "Le protocole de paiement n'est pas supporté sur l'application Chrome" + #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Payment Rejected" -msgstr "Paiement rejeté" - +msgid "Payment Rejected" +msgstr "Paiement rejeté" + #: public/views/modals/paypro.html -msgid "Payment request" -msgstr "Demande de paiement" - +msgid "Payment request" +msgstr "Demande de paiement" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js -msgid "Payment Sent" -msgstr "Paiement envoyé" - +msgid "Payment Sent" +msgstr "Paiement envoyé" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Payment to" -msgstr "Paiement à" - +msgid "Payment to" +msgstr "Paiement à" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Pending Confirmation" -msgstr "Confirmation en attente" - +msgid "Pending Confirmation" +msgstr "Confirmation en attente" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html -msgid "Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED" -msgstr "Supprimer définitivement ce portefeuille.
CETTE ACTION NE PEUT PAS ÊTRE ANNULÉE" - +msgid "Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED" +msgstr "Supprimer définitivement ce portefeuille.
CETTE ACTION NE PEUT PAS ÊTRE ANNULÉE" + #: public/views/create.html #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Personal Wallet" -msgstr "Portefeuille personnel" - +msgid "Personal Wallet" +msgstr "Portefeuille personnel" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" -msgstr "Veuillez accepter d'exporter deux clés publiques depuis l'appli Trezor" - -#: src/js/controllers/create.js -#: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Please enter the required fields" -msgstr "Veuillez saisir les champs requis" - +msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" +msgstr "Veuillez accepter d'exporter deux clés publiques depuis l'appli Trezor" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Please enter the seed words" -msgstr "Veuillez saisir les mots de la graine" - +msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" +msgstr "Veuillez saisir la phrase de récupération" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Please enter the wallet seed" -msgstr "Veuillez saisir la graine de portefeuille" - +msgid "Please enter the required fields" +msgstr "Veuillez saisir les champs requis" + +#: src/js/controllers/create.js +#: src/js/controllers/join.js +msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Veuillez saisir la phrase de récupération du portefeuille" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." -msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner les mots afin de confirmer que votre phrase de sauvegarde est correctement écrite." - +msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." +msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner les mots afin de confirmer que votre phrase de sauvegarde est correctement écrite." + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Please upgrade Copay to perform this action" -msgstr "Veuillez mettre à jour Copay pour effectuer cette action" - +msgid "Please upgrade Copay to perform this action" +msgstr "Veuillez mettre à jour Copay pour effectuer cette action" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Please, select your backup file" -msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner votre fichier de sauvegarde" - +msgid "Please, select your backup file" +msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner votre fichier de sauvegarde" + #: src/js/controllers/export.js -msgid "Preparing backup..." -msgstr "Préparation de la sauvegarde..." - +msgid "Preparing backup..." +msgstr "Préparation de la sauvegarde..." + #: src/js/routes.js -msgid "Press again to exit" -msgstr "Appuyez de nouveau pour quitter" - +msgid "Press again to exit" +msgstr "Appuyez de nouveau pour quitter" + #: src/js/services/feeService.js -msgid "Priority" -msgstr "Prioritaire" - +msgid "Priority" +msgstr "Importants" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Private key is encrypted, cannot sign" -msgstr "La clé privée est chiffrée, impossible de signer" - +msgid "Private key is encrypted, cannot sign" +msgstr "La clé privée est chiffrée, impossible de signer" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html -msgid "Push notifications for Copay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app." -msgstr "Les notifications push de Copay sont actuellement désactivées. Activez-les dans les paramètres de l'appli." - +msgid "Push notifications for Copay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app." +msgstr "Les notifications push de Copay sont actuellement désactivées. Activez-les dans les paramètres de l'appli." + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -msgid "QR Code" -msgstr "Code QR" - +msgid "QR Code" +msgstr "Code QR" + #: public/views/modals/scanner.html -msgid "QR-Scanner" -msgstr "QR-Scanner" - +msgid "QR-Scanner" +msgstr "QR-Scanner" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js -msgid "Receive" -msgstr "Recevoir" - -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Receive" +msgstr "Recevoir" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -msgid "Received" -msgstr "Reçus" - -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Received" +msgstr "Reçus" + #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Recipients" -msgstr "Destinataire(s)" - +msgid "Recipients" +msgstr "Destinataire(s)" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." -msgstr "Reconnexion au service de portefeuille..." - +msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." +msgstr "Reconnexion au service de portefeuille..." + +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" +msgstr "Phrase de récupération supprimée" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Recreate" -msgstr "Recréer" - +msgid "Recreate" +msgstr "Recréer" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Recreating Wallet..." -msgstr "Recréation du portefeuille..." - +msgid "Recreating Wallet..." +msgstr "Recréation du portefeuille..." + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Reject" -msgstr "Rejeter" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Rejecting payment" -msgstr "Rejet du paiement" - +msgid "Reject" +msgstr "Rejeter" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html -msgid "Release Information" -msgstr "Informations de version" - -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Supprimer" - +msgid "Release Information" +msgstr "Informations de version" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Supprimer" + #: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat password" +msgstr "Confirmez le mot de passe" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat the password" +msgstr "Confirmez le mot de passe" + #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Repeat password" -msgstr "Confirmez le mot de passe" - -#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Repeat the spending password" +msgstr "Confirmez le code de dépenses" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -msgid "Request a specific amount" -msgstr "Demander un montant précis" - +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Request a specific amount" +msgstr "Demander un montant précis" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Request Password" -msgstr "Demander un mot de passe" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Demande de signature au portefeuille Ledger" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Trezor Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Demande de signature au portefeuille Trezor" - +msgid "Request Spending Password" +msgstr "Demander un code de dépenses" + #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Required" -msgstr "Requis" - +msgid "Required" +msgstr "Requis" + #: public/views/create.html -msgid "Required number of signatures" -msgstr "Nombre requis de signatures" - +msgid "Required number of signatures" +msgstr "Nombre requis de signatures" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Retrieving inputs information" -msgstr "Récupération des informations d'entrée" - +msgid "Retrieving inputs information" +msgstr "Récupération des informations d'entrée" + #: public/views/translators.html -msgid "Russian" -msgstr "Russe" - +msgid "Russian" +msgstr "Russe" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Enregistrer" - +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Enregistrer" + #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -msgid "Saving preferences..." -msgstr "Enregistrement des préférences..." - +msgid "Saving preferences..." +msgstr "Enregistrement des préférences..." + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Scan addresses for funds" -msgstr "Analyser les adresses pour des fonds" - +msgid "Scan addresses for funds" +msgstr "Analyser les adresses pour des fonds" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Scan Fingerprint" -msgstr "Scanner l'empreinte digitale" - +msgid "Scan Fingerprint" +msgstr "Scanner l'empreinte digitale" + #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js -msgid "Scan Finished" -msgstr "Analyse terminée" - +msgid "Scan Finished" +msgstr "Analyse terminée" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Scan status finished with error" -msgstr "Analyse terminée avec des erreurs" - +msgid "Scan status finished with error" +msgstr "Analyse terminée avec des erreurs" + #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" -msgstr "Analyser les fonds du portefeuille" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" -msgstr "Veuillez scanner votre empreinte digitale" - +msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" +msgstr "Analyser les fonds du portefeuille" + +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" +msgstr "Veuillez scanner votre empreinte digitale" + #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Scanning wallet funds..." -msgstr "Analyse des fonds du portefeuille..." - +msgid "Scanning wallet funds..." +msgstr "Analyse des fonds du portefeuille..." + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." -msgstr "Analyse des fonds du portefeuille..." - -#: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Search transactions" -msgstr "Rechercher des transactions" - +msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." +msgstr "Analyse des fonds du portefeuille..." + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search transactions" +msgstr "Rechercher des transactions" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search Transactions" +msgstr "Rechercher des transactions" + #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Security preferences" -msgstr "Préférences de sécurité" - -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Security preferences" +msgstr "Préférences de sécurité" + #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -msgid "See it on the blockchain" -msgstr "Voir sur la chaîne de blocs" - +msgid "See it on the blockchain" +msgstr "Voir sur la blockchain" + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Seed passphrase" -msgstr "Phrase de passe de la graine" - -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Phrase de passe de la graine" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Select a backup file" -msgstr "Sélectionner un fichier de sauvegarde" - +msgid "Select a backup file" +msgstr "Sélectionner un fichier de sauvegarde" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html -msgid "Select a wallet" -msgstr "Sélectionner un portefeuille" - +msgid "Select a wallet" +msgstr "Sélectionner un portefeuille" + #: public/views/modals/paypro.html -msgid "Self-signed Certificate" -msgstr "Certificat auto-signé" - +msgid "Self-signed Certificate" +msgstr "Certificat auto-signé" + #: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/controllers/index.js -msgid "Send" -msgstr "Envoyer" - +msgid "Send" +msgstr "Envoyer" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Send addresses by email" -msgstr "Envoyer les adresses par e-mail" - +msgid "Send addresses by email" +msgstr "Envoyer les adresses par e-mail" + #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -msgid "Send bitcoin" -msgstr "Envoyer les bitcoins" - +msgid "Send bitcoin" +msgstr "Envoyer les bitcoins" + #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/preferencesLogs.html -msgid "Send by email" -msgstr "Envoyer par e-mail" - +msgid "Send by email" +msgstr "Envoyer par e-mail" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Send Max" -msgstr "Envoyer le maximum" - +msgid "Send Max" +msgstr "Envoyer le maximum" + #: public/views/includes/transaction.html -msgid "Sending" -msgstr "Envoi" - +msgid "Sending" +msgstr "Envoi" + #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Sending funds..." -msgstr "Envoi des fonds..." - +msgid "Sending funds..." +msgstr "Envoi des fonds..." + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Sending transaction" -msgstr "Envoi de la transaction" - -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Sending transaction" +msgstr "Envoi de la transaction" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html -msgid "Sent" -msgstr "Envoyés" - +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Sent" +msgstr "Envoyés" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html -msgid "Server" -msgstr "Serveur" - +msgid "Server" +msgstr "Serveur" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Server response could not be verified" -msgstr "La réponse du serveur n'a pas pu être vérifiée" - +msgid "Server response could not be verified" +msgstr "La réponse du serveur n'a pas pu être vérifiée" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html -msgid "Session log" -msgstr "Journal de session" - +msgid "Session log" +msgstr "Journal de session" + #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "SET" -msgstr "APPLIQUER" - +msgid "SET" +msgstr "DÉFINIR" + #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html -msgid "Set default url" -msgstr "Définir l'url par défaut" - -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Set up a password" -msgstr "Spécifiez un mot de passe" - +msgid "Set default url" +msgstr "Définir l'url par défaut" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "Set up an Export Password" -msgstr "Définir un mot de passe d'exportation" - +msgid "Set up a password" +msgstr "Spécifiez un mot de passe" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Set up a spending password" +msgstr "Configurer un code de dépenses" + #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." -msgstr "Appliquer des notifications e-mail peut affaiblir votre vie privée si le fournisseur du service de portefeuille est compromis. Les informations disponibles à un attaquant incluent les adresses de votre portefeuille et leurs soldes, mais rien de plus." - -#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." +msgstr "Configurer des notifications e-mail peut affaiblir votre anonymat si le fournisseur du service de portefeuille est compromis. Les informations disponibles à un attaquant incluent les adresses de votre portefeuille et leurs soldes, mais rien de plus." + #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Paramètres" - #: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -msgid "Share address" -msgstr "Partager l'adresse" - -#: public/views/copayers.html -msgid "Share invitation" -msgstr "Partager l'invitation" - -#: public/views/copayers.html -msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" -msgstr "Partagez cette invitation avec vos copayers" - #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." -msgstr "Partagez cette adresse de portefeuille pour recevoir des paiements. Pour protéger votre anonymat, de nouvelles adresses sont générées automatiquement une fois que vous les utilisez." - +msgid "Share address" +msgstr "Partager l'adresse" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +msgid "Share invitation" +msgstr "Partager l'invitation" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" +msgstr "Partagez cette invitation avec vos copayers" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" +msgstr "Partagez cette adresse de portefeuille pour recevoir des paiements" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." +msgstr "Partagez cette adresse de portefeuille pour recevoir des paiements. Pour protéger votre anonymat, de nouvelles adresses sont générées automatiquement une fois que vous les utilisez." + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Shared Wallet" -msgstr "Portefeuille partagé" - +msgid "Shared Wallet" +msgstr "Portefeuille partagé" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Show advanced options" -msgstr "Afficher les options avancées" - -#: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Show more" -msgstr "En afficher plus" - +msgid "Show advanced options" +msgstr "Afficher les options avancées" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Show Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Afficher la graine de portefeuille" - +msgid "Show Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Afficher la phrase de récupération du portefeuille" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Signatures rejected by server" -msgstr "Signatures rejetées par le serveur" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Signing payment" -msgstr "Signature du paiement" - +msgid "Signatures rejected by server" +msgstr "Signatures rejetées par le serveur" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Signing transaction" +msgstr "Signature de la transaction" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Single Address Wallet" +msgstr "Adresse unique de portefeuille" + #: public/views/translators.html -msgid "Spanish" -msgstr "Espagnol" - +msgid "Spanish" +msgstr "Espagnol" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Specify Seed..." -msgstr "Spécification de la graine..." - +msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." +msgstr "Spécifier la phrase de récupération..." + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" -msgstr "La proposition de dépense n'est pas acceptée" - +msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" +msgstr "La proposition de dépense n'est pas acceptée" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Spend proposal not found" -msgstr "Propostion de dépense introuvable" - +msgid "Spend proposal not found" +msgstr "Propostion de dépense introuvable" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spending Password needed" +msgstr "Code de dépenses requis" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" +msgstr "Les codes de dépenses ne correspondent pas" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js -msgid "Success" -msgstr "Succès" - +msgid "Success" +msgstr "Succès" + +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Super Economy" +msgstr "Infimes" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html -msgid "Sweep paper wallet" -msgstr "Balayer un portefeuille de papier" - +msgid "Sweep paper wallet" +msgstr "Balayer un portefeuille de papier" + #: public/views/paperWallet.html -msgid "Sweep Wallet" -msgstr "Balayer un portefeuille" - +msgid "Sweep Wallet" +msgstr "Balayer un portefeuille" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Tap to retry" -msgstr "Tapotez pour réessayer" - +msgid "Tap and hold to show" +msgstr "Appuyez et maintenez pour afficher" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap to retry" +msgstr "Tapotez pour réessayer" + #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html -msgid "Terms of Use" -msgstr "Conditions d'utilisation" - +msgid "Terms of Use" +msgstr "Conditions d'utilisation" + #: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." -msgstr "Les auteurs de ce logiciel, employés et sociétés affiliés à BitPay, détenteurs de droits d'auteur, et BitPay, Inc. ne peuvent pas récupérer vos clés privées ou mots de passe si vous les perdez et ne peuvent pas garantir la confirmation des transactions étant donné qu'ils n'ont pas de contrôle sur le réseau Bitcoin." - +msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." +msgstr "Les auteurs de ce logiciel, employés et sociétés affiliés à BitPay, détenteurs de droits d'auteur, et BitPay, Inc. ne peuvent pas récupérer vos clés privées ou mots de passe si vous les perdez et ne peuvent pas garantir la confirmation des transactions étant donné qu'ils n'ont pas de contrôle sur le réseau Bitcoin." + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The derivation path" +msgstr "Le chemin de dérivation" + #: src/js/services/ledger.js -msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" -msgstr "L'application Ledger pour Chrome n'est pas installée" - +msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" +msgstr "L'application Ledger pour Chrome n'est pas installée" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" +msgstr "Le mot de passe de la phrase de récupération (si configuré)" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" -msgstr "Le paiement a été créé mais n'a pas pu être achevé. Veuillez réessayer depuis l'écran d'accueil" - +msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" +msgstr "Le paiement a été créé mais n'a pas pu être achevé. Veuillez réessayer depuis l'écran d'accueil" + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "The payment was removed by creator" -msgstr "Le paiement a été supprimé par le créateur" - -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive." -msgstr "La clé privée de ce portefeuille est chiffrée. L'exportation conserve le chiffrement dans l'archive exportée." - -#: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" -msgstr "La demande n'a pas été comprise par le serveur" - +msgid "The payment was removed by creator" +msgstr "Le paiement a été supprimé par le créateur" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "The seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "La graine pourrait exiger une phrase de passe pour être importée" - -#: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." -msgstr "Le logiciel ne constitue pas un compte où BitPay, ou des tiers, agissent comme des intermédiaires financiers ou dépositaires de vos bitcoins." - -#: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet." -msgstr "Le logiciel que vous êtes sur le point d'utiliser fonctionne comme un portefeuille numérique gratuit, open source et multi-signatures." - +msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "La phrase de récupération pourrait demander un mot de passe pour être importée" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "The spend proposal is not pending" -msgstr "La proposition de dépense n'est pas en attente" - +msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" +msgstr "La demande n'a pas été comprise par le serveur" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." +msgstr "Le logiciel ne constitue pas un compte où BitPay, ou des tiers, agissent comme des intermédiaires financiers ou dépositaires de vos bitcoins." + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet." +msgstr "Le logiciel que vous êtes sur le point d'utiliser fonctionne comme un portefeuille numérique gratuit, open source et multi-signatures." + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "The spend proposal is not pending" +msgstr "La proposition de dépense n'est pas en attente" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js -msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" -msgstr "Le portefeuille \"{{walletName}}\" a été supprimé" - +msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" +msgstr "Le portefeuille \"{{walletName}}\" a été supprimé" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "La phrase de récupération du portefeuille pourrait demander un mot de passe pour être importée" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The wallet service URL" +msgstr "L’URL du service de portefeuille" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html -msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" -msgstr "Il n'y a pas de portefeuilles pour faire ce paiement" - +msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" +msgstr "Il n'y a pas de portefeuilles pour faire ce paiement" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js -msgid "There is a new version of Copay. Please update" -msgstr "Il y a une nouvelle version de Copay. Veuillez mettre à jour" - +msgid "There is a new version of Copay. Please update" +msgstr "Il y a une nouvelle version de Copay. Veuillez mettre à jour" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "There is an error in the form" -msgstr "Il y a une erreur dans la forme" - +msgid "There is an error in the form" +msgstr "Il y a une erreur dans la forme" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed." -msgstr "Cette graine a été créée avec une phrase de passe. Pour récupérer ce portefeuille, le mnémonique et la phrase de passe sont nécessaires." - -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." +msgstr "Cette phrase de récupération a été créée avec un mot de passe. Pour récupérer ce portefeuille, la phrase de récupération et le mot de passe sont requis." + #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." -msgstr "Cette transaction est devenue invalide ; il s'agit peut-être d'une tentative de double dépense." - +msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." +msgstr "Cette transaction est devenue invalide ; il s'agit peut-être d'une tentative de double dépense." + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information." -msgstr "Ce portefeuille n'est pas enregistré dans le Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS) donné. Vous pouvez le recréer depuis l'information locale." - +msgid "This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information." +msgstr "Ce portefeuille n'est pas enregistré dans le Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS) donné. Vous pouvez le recréer depuis l'information locale." + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Ancienneté" - -#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Time" +msgstr "Ancienneté" + #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "To" -msgstr "À" - +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "To" +msgstr "À" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need" -msgstr "Pour restaurer ce portefeuille partagé {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} vous aurez besoin de" - +msgid "To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need" +msgstr "Pour restaurer ce portefeuille partagé {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} vous aurez besoin de" + #: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement." -msgstr "Dans toute la mesure permise par la loi, ce logiciel est fourni “tel quel” et aucune représentation ou garantie ne peut être faite de toute nature, expresse ou implicite, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, aux garanties de qualité marchande, à la conformité ou à un usage particulier et absent de contrefaçon." - +msgid "To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement." +msgstr "Dans toute la mesure permise par la loi, ce logiciel est fourni “tel quel” et aucune représentation ou garantie ne peut être faite de toute nature, expresse ou implicite, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, aux garanties de qualité marchande, à la conformité ou à un usage particulier et absent de contrefaçon." + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "too long!" -msgstr "trop long !" - +msgid "too long!" +msgstr "trop long !" