'use strict'; var preconditions = require('preconditions').instance(); var _ = require('lodash'); var log = require('../log'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var HK = bitcore.HierarchicalKey; var Address = bitcore.Address; var Script = bitcore.Script; var PrivateKey = require('./PrivateKey'); var HDPath = require('./HDPath'); var HDParams = require('./HDParams'); /** * @desc Represents a public key ring, the set of all public keys and the used indexes * * @constructor * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.walletId * @param {string} opts.network 'livenet' to signal the bitcoin main network, all others are testnet * @param {number=} opts.requiredCopayers - defaults to 3 * @param {number=} opts.totalCopayers - defaults to 5 * @param {Object[]} [opts.indexes] - an array to be deserialized using {@link HDParams#fromList} * (defaults to all indexes in zero) * @param {Object=} opts.nicknameFor - nicknames for other copayers */ function PublicKeyRing(opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.walletId = opts.walletId; this.network = opts.networkName === 'livenet' ? bitcore.networks.livenet : bitcore.networks.testnet; this.requiredCopayers = opts.requiredCopayers || 3; this.totalCopayers = opts.totalCopayers || 5; this.copayersHK = []; this.indexes = opts.indexes ? HDParams.fromList(opts.indexes) : HDParams.init(this.totalCopayers); this.publicKeysCache = {}; this.nicknameFor = opts.nicknameFor || {}; this.copayerIds = []; this.resetCache(); }; PublicKeyRing.prototype.resetCache = function() { this.cache = {}; this.cache.addressToPath = {}; this.cache.pathToAddress = {}; // Non persistent cache this._isChange = {}; }; /** * @desc Returns an object with only the keys needed to rebuild a PublicKeyRing * * @TODO: Figure out if this is the correct pattern * This is a static method and is probably used for serialization. * * @static * @param {Object} data * @param {string} data.walletId - a string to identify a wallet * @param {string} data.networkName - the name of the bitcoin network * @param {number} data.requiredCopayers - the number of required copayers * @param {number} data.totalCopayers - the number of copayers in the ring * @param {Object[]} data.indexes - an array of objects that can be turned into * an array of HDParams * @param {Object} data.nicknameFor - a registry of nicknames for other copayers * @param {string[]} data.copayersExtPubKeys - the extended public keys of copayers * @returns {Object} a trimmed down version of PublicKeyRing that can be used * as a parameter */ PublicKeyRing.trim = function(data) { var opts = {}; ['walletId', 'networkName', 'requiredCopayers', 'totalCopayers', 'indexes', 'nicknameFor', 'copayersExtPubKeys' ].forEach(function(k) { opts[k] = data[k]; }); return opts; }; /** * @desc Deserializes a PublicKeyRing from a plain object * * If the data parameter is an instance of PublicKeyRing already, * it will fail, throwing an assertion error. * * @static * @param {object} data - a serialized version of PublicKeyRing {@see PublicKeyRing#trim} * @return {PublicKeyRing} - the deserialized object */ PublicKeyRing.fromObj = function(opts) { preconditions.checkArgument(!(opts instanceof PublicKeyRing), 'bad opts format: Did you use .toObj()?'); // Support old indexes schema if (!Array.isArray(opts.indexes)) { opts.indexes = HDParams.update(opts.indexes, opts.totalCopayers); } var pkr = new PublicKeyRing(opts); for (var k in opts.copayersExtPubKeys) { pkr.addCopayer(opts.copayersExtPubKeys[k]); } if (opts.cache && opts.cache.addressToPath) { log.info('PublicKeyRing: Using address cache'); pkr.cache.addressToPath = opts.cache.addressToPath; pkr.rebuildCache(); } return pkr; }; PublicKeyRing.prototype.rebuildCache = function() { if (!this.cache.addressToPath) return; var self = this; _.each(this.cache.addressToPath, function(path, address) { self.cache.pathToAddress[path] = address; }); }; PublicKeyRing.fromUntrustedObj = function(opts) { return PublicKeyRing.fromObj(PublicKeyRing.trim(opts)); }; /** * @desc Serialize this object to a plain object with all the data needed to * rebuild it * * @return {Object} a serialized version of a PublicKeyRing */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.toObj = function() { return { walletId: this.walletId, networkName: this.network.name, requiredCopayers: this.requiredCopayers, totalCopayers: this.totalCopayers, indexes: HDParams.serialize(this.indexes), copayersExtPubKeys: this.copayersHK.map(function(b) { return b.extendedPublicKeyString(); }), nicknameFor: this.nicknameFor, // We only store addressToPath and derive the reset from it cache: { addressToPath: this.cache.addressToPath }, }; }; PublicKeyRing.prototype.toTrimmedObj = function() { return PublicKeyRing.trim(this.toObj()); } /** * @desc * Retrieve a copayer's public key as a hexadecimal encoded string * * @param {number} copayerId - the copayer id * @returns {string} the extended public key of the i-th copayer */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getCopayerId = function(copayerId) { preconditions.checkArgument(!