msgid "" msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Project-Id-Version: copay\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n\n" "X-Generator:\n" "X-Crowdin-Project: copay\n" "X-Crowdin-Language: tr\n" "X-Crowdin-File: template.pot\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n" "Language-Team: Turkish\n" "Language: tr\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-11 14:51-0500\n" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "(possible double spend)" msgstr "(olası çift harcama)" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "(Trusted)" msgstr "(Güvenilir)" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees" msgstr "{{fee}} bitcoin ağ ücreti olarak düşülecektir" #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/includes/walletInfo.html msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}" msgstr "{{index.m}} te {{index.n}}" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}" msgstr "{{item.n}} te {{item.m}}" #: src/js/controllers/importLegacy.js msgid "{{len}} wallets imported. Funds scanning in progress. Hold on to see updated balance" msgstr "{{len}} cüzdanı içe aktarıldı. Fonlar taranırken ve güncellenirken bekleyiniz" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created." msgstr "* Ödeme isteği; 1) kaynağı sizseniz, başka bir kullanıcı tarafından imzalanmamışsa veya 2) üzerinden 24 saat geçmişse silinebilir." #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "IF YOU LOSE ACCESS TO YOUR COPAY WALLET OR YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYS AND YOU HAVE NOT SEPARATELY STORED A BACKUP OF YOUR WALLET AND CORRESPONDING PASSWORD, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY BITCOIN YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT COPAY WALLET WILL BECOME INACCESSIBLE." msgstr "COPAY CÜZDANINIZA ERİŞİMİNİZİ KAYBEDER VEYA GEREKLİ ŞİFRESİ İLE BİRLİKTE CÜZDANINIZI ÖZEL ANAHTARLA BİRLİKTE YEDEKLEMEZSENİZ, COPAY CÜZDANINIZDAKİ BİTCOİN'LERE ERİŞİMİNİZİN KALMAYACAĞINI KABUL EDER VE ONAYLIYORSUNUZ DEMEKTİR." #: public/views/backup.html msgid "OR 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet seeds (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet seeds of any of the other copayers)." msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "OR the wallet seed of all copayers in the wallet" msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "OR the wallet seeds of all copayers in the wallet" msgstr "" #: public/views/splash.html msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet" msgstr "Çoklu imzalı bitcoin cüzdanı" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "About Copay" msgstr "Copay Hakkında" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Accept" msgstr "Onay" #: public/views/join.html #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Account" msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html msgid "Account Number" msgstr "" #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Add a Seed Passphrase" msgstr "" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Add an optional passphrase to secure the seed" msgstr "Kurtarma sözcüklerinin güvenliği için opsiyonel parola ekle" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Add wallet" msgstr "Cüzdan ekle" #: public/views/paymentUri.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Address" msgstr "Adres" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Address Type" msgstr "Adres Türü" #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Addressbook" msgstr "" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Gelişmiş" #: public/views/modals/advancedSend.html msgid "Advanced Send" msgstr "Gelişmiş Gönderme" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "Agree" msgstr "Kabul" #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html msgid "Alias for {{index.walletName}}" msgstr "{{index.walletName}} için takma ad" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "All contributions to Copay's translation are welcome. Sign up at and join the Copay project at" msgstr "Copay'nın çevirisi için tüm katkılarınızı bekliyoruz. sitesine kayıt olun ve Copay Projesi'ne katılın" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "All transaction requests are irreversible." msgstr "Işlem isteklerinin hiç biri geri alınamaz." #: public/views/splash.html msgid "Already have a wallet?" msgstr "Zaten bir cüzdanınız var mı?" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Alternative Currency" msgstr "Alternatif Para Birimi" #: public/views/paymentUri.html #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Amount" msgstr "Tutar" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Amount below dust threshold" msgstr "Kabul edilenden düşük miktar" #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "Amount in" msgstr "Tutar" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the backup words?" msgstr "Yedekleme kelimelerini silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?" msgstr "Bu cüzdanı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?" #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "Available Balance" msgstr "Kullanılabilir Bakiye" #: public/views/preferencesFee.html #: public/views/modals/advancedSend.html msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes" msgstr "Ortalama onay süresi: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} dakika" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Back" msgstr "Geri" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Backup" msgstr "Yedekleme" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Backup now" msgstr "Şimdi yedekle" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js msgid "Backup words deleted" msgstr "Yedekleme kelimeleri silindi" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Bad wallet invitation" msgstr "Geçersiz cüzdan daveti" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Balance By Address" msgstr "Adrese göre Bakiye" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Before receiving funds, it is highly recommended you backup your wallet keys." msgstr "Para almadan önce cüzdanınızı mutlaka yedeklemeniz önerilir." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "BIP32 path for address derivation" msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Bitcoin address" msgstr "Bitcoin adresi" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Bitcoin Network Fee Policy" msgstr "Bitcoin ağ ücret politikası" #: public/views/preferencesFee.html msgid "Bitcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Actual fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy." msgstr "Bitcoin işlemlerine ağda madenciler tarafından toplanan ücret dahildir. Daha yüksek ücret, madenciler için işleminizi bloklarına eklemek için daha teşvik edicidir. Gerçek ücretler ağ yüküne ve seçili ilkeye göre belirlenir." #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Bitcoin URI is NOT valid!" msgstr "Bitcoin URI geçerli değil!" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Broadcast Payment" msgstr "Ödemeyi Yayınla" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Broadcasting Payment" msgstr "Ödeme Yayınlanıyor" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Broadcasting transaction" msgstr "İşlem yayınlanıyor" #: public/views/unsupported.html msgid "Browser unsupported" msgstr "Desteklenmeyen tarayıcı" #: public/views/copayers.html #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Cancel" msgstr "İptal" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "CANCEL" msgstr "İPTAL" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Cannot join the same wallet more that once" msgstr "Aynı cüzdana birden fazla kez girilemez" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Certified by" msgstr "Tarafından sertifikalı" #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html msgid "Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name." msgstr "Cüzdan takma adı değişikliği sadece yerel cüzdan adını etkiler." #: public/views/import.html msgid "Choose a backup file from your computer" msgstr "Bilgisayarınızdan bir yedek dosyası seçin" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Clear history" msgstr "" #: public/views/includes/topbar.html #: public/views/modals/advancedSend.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/scanner.html msgid "Close" msgstr "Kapat" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Color" msgstr "Renk" #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Commit hash" msgstr "Commit hash" #: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Onayla" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "Onaylı" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Connecting to {{create.hwWallet}} Wallet..." msgstr "" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Connecting to {{import.hwWallet}} Wallet..." msgstr "" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Connecting to {{join.hwWallet}} Wallet..." msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Copayer already in this wallet" msgstr "Copayer zaten bu cüzdan içinde" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Copayer already voted on this spend proposal" msgstr "Copayer bu teklifi oylamış" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Copayer data mismatch" msgstr "Copayer veri uyuşmazlığı" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Copayers" msgstr "Copayers" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Copied to clipboard" msgstr "Panoya kopyalandı" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)" msgstr "Bu metni güvenli bir yere kopyalayın (Not Defteri veya e-posta)" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Panoya kopyala" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not accept payment" msgstr "Ödeme kabul edilemedi" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found" msgstr "Cüzdan hizmetine erişilemedi: Bulunamadı" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not broadcast payment" msgstr "Ödeme yayınlanamadı" #: src/js/services/addressService.js msgid "Could not create address" msgstr "Adres oluşturulamadı" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not create payment proposal" msgstr "Ödeme teklifi oluşturulamadı" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not create using the specified extended private key" msgstr "Belirtilen genişletilmiş özel anahtar kullanılarak oluşturulamadı" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key" msgstr "Belirtilen genişletilmiş genel anahtar kullanılarak oluşturulamadı" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet seed" msgstr "Oluşturulamadı: geçersiz cüzdan kelimeleri" #: src/js/controllers/backup.js msgid "Could not decrypt" msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password" msgstr "Dosyanın şifresi çözülemedi, parolanızı kontrol edin" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not delete payment proposal" msgstr "Ödeme teklifi silinemedi" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not fetch payment information" msgstr "Ödeme bilgileri alınamadı" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Could not fetch transaction history" msgstr "İşlem geçmişi alınamadı" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not import" msgstr "İçe alınamadı" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not import. Check input file and password" msgstr "İçe alınamadı. Dosyayı ve parolanızı kontrol edin" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Could not join wallet" msgstr "Cüzdana katılma başarısız" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code" msgstr "Geçerli bir Bitcoin QR kodu tanımıyor" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not reject payment" msgstr "Ödeme reddedilemedi" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Could not send payment" msgstr "Ödeme gönderemedi" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Could not update Wallet" msgstr "Cüzdan güncellenemedi" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Create" msgstr "Oluştur" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Create {{requiredCopayers}}-of-{{totalCopayers}} wallet" msgstr "{{totalCopayers}} {{requiredCopayers}} için cüzdan