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Total Locked Balance" -msgstr "Solde verrouillé total" - +msgid "Total Locked Balance" +msgstr "Solde verrouillé total" + #: public/views/create.html -msgid "Total number of copayers" -msgstr "Nombre total de copayers" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Touch ID Failed" -msgstr "Touch ID a échoué" - -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Total number of copayers" +msgstr "Nombre total de copayers" + +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Touch ID Failed" +msgstr "Touch ID a échoué" + #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -msgid "Transaction" -msgstr "Transaction" - +msgid "Transaction" +msgstr "Transaction" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Transaction already broadcasted" -msgstr "Transaction déjà diffusée" - +msgid "Transaction already broadcasted" +msgstr "Transaction déjà diffusée" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html -msgid "Transaction History" -msgstr "Historique des transactions" - +msgid "Transaction History" +msgstr "Historique des transactions" + #: public/views/translators.html -msgid "Translation Credits" -msgstr "Crédits de traduction" - +msgid "Translation Credits" +msgstr "Crédits de traduction" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html -msgid "Translators" -msgstr "Traducteurs" - +msgid "Translators" +msgstr "Traducteurs" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Try again" -msgstr "Réessayer" - +msgid "Try again" +msgstr "Réessayer" + #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Type the Seed Phrase (usually 12 words)" -msgstr "Écrivez la phrase de graine (généralement de 12 mots)" - -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" +msgstr "Saisissez la phrase de récupération (généralement 12 mots)" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -msgid "Unconfirmed" -msgstr "Non confirmée" - +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Unconfirmed" +msgstr "Non confirmée" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html -msgid "Unit" -msgstr "Unité" - +msgid "Unit" +msgstr "Unité" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Unsent transactions" -msgstr "Transactions non envoyées" - +msgid "Unsent transactions" +msgstr "Transactions non envoyées" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Updating transaction history. Please stand by." -msgstr "Mise à jour de l'historique des transactions. Veuillez patienter." - +msgid "Updating transaction history. Please stand by." +msgstr "Mise à jour de l'historique des transactions. Veuillez patienter." + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Updating Wallet..." -msgstr "Mise à jour du portefeuille..." - +msgid "Updating Wallet..." +msgstr "Mise à jour du portefeuille..." + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html -msgid "Use Unconfirmed Funds" -msgstr "Utiliser les fonds non confirmés" - +msgid "Use Unconfirmed Funds" +msgstr "Utiliser les fonds non confirmés" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html -msgid "Username" -msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur" - +msgid "Username" +msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html -msgid "Version" -msgstr "Version" - +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Version" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "View" -msgstr "Voir" - +msgid "View" +msgstr "Voir" + #: public/views/copayers.html -msgid "Waiting for copayers" -msgstr "Attente des copayers" - +msgid "Waiting for copayers" +msgstr "Attente des copayers" + #: public/views/copayers.html -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Attente..." - +msgid "Waiting..." +msgstr "Attente..." + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet already exists" -msgstr "Le portefeuille existe déjà" - +msgid "Wallet already exists" +msgstr "Le portefeuille existe déjà" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" -msgstr "Portefeuille déjà importé :" - +msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" +msgstr "Portefeuille déjà importé :" + #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wallet already in Copay:" -msgstr "Portefeuille déjà existant dans Copay :" - +msgid "Wallet already in Copay" +msgstr "Le portefeuille existe déjà dans Copay" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" -msgstr "Configuration du portefeuille (m-n)" - +msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" +msgstr "Configuration du portefeuille (m-n)" + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "Wallet Export" -msgstr "Exportation du portefeuille" - +msgid "Wallet Export" +msgstr "Exportation du portefeuille" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Wallet Id" -msgstr "Id du portefeuille" - +msgid "Wallet Id" +msgstr "Id du portefeuille" + #: public/views/copayers.html -msgid "Wallet incomplete and broken" -msgstr "Portefeuille incomplet et cassé " - +msgid "Wallet incomplete and broken" +msgstr "Portefeuille incomplet et cassé " + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Wallet Information" -msgstr "Informations du portefeuille" - +msgid "Wallet Information" +msgstr "Informations du portefeuille" + #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Invitation" -msgstr "Invitation de portefeuille" - +msgid "Wallet Invitation" +msgstr "Invitation de portefeuille" + #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Invitation is not valid!" -msgstr "L'invitation de portefeuille n'est pas valide !" - +msgid "Wallet Invitation is not valid!" +msgstr "L'invitation de portefeuille n'est pas valide !" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet is full" -msgstr "Le portefeuille est plein" - +msgid "Wallet is full" +msgstr "Le portefeuille est plein" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet is locked" -msgstr "Le portefeuille est verrouillé" - +msgid "Wallet is locked" +msgstr "Le portefeuille est verrouillé" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet is not complete" -msgstr "Le portefeuille n'est pas complet" - +msgid "Wallet is not complete" +msgstr "Le portefeuille n'est pas complet" + #: public/views/create.html -msgid "Wallet name" -msgstr "Nom du portefeuille" - +msgid "Wallet name" +msgstr "Nom du portefeuille" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" -msgstr "Nom du portefeuille (à la création)" - +msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" +msgstr "Nom du portefeuille (à la création)" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet needs backup" +msgstr "Le portefeuille a besoin d'une sauvegarde" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html -msgid "Wallet Network" -msgstr "Réseau du portefeuille" - +msgid "Wallet Network" +msgstr "Réseau du portefeuille" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet not found" -msgstr "Portefeuille introuvable" - +msgid "Wallet not found" +msgstr "Portefeuille introuvable" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed" -msgstr "Le portefeuille n'est pas enregistré au Wallet Service. Vous pouvez le recréer depuis « Créer » en utilisant les « Options avancées » pour appliquer votre graine" - +msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" +msgstr "Le portefeuille n'est pas enregistré au Wallet Service. Vous pouvez le recréer depuis « Créer » en utilisant les « Options avancées » pour configurer votre phrase de récupération" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Graine" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "La graine de portefeuille pourrait exiger une phrase de passe pour être importée" - +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Phrase de récupération" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet seed is invalid" -msgstr "La graine de portefeuille est invalide" - +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" +msgstr "La phrase de récupération du portefeuille est invalide" + #: public/views/backup.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." -msgstr "La graine de portefeuille n'est pas disponible. Vous pouvez toujours l'exporter depuis les Paramètres avancés > Exporter." - +msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." +msgstr "La phrase de récupération du portefeuille n'est pas disponible. Vous pouvez toujours l'exporter depuis les « Paramètres avancés » > « Exporter »." + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet service not found" -msgstr "Wallet Service introuvable" - +msgid "Wallet service not found" +msgstr "Wallet Service introuvable" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." +msgstr "ATTENTION : La dérivation de la clé ne fonctionne pas sur cet appareil / portefeuille. Impossible d’effectuer des actions sur ce portefeuille." + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." -msgstr "ATTENTION : Ne pas inclure la clé privée permet de vérifier le solde du portefeuille, l'historique des transactions, et de créer des demandes de dépenses depuis l'exportation. Cependant, cela ne permet pas d'approuver (signer) les propositions et les fonds ne seront pas accessibles depuis l'exportation." - +msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." +msgstr "ATTENTION : Ne pas inclure la clé privée permet de vérifier le solde du portefeuille, l'historique des transactions, et de créer des demandes de dépenses depuis le fichier exporté. Cependant, cela ne permet pas d'approuver (signer) les propositions et les fonds ne seront pas accessibles depuis le fichier exporté." + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase." -msgstr "ATTENTION : La phrase de passe ne peut être récupérée. Veillez l'écrire sur papier. Le portefeuille ne peut pas être restauré sans la phrase de passe." - +msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." +msgstr "ATTENTION : Le mot de passe ne peut pas être récupéré. Veillez l'écrire sur papier. Le portefeuille ne peut pas être restauré sans le mot de passe." + #: public/views/export.html -msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." -msgstr "ATTENTION : La clé privée de ce portefeuille n'est pas disponible. L'exportation permet de vérifier le solde du portefeuille, l'historique des transactions, et de créer des propositions de dépenses depuis l'exportation. Cependant, cela ne permet pas d'approuver (signer) les propositions et les fonds ne seront pas accessibles depuis l'exportation." - +msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." +msgstr "ATTENTION : La clé privée de ce portefeuille n'est pas disponible. L'exportation permet de vérifier le solde du portefeuille, l'historique des transactions, et de créer des propositions de dépenses depuis le fichier exporté. Cependant, cela ne permet pas d'approuver (signer) les propositions et les fonds ne seront pas accessibles depuis le fichier exporté." + #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html -msgid "Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs" -msgstr "ATTENTION : Cette transaction a des entrées non confirmées" - +msgid "Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs" +msgstr "ATTENTION : Cette transaction a des entrées non confirmées" + #: public/views/modals/paypro.html -msgid "WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE" -msgstr "ATTENTION : CERTIFICAT NON APPROUVÉ" - +msgid "WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE" +msgstr "ATTENTION : CERTIFICAT NON APPROUVÉ" + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "WARNING: Wallet not registered" -msgstr "ATTENTION : Portefeuille non enregistré" - +msgid "WARNING: Wallet not registered" +msgstr "ATTENTION : Portefeuille non enregistré" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Warning!" -msgstr "Attention !" - +msgid "Warning!" +msgstr "Attention !" + #: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time." -msgstr "Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier cette clause de non-responsabilité de temps à autre." - +msgid "We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time." +msgstr "Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier cette clause de non-responsabilité de temps à autre." + #: public/views/disclaimer.html -msgid "WELCOME TO COPAY" -msgstr "BIENVENUE SUR COPAY" - +msgid "WELCOME TO COPAY" +msgstr "BIENVENUE SUR COPAY" + #: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software." -msgstr "Bien que le logiciel ait subi des tests bêta et continue d'être amélioré par les retours d'utilisateurs et de développeurs de la communauté open source, nous ne pouvons pas garantir qu'il n'y aura plus de bugs dans le logiciel." - +msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software." +msgstr "Bien que le logiciel ait subi des tests bêta et continue d'être amélioré par les retours d'utilisateurs et de développeurs de la communauté open source, nous ne pouvons pas garantir qu'il n'y aura plus de bugs dans le logiciel." + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Write your wallet seed" -msgstr "Écrivez votre graine de portefeuille" - +msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Écrivez votre phrase de récupération du portefeuille" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Wrong number of seed words:" -msgstr "Nombre incorrect de mots de graine :" - -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wrong password" -msgstr "Mauvais mot de passe" - +msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" +msgstr "Nombre incorrect de mots de récupération :" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wrong spending password" +msgstr "Code de dépenses incorrect" + #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Oui" - +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Oui" + #: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws." -msgstr "Vous reconnaissez que votre utilisation de ce logiciel est à votre propre discrétion et est en conformité avec toutes les lois applicables." - +msgid "You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws." +msgstr "Vous reconnaissez que votre utilisation de ce logiciel est à votre propre discrétion et est en conformité avec toutes les lois applicables." + #: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software." -msgstr "Vous êtes responsable de la sauvegarde de vos mots de passe, paires de clés privées, codes PIN et autres codes que vous utilisez pour accéder au logiciel." - +msgid "You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software." +msgstr "Vous êtes responsable de la sauvegarde de vos mots de passe, paires de clés privées, codes PIN et autres codes que vous utilisez pour accéder au logiciel." + #: public/views/includes/terms.html -msgid "You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software." -msgstr "Vous assumez tous les risques associés à l'utilisation du logiciel." - +msgid "You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software." +msgstr "Vous assumez tous les risques associés à l'utilisation du logiciel." + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time." -msgstr "Vous avez sauvegardé votre portefeuille. Vous pouvez maintenant restaurer ce portefeuille à n'importe quel moment." - +msgid "You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time." +msgstr "Vous avez sauvegardé votre portefeuille. Vous pouvez maintenant restaurer ce portefeuille à n'importe quel moment." + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time." -msgstr "Vous pouvez installer en toute sécurité votre portefeuille sur un autre appareil et l'utiliser à partir de plusieurs périphériques en même temps." - +msgid "You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time." +msgstr "Vous pouvez installer en toute sécurité votre portefeuille sur un autre appareil et l'utiliser à partir de plusieurs périphériques en même temps." + #: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "You do not have a wallet" -msgstr "Vous n'avez aucun portefeuille" - +msgid "You do not have a wallet" +msgstr "Vous n'avez aucun portefeuille" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." -msgstr "Vous avez besoin de la graine de portefeuille pour restaurer ce portefeuille personnel. Notez-la et conservez-la dans un endroit sûr." - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Your backup password" -msgstr "Votre mot de passe de sauvegarde" - -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Your export password" -msgstr "Votre mot de passe d'exportation" - +msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." +msgstr "Vous avez besoin de la phrase de récupération du portefeuille pour restaurer ce portefeuille personnel. Notez-la et conservez-la dans un endroit sûr." + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Your nickname" -msgstr "Votre surnom" - -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Your password" -msgstr "Votre mot de passe" - +msgid "Your nickname" +msgstr "Votre surnom" + +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Your password" +msgstr "Votre mot de passe" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html -msgid "Your profile password" -msgstr "Votre mot de passe de profil" - -#: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" -msgstr "Votre portefeuille a été correctement importé" - +msgid "Your profile password" +msgstr "Votre mot de passe de profil" + #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" -msgstr "La clé de votre portefeuille sera chiffrée. Le mot de passe ne peut pas être récupéré. N'oubliez pas de l'écrire" - +msgid "Your spending password" +msgstr "Votre code de dépenses" + +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" +msgstr "Votre portefeuille a été correctement importé" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" +msgstr "La clé de votre portefeuille sera chiffrée. Le code de dépenses ne peut pas être récupéré. N'oubliez pas de l'écrire" + #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." -msgstr "Votre graine de portefeuille et l'accès au serveur qui a coordonné la création du portefeuille initial. Vous avez encore besoin de {{index.m}} clés pour dépenser." - +msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." +msgstr "Votre phrase de récupération du portefeuille et l'accès au serveur qui a coordonné la création du portefeuille initial. Vous avez encore besoin de {{index.m}} clés pour dépenser." + diff --git a/i18n/po/it.po b/i18n/po/it.po index 1dfda93d0..6dd1bb2b5 100644 --- a/i18n/po/it.po +++ b/i18n/po/it.po @@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ msgstr "" "Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" "Language-Team: Italian\n" "Language: it\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-01 21:57-0400\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-09 07:47-0400\n" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "(possible double spend)" msgstr "(possibile doppia spesa)" @@ -22,14 +23,22 @@ msgstr "(possibile doppia spesa)" msgid "(Trusted)" msgstr "(Fidato)" -#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -msgid "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} of the transaction" -msgstr "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} della transazione" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "[Balance Hidden]" +msgstr "[Fondi Nascosti]" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" msgstr "{{fee}} verranno detratti come commissione del network" +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +msgstr "{{feeRateStr}} della transazione" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more" +msgstr "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} altre" + #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" @@ -56,21 +65,25 @@ msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS msgstr "Se perdi l'accesso al tuo portafoglio COPAY o tuo crittografato chiavi PRIVATE e non hai archiviato separatamente una copia di BACKUP del vostro portafoglio e la corrispondente PASSWORD, tu riconosci e accetti che qualsiasi BITCOIN associato con quel portafoglio COPAY diventerà inaccessibile." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers)." -msgstr "1 wallet esporta file e il restante quorum di wallet resta disponibile (ad esempio in un 3-5wallet: 1 wallet esporta file + 2 wallet resta disponibile a qualsiasi altro copayers)." +msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." +msgstr "O 1 file di portafoglio esportato e il restante quorum di frasi di recupero portafoglio (ad esempio in un 3-5 portafogli: 1 file di portafoglio esportato + 2 frasi di recupero portafoglio di qualsiasi degli altri copayers)." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "Il wallet resta disponibile per tutti i copayers nel wallet" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "O la frase di recupero di portafoglio di tutti i copayers nel portafoglio" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "Il wallet resta disponibile per tutti i copayers nel wallet" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "O le frasi di recupero di portafoglio di tutti i copayers nel portafoglio" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" msgstr "Un portafoglio bitcoin multifirma" +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "A spending password is set for this wallet. Exporting keeps the spending password in the export archive." +msgstr "In questo portafoglio è impostata una password di spesa. L'esportazione mantiene la password di spesa nell'archivio esportato." + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "About Copay" msgstr "Circa Copay" @@ -98,28 +111,33 @@ msgstr "Numero del Conto" msgid "Activity" msgstr "Attività" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "Aggiungi una nuova voce" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add a Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Aggiungi una frase segreta" +msgid "Add a Password" +msgstr "Aggiungi una Password" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed" -msgstr "Aggiungi una frase segreta per proteggere al meglio il tuo seme" +msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" +msgstr "Aggiungere una password facoltativa per proteggere la frase di recupero" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Add comment" +msgstr "Aggiungi commento" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Add wallet" msgstr "Aggiungi un portafoglio" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Address" msgstr "Indirizzo" @@ -151,10 +169,10 @@ msgstr "Tutte le richieste di transazione sono irreversibili." msgid "Alternative Currency" msgstr "Valuta alternativa" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount" msgstr "Ammontare" @@ -162,20 +180,24 @@ msgstr "Ammontare" msgid "Amount below dust threshold" msgstr "Importo inferiore alla soglia di prelievo" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount in" msgstr "Importo in" #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?" -msgstr "Sei realmente sicuro di voler rimuovere le parole che hai precedentemente salvato?" +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" +msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la frase di recupero?" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo portafoglio?" +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "Auditable" +msgstr "Controllabile" + #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "Available Balance" msgstr "Saldo disponibile" @@ -185,9 +207,6 @@ msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" msgstr "Tempo medio di conferma: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minuti" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Back" msgstr "Indietro" @@ -207,10 +226,6 @@ msgstr "Backup necessario" msgid "Backup now" msgstr "Esegui backup ora" -#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Backup words deleted" -msgstr "Le parole di backup sono state rimosse" - #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Bad wallet invitation" msgstr "Invito al wallet non corretto" @@ -223,6 +238,10 @@ msgstr "Bilancio per indirizzo" msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." msgstr "Prima di ricevere del denaro, è necessario eseguire un salvataggio del tuo portafoglio. In caso di smarrimento, sarà impossibile recuperare il tuo portafoglio senza un salvataggio." +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" +msgstr "BETA: Test di derivazione di chiave Android:" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html @@ -250,10 +269,6 @@ msgid "Broadcast Payment" msgstr "Diffusione del Pagamento" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Broadcasting Payment" -msgstr "Diffondendo il Pagamento" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js msgid "Broadcasting transaction" msgstr "Diffondendo la transazione" @@ -262,17 +277,19 @@ msgid "Browser unsupported" msgstr "Browser non supportato" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Buy & Sell Bitcoin" -msgstr "Compra/Vendi Bitcoin" +msgid "Buy & Sell" +msgstr "Compra & Vendi" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Calculating fee" msgstr "Calcolo commissione" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js @@ -280,10 +297,6 @@ msgstr "Calcolo commissione" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annulla" -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "CANCEL" -msgstr "Annulla" - #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" msgstr "Cancella e rimuovi il portafoglio" @@ -317,10 +330,13 @@ msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "Svuota la cache" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Close" msgstr "Chiudi" @@ -328,6 +344,10 @@ msgstr "Chiudi" msgid "Color" msgstr "Colore" +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "Commento" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Commit hash" msgstr "Commit hash" @@ -341,10 +361,9 @@ msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Conferma" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Confirm your wallet seed" -msgstr "Conferma il seme del tuo portafoglio" +msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Confermare la vostra frase di recupero del portafoglio" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "Conferme" @@ -404,16 +423,19 @@ msgstr "Copia questo testo cosí com'è in un posto sicuro (blocco note o email) msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Copia negli appunti" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Could not accept payment" -msgstr "Impossibile accettare il pagamento" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" +msgstr "Non può accedere al portafoglio sul server. Si prega di controllare:" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not access wallet" +msgstr "Impossibile accedere al portafoglio" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" msgstr "Impossibile accedere al Wallet Service: non trovato" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not broadcast payment" msgstr "Impossibile trasmettere il pagamento" @@ -438,8 +460,8 @@ msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" msgstr "Non è possibile creare usando questa chiave estesa pubblica" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet seed" -msgstr "Non è possibile creare: seme del portafoglio non valido" +msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Impossibile creare: Frase di recupero portafoglio non valida" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js msgid "Could not decrypt" @@ -447,9 +469,9 @@ msgstr "Impossibile decriptare" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" -msgstr "Impossibile decrittografare il file, controlla la tua password" +msgstr "Impossibile decifrare il file, controlla la tua password" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" msgstr "Impossibile eliminare la proposta di pagamento" @@ -466,8 +488,8 @@ msgid "Could not import" msgstr "Impossibile importare" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password" -msgstr "Impossibile importare. Verifica file importato e password" +msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" +msgstr "Impossibile importare. Controlla il file da importare e la password di spesa" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not join wallet" @@ -477,7 +499,7 @@ msgstr "Impossibile partecipare al portafoglio" msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" msgstr "Impossibile riconoscere un Codice QR Bitcoin valido" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not reject payment" msgstr "Impossibile rifiutare il pagamento" @@ -523,7 +545,6 @@ msgstr "Creazione Portafoglio..." msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" msgstr "Tassa corrente per questa policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" @@ -541,8 +562,12 @@ msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" msgstr "Elimina Proposta di Pagamento" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Delete seed words" -msgstr "Cancellare le parole seme" +msgid "Delete recovery phrase" +msgstr "Elimina frase di recupero" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Elimina Frase di Recupero" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Delete wallet" @@ -552,14 +577,6 @@ msgstr "Elimina portafoglio" msgid "Delete Wallet" msgstr "Elimina Portafoglio" -#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Delete words" -msgstr "Eliminare le parole" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Deleting payment" -msgstr "Eliminazione portafoglio" - #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Deleting Wallet..." msgstr "Eliminazione del portafoglio..." @@ -574,7 +591,12 @@ msgstr "Percorso derivato" msgid "Derivation Strategy" msgstr "Strategia di derivazione" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Descrizione" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html @@ -594,7 +616,7 @@ msgstr "Non includere la chiave privata" msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." msgstr "Non vedi la tua lingua su Crowdin? Contatta il proprietario su Crowdin! Ci piacerebbe supportare la lingua." -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Done" msgstr "Fatto" @@ -606,10 +628,19 @@ msgstr "Download" msgid "Economy" msgstr "Economia" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Edit" msgstr "Modifica" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edit comment" +msgstr "Modifica commento" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edited by" +msgstr "Modificato da" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" @@ -626,6 +657,14 @@ msgstr "Notifiche Email" msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." msgstr "Raggiunto il limite degli indirizzi vuoti. Non possono essere generati nuovi indirizzi." +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" +msgstr "Abilitare servizio Coinbase" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Glidera Service" +msgstr "Abilitare servizio Glidera" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable push notifications" msgstr "Abilitare le notifiche push" @@ -636,17 +675,17 @@ msgstr "Backup criptato salvato" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Enter the seed words (BIP39)" -msgstr "Digita le parole seme (BIP39)" +msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" +msgstr "Inserire la frase di recupero (BIP39)" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Enter your passphrase" -msgstr "Inserisci la tua passphrase" - -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Enter your password" msgstr "Inserisci la tua password" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Enter your spending password" +msgstr "Inserisci la tua password di spesa" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Error at Wallet Service" msgstr "Errore del Wallet Service" @@ -676,6 +715,10 @@ msgstr "Opzioni di esportazione" msgid "Export to file" msgstr "Esporta in un file" +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file [preparing...]" +msgstr "Esportazione su file [preparazione...]" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Export Wallet" msgstr "Esporta portafoglio" @@ -701,7 +744,6 @@ msgid "Family vacation funds" msgstr "Fondi vacanza di famiglia" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Fee" @@ -716,10 +758,18 @@ msgstr "Recuperando le informazioni del pagamento" msgid "File/Text Backup" msgstr "Backup File/Testo" +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Finger Scan Failed" +msgstr "Scansione dito fallita" + #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Finish" msgstr "Fine" +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "For audit purposes" +msgstr "Per finalità di controllo" + #: public/views/translators.html msgid "French" msgstr "Francese" @@ -756,7 +806,7 @@ msgstr "Genera un file .csv..." msgid "German" msgstr "Tedesco" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." msgstr "Ottengo l'indirizzo per il portafoglio {{selectedWalletName}}..." @@ -768,6 +818,10 @@ msgstr "Preferenze globali" msgid "Hardware wallet" msgstr "Portafoglio hardware" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Hardware Wallet" +msgstr "Portafoglio Hardware" + #: public/views/import.html msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" msgstr "Hai un Backup da Copay v0.9?" @@ -820,8 +874,8 @@ msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates o msgstr "In nessun caso gli autori del software, dipendenti e affiliati di Bitpay, detentori del copyright o BitPay, Inc potranno essere ritenuti responsabili per qualsiasi danno o altra responsabilità, sia in un'azione di contratto, torto, o altro, derivanti da, su o in relazione al software." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your passphrase:" -msgstr "Per verificare il backup del tuo portafoglio, inserire la passphrase:" +msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" +msgstr "Per verificare il backup del tuo portafoglio, inserire la password:" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Include address book and history cache" @@ -839,6 +893,7 @@ msgstr "Fondi insufficienti" msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" msgstr "Fondi insufficienti per la commissione" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Invalido" @@ -892,7 +947,7 @@ msgstr "Unendo al portafoglio..." msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" msgstr "Chiave già associata ad un portafoglio esistente" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Label" msgstr "Etichetta" @@ -940,11 +995,10 @@ msgstr "Corrispondenze:" msgid "me" msgstr "io" -#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html #: public/views/includes/copayers.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Me" msgstr "Io" @@ -952,7 +1006,6 @@ msgstr "Io" msgid "Memo" msgstr "Nota" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Merchant message" msgstr "Messaggio commerciale" @@ -961,13 +1014,17 @@ msgstr "Messaggio commerciale" msgid "Message" msgstr "Messaggio" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "Parametro mancante" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Missing private keys to sign" msgstr "Chiavi private per la firma mancanti" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Moved" msgstr "Spostato" @@ -980,11 +1037,11 @@ msgstr "Più destinatari" msgid "My Bitcoin address" msgstr "Il mio indirizzo Bitcoin" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My contacts" msgstr "I miei contatti" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My wallets" msgstr "I miei portafogli" @@ -992,10 +1049,6 @@ msgstr "I miei portafogli" msgid "Need to do backup" msgstr "Necessario eseguire backup" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Needs backup" -msgstr "Richiede backup" - #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Network" msgstr "Network" @@ -1010,8 +1063,8 @@ msgstr "Nuova proposta di pagamento" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "New Random Seed" -msgstr "Nuovo seme casuale" +msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Nuova Frase Casuale di Recupero" #: public/views/import.html msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" @@ -1034,20 +1087,16 @@ msgid "Not completed" msgstr "Non completato" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Not enought funds for fee" +msgid "Not enough funds for fee" msgstr "Non ci sono abbastanza fondi per la commissione" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Not valid" msgstr "Non valido" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Note" msgstr "Nota" @@ -1059,14 +1108,22 @@ msgstr "Nota: un totale di {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} sono stati esclusi. È stat msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." msgstr "Nota: un totale di {{amountBelowFeeStr}} sono stati esclusi. Questi fondi provengono da UTXO inferiori rispetto alla tariffa di rete richiesta." +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." +msgstr "Nota: Per importare un portafoglio da un software di terze parti, si prega di andare in Aggiungi portafoglio > Crea portafoglio, e specificare la frase di recupero." + #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/termOfUse.html msgid "Official English Disclaimer" msgstr "Dichiarazione di esclusione di responsabilità ufficiale in inglese" +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "OKAY" +msgstr "VA BENE" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." -msgstr "Una volta che avrete copiato il seme del portafoglio su un foglio di carta, si consiglia di cancellarlo da questo dispositivo." +msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." +msgstr "Una volta che avrai copiato la tua frase di recupero portafoglio su un foglio di carta, si consiglia di cancellarla da questo dispositivo." #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." @@ -1084,30 +1141,23 @@ msgstr "opzionale" msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" msgstr "Chiave privata del Paper Wallet" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Participants" msgstr "Partecipanti" -#: public/views/import.html #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Passphrase" +#: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html +#: public/views/join.html +#: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Password" msgstr "Password" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Password needed" -msgstr "Password necessaria" - -#: src/js/controllers/password.js -msgid "Passwords do not match" -msgstr "Le passwords non corrispondono" - #: public/views/join.html msgid "Paste invitation here" msgstr "Incolla qui l'invito" @@ -1216,19 +1266,19 @@ msgstr "Portafoglio Personale" msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" msgstr "Vi prego di accettare per esportare due chiavi pubbliche dall'app Trezor" +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" +msgstr "Si prega di inserire la frase di recupero" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the required fields" msgstr "Per favore completa i campi richiesti" -#: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Please enter the seed words" -msgstr "Si prega di inserire le parole seme" - #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Please enter the wallet seed" -msgstr "Per favore, inserisci il seme del tuo portafogli" +msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Si prega di inserire la frase di recupero del portafoglio" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." @@ -1274,13 +1324,12 @@ msgstr "QR-Scanner" msgid "Receive" msgstr "Ricevi" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Received" msgstr "Ricevuti" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Recipients" @@ -1290,6 +1339,10 @@ msgstr "Destinatari" msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." msgstr "Riconnessione al Servizio Portafoglio..." +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" +msgstr "Frase di recupero eliminata" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreate" msgstr "Ricrea" @@ -1302,39 +1355,34 @@ msgstr "Ricreando Portafoglio..." msgid "Reject" msgstr "Rifiuta" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Rejecting payment" -msgstr "Rifiutando il pagamento" - #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Release Information" msgstr "Informazioni Release" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Remove" msgstr "Rimuovere" #: public/views/export.html -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "Ripeti password" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat the password" +msgstr "Ripeti la password" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Repeat the spending password" +msgstr "Ripetere la password di spesa" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Request a specific amount" msgstr "Richiedi un importo specifico" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Request Password" -msgstr "Richiesta Password" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Richiesta del libro mastro di portafoglio in fase di firma" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Trezor Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Richiesta del portafoglio Trezor in fase di firma" +msgid "Request Spending Password" +msgstr "Richiedere Password di spesa" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Required" @@ -1352,10 +1400,11 @@ msgstr "Recupero delle informazioni iniziali" msgid "Russian" msgstr "Russo" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Save" msgstr "Salva" @@ -1383,7 +1432,7 @@ msgstr "La scansione è terminata con un errore" msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" msgstr "Scansione dei fondi del portafoglio" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" msgstr "Per cortesia procedere alla scansione dell'impronta digitale" @@ -1395,28 +1444,22 @@ msgstr "Scansione dei fondi del portafoglio..." msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." msgstr "Scansione fondi Portafoglio..." -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "Search transactions" msgstr "Ricerca transazioni" +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search Transactions" +msgstr "Cerca Transazioni" + #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Security preferences" msgstr "Preferenze di sicurezza" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "See it on the blockchain" msgstr "Guardala nella blockchain" -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Seed passphrase" -msgstr "Seme passphrase" - -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Seme Passphrase" - #: public/views/import.html msgid "Select a backup file" msgstr "Seleziona un file di backup" @@ -1463,10 +1506,10 @@ msgstr "Invio di fondi..." msgid "Sending transaction" msgstr "Invio transazione" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Sent" msgstr "Inviato" @@ -1490,25 +1533,25 @@ msgstr "IMPOSTA" msgid "Set default url" msgstr "Imposta url predefinito" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html msgid "Set up a password" msgstr "Imposta una password" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Set up an Export Password" -msgstr "Impostare una Password in esportazione" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Set up a spending password" +msgstr "Impostare una password di spesa" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." msgstr "Impostando le notifiche e-mail potrebbe indebolire la tua privacy se il provider di servizio del portafoglio è compromesso. Le informazioni disponibili ad un utente malintenzionato potrebbero includere l'indirizzo del tuo portafoglio e il suo saldo, ma non di più." -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share address" msgstr "Condividi l'indirizzo" @@ -1520,6 +1563,10 @@ msgstr "Condividi l'invito" msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" msgstr "Condividi questo invito con i tuoi copayers" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" +msgstr "Condividere questo indirizzo di portafoglio per ricevere pagamenti" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." msgstr "Condividi questo indirizzo del portafoglio per ricevere pagamenti. Per proteggere la tua privacy, ad ogni utilizzo sono generati nuovi indirizzi." @@ -1535,21 +1582,21 @@ msgstr "Portafoglio Condiviso" msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "Mostra opzioni avanzate" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Show more" -msgstr "Mostra di più" - #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Show Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Mostra seme portafoglio" +msgid "Show Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Visualizza frase di recupero del portafoglio" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Signatures rejected by server" msgstr "Firme rifiutate dal server" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Signing payment" -msgstr "Sto firmando il pagamento" +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Signing transaction" +msgstr "Firmando transazione" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Single Address Wallet" +msgstr "Singolo indirizzo di portafoglio" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Spanish" @@ -1557,8 +1604,8 @@ msgstr "Spagnolo" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Specify Seed..." -msgstr "Specificare il Seed..." +msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." +msgstr "Specificare la frase di recupero..." #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" @@ -1568,6 +1615,14 @@ msgstr "La proposta di pagamento non è accettata" msgid "Spend proposal not found" msgstr "Proposta di pagamento non trovata" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spending Password needed" +msgstr "Necessaria password di spesa" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" +msgstr "Le password di spesa non combaciano" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js @@ -1575,6 +1630,10 @@ msgstr "Proposta di pagamento non trovata" msgid "Success" msgstr "Completato" +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Super Economy" +msgstr "Super Economica" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Sweep paper wallet" msgstr "Spazzare il portafoglio di carta" @@ -1583,6 +1642,10 @@ msgstr "Spazzare il portafoglio di carta" msgid "Sweep Wallet" msgstr "Portafoglio Sweep" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap and hold to show" +msgstr "Toccare e tenere premuto per mostrare" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap to retry" msgstr "Tocca per riprovare" @@ -1596,10 +1659,18 @@ msgstr "Termini di Utilizzo" msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." msgstr "Gli autori del software, dipendenti e affiliati di Bitpay, detentori del copyright e BitPay, Inc non possono recuperare la tua password o chiave privata se si perde o si dimentica e non può garantire la conferma della transazione poiché non hanno controllo della rete Bitcoin." +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The derivation path" +msgstr "Il percorso di derivazione" + #: src/js/services/ledger.js msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" msgstr "Non è installata l'applicazione di contabilità Chrome" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" +msgstr "La password della frase recupero (se impostata)" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "Il pagamento è stato creato ma è stato impossibile completarlo. Per favore prova di nuovo dalla schermata iniziale" @@ -1608,19 +1679,15 @@ msgstr "Il pagamento è stato creato ma è stato impossibile completarlo. Per fa msgid "The payment was removed by creator" msgstr "Il pagamento è stato rimosso dal creatore" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive." -msgstr "La chiave privata di questo portafoglio è criptata. L'esportazione del backup manterrà la chiave privata criptata nell'archivio backup." +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "La frase di recupero potrebbe richiedere una password per essere importata" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" msgstr "La richiesta potrebbe non essere compresa dal server" -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "The seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Il seme potrebbe richiedere una frase segreta per essere importato" - #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." msgstr "Il software non costituisce un account dove BitPay o altre terze parti servono come intermediari finanziari o custodi dei tuoi bitcoin." @@ -1638,6 +1705,14 @@ msgstr "La proposta di pagamento non è in sospeso" msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" msgstr "Il portafoglio {{walletName}} è stato eliminato" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "La frase di recupero portafoglio potrebbe richiedere una password per essere importata" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The wallet service URL" +msgstr "L'URL del servizio di portafoglio" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" msgstr "Non ci sono portafogli per effettuare questo pagamento" @@ -1651,10 +1726,9 @@ msgid "There is an error in the form" msgstr "C'è un errore nel form" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed." -msgstr "Questo seme è stato creato con una frase segreta. Per recuperare questo portafoglio sono necessari sia il carattere mnemonico che la frase segreta." +msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." +msgstr "Questa frase di recupero è stata creata con una password. Per recuperare questo portafoglio sono necessari sia la frase di recupero e che la password." -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." msgstr "Questa transazione è diventata invalida; forse a causa di un tentativo di doppia spesa." @@ -1667,11 +1741,10 @@ msgstr "Questo portafoglio non è registrato al Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). Pu msgid "Time" msgstr "Tempo" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "To" msgstr "A" @@ -1695,11 +1768,10 @@ msgstr "Totale Importo Bloccato" msgid "Total number of copayers" msgstr "Numero totale di copayer" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Touch ID Failed" msgstr "Touch ID Fallito" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Transaction" msgstr "Transazione" @@ -1725,12 +1797,12 @@ msgid "Try again" msgstr "Riprova" #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Type the Seed Phrase (usually 12 words)" -msgstr "Digitare la frase segreta (tipicamente 12 parole)" +msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" +msgstr "Digitare la Frase di Recupero (tipicamente 12 parole)" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "Non confermato" @@ -1783,8 +1855,8 @@ msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" msgstr "Portafoglio già importato:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wallet already in Copay:" -msgstr "Portafoglio già in Copay:" +msgid "Wallet already in Copay" +msgstr "Portafoglio già in Copay" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" @@ -1835,6 +1907,10 @@ msgstr "Nome Portafoglio" msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" msgstr "Nome portafoglio (al momento della creazione)" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet needs backup" +msgstr "Il portafoglio richiede password" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Network" msgstr "Portafoglio di rete" @@ -1844,40 +1920,40 @@ msgid "Wallet not found" msgstr "Portafoglio non trovato" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed" -msgstr "Portafoglio non registrato presso il servizio di portafoglio. Ricrearlo da \"Creare portafoglio\" tramite \"Opzioni avanzate\" per impostare il tuo seme" +msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" +msgstr "Portafoglio non registrato presso il servizio di portafoglio. Ricrearlo da \"Creare portafoglio\" tramite \"Opzioni avanzate\" per impostare la tua frase di recupero" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Id portafoglio" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Il seme potrebbe richiedere una frase segreta per essere importato" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Frase di recupero del portafoglio" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet seed is invalid" -msgstr "Seme di portafoglio non valido" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" +msgstr "Frase di recupero del portafoglio non è valida" #: public/views/backup.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." -msgstr "Seme di portafoglio non disponibile. È comunque possibile esportare da \"Avanzate\" > \"Esporta\"." +msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." +msgstr "Frase di recupero del portafoglio non disponibile. È comunque possibile esportarla da Avanzate > Esporta." #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet service not found" msgstr "Wallet service non trovato" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." +msgstr "ATTENZIONE: La derivazione della chiave non funziona su questo dispositivo/portafoglio. Le operazioni non possono essere eseguite su questo portafoglio." + #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "AVVISO: L'esclusione della chiave privata permette di controllare il bilancio del portafoglio, la cronologia delle transazioni e creare proposte di spesa dall'esportazione. Tuttavia, non consente di approvare le proposte (firma), così fondi non saranno accessibili dall'esportazione." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase." -msgstr "AVVISO: La frase segreta non può essere recuperata. Assicuratevi di scriverla. Il portafoglio non può essere ripristinato senza la frase segreta." +msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." +msgstr "ATTENZIONE: La password non può essere recuperata. Assicurati di scrivertela. Il portafoglio non può essere ripristinato senza la password." #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." @@ -1913,16 +1989,16 @@ msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improve msgstr "Mentre il software è stato sottoposto a test beta e continua a essere migliorato da un feedback dall'utente open source e comunità di sviluppatori, non possiamo garantire che non ci sarà nessun bug nel software." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Write your wallet seed" -msgstr "Digita il seme del tuo portafoglio" +msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Scrivi la tua frase di recupero del portafoglio" #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Wrong number of seed words:" -msgstr "Numero errato di parole di seme:" +msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" +msgstr "Numero errato delle parole di recupero:" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wrong password" -msgstr "Password sbagliata" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wrong spending password" +msgstr "Password per spesa errata" #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html msgid "Yes" @@ -1953,23 +2029,16 @@ msgid "You do not have a wallet" msgstr "Non hai un portafoglio" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." -msgstr "Devi avere il seme di portafoglio per ripristinare questo portafoglio personale. Scriverlo e tenerlo in un posto sicuro." - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Your backup password" -msgstr "La tua password di backup" - -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Your export password" -msgstr "La password di esportazione" +msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." +msgstr "Devi avere la frase di recupero portafoglio per ripristinare questo portafoglio personale. Scrivitela e tienila in un posto sicuro." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Your nickname" msgstr "Il tuo nickname" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/import.html msgid "Your password" msgstr "La tua password" @@ -1977,15 +2046,19 @@ msgstr "La tua password" msgid "Your profile password" msgstr "La tua password del profilo" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your spending password" +msgstr "La tua password di spesa" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" msgstr "Il tuo portafoglio è stato importato correttamente" #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" -msgstr "La chiave del tuo portafoglio verrà crittografata. La Password non può essere recuperata. Assicuratevi di scriverla su di un foglio di carta" +msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" +msgstr "La chiave del tuo portafoglio verrà crittografata. La Password di Spesa non può essere recuperata. Assicurati quindi di scriverla su di un foglio di carta" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." -msgstr "Il tuo seme portafoglio e accesso al server ha coordinato la creazione iniziale del portafoglio. Hai ancora bisogno di chiavi {{index.m}} prima di spendere." +msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." +msgstr "La tua frase di recupero portafoglio e accesso al server che ha coordinato la creazione iniziale del portafoglio. Hai ancora bisogno delle chiavi {{index.m}} prima di spendere." diff --git a/i18n/po/ja.po b/i18n/po/ja.po index cb78ebc37..96d5d7477 100644 --- a/i18n/po/ja.po +++ b/i18n/po/ja.po @@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ msgstr "" "Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" "Language-Team: Japanese\n" "Language: ja\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-14 12:16-0400\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-09 07:47-0400\n" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "(possible double spend)" msgstr "(二重払い可能性あり)" @@ -22,14 +23,22 @@ msgstr "(二重払い可能性あり)" msgid "(Trusted)" msgstr "(信頼済み)" -#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -msgid "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} of the transaction" -msgstr "{{confirm.feeRateStr}}のレート" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "[Balance Hidden]" +msgstr "[残高非表示中]" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" msgstr "{{fee}} のビットコインネットワーク手数料が差し引かれます。" +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +msgstr "{{feeRateStr}} のレート" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more" +msgstr "あと {{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}}" + #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" @@ -56,21 +65,25 @@ msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS msgstr "Copayウォレットとその中にある秘密鍵の情報を紛失してしまい、尚且つバックアップが無い、若しくはそのバックアップを暗号化した際のパスワードが分からないなどの状況に陥ってしまえば、そのウォレットに含まれた全てのビットコインが永久送金不可能となってしまうことを認識し、同意するものとします。" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers)." +msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." msgstr "または 従来ウォレットエクスポートファイル1つに加えて残りの必須人数の復元フレーズ (例: 3-of-5 ウォレットでは従来ウォレットバックアップ1つに加え、他の参加者2人分の復元フレーズさえあればウォレットは復元できます)" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" msgstr "または 参加者 全員 のウォレット復元フレーズ" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" msgstr "または 参加者 全員 のウォレット復元フレーズ" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" msgstr "マルチシグネチャビットコインウォレット" +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "A spending password is set for this wallet. Exporting keeps the spending password in the export archive." +msgstr "このウォレットには送金時のパスワードが掛かっています。エクスポートされたバックアップにも引き続きかかっておりますので、送金時のパスワードを忘れないで下さい。" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "About Copay" msgstr "Copayについて" @@ -98,28 +111,33 @@ msgstr "ポケット番号" msgid "Activity" msgstr "履歴" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "新規追加" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add a Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "復元フレーズ用のパスワードを追加" +msgid "Add a Password" +msgstr "パスワードを追加" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed" +msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" msgstr "フレーズを守るために任意のパスワードをかけて下さい" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Add comment" +msgstr "コメントを追加" + #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Add wallet" msgstr "ウォレットを追加" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Address" msgstr "アドレス" @@ -151,10 +169,10 @@ msgstr "署名が完了してしまった取引は取り消しが不可能とな msgid "Alternative Currency" msgstr "表示通貨" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount" msgstr "金額" @@ -162,13 +180,13 @@ msgstr "金額" msgid "Amount below dust threshold" msgstr "最小送金額を下回っています。" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount in" msgstr "換算済金額" #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?" +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" msgstr "復元フレーズを削除してもよろしいですか?" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js @@ -177,6 +195,10 @@ msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" msgstr "本当にこのウォレットを削除しても\n" "宜しいですか?" +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "Auditable" +msgstr "監査用" + #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "Available Balance" msgstr "送金可能残高" @@ -186,9 +208,6 @@ msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" msgstr "承認までの時間(平均): {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} 分" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Back" msgstr "戻る" @@ -208,10 +227,6 @@ msgstr "要バックアップ" msgid "Backup now" msgstr "今すぐバックアップ" -#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Backup words deleted" -msgstr "復元フレーズを削除しました。" - #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Bad wallet invitation" msgstr "不正なウォレット招待コード" @@ -224,6 +239,10 @@ msgstr "アドレスごとの残高" msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." msgstr "お金を受け取る前に、このウォレットのバックアップを取っておくことを必ずしていただきます。一ウォレットごとにバックアップは一回です。バックアップを取らないまま、この端末が紛失・故障されてしまったら全残高が消失されてしまいます。" +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" +msgstr "β機能: アンドロイド鍵派生テスト" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html @@ -251,10 +270,6 @@ msgid "Broadcast Payment" msgstr "取引送信" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Broadcasting Payment" -msgstr "取引送信中" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js msgid "Broadcasting transaction" msgstr "取引送信中" @@ -263,17 +278,19 @@ msgid "Browser unsupported" msgstr "ブラウザ未対応" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Buy & Sell Bitcoin" -msgstr "ビットコインの購入&売却" +msgid "Buy & Sell" +msgstr "購入&売却" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Calculating fee" msgstr "手数料計算中..." -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js @@ -281,10 +298,6 @@ msgstr "手数料計算中..." msgid "Cancel" msgstr "キャンセル" -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "CANCEL" -msgstr "キャンセル" - #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" msgstr "キャンセルし、ウォレットを削除" @@ -318,10 +331,13 @@ msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "キャッシュを消去" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Close" msgstr "閉じる" @@ -329,6 +345,10 @@ msgstr "閉じる" msgid "Color" msgstr "色" +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "コメント" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Commit hash" msgstr "コミットのハッシュ値" @@ -342,10 +362,9 @@ msgid "Confirm" msgstr "確認" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Confirm your wallet seed" +msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズを確認" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "承認回数" @@ -405,16 +424,19 @@ msgstr "このテキストを安全な場所に貼り付けて保管して下さ msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "クリップボードへコピー" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Could not accept payment" -msgstr "送金を承認できませんでした。" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" +msgstr "サーバーにてウォレットの確認ができませんでした。こちらをご確認下さい:" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not access wallet" +msgstr "ウォレットにアクセスできませんでした。" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" msgstr "Wallet Serviceにアクセスできませんでした: 見つかりません" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not broadcast payment" msgstr "送金を配信できませんでした。" @@ -439,7 +461,7 @@ msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" msgstr "指定された拡張公開鍵で作成できませんでした。" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet seed" +msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" msgstr "作成できません:ウォレットの復元フレーズが不正です。" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js @@ -450,7 +472,7 @@ msgstr "解読できませんでした" msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" msgstr "複合化できませんでした。パスワードが正しいかご確認下さい。" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" msgstr "送金の提案を削除できませんでした" @@ -467,7 +489,7 @@ msgid "Could not import" msgstr "インポートできませんでした。" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password" +msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" msgstr "インポートできませんでした。入力ファイルとパスワードが正しいかご確認下さい。" #: src/js/services/profileService.js @@ -478,7 +500,7 @@ msgstr "ウォレットに参加できませんでした。" msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" msgstr "有効なビットコインQRコードが認識できませんでした。" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not reject payment" msgstr "送金を却下できませんでした。" @@ -524,7 +546,6 @@ msgstr "ウォレット作成中…" msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" msgstr "この手数料基準の現レート: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Date" msgstr "日付" @@ -542,8 +563,12 @@ msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" msgstr "送金の提案を削除" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Delete seed words" -msgstr "復元フレーズの単語を削除する" +msgid "Delete recovery phrase" +msgstr "復元フレーズを削除" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "復元フレーズを削除" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Delete wallet" @@ -553,14 +578,6 @@ msgstr "ウォレットを削除" msgid "Delete Wallet" msgstr "ウォレットを削除" -#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Delete words" -msgstr "単語データを削除する" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Deleting payment" -msgstr "取引削除中…" - #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Deleting Wallet..." msgstr "ウォレット削除中…" @@ -575,7 +592,12 @@ msgstr "派生パス" msgid "Derivation Strategy" msgstr "派生パス" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Description" +msgstr "詳細" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html @@ -595,7 +617,7 @@ msgstr "秘密鍵を含めない" msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." msgstr "ご自分の言語はCrowdinで見当たりませんか?Crowdinの管理者に連絡とってみてください。是非とも対応したく思っております。" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Done" msgstr "完了" @@ -607,10 +629,19 @@ msgstr "ダウンロード" msgid "Economy" msgstr "節約" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Edit" msgstr "編集" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edit comment" +msgstr "コメントを編集" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edited by" +msgstr "編集者" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Email" msgstr "メールアドレス" @@ -627,6 +658,14 @@ msgstr "メールのお知らせ" msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." msgstr "未使用アドレスを生成しすぎたため、これ以上アドレスを生成することができません。" +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" +msgstr "Coinbase連携を有効にする" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Glidera Service" +msgstr "Glidera連携を有効にする" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable push notifications" msgstr "プッシュ通知を有効化" @@ -637,17 +676,17 @@ msgstr "暗号化されたバックアップ保存しました" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Enter the seed words (BIP39)" +msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" msgstr "復元フレーズの単語をご入力下さい。" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Enter your passphrase" -msgstr "復元フレーズ用のパスワードを入力して下さい" - -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Enter your password" msgstr "パスワードを入力して下さい。" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Enter your spending password" +msgstr "パスワードを入力してください" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Error at Wallet Service" msgstr "Wallet Serviceにてエラー" @@ -677,6 +716,10 @@ msgstr "エクスポート設定" msgid "Export to file" msgstr "ファイルへのエクスポート" +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file [preparing...]" +msgstr "ファイルへエクスポート [preparing...]" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Export Wallet" msgstr "ウォレットをエクスポート" @@ -702,7 +745,6 @@ msgid "Family vacation funds" msgstr "家族旅行貯金" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Fee" @@ -717,10 +759,18 @@ msgstr "支払い情報要求しています…" msgid "File/Text Backup" msgstr "ファイル/テキストのバックアップから" +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Finger Scan Failed" +msgstr "指紋認証に失敗しました" + #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Finish" msgstr "完了" +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "For audit purposes" +msgstr "監査用機能" + #: public/views/translators.html msgid "French" msgstr "フランス語" @@ -757,7 +807,7 @@ msgstr "CSVファイル作成中…" msgid "German" msgstr "ドイツ語" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." msgstr "「{{selectedWalletName}}」のアドレスを取得中…" @@ -769,6 +819,10 @@ msgstr "アプリ設定" msgid "Hardware wallet" msgstr "ハードウェアウォレット" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Hardware Wallet" +msgstr "ハードウェアウォレット" + #: public/views/import.html msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" msgstr "Copay v0.9 のバックアップをお持ちですか?" @@ -821,7 +875,7 @@ msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates o msgstr "和訳は簡単な要約と考えて下さい。" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your passphrase:" +msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" msgstr "ウォレットのバックアップを確認するためには、復元フレーズ用のパスワードをご入力下さい。" #: public/views/export.html @@ -840,6 +894,7 @@ msgstr "残高不足" msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" msgstr "手数料付けるには残高が足りません" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Invalid" msgstr "無効" @@ -893,7 +948,7 @@ msgstr "ウォレット参加中…" msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" msgstr "この鍵は既存のウォレットにて登録されています" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Label" msgstr "ラベル" @@ -941,11 +996,10 @@ msgstr "結果:" msgid "me" msgstr "自分" -#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html #: public/views/includes/copayers.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Me" msgstr "自分" @@ -953,7 +1007,6 @@ msgstr "自分" msgid "Memo" msgstr "メモ" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Merchant message" msgstr "お店からのメッセージ:" @@ -962,13 +1015,17 @@ msgstr "お店からのメッセージ:" msgid "Message" msgstr "メッセージ" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "不足しているパラメータ" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Missing private keys to sign" msgstr "署名するための秘密鍵がありません。" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Moved" msgstr "移動済" @@ -981,11 +1038,11 @@ msgstr "複数送金先" msgid "My Bitcoin address" msgstr "私のビットコインアドレス:" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My contacts" msgstr "連絡先" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My wallets" msgstr "アプリ内ウォレット" @@ -993,10 +1050,6 @@ msgstr "アプリ内ウォレット" msgid "Need to do backup" msgstr "バックアップを行う必要があります。" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Needs backup" -msgstr "要バックアップ" - #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Network" msgstr "ネットワーク" @@ -1011,8 +1064,8 @@ msgstr "新しい送金の提案" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "New Random Seed" -msgstr "新規フレーズ作成" +msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "新規復元フレーズ" #: public/views/import.html msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" @@ -1035,20 +1088,16 @@ msgid "Not completed" msgstr "未完了" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Not enought funds for fee" +msgid "Not enough funds for fee" msgstr "手数料含めたら残高が不足しています。" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Not valid" msgstr "無効です" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Note" msgstr "メモ" @@ -1060,13 +1109,21 @@ msgstr "注意:合計{{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} を除外しました。取引 msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." msgstr "注意:合計 {{amountBelowFeeStr}} を除外しました。これらのビットコインは手数料よりも低い額となるため除外しました。" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." +msgstr "注意:他アプリのウォレットをインポートする場合、ウォレットを追加 > 新規ウォレット作成にて復元フレーズを指定するオプションを詳細設定にて有効にして下さい。" + #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/termOfUse.html msgid "Official English Disclaimer" msgstr "公式免責事項 (英語)" +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "OKAY" +msgstr "OK" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." +msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." msgstr "復元フレーズを控えたら、このデバイスから削除することをおすすめします。" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html @@ -1085,30 +1142,23 @@ msgstr "任意" msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" msgstr "ペーパーウォレット秘密鍵" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Participants" msgstr "参加者" -#: public/views/import.html #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "パスワード" +#: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html +#: public/views/join.html +#: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Password" msgstr "パスワード" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Password needed" -msgstr "パスワードが必要" - -#: src/js/controllers/password.js -msgid "Passwords do not match" -msgstr "パスワードが一致しません" - #: public/views/join.html msgid "Paste invitation here" msgstr "招待コードをこちらへ貼り付けて下さい" @@ -1218,19 +1268,19 @@ msgstr "個人用ウォレット" msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" msgstr "Trezorアプリにて承諾してください。公開鍵が二つがTrezorデバイスよりインポートされます。" +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" +msgstr "復元フレーズをご入力下さい" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the required fields" msgstr "必須項目をご入力下さい" -#: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Please enter the seed words" -msgstr "復元フレーズをご入力下さい" - #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Please enter the wallet seed" -msgstr "シード(復元)フレーズをご入力下さい" +msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "復元フレーズをご入力下さい" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." @@ -1276,13 +1326,12 @@ msgstr "QRコードを読み取って下さい" msgid "Receive" msgstr "受取" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Received" msgstr "受取済み" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Recipients" @@ -1292,6 +1341,10 @@ msgstr "受取人" msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." msgstr "Wallet Serviceへ再接続しています…" +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" +msgstr "復元フレーズ削除済み" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreate" msgstr "再登録" @@ -1304,39 +1357,34 @@ msgstr "ウォレットを再作成中…" msgid "Reject" msgstr "却下" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Rejecting payment" -msgstr "送金の提案却下中" - #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Release Information" msgstr "リリース情報" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Remove" msgstr "削除" #: public/views/export.html -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "パスワードを再入力" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat the password" +msgstr "パスワードの再入力" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Repeat the spending password" +msgstr "パスワードの再入力" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Request a specific amount" msgstr "指定金額を要求" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Request Password" -msgstr "パスワードをリクエスト" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Ledger Walletに署名を要求しています。" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Trezor Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Trezor Walletに署名を要求しています。" +msgid "Request Spending Password" +msgstr "送金時のパスワード入力" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Required" @@ -1354,10 +1402,11 @@ msgstr "入力情報の取得中" msgid "Russian" msgstr "ロシア語" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Save" msgstr "保存" @@ -1385,7 +1434,7 @@ msgstr "スキャンがエラーに終わりました" msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" msgstr "ウォレット残高照会" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" msgstr "指紋をスキャンしてください" @@ -1397,28 +1446,22 @@ msgstr "ウォレット残高照会中…" msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." msgstr "ウォレット残高照会中…" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "Search transactions" msgstr "取引を検索" +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search Transactions" +msgstr "取引を検索" + #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Security preferences" msgstr "セキュリティ設定" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "See it on the blockchain" msgstr "ブロックチェーンで詳細を閲覧" -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Seed passphrase" -msgstr "復元フレーズ用のパスワード" - -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "復元フレーズ用のパスワード" - #: public/views/import.html msgid "Select a backup file" msgstr "バックアップファイルを選択" @@ -1465,10 +1508,10 @@ msgstr "送金中..." msgid "Sending transaction" msgstr "取引送信中" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Sent" msgstr "送金済み" @@ -1492,25 +1535,25 @@ msgstr "指定" msgid "Set default url" msgstr "デフォルトURLに設定" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html msgid "Set up a password" msgstr "パスワードを設定" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Set up an Export Password" -msgstr "バックアップ用のパスワードを設定" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Set up a spending password" +msgstr "パスワードを設定" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." msgstr "メールのお知らせを有効にすると、悪意のあるサーバー運用者ならあなたの全てのアドレスとそれぞれの残高・履歴情報が把握できプライバシーの侵害に繋がる可能性があります。" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Settings" msgstr "設定" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share address" msgstr "アドレスを共有" @@ -1524,6 +1567,10 @@ msgstr "ウォレット参加者に\n" "この招待コードを\n" "送って下さい。" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" +msgstr "送金を受けるためにはこのウォレットアドレスを共有して下さい。" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." msgstr "これを人に共有することでビットコインを送ってもらうことができます。プライバシー向上の観点から、アドレスが1回でも使用されたら新しいアドレスが自動生成されます。" @@ -1539,21 +1586,21 @@ msgstr "共有ウォレットに参加" msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "詳細設定を表示" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Show more" -msgstr "もっと見る" - #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Show Wallet Seed" -msgstr "ウォレットの復元フレーズを表示" +msgid "Show Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "復元フレーズを表示" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Signatures rejected by server" msgstr "サーバーより署名が却下されました。" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Signing payment" -msgstr "送金の提案署名中" +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Signing transaction" +msgstr "取引署名中" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Single Address Wallet" +msgstr "単一アドレスウォレット" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Spanish" @@ -1561,8 +1608,8 @@ msgstr "スペイン語" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Specify Seed..." -msgstr "フレーズ指定…" +msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." +msgstr "復元フレーズを指定…" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" @@ -1572,6 +1619,14 @@ msgstr "送金の提案が受諾されませんでした。" msgid "Spend proposal not found" msgstr "送金の提案が見つかりませんでした。" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spending Password needed" +msgstr "パスワードが必要" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" +msgstr "パスワードが一致しません" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js @@ -1579,6 +1634,10 @@ msgstr "送金の提案が見つかりませんでした。" msgid "Success" msgstr "成功" +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Super Economy" +msgstr "超節約" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Sweep paper wallet" msgstr "ペーパーウォレットの全残高インポート" @@ -1587,6 +1646,10 @@ msgstr "ペーパーウォレットの全残高インポート" msgid "Sweep Wallet" msgstr "ウォレットの全残高インポート" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap and hold to show" +msgstr "長押しで表示" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap to retry" msgstr "タップしてやり直し" @@ -1600,10 +1663,18 @@ msgstr "利用規約" msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." msgstr "このソフトの開発者、BitPayの従業員とその関係者、著作権所有者、BitPay, Inc. 自体もパスワード・秘密鍵・パスワードなどへのアクセスが不可能なため、教えることがだきません、なお、ビットコインのネットワークへの影響が無いので、取引の取り消しや優先的な承認などはできません。" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The derivation path" +msgstr "派生パス" + #: src/js/services/ledger.js msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" msgstr "Ledgerのクロームアプリがインストールされていません。" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" +msgstr "復元フレーズ用のパスワード(設定してある場合のみ)" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "送金の提案は作成されましたが完了できませんでした。ホーム画面からやり直して下さい。" @@ -1612,19 +1683,15 @@ msgstr "送金の提案は作成されましたが完了できませんでした msgid "The payment was removed by creator" msgstr "送金の提案が作成者により削除されました" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive." -msgstr "このウォレットの秘密鍵が暗号化されています。バックアップをエクスポートすると秘密鍵が暗号化された状態でバックアップアーカイブとして守られます。" +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "復元フレーズにパスワードをかけることができるのでかけてある場合はインポート時に必要です。" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" msgstr "サーバーが要求を処理できませんでした。" -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "The seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "復元フレーズにパスワードをかけた場合、ここにパスワードを入力して下さい。" - #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." msgstr "BitPay, Inc. 若しくはその他の第三者がアクセス権限を管理する、若しくはデジタル資産の代理保管を行うサービスではありません。" @@ -1642,6 +1709,14 @@ msgstr "送金の提案が協議中ではありません。" msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" msgstr "ウォレット \"{{walletName}}\" が削除されました" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "復元フレーズにパスワードをかけることができるのでかけてある場合はインポート時に必要です。" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The wallet service URL" +msgstr "ウォレットサービスのURL" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" msgstr "送金可能なウォレットがありません" @@ -1655,10 +1730,9 @@ msgid "There is an error in the form" msgstr "フォームにエラーがありました" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed." +msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." msgstr "この復元フレーズにパスワードがかかっています。このウォレットを復元するためには、復元フレーズに加え、パスワードも必要です。" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." msgstr "この取引が無効になりました。二重払いの可能性があります。" @@ -1671,11 +1745,10 @@ msgstr "現在設定中のBitcore Wallet Service (BWS) サーバーにて、こ msgid "Time" msgstr "時刻" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "To" msgstr "宛先" @@ -1699,11 +1772,10 @@ msgstr "ロック中の残高" msgid "Total number of copayers" msgstr "参加人数を選択して下さい。" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Touch ID Failed" msgstr "Touch ID が失敗しました。" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Transaction" msgstr "取引" @@ -1729,12 +1801,12 @@ msgid "Try again" msgstr "もう一度やり直してください。" #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Type the Seed Phrase (usually 12 words)" +msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" msgstr "復元フレーズの単語 (通常 12 個) を入力して下さい。" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "未承認" @@ -1787,7 +1859,7 @@ msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" msgstr "ウォレットがすでにインポート済み:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wallet already in Copay:" +msgid "Wallet already in Copay" msgstr "Copay内の既存のウォレットです" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html @@ -1839,6 +1911,10 @@ msgstr "ウォレット名" msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" msgstr "ウォレット名 (作成時)" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet needs backup" +msgstr "ウォレットバックアップが必要" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Network" msgstr "ウォレットのネットワーク" @@ -1848,39 +1924,39 @@ msgid "Wallet not found" msgstr "ウォレットが見つかりません。" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed" +msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" msgstr "このウォレットは Wallet Service にて登録されていません。再び「新規作成」メニューから詳細設定を選び、復元フレーズをご入力下さい。" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Seed" -msgstr "ウォレットの復元フレーズ" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "復元フレーズにパスワードをかけることができるのでかけてある場合はインポート時に必要です。" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "復元フレーズ" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet seed is invalid" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" msgstr "ウォレットシードが不正です。" #: public/views/backup.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." +msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." msgstr "ウォレットの復元フレーズがありません。バックアップファイルの作成は「上級者向け」⇒「エクスポート」からアクセスできます。" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet service not found" msgstr "Wallet serviceが見つかりません。" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." +msgstr "注意:このデバイスでは鍵の派生がちゃんと動いておりません。このウォレットは正常に動作しません。" + #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "注意:このウォレットは秘密鍵がありません。残高の確認、取引履歴の確認、送金の提案ができます。しかし、送金の提案を承諾 (署名) できません。" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase." +msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." msgstr "注意:パスワードを復元することができませんしリセットできません。絶対に忘れないようにしてください。パスワードなしにこのバックアップファイルを復元することはできません。" #: public/views/export.html @@ -1917,15 +1993,15 @@ msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improve msgstr "このソフトは長いテスト期間を経てリリースしましたが、今後バグや不具合が見つからないという保障はございません。" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Write your wallet seed" +msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズを書き留めて下さい" #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Wrong number of seed words:" +msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" msgstr "単語の数が間違っています:" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wrong password" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wrong spending password" msgstr "不正なパスワード" #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html @@ -1957,23 +2033,16 @@ msgid "You do not have a wallet" msgstr "ウォレットがありません" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." +msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." msgstr "この個人用ウォレットを復元するには復元フレーズが必要です。紙などに書き留めておき、安全な場所で保管して下さい。" -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Your backup password" -msgstr "バックアップパスワード" - -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Your export password" -msgstr "バックアップパスワード" - #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Your nickname" msgstr "自分のハンドルネーム" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/import.html msgid "Your password" msgstr "パスワード" @@ -1981,15 +2050,19 @@ msgstr "パスワード" msgid "Your profile password" msgstr "プロフィールパスワード" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your spending password" +msgstr "送金時のパスワード" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" msgstr "ウォレットが正常にインポートされました。" #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" -msgstr "ウォレットの鍵が暗号化されます。Copayではパスワードをリセットしてくれる機能がありませんので、パスワードを忘れないよう、控えておいて下さい。" +msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" +msgstr "ウォレットの鍵が暗号化されます。Copayでは送金時のパスワードをリセットしてくれる機能がありませんので、パスワードを忘れないよう、控えておいて下さい。" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." +msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." msgstr "ウォレットの復元フレーズとそのウォレットが登録してあるサーバーへのアクセスが最低条件です。ただし、送金完了させるにはまだ {{index.m}} 個の鍵が他の参加者の間で持っていないといけませんので、他の参加者のバックアップも合わせてご確認下さい。" diff --git a/i18n/po/pl.po b/i18n/po/pl.po index ae1861277..164a84283 100644 --- a/i18n/po/pl.po +++ b/i18n/po/pl.po @@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ msgstr "" "Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" "Language-Team: Polish\n" "Language: pl\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-14 11:36-0400\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-09 10:19-0400\n" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "(possible double spend)" msgstr "(możliwa podwójna wypłata)" @@ -22,14 +23,22 @@ msgstr "(możliwa podwójna wypłata)" msgid "(Trusted)" msgstr "(Zaufany)" -#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -msgid "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} of the transaction" -msgstr "" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "[Balance Hidden]" +msgstr "[Balans Ukryty]" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" msgstr "{{fee}} zostanie potrącone jako prowizja sieci bitcoin" +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +msgstr "{{feeRateStr}} transakcji" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more" +msgstr "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} więcej" + #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" @@ -56,21 +65,25 @@ msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS msgstr "JEŚLI UŻYTKOWNIK STRACI DOSTĘP DO PORTFELA COPAY LUB ZASZYFROWANYCH KLUCZY PRYWATNYCH, A NIE MA ZAPISANEJ KOPII ZAPASOWEJ PORTFELA I HASŁA, PRZYJMUJE DO WIADOMOŚCI, ŻE JAKIEKOLWIEK POSIADANE BITCOINY ZWIĄZANE Z TYM PORTFELEM COPAY BĘDĄ NIEDOSTĘPNE." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers)." -msgstr "LUB 1 plik eksportu portfela i reszta wymaganych fraz odzyskiwania danych portfela (np. w portfelu 3-5: 1 plik eksportu portfela + 2 frazy odzyskiwania danych któregokolwiek z pozostałych współwłaścicieli portfela)." +msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." +msgstr "LUB 1 plik eksportu portfela i reszta wymaganych fraz odzyskiwania portfela (np. w portfelu 3-5: 1 plik eksportu portfela + 2 frazy odzyskiwania któregokolwiek z pozostałych współwłaścicieli portfela)." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "LUB fraza odzyskiwania danych wszystkich współwłaścicieli portfela" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "LUB frazy odzyskiwania wszystkich współwłaścicieli portfela" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "LUB frazy odzyskiwania danych wszystkich współwłaścicieli portfela" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "LUB fraz odzyskiwania wszystkich współwłaścicieli portfela" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" msgstr "Portfel bitcoin z multipodpisami" +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "A spending password is set for this wallet. Exporting keeps the spending password in the export archive." +msgstr "Dla tego portfela jest ustawione hasło wypłat. Eksportowanie zachowuje hasło wypłat w archiwum eksportu." + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "About Copay" msgstr "Informacje o Copay" @@ -98,28 +111,33 @@ msgstr "Numer konta" msgid "Activity" msgstr "Transakcje" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "Dodaj nowy wpis" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add a Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Dodaj hasło frazy odzyskiwania danych" +msgid "Add a Password" +msgstr "Dodaj hasło" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed" -msgstr "Dodaj opcjonalnie hasło w celu zabezpieczenia frazy odzyskiwania danych" +msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" +msgstr "Dodaj opcjonalne hasło do bezpiecznego odzyskiwania frazy" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Add comment" +msgstr "Dodaj komentarz" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Add wallet" msgstr "Dodaj portfel" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Address" msgstr "Adres" @@ -151,10 +169,10 @@ msgstr "Transakcji nie można wycofać." msgid "Alternative Currency" msgstr "Alternatywna waluta" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount" msgstr "Kwota" @@ -162,20 +180,24 @@ msgstr "Kwota" msgid "Amount below dust threshold" msgstr "Kwota poniżej progu" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount in" msgstr "Kwota w" #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?" -msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć słowa frazy?" +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" +msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć frazę?" