'use strict'; var bitcore = require('bitcore'); angular.module('copayApp.services') .factory('controllerUtils', function($rootScope, $sce, $location, notification, $timeout, Socket, video, uriHandler) { var root = {}; root.getVideoMutedStatus = function(copayer) { if (!$rootScope.videoInfo) return; var vi = $rootScope.videoInfo[copayer] if (!vi) { return; } return vi.muted; }; root.redirIfLogged = function() { var w = $rootScope.wallet; if (w) { $location.path('addresses'); } }; root.logout = function() { Socket.removeAllListeners(); $rootScope.wallet = null; delete $rootScope['wallet']; video.close(); // Clear rootScope for (var i in $rootScope) { if (i.charAt(0) != '$') { delete $rootScope[i]; } } $location.path('/'); }; root.onError = function(scope) { if (scope) scope.loading = false; root.logout(); } root.onErrorDigest = function(scope, msg) { root.onError(scope); if (msg) { notification.error('Error', msg); } $rootScope.$digest(); }; root.installStartupHandlers = function(wallet, $scope) { wallet.on('connectionError', function() { var message = "Looks like you are already connected to this wallet, please logout and try importing it again."; notification.error('PeerJS Error', message); root.onErrorDigest($scope); }); wallet.on('serverError', function(m) { var message = m || 'The PeerJS server is not responding, please try again'; $location.path('addresses'); root.onErrorDigest($scope, message); }); wallet.on('ready', function() { $scope.loading = false; }); }; root.setupRootVariables = function() { uriHandler.register(); $rootScope.unitName = config.unitName; $rootScope.txAlertCount = 0; $rootScope.insightError = 0; $rootScope.isCollapsed = true; $rootScope.$watch('txAlertCount', function(txAlertCount) { if (txAlertCount && txAlertCount > 0) { notification.info('New Transaction', ($rootScope.txAlertCount == 1) ? 'You have a pending transaction proposal' : 'You have ' + $rootScope.txAlertCount + ' pending transaction proposals', txAlertCount); } }); $rootScope.$watch('receivedFund', function(receivedFund) { if (receivedFund) { var currentAddr; for (var i = 0; i < $rootScope.addrInfos.length; i++) { var addrinfo = $rootScope.addrInfos[i]; if (addrinfo.address.toString() == receivedFund[1] && !addrinfo.isChange) { currentAddr = addrinfo.address.toString(); break; } } if (currentAddr) { //var beep = new Audio('sound/transaction.mp3'); notification.funds('Received fund', currentAddr, receivedFund); //beep.play(); } } }); }; root.startNetwork = function(w, $scope) { Socket.removeAllListeners(); root.setupRootVariables(); root.installStartupHandlers(w, $scope); root.setSocketHandlers(); var handlePeerVideo = function(err, peerID, url) { if (err) { delete $rootScope.videoInfo[peerID]; return; } $rootScope.videoInfo[peerID] = { url: encodeURI(url), muted: peerID === w.network.peerId }; $rootScope.$digest(); }; notification.enableHtml5Mode(); // for chrome: if support, enable it w.on('badMessage', function(peerId) { notification.error('Error', 'Received wrong message from peer ' + peerId); }); w.on('ready', function(myPeerID) { $rootScope.wallet = w; if ($rootScope.pendingPayment) { $location.path('send'); } else { $location.path('addresses'); } if (!config.disableVideo) video.setOwnPeer(myPeerID, w, handlePeerVideo); }); w.on('publicKeyRingUpdated', function(dontDigest) { root.setSocketHandlers(); if (!dontDigest) { $rootScope.$digest(); } }); w.on('txProposalsUpdated', function(dontDigest) { root.updateTxs({ onlyPending: true }); // give sometime to the tx to propagate. $timeout(function() { root.updateBalance(function() { if (!dontDigest) { $rootScope.$digest(); } }); }, 3000); }); w.on('txProposalEvent', function(e) { var user = w.publicKeyRing.nicknameForCopayer(e.cId); switch (e.type) { case 'signed': notification.info('Transaction Update', 'A transaction was signed by ' + user); break; case 'rejected': notification.info('Transaction Update', 'A transaction was rejected by ' + user); break; case 'corrupt': notification.error('Transaction Error', 'Received corrupt transaction from '+user); break; } }); w.on('addressBookUpdated', function(dontDigest) { if (!dontDigest) { $rootScope.$digest(); } }); w.on('connectionError', function(msg) { root.onErrorDigest(null, msg); }); w.on('connect', function(peerID) { if (peerID && !config.disableVideo) { video.callPeer(peerID, handlePeerVideo); } $rootScope.$digest(); }); w.on('disconnect', function(peerID) { $rootScope.