Payment Proposal
The payment was removed by creator
Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted
Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.
Payment Sent
Payment Rejected
Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs
To Multiple recipients
Recipients {{tx.recipientCount}}
From {{}}
Created by {{tx.creatorName}}
Memo {{tx.message}}
Fee {{tx.feeStr}}
Payment details
  • To {{tx.paypro.domain}} {{tx.paypro.domain}}
  • Expired
  • Expires
  • Merchant Message {{}}
  • Timeline
    {{$index + 1}}
    * A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.