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten portfel?" +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "Auditable" +msgstr "Weryfikowalny" + #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "Available Balance" msgstr "Dostępne saldo" @@ -185,9 +207,6 @@ msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" msgstr "Średni czas potwierdzenia: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minut" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Back" msgstr "Powrót" @@ -207,10 +226,6 @@ msgstr "Potrzebna kopia zapasowa" msgid "Backup now" msgstr "Utwórz kopię zapasową teraz" -#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Backup words deleted" -msgstr "Słowa kopii zapasowej usunięte" - #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Bad wallet invitation" msgstr "Nieprawidłowe zaproszenie" @@ -223,6 +238,10 @@ msgstr "Saldo wg adresu" msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." msgstr "Przed otrzymaniem środków, konieczne jest wykonanie kopii zapasowej portfela. Jeśli utracisz to urządzenie, dostęp do funduszy bez kopii zapasowej będzie niemożliwy." +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" +msgstr "BETA: Test Android Key Derivation:" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html @@ -250,10 +269,6 @@ msgid "Broadcast Payment" msgstr "Przekaż płatność" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Broadcasting Payment" -msgstr "Przekazywanie płatności" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js msgid "Broadcasting transaction" msgstr "Przekazywanie transakcji" @@ -262,17 +277,19 @@ msgid "Browser unsupported" msgstr "Przeglądarka nieobsługiwana" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Buy & Sell Bitcoin" -msgstr "Kup & sprzedaj bitcoiny" +msgid "Buy & Sell" +msgstr "Kup & Sprzedaj" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Calculating fee" msgstr "Obliczanie prowizji" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js @@ -280,17 +297,13 @@ msgstr "Obliczanie prowizji" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Anuluj" -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "CANCEL" -msgstr "ANULUJ" - #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" msgstr "Anuluj i usuń portfel" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nie można utworzyć transakcji. Niewystarczające fundusze" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Cannot join the same wallet more that once" @@ -317,10 +330,13 @@ msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "Wyczyść pamięć podręczną" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Close" msgstr "Zamknij" @@ -328,6 +344,10 @@ msgstr "Zamknij" msgid "Color" msgstr "Kolor" +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "Skomentuj" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Commit hash" msgstr "Zatwierdzony hash" @@ -341,10 +361,9 @@ msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Potwierdź" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Confirm your wallet seed" -msgstr "Potwierdź swoją frazę odzyskiwania danych portfela" +msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Potwierdź swoją frazę odzyskiwania portfela" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "Potwierdzenia" @@ -404,16 +423,19 @@ msgstr "Skopiuj ten tekst w bezpiecznym miejscu (notatnik lub e-mail)" msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Skopiuj do schowka" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Could not accept payment" -msgstr "Nie można zaakceptować wypłaty" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" +msgstr "Nie można uzyskać dostępu do portfela na serwerze. Proszę sprawdzić:" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not access wallet" +msgstr "Nie można uzyskać dostępu do portfela" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" msgstr "Brak dostępu do Wallet Service: Nie znaleziono" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not broadcast payment" msgstr "Wypłata nie może zostać wysłana" @@ -438,8 +460,8 @@ msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" msgstr "Nie można utworzyć przy użyciu określonego rozszerzonego klucza publicznego" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet seed" -msgstr "Nie można utworzyć: niepoprawna fraza odzyskiwania danych portfela" +msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Nie można utworzyć: niepoprawna fraza odzyskiwania portfela" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js msgid "Could not decrypt" @@ -447,9 +469,9 @@ msgstr "Nie można odszyfrować" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" -msgstr "Nie można odszyfrować pliku, sprawdź swoje hasło" +msgstr "Nie można odszyfrować pliku, sprawdź hasło" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" msgstr "Nie można usunąć wniosku wypłaty" @@ -466,7 +488,7 @@ msgid "Could not import" msgstr "Nie można zaimportować" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password" +msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" msgstr "Nie można zaimportować. Sprawdź plik wejściowy i hasło" #: src/js/services/profileService.js @@ -477,7 +499,7 @@ msgstr "Nie można dołączyć portfela" msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" msgstr "Nie udało się rozpoznać poprawnego kodu QR" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not reject payment" msgstr "Wypłata nie może być odrzucona" @@ -523,7 +545,6 @@ msgstr "Tworzenie portfela..." msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" msgstr "Obecna stawka prowizji dla tych ustawień: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/KiB" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" @@ -541,8 +562,12 @@ msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" msgstr "Usuń wniosek wypłaty" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Delete seed words" -msgstr "Usuń frazę odzyskiwania danych" +msgid "Delete recovery phrase" +msgstr "Usuń frazę odzyskiwania" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Usuń Frazę Odzyskiwania" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Delete wallet" @@ -552,17 +577,9 @@ msgstr "Usuń portfel" msgid "Delete Wallet" msgstr "Usuń portfel" -#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Delete words" -msgstr "Usuń wyrazy" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Deleting payment" -msgstr "Usuń wypłatę" - #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Deleting Wallet..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Usuwanie portfela..." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html @@ -574,7 +591,12 @@ msgstr "Ścieżka derywacji" msgid "Derivation Strategy" msgstr "Strategia derywacji" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Opis" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html @@ -594,7 +616,7 @@ msgstr "Nie uwzględniaj klucza prywatnego" msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." msgstr "Nie widzisz swojego języka na Crowdin? Skontaktuj się z właścicielem projektu, ponieważ bardzo chcielibyśmy, wspierać twój język." -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Done" msgstr "Gotowe" @@ -606,10 +628,19 @@ msgstr "Pobierz" msgid "Economy" msgstr "Ekonomiczna" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Edit" msgstr "Edytuj" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edit comment" +msgstr "Edytuj komentarz" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edited by" +msgstr "Edytowane przez" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Email" msgstr "Adres e-mail" @@ -626,6 +657,14 @@ msgstr "Powiadomienia e-mail" msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." msgstr "Puste adresy osiągnęły limit. Nowe adresy nie mogą być generowane." +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" +msgstr "Włącz usługę Coinbase" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Glidera Service" +msgstr "Włącz usługę Glidera" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable push notifications" msgstr "Włącz powiadomienia" @@ -636,17 +675,17 @@ msgstr "Zaszyfrowany plik eksportu zapisany" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Enter the seed words (BIP39)" -msgstr "Wprowadź słowa frazy (BIP39)" +msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" +msgstr "Wprowadź frazę odzyskiwania (BIP39)" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Enter your passphrase" -msgstr "Wprowadź hasło frazy" - -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Enter your password" msgstr "Wprowadź hasło" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Enter your spending password" +msgstr "Wprowadź hasło w celu wypłaty" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Error at Wallet Service" msgstr "Błąd na Wallet Service" @@ -676,6 +715,10 @@ msgstr "Opcje eksportu" msgid "Export to file" msgstr "Eksportuj do pliku" +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file [preparing...]" +msgstr "Eksportuj do pliku [preparing...]" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Export Wallet" msgstr "Eksport portfela" @@ -701,7 +744,6 @@ msgid "Family vacation funds" msgstr "Fundusz wczasów rodzinnych" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Fee" @@ -716,10 +758,18 @@ msgstr "Pobieranie informacji o płatności" msgid "File/Text Backup" msgstr "Kopia zapasowa pliku/tekstu" +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Finger Scan Failed" +msgstr "Skanowanie odcisku nie powiodło się" + #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Finish" msgstr "Zakończ" +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "For audit purposes" +msgstr "Do celów audytu" + #: public/views/translators.html msgid "French" msgstr "francuski" @@ -756,7 +806,7 @@ msgstr "Generowanie pliku csv..." msgid "German" msgstr "niemiecki" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." msgstr "Otrzymywanie adresu dla portfela {{selectedWalletName}} ..." @@ -768,6 +818,10 @@ msgstr "Ogólne preferencje" msgid "Hardware wallet" msgstr "Portfel sprzętowy" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Hardware Wallet" +msgstr "Portfel sprzętowy" + #: public/views/import.html msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" msgstr "Czy masz kopię zapasową z Copay v0.9?" @@ -820,7 +874,7 @@ msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates o msgstr "W żadnym wypadku autorzy oprogramowania, pracownicy i oddziały Bitpay, posiadacze praw autorskich, czy BitPay, Inc. nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności za wszelkie roszczenia, odszkodowania lub inne zobowiązania, zarówno wynikające z umowy, czynu niedozwolonego lub z innego tytułu, związanego z oprogramowaniem." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your passphrase:" +msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" msgstr "W celu weryfikacji kopii zapasowej portfela wpisz swoje hasło:" #: public/views/export.html @@ -839,6 +893,7 @@ msgstr "Nie ma wystarczającej ilości środków" msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" msgstr "Niewystarczające środki na prowizję" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Nieprawidłowy" @@ -892,7 +947,7 @@ msgstr "Dołączanie do portfela..." msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" msgstr "Klucz jest już powiązany z istniejącym portfelem" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Label" msgstr "Etykieta" @@ -940,11 +995,10 @@ msgstr "Dopasowania:" msgid "me" msgstr "ja" -#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html #: public/views/includes/copayers.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Me" msgstr "Ja" @@ -952,7 +1006,6 @@ msgstr "Ja" msgid "Memo" msgstr "Notatka" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Merchant message" msgstr "Wiadomość handlowa" @@ -961,13 +1014,17 @@ msgstr "Wiadomość handlowa" msgid "Message" msgstr "Wiadomość" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "Brak parametru" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Missing private keys to sign" msgstr "Brak kluczy prywatnych do podpisania" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Moved" msgstr "Przeniesiony" @@ -980,11 +1037,11 @@ msgstr "Wielu odbiorców" msgid "My Bitcoin address" msgstr "Mój adres Bitcoin" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My contacts" msgstr "Moje kontakty" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My wallets" msgstr "Moje portfele" @@ -992,10 +1049,6 @@ msgstr "Moje portfele" msgid "Need to do backup" msgstr "Musisz zrobić kopię zapasową" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Needs backup" -msgstr "" - #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Network" msgstr "Sieć" @@ -1010,8 +1063,8 @@ msgstr "Nowy wniosek wypłaty" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "New Random Seed" -msgstr "Nowa losowa fraza" +msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Nowa losowa fraza odzyskiwania" #: public/views/import.html msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" @@ -1034,39 +1087,43 @@ msgid "Not completed" msgstr "Nie ukończono" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Not enought funds for fee" +msgid "Not enough funds for fee" msgstr "Brak środków na opłacenie prowizji" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Not valid" msgstr "Nieprawidłowy" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Note" msgstr "Notatka" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uwaga: łącznie kwota {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} została wyłączona. Został przekroczony maksymalny rozmiar dozwolony dla transakcji" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uwaga: łącznie kwota {{amountBelowFeeStr}} została wyłączona. Fundusze te pochodzą z UTXOs mniejszych niż gwarantowana prowizja sieci." + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." +msgstr "Uwaga: Aby zaimportować portfel z oprogramowania innego niż Copay, przejdź do Dodaj Portfel > Utwórz Portfel, i podaj tam frazę odzyskiwania." #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/termOfUse.html msgid "Official English Disclaimer" msgstr "Oficjalna rezygnacja w języku angielskim" +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "OKAY" +msgstr "W PORZĄDKU" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." -msgstr "Po skopiowaniu frazy zabezpieczającej portfel, zaleca się usunięcie jej z urządzenia." +msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." +msgstr "Po skopiowaniu frazy odzyskiwania portfela, zaleca się usunięcie jej z urządzenia." #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." @@ -1074,7 +1131,7 @@ msgstr "Wyświetlane są tylko główne (niezmienne) adresy. Adresy na tej liśc #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Open Settings app" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Otwórz ustawienia aplikacji" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "optional" @@ -1084,30 +1141,23 @@ msgstr "opcjonalnie" msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" msgstr "Klucz prywatny portfela papierowego" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Participants" msgstr "Uczestnicy" -#: public/views/import.html #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Hasło" +#: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html +#: public/views/join.html +#: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Password" msgstr "Hasło" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Password needed" -msgstr "Potrzebne hasło" - -#: src/js/controllers/password.js -msgid "Passwords do not match" -msgstr "Hasła nie są takie same" - #: public/views/join.html msgid "Paste invitation here" msgstr "Wklej tutaj zaproszenie" @@ -1216,23 +1266,23 @@ msgstr "Portfel osobisty" msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" msgstr "Proszę zaakceptować eksport dwóch kluczy publicznych z aplikacji Trezor" +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" +msgstr "Wpisz frazę odzyskiwania" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the required fields" msgstr "Proszę wypełnić wymagane pola" -#: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Please enter the seed words" -msgstr "Proszę wpisać słowa frazy" - #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Please enter the wallet seed" -msgstr "Proszę wpisać frazę odzyskiwania danych portfela" +msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Wpisz frazę odzyskiwania portfela" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." -msgstr "Proszę wybrać słowa w celu potwierdzenia poprawności frazy odzyskiwania danych." +msgstr "Proszę wybrać słowa w celu potwierdzenia poprawności frazy odzyskiwania." #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Please upgrade Copay to perform this action" @@ -1260,7 +1310,7 @@ msgstr "Klucz prywatny jest zaszyfrowany, nie można podpisać" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Push notifications for Copay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Powiadomienia Copay są obecnie wyłączone. Włącz je w ustawieniach aplikacji." #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "QR Code" @@ -1274,13 +1324,12 @@ msgstr "Skaner kodów QR" msgid "Receive" msgstr "Otrzymaj" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Received" msgstr "Otrzymane" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Recipients" @@ -1290,6 +1339,10 @@ msgstr "Odbiorcy" msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." msgstr "Ponowne łączenie z Wallet Service..." +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" +msgstr "Fraza odzyskiwania usunięta" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreate" msgstr "Przywróć" @@ -1302,39 +1355,34 @@ msgstr "Przywracanie portfela..." msgid "Reject" msgstr "Odrzuć" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Rejecting payment" -msgstr "Odrzucanie płatności" - #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Release Information" msgstr "Informacje o wersji" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Remove" msgstr "Usuń" #: public/views/export.html -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "Powtórz hasło" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat the password" +msgstr "Powtórz hasło" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Repeat the spending password" +msgstr "Powtórz hasło wypłat" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Request a specific amount" msgstr "Prośba o konkretną kwotę" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Request Password" -msgstr "Wymagane hasło" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Prośba Ledger Wallet o podpis" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Trezor Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Wniosek Trezor Wallet o podpis" +msgid "Request Spending Password" +msgstr "Wymaganie Hasła Wypłat" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Required" @@ -1346,16 +1394,17 @@ msgstr "Wymagana liczba podpisów" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Retrieving inputs information" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pobieranie informacji o danych wejściowych" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Russian" msgstr "rosyjski" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Save" msgstr "Zapisz" @@ -1383,7 +1432,7 @@ msgstr "Stan skanowania zakończony błędem" msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" msgstr "Skanuj środki portfela" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" msgstr "Proszę zeskanować linie papilarne" @@ -1395,28 +1444,22 @@ msgstr "Skanowanie środków portfela..." msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." msgstr "Skanowanie środków portfela..." -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "Search transactions" msgstr "Szukaj transakcji" +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search Transactions" +msgstr "Szukaj transakcji" + #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Security preferences" msgstr "Ustawienia zabezpieczeń" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "See it on the blockchain" msgstr "Zobacz w blockchainie" -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Seed passphrase" -msgstr "Hasło frazy odzyskiwania danych" - -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Hasło frazy odzyskiwania danych" - #: public/views/import.html msgid "Select a backup file" msgstr "Wybierz plik kopii zapasowej" @@ -1440,7 +1483,7 @@ msgstr "Wyślij adresy przez e-mail" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html msgid "Send bitcoin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wyślij bitcoiny" #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/preferencesLogs.html @@ -1449,7 +1492,7 @@ msgstr "Wyślij przez e-mail" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Send Max" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wyślij wszystko" #: public/views/includes/transaction.html msgid "Sending" @@ -1463,10 +1506,10 @@ msgstr "Wysyłanie środków..." msgid "Sending transaction" msgstr "Wysyłanie transakcji" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Sent" msgstr "Wysłane" @@ -1490,25 +1533,25 @@ msgstr "ZATWIERDŹ" msgid "Set default url" msgstr "Ustaw domyślny adres url" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html msgid "Set up a password" msgstr "Ustawianie hasła" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Set up an Export Password" -msgstr "Ustawianie hasła eksportu" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Set up a spending password" +msgstr "Wprowadź hasło w celu wypłaty" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." msgstr "Włączenie powiadomień e-mail może mieć wpływ na twoją prywatność, jeżeli usługodawca portfela będzie narażony na ataki cyberprzestępców. Informacje dostępne dla atakującego będą zawierać jedynie adres twojego portfela i saldo." -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ustawienia" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share address" msgstr "Udostępnij adres" @@ -1520,6 +1563,10 @@ msgstr "Wyślij zaproszenie" msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" msgstr "Wyślij zaproszenie współwłaścicielom portfela" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" +msgstr "Udostępnij ten adres portfela w celu otrzymania płatności" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." msgstr "Udostępnij ten adres w celu otrzymania płatności. Aby chronić twoją prywatność nowe adresy są generowane automatycznie po ich użyciu." @@ -1535,21 +1582,21 @@ msgstr "Współdzielony portfel" msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "Pokaż opcje zaawansowane" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Show more" -msgstr "Pokaż więcej" - #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Show Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Pokaż frazę odzyskiwania danych portfela" +msgid "Show Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Pokaż Frazę Odzyskiwania Portfela" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Signatures rejected by server" msgstr "Podpisy odrzucone przez serwer" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Signing payment" -msgstr "Podpisywanie wypłaty" +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Signing transaction" +msgstr "Podpisywanie transakcji" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Single Address Wallet" +msgstr "Pojedynczy adres portfela" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Spanish" @@ -1557,8 +1604,8 @@ msgstr "hiszpański" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Specify Seed..." -msgstr "Określanie frazy..." +msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." +msgstr "Określ Frazę Odzyskiwania..." #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" @@ -1568,6 +1615,14 @@ msgstr "Wniosek wypłaty nie został przyjęty" msgid "Spend proposal not found" msgstr "Wniosek wypłaty nie został znaleziony" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spending Password needed" +msgstr "Wymagane Hasło Wypłat" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" +msgstr "Podane hasła różnią się" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js @@ -1575,6 +1630,10 @@ msgstr "Wniosek wypłaty nie został znaleziony" msgid "Success" msgstr "Udało się" +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Super Economy" +msgstr "Super Ekonomiczna" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Sweep paper wallet" msgstr "Wyczyść papierowy portfel" @@ -1583,6 +1642,10 @@ msgstr "Wyczyść papierowy portfel" msgid "Sweep Wallet" msgstr "Wyczyść portfel" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap and hold to show" +msgstr "Dotknij i przytrzymaj, aby pokazać" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap to retry" msgstr "Ponów próbę" @@ -1596,10 +1659,18 @@ msgstr "Warunki użytkowania" msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." msgstr "Autorzy oprogramowania, pracownicy i asystenci Bitpay, posiadacze praw autorskich i BitPay Inc. nie mogą odzyskać kluczy prywatnych lub haseł w wypadku ich utraty i nie mogą zagwarantować potwierdzenia transakcji, ponieważ nie mają kontroli nad siecią Bitcoin." +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The derivation path" +msgstr "Ścieżka derywacji" + #: src/js/services/ledger.js msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" msgstr "Aplikacja Ledger Chrome nie jest zainstalowana" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" +msgstr "Hasło odzyskiwania frazy (jeśli ustawione)" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "Wypłata została utworzona, ale nie może być zakończona. Spróbuj ponownie na stronie głównej" @@ -1608,19 +1679,15 @@ msgstr "Wypłata została utworzona, ale nie może być zakończona. Spróbuj po msgid "The payment was removed by creator" msgstr "Wypłata została usunięta przez jej twórcę" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive." -msgstr "Klucz prywatny tego portfela jest zaszyfrowany i będzie zaszyfrowany w eksportowanym pliku." +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "Fraza odzyskiwania może wymagać hasła do zaimportowania" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" msgstr "Wniosek nie został zrozumiany przez serwer" -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "The seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Fraza odzyskiwania danych może wymagać hasła do zaimportowania" - #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." msgstr "Oprogramowanie nie jest kontem, gdzie BitPay lub inne osoby trzecie mogą służyć jako pośrednicy finansowi lub opiekunowie twoich bitcoinów." @@ -1638,23 +1705,30 @@ msgstr "Wniosek płatności nie jest oczekujący" msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" msgstr "Portfel \"{{walletName}}\" został usunięty" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "Fraza odzyskiwania portfela może wymagać hasła do zaimportowania" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The wallet service URL" +msgstr "Adres URL usługi Portfel" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" msgstr "Brak portfela, aby dokonać tej wypłaty" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "There is a new version of Copay. Please update" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jest dostępna nowa wersja Copay. Proszę zaktualizować" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "There is an error in the form" msgstr "Wystąpił błąd w postaci" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed." -msgstr "Ta fraza odzyskiwania danych został utworzona z hasłem. Aby odzyskać ten portfel potrzebujesz zarówno frazy jak i hasła." +msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." +msgstr "Ta fraza odzyskiwania został utworzona przy użyciu hasła. Aby odzyskać ten portfel potrzebna jest fraza odzyskiwania i hasło." -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." msgstr "Ta transakcja jest nieprawidłowa. Może to być spowodowane próbą podwójnej płatności." @@ -1667,11 +1741,10 @@ msgstr "Ten portfel nie jest zarejestrowany na Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). Mo msgid "Time" msgstr "Czas" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "To" msgstr "Do" @@ -1695,11 +1768,10 @@ msgstr "Łącznie zablokowane środki" msgid "Total number of copayers" msgstr "Liczba współwłaścicieli portfela" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Touch ID Failed" msgstr "Odczyt Touch ID nie powiódł się" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Transaction" msgstr "Transakcja" @@ -1725,12 +1797,12 @@ msgid "Try again" msgstr "Spróbuj ponownie" #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Type the Seed Phrase (usually 12 words)" -msgstr "Wpisz frazę odzyskiwania danych (zwykle 12 słów)" +msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" +msgstr "Wpisz frazę odzyskiwania (zazwyczaj 12 słów)" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "Niepotwierdzone" @@ -1783,8 +1855,8 @@ msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" msgstr "Portfel już zaimportowany:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wallet already in Copay:" -msgstr "Portfel już w Copay:" +msgid "Wallet already in Copay" +msgstr "Portfel jest już w Copay" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" @@ -1835,6 +1907,10 @@ msgstr "Nazwa portfela" msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" msgstr "Nazwa portfela (oryginalna)" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet needs backup" +msgstr "Portfel wymaga kopii zapasowej" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Network" msgstr "Sieć portfela" @@ -1844,40 +1920,40 @@ msgid "Wallet not found" msgstr "Nie znaleziono portfela" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed" -msgstr "Portfel nie jest zarejestrowany w Wallet Service. Odtwórz go używając polecenia \"Utwórz portfel\" z wykorzystaniem frazy odzyskiwania danych w ustawieniach zaawansowanych" +msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" +msgstr "Portfel nie jest zarejestrowany w Wallet Service. Odtwórz go używając polecenia \"Utwórz portfel\" z wykorzystaniem frazy odzyskiwania w ustawieniach zaawansowanych" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Fraza odzyskiwania danych portfela" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Import frazy odzyskiwania danych portfela może wymagać hasła" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "Fraza Odzyskiwania Portfela" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet seed is invalid" -msgstr "Fraza odzyskiwania danych portfela nieprawidłowa" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" +msgstr "Fraza odzyskiwania portfela nieprawidłowa" #: public/views/backup.