Ref: amazon integration

This commit is contained in:
Gustavo Maximiliano Cortez 2017-07-11 00:41:10 -03:00
parent 3141feef27
commit 59d668f292
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 251 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('amazonCardsController',
remove: true
}, function(err) {
amazonService.savePendingGiftCard(newData, null, function(err) {
@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('amazonCardsController',
$scope.$on("$ionicView.beforeEnter", function(event, data) {
$scope.cardClaimCode = data.stateParams.cardClaimCode;
$scope.invoiceId = data.stateParams.invoiceId;
updateGiftCards(function() {
if ($scope.cardClaimCode) {
if ($scope.invoiceId) {
var card = lodash.find($scope.giftCards, {
claimCode: $scope.cardClaimCode
invoiceId: $scope.invoiceId
if (lodash.isEmpty(card)) {
popupService.showAlert(null, 'Card not found');

View File

@ -1,29 +1,41 @@
'use strict';
angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('buyAmazonController', function($scope, $log, $state, $timeout, $filter, $ionicHistory, $ionicConfig, lodash, amazonService, popupService, profileService, ongoingProcess, configService, walletService, payproService, bwcError, externalLinkService, platformInfo) {
angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('buyAmazonController', function($scope, $log, $state, $timeout, $filter, $ionicHistory, $ionicConfig, lodash, amazonService, popupService, profileService, ongoingProcess, configService, walletService, payproService, bwcError, externalLinkService, platformInfo, gettextCatalog, txFormatService) {
var amount;
var currency;
$scope.isCordova = platformInfo.isCordova;
var createdTx;
var message;
var invoiceId;
var configWallet = configService.getSync().wallet;
$scope.isCordova = platformInfo.isCordova;
$scope.openExternalLink = function(url) {;
var showErrorAndBack = function(msg, err) {
var _resetValues = function() {
$scope.totalAmountStr = $scope.amount = $scope.invoiceFee = $scope.networkFee = $scope.totalAmount = $scope.wallet = null;
createdTx = message = invoiceId = null;
var showErrorAndBack = function(title, msg) {
title = title || gettextCatalog.getString('Error');
$scope.sendStatus = '';
err = err && err.errors ? err.errors[0].message : err;
popupService.showAlert(msg, err, function() {
msg = (msg && msg.errors) ? msg.errors[0].message : msg;
popupService.showAlert(title, msg, function() {
var showError = function(msg, err) {
var showError = function(title, msg, cb) {
cb = cb || function() {};
title = title || gettextCatalog.getString('Error');
$scope.sendStatus = '';
err = err && err.errors ? err.errors[0].message : (err || '');
popupService.showAlert(msg, err);
msg = (msg && msg.errors) ? msg.errors[0].message : msg;
popupService.showAlert(title, msg, cb);
var publishAndSign = function(wallet, txp, onSendStatusChange, cb) {
@ -51,6 +63,111 @@ angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('buyAmazonController', functio
var satToFiat = function(sat, cb) {
txFormatService.toFiat(sat, $scope.currencyIsoCode, function(value) {
return cb(value);
var setTotalAmount = function(amountSat, invoiceFeeSat, networkFeeSat) {
satToFiat(amountSat, function(a) {
$scope.amount = Number(a);
satToFiat(invoiceFeeSat, function(i) {
$scope.invoiceFee = Number(i);
satToFiat(networkFeeSat, function(n) {
$scope.networkFee = Number(n);
$scope.totalAmount = $scope.amount + $scope.invoiceFee + $scope.networkFee;
$timeout(function() {
var createInvoice = function(data, cb) {
amazonService.createBitPayInvoice(data, function(err, dataInvoice) {
if (err) {
var err_title = gettextCatalog.getString('Error creating the invoice');
var err_msg;
if (err && err.message && err.message.match(/suspended/i)) {
err_title = gettextCatalog.getString('Service not available');
err_msg = gettextCatalog.getString(' Gift Card Service is not available at this moment. Please try back later.');
} else if (err && err.message) {
err_msg = err.message;
