describe('Backup Controller', function() { var walletService; describe('Incomplete wallet', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { mocks.init(FIXTURES, 'backupController', { loadProfile: PROFILE.incomplete2of2, }, done); }); afterEach(function(done) { mocks.clear({}, done); }); it('should be defined', function() { should.exist(ctrl); }); it('should set the mnemonic incomplete wallets', function(done) { should.exist(ctrl); ctrl.mnemonicWords.should.deep.equal('dizzy cycle skirt decrease exotic fork sure mixture hair vapor copper hero'.split(' ')); done(); }); }); describe('Complete 1-1 wallet', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { mocks.init(FIXTURES, 'backupController', { loadProfile: PROFILE.testnet1of1, }, done); }); afterEach(function(done) { mocks.clear({}, done); }); it('should not set the mnemonic for complete wallets', function() { ctrl.mnemonicWords.should.deep.equal('cheese where alarm job conduct donkey license pave congress pepper fence current'.split(' ')); }); it('should set main wallet info', function(done) { ctrl.walletName.should.equal('kk'); done(); }); }); });