oluştur" #: public/views/add.html #: public/views/create.html msgid "Create new wallet" msgstr "Yeni cüzdan oluştur" #: public/views/includes/sidebar.html msgid "Create, join or import" msgstr "Oluştur, birleştir veya içe al" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Created by" msgstr "Oluşturan Kişi" #: public/views/splash.html msgid "Creating Profile..." msgstr "Profil oluşturuluyor..." #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Creating transaction" msgstr "İşlem oluşturuluyor" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Creating Wallet..." msgstr "Cüzdan oluşturuluyor..." #: public/views/preferencesFee.html #: public/views/modals/advancedSend.html msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" msgstr "Bu ilke için geçerli ücret oranı: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Date" msgstr "Tarih" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open." msgstr "" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Delete it and create a new one" msgstr "Sil ve yeni bir tane oluştur" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Delete Payment Proposal" msgstr "Ödeme teklifini sil" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Delete wallet" msgstr "Cüzdanı sil" #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Delete Wallet" msgstr "Cüzdanı Sil" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "DELETE WORDS" msgstr "KELİMELERİ SİL" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Deleting payment" msgstr "Ödeme siliniyor" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Derivation Path" msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Derivation Strategy" msgstr "Türetme Stratejisi" #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Details" msgstr "Ayrıntılar" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Devre Dışı" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Do not include private key" msgstr "Özel anahtarı dahil etme" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language." msgstr "Kendi dilinizi görmüyor musunuz? Crowdin kurucusu ile irtibata geçin! Dilinizi desteklemekten mutluluk duyarız." #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Done" msgstr "" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Download" msgstr "İndir" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Download CSV file" msgstr "CSV dosyasını indir" #: src/js/services/feeService.js msgid "Economy" msgstr "Ekonomik" #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Edit" msgstr "" #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Email" msgstr "E-posta" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Email for wallet notifications" msgstr "E-posta ile cüzdan bildirimleri" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Email Notifications" msgstr "E-posta Bildirimleri" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated." msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/export.js msgid "Encrypted export file saved" msgstr "Dışa alınan şifrelenmiş dosya kaydedildi" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Enter the seed words (BIP39)" msgstr "Kurtarma sözcüklerini girin (BIP39)" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Enter your password" msgstr "Parolanızı girin" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Error at Wallet Service" msgstr "Cüzdan hizmeti hatası" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Error creating wallet" msgstr "Cüzdan oluşturma hatası" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Error importing wallet:" msgstr "Cüzdan içe alma hatası:" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Expires" msgstr "Sona Erme" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Export options" msgstr "Dışa aktarma seçenekleri" #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Export Wallet" msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Extended Public Keys" msgstr "Genişletilmiş Genel Anahtarlar" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Failed to export" msgstr "Dışa aktarma başarısız oldu" #: src/js/controllers/importLegacy.js msgid "Failed to import wallets" msgstr "Cüzdan içe alma başarısız oldu" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Family vacation funds" msgstr "Aile tatil fonları" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Fee" msgstr "Ücret" #: public/views/modals/advancedSend.html msgid "Fee Policy" msgstr "Ücret politikası" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Fee policy for this transaction" msgstr "Bu işlem için ücret politikası" #. Get information of payment if using Payment Protocol #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Fetching Payment Information" msgstr "Ödeme Bilgileri Alınıyor" #: public/views/import.html msgid "File/Text Backup" msgstr "Dosya/Metin Yedekleme" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "French" msgstr "Fransızca" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Funds are locked by pending spend proposals" msgstr "Fonlar bekleyen işlem teklifleri tarafından kilitlendi" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Funds found" msgstr "" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Funds received" msgstr "Ödeme alındı" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Funds will be transfered to" msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Generate new address" msgstr "Yeni adres oluştur" #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "Generate QR Code" msgstr "QR kodu oluştur" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Generating .csv file..." msgstr "Csv dosyası oluşturuluyor..." #: public/views/translators.html msgid "German" msgstr "Almanca" #: public/views/splash.html msgid "GET STARTED" msgstr "Başlarken" #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..." msgstr "{{selectedWalletName}} için cüzdan adresi alınıyor..." #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Global settings" msgstr "Genel ayarlar" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "Go back" msgstr "Geri dön" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Greek" msgstr "Yunanca" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Hardware wallet" msgstr "Donanım cüzdanı" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Have a Backup from Copay v0.9?" msgstr "Copay v0.9 sürümünden bir yedeğiniz mi var?" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Hide advanced options" msgstr "Gelişmiş seçenekleri gizle" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Hide Wallet Seed" msgstr "Cüzdan Sözcüklerini Gizle" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "History" msgstr "Geçmiş" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Home" msgstr "Ana sayfa" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms." msgstr "Bu koşulları okuduğumu, anladığımı ve kabul ettiğimi onaylıyorum." #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Import" msgstr "İçe aktar" #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/splash.html msgid "Import backup" msgstr "Yedeği içe aktar" #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Import from the Cloud?" msgstr "Yedeği buluttan mı aktaracaksınız?" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Import here" msgstr "Buraya içe aktar" #: public/views/add.html msgid "Import wallet" msgstr "Cüzdanı içe aktar" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Importing wallet..." msgstr "Cüzdan içe aktarılıyor..." #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Importing..." msgstr "İçe aktarılıyor..." #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, or BitPay, Inc. be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software." msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Incorrect address network" msgstr "Yanlış adres ağı" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Initial transaction history synchronization can take some minutes for wallets with many transactions.
\n" " Please stand by." msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Insufficient funds" msgstr "Yetersiz bakiye" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Insufficient funds for fee" msgstr "Ücret için yetersiz bakiye" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Geçersiz" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Invalid account number" msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Invalid address" msgstr "Geçersiz adres" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Invalid derivation path" msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Invalid Touch ID" msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js msgid "Invitation to share a Copay Wallet" msgstr "Copay cüzdanını paylaşmak için davet" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Italian" msgstr "İtalyanca" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Japanese" msgstr "Japonca" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "John" msgstr "John" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Join" msgstr "Katıl" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js msgid "Join my Copay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download Copay for your phone or desktop at" msgstr "Copay cüzdanıma katılın. İşte davetiye kodu: {{secret}} Copay'i telefon veya masaüstü ortamlarına indirmek için" #: public/views/add.html msgid "Join shared wallet" msgstr "Paylaşılan cüzdana katıl" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Joining Wallet..." msgstr "Cüzdana katılınılıyor..." #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet" msgstr "" #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Label" msgstr "" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Language" msgstr "Dil" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Last Wallet Addresses" msgstr "Son Cüzdan Adresleri" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Learn more about Copay backups" msgstr "Copay yedeklemeleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin" #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Learn more about Wallet Migration" msgstr "Cüzdan birleştirme hakkında daha fazla bilgi" #: src/js/controllers/disclaimer.js msgid "Loading..." msgstr "Yükleneniyor..." #: public/views/includes/available-balance.html msgid "locked by pending payments" msgstr "bekleyen ödemeler yüzünden kilitlendi" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal" msgstr "Yeni bir harcama teklifi oluşturmak için lütfen biraz bekleyin" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal" msgstr "Harcama teklifini kaldırmak için lütfen biraz bekleyin" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Make a payment to" msgstr "Ödeme yapılacak kişi" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "me" msgstr "ben" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html #: public/views/includes/copayers.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Me" msgstr "Beni" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Memo" msgstr "Kısa Not" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Merchant message" msgstr "Tüccar mesajı" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Message" msgstr "Mesajınız" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Moved" msgstr "Taşındı" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Multiple wallets accounts are supported on the device simultaneously. Select which account should be used for this wallet" msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "My Bitcoin address" msgstr "Bitcoin adresim" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Network" msgstr "Ağ" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Network connection error" msgstr "Ağ bağlantı hatası" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "New Payment Proposal" msgstr "Yeni ödeme teklifi" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "New Random Seed" msgstr "" #: public/views/import.html msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device" msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "No transactions yet" msgstr "Henüz hiç bir işlem yok" #: src/js/services/feeService.js msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Not authorized" msgstr "Yetkili