'use strict'; // 83.8% typed (by google's closure-compiler account) var preconditions = require('preconditions').singleton(); var HDPath = require('./HDPath'); var _ = require('lodash'); /** * @desc * HDParams is a class that encapsulates information about the current indexes * of a copayer * * When a copayer creates a new wallet, his receiveIndex gets updated, and an * address is generated from everybody's public key, using this BIP32 path: *
* * When a copayer generates a transaction proposal, his changeIndex gets * updated, and all funds from that transaction proposal go to the multisig * address generated from this BIP32 path for all the copayers: *
* * There's a shared index, HDPath.SHARED_INDEX, that serves to * generate addresses common to everybody. * * @TODO: Should opts.cosigner go? * * @constructor * * @param {Object} opts - options for the construction of this object * @param {number=} opts.cosigner - backwards compatible index of a copayer * @param {number} opts.copayerIndex - the copayer that generated this branch * of addresses * @param {number} opts.receiveIndex - the current index for a the last receive * address generated for this copayer * @param {number} opts.changeIndex - the current index for a the last change * address generated for this copayer */ function HDParams(opts) { opts = opts || {}; //opts.cosigner is for backwards compatibility only /** * @public * @type number */ this.copayerIndex = _.isUndefined(opts.copayerIndex) ? opts.cosigner : opts.copayerIndex; /** * @public * @type number */ this.changeIndex = opts.changeIndex || 0; /** * @public * @type number */ this.receiveIndex = opts.receiveIndex || 0; if (_.isUndefined(this.copayerIndex)) { this.copayerIndex = HDPath.SHARED_INDEX; } } /** * @desc * Creates a set of HDParams, with one HDParams structure for each copayer and * a shared path. * * @static * @param {number} totalCopayers - the number of copayers in a wallet * @returns {HDParams[]} a list of HDParams generated for a new empty wallet */ HDParams.init = function(totalCopayers) { preconditions.shouldBeNumber(totalCopayers); var ret = [new HDParams({receiveIndex: 1})]; for (var i = 0 ; i < totalCopayers ; i++) { ret.push(new HDParams({copayerIndex: i})); } return ret; }; /** * @desc * Generates a set of HDParams from a list with a object-serialized version of * HDParams. * * @static * @param {Object[]} hdParams - a list with objects * @returns {HDParams[]} builds a HDParams for each object literal found in the list */ HDParams.fromList = function(hdParams) { return hdParams.map(function(i) { return HDParams.fromObj(i); }); }; /** * @desc * Generate a HDParams from an object. * * This essentialy only calls new HDParams(data), but it's the interface being * used everywhere to encode/decode. * * @TODO: This should be clarified - Or abstracted away - as it's a pattern * used in multiple places. * * @static * @param {Object} data - a serialized version of HDParams * @return {HDParams} * @throws {BADDATA} - when the parameter data already is an instance of * HDParams. */ HDParams.fromObj = function(data) { if (data instanceof HDParams) { throw new Error('BADDATA', 'bad data format: Did you use .toObj()?'); } return new HDParams(data); }; /** * @desc * Serializes a list of HDParams to a list of "plain" objects, according to each * element's toObj() method. * * @TODO: There should be a list of Classes that share this behaviour. * * @static * @param {HDParams[]} hdParams - a list of HDParams objects. * @returns {Array} an array with the toObj() serialization of each * element in hdParams */ HDParams.serialize = function(hdParams) { return hdParams.map(function(i) { return i.toObj(); }); }; /** * @desc * Creates a new HDParams set with totalCopayers+1 elements. * * Sets the first (corresponding to the parameters for the shared addresses) * HDParams object to match shared's values. Returns a serialized * version of this set * *
 * var updateResult = HDParams.update({changeIndex: 1, receiveIndex: 2}, 5);
 * // All the following asserts succeed
 * assert(_.isArray(updateResult));
 * assert(_.all(updateResult, function (hd) { return !(hd instanceOf HDParams); }));
 * assert(_.size(updateResult) === 6);
 * assert(updateResult[0].changeIndex === 1);
 * assert(updateResult[0].receiveIndex === 2);
* * @TODO: This method is badly coded, it does something that is very specific * and kind of strange. I couldn't figure out why would it be needed. * * @static * @param {HDParams} shared - an instance of HDParams * @param {number} totalCopayers * @return {Object[]} */ HDParams.update = function(shared, totalCopayers) { var hdParams = this.init(totalCopayers); hdParams[0].changeIndex = shared.changeIndex; hdParams[0].receiveIndex = shared.receiveIndex; return this.serialize(hdParams); }; /** * @desc * Serializes this object * * @TODO: I couldn't realize why would this be needed - calling, for example, * JSON.stringify would have the same result on this object than on the * original instance * * @returns {Object} a serialized version that should be equal (in a deep object * comparison) to the this instance if passed to the * HDParams() constructor. */ HDParams.prototype.toObj = function() { return { copayerIndex: this.copayerIndex, changeIndex: this.changeIndex, receiveIndex: this.receiveIndex }; }; /** * @desc * Throws an error if a given index falls out of the range for known addresses. * * @TODO: This is not a good pattern, exceptions should be for exceptional things. * * @param {number} index the index to check for * @param {boolean} isChange whether to check for the change index or the * receive address index */ HDParams.prototype.checkRange = function(index, isChange) { if ((isChange && index > this.changeIndex) || (!isChange && index > this.receiveIndex)) { throw new Error('Out of bounds at index ' + index + ' isChange: ' + isChange); } }; /** * @desc * Return this instance's changeIndex value * * @TODO: Somebody did a lot of java. Not sure if we need to be so verbose. If * anything, let's just declare changeIndex as a read only variable * @returns {number} this HDParams current index to generate a change address */ HDParams.prototype.getChangeIndex = function() { return this.changeIndex; }; /** * @desc * Return this instance's receiveIndex value * * @TODO: Somebody did a lot of java. Not sure if we need to be so verbose. If * anything, let's just declare changeIndex as a read only variable * @returns {number} this HDParams current index to generate a receive address */ HDParams.prototype.getReceiveIndex = function() { return this.receiveIndex; }; /** * @desc * Increment this instance's changeIndex or receiveIndex value * * @TODO: Somebody did a lot of java. Not sure if we need to be so verbose. * * @param {boolean} isChange - if true, change changeIndex */ HDParams.prototype.increment = function(isChange) { if (isChange) { this.changeIndex++; } else { this.receiveIndex++; } }; /** * @desc * Merge this instance with another HDParams instance. * * @TODO: Device a general approach to merges. * * @param {Object} inHDParams - the object to merge to * @param {number} inHDParams.copayerIndex - the object to merge to * @returns {boolean} true if this object has changed */ HDParams.prototype.merge = function(inHDParams) { preconditions.shouldBeObject(inHDParams); preconditions.checkArgument(this.copayerIndex == inHDParams.copayerIndex); var hasChanged = false; if (inHDParams.changeIndex > this.changeIndex) { this.changeIndex = inHDParams.changeIndex; hasChanged = true; } if (inHDParams.receiveIndex > this.receiveIndex) { this.receiveIndex = inHDParams.receiveIndex; hasChanged = true; } return hasChanged; }; module.exports = HDParams;