_.isUndefined(copayerId)) preconditions.checkArgument(_.isNumber(copayerId)); return this.copayerIds[copayerId]; }; /** * @desc * Get the amount of registered copayers in this PubKeyRing * * @returns {number} amount of copayers present */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.registeredCopayers = function() { return this.copayersHK.length; }; /** * @desc * Returns true if all the needed copayers have joined the public key ring * * @returns {boolean} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.isComplete = function() { return this.remainingCopayers() == 0; }; /** * @desc * Returns the number of copayers yet to join to make the public key ring complete * * @returns {number} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.remainingCopayers = function() { return this.totalCopayers - this.registeredCopayers(); }; /** * @desc * Returns an array of copayer's public keys * * @returns {string[]} a list of hexadecimal strings with the public keys for * the copayers in this ring */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getAllCopayerIds = function() { return this.copayerIds; }; /** * @desc * Gets the current user's copayerId * * @returns {string} the extended public key hexadecimal-encoded */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.myCopayerId = function() { return this.getCopayerId(0); }; /** * @desc Throws an error if the public key ring isn't complete */ PublicKeyRing.prototype._checkKeys = function() { if (!this.isComplete()) throw new Error('dont have required keys yet'); }; /** * @desc * Updates the internal register of the public hex string for a copayer, based * on the value of the hierarchical key stored in copayersHK * * @private * @param {number} index - the index of the copayer to update */ PublicKeyRing.prototype._updateBip = function(index) { var hk = this.copayersHK[index].derive(HDPath.IdBranch); this.copayerIds[index] = hk.eckey.public.toString('hex'); }; /** * @desc * Sets a nickname for one of the copayers * * @private * @param {number} index - the index of the copayer to update * @param {string} nickname - the new nickname for that copayer */ PublicKeyRing.prototype._setNicknameForIndex = function(index, nickname) { this.nicknameFor[this.copayerIds[index]] = nickname; }; /** * @desc * Fetch the name of a copayer * * @param {number} index - the index of the copayer * @return {string} the nickname of the index-th copayer */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.nicknameForIndex = function(index) { return this.nicknameFor[this.copayerIds[index]]; }; /** * @desc * Fetch the name of a copayer using its public key * * @param {string} copayerId - the public key ring of a copayer, hex encoded * @return {string} the nickname of the copayer with such pubkey */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.nicknameForCopayer = function(copayerId) { return this.nicknameFor[copayerId] || 'NN'; }; /** * @desc * Add a copayer into the public key ring. * * @param {string} newHexaExtendedPublicKey - an hex encoded string with the copayer's pubkey * @param {string} nickname - a nickname for this copayer * @return {string} the newHexaExtendedPublicKey parameter */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.addCopayer = function(newHexaExtendedPublicKey, nickname) { preconditions.checkArgument(newHexaExtendedPublicKey && _.isString(newHexaExtendedPublicKey)); preconditions.checkArgument(!this.isComplete()); preconditions.checkArgument(!nickname || _.isString(nickname)); preconditions.checkArgument(!