'use strict'; if (typeof process === 'undefined' || !process.version) { // browser var chai = chai || require('chai'); var should = chai.should(); var copay = copay || require('../copay'); var Encrypted = copay.StorageEncrypted; describe('Storage/Encrypted model', function() { var wid = 'fake-wallet-id'; var s = new Encrypted(); s._setPassphrase('mysupercoolpassword'); it('should create an instance', function() { var s = new Encrypted(); should.exist(s); }); it.skip('should fail when encrypting without a password', function() { var s = new Encrypted(); (function(){s.set(wid, 'x', 1);}).should.throw(); }); it('should be able to encrypt and decrypt', function() { s._write('key', 'value'); s._read('key').should.equal('value'); }); it('should be able to set a value', function() { s.set(wid, 'x', 1); }); var getSetData = [ 1,1000,-15, -1000, 0.1, -0.5, -0.5e-10, Math.PI, 'hi', 'auydoaiusyodaisudyoa', '0b5b8556a0c2ce828c9ccfa58b3dd0a1ae879b9b', '1CjPR7Z5ZSyWk6WtXvSFgkptmpoi4UM9BC', 'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 80ad90d4035', [1,2,3,4,5,6], { x: 1, y: 2}, { x: 'hi', y: null}, { a: {}, b: [], c: [1,2,'hi']}, null ]; getSetData.forEach(function(obj) { it('should be able to set a value and get it for '+JSON.stringify(obj), function() { s.set(wid, 'x', obj); var obj2 = s.get(wid, 'x'); JSON.stringify(obj2).should.equal(JSON.stringify(obj)); }); }); }); }