msgid "" msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Project-Id-Version: copay\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator:\n" "X-Crowdin-Project: copay\n" "X-Crowdin-Language: ja\n" "X-Crowdin-File: template.pot\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" "Language-Team: Japanese\n" "Language: ja\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-15 09:26-0400\n" #: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "(possible double spend)" msgstr "(二重払い可能性あり)" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "(Trusted)" msgstr "(信頼済み)" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "[Balance Hidden]" msgstr "[残高非表示中]" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" msgstr "{{fee}} のビットコインネットワーク手数料が差し引かれます。" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction" msgstr "{{feeRateStr}} のレート" #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" msgstr "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" #: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} more" msgstr "あと {{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}}" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded" msgstr "{{index.txProgress}} 個の取引ダウンロード済み" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}" msgstr "{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created." msgstr "* 送金の提案の取下げは①他のウォレット参加者に署名されていなかった場合、提案者に提案を取り下げることができます。②提案の起案から24時間が経っても解決しなかった場合、全員に取り下げることができます。" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY BITCOIN YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT COPAY WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE." msgstr "Copayウォレットとその中にある秘密鍵の情報を紛失してしまい、尚且つバックアップが無い、若しくはそのバックアップを暗号化した際のパスワードが分からないなどの状況に陥ってしまえば、そのウォレットに含まれた全てのビットコインが永久送金不可能となってしまうことを認識し、同意するものとします。" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)." msgstr "または 従来ウォレットエクスポートファイル1つに加えて残りの必須人数の復元フレーズ (例: 3-of-5 ウォレットでは従来ウォレットバックアップ1つに加え、他の参加者2人分の復元フレーズさえあればウォレットは復元できます)" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrase of all copayers in the wallet" msgstr "または 参加者 全員 のウォレット復元フレーズ" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "OR the wallet recovery phrases of all copayers in the wallet" msgstr "または 参加者 全員 のウォレット復元フレーズ" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" msgstr "マルチシグネチャビットコインウォレット" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "About Copay" msgstr "Copayについて" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Accept" msgstr "承諾" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Account" msgstr "ポケット" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Account Number" msgstr "ポケット番号" #: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Activity" msgstr "履歴" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "新規追加" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Add a Password" msgstr "パスワードを追加" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase" msgstr "フレーズを守るために任意のパスワードをかけて下さい" #: public/views/includes/note.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Add comment" msgstr "コメントを追加" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Add wallet" msgstr "ウォレットを追加" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Address" msgstr "アドレス" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Address Type" msgstr "アドレスの種類" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Advanced" msgstr "上級者向け" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Alias" msgstr "通称" #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html msgid "Alias for {{index.walletName}}" msgstr "{{index.walletName}} の通称設定" #: public/views/preferencesLanguage.html #: public/views/translators.html msgid "All contributions to Copay's translation are welcome. Sign up at and join the Copay project at" msgstr "Copayの翻訳は簡単に投稿することができます。crowdin.comのアカウント作成の後、自由にご参加いただけるプロジェクトページはこちら" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "All transaction requests are irreversible." msgstr "署名が完了してしまった取引は取り消しが不可能となります。" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Alternative Currency" msgstr "表示通貨" #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/paymentUri.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount" msgstr "金額" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Amount below minimum allowed" msgstr "送金可能最少額を下回っています" #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Amount in" msgstr "換算済金額" #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?" msgstr "復元フレーズを削除してもよろしいですか?" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" msgstr "本当にこのウォレットを削除しても\n" "宜しいですか?" #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "Auditable" msgstr "監査用" #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "Available Balance" msgstr "送金可能残高" #: public/views/preferencesFee.html msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" msgstr "承認までの時間(平均): {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} 分" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html msgid "Back" msgstr "戻る" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Backup" msgstr "バックアップ" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Backup failed" msgstr "バックアップ失敗" #: public/views/paperWallet.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Backup Needed" msgstr "要バックアップ" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Backup now" msgstr "今すぐバックアップ" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Bad wallet invitation" msgstr "不正なウォレット招待コード" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Balance By Address" msgstr "アドレスごとの残高" #: public/views/paperWallet.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Before receiving funds, you must backup your wallet. If this device is lost, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup." msgstr "お金を受け取る前に、このウォレットのバックアップを取っておくことを必ずしていただきます。一ウォレットごとにバックアップは一回です。バックアップを取らないまま、この端末が紛失・故障されてしまったら全残高が消失されてしまいます。" