Backup & Delete


Its important to back up your wallet so that you can recover your wallet in case of disaster

Delete Wallet

If all funds have been removed from your wallet and you do not wish to have the wallet data stored on your computer anymore, you can delete your wallet.

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Master Private Key

Your master private key contains the information to sign any transaction on this wallet. Handle with care.

Scan Wallet Addresses

This will scan the blockchain looking for addresses derived from your wallet, in case you have funds in addresses not yet generated (e.g.: you restored an old backup). This will also trigger a syncronization of addresses to other connected peers.

Purge Pending Transaction Proposals

Pending Transactions Proposals will be discarted. This need to be done on ALL peers of a wallet, to prevent the old proposals to be resynced again.

Purge ALL Transaction Proposals

ALL Transactions Proposals will be discarted. This need to be done on ALL peers of a wallet, to prevent the old proposals to be resynced again.