} else {
err_msg = gettextCatalog.getString('Could not access Gift Card Service');
return cb({
title: err_title,
message: err_msg
var accessKey = dataInvoice ? dataInvoice.accessKey : null;
if (!accessKey) {
return cb({
message: gettextCatalog.getString('No access key defined')
amazonService.getBitPayInvoice(dataInvoice.invoiceId, function(err, invoice) {
if (err) {
return cb({
message: gettextCatalog.getString('Could not get the invoice')
return cb(null, invoice, accessKey);
var createTx = function(wallet, invoice, message, cb) {
var payProUrl = (invoice && invoice.paymentUrls) ? invoice.paymentUrls.BIP73 : null;
if (!payProUrl) {
return cb({
title: gettextCatalog.getString('Error in Payment Protocol'),
message: gettextCatalog.getString('Invalid URL')
var outputs = [];
var toAddress = invoice.bitcoinAddress;
var amountSat = parseInt(invoice.btcDue * 100000000); // BTC to Satoshi
'toAddress': toAddress,
'amount': amountSat,
'message': message
var txp = {
toAddress: toAddress,
amount: amountSat,
outputs: outputs,
message: message,
payProUrl: payProUrl,
excludeUnconfirmedUtxos: configWallet.spendUnconfirmed ? false : true,
feeLevel: configWallet.settings.feeLevel || 'normal'
walletService.createTx(wallet, txp, function(err, ctxp) {
if (err) {
return cb({
title: gettextCatalog.getString('Could not create transaction'),
message: bwcError.msg(err)
return cb(null, ctxp);
var checkTransaction = lodash.throttle(function(count, dataSrc) {
amazonService.createGiftCard(dataSrc, function(err, giftCard) {
$log.debug("creating gift card " + count);
@ -58,7 +175,7 @@ angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('buyAmazonController', functio
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', false, statusChangeHandler);
giftCard = {};
giftCard.status = 'FAILURE';
showError('Error creating gift card', err);
showError(gettextCatalog.getString('Error creating gift card'), err);
if (giftCard.status == 'PENDING' && count < 3) {
@ -83,9 +200,9 @@ angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('buyAmazonController', functio
}, function(err) {
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', false, statusChangeHandler);
showError('Gift card expired');
showError(null, gettextCatalog.getString('Gift card expired'));
amazonService.savePendingGiftCard(newData, null, function(err) {
@ -98,6 +215,57 @@ angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('buyAmazonController', functio
'leading': true
var initialize = function(wallet) {
var parsedAmount = txFormatService.parseAmount(amount, currency);
$scope.currencyIsoCode = parsedAmount.alternativeIsoCode;
$scope.amountUnitStr = parsedAmount.amountUnitStr;
var dataSrc = {
amount: parsedAmount.amount,
currency: parsedAmount.currency,
ongoingProcess.set('loadingTxInfo', true);
createInvoice(dataSrc, function(err, invoice, accessKey) {
if (err) {
ongoingProcess.set('loadingTxInfo', false);
showErrorAndBack(err.title, err.message);
// Sometimes API does not return this element;
invoice['buyerPaidBtcMinerFee'] = invoice.buyerPaidBtcMinerFee || 0;
var invoiceFeeSat = (invoice.buyerPaidBtcMinerFee * 100000000).toFixed();
message = gettextCatalog.getString("Amazon.con Gift Card {{amountStr}}", {
amountStr: $scope.amountUnitStr
createTx(wallet, invoice, message, function(err, ctxp) {
ongoingProcess.set('loadingTxInfo', false);
if (err) {
showError(err.title, err.message);
// Save in memory
createdTx = ctxp;
invoiceId =;
createdTx['giftData'] = {
currency: dataSrc.currency,
amount: dataSrc.amount,
uuid: dataSrc.uuid,
accessKey: accessKey,
invoiceUrl: invoice.url,
invoiceTime: invoice.invoiceTime
$scope.totalAmountStr = txFormatService.formatAmountStr(ctxp.amount);
setTotalAmount(parsedAmount.amountSat, invoiceFeeSat, ctxp.fee);
$scope.$on("$ionicView.beforeLeave", function(event, data) {
@ -111,12 +279,10 @@ angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('buyAmazonController', functio
currency = data.stateParams.currency;