değil" #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Not valid" msgstr "Geçerli değil" #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Note" msgstr "Not" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "Official English Disclaimer" msgstr "Resmi İngilizce Yasal Uyarı" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Once you have copied your wallet seed down, it is recommended to delete it from this device." msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time." msgstr "Yalnızca ana (değişmemiş) adresler gösteriliyor. Bu listedeki adresler yerel olarak şu anda doğrulanmadı." #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "optional" msgstr "isteğe bağlı" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key" msgstr "" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Participants" msgstr "Katılımcılar" #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Passphrase" msgstr "Parola" #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Password" msgstr "Parola" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Password needed" msgstr "Parola gerekli" #: src/js/controllers/password.js msgid "Passwords do not match" msgstr "Parolalar eşleşmiyor" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Paste invitation here" msgstr "Daveti buraya yapıştır" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Paste the backup plain text code" msgstr "Yedek düz metin kodu yapıştırın" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Paste your paper wallet private key here" msgstr "" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Pay To" msgstr "Ödenecek Kişi" #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html msgid "Payment Accepted" msgstr "Ödeme Kabul Edildi" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted" msgstr "Ödeme kabul edildi ama henüz yayınlanmadı" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created." msgstr "Ödeme kabul edildi ve Glidera tarafından yayınlanacak. Bir sorun oluşması durumunda, yaratıldıktan 6 saat sonra silinebilir." #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment details" msgstr "Ödeme detayları" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment Proposal" msgstr "Ödeme Teklifi" #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html msgid "Payment Proposal Created" msgstr "Ödeme Teklifi Oluşturuldu" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected" msgstr "Ödeme Teklifi Reddedildi" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected by Copayer" msgstr "Ödeme teklifi bir Copayer tarafından reddedildi" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Payment Proposal Signed by Copayer" msgstr "Ödeme teklifi bir Copayer tarafından kabul edildi" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Payment Proposals" msgstr "Ödeme Teklifleri" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Payment Protocol Invalid" msgstr "Ödeme Protokolü Geçersiz" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App" msgstr "Ödeme Protokolü Chrome uygulaması üzerinde desteklenmiyor" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment rejected" msgstr "Ödeme reddedildi" #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html msgid "Payment Rejected" msgstr "Ödeme Reddedildi" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Payment request" msgstr "Ödeme talebi" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Payment sent" msgstr "Ödeme gönderildi" #: public/views/modals/tx-status.html #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Payment Sent" msgstr "Ödeme Gönderildi" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Payment to" msgstr "Ödenecek" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Pending Confirmation" msgstr "Onay Bekleniyor" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED" msgstr "Bu cüzdanı kalıcı olarak sil. BU EYLEM GERİ ALINAMAZ" #: public/views/create.html #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Personal Wallet" msgstr "Kişisel Cüzdan" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the required fields" msgstr "Lütfen gerekli alanları girin" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Please enter the seed words" msgstr "Lütfen kurtarma sözcüklerini girin" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Please enter the wallet seed" msgstr "Lütfen cüzdan sözcüklerini girin" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Please upgrade Copay to perform this action" msgstr "Bu eylemi gerçekleştirmek için lütfen Copay sürümünü yükseltin" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Please, select your backup file" msgstr "Lütfen yedek dosyanızı seçin" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "Portekizce" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Tercihler" #: src/js/controllers/export.js msgid "Preparing backup..." msgstr "Yedekleme hazırlanıyor..." #: src/js/services/feeService.js msgid "Priority" msgstr "Öncelikli" #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "QR Code" msgstr "QR Kodu" #: public/views/modals/scanner.html msgid "QR-Scanner" msgstr "QR-Tarayıcı" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Receive" msgstr "Alma" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Received" msgstr "Alındı" #: public/views/includes/transaction.