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:" msgstr "β機能: アンドロイド鍵派生テスト" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "BIP32 path for address derivation" msgstr "階級アドレス派生のパス" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Bitcoin address" msgstr "ビットコインアドレス" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Bitcoin Network Fee Policy" msgstr "ビットコインネットワークの手数料設定" #: public/views/preferencesFee.html msgid "Bitcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Current fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy." msgstr "円滑な送金をしていただくために、ビットコインの送金には少量の手数料を付けることが義務付けられております。この手数料はビットコインのネットワークを運用する人たちに寄付され、より高い手数料であればより優先的にブロックに含まれ、承認されます。選択された手数料基準やネットワークの混雑状況により、その時点で払われるべき手数料が変動することがあります。" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Bitcoin URI is NOT valid!" msgstr "Bitcoin URI が無効です!" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Broadcast Payment" msgstr "取引送信" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Broadcasting transaction" msgstr "取引送信中" #: public/views/unsupported.html msgid "Browser unsupported" msgstr "ブラウザ未対応" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Buy and Sell" msgstr "購入と売却" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Calculating fee" msgstr "手数料計算中..." #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html #: public/views/includes/note.html #: public/views/includes/password.html #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html #: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Cancel" msgstr "キャンセル" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet" msgstr "キャンセルし、ウォレットを削除" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds" msgstr "取引を作成できません。資金不足です。" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Cannot join the same wallet more that once" msgstr "同じ端末で同じウォレットに複数回参加することができません。" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Cannot sign: The payment request has expired" msgstr "署名できません: 支払い請求の期限が切れています。" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Certified by" msgstr "証明元:" #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html msgid "Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name." msgstr "ウォレット通称を変更しても、この端末でしか変わりません。" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Chinese" msgstr "中国語" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Choose a backup file from your computer" msgstr "パソコンからバックアップファイルを選択して下さい。" #: public/views/preferencesHistory.html msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "キャッシュを消去" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html #: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Close" msgstr "閉じる" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Color" msgstr "色" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Comment" msgstr "コメント" #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Commit hash" msgstr "コミットのハッシュ値" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Confirm" msgstr "確認" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズを確認" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "承認回数" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Congratulations!" msgstr "おめでとうございます!" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Connecting to Coinbase..." msgstr "Coinbase に接続中…" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Connecting to Glidera..." msgstr "Glidera に接続中…" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Connection reset by peer" msgstr "接続がピアによってリセットされました" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Continue" msgstr "続ける" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Copayer already in this wallet" msgstr "ウォレット参加者が既に存在しています。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Copayer already voted on this spend proposal" msgstr "ウォレット参加者が既に送金の提案の意思表明をしています。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Copayer data mismatch" msgstr "ウォレット参加者のデータ不整合" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Copayers" msgstr "ウォレット参加者" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesInformation.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Copied to clipboard" msgstr "クリップボードにコピーしました" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)" msgstr "このテキストを安全な場所に貼り付けて保管して下さい (メモ帳やメールの下書きなど)" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "クリップボードへコピー" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:" msgstr "サーバーにてウォレットの確認ができませんでした。こちらをご確認下さい:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not access wallet" msgstr "ウォレットにアクセスできませんでした。" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" msgstr "Wallet Serviceにアクセスできませんでした: 見つかりません" #: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not broadcast payment" msgstr "送金を配信できませんでした。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Could not build transaction" msgstr "取引を作成できませんでした。" #: src/js/services/addressService.js msgid "Could not create address" msgstr "アドレスを生成できませんでした。" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not create payment proposal" msgstr "送金の提案を作成できませんでした" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not create using the specified extended private key" msgstr "指定された拡張秘密鍵で作成できませんでした。" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" msgstr "指定された拡張公開鍵で作成できませんでした。" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase" msgstr "作成できません:ウォレットの復元フレーズが不正です。" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" msgstr "複合化できませんでした。パスワードが正しいかご確認下さい。" #: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" msgstr "送金の提案を削除できませんでした" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not fetch payment information" msgstr "支払い情報が取得できませんでした。" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not get fee value" msgstr "手数料の金額を取得できませんでした。" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not import" msgstr "インポートできませんでした。" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password" msgstr "インポートできませんでした。入力ファイルとパスワードが正しいかご確認下さい。" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not join wallet" msgstr "ウォレットに参加できませんでした。" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" msgstr "有効なビットコインQRコードが認識できませんでした。" #: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js msgid "Could not reject payment" msgstr "送金を却下できませんでした。" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not send payment" msgstr "送金できませんでした。" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not update Wallet" msgstr "ウォレットが更新できませんでした。" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Create" msgstr "作成" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Create {{requiredCopayers}}-of-{{totalCopayers}} wallet" msgstr "{{requiredCopayers}}-of-{{totalCopayers}} ウォレットを作成" #: public/views/add.html #: public/views/create.html msgid "Create new wallet" msgstr "新規ウォレット作成" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Create, join or import" msgstr "作成、参加、インポート" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Created by" msgstr "作成者" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Creating transaction" msgstr "取引作成中…" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Creating Wallet..." msgstr "ウォレット作成中…" #: public/views/preferencesFee.html msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" msgstr "この手数料基準の現レート: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Czech" msgstr "チェコ語" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Date" msgstr "日付" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open." msgstr "暗号化されたペーパーウォレットはこの端末だと解読に5分以上掛かる場合がございます。アプリを閉じたり他のアプリに切り替えたりせずに、終了するまでそのままお待ち下さい。" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Delete it and create a new one" msgstr "削除して新規作成" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" msgstr "送金の提案を削除" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Delete recovery phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズを削除" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズを削除" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Delete wallet" msgstr "ウォレットを削除" #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Delete Wallet" msgstr "ウォレットを削除" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Deleting Wallet..." msgstr "ウォレット削除中…" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Derivation Path" msgstr "派生パス" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Derivation Strategy" msgstr "派生パス" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Description" msgstr "詳細" #: public/views/modals/coinbase-tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/glidera-tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Details" msgstr "詳細" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Disabled" msgstr "無効" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Do not include private key" msgstr "秘密鍵を含めない" #: public/views/preferencesLanguage.html #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." msgstr "ご自分の言語はCrowdinで見当たりませんか?Crowdinの管理者に連絡とってみてください。是非とも対応したく思っております。" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Done" msgstr "完了" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Download" msgstr "ダウンロード" #: src/js/services/feeService.js msgid "Economy" msgstr "節約" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Edit" msgstr "編集" #: public/views/includes/note.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Edit comment" msgstr "コメントを編集" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Edited by" msgstr "編集者" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Email for wallet notifications" msgstr "メールによるウォレットのお知らせ" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Email Notifications" msgstr "メールのお知らせ" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." msgstr "未使用アドレスを生成しすぎたため、これ以上アドレスを生成することができません。" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable Coinbase Service" msgstr "Coinbase連携を有効にする" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable Glidera Service" msgstr "Glidera連携を有効にする" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Enable push notifications" msgstr "プッシュ通知を有効化" #: src/js/controllers/export.js msgid "Encrypted export file saved" msgstr "暗号化されたバックアップ保存しました" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)" msgstr "復元フレーズの単語をご入力下さい。" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Enter your password" msgstr "パスワードを入力して下さい。" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Enter your spending password" msgstr "パスワードを入力してください" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Error at Wallet Service" msgstr "Wallet Serviceにてエラー" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Error creating wallet" msgstr "ウォレット作成時にエラー" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Expired" msgstr "期限切れ" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Expires" msgstr "有効期限:" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Export options" msgstr "エクスポート設定" #: public/views/preferencesHistory.html msgid "Export to file" msgstr "ファイルへのエクスポート" #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Export Wallet" msgstr "ウォレットをエクスポート" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Exporting via QR not supported for this wallet" msgstr "このウォレットはQRによるエクスポートに対応していません" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Extended Public Keys" msgstr "拡張公開鍵" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Extracting Wallet Information..." msgstr "ウォレット情報を抽出中…" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Failed to export" msgstr "エクスポートに失敗しました。" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Failed to verify backup. Please check your information" msgstr "バックアップを確認できませんでした。転記した情報をご確認ください。" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Family vacation funds" msgstr "家族旅行貯金" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Fee" msgstr "手数料" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Fetching Payment Information" msgstr "支払い情報要求しています…" #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/import.html msgid "File/Text" msgstr "ファイル/テキスト" #: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Finger Scan Failed" msgstr "指紋認証に失敗しました" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Finish" msgstr "完了" #: public/views/create.html msgid "For audit purposes" msgstr "監査用機能" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "French" msgstr "フランス語" #: public/views/export.html msgid "From the destination device, go to Add wallet > Import wallet and scan this QR code" msgstr "移行先の端末では、ウォレットを追加から、ウォレットをインポートの画面でQRをスキャンして下さい。