_.any(this.copayersHK, function(copayer) { return copayer.extendedPublicKeyString === newHexaExtendedPublicKey; } )); var newCopayerIndex = this.copayersHK.length; var hierarchicalKey = new HK(newHexaExtendedPublicKey); this.copayersHK.push(hierarchicalKey); this._updateBip(newCopayerIndex); if (nickname) { this._setNicknameForIndex(newCopayerIndex, nickname); } return newHexaExtendedPublicKey; }; /** * @desc * Get all the public keys for the copayers in this ring, for a given branch of Copay * * @param {number} index - the index for the shared address * @param {boolean} isChange - whether to derive a change address o receive address * @param {number} copayerIndex - the index of the copayer that requested the derivation * @return {Buffer[]} an array of derived public keys in hexa format */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getPubKeys = function(index, isChange, copayerIndex) { this._checkKeys(); log.warn('Slow pubkey derivation...'); var path = HDPath.Branch(index, isChange, copayerIndex); var pubKeys = _.map(this.copayersHK, function(hdKey) { return hdKey.derive(path).eckey.public; }); return pubKeys; }; /** * @desc * Generate a new Script for a copay address generated by index, isChange, and copayerIndex * * @TODO this could be cached * * @param {number} index - the index for the shared address * @param {boolean} isChange - whether to derive a change address o receive address * @param {number} copayerIndex - the index of the copayer that requested the derivation * @returns {bitcore.Script} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getRedeemScript = function(index, isChange, copayerIndex) { var pubKeys = this.getPubKeys(index, isChange, copayerIndex); var script = Script.createMultisig(this.requiredCopayers, pubKeys); return script; }; /** * @desc * Get the address for a multisig based on the given params. * * Caches the address to the branch in the member addressToPath * * @param {number} index - the index for the shared address * @param {boolean} isChange - whether to derive a change address o receive address * @param {number} copayerIndex - the index of the copayer that requested the derivation * @returns {bitcore.Address} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype._getAddress = function(index, isChange, id) { var copayerIndex = this.getCosigner(id); var path = HDPath.FullBranch(index, isChange, copayerIndex); if (this.cache.pathToAddress[path]) return this.cache.pathToAddress[path]; log.info('Generating Address:', index, isChange, copayerIndex); var script = this.getRedeemScript(index, isChange, copayerIndex); var address = Address.fromScript(script, this.network.name).toString(); this._cacheAddress(address, path, isChange); return address; }; PublicKeyRing.prototype._cacheAddress = function(address, path, isChange) { this.cache.addressToPath[address] = path; this.cache.pathToAddress[path] = address; }; /** * @desc * Get the parameters used to derive a pubkey or a cosigner index * * Overloaded to receive a PubkeyString or a consigner index * * @param {number|string} id public key in hex format, or the copayer's index * @return ???? */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getHDParams = function(id) { var copayerIndex = this.getCosigner(id); var index = this.indexes.filter(function(i) { return i.copayerIndex == copayerIndex }); if (index.length != 1) throw new Error('no index for copayerIndex'); return index[0]; }; /** * @desc * Get the path used to derive a pubkey or a cosigner index for an address * * @param {string} address a multisig p2sh address * @return {HDPath} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.pathForAddress = function(address) { this._checkCache(); var path = this.cache.addressToPath[address]; if (!path) throw new Error('Couldn\'t find path for address ' + address); return path; }; /** * @desc * Generates a new address and updates the last index used * * @param {truthy} isChange - generate a change address if true, otherwise * generates a receive * @param {number|string} pubkey - the pubkey for the copayer that generates the * address (or index in the keyring) * @returns {bitpay.Address} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.generateAddress = function(isChange, pubkey) { isChange = !!isChange; var hdParams = this.getHDParams(pubkey); var index = isChange ? hdParams.getChangeIndex() : hdParams.getReceiveIndex(); var ret = this._getAddress(index, isChange, hdParams.copayerIndex); hdParams.increment(isChange); return ret; }; /** * @desc Is an address is from this wallet? * * @param {string} address * @return {boolean} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.addressIsOwn = function(address) { return !!this.cache.addressToPath[address]; }; /** * @desc Is an address is a change address? * * @param {string} address * @return {boolean} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.addressIsChange = function(address) { this._checkCache(); var path = this.cache.addressToPath[address]; if (!path) return null; var p = HDPath.indexesForPath(path); //Memoization Only, never stored. this._isChange[address] = p.isChange; return !!this._isChange[address]; }; /** * @desc * Maps a copayer's public key to his index in the keyring * * @param {number|string|undefined} pubKey - if undefined, returns the SHARED_INDEX * - if a number, just return it * - if a string, assume is the hex encoded public key * @returns {number} the index of the copayer with the given pubkey */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getCosigner = function(pubKey) { if (_.isUndefined(pubKey)) return HDPath.SHARED_INDEX; if (_.isNumber(pubKey)) return pubKey; var sorted = this.copayersHK.map(function(h, i) { return h.eckey.public.toString('hex'); }).sort(function(h1, h2) { return h1.localeCompare(h2); }); var index = sorted.indexOf(pubKey); if (index == -1) throw new Error('public key is not on the ring'); return index; }; PublicKeyRing.prototype.buildAddressCache = function() { var ret = []; var self = this; _.each(this.indexes, function(index) { for (var i = 0; i < index.receiveIndex; i++) { self._getAddress(i, false, index.copayerIndex); } for (var i = 0; i < index.changeIndex; i++) { self._getAddress(i, true, index.copayerIndex); } }); }; PublicKeyRing.prototype.size = function(opts) { var self = this; return _.reduce(this.indexes, function(sum, index) { return sum + index.receiveIndex + index.changeIndex }, 0); }; PublicKeyRing.prototype._checkCache = function(opts) { if (_.isEmpty(this.cache.addressToPath)) { this.buildAddressCache(); } if (_.size(this.cache.addressToPath) !== this.size()) { this.buildAddressCache(); } }; /** * @desc * Gets information about addresses for a copayer * * @param {Object} opts * @returns {AddressInfo[]} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getAddresses = function() { this._checkCache(); return _.keys(this.cache.addressToPath); }; /** * getAddressesOrderer * {@link Wallet#getAddressesOrderer} * * @param pubkey * @return {string[]} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getAddressesOrderer = function(pubkey) { this._checkCache(); var info = _.map(this.cache.addressToPath, function(path, addr) { var p = HDPath.indexesForPath(path); p.address = addr; return p; }); var copayerIndex = this.getCosigner(pubkey); var l = info.length; var sortedInfo = _.sortBy(info, function(i) { var goodness = ( (i.copayerIndex !== copayerIndex) ? 2 * l : 0 ) +( i.isChange ? l : 0 ) + l - i.addressIndex; return goodness; }); return _.pluck(sortedInfo, 'address'); }; /** * @desc * Gets information about addresses for a copayer * * @param {Object} opts * @returns {AddressInfo[]} */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getReceiveAddresses = function() { this._checkCache(); var self = this; return _.filter(this.getAddresses(), function(addr) { return !self.addressIsChange(addr); }); }; /** * @desc * Retrieve the public keys for all cosigners for a given path * * @param {string} path - the BIP32 path * @return {Buffer[]} the public keys, in buffer format */ PublicKeyRing.prototype._getForPath = function(path) { var p = HDPath.indexesForPath(path); return this.getPubKeys(p.addressIndex, p.isChange, p.copayerIndex); }; /** * @desc * Retrieve the public keys for derived addresses and the public keys for copayers * * @TODO: Should this exist? A user should just call _getForPath(paths) * * @param {string[]} paths - the paths to be derived * @return {Object} with keys pubKeys and copayerIds */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.forPaths = function(paths) { return { pubKeys: paths.map(this._getForPath.bind(this)), copayerIds: this.copayerIds, } }; /** * @desc * Retrieve the public keys for all cosigners for multiple paths * * @param {string[]} paths - the BIP32 paths * @return {Array[]} the public keys, in buffer format (matrix of Buffer, Buffer[][]) */ PublicKeyRing.prototype._getForPaths = function(paths) { preconditions.checkArgument(!