$digest(); }); w.on('close', root.onErrorDigest); w.netStart(); }; root.updateAddressList = function() { var w = $rootScope.wallet; if (w && w.isReady()) $rootScope.addrInfos = w.getAddressesInfo(); }; root.updateBalance = function(cb) { var w = $rootScope.wallet; if (!w) return root.onErrorDigest(); if (!w.isReady()) return; $rootScope.balanceByAddr = {}; $rootScope.updatingBalance = true; w.getBalance(function(err, balanceSat, balanceByAddrSat, safeBalanceSat) { if (err) { console.error('Error: ' + err.message); //TODO root._setCommError(); return null; } else { root._clearCommError(); } var satToUnit = 1 / config.unitToSatoshi; var COIN = bitcore.util.COIN; $rootScope.totalBalance = balanceSat * satToUnit; $rootScope.totalBalanceBTC = (balanceSat / COIN); $rootScope.availableBalance = safeBalanceSat * satToUnit; $rootScope.availableBalanceBTC = (safeBalanceSat / COIN); $rootScope.lockedBalance = (balanceSat - safeBalanceSat) * satToUnit; $rootScope.lockedBalanceBTC = (balanceSat - safeBalanceSat) / COIN; var balanceByAddr = {}; for (var ii in balanceByAddrSat) { balanceByAddr[ii] = balanceByAddrSat[ii] * satToUnit; } $rootScope.balanceByAddr = balanceByAddr; root.updateAddressList(); $rootScope.updatingBalance = false; return cb ? cb() : null; }); }; root.updateTxs = function(opts) { var w = $rootScope.wallet; if (!w) return; opts = opts || {}; var satToUnit = 1 / config.unitToSatoshi; var myCopayerId = w.getMyCopayerId(); var pendingForUs = 0; var inT = w.getTxProposals().sort(function(t1, t2) { return t2.createdTs - t1.createdTs }); var txs = []; inT.forEach(function(i, index) { if (opts.skip && (index < opts.skip[0] || index >= opts.skip[1])) { return txs.push(null); } if (myCopayerId != i.creator && !i.finallyRejected && !i.sentTs && !i.rejectedByUs && !i.signedByUs) { pendingForUs++; } if (!i.finallyRejected && !i.sentTs) { i.isPending = 1; } if (!opts.onlyPending || i.isPending) { var tx = i.builder.build(); var outs = []; tx.outs.forEach(function(o) { var addr = bitcore.Address.fromScriptPubKey(o.getScript(), config.networkName)[0].toString(); if (!w.addressIsOwn(addr, { excludeMain: true })) { outs.push({ address: addr, value: bitcore.util.valueToBigInt(o.getValue()) * satToUnit, }); } }); // extra fields i.outs = outs; i.fee = i.builder.feeSat * satToUnit; i.missingSignatures = tx.countInputMissingSignatures(0); i.actionList = getActionList(i.peerActions); txs.push(i); } }); $rootScope.txs = txs; if ($rootScope.pendingTxCount < pendingForUs) { $rootScope.txAlertCount = pendingForUs; } $rootScope.pendingTxCount = pendingForUs; }; function getActionList(actions) { var peers = Object.keys(actions).map(function(i) { return {cId: i, actions: actions[i] } }); return peers.sort(function(a, b) { return !!b.actions.create - !!a.actions.create; }); } $rootScope.$watch('insightError', function(status) { if (status) { if (status === -1) { notification.success('Networking restored', 'Connection to Insight re-established'); } else if (!isNaN(status)) { notification.error('Networking problem', 'Connection to Insight lost, reconnecting (attempt number ' + status + ')'); } } }); root._setCommError = function(e) { if ($rootScope.insightError < 0) $rootScope.insightError = 0; $rootScope.insightError++; }; root._clearCommError = function(e) { if ($rootScope.insightError > 0) $rootScope.insightError = -1; else $rootScope.insightError = 0; }; root.setSocketHandlers = function() { root.updateAddressList(); if (!Socket.sysEventsSet) { Socket.sysOn('error', root._setCommError); Socket.sysOn('reconnect_error', root._setCommError); Socket.sysOn('reconnect_failed', root._setCommError); Socket.sysOn('connect', root._clearCommError); Socket.sysOn('reconnect', root._clearCommError); Socket.sysEventsSet = true; } if (!$rootScope.wallet) return; var currentAddrs = Socket.getListeners(); var allAddrs = $rootScope.addrInfos; var newAddrs = []; for (var i in allAddrs) { var a = allAddrs[i]; if (!currentAddrs[a.addressStr]) newAddrs.push(a); } for (var i = 0; i < newAddrs.length; i++) { Socket.emit('subscribe', newAddrs[i].addressStr); } newAddrs.forEach(function(a) { Socket.on(a.addressStr, function(txid) { if (!a.isChange) notification.funds('Funds received!', a.addressStr); root.updateBalance(function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }); }); }); if (!$rootScope.wallet.spendUnconfirmed && !Socket.isListeningBlocks()) { Socket.emit('subscribe', 'inv'); Socket.on('block', function(block) { root.updateBalance(function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }); }); } }; return root; });