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." -msgstr "Fraza odzyskiwania danych portfela niedostępna. Nadal można go wyeksportować w: Zaawansowane > Eksport portfela." +msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." +msgstr "Fraza odzyskiwania portfela niedostępna. Nadal można go wyeksportować w: Zaawansowane > Eksport portfela." #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet service not found" msgstr "Nie znaleziono serwera" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." +msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: klucz derywacji nie działa na tym urządzeniu/portfel. Działania dla tego portfela nie można wykonać." + #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "UWAGA: Jeśli plik eksportu nie zawiera klucza prywatnego, możliwe będzie jedynie sprawdzenie salda i historii transakcji, jak również wygenerowanie wniosków o płatność. Nie może być on jednak używany do sprawdzania poprawności (podpisywania) wniosków płatności, więc środki z wyeksportowanego pliku nie będą dostępne." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase." -msgstr "OSTRZEŻENIE: Hasła nie można odzyskać. Pamiętaj, aby je zapisać . Portfela nie można przywrócić bez hasła." +msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." +msgstr "OSTRZEŻENIE: Hasła nie można odzyskać. Pamiętaj, aby je zapisać. Portfela nie można przywrócić bez hasła." #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." @@ -1913,16 +1989,16 @@ msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improve msgstr "Dopóki oprogramowanie jest w fazie testów i nadal, dzięki informacjom od użytkowników i społeczności programistów, dokonywane są poprawki, nie możemy zagwarantować, że będzie ono wolne od błędów." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Write your wallet seed" -msgstr "Zapisz frazę odzyskiwania danych portfela" +msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "Wpisz swoją frazę odzyskiwania portfela" #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Wrong number of seed words:" +msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" msgstr "Nieprawidłowa ilość słów frazy:" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wrong password" -msgstr "Nieprawidłowe hasło" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wrong spending password" +msgstr "Nieprawidłowe hasło wypłat" #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html msgid "Yes" @@ -1953,23 +2029,16 @@ msgid "You do not have a wallet" msgstr "Nie masz portfela" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." -msgstr "Potrzebujesz tę frazę odzyskiwania danych, aby móc odtworzyć portfel. Zapisz ją i przechowuj w bezpiecznym miejscu." - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Your backup password" -msgstr "Hasło kopii zapasowej" - -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Your export password" -msgstr "Hasło eksportu" +msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." +msgstr "Potrzebujesz frazę odzyskiwania, aby móc odtworzyć ten portfel. Zapisz ją i przechowuj w bezpiecznym miejscu." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Your nickname" msgstr "Twój nick" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/import.html msgid "Your password" msgstr "Twoje hasło" @@ -1977,15 +2046,19 @@ msgstr "Twoje hasło" msgid "Your profile password" msgstr "Twoje hasło profilowe" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your spending password" +msgstr "Twoje hasło wypłat" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" msgstr "Twój portfel został zaimportowany poprawnie" #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" -msgstr "Klucz portfela będzie zaszyfrowany. Hasło nie może być odzyskane. Pamiętaj, aby je zapisać" +msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" +msgstr "Klucz portfela będzie zaszyfrowany. Hasło wypłat nie może być odzyskane. Pamiętaj, aby je zapisać" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." -msgstr "Twoja fraza odzyskiwania danych i dostęp do serwera koordynowały tworzenie początkowego portfela. Musisz jeszcze {{index.m}} w celu dokonania płatności." +msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." +msgstr "Twoja fraza odzyskiwania i dostęp do serwera koordynowały tworzenie początkowego portfela. Musisz jeszcze {{index.m}} w celu dokonania płatności." diff --git a/i18n/po/ru.po b/i18n/po/ru.po index f7b2255f6..bdced4cf7 100644 --- a/i18n/po/ru.po +++ b/i18n/po/ru.po @@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ msgstr "" "Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" "Language-Team: Russian\n" "Language: ru\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-13 13:33-0400\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-08 11:56-0400\n" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "(possible double spend)" msgstr "(возможна двойная трата)" @@ -22,14 +23,22 @@ msgstr "(возможна двойная трата)" msgid "(Trusted)" msgstr "(Доверенный)" -#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -msgid "{{confirm.feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "[Balance Hidden]" msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" msgstr "{{fee}} будет использовано для оплаты комиссии" +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" @@ -56,21 +65,25 @@ msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS msgstr "ЕСЛИ ВЫ ПОТЕРЯЕТЕ ДОСТУП К ВАШЕМУ КОШЕЛЬКУ COPAY ИЛИ ВАШИМ ЗАШИФРОВАННЫМ ЗАКРЫТЫМ КЛЮЧАМ, ПРИ ТОМ ЧТО У ВАС НЕТ ОТДЕЛЬНОЙ РЕЗЕРВНОЙ КОПИИ ВАШЕГО КОШЕЛЬКА И СООТВЕТСТВУЮЩЕМУ ЕМУ ПАРОЛЯ, ВЫ ПРИЗНАЁТЕ И СОГЛАШАЕТЕСЬ С ТЕМ ЧТО ВСЕ БИТКОЙНЫ АССОЦИИРОВАННЫЕ С ЭТИМ КОШЕЛЬКОМ СТАНУТ НЕДОСТУПНЫ." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers)." -msgstr "ИЛИ один экспортный файл и кворум остальных мнемоник (например в кошельке 3-5: экспортный файл и две мнемонику двух любых совладельцев)." +msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "ИЛИ мнемоника всех совладельцев кошелька" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet" -msgstr "ИЛИ мнемоники всех совладельцев кошелька" +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr "" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" msgstr "Биткойн-кошелёк с мультиподписью" +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "A spending password is set for this wallet. Exporting keeps the spending password in the export archive." +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "About Copay" msgstr "О Copay" @@ -98,28 +111,33 @@ msgstr "Номер аккаунта" msgid "Activity" msgstr "Активность" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "Добавить новую запись" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add a Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Укажите пароль мнемоники" +msgid "Add a Password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed" -msgstr "Вы можете указать пароль мнемоники для большей безопасности" +msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Add comment" +msgstr "" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Add wallet" msgstr "Добавить кошелёк" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Address" msgstr "Адрес" @@ -151,10 +169,10 @@ msgstr "Все транзакции являются необратимыми." msgid "Alternative Currency" msgstr "Альтернативная валюта" -#: public/views/paymentUri.html -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount" msgstr "Сумма" @@ -162,20 +180,24 @@ msgstr "Сумма" msgid "Amount below dust threshold" msgstr "Сумма ниже минимального порога" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount in" msgstr "Сумма в" #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?" -msgstr "Вы точно хотите удалить эту резервную копию?" +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" msgstr "Вы точно хотите удалить этот кошелек?" +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "Auditable" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "Available Balance" msgstr "Доступный баланс" @@ -185,9 +207,6 @@ msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" msgstr "Среднее время подтверждения: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} минут" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Back" msgstr "Назад" @@ -207,10 +226,6 @@ msgstr "Требуется резервное копирование" msgid "Backup now" msgstr "Создать резервную копию" -#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js -msgid "Backup words deleted" -msgstr "Резервная копия удалена" - #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Bad wallet invitation" msgstr "Недействительное приглашение" @@ -223,6 +238,10 @@ msgstr "Баланс на адресах" msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." msgstr "Прежде чем получать переводы необходимо создать резервную копию кошелька. Если вы потеряете это устройство, вы не сможете получить доступ к вашим средствам без резервной копии." +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html @@ -250,10 +269,6 @@ msgid "Broadcast Payment" msgstr "Отправить платёж" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Broadcasting Payment" -msgstr "Отправка платежа" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js msgid "Broadcasting transaction" msgstr "Отправка транзакции" @@ -262,17 +277,19 @@ msgid "Browser unsupported" msgstr "Браузер не поддерживается" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html -msgid "Buy & Sell Bitcoin" -msgstr "Торговля биткойн" +msgid "Buy & Sell" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Calculating fee" msgstr "Вычисление комиссии" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js @@ -280,17 +297,13 @@ msgstr "Вычисление комиссии" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Отмена" -#: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "CANCEL" -msgstr "ОТМЕНА" - #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" msgstr "Отменить и удалить кошелёк" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Не удается создать транзакцию. Недостаточно средств" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Cannot join the same wallet more that once" @@ -317,10 +330,13 @@ msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "Очистить кэш" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Close" msgstr "Закрыть" @@ -328,6 +344,10 @@ msgstr "Закрыть" msgid "Color" msgstr "Цвет" +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Commit hash" msgstr "Хэш версии" @@ -341,10 +361,9 @@ msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Подтвердить" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Confirm your wallet seed" -msgstr "Подтвердите мнемонику" +msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "Подтверждения" @@ -404,16 +423,19 @@ msgstr "Скопируйте этот текст как есть (в блокн msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Скопировать в буфер обмена" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Could not accept payment" -msgstr "Не удалось принять платёж" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" +msgstr "" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not access wallet" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" msgstr "Не удалось получить доступ к серверу Bitcore: не найден" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not broadcast payment" msgstr "Не удалось отправить платёж" @@ -438,8 +460,8 @@ msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" msgstr "Не удалось создать используя указанный расширенный открытый ключ" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet seed" -msgstr "Не удалось создать: недействительная мнемоника" +msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js msgid "Could not decrypt" @@ -447,9 +469,9 @@ msgstr "Не удалось расшифровать" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" -msgstr "Не удалось расшифровать файл, проверьте пароль" +msgstr "" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" msgstr "Не удалось удалить предложение платежа" @@ -466,8 +488,8 @@ msgid "Could not import" msgstr "Не удалось импортировать" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password" -msgstr "Не удалось импортировать. Проверьте импортируемый файл и пароль" +msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not join wallet" @@ -477,7 +499,7 @@ msgstr "Не удалось присоединиться к кошельку" msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" msgstr "Не удалось распознать адрес в QR-коде" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not reject payment" msgstr "Не удалось отклонить платёж" @@ -523,7 +545,6 @@ msgstr "Создание кошелька..." msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" msgstr "Текущая комиссия для этой политики: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Date" msgstr "Дата" @@ -541,8 +562,12 @@ msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" msgstr "Удалить предложенный платёж" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Delete seed words" -msgstr "Удалить мнемонику" +msgid "Delete recovery phrase" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Delete wallet" @@ -552,17 +577,9 @@ msgstr "Удалить кошелёк" msgid "Delete Wallet" msgstr "Удалить кошелёк" -#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Delete words" -msgstr "Удалить мнемонику" - -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Deleting payment" -msgstr "Удаление платежа" - #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Deleting Wallet..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Удаление кошелька..." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html @@ -574,7 +591,12 @@ msgstr "Путь деривации" msgid "Derivation Strategy" msgstr "Стратегия деривации" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html @@ -594,7 +616,7 @@ msgstr "Не включать закрытый ключ" msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." msgstr "Не видите свой язык на Crowdin? Свяжитесь с владельцем по Crowdin! Мы с удовольствием поддержим ваш язык." -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Done" msgstr "Завершено" @@ -606,10 +628,19 @@ msgstr "Скачать" msgid "Economy" msgstr "Экономичная" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Edit" msgstr "Редактировать" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edit comment" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edited by" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" @@ -626,6 +657,14 @@ msgstr "Email-уведомления" msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." msgstr "Достигнут предел пустых адресов. Новые адреса больше не могут быть сгенерированы." +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Glidera Service" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable push notifications" msgstr "Включить Push-уведомления" @@ -636,17 +675,17 @@ msgstr "Зашифрованная резервная копия сохране #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Enter the seed words (BIP39)" -msgstr "Введите мнемонику (BIP39)" +msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Enter your passphrase" -msgstr "Укажите пароль мнемоники" - -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Enter your password" msgstr "Введите пароль" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Enter your spending password" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Error at Wallet Service" msgstr "Ошибка на сервере Bitcore" @@ -676,6 +715,10 @@ msgstr "Параметры экспорта" msgid "Export to file" msgstr "Экспорт в файл" +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file [preparing...]" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Export Wallet" msgstr "Экспорт кошелька" @@ -701,7 +744,6 @@ msgid "Family vacation funds" msgstr "Отпускной бюджет" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Fee" @@ -716,10 +758,18 @@ msgstr "Извлечение информации о платеже" msgid "File/Text Backup" msgstr "Из файла" +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Finger Scan Failed" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Finish" msgstr "Готово" +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "For audit purposes" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/translators.html msgid "French" msgstr "французский" @@ -756,7 +806,7 @@ msgstr "Создание .сsv-файла..." msgid "German" msgstr "немецкий" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." msgstr "Получение адреса для кошелька {{selectedWalletName}}..." @@ -768,6 +818,10 @@ msgstr "Глобальные предпочтения" msgid "Hardware wallet" msgstr "Аппаратный кошелёк" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Hardware Wallet" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/import.html msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" msgstr "Есть резервная копия из Copay v0.9?" @@ -820,8 +874,8 @@ msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates o msgstr "Ни при каких обстоятельствах авторы программного обеспечения, сотрудники и филиалов Bitpay, правообладатели, или BitPay Inc. не могут быть ответственным за любые претензии, убытки или нести иную ответственность, будь то действие контракта, деликта или иным образом вытекающие из или в связи с программным обеспечением." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your passphrase:" -msgstr "Для проверки резервной копии кошелька необходимо указать пароль мнемоники:" +msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" +msgstr "" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Include address book and history cache" @@ -839,6 +893,7 @@ msgstr "Недостаточно средств" msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" msgstr "Недостаточно средств на комиссию" +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Недействительно" @@ -892,7 +947,7 @@ msgstr "Присоединение к кошельку..." msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" msgstr "Ключ уже связан с существующим кошельком" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Label" msgstr "Метка" @@ -940,11 +995,10 @@ msgstr "Совпадения:" msgid "me" msgstr "мне" -#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html #: public/views/includes/copayers.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Me" msgstr "Я" @@ -952,7 +1006,6 @@ msgstr "Я" msgid "Memo" msgstr "Памятка" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Merchant message" msgstr "Сообщение от продавца" @@ -961,13 +1014,17 @@ msgstr "Сообщение от продавца" msgid "Message" msgstr "Сообщение" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Missing private keys to sign" msgstr "Отсутствуют закрытые ключи для подписи" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Moved" msgstr "Перемещено" @@ -980,11 +1037,11 @@ msgstr "Несколько получателей" msgid "My Bitcoin address" msgstr "Мой биткойн-адрес" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My contacts" msgstr "Мои контакты" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My wallets" msgstr "Мои кошельки" @@ -992,10 +1049,6 @@ msgstr "Мои кошельки" msgid "Need to do backup" msgstr "Необходимо создать резервную копию" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html -msgid "Needs backup" -msgstr "" - #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Network" msgstr "Сеть" @@ -1010,8 +1063,8 @@ msgstr "Новое предложение платежа" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "New Random Seed" -msgstr "Новая случайная мнемоника" +msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/import.html msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" @@ -1034,29 +1087,29 @@ msgid "Not completed" msgstr "Не завершено" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Not enought funds for fee" -msgstr "Недостаточно средств для комиссии" +msgid "Not enough funds for fee" +msgstr "" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Not valid" msgstr "Недействительно" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html -#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Note" msgstr "Примечание" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Примечание: в общей сложности {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} были исключены. Превышен максимальный размер транзакции" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." +msgstr "Примечание: в общей сложности {{amountBelowFeeStr}} были исключены. Эти средства входят в UTXOs меньших, чем комиссия сети." + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." msgstr "" #: public/views/disclaimer.html @@ -1064,9 +1117,13 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Official English Disclaimer" msgstr "Официальный оригинал" +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "OKAY" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." -msgstr "Рекомендуется удалить мнемонику с устройства, как только вы скопировали её." +msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." @@ -1074,7 +1131,7 @@ msgstr "Отображаются только основные адреса (н #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Open Settings app" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Открыть Параметры" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "optional" @@ -1084,30 +1141,23 @@ msgstr "необязательно" msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" msgstr "Закрытый ключ бумажного кошелька" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Participants" msgstr "Участники" -#: public/views/import.html #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Пароль импортируемого кошелька" +#: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html +#: public/views/join.html +#: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Password" msgstr "Пароль" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Password needed" -msgstr "Нужен пароль" - -#: src/js/controllers/password.js -msgid "Passwords do not match" -msgstr "Пароли не совпадают" - #: public/views/join.html msgid "Paste invitation here" msgstr "Вставьте приглашение сюда" @@ -1216,19 +1266,19 @@ msgstr "Личный кошелёк" msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" msgstr "Примите два публичных ключа от приложения Trezor" +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the required fields" msgstr "Пожалуйста, заполните необходимые поля" -#: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Please enter the seed words" -msgstr "Введите мнемонику" - #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Please enter the wallet seed" -msgstr "Введите мнемонику" +msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." @@ -1260,7 +1310,7 @@ msgstr "Закрытый ключ зашифрован, не удалось по #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Push notifications for Copay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Push-уведомления для Copay в настоящее время отключены. Включите их в Параметрах." #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "QR Code" @@ -1274,13 +1324,12 @@ msgstr "QR-сканер" msgid "Receive" msgstr "Получить" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Received" msgstr "Получен" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Recipients" @@ -1290,6 +1339,10 @@ msgstr "Получатели" msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." msgstr "Повторное подключение к серверу Bitcore..." +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreate" msgstr "Создать заново" @@ -1302,39 +1355,34 @@ msgstr "Воссоздаю кошелёк..." msgid "Reject" msgstr "Отклонить" -#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js -msgid "Rejecting payment" -msgstr "Отклонение платежа" - #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Release Information" msgstr "Информация о выпуске" -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Remove" msgstr "Удалить" #: public/views/export.html -#: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "Повторите пароль" -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat the password" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Repeat the spending password" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Request a specific amount" msgstr "Запросить определенную сумму" #: public/views/preferences.html -msgid "Request Password" -msgstr "Запрашивать пароль" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Запрашиваем Ledger для подписания транзакции" - -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Requesting Trezor Wallet to sign" -msgstr "Запрашиваем Trezor для подписания транзакции" +msgid "Request Spending Password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Required" @@ -1346,16 +1394,17 @@ msgstr "Требуемое число подписей" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Retrieving inputs information" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Получение информации о входах" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Russian" msgstr "русский" +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html -#: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Save" msgstr "Сохранить" @@ -1383,7 +1432,7 @@ msgstr "Сканирование завершено с ошибкой" msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" msgstr "Сканирование кошелька" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" msgstr "Пожалуйста отсканируйте ваш отпечаток пальца" @@ -1395,28 +1444,22 @@ msgstr "Сканирование адресов кошелька..." msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." msgstr "Сканирование адресов кошелька..." -#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "Search transactions" msgstr "Поиск транзакций" +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search Transactions" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Security preferences" msgstr "Настройки безопасности" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "See it on the blockchain" msgstr "Посмотреть в блокчейне" -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Seed passphrase" -msgstr "Пароль мнемоники" - -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "Seed Passphrase" -msgstr "Пароль мнемоники" - #: public/views/import.html msgid "Select a backup file" msgstr "Выберите файл резервной копии" @@ -1440,7 +1483,7 @@ msgstr "Отправить адреса по email" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html msgid "Send bitcoin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Отправить" #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/preferencesLogs.html @@ -1449,7 +1492,7 @@ msgstr "Отправить на email" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Send Max" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Отправить максимум" #: public/views/includes/transaction.html msgid "Sending" @@ -1463,10 +1506,10 @@ msgstr "Отправка средств..." msgid "Sending transaction" msgstr "Отправка транзакции" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Sent" msgstr "Отправлено" @@ -1490,25 +1533,25 @@ msgstr "УСТАНОВИТЬ" msgid "Set default url" msgstr "Установить адресом по-умолчанию" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html msgid "Set up a password" msgstr "Задайте пароль" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Set up an Export Password" -msgstr "Задайте пароль" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Set up a spending password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." msgstr "Включение email-уведомлений может ослабить вашу конфиденциальность, если владелец сервера Bitcore будет скомпрометирован. Информация доступная злоумышленнику будет включать адреса вашего кошелька и его баланс, но ничего больше." -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Settings" msgstr "Параметры" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share address" msgstr "Отправить адрес" @@ -1520,6 +1563,10 @@ msgstr "Отправить приглашение" msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" msgstr "Отправьте приглашение совладельцам кошелька" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." msgstr "Используйте этот адрес для получения платежей. Для защиты вашей конфиденциальности, новые адреса создаются как только вы использовали старые." @@ -1535,21 +1582,21 @@ msgstr "Общий кошелёк" msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "Показать дополнительные настройки" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -msgid "Show more" -msgstr "Показать еще" - #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Show Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Показать мнемонику" +msgid "Show Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Signatures rejected by server" msgstr "Подписи отклонены сервером" -#: src/js/services/txService.js -msgid "Signing payment" -msgstr "Подписание платежа" +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Signing transaction" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Single Address Wallet" +msgstr "" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Spanish" @@ -1557,8 +1604,8 @@ msgstr "испанский" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js -msgid "Specify Seed..." -msgstr "Укажите мнемонику..." +msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" @@ -1568,6 +1615,14 @@ msgstr "Предложение платежа не принято" msgid "Spend proposal not found" msgstr "Предложение платежа не найдено" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spending Password needed" +msgstr "" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js @@ -1575,6 +1630,10 @@ msgstr "Предложение платежа не найдено" msgid "Success" msgstr "Успешно" +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Super Economy" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Sweep paper wallet" msgstr "Пополнить с бумажного кошелька" @@ -1583,6 +1642,10 @@ msgstr "Пополнить с бумажного кошелька" msgid "Sweep Wallet" msgstr "Считать кошелёк" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap and hold to show" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap to retry" msgstr "Повторить" @@ -1596,10 +1659,18 @@ msgstr "Условия использования" msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." msgstr "Авторы данного программного обеспечения, сотрудники и помощники Bitpay, владельцы авторских прав и BitPay Inc. не могут восстановить закрытые ключи или пароли если вы потеряете или забудете их, и не могут гарантировать подтверждение транзакции, так как они не имеют контроля над сетью Биткойн." +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The derivation path" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/services/ledger.js msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" msgstr "Приложение Ledger для Chrome не установлено" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "Платёж был создан, но не может быть завершен. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова с главной страницы" @@ -1608,19 +1679,15 @@ msgstr "Платёж был создан, но не может быть заве msgid "The payment was removed by creator" msgstr "Платёж был удалён его создателем" -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive." -msgstr "Закрытый ключ этого кошелька зашифрован, и останется зашифрован в экспортируемом архиве." +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" msgstr "Запрос не распознан сервером" -#: public/views/create.html -#: public/views/join.html -msgid "The seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Мнемоника может быть защищена паролем" - #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." msgstr "Программное обеспечение не представляет собой счет, обслуживаемый BitPay или иными третьим лицами в качестве финансовых посредников или хранителями ваших биткойнов." @@ -1638,23 +1705,30 @@ msgstr "Предложение платежа не в ожидании" msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" msgstr "Кошелёк «{{walletName}}» был удален" +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The wallet service URL" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" msgstr "Нет кошельков, чтобы осуществить этот платёж" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "There is a new version of Copay. Please update" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вышла новая версия Copay. Пожалуйста, обновитесь" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "There is an error in the form" msgstr "Ошибка в форме" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed." -msgstr "Эта мнемоника была создана с паролем. Для восстановления необходимо указать пароль." +msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." +msgstr "" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." msgstr "Эта транзакция стала недействительной; возможно из-за попытки двойной траты." @@ -1667,11 +1741,10 @@ msgstr "Это кошелёк не зарегистрирован на данн msgid "Time" msgstr "Время" -#: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "To" msgstr "Кому" @@ -1695,11 +1768,10 @@ msgstr "Всего заблокировано средств" msgid "Total number of copayers" msgstr "Количество совладельцев" -#: src/js/services/txService.js +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Touch ID Failed" msgstr "Ошибка Touch ID" -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Transaction" msgstr "Транзакция" @@ -1725,12 +1797,12 @@ msgid "Try again" msgstr "Попрoбуйте снова" #: public/views/import.html -msgid "Type the Seed Phrase (usually 12 words)" -msgstr "Введите мнемонику (обычно двенадцать слов)" +msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" +msgstr "" -#: public/views/walletHome.html -#: public/views/includes/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "Неподтверждено" @@ -1783,8 +1855,8 @@ msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" msgstr "Кошелек уже импортирован:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wallet already in Copay:" -msgstr "Кошелек уже в Copay:" +msgid "Wallet already in Copay" +msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" @@ -1835,6 +1907,10 @@ msgstr "Название кошелька" msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" msgstr "Название кошелька (при создании)" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet needs backup" +msgstr "" + #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Network" msgstr "Сеть кошелька" @@ -1844,40 +1920,40 @@ msgid "Wallet not found" msgstr "Кошелёк не найден" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed" -msgstr "Кошелёк не зарегистрирован на сервере Bitcore. Пересоздайте кошелёк воспользовавшись дополнительными настройками чтобы указать мнемонику" +msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "Wallet Seed" -msgstr "Мнемоника" - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported" -msgstr "Для импортирования может потребоваться указать пароль" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js -msgid "Wallet seed is invalid" -msgstr "Мнемоника недействительна" +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html -msgid "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." -msgstr "Мнемоника кошелька недоступна. Вы все ещё можете экспортировать его в настройках кошелька \"Дополнительные возможности > Экспорт кошелька\"." +msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." +msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet service not found" msgstr "Сервер Bitcore не найден" +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." +msgstr "" + #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "ВНИМАНИЕ: если экспортируемый файл не включает закрытый ключ, поэтому позволит только просматривать баланс, историю транзакций и предлагать платежи. Однако, его нельзя будет использовать для одобрения (подписания) предложенных платежей, поэтому средства не будет доступны из экспортируемого файла." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html -msgid "WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase." -msgstr "ВНИМАНИЕ: Пароль нельзя восстановить. Убедитесь, что вы его записали. Этот кошелёк нельзя будет восстановить без пароля." +msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." +msgstr "" #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." @@ -1913,16 +1989,16 @@ msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improve msgstr "Пока программное обеспечение находится на этапе тестирования и продолжает улучшаться благодаря обратной связи от пользователей и сообщества разработчиков, мы не можем гарантировать, что в программном обеспечении не будет никаких ошибок." #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Write your wallet seed" -msgstr "Запишите мнемонику" +msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/import.js -msgid "Wrong number of seed words:" -msgstr "Неподходящее количество слов в мнемонике:" +msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" +msgstr "" -#: src/js/services/profileService.js -msgid "Wrong password" -msgstr "Неверный пароль" +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wrong spending password" +msgstr "" #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html msgid "Yes" @@ -1953,23 +2029,16 @@ msgid "You do not have a wallet" msgstr "У вас нет кошелька" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." -msgstr "Для восстановления этого кошелька нужна мнемоника. Запишите её и надёжно спрячьте." - -#: public/views/import.html -msgid "Your backup password" -msgstr "Пароль резервной копии" - -#: public/views/export.html -msgid "Your export password" -msgstr "Пароль экспортируемого файла" +msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." +msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Your nickname" msgstr "Ваше имя" -#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/import.html msgid "Your password" msgstr "Ваш пароль" @@ -1977,15 +2046,19 @@ msgstr "Ваш пароль" msgid "Your profile password" msgstr "Пароль вашего профиля" +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your spending password" +msgstr "" + #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" msgstr "Ваш кошелёк был успешно импортирован" #: public/views/includes/password.html -msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" -msgstr "Ключ вашего кошелька будет зашифрован. Пароль нельзя восстановить. Убедитесь, что вы его записали" +msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" +msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html -msgid "Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." -msgstr "Мнемоника кошелька и доступ к серверу, координировавшему начальное создание кошелька. Вам всё ещё нужно {{index.m}} для совершения платежей." +msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." +msgstr "" diff --git a/i18n/po/zh.po b/i18n/po/zh.po new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a607c96b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/po/zh.po @@ -0,0 +1,2064 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Project-Id-Version: copay\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: copay\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: zh-CN\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: template.pot\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" +"Language-Team: Chinese Simplified\n" +"Language: zh\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-06-09 10:19-0400\n" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "(possible double spend)" +msgstr "(重复支付)" + +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +msgid "(Trusted)" +msgstr "(可信的)" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "[Balance Hidden]" +msgstr "[隐藏余额]" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" +msgstr "扣除比特币网络费 {{fee}}" + +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" +msgstr "交易的{{feeRateStr}}" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more" +msgstr "{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} 更多" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" +msgstr "{{index.n}} 分之 {{index.m}}" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded" +msgstr "{{index.txProgress}} 条交易已下载" + +#: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +msgid "{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}" +msgstr "{{item.n}} 分之 {{item.m}}" + +#: src/js/controllers/importLegacy.js +msgid "{{len}} wallets imported. Funds scanning in progress. Hold on to see updated balance" +msgstr "{{len}} 个钱包已导入,资金扫描中,稍后显示最新余额。" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created." +msgstr "* 如果 1) 你是创造者,及没有其他 copayer 签名,或 2) 24 小时已经过去,支付提议将被删除。" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY BITCOIN YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT COPAY WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE." +msgstr "如果你无法访问你的 COPAY 钱包或加密私钥,及你没有分开储存钱包备份和相应密码,你承认并同意有关 COPAY 钱包里的任何比特币将不可被存取。" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." +msgstr " 1 钱包导出文件和钱包恢复短语的剩余法定人数 (例如在 3-5 钱包︰1 钱包导出文件 + 任何其他 copayers 的 2 钱包恢复短语)。" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr " 钱包里的 所有 copayers 的钱包恢复短语" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" +msgstr " 钱包里的 所有 copayers 的钱包恢复短语" + +#: public/views/disclaimer.html +msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" +msgstr "多重签名比特币钱包" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "A spending password is set for this wallet. Exporting keeps the spending password in the export archive." +msgstr "此钱包已设置支付密码。在导出的时候,支付密码将保存在导出存档中。" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "About Copay" +msgstr "Copay 简介" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js +#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "同意" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Account" +msgstr "帐户" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/import.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Account Number" +msgstr "帐号" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Activity" +msgstr "活动" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Add a new entry" +msgstr "添加新条目" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Add a Password" +msgstr "添加密码" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" +msgstr "添加可选的密码,以保护恢复短语" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Add comment" +msgstr "添加评论" + +#: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +msgid "Add wallet" +msgstr "添加钱包" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +msgid "Address" +msgstr "地址" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Address Type" +msgstr "地址类型" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "進階" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Alias" +msgstr "别名" + +#: public/views/preferencesAlias.html +msgid "Alias for {{index.walletName}}" +msgstr "{{index.walletName}}别名" + +#: public/views/translators.html +msgid "All contributions to Copay's translation are welcome. Sign up at crowdin.com and join the Copay project at" +msgstr "欢迎大家为 Copay 提供翻译,注册 crowdin.com 并加入 Copay 项目" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "All transaction requests are irreversible." +msgstr "所有交易请求均不可逆。" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Alternative Currency" +msgstr "替代货币" + +#: public/views/includes/output.html +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Amount" +msgstr "数额" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Amount below dust threshold" +msgstr "数额低于灰尘阈值" + +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Amount in" +msgstr "已转换的数额" + +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" +msgstr "你确定要删除恢复短语吗?" + +#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" +msgstr "确定要删除这钱包?" + +#: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html +msgid "Auditable" +msgstr "可审核" + +#: public/views/includes/available-balance.html +msgid "Available Balance" +msgstr "可用余额" + +#: public/views/preferencesFee.html +msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" +msgstr "平均确认时间: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} 分钟" + +#: public/views/includes/topbar.html +msgid "Back" +msgstr "返回" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Backup" +msgstr "备份" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Backup failed" +msgstr "备份失败" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Backup Needed" +msgstr "需要备份" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Backup now" +msgstr "现在备份" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Bad wallet invitation" +msgstr "坏钱包邀请" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Balance By Address" +msgstr "地址余额" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." +msgstr "接收资金前, 务必备份你的钱包。如果你遗失此设备,无法在没有备份的情况下找回资金。" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" +msgstr "BETA: Android 密钥衍生测试︰" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/import.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "BIP32 path for address derivation" +msgstr "BIP32 路径的地址衍生" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Bitcoin address" +msgstr "比特币地址" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Bitcoin Network Fee Policy" +msgstr "比特币网络手续费策略" + +#: public/views/preferencesFee.html +msgid "Bitcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Actual fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy." +msgstr "比特币交易可能包括网络矿工所收取的费用。收费越高,交易数据块包含矿工的奖励也越大。实际收费的确定取决于网络负载和所选定的策略。" + +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +msgid "Bitcoin URI is NOT valid!" +msgstr "比特币 URI 无效!" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Broadcast Payment" +msgstr "广播支付" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Broadcasting transaction" +msgstr "正在广播交易" + +#: public/views/unsupported.html +msgid "Browser unsupported" +msgstr "浏览器不被支持" + +#: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +msgid "Buy & Sell" +msgstr "买 & 卖" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Calculating fee" +msgstr "正在计算费用" + +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/includes/password.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +#: public/views/modals/confirmation.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js +#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "取消" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" +msgstr "取消并删除钱包" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds" +msgstr "不能创建交易。资金不足" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Cannot join the same wallet more that once" +msgstr "无法重复加入同一个钱包" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Cannot sign: The payment request has expired" +msgstr "无法签名︰支付请求已过期" + +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +msgid "Certified by" +msgstr "通过认证:" + +#: public/views/preferencesAlias.html +msgid "Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name." +msgstr "更改钱包别名只会影响本地钱包名称。" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Choose a backup file from your computer" +msgstr "从你的计算机选择一个备份文件" + +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Clear cache" +msgstr "清空缓存" + +#: public/views/includes/topbar.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/modals/scanner.html +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Close" +msgstr "关闭" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Color" +msgstr "颜色" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "评论" + +#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html +msgid "Commit hash" +msgstr "提交哈希" + +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js +#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "确定" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "确认你的钱包恢复短语" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Confirmations" +msgstr "确认" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Congratulations!" +msgstr "恭喜!" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Connecting to {{create.hwWallet}} Wallet..." +msgstr "正在连接到 {{create.hwWallet}} 的钱包..." + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Connecting to {{import.hwWallet}} Wallet..." +msgstr "正在连接到 {{import.hwWallet}} 的钱包..." + +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Connecting to {{join.hwWallet}} Wallet..." +msgstr "正在连接到 {{join.hwWallet}} 的钱包..." + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Connection reset by peer" +msgstr "连接被对方重置" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "继续" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Copayer already in this wallet" +msgstr "Copayer 已经在这个钱包里" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Copayer already voted on this spend proposal" +msgstr "Copayer 已经表决此花费提议" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Copayer data mismatch" +msgstr "Copayer 的数据不匹配" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Copayers" +msgstr "Copayers" + +#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js +#: src/js/controllers/export.js +#: src/js/controllers/tx.js +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Copied to clipboard" +msgstr "已复制到剪贴板" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)" +msgstr "将此文本复制到一个安全的地方(记事本或电子邮件)" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Copy to clipboard" +msgstr "复制到剪贴板" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" +msgstr "无法访问服务器上的钱包。请确认︰" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not access wallet" +msgstr "无法访问钱包" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" +msgstr "不能访问 Wallet Service︰ 找不到" + +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js +msgid "Could not broadcast payment" +msgstr "无法广播支付" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Could not build transaction" +msgstr "无法建立交易" + +#: src/js/services/addressService.js +msgid "Could not create address" +msgstr "无法创建地址" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Could not create payment proposal" +msgstr "无法创建支付提议" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not create using the specified extended private key" +msgstr "无法使用指定的扩展私人密钥创建" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" +msgstr "无法使用指定的扩展的公钥创建" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "无法创建 ︰ 无效的钱包恢复短语" + +#: src/js/controllers/backup.js +msgid "Could not decrypt" +msgstr "无法解密" + +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" +msgstr "无法解密文件,请检查你的密码" + +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js +msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" +msgstr "无法删除支付提议" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Could not fetch payment information" +msgstr "无法获取支付信息" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Could not get fee value" +msgstr "无法获取手续费率" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not import" +msgstr "无法导入" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" +msgstr "无法导入。请检查输入文件和支付密码" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Could not join wallet" +msgstr "无法加入钱包" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" +msgstr "无法识别有效的比特币 QR 代码" + +#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js +msgid "Could not reject payment" +msgstr "无法拒绝支付" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Could not send payment" +msgstr "无法发送支付" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Could not update Wallet" +msgstr "无法更新钱包" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Create" +msgstr "创建" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Create {{requiredCopayers}}-of-{{totalCopayers}} wallet" +msgstr "创建{{totalCopayers}}-的-{{requiredCopayers}} 的钱包" + +#: public/views/add.html +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Create new wallet" +msgstr "创建新钱包" + +#: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +msgid "Create, join or import" +msgstr "创建、 加入或导入" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Created by" +msgstr "创建者:" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Creating transaction" +msgstr "正在创建交易" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/disclaimer.html +msgid "Creating Wallet..." +msgstr "正在创建钱包..." + +#: public/views/preferencesFee.html +msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" +msgstr "此策略的当前收费率︰{{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Date" +msgstr "日期" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open." +msgstr "在此设备上解密纸钱包可能需要大约 5 分钟。请耐心等候并保持程序开着。" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +msgid "Delete it and create a new one" +msgstr "删除并创建新的" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" +msgstr "删除支付提议" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Delete recovery phrase" +msgstr "删除恢复短语" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "删除恢复短语" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html +msgid "Delete wallet" +msgstr "删除钱包" + +#: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html +msgid "Delete Wallet" +msgstr "删除钱包" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html +msgid "Deleting Wallet..." +msgstr "正在删除钱包..." + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/import.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Derivation Path" +msgstr "衍生路径" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Derivation Strategy" +msgstr "衍生策略" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Description" +msgstr "说明" + +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Details" +msgstr "详细信息" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Disabled" +msgstr "未启用" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Do not include private key" +msgstr "不包括私钥" + +#: public/views/translators.html +msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." +msgstr "在 Crowdin 找不到你的语言?请联系 Crowdin 的所有者!我们很乐意支持你的语言。" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Done" +msgstr "完成" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Download" +msgstr "下载" + +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Economy" +msgstr "经济" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "编辑" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edit comment" +msgstr "编辑评论" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Edited by" +msgstr "编辑者:" + +#: public/views/importLegacy.html +msgid "Email" +msgstr "邮箱" + +#: public/views/preferencesEmail.html +msgid "Email for wallet notifications" +msgstr "发送钱包通知到邮箱" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Email Notifications" +msgstr "邮箱通知" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." +msgstr "已达到空地址限制。无法生成新的地址。" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" +msgstr "启用 Coinbase 服务" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable Glidera Service" +msgstr "启用 Glidera 服务" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Enable push notifications" +msgstr "启用推式通知" + +#: src/js/controllers/export.js +msgid "Encrypted export file saved" +msgstr "已保存加密的导出文件" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" +msgstr "输入恢复短语 (BIP39)" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Enter your password" +msgstr "请输入你的密码" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Enter your spending password" +msgstr "输入你的支付密码" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Error at Wallet Service" +msgstr "Wallet Service 出现错误" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Error creating wallet" +msgstr "创建钱包时出现错误" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Error importing wallet:" +msgstr "导入钱包时出现错误︰" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Expired" +msgstr "已过期" + +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Expires" +msgstr "到期" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Export options" +msgstr "导出选项" + +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file" +msgstr "导出到文件" + +#: public/views/preferencesHistory.html +msgid "Export to file [preparing...]" +msgstr "导出到文件 [preparing...]" + +#: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html +msgid "Export Wallet" +msgstr "导出钱包" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Extended Public Keys" +msgstr "扩展的公钥" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Failed to export" +msgstr "导出失败" + +#: src/js/controllers/importLegacy.js +msgid "Failed to import wallets" +msgstr "导入钱包失败" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Failed to verify backup. Please check your information" +msgstr "验证备份失败。请检查你的信息" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Family vacation funds" +msgstr "家庭度假资金" + +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Fee" +msgstr "费用" + +#. Get information of payment if using Payment Protocol +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Fetching Payment Information" +msgstr "获取支付信息" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "File/Text Backup" +msgstr "备份文件/文本" + +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Finger Scan Failed" +msgstr "指纹扫描失败" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "完成" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "For audit purposes" +msgstr "供审计目的" + +#: public/views/translators.html +msgid "French" +msgstr "法语" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Funds are locked by pending spend proposals" +msgstr "资金由未决的花费提议锁定" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Funds found" +msgstr "找到资金" + +#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js +msgid "Funds received" +msgstr "收到的资金" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Funds will be transferred to" +msgstr "资金将会转移到" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Generate new address" +msgstr "生成新的地址" + +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +msgid "Generate QR Code" +msgstr "生成 QR 码" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Generating .csv file..." +msgstr "正在生成 .csv 文件..." + +#: public/views/translators.html +msgid "German" +msgstr "德语" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." +msgstr "获取{{selectedWalletName}} 钱包的地址..." + +#: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +msgid "Global preferences" +msgstr "全局首选项" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Hardware wallet" +msgstr "硬件钱包" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Hardware Wallet" +msgstr "硬件钱包" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" +msgstr "你拥有 Copay v0.9 的备份吗?" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/import.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Hide advanced options" +msgstr "隐藏高级选项" + +#: public/views/disclaimer.html +msgid "I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms." +msgstr "我确定已阅读、理解并同意这些条款。" + +#: public/views/disclaimer.html +msgid "I AGREE. GET STARTED" +msgstr "我同意。现即开始" + +#: public/views/import.html +#: public/views/importLegacy.html +msgid "Import" +msgstr "导入" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Import backup" +msgstr "导入备份" + +#: public/views/importLegacy.html +msgid "Import from the Cloud?" +msgstr "从云导入?" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Import here" +msgstr "导入到此处" + +#: public/views/add.html +msgid "Import wallet" +msgstr "导入钱包" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Importing wallet..." +msgstr "正在导入钱包..." + +#: public/views/importLegacy.html +msgid "Importing..." +msgstr "正在导入..." + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, or BitPay, Inc. be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software." +msgstr "在任何情况下,软件作者、Bitpay 的员工及附属公司、版权持有人或 BitPay,Inc. 均不对由软件引起,与软件有关联或无关联,所任何索赔、损害或其他责任,无论是合同诉讼、侵权行为或其他,产生从本合同或与本软件有关。" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" +msgstr "为了验证你的钱包备份,请键入你的密码:" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Include address book and history cache" +msgstr "包括地址簿和历史缓存" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Incorrect address network" +msgstr "地址网络不正确" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Insufficient funds" +msgstr "资金不足" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" +msgstr "费用的资金不足" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Invalid" +msgstr "无效" + +#: src/js/controllers/create.js +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +#: src/js/controllers/join.js +msgid "Invalid account number" +msgstr "帐户号无效" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Invalid address" +msgstr "地址无效" + +#: src/js/controllers/create.js +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +#: src/js/controllers/join.js +msgid "Invalid derivation path" +msgstr "衍生路径无效" + +#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js +msgid "Invitation to share a Copay Wallet" +msgstr "邀请分享 Copay 钱包" + +#: public/views/translators.html +msgid "Japanese" +msgstr "日语" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "John" +msgstr "John" + +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Join" +msgstr "加入" + +#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js +msgid "Join my Copay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download Copay for your phone or desktop at https://copay.io" +msgstr "加入我的 Copay 钱包。这是邀请码 ︰ {{secret}} 你可以在 https://copay.io 下载 Copay 到你的手机或桌式电脑" + +#: public/views/add.html +msgid "Join shared wallet" +msgstr "加入共享钱包" + +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Joining Wallet..." +msgstr "正在加入钱包..." + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" +msgstr "钥已经关联现有的钱包" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Label" +msgstr "标签" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Language" +msgstr "语言" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Last Wallet Addresses" +msgstr "最后的钱包地址" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Learn more about Copay backups" +msgstr "了解更多关于 Copay 备份" + +#: public/views/importLegacy.html +msgid "Learn more about Wallet Migration" +msgstr "了解更多关于钱包迁移" + +#: public/views/preferencesFee.html +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "正在加载..." + +#: public/views/includes/available-balance.html +msgid "locked by pending payments" +msgstr "被未决支付锁定" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal" +msgstr "Locktime 在进行中。请稍等以创建新的花费提议" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal" +msgstr "Locktime 在进行中。请稍等以删除花费提议" + +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +msgid "Make a payment to" +msgstr "支付给" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Matches:" +msgstr "匹配:" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "me" +msgstr "我" + +#: public/views/includes/copayers.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Me" +msgstr "我" + +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +msgid "Memo" +msgstr "便签" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Merchant message" +msgstr "商家的消息" + +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +msgid "Message" +msgstr "信息" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing parameter" +msgstr "缺失参数" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Missing private keys to sign" +msgstr "遗失需要签名的私钥" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Moved" +msgstr "已调动" + +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Multiple recipients" +msgstr "多个接收者" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "My Bitcoin address" +msgstr "我的比特币地址" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "My contacts" +msgstr "我的联系人" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "My wallets" +msgstr "我的钱包" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Need to do backup" +msgstr "需要做备份" + +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +msgid "Network" +msgstr "网络" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Network connection error" +msgstr "网络连接错误" + +#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js +msgid "New Payment Proposal" +msgstr "新的支付提议" + +#: src/js/controllers/create.js +#: src/js/controllers/join.js +msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "新的随机恢复短语" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" +msgstr "此设备不支持硬件钱包" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "No transactions yet" +msgstr "没有交易记录" + +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Normal" +msgstr "常规" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Not authorized" +msgstr "尚未授权" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Not completed" +msgstr "未完成" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Not enough funds for fee" +msgstr "费用的资金不足" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Not valid" +msgstr "无效" + +#: public/views/includes/output.html +msgid "Note" +msgstr "备注" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded" +msgstr "备注︰共有{{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} 被排除了。超出了交易允许的最大体积" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." +msgstr "备注:共有{{amountBelowFeeStr}} 被排除了。这些来自 UTXOs 的资金小于提供的网络费用。" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." +msgstr "注意︰欲从第三方软件导入钱包,请到添加钱包 > 创建钱包,并指定恢复短语。" + +#: public/views/disclaimer.html +#: public/views/termOfUse.html +msgid "Official English Disclaimer" +msgstr "官方英文免责声明" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "OKAY" +msgstr "OKAY" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." +msgstr "一旦抄下你的钱包恢复短语,建议从此设备上删除。" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." +msgstr "只显示主要(不改变)的地址。这个时候不本地验证此列表上的地址。" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Open Settings app" +msgstr "打开设置应用" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "optional" +msgstr "可选" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" +msgstr "纸钱包私钥" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Participants" +msgstr "参与者" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Passphrase" +msgstr "密码短语" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/import.html +#: public/views/importLegacy.html +#: public/views/join.html +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Password" +msgstr "密码" + +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Paste invitation here" +msgstr "在此粘贴邀请" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Paste the backup plain text code" +msgstr "粘贴备份的纯文本代码" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Paste your paper wallet private key here" +msgstr "在此粘贴你的纸钱包私钥" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Pasted from clipboard" +msgstr "自剪贴板粘贴" + +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +msgid "Pay To" +msgstr "支付给" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "Payment Accepted" +msgstr "已接受支付" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted" +msgstr "支付已被接受,但尚未广播" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created." +msgstr "支付以被接受。它将由 Glidera 广播。如果出现问题,它可以在创建后的 6 个小时内删除。" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Payment details" +msgstr "支付明细" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Payment expires" +msgstr "支付期满" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Payment Proposal" +msgstr "支付提议" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +msgid "Payment Proposal Created" +msgstr "支付提议已创建" + +#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js +msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected" +msgstr "支付提议已被拒绝" + +#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js +msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected by Copayer" +msgstr "支付提议已被 Copayer 拒绝" + +#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js +msgid "Payment Proposal Signed by Copayer" +msgstr "支付提议已获 Copayer 签名" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Payment Proposals" +msgstr "支付提议" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Payment Protocol Invalid" +msgstr "支付协议无效" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App" +msgstr "支付协议不支持 Chrome 应用程序" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Payment Rejected" +msgstr "支付被拒绝" + +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +msgid "Payment request" +msgstr "支付请求" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js +msgid "Payment Sent" +msgstr "支付已发送" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Payment to" +msgstr "支付给" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Pending Confirmation" +msgstr "待确认" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html +msgid "Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED" +msgstr "永久删除这个钱包。此操作无法撤消" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Personal Wallet" +msgstr "个人钱包" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Please accept to export two public keys from the Trezor app" +msgstr "请接受从 Trezor 应用程序导出两个公共密钥" + +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" +msgstr "请输入恢复短语" + +#: src/js/controllers/create.js +#: src/js/controllers/join.js +msgid "Please enter the required fields" +msgstr "请输入必须填写的信息" + +#: src/js/controllers/create.js +#: src/js/controllers/join.js +msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "请输入钱包恢复短语" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." +msgstr "请按顺序点击词句,以确认你的备份短语填写正确。" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Please upgrade Copay to perform this action" +msgstr "请升级 Copay 以执行此操作" + +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Please, select your backup file" +msgstr "请选择你的备份文件" + +#: src/js/controllers/export.js +msgid "Preparing backup..." +msgstr "正在准备备份..." + +#: src/js/routes.js +msgid "Press again to exit" +msgstr "再按一次退出" + +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Priority" +msgstr "优先" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Private key is encrypted, cannot sign" +msgstr "私钥已加密,无法签名" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Push notifications for Copay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app." +msgstr "Copay 的推式通知目前未启用。请在设置应用里启用它。" + +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +msgid "QR Code" +msgstr "QR 码" + +#: public/views/modals/scanner.html +msgid "QR-Scanner" +msgstr "QR-扫描仪" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Receive" +msgstr "接收" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Received" +msgstr "已接收" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Recipients" +msgstr "接收者" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." +msgstr "重新连接到 Wallet Service..." + +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js +msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" +msgstr "恢复短语已删除" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Recreate" +msgstr "重新创建" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Recreating Wallet..." +msgstr "正在重新创建的钱包..." + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Reject" +msgstr "拒絕" + +#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html +msgid "Release Information" +msgstr "发布信息" + +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "移除" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat password" +msgstr "重复输入密码" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Repeat the password" +msgstr "重复密码" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Repeat the spending password" +msgstr "重复支付密码" + +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Request a specific amount" +msgstr "请求特定数额" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Request Spending Password" +msgstr "请求支付密码" + +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Required" +msgstr "必需" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Required number of signatures" +msgstr "所需的签名数" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Retrieving inputs information" +msgstr "正在获取输入的信息。" + +#: public/views/translators.html +msgid "Russian" +msgstr "俄语" + +#: public/views/includes/note.html +#: public/views/modals/addressbook.html +#: public/views/preferencesAlias.html +#: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html +#: public/views/preferencesEmail.html +msgid "Save" +msgstr "保存" + +#: public/views/preferencesEmail.html +msgid "Saving preferences..." +msgstr "正在保存首选项..." + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Scan addresses for funds" +msgstr "扫描资金的地址" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Scan Fingerprint" +msgstr "扫描指纹" + +#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js +msgid "Scan Finished" +msgstr "扫描完成" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Scan status finished with error" +msgstr "扫描完成,出现错误" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" +msgstr "扫描钱包资金" + +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" +msgstr "请扫描你的指纹" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Scanning wallet funds..." +msgstr "正在扫描钱包资金..." + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." +msgstr "正在扫描钱包资金..." + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search transactions" +msgstr "搜索交易" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +msgid "Search Transactions" +msgstr "搜索交易" + +#: public/views/preferences.html +msgid "Security preferences" +msgstr "安全首选项" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "See it on the blockchain" +msgstr "在区块链查看" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Select a backup file" +msgstr "选择备份文件" + +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +msgid "Select a wallet" +msgstr "选择钱包" + +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +msgid "Self-signed Certificate" +msgstr "自签名证书" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Send" +msgstr "发送" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Send addresses by email" +msgstr "通过电邮发送地址" + +#: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html +msgid "Send bitcoin" +msgstr "发送比特币" + +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/preferencesLogs.html +msgid "Send by email" +msgstr "通过电邮发送" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Send Max" +msgstr "发送最大" + +#: public/views/includes/transaction.html +msgid "Sending" +msgstr "正在发送" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Sending funds..." +msgstr "正在发送资金..." + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Sending transaction" +msgstr "正在发送交易" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-status.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Sent" +msgstr "已发送" + +#: public/views/importLegacy.html +msgid "Server" +msgstr "服务器" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Server response could not be verified" +msgstr "无法验证服务器响应" + +#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html +msgid "Session log" +msgstr "会话日志" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "SET" +msgstr "设置" + +#: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html +msgid "Set default url" +msgstr "设置默认的 url" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Set up a password" +msgstr "设置密码" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Set up a spending password" +msgstr "设置支付密码" + +#: public/views/preferencesEmail.html +msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." +msgstr "设置电邮通知可能会削弱你的隐私,如果钱包服务提供商受到损害。攻击者可能获得的信息包括你的钱包地址及其结余,可仅此而已。" + +#: public/views/includes/sidebar.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "设置" + +#: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share address" +msgstr "共享地址" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +msgid "Share invitation" +msgstr "共享邀请" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" +msgstr "将此邀请与你的 copayers 共享" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" +msgstr "分享此钱包地址,以接收付款" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." +msgstr "共享此钱包地址,以便接收支付。为了保护你的隐私,一旦你使用它们,新地址将自动生成。" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Shared Wallet" +msgstr "共享的钱包" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/import.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Show advanced options" +msgstr "显示高级选项" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Show Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "显示钱包恢复短语" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Signatures rejected by server" +msgstr "签名被服务器拒绝" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "Signing transaction" +msgstr "签名交易" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Single Address Wallet" +msgstr "单一地址钱包" + +#: public/views/translators.html +msgid "Spanish" +msgstr "西班牙语" + +#: src/js/controllers/create.js +#: src/js/controllers/join.js +msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." +msgstr "指定恢复短语......" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" +msgstr "花费提议不被接受" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spend proposal not found" +msgstr "找不到花费提议" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Spending Password needed" +msgstr "需要支付密码" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" +msgstr "支付密码不匹配" + +#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js +#: src/js/controllers/export.js +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js +msgid "Success" +msgstr "成功" + +#: src/js/services/feeService.js +msgid "Super Economy" +msgstr "超级经济" + +#: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html +msgid "Sweep paper wallet" +msgstr "Sweep 纸钱包" + +#: public/views/paperWallet.html +msgid "Sweep Wallet" +msgstr "Sweep 钱包" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap and hold to show" +msgstr "点击并按住以显示" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Tap to retry" +msgstr "点击以重试" + +#: public/views/disclaimer.html +#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html +msgid "Terms of Use" +msgstr "使用条款" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." +msgstr "如果你遗失或忘记私钥或密码,软件作者、Bitpay 的员工及附属公司、版权持有人或 BitPay,Inc. 均无法取回你的私钥或密码,由于他们没有比特币网络的管理权,他们并不能保证交易确认。" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The derivation path" +msgstr "衍生路径" + +#: src/js/services/ledger.js +msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" +msgstr "Ledger Chrome 应用程序未安装" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" +msgstr "恢复短语的密码 (如已设置)" + +#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js +msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" +msgstr "支付已创建,但无法完成。请从首页再试一次" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "The payment was removed by creator" +msgstr "支付已被创建者移除" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "恢复短语需要密码才能导入" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" +msgstr "服务器不理解此请求" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." +msgstr "此软件并不构成一个账户,让 BitPay 或其他第三方作为金融中介机构或保管人以保管你的比特币。" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet." +msgstr "你将使用的软件是一个免费、开放源代码和多重签名的数字钱包。" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "The spend proposal is not pending" +msgstr "花费提议不是未决" + +#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js +#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js +msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" +msgstr "\"{{walletName}}\"钱包已删除" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" +msgstr "钱包恢复短语需要密码才能导入" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "The wallet service URL" +msgstr "钱包服务 URL" + +#: public/views/paymentUri.html +msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" +msgstr "没有钱包以进行此支付" + +#: src/js/controllers/index.js +msgid "There is a new version of Copay. Please update" +msgstr "Copay 有新版本。请更新" + +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "There is an error in the form" +msgstr "表格中有错误" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." +msgstr "此恢复短语是用密码创建。为了恢复此钱包,需要恢复短语和密码。" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." +msgstr "此交易已无效; 可能是双花尝试导致。" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information." +msgstr "此钱包不在给定的 Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS) 注册。你可以从本地信息重新创建它。" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Time" +msgstr "时间" + +#: public/views/includes/output.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "To" +msgstr "发送到" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need" +msgstr "要恢复此 {{index.m}}{{index.n}} 共享 钱包,你需要" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement." +msgstr "在法律允许的最大范围内,本软件“按原样”提供,不提供任何形式、明示 或暗示的担保或陈述,包括但不是限于商品适销性,针对特定目的的适用性或非侵害性的保证。" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "too long!" +msgstr "太长了 !" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Total Locked Balance" +msgstr "锁定结余的总额" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Total number of copayers" +msgstr "Copayers 的总数" + +#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js +msgid "Touch ID Failed" +msgstr "触摸 ID 失败" + +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +msgid "Transaction" +msgstr "交易" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Transaction already broadcasted" +msgstr "交易已经广播" + +#: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html +msgid "Transaction History" +msgstr "交易历史记录" + +#: public/views/translators.html +msgid "Translation Credits" +msgstr "翻译志愿者" + +#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html +msgid "Translators" +msgstr "翻译者" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Try again" +msgstr "重新尝试" + +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" +msgstr "键入恢复短语 (通常 12 个字)" + +#: public/views/modals/search.html +#: public/views/modals/tx-details.html +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Unconfirmed" +msgstr "未确认" + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Unit" +msgstr "单位" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Unsent transactions" +msgstr "未发送的交易" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Updating transaction history. Please stand by." +msgstr "更新交易历史记录。请等待。" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "Updating Wallet..." +msgstr "正在更新钱包..." + +#: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html +msgid "Use Unconfirmed Funds" +msgstr "使用未经确认的资金" + +#: public/views/importLegacy.html +msgid "Username" +msgstr "用户名" + +#: public/views/preferencesAbout.html +msgid "Version" +msgstr "版本" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "View" +msgstr "查看" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +msgid "Waiting for copayers" +msgstr "正在等待 copayers" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +msgid "Waiting..." +msgstr "等待中..." + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet already exists" +msgstr "钱包已存在" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" +msgstr "钱包已导入︰" + +#: src/js/services/profileService.js +msgid "Wallet already in Copay" +msgstr "钱包已经在 Copay" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" +msgstr "钱包配置 (m n)" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "Wallet Export" +msgstr "钱包导出" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Wallet Id" +msgstr "钱包 Id" + +#: public/views/copayers.html +msgid "Wallet incomplete and broken" +msgstr "钱包不完整和损坏" + +#: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Wallet Information" +msgstr "钱包信息" + +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Wallet Invitation" +msgstr "钱包邀请" + +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Wallet Invitation is not valid!" +msgstr "钱包邀请无效!" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet is full" +msgstr "钱包已满" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet is locked" +msgstr "钱包被锁定" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet is not complete" +msgstr "钱包不完整" + +#: public/views/create.html +msgid "Wallet name" +msgstr "钱包名称" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" +msgstr "钱包名称(在创建时)" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet needs backup" +msgstr "钱包需要备份" + +#: public/views/preferencesInformation.html +msgid "Wallet Network" +msgstr "钱包网" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet not found" +msgstr "找不到钱包" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" +msgstr "钱包不在 Wallet Service 注册。使用“创建钱包\"的\"高级选项\"设置你的恢复短语以重新创建它" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/import.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" +msgstr "钱包恢复短语" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" +msgstr "无效的钱包恢复短语" + +#: public/views/backup.html +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." +msgstr "没有可用的钱包恢复短语。你仍然可以从 Advanced > Export 中导出。" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wallet service not found" +msgstr "找不到 Wallet Service" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." +msgstr "警告︰此设备/钱包无法运行钥匙衍生。无法在此钱包上执行操作。" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." +msgstr "警告︰不包括私钥,以检查钱包余额、交易历史记录,及从导出创建开销提议。可是,不允许批准(签名)提议,因此 资金将无法从导出访问。" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." +msgstr "警告︰密码不能恢复。必须要把它抄写下来。如果没有密码,钱包无法恢复。" + +#: public/views/export.html +msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." +msgstr "警告︰此钱包没有可用的私钥。导出可以检查钱包余额、交易历史记录,及从导出创建开销提议。可是,不允许批准(签名)提议,因此 资金将无法从导出访问。" + +#: public/views/modals/txp-details.html +msgid "Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs" +msgstr "警告︰此交易有未经确认的输入" + +#: public/views/modals/paypro.html +msgid "WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE" +msgstr "警告︰不受信任的证书" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "WARNING: Wallet not registered" +msgstr "警告 ︰ 钱包没有注册" + +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html +#: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html +msgid "Warning!" +msgstr "警告!​​​​​" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time." +msgstr "我们保留权利以修改此免责声明。" + +#: public/views/disclaimer.html +msgid "WELCOME TO COPAY" +msgstr "欢迎使用 COPAY" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software." +msgstr "虽然软件经历了 beta 测试,并持续获得开源用户和开发者社区的反馈而改进,我们无法保证软件没有错误。" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" +msgstr "抄写下你的钱包恢复短语" + +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" +msgstr "恢复词句数不正确:" + +#: src/js/services/bwsError.js +msgid "Wrong spending password" +msgstr "支付密码错误" + +#: public/views/modals/confirmation.html +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "是" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws." +msgstr "你承认和同意使用此软件是你自己的判断,并遵守所有适用法律。" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software." +msgstr "你有责任保管你的密码、私钥对,PINs 及你用以访问软件的任何其他代码。" + +#: public/views/includes/terms.html +msgid "You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software." +msgstr "你承担使用本软件的任何和所有相关风险。" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time." +msgstr "你已备份了钱包。你现在可以在任何时候复原此钱包。" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time." +msgstr "你可以安全地在另一台设备上安装你的钱包,并同时在多个设备上使用。" + +#: public/views/walletHome.html +msgid "You do not have a wallet" +msgstr "你没有钱包" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." +msgstr "你需要钱包恢复短语以恢复此个人钱包。把它抄写下来,并存放在安全的地方。" + +#: public/views/create.html +#: public/views/join.html +msgid "Your nickname" +msgstr "你的昵称" + +#: public/views/export.html +#: public/views/import.html +msgid "Your password" +msgstr "你的密码" + +#: public/views/importLegacy.html +msgid "Your profile password" +msgstr "你的个人资料密码" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your spending password" +msgstr "你的支付密码" + +#: src/js/controllers/import.js +msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" +msgstr "你的钱包已正确导入" + +#: public/views/includes/password.html +msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" +msgstr "你的钱包钥匙将被加密。支付密码不能恢复。必须把它抄写下来" + +#: public/views/backup.html +msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." +msgstr "你的钱包恢复短语及访问协调初始钱包创建的服务器。你仍然需要 {{index.m}} 钥匙来支付。" +