if (amount > 1000) {
showErrorAndBack('Purchase Amount is limited to USD 1000 per day');
showErrorAndBack(null, gettextCatalog.getString('Purchase Amount is limited to USD 1000 per day'));
$scope.amountUnitStr = $filter('formatFiatAmount')(amount) + ' ' + currency;
$ = amazonService.getNetwork();
$scope.wallets = profileService.getWallets({
onlyComplete: true,
@ -124,135 +290,47 @@ angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('buyAmazonController', functio
hasFunds: true
if (lodash.isEmpty($scope.wallets)) {
showErrorAndBack('No wallets with funds');
showErrorAndBack(null, gettextCatalog.getString('No wallets available'));
$scope.wallet = $scope.wallets[0]; // Default first wallet
$scope.onWalletSelect($scope.wallets[0]); // Default first wallet
$scope.buyConfirm = function() {
var message = 'Buy gift card for ' + amount + ' ' + currency;
var okText = 'Confirm';
var cancelText = 'Cancel';
popupService.showConfirm(null, message, okText, cancelText, function(ok) {
if (!ok) return;
var config = configService.getSync();
var configWallet = config.wallet;
var walletSettings = configWallet.settings;
// Get first wallet as UUID
var uuid = $;
var dataSrc = {
currency: currency,
amount: amount,
uuid: uuid
if (!createdTx) {
showError(null, gettextCatalog.getString('Transaction has not been created'));
var title = gettextCatalog.getString('Confirm');
var okText = gettextCatalog.getString('Ok');
var cancelText = gettextCatalog.getString('Cancel');
popupService.showConfirm(title, message, okText, cancelText, function(ok) {
if (!ok) {
$scope.sendStatus = '';
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', true, statusChangeHandler);
amazonService.createBitPayInvoice(dataSrc, function(err, dataInvoice) {
publishAndSign($scope.wallet, createdTx, function() {}, function(err, txSent) {
if (err) {
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', false, statusChangeHandler);
if (err && err.message && err.message.match(/suspended/i)) {
showError('Service not available', 'Amazon Gift Card Service is not available at this moment. Please try back later.');
} else {
showError('Could not access Gift Card Service', err);
showError(gettextCatalog.getString('Could not send transaction'), err);
var accessKey = dataInvoice ? dataInvoice.accessKey : null;
if (!accessKey) {
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', false, statusChangeHandler);
showError('No access key defined');
amazonService.getBitPayInvoice(dataInvoice.invoiceId, function(err, invoice) {
if (err) {
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', false, statusChangeHandler);
showError('Error getting BitPay invoice', err);
var payProUrl = (invoice && invoice.paymentUrls) ? invoice.paymentUrls.BIP73 : null;
if (!payProUrl) {
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', false, statusChangeHandler);
showError('Error fetching invoice');
payproService.getPayProDetails(payProUrl, function(err, payProDetails) {
if (err) {
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', false, statusChangeHandler);
showError('Error fetching payment info', bwcError.msg(err));
var outputs = [];
var toAddress = payProDetails.toAddress;
var amountSat = payProDetails.amount;
var comment = amount + ' ' + currency + ' Gift Card';
'toAddress': toAddress,
'amount': amountSat,
'message': comment
var txp = {
toAddress: toAddress,
amount: amountSat,
outputs: outputs,
message: comment,
payProUrl: payProUrl,
excludeUnconfirmedUtxos: configWallet.spendUnconfirmed ? false : true,
feeLevel: walletSettings.feeLevel || 'normal'
walletService.createTx($scope.wallet, txp, function(err, ctxp) {
if (err) {
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', false, statusChangeHandler);
showError('Could not create transaction', bwcError.msg(err));
publishAndSign($scope.wallet, ctxp, function() {}, function(err, txSent) {
if (err) {
ongoingProcess.set('buyingGiftCard', false, statusChangeHandler);