_.isUndefined(paths)); preconditions.checkArgument(_.isArray(paths)); preconditions.checkArgument(_.all(paths, _.isString)); return paths.map(this._getForPath.bind(this)); }; /** * @desc * Returns a map from a pubkey of an address to the id that generated it * * @param {string[]} pubkeys - the pubkeys to query * @param {string[]} paths - the paths to query */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.copayersForPubkeys = function(pubkeys, paths) { preconditions.checkArgument(pubkeys); preconditions.checkArgument(paths); var inKeyMap = {}, ret = {}; for (var i in pubkeys) { inKeyMap[pubkeys[i]] = 1; }; var keys = this._getForPaths(paths); for (var i in keys) { for (var copayerIndex in keys[i]) { var kHex = keys[i][copayerIndex].toString('hex'); if (inKeyMap[kHex]) { ret[kHex] = this.copayerIds[copayerIndex]; delete inKeyMap[kHex]; } } } if (_.size(inKeyMap)) { for (var i in inKeyMap) { log.error('Pubkey ' + i + ' not identified'); } throw new Error('Pubkeys not identified'); } return ret; }; /** * @desc * Returns a map from address -> public key needed * * @param {HDPath[]} paths - paths to be solved * @returns {Object} a map from addresses to Buffer with the hex pubkeys */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.getRedeemScriptMap = function(paths) { var ret = {}; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { var path = paths[i]; var p = HDPath.indexesForPath(path); var script = this.getRedeemScript(p.addressIndex, p.isChange, p.copayerIndex); ret[Address.fromScript(script, this.network.name).toString()] = script.getBuffer().toString('hex'); } return ret; }; /** * @desc * Check if another PubKeyRing is similar to this one (checks network name, * requiredCopayers, and totalCopayers). If ignoreId is falsy, also check that * both walletIds match. * * @private * @param {PubKeyRing} inPKR - the other PubKeyRing * @param {boolean} ignoreId - whether to ignore checking for equal walletId * @throws {Error} if the wallets mismatch * @return true */ PublicKeyRing.prototype._checkInPKR = function(inPKR, ignoreId) { if (!ignoreId && this.walletId !== inPKR.walletId) throw new Error('inPKR walletId mismatch'); if (this.network.name !== inPKR.network.name) throw new Error('Network mismatch. Should be ' + this.network.name + ' and found ' + inPKR.network.name); if (this.requiredCopayers && inPKR.requiredCopayers && (this.requiredCopayers !== inPKR.requiredCopayers)) throw new Error('inPKR requiredCopayers mismatch ' + this.requiredCopayers + '!=' + inPKR.requiredCopayers); if (this.totalCopayers && inPKR.totalCopayers && this.totalCopayers !== inPKR.totalCopayers) throw new Error('inPKR totalCopayers mismatch' + this.totalCopayers + '!=' + inPKR.requiredCopayers); return true; }; /** * @desc * Merges the public keys of the wallet passed in as a parameter with ours. * * @param {PublicKeyRing} inPKR * @return {boolean} true if there where changes in our internal state */ PublicKeyRing.prototype._mergePubkeys = function(inPKR) { var self = this; var hasChanged = false; if (self.isComplete()) return; inPKR.copayersHK.forEach(function(b) { var epk = b.extendedPublicKeyString(); var haveIt = _.any(self.copayersHK, function(hk) { return hk.extendedPublicKeyString() === epk; }); if (!haveIt) { if (self.isComplete()) { throw new Error('trying to add more pubkeys, when PKR isComplete at merge'); } var l2 = self.copayersHK.length; self.copayersHK.push(new HK(epk)); self._updateBip(l2); if (inPKR.nicknameFor[self.getCopayerId(l2)]) self._setNicknameForIndex(l2, inPKR.nicknameFor[self.getCopayerId(l2)]); hasChanged = true; } }); return hasChanged; }; /** * @desc * Merges the indexes for addresses generated with another copy of a list of * HDParams * * @param {HDParams[]} indexes - indexes as received from another sources * @return {boolean} true if the internal state has changed */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.mergeIndexes = function(indexes) { var self = this; var hasChanged = false; indexes.forEach(function(theirs) { var mine = self.getHDParams(theirs.copayerIndex); hasChanged |= mine.merge(theirs); }); return !!hasChanged } /** * @desc * Merges this public key ring with another one, optionally ignoring the * wallet id * * @param {PublicKeyRing} inPkr * @param {boolean} ignoreId * @return {boolean} true if the internal state has changed */ PublicKeyRing.prototype.merge = function(inPKR, ignoreId) { this._checkInPKR(inPKR, ignoreId); var hasChanged = false; hasChanged |= this.mergeIndexes(inPKR.indexes); hasChanged |= this._mergePubkeys(inPKR); return !!hasChanged; }; module.exports = PublicKeyRing;