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Recipients" msgstr "Alıcılar" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Reconnecting to Wallet Service..." msgstr "Cüzdan servisine bağlanıyor..." #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreate" msgstr "Yeniden oluştur" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Recreating Wallet..." msgstr "Cüzdan yeniden oluşturuluyor..." #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Reject" msgstr "Reddet" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Rejecting payment" msgstr "Ödeme reddediliyor" #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Release Information" msgstr "Sürüm Bilgileri" #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Remove" msgstr "" #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "Şifreyi tekrarla" #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "Request a specific amount" msgstr "Belirli bir miktar iste" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Request Password" msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Requesting Ledger Wallet to sign" msgstr "Ana defter, imzalanmak için isteniyor" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Required" msgstr "Zorunlu" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Required number of signatures" msgstr "Gerekli imza sayısı" #: public/views/splash.html msgid "Retrying..." msgstr "Yeniden deneniyor..." #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Russian" msgstr "Rusça" #: public/views/preferencesAlias.html #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Save" msgstr "Kaydet" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Saving preferences..." msgstr "Tercihler kaydediliyor..." #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Scan addresses for funds" msgstr "Fonlar için adresleri tara" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Scan Fingerprint" msgstr "" #: src/js/services/notificationsService.js msgid "Scan Finished" msgstr "Tarama tamamlandı" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Scan status finished with error" msgstr "Tarama işlemi hatalı bitti" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Scan Wallet Funds" msgstr "" #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Scan your fingerprint please" msgstr "" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Scanning wallet funds..." msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..." msgstr "Cüzdan para miktarı taranıyor..." #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "See it on the blockchain" msgstr "Blockchain üzerinde gör" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Seed passphrase" msgstr "Kurtarma sözcükleri parolası" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Seed Passphrase" msgstr "Kurtarma Sözcükleri Parolası" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Select a backup file" msgstr "Yedek dosyasını seçin" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "Select a wallet" msgstr "Bir cüzdan seçin" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "Self-signed Certificate" msgstr "Kendinden imzalı Sertifika" #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/transaction.html #: src/js/controllers/index.js msgid "Send" msgstr "Gönder" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Send addresses by email" msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Send All" msgstr "Tümünü Gönder" #: public/views/export.html #: public/views/preferencesLogs.html msgid "Send by email" msgstr "E-posta ile gönder" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Sending funds..." msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Sent" msgstr "Gönderildi" #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Server" msgstr "Sunucu" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Server response could not be verified" msgstr "Sunucu yanıtı doğrulanamadı" #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Session log" msgstr "Oturum günlüğü" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "SET" msgstr "AYARLA" #: public/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html msgid "Set default url" msgstr "" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Set up a Export Password" msgstr "Dışa Alım parolası ayarla" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Set up a password" msgstr "Parola ayarla" #: public/views/preferencesEmail.html msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more." msgstr "E-posta bildirimleri ayarlamak gizliliğinizi zayıflatabilir. Cüzdan sağlayıcısı ele geçirilirse, bazı bilgiler saldırganların eline geçebilir ancak bu bilgiler sadece cüzdan adresiniz ve bakiyeniz olacaktır." #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/customized-amount.html msgid "Share address" msgstr "Adresi paylaş" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Share invitation" msgstr "Davet paylaş" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers" msgstr "Bu daveti copayers ile paylaş" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them." msgstr "Ödemeler için bu cüzdan adresinizi paylaşın. Gizliliğinizi korumak için, her kullandığınızda yeni bir adres otomatik olarak üretilir." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html msgid "Shared Wallet" msgstr "Paylaşımlı Cüzdan" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "Gelişmiş seçenekleri göster" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Show all" msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Show Wallet Seed" msgstr "Cüzdan Kurtarma Sözcüklerini Göster" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Signatures rejected by server" msgstr "İmzalar sunucu tarafından reddedildi" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Signing payment" msgstr "Ödeme imzalanıyor" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "SKIP BACKUP" msgstr "YEDEKLEMEYİ GEÇ" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Spanish" msgstr "İspanyolca" #: src/js/controllers/create.js #: src/js/controllers/join.js msgid "Specify Seed..." msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted" msgstr "Harcama teklifi kabul edilmedi" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Spend proposal not found" msgstr "Harcama teklifi bulunamadı" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Spending Restrictions" msgstr "" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Still not done" msgstr "Halen tamamlanmadı" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/export.js #: src/js/controllers/import.