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Funds are locked by pending spend proposals" msgstr "協議中の送金の提案により、資金がロックされています。" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Funds found" msgstr "残高がありました" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Funds received" msgstr "着金あり" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Funds will be transferred to" msgstr "送金先" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Generate new address" msgstr "新規アドレスを生成" #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "Generate QR Code" msgstr "QRコードを生成" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Generating .csv file..." msgstr "CSVファイル作成中…" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "German" msgstr "ドイツ語" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." msgstr "「{{selectedWalletName}}」のアドレスを取得中…" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Global preferences" msgstr "アプリ設定" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Hardware wallet" msgstr "ハードウェアウォレット" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Hardware Wallet" msgstr "ハードウェアウォレット" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Hide advanced options" msgstr "詳細設定を非表示" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms." msgstr "内容をよく読み、理解し、同意します。" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "I AGREE. GET STARTED" msgstr "同意して始めます" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Import" msgstr "インポート" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Import backup" msgstr "バックアップをインポート" #: public/views/add.html msgid "Import wallet" msgstr "ウォレットをインポート" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Importing Wallet..." msgstr "ウォレットインポート中…" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, or BitPay, Inc. be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software." msgstr "和訳は簡単な要約と考えて下さい。" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:" msgstr "ウォレットのバックアップを確認するためには、復元フレーズ用のパスワードをご入力下さい。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Incorrect address network" msgstr "アドレスのネットワークが不正です。" #. Trying to import a malformed wallet export QR code #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Incorrect code format" msgstr "コードの形式が異なります" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Insufficient funds" msgstr "残高不足" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" msgstr "手数料付けるには残高が足りません" #: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Invalid" msgstr "無効" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Invalid account number" msgstr "無効なポケット番号です。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Invalid address" msgstr "不正アドレス" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Invalid derivation path" msgstr "無効な派生パス" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js msgid "Invitation to share a Copay Wallet" msgstr "Copay共有ウォレットへの招待" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Italian" msgstr "イタリア語" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Japanese" msgstr "日本語" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "John" msgstr "山田太郎" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Join" msgstr "参加" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js msgid "Join my Copay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download Copay for your phone or desktop at" msgstr "Copayの共有ウォレット作りました: {{secret}} この招待コードを入力して、ウォレットに参加して下さい。アプリのダウンロードは にてどうぞ!" #: public/views/add.html msgid "Join shared wallet" msgstr "共有ウォレットに参加" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Joining Wallet..." msgstr "ウォレット参加中…" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" msgstr "この鍵は既存のウォレットにて登録されています" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Label" msgstr "ラベル" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Language" msgstr "言語設定" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Last Wallet Addresses" msgstr "最新ウォレットアドレス" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Learn more about Copay backups" msgstr "Copay のバックアップの種類について" #: public/views/preferencesFee.html msgid "Loading..." msgstr "読み込み中..." #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "locked by pending payments" msgstr "未対応送金の提案によりロック中" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal" msgstr "Locktime待ち中です。新しい送金の提案が作成できるまであとしばらくお待ち下さい。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal" msgstr "Locktime待ち中です。この送金の提案が削除できるまであとしばらくお待ち下さい。" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Make a payment to" msgstr "支払いは次の宛先へ" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Matches:" msgstr "結果:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "me" msgstr "自分" #: public/views/includes/copayers.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Me" msgstr "自分" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Memo" msgstr "メモ" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Merchant message" msgstr "お店からのメッセージ:" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Message" msgstr "メッセージ" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Missing parameter" msgstr "不足しているパラメータ" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Missing private keys to sign" msgstr "署名するための秘密鍵がありません。" #: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Moved" msgstr "移動済" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Multiple recipients" msgstr "複数送金先" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "My Bitcoin address" msgstr "私のビットコインアドレス:" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My contacts" msgstr "連絡先" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "My wallets" msgstr "アプリ内ウォレット" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html msgid "Need to do backup" msgstr "バックアップを行う必要があります。" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Network" msgstr "ネットワーク" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Network connection error" msgstr "ネットワーク接続エラー" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "New Payment Proposal" msgstr "新しい送金の提案" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase" msgstr "新規復元フレーズ" #: public/views/import.html msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" msgstr "この端末ではハードウェアウォレットがサポートされていません" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "No transactions yet" msgstr "取引がありません" #: src/js/services/feeService.js msgid "Normal" msgstr "通常" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Not authorized" msgstr "権限がありません。" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Not completed" msgstr "未完了" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Not enough funds for fee" msgstr "手数料含めたら残高が不足しています。" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Not valid" msgstr "無効です" #: public/views/includes/output.html msgid "Note" msgstr "メモ" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded" msgstr "注意:合計{{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} を除外しました。取引に許可される最大サイズを超えました" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided." msgstr "注意:合計 {{amountBelowFeeStr}} を除外しました。これらのビットコインは手数料よりも低い額となるため除外しました。" #: public/views/import.html msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet > Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there." msgstr "注意:他アプリのウォレットをインポートする場合、ウォレットを追加 > 新規ウォレット作成にて復元フレーズを指定するオプションを詳細設定にて有効にして下さい。" #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/termOfUse.html msgid "Official English Disclaimer" msgstr "公式免責事項 (英語)" #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html msgid "OKAY" msgstr "OK" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." msgstr "復元フレーズを控えたら、このデバイスから削除することをおすすめします。" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." msgstr "受け取り用のアドレスしか表示していません。現時点ではローカルの端末ではアドレスの正確性を二重確認していなくて、サーバーを信じる必要があります。" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Open Settings app" msgstr "設定を開く" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "optional" msgstr "任意" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" msgstr "ペーパーウォレット秘密鍵" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Participants" msgstr "参加者" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "パスワード" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Password" msgstr "パスワード" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Password required. Make sure to enter your password in advanced options" msgstr "パスワードが必要です。上級者向け設定にてパスワードを入力してください。" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Paste invitation here" msgstr "招待コードをこちらへ貼り付けて下さい" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Paste the backup plain text code" msgstr "バックアップの文字をここに貼り付けて下さい" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Paste your paper wallet private key here" msgstr "ペーパーウォレットの秘密鍵をここに貼り付けて下さい" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Pasted from clipboard" msgstr "クリップボードから貼り付け" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Pay To" msgstr "支払い先" #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html msgid "Payment Accepted" msgstr "支払いが完了しました" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted" msgstr "取引が承認されましたが、まだ送信していません。" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created." msgstr "取引が承認されました。Glideraより送信されます。問題があった場合、送金命令を出す6時間以内に取り消すことができます。" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment details" msgstr "支払いの詳細" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Payment expires" msgstr "支払い請求の有効期限" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment Proposal" msgstr "送金の提案" #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html msgid "Payment Proposal Created" msgstr "送金の提案が作成されました" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected" msgstr "送金の提案が却下されました" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected by Copayer" msgstr "送金の提案が他の参加者によって却下されました。" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Payment Proposal Signed by Copayer" msgstr "送金の提案が他の参加者によって署名されました。" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Payment Proposals" msgstr "送金の提案" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Payment Protocol Invalid" msgstr "ペイメントプロトコルが不正です。" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App" msgstr "クロームのアプリではペイメントプロトコールがサポートされていません。" #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment Rejected" msgstr "送金が却下されました" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Payment request" msgstr "支払い請求" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Payment Sent" msgstr "送金が完了しました" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Payment to" msgstr "支払い先" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Pending Confirmation" msgstr "承認待ち" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED" msgstr "永久にこのウォレットを削除します。\n" "二度と取り戻せない行為ですのどご注意下さい。" #: public/views/create.html #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Personal Wallet" msgstr "個人用ウォレット" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズをご入力下さい" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the required fields" msgstr "必須項目をご入力下さい" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズをご入力下さい" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written." msgstr "正しい順番に単語をタップして、ちゃんと書き留めてあることをご確認下さい。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Please upgrade Copay to perform this action" msgstr "この操作を実行するにはCopayを最新バージョンに更新してください" #: public/views/uri.html msgid "Please wait to be redirected..." msgstr "ページが切り替わるまでお待ちください..." #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Please, select your backup file" msgstr "バックアップファイルを選択" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Polish" msgstr "ポーランド語" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Preferences" msgstr "設定" #: src/js/controllers/export.js msgid "Preparing backup..." msgstr "バックアップを準備中..." #: public/views/preferencesHistory.html msgid "preparing..." msgstr "準備中..." #: src/js/routes.js msgid "Press again to exit" msgstr "もう一度押して終了" #: src/js/services/feeService.js msgid "Priority" msgstr "優先" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Private key is encrypted, cannot sign" msgstr "秘密鍵が暗号化されており署名できません。" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Push notifications for Copay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app." msgstr "Copayのプッシュ通知は現在無効です。アプリ設定で有効にします。" #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "QR Code" msgstr "QRコード" #: public/views/modals/scanner.html msgid "QR-Scanner" msgstr "QRコードを読み取って下さい" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Receive" msgstr "受取" #: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Received" msgstr "受取済み" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Recipients" msgstr "受取人" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Recovery Phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズ" #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js msgid "Recovery phrase deleted" msgstr "復元フレーズ削除済み" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreate" msgstr "再登録" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Recreating Wallet..." msgstr "ウォレットを再作成中…" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Reject" msgstr "却下" #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Release Information" msgstr "リリース情報" #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html msgid "Remove" msgstr "削除" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "パスワードを再入力" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Repeat the password" msgstr "パスワードの再入力" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Repeat the spending password" msgstr "パスワードの再入力" #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Request a specific amount" msgstr "指定金額を要求" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Request Spending Password" msgstr "送金時のパスワード入力" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Required" msgstr "入力必須" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Required number of signatures" msgstr "必要な署名の数を選択" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Retrieving inputs information" msgstr "入力情報の取得中" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Russian" msgstr "ロシア語" #: public/views/includes/note.html #: public/views/modals/addressbook.html #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Save" msgstr "保存" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Scan addresses for funds" msgstr "アドレスの残高照会" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Scan Fingerprint" msgstr "指紋スキャン" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Scan Finished" msgstr "スキャン完了" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Scan status finished with error" msgstr "スキャンがエラーに終わりました" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" msgstr "ウォレット残高照会" #: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" msgstr "指紋をスキャンしてください" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." msgstr "ウォレット残高照会中…" #: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "Search transactions" msgstr "取引を検索" #: public/views/modals/search.html msgid "Search Transactions" msgstr "取引を検索" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Security preferences" msgstr "セキュリティ設定" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "See it on the blockchain" msgstr "ブロックチェーンで詳細を閲覧" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Select a backup file" msgstr "バックアップファイルを選択" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Select a wallet" msgstr "ウォレットを選択" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Self-signed Certificate" msgstr "自己署名証明書" #: public/views/walletHome.html #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Send" msgstr "送信" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Send addresses by email" msgstr "ビットコインアドレスをメールにて共有" #: public/views/includes/confirm-tx.html msgid "Send bitcoin" msgstr "ビットコインを送金" #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/preferencesLogs.html msgid "Send by email" msgstr "メールで送信" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Send Max" msgstr "最大額を送金" #: public/views/includes/transaction.html msgid "Sending" msgstr "送信中" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Sending transaction" msgstr "取引送信中" #: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Sent" msgstr "送金済み" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Server response could not be verified" msgstr "サーバーからの返答を検証できませんでした" #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Session log" msgstr "セッションのログ" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "SET" msgstr "指定" #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html msgid "Set default url" msgstr "デフォルトURLに設定" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Set up a password" msgstr "パスワードを設定" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Set up a spending password" msgstr "パスワードを設定" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." msgstr "メールのお知らせを有効にすると、悪意のあるサーバー運用者ならあなたの全てのアドレスとそれぞれの残高・履歴情報が把握できプライバシーの侵害に繋がる可能性があります。" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Settings" msgstr "設定" #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share address" msgstr "アドレスを共有" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Share invitation" msgstr "招待コードを共有" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" msgstr "ウォレット参加者に\n" "この招待コードを\n" "送って下さい。" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments" msgstr "送金を受けるためにはこのウォレットアドレスを共有して下さい。" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." msgstr "これを人に共有することでビットコインを送ってもらうことができます。プライバシー向上の観点から、アドレスが1回でも使用されたら新しいアドレスが自動生成されます。" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html msgid "Shared Wallet" msgstr "共有ウォレットに参加" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "詳細設定を表示" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Signatures rejected by server" msgstr "サーバーより署名が却下されました。" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Signing transaction" msgstr "取引署名中" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Single Address Wallet" msgstr "単一アドレスウォレット" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Spanish" msgstr "スペイン語" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..." msgstr "復元フレーズを指定…" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" msgstr "送金の提案が受諾されませんでした。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Spend proposal not found" msgstr "送金の提案が見つかりませんでした。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Spending Password needed" msgstr "パスワードが必要" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Spending Passwords do not match" msgstr "パスワードが一致しません" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Success" msgstr "成功" #: src/js/services/feeService.js msgid "Super Economy" msgstr "超節約" #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Sweep paper wallet" msgstr "ペーパーウォレットの全残高インポート" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Sweep Wallet" msgstr "ウォレットの全残高インポート" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Sweeping Wallet..." msgstr "ビットコイン回収中…" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap and hold to show" msgstr "長押しで表示" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap to retry" msgstr "タップしてやり直し" #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Terms of Use" msgstr "利用規約" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." msgstr "このソフトの開発者、BitPayの従業員とその関係者、著作権所有者、BitPay, Inc. 自体もパスワード・秘密鍵・パスワードなどへのアクセスが不可能なため、教えることがだきません、なお、ビットコインのネットワークへの影響が無いので、取引の取り消しや優先的な承認などはできません。" #: public/views/import.html msgid "The derivation path" msgstr "派生パス" #: src/js/services/ledger.js msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" msgstr "Ledgerのクロームアプリがインストールされていません。" #: public/views/import.html msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)" msgstr "復元フレーズ用のパスワード(設定してある場合のみ)" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "送金の提案は作成されましたが完了できませんでした。ホーム画面からやり直して下さい。" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "The payment was removed by creator" msgstr "送金の提案が作成者により削除されました" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported" msgstr "復元フレーズにパスワードをかけることができるのでかけてある場合はインポート時に必要です。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "The request could not be understood by the server" msgstr "サーバーが要求を処理できませんでした。" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." msgstr "BitPay, Inc. 若しくはその他の第三者がアクセス権限を管理する、若しくはデジタル資産の代理保管を行うサービスではありません。" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet." msgstr "当ソフトウェアは無料のオープンソースプロジェクトで、マルチシグネチャを用いるデジタルウォレットです。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "The spend proposal is not pending" msgstr "送金の提案が協議中ではありません。" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" msgstr "ウォレット \"{{walletName}}\" が削除されました" #: public/views/import.html msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported" msgstr "復元フレーズにパスワードをかけることができるのでかけてある場合はインポート時に必要です。" #: public/views/import.html msgid "The wallet service URL" msgstr "ウォレットサービスのURL" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" msgstr "送金可能なウォレットがありません" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "There is a new version of Copay. Please update" msgstr "Copay の新しいバージョンがあります。更新してください。" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "There is an error in the form" msgstr "フォームにエラーがありました" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed." msgstr "この復元フレーズにパスワードがかかっています。このウォレットを復元するためには、復元フレーズに加え、パスワードも必要です。" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." msgstr "この取引が無効になりました。二重払いの可能性があります。" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information." msgstr "現在設定中のBitcore Wallet Service (BWS) サーバーにて、このウォレットの登録がありません。再登録を行うこともできます。" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Time" msgstr "時刻" #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "To" msgstr "宛先" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need" msgstr "この {{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}} 共有ウォレットを復元するに必要なものは" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement." msgstr "このソフトはそのままの提供となり、このソフトの利用に関わるあらゆる責任とリスクを自己責任で被り、利用するものとし、いかなる損害が発生しても、このソフトの開発者、BitPayの従業員とその関係者、著作権所有者、BitPay, Inc. 自体も責任を求めることは無いと誓います。" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "too long!" msgstr "長すぎます!" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Total Locked Balance" msgstr "ロック中の残高" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Total number of copayers" msgstr "参加人数を選択して下さい。" #: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js msgid "Touch ID Failed" msgstr "Touch ID が失敗しました。" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Transaction" msgstr "取引" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Transaction already broadcasted" msgstr "取引は既に配信されました。" #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Transaction History" msgstr "取引履歴" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Translation Credits" msgstr "翻訳ボランティアの皆さん" #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Translators" msgstr "翻訳者" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Try again" msgstr "もう一度やり直してください。" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)" msgstr "復元フレーズの単語 (通常 12 個) を入力して下さい。" #: public/views/modals/search.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "未承認" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Unit" msgstr "単位" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unsent transactions" msgstr "未送信取引" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Updating transaction history. Please stand by." msgstr "取引履歴を更新します。しばらくお待ちください。" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Updating Wallet..." msgstr "ウォレット更新中…" #: public/views/preferencesGlobal.html msgid "Use Unconfirmed Funds" msgstr "未承認ビットコインを使用" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Validating recovery phrase..." msgstr "復元フレーズを検証中…" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Validating wallet integrity..." msgstr "ウォレットの整合性を検証中..." #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Version" msgstr "バージョン" #: public/views/export.html msgid "View" msgstr "表示" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Waiting for copayers" msgstr "ウォレット参加者を待っています" #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Waiting for Ledger..." msgstr "Ledger を待っています..." #: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js msgid "Waiting for Trezor..." msgstr "Trezor を待っています..." #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Waiting..." msgstr "少々お待ち下さい…" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wallet already exists" msgstr "既存のウォレットです" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Wallet already in Copay" msgstr "Copay内の既存のウォレットです" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" msgstr "ウォレット構成 (m-of-n)" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Wallet Export" msgstr "ウォレットのエクスポート" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Id" msgstr "ウォレットID" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Wallet incomplete and broken" msgstr "ウォレットが未完成で破損しています" #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Information" msgstr "ウォレット詳細" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Wallet Invitation" msgstr "ウォレット招待" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Wallet Invitation is not valid!" msgstr "ウォレット招待コードが無効です!" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wallet is full" msgstr "ウォレットがいっぱいです。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wallet is locked" msgstr "ウォレットがロックされています。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wallet is not complete" msgstr "ウォレットが未完成です。" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Wallet name" msgstr "ウォレット名" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" msgstr "ウォレット名 (作成時)" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wallet needs backup" msgstr "ウォレットバックアップが必要" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Network" msgstr "ウォレットのネットワーク" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wallet not found" msgstr "ウォレットが見つかりません。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase" msgstr "このウォレットは Wallet Service にて登録されていません。再び「新規作成」メニューから詳細設定を選び、復元フレーズをご入力下さい。" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Wallet Preferences" msgstr "ウォレット個別設定" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズ" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid" msgstr "ウォレットシードが不正です。" #: public/views/backup.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." msgstr "ウォレットの復元フレーズがありません。バックアップファイルの作成は「上級者向け」⇒「エクスポート」からアクセスできます。" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wallet service not found" msgstr "Wallet serviceが見つかりません。" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet." msgstr "注意:このデバイスでは鍵の派生がちゃんと動いておりません。このウォレットは正常に動作しません。" #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "注意:このウォレットは秘密鍵がありません。残高の確認、取引履歴の確認、送金の提案ができます。しかし、送金の提案を承諾 (署名) できません。" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the password." msgstr "注意:パスワードを復元することができませんしリセットできません。絶対に忘れないようにしてください。パスワードなしにこのバックアップファイルを復元することはできません。" #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "注意:このウォレットは秘密鍵がありません。残高の確認、取引履歴の確認、送金の提案ができます。しかし、送金の提案を承諾 (署名) できません。" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs" msgstr "注意: この取引は未承認資金が含まれており、承認されるまで商品等をお渡しするのを待つことをお勧めします。" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE" msgstr "警告: 信頼されていない証明書" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "WARNING: Wallet not registered" msgstr "注意:ウォレットが未登録" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html msgid "Warning!" msgstr "注意!" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time." msgstr "下記に英語の規約がありますので、英語が理解できる方は是非熟読して下さい。" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "WELCOME TO COPAY" msgstr "ようこそ COPAY へ" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software." msgstr "このソフトは長いテスト期間を経てリリースしましたが、今後バグや不具合が見つからないという保障はございません。" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase" msgstr "復元フレーズを書き留めて下さい" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:" msgstr "単語の数が間違っています:" #: src/js/services/bwcError.js msgid "Wrong spending password" msgstr "不正なパスワード" #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html msgid "Yes" msgstr "はい" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws." msgstr "この規約に同意することで、自己責任で利用するものとし、このソフトを用いてお住まいの地域の法令の違反はしないことを意味します。" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software." msgstr "このソフトを正常に利用するために必要なパスワード、秘密鍵、暗証番号などの秘密情報は自己責任で管理するものとします。" #: public/views/includes/terms.html msgid "You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software." msgstr "この規約の言葉や表現のニュアンスによる解釈が必要となった場合、規約の元である英語のものを正とします。" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time." msgstr "新しいウォレットを正常にバックアップできました。いつでもこのウォレットが復元できます。" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time." msgstr "安全にウォレットを別のデバイスにインポートして、同じウォレットを複数の端末でご利用いただけます。" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "You do not have any wallet" msgstr "ウォレットがありません" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." msgstr "この個人用ウォレットを復元するには復元フレーズが必要です。紙などに書き留めておき、安全な場所で保管して下さい。" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Your nickname" msgstr "自分のハンドルネーム" #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/import.html msgid "Your password" msgstr "パスワード" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Your spending password" msgstr "送金時のパスワード" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" msgstr "ウォレットが正常にインポートされました。" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" msgstr "ウォレットの鍵が暗号化されます。Copayでは送金時のパスワードをリセットしてくれる機能がありませんので、パスワードを忘れないよう、控えておいて下さい。" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." msgstr "ウォレットの復元フレーズとそのウォレットが登録してあるサーバーへのアクセスが最低条件です。ただし、送金完了させるにはまだ {{index.m}} 個の鍵が他の参加者の間で持っていないといけませんので、他の参加者のバックアップも合わせてご確認下さい。"