{{totalBalance || 0 |number}} {{$root.unitName}}
Available to Spend
{{availableBalance || 0|number}} {{$root.unitName}}
A newer version of Copay is now available ({{updateVersion.version}}), please update your wallet. Check for details.
Having troubles connecting to Insight server. Check you settings and Internet connection.
Reconnect Atempt #{{$root.insightError}}
Not all copayers have joined your wallet yet. {{$root.wallet.publicKeyRing.totalCopayers - $root.wallet.publicKeyRing.registeredCopayers() }} people have One person has yet to join.
All copayers have joined the wallet, it's ready for use!

Share this secret with your other copayers for them to join your wallet



{{$root.wallet.requiredCopayers}}-of-{{$root.wallet.totalCopayers}} wallet