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "Success" msgstr "Başarılı" #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html msgid "Sweep paper wallet" msgstr "" #: public/views/paperWallet.html msgid "Sweep Wallet" msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Tap to retry" msgstr "Yeniden denemek için dokunun" #: public/views/disclaimer.html #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Terms of Use" msgstr "Kullanım Şartları" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Testnet" msgstr "TestNet" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network." msgstr "" #: src/js/services/ledger.js msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed" msgstr "Ledger Chrome uygulaması kurulu değil" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "Ödeme oluşturuldu ancak tamamlanamadı. Lütfen ana ekrandan yeniden deneyin" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was created but could not be signed. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "Ödeme oluşturuldu ancak tamamlanamadı. Lütfen ana ekrandan yeniden deneyin" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "The payment was removed by creator" msgstr "Ödeme yaratıcısı tarafından kaldırıldı" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "The payment was signed but could not be broadcasted. Please try again from home screen" msgstr "Ödeme imzalandı ancak değil yayınlanmadı. Lütfen ana ekrandan yeniden deneyin" #: public/views/export.html msgid "The private key for this wallet is encrypted. Exporting keep the private key encrypted in the export archive." msgstr "Bu cüzdan için özel anahtar şifrelidir. Dışa alım durumunda yine şifreli kalacaktır." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "The seed could require a passphrase to be imported" msgstr "Kurtarma sözcükleri içe alım için parola gerektirebilir" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin." msgstr "" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet." msgstr "" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "The spend proposal is not pending" msgstr "Harcama teklifi beklemede değil" #: src/js/controllers/copayers.js #: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted" msgstr "\"{{walletName}}\" cüzdanı silindi" #: public/views/paymentUri.html msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment" msgstr "Bu ödemeyi yapmak için hiçbir cüzdan yok" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "There is an error in the form" msgstr "Formda bir hata oluştu" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt." msgstr "Bu işlem muhtemel bir çift harcama girişimi yüzünden geçersiz hale geldi." #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information." msgstr "Bu cüzdan Bitcore cüzdan Servisi'ne (BWS) kayıtlı değil. Yerel bilgilerle yeniden oluşturabilirsiniz." #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Time" msgstr "Zaman" #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/includes/output.html #: public/views/includes/transaction.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "To" msgstr "Alıcı" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} shared wallet you will need" msgstr "{{index.m}}-{{index.n}} kurtarma için paylaşılan bir cüzdana ihtiyacınız var" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement." msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "too long!" msgstr "çok uzun!" #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Total" msgstr "Toplam" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Total Locked Balance" msgstr "Toplam Kilitli Bakiye" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Total number of copayers" msgstr "Copayers toplam sayısı" #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Transaction" msgstr "İşlem" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Transaction already broadcasted" msgstr "İşlem zaten yayınlanmış" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Transaction history" msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Transactions
Downloaded" msgstr "" #: public/views/translators.html msgid "Translation Credits" msgstr "Çeviride Emeği Geneçler" #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Translators" msgstr "Çevirmenler" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Type the Seed Word (usually 12 words)" msgstr "Kurtarma Sözcüklerini Girin (genelde 12 sözcük)" #: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js msgid "Unable to send transaction proposal" msgstr "İşlem teklifi gönderilemedi" #: public/views/walletHome.html #: public/views/modals/tx-details.html msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "Onaylanmamış" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Unit" msgstr "Birim" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Unsent transactions" msgstr "Gönderilmemiş işlemler" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Updating Wallet..." msgstr "Cüzdan güncelleniyor..." #: public/views/preferences.html #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "Use Unconfirmed Funds" msgstr "Doğrulanmamış fonları kullan" #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Username" msgstr "Kullanıcı adı" #: public/views/preferencesAbout.html msgid "Version" msgstr "Sürüm" #: public/views/export.html msgid "View" msgstr "" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Waiting for copayers" msgstr "Copayers bekleniyor" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Waiting..." msgstr "Bekliyor..." #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Wallet" msgstr "Cüzdan" #: public/views/preferences.html msgid "Wallet Alias" msgstr "Cüzdan takma adı" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet already exists" msgstr "Cüzdan zaten var" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Wallet Already Imported:" msgstr "Cüzdan zaten içe alındı:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Wallet already in Copay:" msgstr "Copay'de kayıtlı olan cüzdan:" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)" msgstr "Cüzdan Yapılandırma (m-n)" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Wallet Export" msgstr "" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Id" msgstr "Cüzdan Id" #: public/views/copayers.html msgid "Wallet incomplete and broken" msgstr "Cüzdan eksik ve arızalı" #: public/views/preferencesAdvanced.html #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Information" msgstr "Cüzdan Bilgisi" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Wallet Invitation" msgstr "Cüzdan daveti" #: public/views/join.html msgid "Wallet Invitation is not valid!" msgstr "Cüzdan daveti geçerli değil!" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet is full" msgstr "Cüzdan dolu" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet is not complete" msgstr "Cüzdan tamamlanmadı" #: public/views/create.html msgid "Wallet name" msgstr "Cüzdan ismi" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)" msgstr "Cüzdan ismi (oluşturmadaki)" #: public/views/preferencesInformation.html msgid "Wallet Network" msgstr "Cüzdan Ağı" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet not found" msgstr "Cüzdan bulunamadı" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet not registed at the Wallet Service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your seed" msgstr "Cüzdan kayıtlı değil. Kurtarma sözcükleri belirlemek için Cüzdan Servisinden kaydedebilirsiniz" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/import.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Wallet Seed" msgstr "Cüzdan Kurtarma Sözcükleri" #: public/views/import.html msgid "Wallet Seed could require a passphrase to be imported" msgstr "Cüzdan kurtarma sözcükleri içe alım için parola gerektirebilir" #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet seed is invalid" msgstr "Cüzdan kurtarma sözcükleri geçersiz" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Wallet seed not available. You can still export it from Advanced > Export." msgstr "Cüzdan kurtarma sözcükleri kullanılabilir değil. Yine de Gelişmiş > Dışa Alım adımından dışa alabilirsiniz." #: src/js/services/bwsError.js msgid "Wallet service not found" msgstr "Cüzdan hizmeti bulunamadı" #: public/views/modals/destination-address.html msgid "Wallets" msgstr "" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "WARNING: Backup needed" msgstr "Uyarı: Yedekleme gereklidir" #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "Özel anahtar olmadan cüzdanınızdaki miktarı ve işlem geçmişini görebilir, ödeme isteği oluşturabilirsiniz ancak herhangi bir ödeme gönderemezsiniz (sign) yani cüzdandaki paraya ulaşılamaz olarak kalır." #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "WARNING: Passphrase cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down. The wallet can not be restored without the passphrase." msgstr "UYARI: Parola kurtarma seçeneği yoktur. Bir yere yazdığınızdan emin olun. Cüzdanınız parola olmadan kurtarılamaz." #: public/views/export.html msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so funds will not be accessible from the export." msgstr "UYARI: Bu cüzdan için için özel anahtar kullanılabilir değil. Özel anahtar olmadan cüzdanınızdaki miktarı ve işlem geçmişini görebilir, ödeme isteği oluşturabilirsiniz ancak herhangi bir ödeme gönderemezsiniz (sign) yani cüzdandaki paraya ulaşılamaz olarak kalır." #: public/views/backup.html msgid "WARNING: This seed was created with a passphrase. To recover this wallet both the mnemonic and passphrase are needed." msgstr "Kurtarma sözcükleri bir parola ile desteklendi. Bu cüzdanı kurtarmak için, kurtarma sözcüklerine ve parolaya ihtiyaç olacaktır." #: public/views/modals/txp-details.html msgid "Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs" msgstr "Uyarı: Bu işlem doğrulanmamış girişler içeriyor" #: public/views/modals/paypro.html msgid "WARNING: UNTRUSTED CERTIFICATE" msgstr "UYARI: GÜVENİLİR OLMAYAN SERTİFİKA" #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "WARNING: Wallet not registered" msgstr "UYARI: Cüzdan kayıtlı değil" #: public/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html msgid "Warning!" msgstr "Uyarı!" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time." msgstr "Zaman zaman bu reddi değiştirme hakkımızı saklı tutarız." #: public/views/splash.html msgid "WELCOME TO COPAY" msgstr "COPAY'E HOŞGELDİNİZ" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software." msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Write it down and keep them somewhere safe." msgstr "Not edin ve güvenli bir yerde saklayın." #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Wrong number of seed words:" msgstr "Kurtarma sözcükleri sayısı yanlış:" #: src/js/services/profileService.js msgid "Wrong password" msgstr "Hatalı şifre" #: public/views/modals/confirmation.html msgid "Yes" msgstr "Evet" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws." msgstr "" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software." msgstr "" #: public/views/disclaimer.html msgid "You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software." msgstr "" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time." msgstr "Cüzdanınızı başka bir cihaza güvenle kurabilir ve aynı anda birden çok platformda kullanabilirsiniz." #: public/views/walletHome.html msgid "You do not have a wallet" msgstr "Cüzdanınız yok" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "You need the wallet seed to restore this personal wallet." msgstr "Bu cüzdanı yüklemek için kurtarma sözcüklerine ihtiyacınız var." #: public/views/import.html msgid "Your backup password" msgstr "Yedekleme parolanız" #: public/views/export.html msgid "Your export password" msgstr "Dışa alım parolanız" #: public/views/create.html #: public/views/join.html msgid "Your nickname" msgstr "Takma adınız" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Your password" msgstr "Parolanız" #: public/views/importLegacy.html msgid "Your profile password" msgstr "Profil parolanız" #: src/js/controllers/import.js msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly" msgstr "Cüzdan başarıyla içe aktarıldı" #: public/views/includes/password.html msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down" msgstr "Cüzdan anahtarınız şifrelenecek ve parolanız için bir kurtarma seçeneği olmayacak. Parolanızı bir yere yazdığınızdan emin olun" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Your Wallet Seed" msgstr "Cüzdan Kurtama Sözcükleriniz" #: public/views/backup.html msgid "Your wallet seed and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend." msgstr ""