'use strict'; angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('SidebarController', function($scope, $rootScope, $sce, $location, $http, $filter, notification, controllerUtils) { $scope.menu = [{ 'title': 'Receive', 'icon': 'fi-download', 'link': 'receive' }, { 'title': 'Send', 'icon': 'fi-arrow-right', 'link': 'send' }, { 'title': 'History', 'icon': 'fi-clipboard-pencil', 'link': 'history' }, { 'title': 'Settings', 'icon': 'fi-widget', 'link': 'more' }]; $scope.signout = function() { logout(); }; // Ensures a graceful disconnect window.onbeforeunload = function() { controllerUtils.logout(); }; $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { window.onbeforeunload = undefined; }); $scope.refresh = function() { var w = $rootScope.wallet; if (w.isReady()) { w.sendWalletReady(); if ($rootScope.addrInfos.length > 0) { controllerUtils.clearBalanceCache(w); controllerUtils.updateBalance(w, function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }); } } }; $scope.isActive = function(item) { return item.link && item.link == $location.path().split('/')[1]; }; function logout() { controllerUtils.logout(); } // ng-repeat defined number of times instead of repeating over array? $scope.getNumber = function(num) { return new Array(num); } if ($rootScope.wallet) { $scope.$on('$idleWarn', function(a, countdown) { if (!(countdown % 5)) notification.warning('Session will be closed', $filter('translate')('Your session is about to expire due to inactivity in') + ' ' + countdown + ' ' + $filter('translate')('seconds')); }); $scope.$on('$idleTimeout', function() { $scope.signout(); notification.warning('Session closed', 'Session closed because a long time of inactivity'); }); $scope.$on('$keepalive', function() { $rootScope.wallet.keepAlive(); }); } $scope.switchWallet = function(wid) { $scope.walletSelection = false; controllerUtils.setFocusedWallet(wid); }; $scope.toggleWalletSelection = function() { $scope.walletSelection = !$scope.walletSelection; if (!$scope.walletSelection) return; $scope.wallets = []; var wids = _.pluck($rootScope.iden.listWallets(), 'id'); _.each(wids, function(wid) { if (controllerUtils.isFocusedWallet(wid)) return; var w = $rootScope.iden.getOpenWallet(wid); $scope.wallets.push(w); controllerUtils.updateBalance(w, function(err, res) { if (err) return; setTimeout(function() { $scope.$digest(); }, 1); }); }); }; });