showError('Could not send transaction', err);
$log.debug('Transaction broadcasted. Waiting for confirmation...');
var invoiceId = JSON.parse(payProDetails.merchant_data).invoiceId;
var dataSrc = {
currency: currency,
amount: amount,
uuid: uuid,
accessKey: accessKey,
invoiceUrl: payProUrl,
invoiceTime: invoice.invoiceTime
checkTransaction(1, dataSrc);
}, true); // Disable loader
checkTransaction(1, createdTx.giftData);
$scope.showWalletSelector = function() {
$scope.walletSelectorTitle = 'Buy from';
$scope.walletSelectorTitle = gettextCatalog.getString('Buy from');
$scope.showWallets = true;
$scope.onWalletSelect = function(wallet) {
$scope.wallet = wallet;
$scope.goBackHome = function() {
@ -262,14 +340,13 @@ angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('buyAmazonController', functio
historyRoot: true
var claimCode = $scope.amazonGiftCard ? $scope.amazonGiftCard.claimCode : null;
$state.go('tabs.home').then(function() {
disableAnimate: true
$state.transitionTo('').then(function() {
$state.transitionTo('', {
cardClaimCode: claimCode
invoiceId: invoiceId

View File

@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ angular.module('copayApp').config(function(historicLogProvider, $provide, $logPr
params: {
cardClaimCode: null
invoiceId: null
.state('', {

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-royal">
<ion-content class="add-bottom-for-cta">
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<div class="amount-label">
<div class="amount">{{amountUnitStr}}</div>
<div class="alternative">
<div class="alternative" translate>
Purchase Amount is limited to USD 1000 per day
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<div class="info">
<div class="item item-icon-right" ng-click="showWalletSelector()">
<div class="label">From</div>
<div class="label" translate>From</div>
<div class="wallet">
<i class="icon big-icon-svg">
<img src="img/icon-wallet.svg" ng-class="{'wallet-background-color-default': !wallet.color}" ng-style="{'background-color': wallet.color}" class="bg">
@ -35,6 +35,36 @@
<i class="icon bp-arrow-right"></i>
<div ng-show="totalAmountStr">
<div class="item item-divider" translate>
<div class="item">
<span translate>Gift card</span>
<span class="item-note">
{{amount | currency:'$ ':2}}<span ng-if="amount"> {{currencyIsoCode}}</span>
<div class="item">
<span translate>Invoice Fee</span>
<span class="item-note">
<span>{{invoiceFee | currency:'$ ':2}}<span ng-if="invoiceFee"> {{currencyIsoCode}}</span>
<div class="item">
<span translate>Network Fee</span>
<span class="item-note">
<span>{{networkFee | currency:'$ ':2}}<span ng-if="networkFee"> {{currencyIsoCode}}</span>
<div class="item">
<span translate>Total</span>
<span class="item-note">
<span ng-if="totalAmount">{{totalAmount | currency:'$ ':2}} {{currencyIsoCode}}</span>
<span ng-if="totalAmountStr">({{totalAmountStr}})</span>
<div class="item item-divider"></div>
<div class="item size-12">
* <a ng-click="openExternalLink('')"></a> is not a sponsor of this promotion.
@ -56,30 +86,29 @@
Confirm purchase
is-disabled="!wallet || !totalAmountStr">
{{'Confirm purchase'|translate}}
ng-if="isCordova && wallet && totalAmountStr"
Slide to buy
{{'Slide to buy'|translate}}
slide-success-show="sendStatus === 'success'"
<span ng-show="amazonGiftCard.status == 'FAILURE'">
<span ng-show="amazonGiftCard.status == 'FAILURE'" translate>
Your purchase could not be completed
<span ng-show="amazonGiftCard.status == 'PENDING'">
<span ng-show="amazonGiftCard.status == 'PENDING'" translate>
Your purchase was added to the list of pending
<span ng-show="amazonGiftCard.status == 'SUCCESS'">
Bought {{amazonGiftCard.amount}} {{amazonGiftCard.currency}}
<span ng-show="amazonGiftCard.status == 'SUCCESS'" translate>
Bought {{amountUnitStr}}
<div class="m10 size-14" ng-show="amazonGiftCard.status == 'SUCCESS'">
<div class="m10 size-14" ng-show="amazonGiftCard.status == 'SUCCESS'" translate>
Gift card generated and ready to use.