You do not have a wallet
Reconnecting to Wallet Service...
Updating Wallet... Scanning Wallet funds... Recreating Wallet... Generating .csv file...
Scan status finished with error
Tap to retry
{{index.totalBalanceAlternative}} {{index.alternativeIsoCode}}
Pending Confirmation: {{index.pendingAmountStr}}

{{(index.alias || index.walletName)}}

{{(index.alias || index.walletName)}}

WARNING: Wallet not registered
This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.

Payment Proposals

Unsent transactions

Total Locked Balance: {{index.lockedBalanceStr}} {{index.lockedBalanceAlternative}} {{index.alternativeIsoCode}}
No transactions yet

Could not fetch transaction history

{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded
Updating transaction history. Please stand by.


sync sync sync
Received {{index.addressbook[btx.addressTo]}} {{btx.message}} Sent Moved Invalid
+ - (possible double spend) {{btx.amountStr}}
Backup Needed

Before receiving funds, it is highly recommended you backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup.


My Bitcoin address

{{home.generatingAddress ? '...' : home.addr[index.walletId]}}

Share address
Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.
Not valid
{{index.addressbook[_address] || _address}}
Not valid